%%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman
%%Creator: Axiom
%%CreationDate: today
%%Pages: 1
%%processing (hard) limit: 250 pts or 500 values for the operand stack.

%------------------------------- prologue -------------------------------%
%-------------------------- support procedures --------------------------%

%--------- first create user dictionary with 100 entries max ------------%
%          (number can be changed to accomodate definitions)             %

100	dict	begin		%% using 100 entries in top level dictionary

/FontHeight     12 def

        {       72 mul }

% yVal and hVal are necessary because the Xwindow display origin
% is at the upper left corner, while the postscript display
% origin is at the lower left hand corner.

/yVal		%% get Y value -- make upper left corner origin
        {       maxY sub abs }	%% maxY is viewWindow height

/hVal		%% get H value -- used for displaying title text
        {       maxH sub abs }	%% maxH is viewWindow height+titleWindow height

% loads in the font

        {       /Times-Roman findfont FontHeight scalefont setfont }

% draws a rectangle with input operand: 
%		height
%		width
% notice that this function does not "draw" or ink the rectangle.
	{	1 index 1 add 0 rlineto		%% draw first side
                0 exch 1 add neg rlineto	%% draw second side
                1 add neg 0 rlineto		%% draw third side
                closepath }			%% draw fourth side

% create a rectangle with input operand in the view window: 
%		y
%		x
%		height
%		width
% notice that this function does not "draw" or ink the rectangle.
        {       yVal moveto			%% set currentpoint for line
		drawRect }			%% draws the rectangle

% These are global variables that every draw procedure uses
% THe operand should be as follows:
%		viewWindow width
%		viewWindow height
%		title height
        {       /maxX exch def			%% width of display
                /maxY exch def			%% height of display
		/titleH exch def		%% height of title
		/maxH maxY titleH add def	%% height of display + title
        } def

%-------------------------- major procedures --------------------------%

/title		%% draws a rectangle around the title of picture
	{	gsave
		moveto				%% lower left of title
                titleH 1 add 0 exch rlineto	%% draw first side
                1 add 0 rlineto			%% draw second side
                1 add neg 0 exch rlineto
		begin installGC stroke end	%% draw third side
		grestore }

/drawFrame      %% draw display frame
        {	gsave
                maxX maxY 0 0 rectangle
		begin installGC stroke end
                grestore }

% updates the foreground color of existing graphics-context dictionary:
%		foreground color
%		dictionary name
	{	/FGcolor exch put }

% updates the background color of existing graphics-context dictionary:
%		background color
%		dictionary name
	{	/BGcolor exch put }

% updates the line width, line style, cap style, join style of
% existing graphics-context dictionary:
%		dictionary name
%		join style
%		cap style
%		line width
	{	begin
		/JoinStyle exch def
		/CapStyle  exch def
		/LineWidth exch def
		end }

% creates a graphics context dictionary with the following information:
%		/dictionary name
%		foreground color
%		background color
%		line width
%		cap style
%		join style
% this creates different graphical contexts for different drawing functions.
	{	5 dict 2 copy def begin	pop %% with dict name on top of stack
		/FGcolor   exch def	%% define drawing attributes
		/BGcolor   exch def	%% not heavily used
		/LineWidth exch def
		/CapStyle  exch def
		/JoinStyle exch def
		end }

% makes the current dictionary attributes effective
% this function takes the values in the current dictionary to set the context
% these are the values currently being used: foreground, cap, join, and width
		FGcolor currentgray ne
		{FGcolor setgray} if		%% foreground color
		CapStyle currentlinecap ne
		{CapStyle setlinecap} if	%% cap style
		JoinStyle currentlinejoin ne
		{JoinStyle setlinejoin} if	%% join style
		LineWidth currentlinewidth ne
		{LineWidth setlinewidth} if }	%% line width

% operand stack configuration in order to use psDrawLine:
%		psDrawLine
%		y0
%		x0
%		y1
%		x1
%		graphics-context dictionary
% this draws a line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1).

        {	gsave
                yVal moveto
                yVal lineto
		begin installGC stroke end
		grestore }

% operand stack configuration in order to use psDrawIStr:
%		psDrawIStr
%		window type: title or window
%		string
%		y
%		x
%		graphics-context dictionary
% it draws a text string in foreground color on top of bounding box of
% string, which is in background color.

        {	gsave
		newpath					%% for rectangle

		/window exch def			%% get window type

                %% draw bounding box with background color
                /str exch def				%% get text string
                str stringwidth pop 1 sub               %% width
                FontHeight 1 sub                        %% height
                currentfont begin			%% get font height
                /ypos exch def pop			%% define ypos
                neg ypos add /offset exch def pop
                /offset ypos offset div FontHeight mul def %% define offset
                /h exch def /w exch def			%% define h
                /y0 exch def				%% define y0
                /x0 exch def				%% define x0
                w h x0 y0 offset sub
		window (title) eq
		{hVal moveto drawRect}			%% draws in title window
		{rectangle} ifelse			%% draws in view window
                BGcolor setgray fill	%% set background box color

		x0 y0
		window (title) eq 
                {hVal}					%% print title text
                {yVal} ifelse				%% print window text
		moveto str 
                FGcolor setgray show			%% set text color
                grestore }

% operand stack configuration in order to use psFillArc:
%		psFillArc
%		y center of rectangle
%		x center of rectangle
%		angle2
%		angle1
%		width
%		height
%		y
%		x
%		graphics-context dictionary
% this draws and fills an arc whose origin is at x, y, and whose width
% and height specifies the rectangle which encases the arc.
% Origin is at upper left corner of rectangle.
% This function uses "scale" to make cricles and ellipses.
        {	gsave
		yVal moveto
                /sfactor 4 index 4 index div def
                1 sfactor scale
                6 5 roll			%%	 x on top of stack
                3 index 2 div add               %% define x origin
                6 5 roll			%%	 y on top of stack
                6 5 roll			%%	 h on top of stack
                2 div add yVal sfactor div      %% define y origin
                5 4 roll			%%	 w on top of stack
                2 div                           %% define radius
                5 3 roll			%%	 a1 a2 now on top
                1 index add
                arcn                            %% draw clockwise arc
                begin installGC fill end	%% fills with foreground color
                grestore }

%-------------------------- script --------------------------%

% 1 inch 1 inch translate

   mark					%% mark bottom of our stack

	0	0	1
	1072693248	0	/globalGC1	makeDict
	0	0	1
	1072693248	0	/globalGC2	makeDict
	0	0	1
	1072693248	0	/trashGC	makeDict
	0	0	1
	1072693248	0	/globGC	makeDict
	0	0	1
	1072693248	0	/anotherGC	makeDict
	0	0	1
	1072693248	0	/graphGC	makeDict
	0	0	1
	1072693248	0	/unitGC	makeDict

    gsave	% save graphics state for clipping path

	1.000000	1.000000	scale

	24	303	300	setDim
	maxX maxY	0 0	rectangle	clip	% set clip path

	globalGC1	300	151	0	151	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	150	303	150	0	psDrawLine
	unitGC	150	153	150	149	psDrawLine
	unitGC	138	166	(0.00)	(window)	psDrawIStr
	unitGC	207	153	207	149	psDrawLine
	unitGC	195	166	(0.40)	(window)	psDrawIStr
	unitGC	264	153	264	149	psDrawLine
	unitGC	252	166	(0.80)	(window)	psDrawIStr
	unitGC	92	153	92	149	psDrawLine
	unitGC	77	166	(-0.40)	(window)	psDrawIStr
	unitGC	34	153	34	149	psDrawLine
	unitGC	19	166	(-0.80)	(window)	psDrawIStr
	unitGC	152	93	148	93	psDrawLine
	unitGC	114	98	(0.40)	(window)	psDrawIStr
	unitGC	152	35	148	35	psDrawLine
	unitGC	114	40	(0.80)	(window)	psDrawIStr
	unitGC	152	209	148	209	psDrawLine
	unitGC	105	214	(-0.40)	(window)	psDrawIStr
	unitGC	152	266	148	266	psDrawLine
	unitGC	105	271	(-0.80)	(window)	psDrawIStr
	globalGC1	293 150	3 3	0 360	294 151	psFillArc
	globalGC1	294	151	294	151	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	293 150	3 3	0 360	294 151	psFillArc
	globalGC1	293	132	294	151	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	292 131	3 3	0 360	293 132	psFillArc
	globalGC1	289	114	293	132	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	288 113	3 3	0 360	289 114	psFillArc
	globalGC1	283	96	289	114	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	282 95	3 3	0 360	283 96	psFillArc
	globalGC1	275	79	283	96	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	274 78	3 3	0 360	275 79	psFillArc
	globalGC1	264	63	275	79	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	263 62	3 3	0 360	264 63	psFillArc
	globalGC1	252	49	264	63	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	251 48	3 3	0 360	252 49	psFillArc
	globalGC1	238	36	252	49	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	237 35	3 3	0 360	238 36	psFillArc
	globalGC1	222	26	238	36	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	221 25	3 3	0 360	222 26	psFillArc
	globalGC1	205	17	222	26	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	204 16	3 3	0 360	205 17	psFillArc
	globalGC1	187	11	205	17	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	186 10	3 3	0 360	187 11	psFillArc
	globalGC1	168	8	187	11	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	167 7	3 3	0 360	168 8	psFillArc
	globalGC1	149	6	168	8	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	148 5	3 3	0 360	149 6	psFillArc
	globalGC1	131	8	149	6	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	130 7	3 3	0 360	131 8	psFillArc
	globalGC1	112	11	131	8	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	111 10	3 3	0 360	112 11	psFillArc
	globalGC1	94	17	112	11	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	93 16	3 3	0 360	94 17	psFillArc
	globalGC1	77	26	94	17	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	76 25	3 3	0 360	77 26	psFillArc
	globalGC1	61	36	77	26	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	60 35	3 3	0 360	61 36	psFillArc
	globalGC1	47	49	61	36	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	46 48	3 3	0 360	47 49	psFillArc
	globalGC1	35	63	47	49	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	34 62	3 3	0 360	35 63	psFillArc
	globalGC1	24	79	35	63	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	23 78	3 3	0 360	24 79	psFillArc
	globalGC1	16	96	24	79	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	15 95	3 3	0 360	16 96	psFillArc
	globalGC1	10	114	16	96	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	9 113	3 3	0 360	10 114	psFillArc
	globalGC1	6	132	10	114	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	5 131	3 3	0 360	6 132	psFillArc
	globalGC1	5	151	6	132	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	4 150	3 3	0 360	5 151	psFillArc
	globalGC1	6	170	5	151	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	5 169	3 3	0 360	6 170	psFillArc
	globalGC1	10	188	6	170	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	9 187	3 3	0 360	10 188	psFillArc
	globalGC1	16	206	10	188	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	15 205	3 3	0 360	16 206	psFillArc
	globalGC1	24	223	16	206	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	23 222	3 3	0 360	24 223	psFillArc
	globalGC1	35	239	24	223	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	34 238	3 3	0 360	35 239	psFillArc
	globalGC1	47	253	35	239	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	46 252	3 3	0 360	47 253	psFillArc
	globalGC1	61	266	47	253	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	60 265	3 3	0 360	61 266	psFillArc
	globalGC1	77	276	61	266	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	76 275	3 3	0 360	77 276	psFillArc
	globalGC1	94	285	77	276	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	93 284	3 3	0 360	94 285	psFillArc
	globalGC1	112	291	94	285	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	111 290	3 3	0 360	112 291	psFillArc
	globalGC1	131	294	112	291	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	130 293	3 3	0 360	131 294	psFillArc
	globalGC1	149	296	131	294	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	148 295	3 3	0 360	149 296	psFillArc
	globalGC1	168	294	149	296	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	167 293	3 3	0 360	168 294	psFillArc
	globalGC1	187	291	168	294	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	186 290	3 3	0 360	187 291	psFillArc
	globalGC1	205	285	187	291	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	204 284	3 3	0 360	205 285	psFillArc
	globalGC1	222	276	205	285	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	221 275	3 3	0 360	222 276	psFillArc
	globalGC1	238	266	222	276	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	237 265	3 3	0 360	238 266	psFillArc
	globalGC1	252	253	238	266	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	251 252	3 3	0 360	252 253	psFillArc
	globalGC1	264	239	252	253	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	263 238	3 3	0 360	264 239	psFillArc
	globalGC1	275	223	264	239	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	274 222	3 3	0 360	275 223	psFillArc
	globalGC1	283	206	275	223	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	282 205	3 3	0 360	283 206	psFillArc
	globalGC1	289	188	283	206	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	288 187	3 3	0 360	289 188	psFillArc
	globalGC1	293	170	289	188	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	292 169	3 3	0 360	293 170	psFillArc
	globalGC1	294	151	293	170	psDrawLine
	globalGC1	293 150	3 3	0 360	294 151	psFillArc

    grestore	% restore graphics state

   cleartomark					%% clearing operand stack

end		%% pops mainDict from dictionary stack


%-------------------------- end --------------------------%