\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra twofact.spad} \author{Patrizia Gianni, James Davenport} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{package NORMRETR NormRetractPackage} <<package NORMRETR NormRetractPackage>>= )abbrev package NORMRETR NormRetractPackage ++ Description: ++ This package \undocumented NormRetractPackage(F, ExtF, SUEx, ExtP, n):C == T where F : FiniteFieldCategory ExtF : FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField(F) SUEx : UnivariatePolynomialCategory ExtF ExtP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory SUEx n : PositiveInteger SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial R ==> SUP F P ==> SUP R C ==> with normFactors : ExtP -> List ExtP ++ normFactors(x) \undocumented retractIfCan : ExtP -> Union(P, "failed") ++ retractIfCan(x) \undocumented Frobenius : ExtP -> ExtP ++ Frobenius(x) \undocumented T ==> add normFactors(p:ExtP):List ExtP == facs : List ExtP := [p] for i in 1..n-1 repeat member?((p := Frobenius p), facs) => return facs facs := cons(p, facs) facs Frobenius(ff:ExtP):ExtP == fft:ExtP:=0 while ff~=0 repeat fft:=fft + monomial(map(Frobenius, leadingCoefficient ff), degree ff) ff:=reductum ff fft retractIfCan(ff:ExtP):Union(P, "failed") == fft:P:=0 while ff ~= 0 repeat lc : SUEx := leadingCoefficient ff plc: SUP F := 0 while lc ~= 0 repeat lclc:ExtF := leadingCoefficient lc (retlc := retractIfCan lclc) case "failed" => return "failed" plc := plc + monomial(retlc::F, degree lc) lc := reductum lc fft:=fft+monomial(plc, degree ff) ff:=reductum ff fft @ \section{package TWOFACT TwoFactorize} <<package TWOFACT TwoFactorize>>= )abbrev package TWOFACT TwoFactorize ++ Authors : P.Gianni, J.H.Davenport ++ Date Created : May 1990 ++ Date Last Updated: March 1992 ++ Description: ++ A basic package for the factorization of bivariate polynomials ++ over a finite field. ++ The functions here represent the base step for the multivariate factorizer. TwoFactorize(F) : C == T where F : FiniteFieldCategory SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial R ==> SUP F P ==> SUP R UPCF2 ==> UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2 C == with generalTwoFactor : (P) -> Factored P ++ generalTwoFactor(p) returns the factorisation of polynomial p, ++ a sparse univariate polynomial (sup) over a ++ sup over F. generalSqFr : (P) -> Factored P ++ generalSqFr(p) returns the square-free factorisation of polynomial p, ++ a sparse univariate polynomial (sup) over a ++ sup over F. twoFactor : (P,Integer) -> Factored P ++ twoFactor(p,n) returns the factorisation of polynomial p, ++ a sparse univariate polynomial (sup) over a ++ sup over F. ++ Also, p is assumed primitive and square-free and n is the ++ degree of the inner variable of p (maximum of the degrees ++ of the coefficients of p). T == add PI ==> PositiveInteger NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger import CommuteUnivariatePolynomialCategory(F,R,P) ---- Local Functions ---- computeDegree : (P,Integer,Integer) -> PI exchangeVars : P -> P exchangeVarTerm: (R, NNI) -> P pthRoot : (R, NNI, NNI) -> R -- compute the degree of the extension to reduce the polynomial to a -- univariate one computeDegree(m : P,mx:Integer,q:Integer): PI == my:=degree m n1:Integer:=length(10*mx*my) n2:Integer:=length(q)-1 n:=(n1 quo n2)+1 n::PI -- n=1 => 1$PositiveInteger -- (nextPrime(max(n,min(mx,my)))$IntegerPrimesPackage(Integer))::PI exchangeVars(p : P) : P == p = 0 => 0 exchangeVarTerm(leadingCoefficient p, degree p) + exchangeVars(reductum p) exchangeVarTerm(c:R, e:NNI) : P == c = 0 => 0 monomial(monomial(leadingCoefficient c, e)$R, degree c)$P + exchangeVarTerm(reductum c, e) pthRoot(poly:R,p:NonNegativeInteger,PthRootPow:NonNegativeInteger):R == tmp:=divideExponents(map((#1::F)**PthRootPow,poly),p) tmp case "failed" => error "consistency error in TwoFactor" tmp fUnion ==> Union("nil", "sqfr", "irred", "prime") FF ==> Record(flg:fUnion, fctr:P, xpnt:Integer) generalSqFr(m:P): Factored P == m = 0 => 0 degree m = 0 => l:=squareFree(leadingCoefficient m) makeFR(unit(l)::P,[[u.flg,u.fctr::P,u.xpnt] for u in factorList l]) cont := content m m := (m exquo cont)::P sqfrm := squareFree m pfaclist : List FF := empty() unitPart := unit sqfrm for u in factorList sqfrm repeat u.flg = "nil" => uexp:NNI:=(u.xpnt):NNI nfacs:=squareFree(exchangeVars u.fctr) for v in factorList nfacs repeat pfaclist:=cons([v.flg, exchangeVars v.fctr, v.xpnt*uexp], pfaclist) unitPart := unit(nfacs)**uexp * unitPart pfaclist := cons(u,pfaclist) cont ~= 1 => sqp := squareFree cont contlist:=[[w.flg,(w.fctr)::P,w.xpnt] for w in factorList sqp] pfaclist:= append(contlist, pfaclist) makeFR(unit(sqp)*unitPart,pfaclist) makeFR(unitPart,pfaclist) generalTwoFactor(m:P): Factored P == m = 0 => 0 degree m = 0 => l:=factor(leadingCoefficient m)$DistinctDegreeFactorize(F,R) makeFR(unit(l)::P,[[u.flg,u.fctr::P,u.xpnt] for u in factorList l]) ll:List FF ll:=[] unitPart:P cont:=content m if degree(cont)>0 then m1:=m exquo cont m1 case "failed" => error "content doesn't divide" m:=m1 contfact:=factor(cont)$DistinctDegreeFactorize(F,R) unitPart:=(unit contfact)::P ll:=[[w.flg,(w.fctr)::P,w.xpnt] for w in factorList contfact] else unitPart:=cont::P sqfrm:=squareFree m for u in factors sqfrm repeat expo:=u.exponent if expo < 0 then error "negative exponent in a factorisation" expon:NonNegativeInteger:=expo::NonNegativeInteger fac:=u.factor degree fac = 1 => ll:=[["irred",fac,expon],:ll] differentiate fac = 0 => -- the polynomial is inseparable w.r.t. its main variable map(differentiate,fac) = 0 => p:=characteristic$F PthRootPow:=(size$F exquo p)::NonNegativeInteger m1:=divideExponents(map(pthRoot(#1,p,PthRootPow),fac),p) m1 case "failed" => error "consistency error in TwoFactor" res:=generalTwoFactor m1 unitPart:=unitPart*unit(res)**((p*expon)::NNI) ll:=[:[[v.flg,v.fctr,expon *p*v.xpnt] for v in factorList res],:ll] m2:=generalTwoFactor swap fac unitPart:=unitPart*unit(m2)**(expon::NNI) ll:=[:[[v.flg,swap v.fctr,expon*v.xpnt] for v in factorList m2],:ll] ydeg:="max"/[degree w for w in coefficients fac] twoF:=twoFactor(fac,ydeg) unitPart:=unitPart*unit(twoF)**expon ll:=[:[[v.flg,v.fctr,expon*v.xpnt] for v in factorList twoF], :ll] makeFR(unitPart,ll) -- factorization of a primitive square-free bivariate polynomial -- twoFactor(m:P,dx:Integer):Factored P == -- choose the degree for the extension n:PI:=computeDegree(m,dx,size()$F) -- extend the field -- find the substitution for x look:Boolean:=true dm:=degree m try:Integer:=min(5,size()$F) i:Integer:=0 lcm := leadingCoefficient m umv : R while look and i < try repeat vval := random()$F i:=i+1 zero? elt(lcm, vval) => "next value" umv := map(elt(#1,vval), m)$UPCF2(R, P, F, R) degree(gcd(umv,differentiate umv))~=0 => "next val" n := 1 look := false extField:=FiniteFieldExtension(F,n) SUEx:=SUP extField TP:=SparseUnivariatePolynomial SUEx mm:TP:=0 m1:=m while m1~=0 repeat mm:=mm+monomial(map(coerce,leadingCoefficient m1)$UPCF2(F,R, extField,SUEx),degree m1) m1:=reductum m1 lcmm := leadingCoefficient mm val : extField umex : SUEx if not look then val := vval :: extField umex := map(coerce, umv)$UPCF2(F, R, extField, SUEx) while look repeat val:=random()$extField i:=i+1 elt(lcmm,val)=0 => "next value" umex := map(elt(#1,val), mm)$UPCF2(SUEx, TP, extField, SUEx) degree(gcd(umex,differentiate umex))~=0 => "next val" look:=false prime:SUEx:=monomial(1,1)-monomial(val,0) fumex:=factor(umex)$DistinctDegreeFactorize(extField,SUEx) lfact1:=factors fumex #lfact1=1 => primeFactor(m,1) lfact : List TP := [map(coerce,lf.factor)$UPCF2(extField,SUEx,SUEx,TP) for lf in lfact1] lfact:=cons(map(coerce,unit fumex)$UPCF2(extField,SUEx,SUEx,TP), lfact) import GeneralHenselPackage(SUEx,TP) dx1:PI:=(dx+1)::PI lfacth:=completeHensel(mm,lfact,prime,dx1) lfactk: List P :=[] Normp := NormRetractPackage(F, extField, SUEx, TP, n) while not empty? lfacth repeat ff := first lfacth lfacth := rest lfacth if (c:=leadingCoefficient leadingCoefficient ff) ~=1 then ff:=((inv c)::SUEx)* ff not ((ffu:= retractIfCan(ff)$Normp) case "failed") => lfactk := cons(ffu::P, lfactk) normfacs := normFactors(ff)$Normp lfacth := [g for g in lfacth | not member?(g, normfacs)] ffn := */normfacs lfactk:=cons(retractIfCan(ffn)$Normp :: P, lfactk) */[primeFactor(ff1,1) for ff1 in lfactk] @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<package NORMRETR NormRetractPackage>> <<package TWOFACT TwoFactorize>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}