AbelianGroup: CancellationAbelianMonoid * - AbelianMonoid: AbelianSemiGroup * Zero zero? AbelianSemiGroup: SetCategory * + Aggregate: Object # copy empty empty? eq? less? more? size? Algebra: Module Ring coerce AlgebraicallyClosedField: Field RadicalCategory rootOf rootsOf zeroOf zerosOf ArcHyperbolicFunctionCategory: acosh hy acoth hy acsch hy asech hy asinh hy atanh hy ArcTrigonometricFunctionCategory: acos tg acot tg acsc tg asec tg asin tg atan tg AssociationListAggregate: ListAggregate TableAggregate assoc AttributeRegistry: BagAggregate: HomogeneousAggregate bag extract! insert! inspect BiModule: LeftModule RightModule BinaryRecursiveAggregate: RecursiveAggregate elt left right setelt setleft! setright! BinaryTreeCategory: BinaryRecursiveAggregate node BitAggregate: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate OrderedSet ^ and nand nor not or xor CachableSet: OrderedSet position setPosition CancellationAbelianMonoid: AbelianMonoid subtractIfCan CharacteristicZero: Ring CoercibleTo: coerce v Collection: ConvertibleTo HomogeneousAggregate construct find e reduce e remove t removeDuplicates t select t e CommutativeRing: BiModule Ring ComplexCategory: CharacteristicNonZero CharacteristicZero CommutativeRing ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo DifferentialExtension EuclideanDomain Field FullyEvalableOver FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver FullyRetractableTo IntegralDomain MonogenicAlgebra OrderedSet PolynomialFactorizationExplicit RadicalCategory TranscendentalFunctionCategory abs b t argument h complex b c conjugate b t exquo a imag b x imaginary h norm b t polarCoordinates t rational h rational? h rationalIfCan h real b x ConvertibleTo: convert v DequeueAggregate: QueueAggregate StackAggregate bottom! x dequeue b c extractBottom! b x extractTop! b x height insertBottom! b t insertTop! b t reverse! top! x Dictionary: DictionaryOperations DictionaryOperations: BagAggregate Collection dictionary h remove! h select! h DifferentialExtension: DifferentialRing PartialDifferentialRing Ring D g b differentiate g b DifferentialPolynomialCategory: Category DifferentialRing: Ring D a differentiate a DifferentialVariableCategory: OrderedSet RetractableTo coerce differentiate makeVariable order variable weight DirectProductCategory: AbelianSemiGroup Algebra BiModule CancellationAbelianMonoid CoercibleTo CommutativeRing DifferentialExtension Finite FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver FullyRetractableTo IndexedAggregate OrderedAbelianMonoidSup OrderedRing VectorSpace * b a directProduct c dot b a unitVector b DivisionRing: Algebra EntireRing ** a inv a DoublyLinkedAggregate: RecursiveAggregate concat! head last next previous setnext! setprevious! tail Eltable: elt x EltableAggregate: Eltable elt qelt h qsetelt! h setelt EntireRing: BiModule Ring EuclideanDomain: PrincipalIdealDomain divide a euclideanSize g extendedEuclidean g multiEuclidean h quo a rem a sizeLess? h Evalable: eval ExtensibleLinearAggregate: LinearAggregate concat! t delete! t insert! t merge! t remove! t removeDuplicates! t select! t Field: DivisionRing EuclideanDomain UniqueFactorizationDomain / a FileCategory: SetCategory close! b iomode b name b open b read! b reopen! b write! b FileNameCategory: SetCategory coerce v directory exists? b extension filename name new c b readable? b writable? b Finite: SetCategory index lookup random b size FiniteLinearAggregate: LinearAggregate OrderedSet copyInto! merge position reverse reverse! sort sort! sorted? FiniteSetAggregate: Dictionary Finite SetAggregate cardinality complement max min universe FloatingPointSystem: RealNumberSystem base bits decreasePrecision digits b exponent b float increasePrecision mantissa b max order precision b FreeAbelianMonoidCategory: Category FullyEvalableOver: Eltable Evalable InnerEvalable map FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver: LinearlyExplicitRingOver LinearlyExplicitRingOver FullyPatternMatchable: Object PatternMatchable PatternMatchable FullyRetractableTo: RetractableTo RetractableTo RetractableTo FunctionFieldCategory: Category FunctionSpace: Category GcdDomain: Category GradedAlgebra: GradedModule One product GradedModule: RetractableTo SetCategory * + - Zero degree Group: Monoid ** a / a commutator conjugate inv a HomogeneousAggregate: Aggregate SetCategory any? h count h every? h map t map! t member? members h parts HyperbolicFunctionCategory: cosh t coth t csch t sech t sinh t tanh t IndexedAggregate: EltableAggregate HomogeneousAggregate entries h entry? h fill! t first x index? indices h maxIndex b minIndex h swap! t IndexedDirectProductCategory: SetCategory leadingCoefficient leadingSupport map monomial reductum InnerEvalable: eval IntegerNumberSystem: CharacteristicZero CombinatorialFunctionCategory ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo DifferentialRing EuclideanDomain LinearlyExplicitRingOver OrderedRing PatternMatchable RealConstant RetractableTo StepThrough UniqueFactorizationDomain addmod base b bit? b copy dec even? b hash inc invmod length b mask mulmod odd? b positiveRemainder powmod random rational h rational? h rationalIfCan h shift b submod symmetricRemainder IntegralDomain: Algebra CommutativeRing EntireRing associates? exquo a unit? unitCanonical h unitNormal h KeyedDictionary: Dictionary key? keys remove! search LazyStreamAggregate: StreamAggregate complete explicitEntries? h explicitlyEmpty? h extend frst lazy? lazyEvaluate h numberOfComputedEntries remove rst select LeftAlgebra: LeftModule Ring coerce LeftModule: AbelianGroup * a LinearAggregate: Collection IndexedAggregate concat t delete t elt x insert t map t new c setelt t LinearlyExplicitRingOver: Ring reducedSystem ListAggregate: ExtensibleLinearAggregate FiniteLinearAggregate StreamAggregate list c b MatrixCategory: TwoDimensionalArrayCategory * a ** a + a - a / a antisymmetric? coerce determinant b diagonal? b diagonalMatrix c b elt h exquo a horizConcat inverse b t listOfLists matrix c minordet t nullSpace b nullity rank b rowEchelon b c scalarMatrix setelt h setsubMatrix! square? squareTop subMatrix swapColumns! swapRows! symmetric? transpose b t vertConcat zero Module: BiModule Monad: SetCategory * ** leftPower rightPower MonadWithUnit: Monad ** One leftPower leftRecip one? recip rightPower rightRecip MonogenicAlgebra: CommutativeRing ConvertibleTo DifferentialExtension Field Finite FiniteFieldCategory FramedAlgebra FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver FullyRetractableTo convert definingPolynomial g derivationCoordinates g generator g lift g reduce t MonogenicLinearOperator: Algebra BiModule Ring coefficient b x degree b x leadingCoefficient b x minimumDegree b x monomial b x reductum b x Monoid: SemiGroup ** a One h one? h recip a MultiDictionary: DictionaryOperations duplicates x insert! t removeDuplicates! t MultisetAggregate: MultiDictionary SetAggregate MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory: Evalable InnerEvalable PartialDifferentialRing PowerSeriesCategory RadicalCategory TranscendentalFunctionCategory coefficient b x extend b t integrate t monomial b x order b x polynomial t Object: OctonionCategory: Algebra CharacteristicNonZero CharacteristicZero ConvertibleTo Finite FullyEvalableOver FullyRetractableTo OrderedSet abs a b conjugate t b imagE b x imagI b x imagJ b x imagK b x imagi b x imagj b x imagk b x inv a t norm b t octon c b rational h rational? h rationalIfCan h real b x OneDimensionalArrayAggregate: FiniteLinearAggregate OrderedAbelianGroup: AbelianGroup OrderedCancellationAbelianMonoid OrderedAbelianMonoid: AbelianMonoid OrderedAbelianSemiGroup OrderedAbelianMonoidSup: OrderedCancellationAbelianMonoid sup OrderedAbelianSemiGroup: AbelianMonoid OrderedSet OrderedCancellationAbelianMonoid: CancellationAbelianMonoid OrderedAbelianMonoid OrderedFinite: Finite OrderedSet OrderedMonoid: Monoid OrderedSet OrderedMultisetAggregate: MultisetAggregate PriorityQueueAggregate min OrderedRing: Monoid OrderedAbelianGroup Ring abs t negative? h positive? h sign t OrderedSet: SetCategory < max x min x PAdicIntegerCategory: CharacteristicZero EuclideanDomain approximate complete digits extend moduloP modulus order quotientByP sqrt PartialDifferentialRing: Ring D t differentiate t PartialTranscendentalFunctions: acosIfCan h acoshIfCan h acotIfCan h acothIfCan h acscIfCan h acschIfCan h asecIfCan h asechIfCan h asinIfCan h asinhIfCan h atanIfCan h atanhIfCan h cosIfCan h coshIfCan h cotIfCan h cothIfCan h cscIfCan h cschIfCan h expIfCan h logIfCan h nthRootIfCan h secIfCan h sechIfCan h sinIfCan h sinhIfCan h tanIfCan h tanhIfCan h PatternMatchable: SetCategory patternMatch h Patternable: ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo Object PermutationCategory: Group OrderedSet OrderedSet < cycle b cycles b elt eval orbit b PlottablePlaneCurveCategory: CoercibleTo listBranches xRange yRange PlottableSpaceCurveCategory: CoercibleTo listBranches xRange yRange zRange PointCategory: VectorCategory convert cross b dimension b extend b point b PolynomialCategory: ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo Evalable FiniteAbelianMonoidRing FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver GcdDomain InnerEvalable InnerEvalable OrderedSet PartialDifferentialRing PatternMatchable PatternMatchable PolynomialFactorizationExplicit RetractableTo coefficient b x content x degree b x discriminant x isExpt h isPlus h isTimes h mainVariable b minimumDegree b x monicDivide a monomial b c monomials b x multivariate c primitiveMonomials primitivePart t resultant x squareFree g x squareFreePart g x totalDegree g x univariate c variables x b PolynomialFactorizationExplicit: UniqueFactorizationDomain charthRoot g x conditionP g h factorPolynomial factorSquareFreePolynomial gcdPolynomial solveLinearPolynomialEquation squareFreePolynomial PowerSeriesCategory: AbelianMonoidRing complete b t degree b x leadingCoefficient b x leadingMonomial b x monomial b c pole? variables b x PrincipalIdealDomain: GcdDomain expressIdealMember principalIdeal PriorityQueueAggregate: BagAggregate max x merge t merge! t QuaternionCategory: Algebra CharacteristicNonZero CharacteristicZero ConvertibleTo DifferentialExtension DivisionRing EntireRing FullyEvalableOver FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver FullyRetractableTo OrderedSet abs b a conjugate b t imagI b x imagJ b x imagK b x norm b x quatern b c rational h rational? h rationalIfCan h real b x QueueAggregate: BagAggregate back p x dequeue! enqueue! front p x length p x rotate! QuotientFieldCategory: Algebra CharacteristicNonZero CharacteristicZero ConvertibleTo DifferentialExtension Field FullyEvalableOver FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver FullyPatternMatchable OrderedRing OrderedSet Patternable PolynomialFactorizationExplicit RealConstant RetractableTo RetractableTo RetractableTo RetractableTo StepThrough / ceiling t denom b x denominator h x floor t fractionPart x b numer b x numerator h x random c b wholePart x b RadicalCategory: ** nthRoot b a sqrt b a RealConstant: ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo RealNumberSystem: CharacteristicZero ConvertibleTo Field OrderedRing PatternMatchable RadicalCategory RealConstant RetractableTo RetractableTo abs b t ceiling b t floor b t fractionPart b x norm b x round b t truncate b t wholePart b x RectangularMatrixCategory: BiModule HomogeneousAggregate Module / a antisymmetric? column b x diagonal? elt exquo listOfLists h map b t matrix b c maxColIndex b x maxRowIndex b x minColIndex h x minRowIndex h x ncols b x nrows b x nullSpace g nullity g b qelt rank b x row b x rowEchelon b x square? h symmetric? RecursiveAggregate: HomogeneousAggregate child? children cyclic? m distance elt leaf? leaves node? nodes setchildren! setelt setvalue! value RetractableTo: coerce retract retractIfCan RightModule: AbelianGroup * Ring: LeftModule Monoid Rng characteristic h coerce Rng: AbelianGroup SemiGroup SegmentCategory: SetCategory BY h SEGMENT h convert hi h high b x incr b x lo h low b x segment c b SegmentExpansionCategory: SegmentCategory expand b t map b t SemiGroup: SetCategory * a ** a SegmentCategory: SetCategory BY SEGMENT convert hi high incr lo low segment SetAggregate: Collection SetCategory < brace h difference b t intersect b t subset? b symmetricDifference b t union b t SetCategory: CoercibleTo Object = hash h latex h SpecialFunctionCategory: Category SquareMatrixCategory: Algebra BiModule DifferentialExtension FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver FullyRetractableTo Module RectangularMatrixCategory * ** determinant x a diagonal x diagonalMatrix b c diagonalProduct t inverse b t minordet t scalarMatrix b c trace b x StackAggregate: BagAggregate depth pop! b x push! b t top b x StepThrough: SetCategory init nextItem StreamAggregate: LinearAggregate UnaryRecursiveAggregate explicitlyFinite? b possiblyInfinite? b StringAggregate: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate coerce elt leftTrim lowerCase t lowerCase! t match match? position b x prefix? replace b x rightTrim split t substring? suffix? trim t upperCase t upperCase! t StringCategory: StringAggregate string TableAggregate: IndexedAggregate KeyedDictionary map setelt table c b ThreeSpaceCategory: SetCategory check closedCurve closedCurve? coerce components composite composites copy create3Space curve curve? enterPointData lllip lllp llprop lp lprop merge mesh mesh? modifyPointData numberOfComponents numberOfComposites objects point point? polygon polygon? subspace TrigonometricFunctionCategory: cos t cot t csc t sec t sin t tan t TwoDimensionalArrayCategory: HomogeneousAggregate column b x elt fill! t map map! maxColIndex x b maxRowIndex x b minColIndex h minRowIndex h ncols b x new b c nrows b x parts b c qelt qsetelt! row b x setColumn! b t setRow! b t setelt Type: UnaryRecursiveAggregate: RecursiveAggregate concat b t concat! b t cycleEntry m cycleLength m cycleSplit! m cycleTail m elt first x b last x b rest x b second x b setelt setfirst! x b setlast! x b setrest! x b split! x b tail x b third x b UniqueFactorizationDomain: GcdDomain factor t prime? squareFree t squareFreePart t UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory: Field RadicalCategory TranscendentalFunctionCategory UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory integrate b t multiplyCoefficients b t rationalFunction t UnivariateLaurentSeriesConstructorCategory: QuotientFieldCategory RetractableTo UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory coerce degree b x laurent c b removeZeroes taylor taylorIfCan taylorRep UnivariatePolynomialCategory: DifferentialExtension DifferentialRing Eltable Eltable Eltable EuclideanDomain PolynomialCategory StepThrough composite b differentiate b discriminant divideExponents elt integrate makeSUP monicDivide multiplyExponents order pseudoDivide pseudoQuotient pseudoRemainder resultant separate subResultantGcd unmakeSUP vectorise UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory: DifferentialRing Eltable PowerSeriesCategory approximate center elt eval extend multiplyExponents order series terms truncate variable UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesCategory: Field RadicalCategory TranscendentalFunctionCategory UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory integrate multiplyExponents UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesConstructorCategory: RetractableTo UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesCategory coerce degree b laurent v laurentIfCan v laurentRep puiseux c rationalPower UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory: RadicalCategory TranscendentalFunctionCategory UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory ** coefficients b x integrate multiplyCoefficients polynomial v quoByVar series c VectorCategory: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate * + - dot t b length b x magnitude b x zero b c VectorSpace: Module / dimension b x --Manuel's list AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace: AlgebraicallyClosedField FunctionSpace rootOf b x rootsOf b x zeroOf b x zerosOf b x CombinatorialFunctionCategory: binomial factorial permutation CombinatorialOpsCategory: CombinatorialFunctionCategory factorials e t product b a summation b a ElementaryFunctionCategory: ** b a exp g b t log g b t ExpressionSpace: Evalable InnerEvalable OrderedSet RetractableTo belong? h box h t definingPolynomial e x distribute e t elt b t eval b t freeOf? b height h x is? b kernel h c kernels e x mainKernel e x map e t minPoly h x operator h t operators e x paren e t subst b t tower e x LiouvillianFunctionCategory: PrimitiveFunctionCategory TranscendentalFunctionCategory Ci b t Ei b t Si b t dilog b t erf b t li b t PrimitiveFunctionCategory: integral e t -- SEXCAT should probably be annotated by Stephen SExpressionCategory: SetCategory # b atom? b car b cdr b convert destruct elt eq b expr float float? b integer integer? b list? b null? b pair? b string string? b symbol symbol? b TranscendentalFunctionCategory: ArcHyperbolicFunctionCategory ArcTrigonometricFunctionCategory ElementaryFunctionCategory HyperbolicFunctionCategory TrigonometricFunctionCategory pi b c --Johannes's list AbelianMonoidRing: Algebra h a Algebra h a BiModule h a CharacteristicNonZero h a CharacteristicZero h a CommutativeRing h a IntegralDomain h a Ring h a / coefficient b x degree b x leadingCoefficient b x leadingMonomial b x map t monomial b c monomial? p reductum b t CharacteristicNonZero: Ring b a charthRoot a ExtensionField: CharacteristicZero h a Field h a FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic h a FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic h a RetractableTo h d VectorSpace h a Frobenius a algebraic? b p degree b x extensionDegree b d inGroundField? b x p transcendenceDegree b d transcendent? b p FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic: CharacteristicNonZero h a Field h a discreteLog b a order x primeFrobenius a FiniteAbelianMonoidRing: AbelianMonoidRing h a FullyRetractableTo h d coefficients b x content x exquo a ground x ground? p mapExponents t minimumDegree x numberOfMonomials x primitivePart t FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField: ExtensionField h a FiniteFieldCategory h a RetractableTo h d basis b c d coordinates b x createNormalElement c definingPolynomial d degree x extensionDegree b d generator c a linearAssociatedExp a linearAssociatedLog a linearAssociatedOrder a minimalPolynomial d norm b x a normal? a p normalElement a c represents v trace e a FiniteDivisorCategory: Category h d FiniteFieldCategory: FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic h a Finite h d StepThrough h d charthRoot a conditionP h a createPrimitiveElement c discreteLog b a factorsOfCyclicGroupSize h a order a e primitive? a p primitiveElement a c representationType h a d tableForDiscreteLogarithm h a d FiniteRankAlgebra: Algebra h a CharacteristicNonZero h a CharacteristicZero h a characteristicPolynomial b a d coordinates b x v discriminant b d a minimalPolynomial b d a norm b x a rank b d a regularRepresentation a v represents b x trace b a traceMatrix a FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra: NonAssociativeAlgebra h a alternative? p a d antiAssociative? p a d antiCommutative? p a d associative? p a d associatorDependence p a commutative? p a d conditionsForIdempotents p a coordinates b x flexible? p a d jacobiIdentity? p a d jordanAdmissible? p a d jordanAlgebra? p a d leftAlternative? p a d leftCharacteristicPolynomial b a d leftDiscriminant b a leftMinimalPolynomial b a d leftNorm b a x leftRecip b a leftRegularRepresentation a leftTrace b a d leftTraceMatrix a leftUnit a leftUnits a lieAdmissible? p a d lieAlgebra? p a d noncommutativeJordanAlgebra? p a d powerAssociative? b a d rank b d a recip a represents b c rightAlternative? p a d rightCharacteristicPolynomial b a d rightDiscriminant b a rightMinimalPolynomial b a d rightNorm b a x rightRecip b a rightRegularRepresentation a rightTrace b a d rightTraceMatrix a rightUnit a rightUnits a someBasis b c structuralConstants b d unit a FramedAlgebra: FiniteRankAlgebra h a basis b c convert b x v coordinates b x v discriminant b a regularRepresentation a v represents b c traceMatrix a FramedNonAssociativeAlgebra: FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra h a apply a basis b c conditionsForIdempotents a convert b x coordinates b x elt b x leftDiscriminant a leftRankPolynomial a d leftRegularRepresentation a v leftTraceMatrix a represents b c rightDiscriminant a rightRankPolynomial a d rightRegularRepresentation a rightTraceMatrix a structuralConstants b d NonAssociativeAlgebra: Module h a NonAssociativeRng h a plenaryPower a NonAssociativeRing: MonadWithUnit h a NonAssociativeRng h a characteristic b d coerce b c NonAssociativeRng: AbelianGroup h a Monad h a antiCommutator b a associator b a commutator b a ------> Domains AlgebraGivenByStructuralConstants: FramedNonAssociativeAlgebra LeftModule coerce AlgebraicNumber: AlgebraicallyClosedField CharacteristicZero ConvertibleTo DifferentialRing ExpressionSpace LinearlyExplicitRingOver LinearlyExplicitRingOver RealConstant RetractableTo RetractableTo coerce denom numer reduce Any: SetCategory any dom domainOf obj objectOf showTypeInOutput ArrayStack: StackAggregate arrayStack AssociatedJordanAlgebra: CoercibleTo FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra FramedNonAssociativeAlgebra NonAssociativeAlgebra coerce AssociatedLieAlgebra: CoercibleTo FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra FramedNonAssociativeAlgebra NonAssociativeAlgebra coerce BalancedBinaryTree: BinaryTreeCategory balancedBinaryTree mapDown! mapUp! setleaves! BasicOperator: OrderedSet arity assert comparison copy deleteProperty! display equality has? input is? name nary? nullary? operator properties property setProperties setProperty unary? weight BinaryExpansion: QuotientFieldCategory binary coerce fractionPart BinaryFile: FileCategory # position position! readIfCan! BinarySearchTree: BinaryTreeCategory binarySearchTree insert! insertRoot! split BinaryTournament: BinaryTreeCategory binaryTournament insert! BinaryTree: BinaryTreeCategory binaryTree Bits: BitAggregate bits Boolean: ConvertibleTo Finite OrderedSet ^ and false implies nand nor not or true xor CardinalNumber: AbelianMonoid Monoid OrderedSet RetractableTo ** - Aleph countable? finite? generalizedContinuumHypothesisAssumed generalizedContinuumHypothesisAssumed? CartesianTensor: GradedAlgebra GradedAlgebra * coerce contract elt kroneckerDelta leviCivitaSymbol product rank ravel reindex transpose unravel Character: OrderedFinite alphabetic? alphanumeric? char digit? escape hexDigit? lowerCase lowerCase? ord quote space upperCase upperCase? CharacterClass: ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo FiniteSetAggregate SetCategory alphabetic alphanumeric charClass digit hexDigit lowerCase upperCase CliffordAlgebra: Algebra Ring VectorSpace coefficient e monomial Color: AbelianSemiGroup * + blue color green hue numberOfHues red yellow Commutator: SetCategory mkcomm Complex: ComplexCategory ContinuedFraction: Algebra Algebra Field approximants complete continuedFraction convergents denominators extend numerators partialDenominators partialNumerators partialQuotients reducedContinuedFraction reducedForm wholePart DataList: ListAggregate coerce datalist elt Database: SetCategory + - coerce display elt fullDisplay DecimalExpansion: QuotientFieldCategory coerce decimal fractionPart DenavitHartenbergMatrix: MatrixCategory * identity rotatex rotatey rotatez scale translate Dequeue: DequeueAggregate dequeue DrawOption: SetCategory adaptive clip colorFunction coord coordinates curveColor option option? pointColor range ranges space style title toScale tubePoints tubeRadius unit var1Steps var2Steps viewpoint Equation: AbelianGroup AbelianSemiGroup BiModule CoercibleTo Group InnerEvalable Module Monoid Object PartialDifferentialRing Ring SemiGroup SetCategory VectorSpace * + - = equation eval factorAndSplit leftOne leftZero lhs map rhs rightOne rightZero switch Exit: SetCategory Expression: AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace CombinatorialOpsCategory FunctionSpace LiouvillianFunctionCategory RetractableTo SpecialFunctionCategory TranscendentalFunctionCategory reduce Factored: Algebra ConvertibleTo DifferentialExtension Eltable Evalable FullyEvalableOver FullyRetractableTo GcdDomain InnerEvalable IntegralDomain RealConstant UniqueFactorizationDomain expand exponent factorList factors flagFactor irreducibleFactor makeFR map nilFactor nthExponent nthFactor nthFlag numberOfFactors primeFactor rational rational? rationalIfCan sqfrFactor unit unitNormalize File: FileCategory readIfCan! FileName: FileNameCategory FiniteField: FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField FiniteFieldCyclicGroup: FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField getZechTable FiniteFieldNormalBasis: FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField getMultiplicationMatrix getMultiplicationTable sizeMultiplication FlexibleArray: ExtensibleLinearAggregate OneDimensionalArrayAggregate flexibleArray physicalLength physicalLength! shrinkable Float: CoercibleTo ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo DifferentialRing FloatingPointSystem TranscendentalFunctionCategory ** / atan convert exp1 log10 log2 normalize outputFixed outputFloating outputGeneral outputSpacing rationalApproximation relerror shift Fraction: QuotientFieldCategory FreeNilpotentLie: NonAssociativeAlgebra deepExpand dimension generator shallowExpand Heap: PriorityQueueAggregate heap HexadecimalExpansion: QuotientFieldCategory coerce fractionPart hex IndexCard: OrderedSet coerce display elt fullDisplay InfiniteTuple: CoercibleTo construct filterUntil filterWhile generate map select Integer: ConvertibleTo IntegerNumberSystem random KeyedAccessFile: FileCategory TableAggregate pack! Library: TableAggregate elt library pack! setelt LieSquareMatrix: CoercibleTo FramedNonAssociativeAlgebra SquareMatrixCategory LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator: MonogenicLinearOperator D adjoint coerce elt leftDivide leftExactQuotient leftGcd leftLcm leftQuotient leftRemainder rightDivide rightExactQuotient rightGcd rightLcm rightQuotient rightRemainder symmetricPower symmetricProduct symmetricSquare List: ListAggregate append cons nil null setDifference setIntersection setUnion Matrix: ConvertibleTo MatrixCategory diagonalMatrix inverse ModuleOperator: Algebra CharacteristicNonZero CharacteristicZero Eltable RetractableTo RetractableTo Ring ** evaluate evaluateInverse opeval Multiset: MultisetAggregate multiset MultivariatePolynomial: PolynomialCategory NonNegativeInteger: Monoid OrderedAbelianMonoidSup divide exquo gcd quo rem Octonion: FullyRetractableTo OctonionCategory octon OneDimensionalArray: OneDimensionalArrayAggregate oneDimensionalArray OnePointCompletion: AbelianGroup FullyRetractableTo OrderedRing SetCategory finite? infinite? infinity rational rational? rationalIfCan Operator: Algebra CharacteristicNonZero CharacteristicZero Eltable RetractableTo RetractableTo Ring ** evaluate evaluateInverse opeval OrdSetInts: OrderedSet coerce value OrderedCompletion: AbelianGroup FullyRetractableTo OrderedRing SetCategory finite? infinite? minusInfinity plusInfinity rational rational? rationalIfCan whatInfinity OrdinaryDifferentialRing: Algebra DifferentialRing Field coerce Palette: SetCategory bright coerce dark dim hue light pastel shade ParametricPlaneCurve: coordinate curve ParametricSpaceCurve: coordinate curve ParametricSurface: coordinate surface PartialFraction: Algebra Field coerce compactFraction firstDenom firstNumer nthFractionalTerm numberOfFractionalTerms padicFraction padicallyExpand partialFraction wholePart PendantTree: BinaryRecursiveAggregate coerce ptree Permutation: PermutationCategory coerce coerceImages coerceListOfPairs coercePreimagesImages cyclePartition degree even? fixedPoints listRepresentation movedPoints numberOfCycles odd? order sign sort PermutationGroup: SetCategory < <= base coerce degree elt generators initializeGroupForWordProblem member? movedPoints orbit orbits order permutationGroup random strongGenerators wordInGenerators wordInStrongGenerators wordsForStrongGenerators Pi: CharacteristicZero CoercibleTo CoercibleTo ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo Field RealConstant RetractableTo RetractableTo pi Polynomial: PolynomialCategory integrate PolynomialIdeals: SetCategory * ** + backOldPos coerce contract dimension element? generalPosition generators groebner groebner? groebnerIdeal ideal in? inRadical? intersect leadingIdeal one? quotient relationsIdeal saturate zeroDim? PositiveInteger: AbelianSemiGroup Monoid OrderedSet gcd PrimeField: ConvertibleTo FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField FiniteFieldCategory QuadraticForm: AbelianGroup elt matrix quadraticForm Quaternion: QuaternionCategory QueryEquation: equation value variable Queue: QueueAggregate queue RadixExpansion: QuotientFieldCategory coerce cycleRagits fractRadix fractRagits fractionPart prefixRagits wholeRadix wholeRagits RewriteRule: Eltable RetractableTo SetCategory elt lhs pattern quotedOperators rhs rule suchThat RomanNumeral: IntegerNumberSystem convert roman Ruleset: Eltable SetCategory elt rules ruleset ScriptFormulaFormat: SetCategory coerce convert display epilogue formula new prologue setEpilogue! setFormula! setPrologue! ScriptFormulaFormat1: Object coerce Segment: SegmentCategory SegmentExpansionCategory SegmentBinding: SetCategory equation segment variable Set: FiniteSetAggregate SmallFloat: ConvertibleTo DifferentialRing FloatingPointSystem TranscendentalFunctionCategory ** / Beta Gamma atan exp1 hash log10 log2 rationalApproximation SmallInteger: IntegerNumberSystem And Not Or ^ and max min not or xor Stack: StackAggregate stack Stream: LazyStreamAggregate coerce cons delay filterUntil filterWhile findCycle generate output repeating repeating? setrest! showAll? showAllElements String: StringCategory Symbol: ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo ConvertibleTo OrderedSet PatternMatchable PatternMatchable argscript coerce elt list name new resetNew script scripted? scripts string subscript superscript Tableau: Object coerce listOfLists tableau TaylorSeries: MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory coefficient coerce fintegrate integrate TexFormat: SetCategory coerce convert display epilogue new prologue setEpilogue! setPrologue! setTex! tex TexFormat1: Object coerce TextFile: FileCategory endOfFile? readIfCan! readLine! readLineIfCan! writeLine! ThreeDimensionalViewport: SetCategory axes clipSurface close colorDef controlPanel diagonals dimensions drawStyle eyeDistance hitherPlane intensity key lighting makeViewport3D modifyPointData move options outlineRender perspective reset resize rotate showClipRegion showRegion subspace title translate viewDeltaXDefault viewDeltaYDefault viewPhiDefault viewThetaDefault viewZoomDefault viewpoint viewport3D write zoom ThreeSpace: ThreeSpaceCategory Tree: RecursiveAggregate tree UnivariatePolynomial: UnivariatePolynomialCategory coerce UniversalSegment: SegmentCategory SegmentExpansionCategory SEGMENT coerce hasHi segment Vector: VectorCategory vector Void: coerce void