\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra view3D.spad} \author{James Wen} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{domain VIEW3D ThreeDimensionalViewport} <<domain VIEW3D ThreeDimensionalViewport>>= )abbrev domain VIEW3D ThreeDimensionalViewport ++ Author: Jim Wen ++ Date Created: 28 April 1989 ++ Date Last Updated: 2 November 1991, Jim Wen ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ References: ++ Description: ThreeDimensionalViewport creates viewports to display graphs VIEW ==> _$ViewportServer$Lisp sendI ==> sockSendInt sendSF ==> sockSendFloat sendSTR ==> sockSendString getI ==> sockGetInt getSF ==> sockGetFloat typeVIEW3D ==> 1$I typeVIEWTube ==> 4 makeVIEW3D ==> (-1)$SingleInteger ThreeDimensionalViewport(): Exports == Implementation where I ==> Integer PI ==> PositiveInteger NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger XY ==> Record( X:I, Y:I ) XYP ==> Record( X:PI, Y:PI ) XYNN ==> Record( X:NNI, Y:NNI ) SF ==> DoubleFloat F ==> Float L ==> List Pt ==> ColoredThreeDimensionalPoint SEG ==> Segment S ==> String E ==> OutputForm PLOT3D ==> Plot3D V ==> Record( theta:SF, phi:SF, scale:SF, scaleX:SF, scaleY:SF, scaleZ:SF, deltaX:SF, deltaY:SF ) H ==> Record( hueOffset:I, hueNumber:I) FLAG ==> Record( showCP:I, style:I, axesOn:I, diagonalsOn:I, outlineRenderOn:I, showRegionField:I ) FR ==> Record( fn:Fn2, fc: FnU, xmin:SF, xmax:SF, ymin:SF, ymax:SF, xnum:I, ynum:I ) LR ==> Record( lightX:SF, lightY:SF, lightZ:SF, lightTheta:SF, lightPhi:SF , translucence:SF) PR ==> Record( perspectiveField:I, eyeDistance:SF, hitherPlane:SF) VR ==> Record( clipXMin:SF, clipXMax:SF, clipYMin:SF, clipYMax:SF, clipZMin:SF, clipZMax:SF, clipRegionField:I, clipSurfaceField:I) C ==> Color() B ==> Boolean POINT ==> Point(SF) SUBSPACE ==> SubSpace(3,SF) SPACE3 ==> ThreeSpace(SF) DROP ==> DrawOption COORDSYS ==> CoordinateSystems(SF) -- the below macros correspond to the ones in include/actions.h ROTATE ==> 0$I -- rotate in actions.h ZOOM ==> 1$I -- zoom in actions.h TRANSLATE ==> 2 -- translate in actions.h rendered ==> 3 -- render in actions.h hideControl ==> 4 closeAll ==> 5 axesOnOff ==> 6 opaque ==> 7 -- opaqueMesh in action.h contour ==> 24 RESET ==> 8 wireMesh ==> 9 -- transparent in actions.h region3D ==> 12 smooth ==> 22 diagOnOff ==> 26 outlineOnOff ==> 13 zoomx ==> 14 zoomy ==> 15 zoomz ==> 16 perspectiveOnOff ==> 27 clipRegionOnOff ==> 66 clipSurfaceOnOff ==> 67 SPADBUTTONPRESS ==> 100 COLORDEF ==> 101 MOVE ==> 102 RESIZE ==> 103 TITLE ==> 104 lightDef ==> 108 translucenceDef ==> 109 writeView ==> 110 eyeDistanceData ==> 111 modifyPOINT ==> 114 -- printViewport ==> 115 hitherPlaneData ==> 116 queryVIEWPOINT ==> 117 changeVIEWPOINT ==> 118 noControl ==> 0$I yes ==> 1$I no ==> 0$I EYED ==> 500::SF -- see draw.h, should be the same(?) as clipOffset HITHER ==> (-250)::SF -- see process.h in view3D/ (not yet passed to viewman) openTube ==> 1$I closedTube ==> 0$I fun2Var3D ==> " Three Dimensional Viewport: Function of Two Variables" para1Var3D ==> " Three Dimensional Viewport: Parametric Curve of One Variable" undef3D ==> " Three Dimensional Viewport: No function defined for this viewport yet" Exports ==> SetCategory with viewThetaDefault : () -> F ++ viewThetaDefault() returns the current default longitudinal ++ view angle in radians. viewThetaDefault : F -> F ++ viewThetaDefault(t) sets the current default longitudinal ++ view angle in radians to the value t and returns t. viewPhiDefault : () -> F ++ viewPhiDefault() returns the current default latitudinal ++ view angle in radians. viewPhiDefault : F -> F ++ viewPhiDefault(p) sets the current default latitudinal ++ view angle in radians to the value p and returns p. viewZoomDefault : () -> F ++ viewZoomDefault() returns the current default graph scaling ++ value. viewZoomDefault : F -> F ++ viewZoomDefault(s) sets the current default graph scaling ++ value to s and returns s. viewDeltaXDefault : () -> F ++ viewDeltaXDefault() returns the current default horizontal ++ offset from the center of the viewport window. viewDeltaXDefault : F -> F ++ viewDeltaXDefault(dx) sets the current default horizontal ++ offset from the center of the viewport window to be \spad{dx} ++ and returns \spad{dx}. viewDeltaYDefault : () -> F ++ viewDeltaYDefault() returns the current default vertical ++ offset from the center of the viewport window. viewDeltaYDefault : F -> F ++ viewDeltaYDefault(dy) sets the current default vertical ++ offset from the center of the viewport window to be \spad{dy} ++ and returns \spad{dy}. viewport3D : () -> % ++ viewport3D() returns an undefined three-dimensional viewport ++ of the domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport} whose ++ contents are empty. makeViewport3D : % -> % ++ makeViewport3D(v) takes the given three-dimensional viewport, ++ v, of the domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport} and ++ displays a viewport window on the screen which contains ++ the contents of v. makeViewport3D : (SPACE3,S) -> % ++ makeViewport3D(sp,s) takes the given space, \spad{sp} which is ++ of the domain \spadtype{ThreeSpace} and displays a viewport ++ window on the screen which contains the contents of \spad{sp}, ++ and whose title is given by s. makeViewport3D : (SPACE3,L DROP) -> % ++ makeViewport3D(sp,lopt) takes the given space, \spad{sp} which is ++ of the domain \spadtype{ThreeSpace} and displays a viewport ++ window on the screen which contains the contents of \spad{sp}, ++ and whose draw options are indicated by the list \spad{lopt}, which ++ is a list of options from the domain \spad{DrawOption}. subspace : % -> SPACE3 ++ subspace(v) returns the contents of the viewport v, which is ++ of the domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, as a subspace ++ of the domain \spad{ThreeSpace}. subspace : (%,SPACE3) -> % ++ subspace(v,sp) places the contents of the viewport v, which is ++ of the domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, in the subspace ++ \spad{sp}, which is of the domain \spad{ThreeSpace}. modifyPointData : (%,NNI,POINT) -> Void ++ modifyPointData(v,ind,pt) takes the viewport, v, which is of the ++ domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, and places the data ++ point, \spad{pt} into the list of points database of v at the index ++ location given by \spad{ind}. options : % -> L DROP ++ options(v) takes the viewport, v, which is of the domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport} and returns a list of all ++ the draw options from the domain \spad{DrawOption} which are ++ being used by v. options : (%,L DROP) -> % ++ options(v,lopt) takes the viewport, v, which is of the domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport} and sets the draw options ++ being used by v to those indicated in the list, \spad{lopt}, ++ which is a list of options from the domain \spad{DrawOption}. move : (%,NNI,NNI) -> Void ++ move(v,x,y) displays the three-dimensional viewport, v, which ++ is of domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, with the upper ++ left-hand corner of the viewport window at the screen ++ coordinate position x, y. resize : (%,PI,PI) -> Void ++ resize(v,w,h) displays the three-dimensional viewport, v, which ++ is of domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, with a width ++ of w and a height of h, keeping the upper left-hand corner ++ position unchanged. title : (%,S) -> Void ++ title(v,s) changes the title which is shown in the three-dimensional ++ viewport window, v of domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. dimensions : (%,NNI,NNI,PI,PI) -> Void ++ dimensions(v,x,y,width,height) sets the position of the ++ upper left-hand corner of the three-dimensional viewport, v, ++ which is of domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, to ++ the window coordinate x, y, and sets the dimensions of the ++ window to that of \spad{width}, \spad{height}. The new ++ dimensions are not displayed until the function ++ \spadfun{makeViewport3D} is executed again for v. viewpoint : (%,F,F,F,F,F) -> Void ++ viewpoint(v,th,phi,s,dx,dy) sets the longitudinal view angle ++ to \spad{th} radians, the latitudinal view angle to \spad{phi} ++ radians, the scale factor to \spad{s}, the horizontal viewport ++ offset to \spad{dx}, and the vertical viewport offset to \spad{dy} ++ for the viewport v, which is of the domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. The new viewpoint position ++ is not displayed until the function \spadfun{makeViewport3D} is ++ executed again for v. viewpoint : (%) -> V ++ viewpoint(v) returns the current viewpoint setting of the given ++ viewport, v. This function is useful in the situation where the ++ user has created a viewport, proceeded to interact with it via ++ the control panel and desires to save the values of the viewpoint ++ as the default settings for another viewport to be created using ++ the system. viewpoint : (%,V) -> Void ++ viewpoint(v,viewpt) sets the viewpoint for the viewport. The ++ viewport record consists of the latitudal and longitudal angles, ++ the zoom factor, the X, Y, and Z scales, and the X and Y displacements. viewpoint : (%,I,I,F,F,F) -> Void ++ viewpoint(v,th,phi,s,dx,dy) sets the longitudinal view angle ++ to \spad{th} degrees, the latitudinal view angle to \spad{phi} ++ degrees, the scale factor to \spad{s}, the horizontal viewport ++ offset to \spad{dx}, and the vertical viewport offset to \spad{dy} ++ for the viewport v, which is of the domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. The new viewpoint position ++ is not displayed until the function \spadfun{makeViewport3D} is ++ executed again for v. viewpoint : (%,F,F) -> Void ++ viewpoint(v,th,phi) sets the longitudinal view angle to \spad{th} ++ radians and the latitudinal view angle to \spad{phi} radians ++ for the viewport v, which is of the domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. The new viewpoint position ++ is not displayed until the function \spadfun{makeViewport3D} is ++ executed again for v. viewpoint : (%,F,F,F) -> Void ++ viewpoint(v,rotx,roty,rotz) sets the rotation about the x-axis ++ to be \spad{rotx} radians, sets the rotation about the y-axis ++ to be \spad{roty} radians, and sets the rotation about the z-axis ++ to be \spad{rotz} radians, for the viewport v, which is of the ++ domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport} and displays v with ++ the new view position. controlPanel : (%,S) -> Void ++ controlPanel(v,s) displays the control panel of the given ++ three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, if s is "on", or hides ++ the control panel if s is "off". axes : (%,S) -> Void ++ axes(v,s) displays the axes of the given three-dimensional ++ viewport, v, which is of domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, ++ if s is "on", or does not display the axes if s is "off". diagonals : (%,S) -> Void ++ diagonals(v,s) displays the diagonals of the polygon outline ++ showing a triangularized surface instead of a quadrilateral ++ surface outline, for the given three-dimensional viewport v ++ which is of domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, if s is ++ "on", or does not display the diagonals if s is "off". outlineRender : (%,S) -> Void ++ outlineRender(v,s) displays the polygon outline showing either ++ triangularized surface or a quadrilateral surface outline depending ++ on the whether the \spadfun{diagonals} function has been set, for ++ the given three-dimensional viewport v which is of domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, if s is "on", or does not ++ display the polygon outline if s is "off". drawStyle : (%,S) -> Void ++ drawStyle(v,s) displays the surface for the given three-dimensional ++ viewport v which is of domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport} ++ in the style of drawing indicated by s. If s is not a valid ++ drawing style the style is wireframe by default. Possible ++ styles are \spad{"shade"}, \spad{"solid"} or \spad{"opaque"}, ++ \spad{"smooth"}, and \spad{"wireMesh"}. rotate : (%,F,F) -> Void ++ rotate(v,th,phi) rotates the graph to the longitudinal view angle ++ \spad{th} radians and the latitudinal view angle \spad{phi} radians ++ for the viewport v, which is of the domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. rotate : (%,I,I) -> Void ++ rotate(v,th,phi) rotates the graph to the longitudinal view angle ++ \spad{th} degrees and the latitudinal view angle \spad{phi} degrees ++ for the viewport v, which is of the domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. The new rotation position ++ is not displayed until the function \spadfun{makeViewport3D} is ++ executed again for v. zoom : (%,F) -> Void ++ zoom(v,s) sets the graph scaling factor to s, for the viewport v, ++ which is of the domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. zoom : (%,F,F,F) -> Void ++ zoom(v,sx,sy,sz) sets the graph scaling factors for the x-coordinate ++ axis to \spad{sx}, the y-coordinate axis to \spad{sy} and the ++ z-coordinate axis to \spad{sz} for the viewport v, which is of ++ the domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. translate : (%,F,F) -> Void ++ translate(v,dx,dy) sets the horizontal viewport offset to \spad{dx} ++ and the vertical viewport offset to \spad{dy}, for the viewport v, ++ which is of the domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. perspective : (%,S) -> Void ++ perspective(v,s) displays the graph in perspective if s is "on", ++ or does not display perspective if s is "off" for the given ++ three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. eyeDistance : (%,F) -> Void ++ eyeDistance(v,d) sets the distance of the observer from the center ++ of the graph to d, for the viewport v, which is of the domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. hitherPlane : (%,F) -> Void ++ hitherPlane(v,h) sets the hither clipping plane of the graph to h, ++ for the viewport v, which is of the domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. showRegion : (%,S) -> Void ++ showRegion(v,s) displays the bounding box of the given ++ three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, if s is "on", or does not ++ display the box if s is "off". showClipRegion : (%,S) -> Void ++ showClipRegion(v,s) displays the clipping region of the given ++ three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, if s is "on", or does not ++ display the region if s is "off". clipSurface : (%,S) -> Void ++ clipSurface(v,s) displays the graph with the specified ++ clipping region removed if s is "on", or displays the graph ++ without clipping implemented if s is "off", for the given ++ three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. lighting : (%,F,F,F) -> Void ++ lighting(v,x,y,z) sets the position of the light source to ++ the coordinates x, y, and z and displays the graph for the given ++ three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. intensity : (%,F) -> Void ++ intensity(v,i) sets the intensity of the light source to i, for ++ the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. reset : % -> Void ++ reset(v) sets the current state of the graph characteristics ++ of the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, back to their initial settings. colorDef : (%,C,C) -> Void ++ colorDef(v,c1,c2) sets the range of colors along the colormap so ++ that the lower end of the colormap is defined by \spad{c1} and the ++ top end of the colormap is defined by \spad{c2}, for the given ++ three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. write : (%,S) -> S ++ write(v,s) takes the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which ++ is of domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, and creates ++ a directory indicated by s, which contains the graph data ++ file for v. write : (%,S,S) -> S ++ write(v,s,f) takes the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which ++ is of domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, and creates ++ a directory indicated by s, which contains the graph data ++ file for v and an optional file type f. write : (%,S,L S) -> S ++ write(v,s,lf) takes the given three-dimensional viewport, v, which ++ is of domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, and creates ++ a directory indicated by s, which contains the graph data ++ file for v and the optional file types indicated by the list lf. close : % -> Void ++ close(v) closes the viewport window of the given ++ three-dimensional viewport, v, which is of domain ++ \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}, and terminates the ++ corresponding process ID. key : % -> I ++ key(v) returns the process ID number of the given three-dimensional ++ viewport, v, which is of domain \spadtype{ThreeDimensionalViewport}. -- print : % -> Void Implementation ==> add import Color() import ViewDefaultsPackage() import Plot3D() import POINT import PointPackage(SF) import SubSpaceComponentProperty() import SPACE3 import MeshCreationRoutinesForThreeDimensions() import DrawOptionFunctions0 import COORDSYS import Set(PositiveInteger) Rep := Record (key:I, fun:I, _ title:S, moveTo:XYNN, size:XYP, viewpoint:V, colors:H, flags:FLAG, _ lighting:LR, perspective:PR, volume:VR, _ space3D:SPACE3, _ optionsField:L DROP) degrees := pi()$F / 180.0 degreesSF := pi()$SF / 180 defaultTheta : Reference(SF) := ref(convert(pi()$F/4.0)@SF) defaultPhi : Reference(SF) := ref(convert(-pi()$F/4.0)@SF) defaultZoom : Reference(SF) := ref(convert(1.2)@SF) defaultDeltaX : Reference(SF) := ref 0 defaultDeltaY : Reference(SF) := ref 0 --%Local Functions checkViewport (viewport:%):B == -- checks to see if this viewport still exists -- by sending the key to the viewport manager and -- waiting for its reply after it checks it against -- the viewports in its list. a -1 means it doesn't -- exist. sendI(VIEW,viewport.key)$Lisp i := getI(VIEW)$Lisp (i < 0$I) => viewport.key := 0$I error "This viewport has already been closed!" true arcsinTemp(x:SF):SF == -- the asin function doesn't exist in the SF domain currently x >= 1 => (pi()$SF / 2) -- to avoid floating point error from SF (ie 1.0 -> 1.00001) x <= -1 => 3 * pi()$SF / 2 convert(asin(convert(x)@Float)$Float)@SF arctanTemp(x:SF):SF == convert(atan(convert(x)@Float)$Float)@SF doOptions(v:Rep):Void == v.title := title(v.optionsField,"AXIOM3D") st:S := style(v.optionsField,"wireMesh") if (st = "shade" or st = "render") then v.flags.style := rendered else if (st = "solid" or st = "opaque") then v.flags.style := opaque else if (st = "contour") then v.flags.style := contour else if (st = "smooth") then v.flags.style := smooth else v.flags.style := wireMesh v.viewpoint := viewpoint(v.optionsField, [deref defaultTheta,deref defaultPhi,deref defaultZoom, _ 1$SF,1$SF,1$SF,deref defaultDeltaX, deref defaultDeltaY]) -- etc - 3D specific stuff... --%Exported Functions : Default Settings viewport3D() == [0,typeVIEW3D,"AXIOM3D",[viewPosDefault().1,viewPosDefault().2], _ [viewSizeDefault().1,viewSizeDefault().2], _ [deref defaultTheta,deref defaultPhi,deref defaultZoom, _ 1$SF,1$SF,1$SF,deref defaultDeltaX, deref defaultDeltaY], [0,27], _ [noControl,wireMesh,yes,no,no,no], [0$SF,0$SF,1$SF,0$SF,0$SF,1$SF], _ [yes, EYED, HITHER], [0$SF,1$SF,0$SF,1$SF,0$SF,1$SF,no,yes], _ create3Space()$SPACE3, [] ] subspace viewport == viewport.space3D subspace(viewport,space) == viewport.space3D := space viewport options viewport == viewport.optionsField options(viewport,opts) == viewport.optionsField := opts viewport makeViewport3D(space:SPACE3,Title:S):% == v := viewport3D() v.space3D := space v.optionsField := [title(Title)] makeViewport3D v makeViewport3D(space:SPACE3,opts:L DROP):% == v := viewport3D() v.space3D := space v.optionsField := opts makeViewport3D v makeViewport3D viewport == doOptions viewport --local function to extract and assign optional arguments for 3D viewports sayBrightly([" Transmitting data..."::E]$List(E))$Lisp transform := coord(viewport.optionsField,cartesian$COORDSYS)$DrawOptionFunctions0 check(viewport.space3D) lpts := lp(viewport.space3D) lllipts := lllip(viewport.space3D) llprops := llprop(viewport.space3D) lprops := lprop(viewport.space3D) -- check for dimensionality of points -- if they are all 4D points, then everything is okay -- if they are all 3D points, then pad an extra constant -- coordinate for color -- if they have varying dimensionalities, give an error s := brace()$Set(PI) for pt in lpts repeat insert_!(dimension pt,s) #s > 1 => error "All points should have the same dimension" (n := first parts s) < 3 => error "Dimension of points should be greater than 2" sendI(VIEW,viewport.fun)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,makeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendSTR(VIEW,viewport.title)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.deltaX)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.deltaY)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.scale)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.scaleX)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.scaleY)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.scaleZ)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.theta)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.phi)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,viewport.moveTo.X)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,viewport.moveTo.Y)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,viewport.size.X)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,viewport.size.Y)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,viewport.flags.showCP)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,viewport.flags.style)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,viewport.flags.axesOn)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,viewport.flags.diagonalsOn)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,viewport.flags.outlineRenderOn)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,viewport.flags.showRegionField)$Lisp -- add to make3D.c sendI(VIEW,viewport.volume.clipRegionField)$Lisp -- add to make3D.c sendI(VIEW,viewport.volume.clipSurfaceField)$Lisp -- add to make3D.c sendI(VIEW,viewport.colors.hueOffset)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,viewport.colors.hueNumber)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.lighting.lightX)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.lighting.lightY)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.lighting.lightZ)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.lighting.translucence)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,viewport.perspective.perspectiveField)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.perspective.eyeDistance)$Lisp -- new, crazy points domain stuff -- first, send the point data list sendI(VIEW,#lpts)$Lisp for pt in lpts repeat aPoint := transform pt sendSF(VIEW,xCoord aPoint)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,yCoord aPoint)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,zCoord aPoint)$Lisp n = 3 => sendSF(VIEW,zCoord aPoint)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,color aPoint)$Lisp -- change to c -- now, send the 3d subspace structure sendI(VIEW,#lllipts)$Lisp for allipts in lllipts for oneprop in lprops for onelprops in llprops repeat -- the following is false for f(x,y) and user-defined for [x(t),y(t),z(t)] -- this is temporary - until the generalized points stuff gets put in sendI(VIEW,(closed? oneprop => yes; no))$Lisp sendI(VIEW,(solid? oneprop => yes; no))$Lisp sendI(VIEW,#allipts)$Lisp for alipts in allipts for tinyprop in onelprops repeat -- the following is false for f(x,y) and true for [x(t),y(t),z(t)] -- this is temporary -- until the generalized points stuff gets put in sendI(VIEW,(closed? tinyprop => yes;no))$Lisp sendI(VIEW,(solid? tinyprop => yes;no))$Lisp sendI(VIEW,#alipts)$Lisp for oneIndexedPoint in alipts repeat sendI(VIEW,oneIndexedPoint)$Lisp viewport.key := getI(VIEW)$Lisp viewport -- the key (now set to 0) should be what the viewport returns viewThetaDefault == convert(defaultTheta())@F viewThetaDefault t == defaultTheta() := convert(t)@SF t viewPhiDefault == convert(defaultPhi())@F viewPhiDefault t == defaultPhi() := convert(t)@SF t viewZoomDefault == convert(defaultZoom())@F viewZoomDefault t == defaultZoom() := convert(t)@SF t viewDeltaXDefault == convert(defaultDeltaX())@F viewDeltaXDefault t == defaultDeltaX() := convert(t)@SF t viewDeltaYDefault == convert(defaultDeltaY())@F viewDeltaYDefault t == defaultDeltaY() := convert(t)@SF t --Exported Functions: Available features for 3D viewports lighting(viewport,Xlight,Ylight,Zlight) == viewport.lighting.lightX := convert(Xlight)@SF viewport.lighting.lightY := convert(Ylight)@SF viewport.lighting.lightZ := convert(Zlight)@SF (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,lightDef)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendSF(VIEW,viewport.lighting.lightX)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.lighting.lightY)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.lighting.lightZ)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge axes (viewport,onOff) == if onOff = "on" then viewport.flags.axesOn := yes else viewport.flags.axesOn := no (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,axesOnOff)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendI(VIEW,viewport.flags.axesOn)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge diagonals (viewport,onOff) == if onOff = "on" then viewport.flags.diagonalsOn := yes else viewport.flags.diagonalsOn := no (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,diagOnOff)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendI(VIEW,viewport.flags.diagonalsOn)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge outlineRender (viewport,onOff) == if onOff = "on" then viewport.flags.outlineRenderOn := yes else viewport.flags.outlineRenderOn := no (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,outlineOnOff)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendI(VIEW,viewport.flags.outlineRenderOn)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge controlPanel (viewport,onOff) == if onOff = "on" then viewport.flags.showCP := yes else viewport.flags.showCP := no (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,hideControl)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendI(VIEW,viewport.flags.showCP)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge drawStyle (viewport,how) == if (how = "shade") then -- render viewport.flags.style := rendered else if (how = "solid") then -- opaque viewport.flags.style := opaque else if (how = "contour") then -- contour viewport.flags.style := contour else if (how = "smooth") then -- smooth viewport.flags.style := smooth else viewport.flags.style := wireMesh (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,viewport.flags.style)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge reset viewport == (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,SPADBUTTONPRESS)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendI(VIEW,RESET)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge close viewport == (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,closeAll)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge viewport.key := 0$I viewpoint (viewport:%):V == (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,queryVIEWPOINT)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => deltaX_sf : SF := getSF(VIEW)$Lisp deltaY_sf : SF := getSF(VIEW)$Lisp scale_sf : SF := getSF(VIEW)$Lisp scaleX_sf : SF := getSF(VIEW)$Lisp scaleY_sf : SF := getSF(VIEW)$Lisp scaleZ_sf : SF := getSF(VIEW)$Lisp theta_sf : SF := getSF(VIEW)$Lisp phi_sf : SF := getSF(VIEW)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge viewport.viewpoint := [ theta_sf, phi_sf, scale_sf, scaleX_sf, scaleY_sf, scaleZ_sf, deltaX_sf, deltaY_sf ] viewport.viewpoint viewpoint (viewport:%, viewpt:V):Void == viewport.viewpoint := viewpt (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,changeVIEWPOINT)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.deltaX)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.deltaY)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.scale)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.scaleX)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.scaleY)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.scaleZ)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.theta)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.phi)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge viewpoint (viewport:%,Theta:F,Phi:F,Scale:F,DeltaX:F,DeltaY:F):Void == viewport.viewpoint := [convert(Theta)@SF,convert(Phi)@SF,convert(Scale)@SF,1$SF,1$SF,1$SF,convert(DeltaX)@SF,convert(DeltaY)@SF] viewpoint (viewport:%,Theta:I,Phi:I,Scale:F,DeltaX:F,DeltaY:F):Void == viewport.viewpoint := [convert(Theta)@SF * degreesSF,convert(Phi)@SF * degreesSF, convert(Scale)@SF,1$SF,1$SF,1$SF,convert(DeltaX)@SF,convert(DeltaY)@SF] viewpoint (viewport:%,Theta:F,Phi:F):Void == viewport.viewpoint.theta := convert(Theta)@SF * degreesSF viewport.viewpoint.phi := convert(Phi)@SF * degreesSF viewpoint (viewport:%,X:F,Y:F,Z:F):Void == Theta : F Phi : F if (X=0$F) and (Y=0$F) then Theta := 0$F if (Z>=0$F) then Phi := 0$F else Phi := 180.0 else Theta := asin(Y/(R := sqrt(X*X+Y*Y))) if (Z=0$F) then Phi := 90.0 else Phi := atan(Z/R) rotate(viewport, Theta * degrees, Phi * degrees) title (viewport,Title) == viewport.title := Title (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,TITLE)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendSTR(VIEW,Title)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge colorDef (viewport,HueOffset,HueNumber) == viewport.colors := [h := (hue HueOffset),(hue HueNumber) - h] (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,COLORDEF)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendI(VIEW,hue HueOffset)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,hue HueNumber)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge dimensions (viewport,ViewX,ViewY,ViewWidth,ViewHeight) == viewport.moveTo := [ViewX,ViewY] viewport.size := [ViewWidth,ViewHeight] move(viewport,xLoc,yLoc) == viewport.moveTo := [xLoc,yLoc] (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,MOVE)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendI(VIEW,xLoc)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,yLoc)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge resize(viewport,xSize,ySize) == viewport.size := [xSize,ySize] (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,RESIZE)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendI(VIEW,xSize)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,ySize)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge coerce viewport == (key(viewport) = 0$I) => hconcat ["Closed or Undefined ThreeDimensionalViewport: "::E, (viewport.title)::E] hconcat ["ThreeDimensionalViewport: "::E, (viewport.title)::E] key viewport == viewport.key rotate(viewport:%,Theta:I,Phi:I) == rotate(viewport,Theta::F * degrees,Phi::F * degrees) rotate(viewport:%,Theta:F,Phi:F) == viewport.viewpoint.theta := convert(Theta)@SF viewport.viewpoint.phi := convert(Phi)@SF (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,ROTATE)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.theta)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.phi)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge zoom(viewport:%,Scale:F) == viewport.viewpoint.scale := convert(Scale)@SF (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,ZOOM)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.scale)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge zoom(viewport:%,ScaleX:F,ScaleY:F,ScaleZ:F) == viewport.viewpoint.scaleX := convert(ScaleX)@SF viewport.viewpoint.scaleY := convert(ScaleY)@SF viewport.viewpoint.scaleZ := convert(ScaleZ)@SF (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,zoomx)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.scaleX)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.scaleY)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.scaleZ)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge translate(viewport,DeltaX,DeltaY) == viewport.viewpoint.deltaX := convert(DeltaX)@SF viewport.viewpoint.deltaY := convert(DeltaY)@SF (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,TRANSLATE)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.deltaX)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,viewport.viewpoint.deltaY)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge intensity(viewport,Amount) == if (Amount < 0$F) or (Amount > 1$F) then error "The intensity must be a value between 0 and 1, inclusively." viewport.lighting.translucence := convert(Amount)@SF (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,translucenceDef)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendSF(VIEW,viewport.lighting.translucence)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge write(viewport:%,Filename:S,aThingToWrite:S) == write(viewport,Filename,[aThingToWrite]) write(viewport,Filename) == write(viewport,Filename,viewWriteDefault()) write(viewport:%,Filename:S,thingsToWrite:L S) == stringToSend : S := "" (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,writeView)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendSTR(VIEW,Filename)$Lisp m := minIndex(avail := viewWriteAvailable()) for aTypeOfFile in thingsToWrite repeat if (writeTypeInt:= position(upperCase aTypeOfFile,avail)-m) < 0 then sayBrightly([" > "::E,(concat(aTypeOfFile, _ " is not a valid file type for writing a 3D viewport"))::E]$List(E))$Lisp else sendI(VIEW,writeTypeInt+(1$I))$Lisp sendI(VIEW,0$I)$Lisp -- no more types of things to write getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge Filename perspective (viewport,onOff) == if onOff = "on" then viewport.perspective.perspectiveField := yes else viewport.perspective.perspectiveField := no (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,perspectiveOnOff)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendI(VIEW,viewport.perspective.perspectiveField)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge showRegion (viewport,onOff) == if onOff = "on" then viewport.flags.showRegionField := yes else viewport.flags.showRegionField := no (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,region3D)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendI(VIEW,viewport.flags.showRegionField)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge showClipRegion (viewport,onOff) == if onOff = "on" then viewport.volume.clipRegionField := yes else viewport.volume.clipRegionField := no (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,clipRegionOnOff)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendI(VIEW,viewport.volume.clipRegionField)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge clipSurface (viewport,onOff) == if onOff = "on" then viewport.volume.clipSurfaceField := yes else viewport.volume.clipSurfaceField := no (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,clipSurfaceOnOff)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendI(VIEW,viewport.volume.clipSurfaceField)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge eyeDistance(viewport:%,EyeDistance:F) == viewport.perspective.eyeDistance := convert(EyeDistance)@SF (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,eyeDistanceData)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendSF(VIEW,viewport.perspective.eyeDistance)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge hitherPlane(viewport:%,HitherPlane:F) == viewport.perspective.hitherPlane := convert(HitherPlane)@SF (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,hitherPlaneData)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendSF(VIEW,viewport.perspective.hitherPlane)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge modifyPointData(viewport,anIndex,aPoint) == (n := dimension aPoint) < 3 => error "The point should have dimension of at least 3" viewport.space3D := modifyPointData(viewport.space3D,anIndex,aPoint) (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp sendI(VIEW,modifyPOINT)$Lisp checkViewport viewport => sendI(VIEW,anIndex)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,xCoord aPoint)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,yCoord aPoint)$Lisp sendSF(VIEW,zCoord aPoint)$Lisp if (n = 3) then sendSF(VIEW,convert(0.5)@SF)$Lisp else sendSF(VIEW,color aPoint)$Lisp getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge -- print viewport == -- (key(viewport) ~= 0$I) => -- sendI(VIEW,typeVIEW3D)$Lisp -- sendI(VIEW,printViewport)$Lisp -- checkViewport viewport => -- getI(VIEW)$Lisp -- acknowledge @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> -- this is a new graphics package and does not depend on any of the -- current plotting stuff -- so it is best to run it in a minimum system (like spadsys) <<domain VIEW3D ThreeDimensionalViewport>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}