Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1992-94. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007-2009, Gabriel Dos Reis. All rights reserved. OpenAxiom Help Information. Section numbers refer to the on-line version of the book AXIOM: The Scientific Computation System by Richard D. Jenks and Robert S. Sutor ============================================================================== A.8. )display ============================================================================== User Level Required: interpreter Command Syntax: - )display all - )display properties - )display properties all - )display properties [obj1 [obj2 ...]] - )display value all - )display value [obj1 [obj2 ...]] - )display mode all - )display mode [obj1 [obj2 ...]] - )display names - )display operations opName Command Description: This command is used to display the contents of the workspace and signatures of functions with a given name. (A signature gives the argument and return types of a function.) The command )display names lists the names of all user-defined objects in the workspace. This is useful if you do not wish to see everything about the objects and need only be reminded of their names. The commands )display all )display properties )display properties all all do the same thing: show the values and types and declared modes of all variables in the workspace. If you have defined functions, their signatures and definitions will also be displayed. To show all information about a particular variable or user functions, for example, something named d, issue )display properties d To just show the value (and the type) of d, issue )display value d To just show the declared mode of d, issue )display mode d All modemaps for a given operation may be displayed by using )display operations. A modemap is a collection of information about a particular reference to an operation. This includes the types of the arguments and the return value, the location of the implementation and any conditions on the types. The modemap may contain patterns. The following displays the modemaps for the operation FromcomplexComplexCategory: )d op complex Also See: o )clear o )history o )set o )show o )what