Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1992-94. All rights reserved.
Copyright (C) 2007-2009, Gabriel Dos Reis. All rights reserved.
OpenAxiom Help Information.
Section numbers refer to the on-line version of the book 
AXIOM: The Scientific Computation System by Richard D. Jenks and Robert S. Sutor
A.2.  )abbreviation
User Level Required:  compiler
Command Syntax: 
  -  )abbreviation query  [nameOrAbbrev]
  -  )abbreviation category  abbrev  fullname [)quiet]
  -  )abbreviation domain  abbrev  fullname   [)quiet]
  -  )abbreviation package  abbrev  fullname  [)quiet]
  -  )abbreviation remove  nameOrAbbrev
Command Description: 
This command is used to query, set and remove abbreviations for category,
domain and package constructors. Every constructor must have a unique
abbreviation. This abbreviation is part of the name of the subdirectory under
which the components of the compiled constructor are stored. Furthermore, by
issuing this command you let the system know what file to load automatically
if you use a new constructor. Abbreviations must start with a letter and then
be followed by up to seven letters or digits. Any letters appearing in the
abbreviation must be in uppercase.
When used with the query argument, this command may be used to list the name
associated with a particular abbreviation or the abbreviation for a
constructor. If no abbreviation or name is given, the names and corresponding
abbreviations for all constructors are listed.
The following shows the abbreviation for the constructor List:
)abbreviation query List
The following shows the constructor name corresponding to the abbreviation
)abbreviation query NNI
The following lists all constructor names and their abbreviations.
)abbreviation query
To add an abbreviation for a constructor, use this command with category,
domain or package. The following add abbreviations to the system for a
category, domain and package, respectively:
)abbreviation domain   SET Set
)abbreviation category COMPCAT  ComplexCategory
)abbreviation package  LIST2MAP ListToMap
If the )quiet option is used, no output is displayed from this command. You
would normally only define an abbreviation in a library source file. If this
command is issued for a constructor that has already been loaded, the
constructor will be reloaded next time it is referenced. In particular, you
can use this command to force the automatic reloading of constructors.
To remove an abbreviation, the remove argument is used. This is usually only
used to correct a previous command that set an abbreviation for a constructor
name. If, in fact, the abbreviation does exist, you are prompted for
confirmation of the removal request. Either of the following commands will
remove the abbreviation VECTOR2 and the constructor name VectorFunctions2
from the system:
)abbreviation remove VECTOR2
)abbreviation remove VectorFunctions2
Also See: 
o )compile