\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra triset.spad} \author{Marc Moreno Maza} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{category TSETCAT TriangularSetCategory} <<category TSETCAT TriangularSetCategory>>= import Boolean import NonNegativeInteger import OutputForm import List )abbrev category TSETCAT TriangularSetCategory ++ Author: Marc Moreno Maza (marc@nag.co.uk) ++ Date Created: 04/26/1994 ++ Date Last Updated: 12/15/1998 ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: polynomial, multivariate, ordered variables set ++ Description: ++ The category of triangular sets of multivariate polynomials ++ with coefficients in an integral domain. ++ Let \axiom{R} be an integral domain and \axiom{V} a finite ordered set of ++ variables, say \axiom{X1 < X2 < ... < Xn}. ++ A set \axiom{S} of polynomials in \axiom{R[X1,X2,...,Xn]} is triangular ++ if no elements of \axiom{S} lies in \axiom{R}, and if two distinct ++ elements of \axiom{S} have distinct main variables. ++ Note that the empty set is a triangular set. A triangular set is not ++ necessarily a (lexicographical) Groebner basis and the notion of ++ reduction related to triangular sets is based on the recursive view ++ of polynomials. We recall this notion here and refer to [1] for more details. ++ A polynomial \axiom{P} is reduced w.r.t a non-constant polynomial ++ \axiom{Q} if the degree of \axiom{P} in the main variable of \axiom{Q} ++ is less than the main degree of \axiom{Q}. ++ A polynomial \axiom{P} is reduced w.r.t a triangular set \axiom{T} ++ if it is reduced w.r.t. every polynomial of \axiom{T}. \newline ++ References : ++ [1] P. AUBRY, D. LAZARD and M. MORENO MAZA "On the Theories ++ of Triangular Sets" Journal of Symbol. Comp. (to appear) ++ Version: 4. TriangularSetCategory(R:IntegralDomain,E:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,_ V:OrderedSet,P:RecursivePolynomialCategory(R,E,V)): Category == PolynomialSetCategory(R,E,V,P) with finiteAggregate shallowlyMutable infRittWu? : ($,$) -> Boolean ++ \axiom{infRittWu?(ts1,ts2)} returns true iff \axiom{ts2} has higher rank ++ than \axiom{ts1} in Wu Wen Tsun sense. basicSet : (List P,((P,P)->Boolean)) -> Union(Record(bas:$,top:List P),"failed") ++ \axiom{basicSet(ps,redOp?)} returns \axiom{[bs,ts]} where ++ \axiom{concat(bs,ts)} is \axiom{ps} and \axiom{bs} ++ is a basic set in Wu Wen Tsun sense of \axiom{ps} w.r.t ++ the reduction-test \axiom{redOp?}, if no non-zero constant ++ polynomial lie in \axiom{ps}, otherwise \axiom{"failed"} is returned. basicSet : (List P,(P->Boolean),((P,P)->Boolean)) -> Union(Record(bas:$,top:List P),"failed") ++ \axiom{basicSet(ps,pred?,redOp?)} returns the same as \axiom{basicSet(qs,redOp?)} ++ where \axiom{qs} consists of the polynomials of \axiom{ps} ++ satisfying property \axiom{pred?}. initials : $ -> List P ++ \axiom{initials(ts)} returns the list of the non-constant initials ++ of the members of \axiom{ts}. degree : $ -> NonNegativeInteger ++ \axiom{degree(ts)} returns the product of main degrees of the ++ members of \axiom{ts}. quasiComponent : $ -> Record(close:List P,open:List P) ++ \axiom{quasiComponent(ts)} returns \axiom{[lp,lq]} where \axiom{lp} is the list ++ of the members of \axiom{ts} and \axiom{lq}is \axiom{initials(ts)}. normalized? : (P,$) -> Boolean ++ \axiom{normalized?(p,ts)} returns true iff \axiom{p} and all its iterated initials ++ have degree zero w.r.t. the main variables of the polynomials of \axiom{ts} normalized? : $ -> Boolean ++ \axiom{normalized?(ts)} returns true iff for every axiom{p} in axiom{ts} we have ++ \axiom{normalized?(p,us)} where \axiom{us} is \axiom{collectUnder(ts,mvar(p))}. reduced? : (P,$,((P,P) -> Boolean)) -> Boolean ++ \axiom{reduced?(p,ts,redOp?)} returns true iff \axiom{p} is reduced w.r.t. ++ in the sense of the operation \axiom{redOp?}, that is if for every \axiom{t} in ++ \axiom{ts} \axiom{redOp?(p,t)} holds. stronglyReduced? : (P,$) -> Boolean ++ \axiom{stronglyReduced?(p,ts)} returns true iff \axiom{p} ++ is reduced w.r.t. \axiom{ts}. headReduced? : (P,$) -> Boolean ++ \axiom{headReduced?(p,ts)} returns true iff the head of \axiom{p} is ++ reduced w.r.t. \axiom{ts}. initiallyReduced? : (P,$) -> Boolean ++ \axiom{initiallyReduced?(p,ts)} returns true iff \axiom{p} and all its iterated initials ++ are reduced w.r.t. to the elements of \axiom{ts} with the same main variable. autoReduced? : ($,((P,List(P)) -> Boolean)) -> Boolean ++ \axiom{autoReduced?(ts,redOp?)} returns true iff every element of \axiom{ts} is ++ reduced w.r.t to every other in the sense of \axiom{redOp?} stronglyReduced? : $ -> Boolean ++ \axiom{stronglyReduced?(ts)} returns true iff every element of \axiom{ts} is ++ reduced w.r.t to any other element of \axiom{ts}. headReduced? : $ -> Boolean ++ headReduced?(ts) returns true iff the head of every element of \axiom{ts} is ++ reduced w.r.t to any other element of \axiom{ts}. initiallyReduced? : $ -> Boolean ++ initiallyReduced?(ts) returns true iff for every element \axiom{p} of \axiom{ts} ++ \axiom{p} and all its iterated initials are reduced w.r.t. to the other elements ++ of \axiom{ts} with the same main variable. reduce : (P,$,((P,P) -> P),((P,P) -> Boolean) ) -> P ++ \axiom{reduce(p,ts,redOp,redOp?)} returns a polynomial \axiom{r} such that ++ \axiom{redOp?(r,p)} holds for every \axiom{p} of \axiom{ts} ++ and there exists some product \axiom{h} of the initials of the members ++ of \axiom{ts} such that \axiom{h*p - r} lies in the ideal generated by \axiom{ts}. ++ The operation \axiom{redOp} must satisfy the following conditions. ++ For every \axiom{p} and \axiom{q} we have \axiom{redOp?(redOp(p,q),q)} ++ and there exists an integer \axiom{e} and a polynomial \axiom{f} such that ++ \axiom{init(q)^e*p = f*q + redOp(p,q)}. rewriteSetWithReduction : (List P,$,((P,P) -> P),((P,P) -> Boolean) ) -> List P ++ \axiom{rewriteSetWithReduction(lp,ts,redOp,redOp?)} returns a list \axiom{lq} of ++ polynomials such that \axiom{[reduce(p,ts,redOp,redOp?) for p in lp]} and \axiom{lp} ++ have the same zeros inside the regular zero set of \axiom{ts}. Moreover, for every ++ polynomial \axiom{q} in \axiom{lq} and every polynomial \axiom{t} in \axiom{ts} ++ \axiom{redOp?(q,t)} holds and there exists a polynomial \axiom{p} ++ in the ideal generated by \axiom{lp} and a product \axiom{h} of \axiom{initials(ts)} ++ such that \axiom{h*p - r} lies in the ideal generated by \axiom{ts}. ++ The operation \axiom{redOp} must satisfy the following conditions. ++ For every \axiom{p} and \axiom{q} we have \axiom{redOp?(redOp(p,q),q)} ++ and there exists an integer \axiom{e} and a polynomial \axiom{f} ++ such that \axiom{init(q)^e*p = f*q + redOp(p,q)}. stronglyReduce : (P,$) -> P ++ \axiom{stronglyReduce(p,ts)} returns a polynomial \axiom{r} such that ++ \axiom{stronglyReduced?(r,ts)} holds and there exists some product ++ \axiom{h} of \axiom{initials(ts)} ++ such that \axiom{h*p - r} lies in the ideal generated by \axiom{ts}. headReduce : (P,$) -> P ++ \axiom{headReduce(p,ts)} returns a polynomial \axiom{r} such that \axiom{headReduce?(r,ts)} ++ holds and there exists some product \axiom{h} of \axiom{initials(ts)} ++ such that \axiom{h*p - r} lies in the ideal generated by \axiom{ts}. initiallyReduce : (P,$) -> P ++ \axiom{initiallyReduce(p,ts)} returns a polynomial \axiom{r} ++ such that \axiom{initiallyReduced?(r,ts)} ++ holds and there exists some product \axiom{h} of \axiom{initials(ts)} ++ such that \axiom{h*p - r} lies in the ideal generated by \axiom{ts}. removeZero: (P, $) -> P ++ \axiom{removeZero(p,ts)} returns \axiom{0} if \axiom{p} reduces ++ to \axiom{0} by pseudo-division w.r.t \axiom{ts} otherwise ++ returns a polynomial \axiom{q} computed from \axiom{p} ++ by removing any coefficient in \axiom{p} reducing to \axiom{0}. collectQuasiMonic: $ -> $ ++ \axiom{collectQuasiMonic(ts)} returns the subset of \axiom{ts} ++ consisting of the polynomials with initial in \axiom{R}. reduceByQuasiMonic: (P, $) -> P ++ \axiom{reduceByQuasiMonic(p,ts)} returns the same as ++ \axiom{remainder(p,collectQuasiMonic(ts)).polnum}. zeroSetSplit : List P -> List $ ++ \axiom{zeroSetSplit(lp)} returns a list \axiom{lts} of triangular sets such that ++ the zero set of \axiom{lp} is the union of the closures of the regular zero sets ++ of the members of \axiom{lts}. zeroSetSplitIntoTriangularSystems : List P -> List Record(close:$,open:List P) ++ \axiom{zeroSetSplitIntoTriangularSystems(lp)} returns a list of triangular ++ systems \axiom{[[ts1,qs1],...,[tsn,qsn]]} such that the zero set of \axiom{lp} ++ is the union of the closures of the \axiom{W_i} where \axiom{W_i} consists ++ of the zeros of \axiom{ts} which do not cancel any polynomial in \axiom{qsi}. first : $ -> Union(P,"failed") ++ \axiom{first(ts)} returns the polynomial of \axiom{ts} with greatest main variable ++ if \axiom{ts} is not empty, otherwise returns \axiom{"failed"}. last : $ -> Union(P,"failed") ++ \axiom{last(ts)} returns the polynomial of \axiom{ts} with smallest main variable ++ if \axiom{ts} is not empty, otherwise returns \axiom{"failed"}. rest : $ -> Union($,"failed") ++ \axiom{rest(ts)} returns the polynomials of \axiom{ts} with smaller main variable ++ than \axiom{mvar(ts)} if \axiom{ts} is not empty, otherwise returns "failed" algebraicVariables : $ -> List(V) ++ \axiom{algebraicVariables(ts)} returns the decreasingly sorted list of the main ++ variables of the polynomials of \axiom{ts}. algebraic? : (V,$) -> Boolean ++ \axiom{algebraic?(v,ts)} returns true iff \axiom{v} is the main variable of some ++ polynomial in \axiom{ts}. select : ($,V) -> Union(P,"failed") ++ \axiom{select(ts,v)} returns the polynomial of \axiom{ts} with \axiom{v} as ++ main variable, if any. extendIfCan : ($,P) -> Union($,"failed") ++ \axiom{extendIfCan(ts,p)} returns a triangular set which encodes the simple ++ extension by \axiom{p} of the extension of the base field defined by \axiom{ts}, ++ according to the properties of triangular sets of the current domain. ++ If the required properties do not hold then "failed" is returned. ++ This operation encodes in some sense the properties of the ++ triangular sets of the current category. Is is used to implement ++ the \axiom{construct} operation to guarantee that every triangular ++ set build from a list of polynomials has the required properties. extend : ($,P) -> $ ++ \axiom{extend(ts,p)} returns a triangular set which encodes the simple ++ extension by \axiom{p} of the extension of the base field defined by \axiom{ts}, ++ according to the properties of triangular sets of the current category ++ If the required properties do not hold an error is returned. if V has Finite then coHeight : $ -> NonNegativeInteger ++ \axiom{coHeight(ts)} returns \axiom{size()\$V} minus \axiom{\#ts}. add GPS ==> GeneralPolynomialSet(R,E,V,P) B ==> Boolean RBT ==> Record(bas:$,top:List P) ts:$ = us:$ == empty?(ts)$$ => empty?(us)$$ empty?(us)$$ => false first(ts)::P =$P first(us)::P => rest(ts)::$ =$$ rest(us)::$ false infRittWu?(ts,us) == empty?(us)$$ => not empty?(ts)$$ empty?(ts)$$ => false p : P := (last(ts))::P q : P := (last(us))::P infRittWu?(p,q)$P => true supRittWu?(p,q)$P => false v : V := mvar(p) infRittWu?(collectUpper(ts,v),collectUpper(us,v))$$ reduced?(p,ts,redOp?) == lp : List P := members(ts) while (not empty? lp) and (redOp?(p,first(lp))) repeat lp := rest lp empty? lp basicSet(ps,redOp?) == ps := remove(zero?,ps) any?(ground?,ps) => "failed"::Union(RBT,"failed") ps := sort(infRittWu?,ps) p,b : P bs := empty()$$ ts : List P := [] while not empty? ps repeat b := first(ps) bs := extend(bs,b)$$ ps := rest ps while (not empty? ps) and (not reduced?((p := first(ps)),bs,redOp?)) repeat ts := cons(p,ts) ps := rest ps ([bs,ts]$RBT)::Union(RBT,"failed") basicSet(ps,pred?,redOp?) == ps := remove(zero?,ps) any?(ground?,ps) => "failed"::Union(RBT,"failed") gps : List P := [] bps : List P := [] while not empty? ps repeat p := first ps ps := rest ps if pred?(p) then gps := cons(p,gps) else bps := cons(p,bps) gps := sort(infRittWu?,gps) p,b : P bs := empty()$$ ts : List P := [] while not empty? gps repeat b := first(gps) bs := extend(bs,b)$$ gps := rest gps while (not empty? gps) and (not reduced?((p := first(gps)),bs,redOp?)) repeat ts := cons(p,ts) gps := rest gps ts := sort(infRittWu?,concat(ts,bps)) ([bs,ts]$RBT)::Union(RBT,"failed") initials ts == lip : List P := [] empty? ts => lip lp := members(ts) while not empty? lp repeat p := first(lp) if not ground?((ip := init(p))) then lip := cons(primPartElseUnitCanonical(ip),lip) lp := rest lp removeDuplicates lip degree ts == empty? ts => 0$NonNegativeInteger lp := members ts d : NonNegativeInteger := mdeg(first lp) while not empty? (lp := rest lp) repeat d := d * mdeg(first lp) d quasiComponent ts == [members(ts),initials(ts)] normalized?(p,ts) == normalized?(p,members(ts))$P stronglyReduced? (p,ts) == reduced?(p,members(ts))$P headReduced? (p,ts) == stronglyReduced?(head(p),ts) initiallyReduced? (p,ts) == lp : List (P) := members(ts) red : Boolean := true while (not empty? lp) and (not ground?(p)$P) and red repeat while (not empty? lp) and (mvar(first(lp)) > mvar(p)) repeat lp := rest lp if (not empty? lp) then if (mvar(first(lp)) = mvar(p)) then if reduced?(p,first(lp)) then lp := rest lp p := init(p) else red := false else p := init(p) red reduce(p: P,ts: S,redOp: (P,P)->P,redOp?: (P,P)->Boolean) == (empty? ts) or (ground? p) => p ts0 := ts while (not empty? ts) and (not ground? p) repeat reductor := (first ts)::P ts := (rest ts)::$ if not redOp?(p,reductor) then p := redOp(p,reductor) ts := ts0 p rewriteSetWithReduction(lp,ts,redOp,redOp?) == trivialIdeal? ts => lp lp := remove(zero?,lp) empty? lp => lp any?(ground?,lp) => [1$P] rs : List P := [] while not empty? lp repeat p := first lp lp := rest lp p := primPartElseUnitCanonical reduce(p,ts,redOp,redOp?) if not zero? p then if ground? p then lp := [] rs := [1$P] else rs := cons(p,rs) removeDuplicates rs stronglyReduce(p,ts) == reduce (p,ts,lazyPrem,reduced?) headReduce(p,ts) == reduce (p,ts,headReduce,headReduced?) initiallyReduce(p,ts) == reduce (p,ts,initiallyReduce,initiallyReduced?) removeZero(p,ts) == (ground? p) or (empty? ts) => p v := mvar(p) ts_v_- := collectUnder(ts,v) if algebraic?(v,ts) then q := lazyPrem(p,select(ts,v)::P) zero? q => return q zero? removeZero(q,ts_v_-) => return 0 empty? ts_v_- => p q: P := 0 while positive? degree(p,v) repeat q := removeZero(init(p),ts_v_-) * mainMonomial(p) + q p := tail(p) q + removeZero(p,ts_v_-) reduceByQuasiMonic(p, ts) == (ground? p) or (empty? ts) => p remainder(p,collectQuasiMonic(ts)).polnum autoReduced?(ts : $,redOp? : ((P,List(P)) -> Boolean)) == empty? ts => true lp : List (P) := members(ts) p : P := first(lp) lp := rest lp while (not empty? lp) and redOp?(p,lp) repeat p := first lp lp := rest lp empty? lp stronglyReduced? ts == autoReduced? (ts, reduced?) normalized? ts == autoReduced? (ts,normalized?) headReduced? ts == autoReduced? (ts,headReduced?) initiallyReduced? ts == autoReduced? (ts,initiallyReduced?) mvar ts == empty? ts => error"Error from TSETCAT in mvar : #1 is empty" mvar((first(ts))::P)$P first ts == empty? ts => "failed"::Union(P,"failed") lp : List(P) := sort(supRittWu?,members(ts))$(List P) first(lp)::Union(P,"failed") last ts == empty? ts => "failed"::Union(P,"failed") lp : List(P) := sort(infRittWu?,members(ts))$(List P) first(lp)::Union(P,"failed") rest ts == empty? ts => "failed"::Union($,"failed") lp : List(P) := sort(supRittWu?,members(ts))$(List P) construct(rest(lp))::Union($,"failed") coerce (ts:$) : List(P) == sort(supRittWu?,members(ts))$(List P) algebraicVariables ts == [mvar(p) for p in members(ts)] algebraic? (v,ts) == member?(v,algebraicVariables(ts)) select(ts: %,v: V): Union(P,"failed") == lp : List (P) := sort(supRittWu?,members(ts))$(List P) while (not empty? lp) and (not (v = mvar(first lp))) repeat lp := rest lp empty? lp => "failed"::Union(P,"failed") (first lp)::Union(P,"failed") collectQuasiMonic ts == lp: List(P) := members(ts) newlp: List(P) := [] while (not empty? lp) repeat if ground? init(first(lp)) then newlp := cons(first(lp),newlp) lp := rest lp construct(newlp) collectUnder (ts,v) == lp : List (P) := sort(supRittWu?,members(ts))$(List P) while (not empty? lp) and (not (v > mvar(first lp))) repeat lp := rest lp construct(lp) collectUpper (ts,v) == lp1 : List(P) := sort(supRittWu?,members(ts))$(List P) lp2 : List(P) := [] while (not empty? lp1) and (mvar(first lp1) > v) repeat lp2 := cons(first(lp1),lp2) lp1 := rest lp1 construct(reverse lp2) construct(lp:List(P)) == rif := retractIfCan(lp)@Union($,"failed") not (rif case $) => error"in construct : LP -> $ from TSETCAT : bad arg" rif::$ retractIfCan(lp:List(P)) == empty? lp => (empty()$$)::Union($,"failed") lp := sort(supRittWu?,lp) rif := retractIfCan(rest(lp))@Union($,"failed") not (rif case $) => error"in retractIfCan : LP -> ... from TSETCAT : bad arg" extendIfCan(rif::$,first(lp))@Union($,"failed") extend(ts:$,p:P):$ == eif := extendIfCan(ts,p)@Union($,"failed") not (eif case $) => error"in extend : ($,P) -> $ from TSETCAT : bad ars" eif::$ if V has Finite then coHeight ts == n := size()$V m := #(members ts) subtractIfCan(n,m)$NonNegativeInteger::NonNegativeInteger @ \section{domain GTSET GeneralTriangularSet} <<domain GTSET GeneralTriangularSet>>= )abbrev domain GTSET GeneralTriangularSet ++ Author: Marc Moreno Maza (marc@nag.co.uk) ++ Date Created: 10/06/1995 ++ Date Last Updated: 06/12/1996 ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ Description: ++ A domain constructor of the category \axiomType{TriangularSetCategory}. ++ The only requirement for a list of polynomials to be a member of such ++ a domain is the following: no polynomial is constant and two distinct ++ polynomials have distinct main variables. Such a triangular set may ++ not be auto-reduced or consistent. Triangular sets are stored ++ as sorted lists w.r.t. the main variables of their members but they ++ are displayed in reverse order.\newline ++ References : ++ [1] P. AUBRY, D. LAZARD and M. MORENO MAZA "On the Theories ++ of Triangular Sets" Journal of Symbol. Comp. (to appear) ++ Version: 1 GeneralTriangularSet(R,E,V,P) : Exports == Implementation where R : IntegralDomain E : OrderedAbelianMonoidSup V : OrderedSet P : RecursivePolynomialCategory(R,E,V) N ==> NonNegativeInteger Z ==> Integer B ==> Boolean LP ==> List P PtoP ==> P -> P Exports == TriangularSetCategory(R,E,V,P) Implementation == add Rep == LP copy ts == per(copy(rep(ts))$LP) empty() == per([]) empty?(ts:$) == empty?(rep(ts)) parts ts == rep(ts) members ts == rep(ts) map (f : PtoP, ts : $) : $ == construct(map(f,rep(ts))$LP)$$ map! (f : PtoP, ts : $) : $ == construct(map!(f,rep(ts))$LP)$$ member? (p,ts) == member?(p,rep(ts))$LP unitIdealIfCan() == "failed"::Union($,"failed") roughUnitIdeal? ts == false -- the following assume that rep(ts) is decreasingly sorted -- w.r.t. the main variavles of the polynomials in rep(ts) coerce(ts:$) : OutputForm == lp : List(P) := reverse(rep(ts)) brace([p::OutputForm for p in lp]$List(OutputForm))$OutputForm mvar ts == empty? ts => error"failed in mvar : $ -> V from GTSET" mvar(first(rep(ts)))$P first ts == empty? ts => "failed"::Union(P,"failed") first(rep(ts))::Union(P,"failed") last ts == empty? ts => "failed"::Union(P,"failed") last(rep(ts))::Union(P,"failed") rest ts == empty? ts => "failed"::Union($,"failed") per(rest(rep(ts)))::Union($,"failed") coerce(ts:$) : (List P) == rep(ts) collectUpper (ts,v) == empty? ts => ts lp := rep(ts) newlp : Rep := [] while (not empty? lp) and (mvar(first(lp)) > v) repeat newlp := cons(first(lp),newlp) lp := rest lp per(reverse(newlp)) collectUnder (ts,v) == empty? ts => ts lp := rep(ts) while (not empty? lp) and (mvar(first(lp)) >= v) repeat lp := rest lp per(lp) -- for another domain of TSETCAT build on this domain GTSET -- the following operations must be redefined extendIfCan(ts:$,p:P) == ground? p => "failed"::Union($,"failed") empty? ts => (per([unitCanonical(p)]$LP))::Union($,"failed") not (mvar(ts) < mvar(p)) => "failed"::Union($,"failed") (per(cons(p,rep(ts))))::Union($,"failed") @ \section{package PSETPK PolynomialSetUtilitiesPackage} <<package PSETPK PolynomialSetUtilitiesPackage>>= )abbrev package PSETPK PolynomialSetUtilitiesPackage ++ Author: Marc Moreno Maza (marc@nag.co.uk) ++ Date Created: 12/01/1995 ++ Date Last Updated: 12/15/1998 ++ SPARC Version ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ This package provides modest routines for polynomial system solving. ++ The aim of many of the operations of this package is to remove certain ++ factors in some polynomials in order to avoid unnecessary computations ++ in algorithms involving splitting techniques by partial factorization. ++ Version: 3 PolynomialSetUtilitiesPackage (R,E,V,P) : Exports == Implementation where R : IntegralDomain E : OrderedAbelianMonoidSup V : OrderedSet P : RecursivePolynomialCategory(R,E,V) N ==> NonNegativeInteger Z ==> Integer B ==> Boolean LP ==> List P FP ==> Factored P T ==> GeneralTriangularSet(R,E,V,P) RRZ ==> Record(factor: P,exponent: Integer) RBT ==> Record(bas:T,top:LP) RUL ==> Record(chs:Union(T,"failed"),rfs:LP) GPS ==> GeneralPolynomialSet(R,E,V,P) pf ==> MultivariateFactorize(V, E, R, P) Exports == with removeRedundantFactors: LP -> LP ++ \axiom{removeRedundantFactors(lp)} returns \axiom{lq} such that if ++ \axiom{lp = [p1,...,pn]} and \axiom{lq = [q1,...,qm]} ++ then the product \axiom{p1*p2*...*pn} vanishes iff the product \axiom{q1*q2*...*qm} vanishes, ++ and the product of degrees of the \axiom{qi} is not greater than ++ the one of the \axiom{pj}, and no polynomial in \axiom{lq} ++ divides another polynomial in \axiom{lq}. In particular, ++ polynomials lying in the base ring \axiom{R} are removed. ++ Moreover, \axiom{lq} is sorted w.r.t \axiom{infRittWu?}. ++ Furthermore, if R is gcd-domain, the polynomials in \axiom{lq} are ++ pairwise without common non trivial factor. removeRedundantFactors: (P,P) -> LP ++ \axiom{removeRedundantFactors(p,q)} returns the same as ++ \axiom{removeRedundantFactors([p,q])} removeSquaresIfCan : LP -> LP ++ \axiom{removeSquaresIfCan(lp)} returns ++ \axiom{removeDuplicates [squareFreePart(p)$P for p in lp]} ++ if \axiom{R} is gcd-domain else returns \axiom{lp}. unprotectedRemoveRedundantFactors: (P,P) -> LP ++ \axiom{unprotectedRemoveRedundantFactors(p,q)} returns the same as ++ \axiom{removeRedundantFactors(p,q)} but does assume that neither ++ \axiom{p} nor \axiom{q} lie in the base ring \axiom{R} and assumes that ++ \axiom{infRittWu?(p,q)} holds. Moreover, if \axiom{R} is gcd-domain, ++ then \axiom{p} and \axiom{q} are assumed to be square free. removeRedundantFactors: (LP,P) -> LP ++ \axiom{removeRedundantFactors(lp,q)} returns the same as ++ \axiom{removeRedundantFactors(cons(q,lp))} assuming ++ that \axiom{removeRedundantFactors(lp)} returns \axiom{lp} ++ up to replacing some polynomial \axiom{pj} in \axiom{lp} ++ by some some polynomial \axiom{qj} associated to \axiom{pj}. removeRedundantFactors : (LP,LP) -> LP ++ \axiom{removeRedundantFactors(lp,lq)} returns the same as ++ \axiom{removeRedundantFactors(concat(lp,lq))} assuming ++ that \axiom{removeRedundantFactors(lp)} returns \axiom{lp} ++ up to replacing some polynomial \axiom{pj} in \axiom{lp} ++ by some polynomial \axiom{qj} associated to \axiom{pj}. removeRedundantFactors : (LP,LP,(LP -> LP)) -> LP ++ \axiom{removeRedundantFactors(lp,lq,remOp)} returns the same as ++ \axiom{concat(remOp(removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols(lp,lq)),lq)} ++ assuming that \axiom{remOp(lq)} returns \axiom{lq} up to similarity. certainlySubVariety? : (LP,LP) -> B ++ \axiom{certainlySubVariety?(newlp,lp)} returns true iff for every \axiom{p} ++ in \axiom{lp} the remainder of \axiom{p} by \axiom{newlp} using the division algorithm ++ of Groebner techniques is zero. possiblyNewVariety? : (LP, List LP) -> B ++ \axiom{possiblyNewVariety?(newlp,llp)} returns true iff for every \axiom{lp} ++ in \axiom{llp} certainlySubVariety?(newlp,lp) does not hold. probablyZeroDim?: LP -> B ++ \axiom{probablyZeroDim?(lp)} returns true iff the number of polynomials ++ in \axiom{lp} is not smaller than the number of variables occurring ++ in these polynomials. selectPolynomials : ((P -> B),LP) -> Record(goodPols:LP,badPols:LP) ++ \axiom{selectPolynomials(pred?,ps)} returns \axiom{gps,bps} where ++ \axiom{gps} is a list of the polynomial \axiom{p} in \axiom{ps} ++ such that \axiom{pred?(p)} holds and \axiom{bps} are the other ones. selectOrPolynomials : (List (P -> B),LP) -> Record(goodPols:LP,badPols:LP) ++ \axiom{selectOrPolynomials(lpred?,ps)} returns \axiom{gps,bps} where ++ \axiom{gps} is a list of the polynomial \axiom{p} in \axiom{ps} ++ such that \axiom{pred?(p)} holds for some \axiom{pred?} in \axiom{lpred?} ++ and \axiom{bps} are the other ones. selectAndPolynomials : (List (P -> B),LP) -> Record(goodPols:LP,badPols:LP) ++ \axiom{selectAndPolynomials(lpred?,ps)} returns \axiom{gps,bps} where ++ \axiom{gps} is a list of the polynomial \axiom{p} in \axiom{ps} ++ such that \axiom{pred?(p)} holds for every \axiom{pred?} in \axiom{lpred?} ++ and \axiom{bps} are the other ones. quasiMonicPolynomials : LP -> Record(goodPols:LP,badPols:LP) ++ \axiom{quasiMonicPolynomials(lp)} returns \axiom{qmps,nqmps} where ++ \axiom{qmps} is a list of the quasi-monic polynomials in \axiom{lp} ++ and \axiom{nqmps} are the other ones. univariate? : P -> B ++ \axiom{univariate?(p)} returns true iff \axiom{p} involves one and ++ only one variable. univariatePolynomials : LP -> Record(goodPols:LP,badPols:LP) ++ \axiom{univariatePolynomials(lp)} returns \axiom{ups,nups} where ++ \axiom{ups} is a list of the univariate polynomials, ++ and \axiom{nups} are the other ones. linear? : P -> B ++ \axiom{linear?(p)} returns true iff \axiom{p} does not lie ++ in the base ring \axiom{R} and has main degree \axiom{1}. linearPolynomials : LP -> Record(goodPols:LP,badPols:LP) ++ \axiom{linearPolynomials(lp)} returns \axiom{lps,nlps} where ++ \axiom{lps} is a list of the linear polynomials in lp, ++ and \axiom{nlps} are the other ones. bivariate? : P -> B ++ \axiom{bivariate?(p)} returns true iff \axiom{p} involves two and ++ only two variables. bivariatePolynomials : LP -> Record(goodPols:LP,badPols:LP) ++ \axiom{bivariatePolynomials(lp)} returns \axiom{bps,nbps} where ++ \axiom{bps} is a list of the bivariate polynomials, ++ and \axiom{nbps} are the other ones. removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols : (LP, LP) -> LP ++ \axiom{removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols(lp,lf)} returns ++ \axiom{newlp}where \axiom{newlp} is obtained from \axiom{lp} ++ by removing in every polynomial \axiom{p} of \axiom{lp} ++ any occurence of a polynomial \axiom{f} in \axiom{lf}. ++ This may involve a lot of exact-quotients computations. removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols : (LP, LP,B) -> LP ++ \axiom{removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols(lp,lf,opt)} returns ++ the same as \axiom{removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols(lp,lf)} ++ if \axiom{opt} is \axiom{false} and if the previous operation ++ does not return any non null and constant polynomial, ++ else return \axiom{[1]}. removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPol : (P,LP) -> P ++ \axiom{removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPol(p,lf)} returns the same as ++ removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols([p],lf,true) interReduce: LP -> LP ++ \axiom{interReduce(lp)} returns \axiom{lq} such that \axiom{lp} ++ and \axiom{lq} generate the same ideal and no polynomial ++ in \axiom{lq} is reducuble by the others in the sense ++ of Groebner bases. Since no assumptions are required ++ the result may depend on the ordering the reductions are ++ performed. roughBasicSet: LP -> Union(Record(bas:T,top:LP),"failed") ++ \axiom{roughBasicSet(lp)} returns the smallest (with Ritt-Wu ++ ordering) triangular set contained in \axiom{lp}. crushedSet: LP -> LP ++ \axiom{crushedSet(lp)} returns \axiom{lq} such that \axiom{lp} and ++ and \axiom{lq} generate the same ideal and no rough basic ++ sets reduce (in the sense of Groebner bases) the other ++ polynomials in \axiom{lq}. rewriteSetByReducingWithParticularGenerators : (LP,(P->B),((P,P)->B),((P,P)->P)) -> LP ++ \axiom{rewriteSetByReducingWithParticularGenerators(lp,pred?,redOp?,redOp)} ++ returns \axiom{lq} where \axiom{lq} is computed by the following ++ algorithm. Chose a basic set w.r.t. the reduction-test \axiom{redOp?} ++ among the polynomials satisfying property \axiom{pred?}, ++ if it is empty then leave, else reduce the other polynomials by ++ this basic set w.r.t. the reduction-operation \axiom{redOp}. ++ Repeat while another basic set with smaller rank can be computed. ++ See code. If \axiom{pred?} is \axiom{quasiMonic?} the ideal is unchanged. rewriteIdealWithQuasiMonicGenerators : (LP,((P,P)->B),((P,P)->P)) -> LP ++ \axiom{rewriteIdealWithQuasiMonicGenerators(lp,redOp?,redOp)} returns ++ \axiom{lq} where \axiom{lq} and \axiom{lp} generate ++ the same ideal in \axiom{R^(-1) P} and \axiom{lq} ++ has rank not higher than the one of \axiom{lp}. ++ Moreover, \axiom{lq} is computed by reducing \axiom{lp} ++ w.r.t. some basic set of the ideal generated by ++ the quasi-monic polynomials in \axiom{lp}. if R has GcdDomain then squareFreeFactors : P -> LP ++ \axiom{squareFreeFactors(p)} returns the square-free factors of \axiom{p} ++ over \axiom{R} univariatePolynomialsGcds : LP -> LP ++ \axiom{univariatePolynomialsGcds(lp)} returns \axiom{lg} where ++ \axiom{lg} is a list of the gcds of every pair in \axiom{lp} ++ of univariate polynomials in the same main variable. univariatePolynomialsGcds : (LP,B) -> LP ++ \axiom{univariatePolynomialsGcds(lp,opt)} returns the same as ++ \axiom{univariatePolynomialsGcds(lp)} if \axiom{opt} is ++ \axiom{false} and if the previous operation does not return ++ any non null and constant polynomial, else return \axiom{[1]}. removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInContents : (LP, LP) -> LP ++ \axiom{removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInContents(lp,lf)} returns ++ \axiom{newlp}where \axiom{newlp} is obtained from \axiom{lp} ++ by removing in the content of every polynomial of \axiom{lp} ++ any occurence of a polynomial \axiom{f} in \axiom{lf}. Moreover, ++ squares over \axiom{R} are first removed in the content ++ of every polynomial of \axiom{lp}. removeRedundantFactorsInContents : (LP, LP) -> LP ++ \axiom{removeRedundantFactorsInContents(lp,lf)} returns \axiom{newlp} ++ where \axiom{newlp} is obtained from \axiom{lp} by removing ++ in the content of every polynomial of \axiom{lp} any non trivial ++ factor of any polynomial \axiom{f} in \axiom{lf}. Moreover, ++ squares over \axiom{R} are first removed in the content ++ of every polynomial of \axiom{lp}. removeRedundantFactorsInPols : (LP, LP) -> LP ++ \axiom{removeRedundantFactorsInPols(lp,lf)} returns \axiom{newlp} ++ where \axiom{newlp} is obtained from \axiom{lp} by removing ++ in every polynomial \axiom{p} of \axiom{lp} any non trivial ++ factor of any polynomial \axiom{f} in \axiom{lf}. Moreover, ++ squares over \axiom{R} are first removed in every ++ polynomial \axiom{lp}. if (R has EuclideanDomain) and (R has CharacteristicZero) then irreducibleFactors : LP -> LP ++ \axiom{irreducibleFactors(lp)} returns \axiom{lf} such that if ++ \axiom{lp = [p1,...,pn]} and \axiom{lf = [f1,...,fm]} then ++ \axiom{p1*p2*...*pn=0} means \axiom{f1*f2*...*fm=0}, and the \axiom{fi} ++ are irreducible over \axiom{R} and are pairwise distinct. lazyIrreducibleFactors : LP -> LP ++ \axiom{lazyIrreducibleFactors(lp)} returns \axiom{lf} such that if ++ \axiom{lp = [p1,...,pn]} and \axiom{lf = [f1,...,fm]} then ++ \axiom{p1*p2*...*pn=0} means \axiom{f1*f2*...*fm=0}, and the \axiom{fi} ++ are irreducible over \axiom{R} and are pairwise distinct. ++ The algorithm tries to avoid factorization into irreducible ++ factors as far as possible and makes previously use of gcd ++ techniques over \axiom{R}. removeIrreducibleRedundantFactors : (LP, LP) -> LP ++ \axiom{removeIrreducibleRedundantFactors(lp,lq)} returns the same ++ as \axiom{irreducibleFactors(concat(lp,lq))} assuming ++ that \axiom{irreducibleFactors(lp)} returns \axiom{lp} ++ up to replacing some polynomial \axiom{pj} in \axiom{lp} ++ by some polynomial \axiom{qj} associated to \axiom{pj}. Implementation == add autoRemainder: T -> List(P) removeAssociates (lp:LP):LP == removeDuplicates [primPartElseUnitCanonical(p) for p in lp] selectPolynomials (pred?,ps) == gps : LP := [] bps : LP := [] while not empty? ps repeat p := first ps ps := rest ps if pred?(p) then gps := cons(p,gps) else bps := cons(p,bps) gps := sort(infRittWu?,gps) bps := sort(infRittWu?,bps) [gps,bps] selectOrPolynomials (lpred?,ps) == gps : LP := [] bps : LP := [] while not empty? ps repeat p := first ps ps := rest ps clpred? := lpred? while (not empty? clpred?) and (not (first clpred?)(p)) repeat clpred? := rest clpred? if not empty?(clpred?) then gps := cons(p,gps) else bps := cons(p,bps) gps := sort(infRittWu?,gps) bps := sort(infRittWu?,bps) [gps,bps] selectAndPolynomials (lpred?,ps) == gps : LP := [] bps : LP := [] while not empty? ps repeat p := first ps ps := rest ps clpred? := lpred? while (not empty? clpred?) and ((first clpred?)(p)) repeat clpred? := rest clpred? if empty?(clpred?) then gps := cons(p,gps) else bps := cons(p,bps) gps := sort(infRittWu?,gps) bps := sort(infRittWu?,bps) [gps,bps] linear? p == ground? p => false -- one?(mdeg(p)) (mdeg(p) = 1) linearPolynomials ps == selectPolynomials(linear?,ps) univariate? p == ground? p => false not(ground?(init(p))) => false tp := tail(p) ground?(tp) => true not (mvar(p) = mvar(tp)) => false univariate?(tp) univariatePolynomials ps == selectPolynomials(univariate?,ps) bivariate? p == ground? p => false ground? tail(p) => univariate?(init(p)) vp := mvar(p) vtp := mvar(tail(p)) ((ground? init(p)) and (vp = vtp)) => bivariate? tail(p) ((ground? init(p)) and (vp > vtp)) => univariate? tail(p) not univariate?(init(p)) => false vip := mvar(init(p)) vip > vtp => false vip = vtp => univariate? tail(p) vtp < vp => false zero? degree(tail(p),vip) => univariate? tail(p) bivariate? tail(p) bivariatePolynomials ps == selectPolynomials(bivariate?,ps) quasiMonicPolynomials ps == selectPolynomials(quasiMonic?,ps) removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols (lp,lf,opt) == empty? lp => lp newlp : LP := [] stop : B := false lp := remove(zero?,lp) lf := sort(infRittWu?,lf) test : Union(P,"failed") while (not empty? lp) and (not stop) repeat p := first lp lp := rest lp copylf := lf while (not empty? copylf) and (not ground? p) and (not (mvar(p) < mvar(first copylf))) repeat f := first copylf copylf := rest copylf while (((test := p exquo$P f)) case P) repeat p := test::P stop := opt and ground?(p) newlp := cons(unitCanonical(p),newlp) stop => [1$P] newlp removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPol(p,lf) == zero? p => p lp : LP := [p] first removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols (lp,lf,true()$B) removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols (lp,lf) == removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols (lp,lf,false()$B) possiblyNewVariety?(newlp,llp) == while (not empty? llp) and _ (not certainlySubVariety?(newlp,first(llp))) repeat llp := rest llp empty? llp certainlySubVariety?(lp,lq) == gs := construct(lp)$GPS while (not empty? lq) and _ (zero? (remainder(first(lq),gs)$GPS).polnum) repeat lq := rest lq empty? lq probablyZeroDim?(lp: List P) : Boolean == m := #lp lv : List V := variables(first lp) while not empty? (lp := rest lp) repeat lv := concat(variables(first lp),lv) n := #(removeDuplicates lv) not (n > m) interReduce(lp: LP): LP == ps := lp rs: List(P) := [] repeat empty? ps => return rs ps := sort(supRittWu?, ps) p := first ps ps := rest ps r := remainder(p,[ps]$GPS).polnum zero? r => "leave" ground? r => return [] associates?(r,p) => rs := cons(r,rs) ps := concat(ps,cons(r,rs)) rs := [] roughRed?(p:P,q:P):B == ground? p => false ground? q => true mvar(p) > mvar(q) roughBasicSet(lp) == basicSet(lp,roughRed?)$T autoRemainder(ts:T): List(P) == empty? ts => members(ts) lp := sort(infRittWu?, reverse members(ts)) newlp : List(P) := [primPartElseUnitCanonical first(lp)] lp := rest(lp) while not empty? lp repeat p := (remainder(first(lp),construct(newlp)$GPS)$GPS).polnum if not zero? p then if ground? p then newlp := [1$P] lp := [] else newlp := cons(p,newlp) lp := rest(lp) else lp := rest(lp) newlp crushedSet(lp) == rec := roughBasicSet(lp) contradiction := (rec case "failed")@B finished : B := false rs: LP while (not finished) and (not contradiction) repeat bs := (rec::RBT).bas rs := (rec::RBT).top rs := rewriteIdealWithRemainder(rs,bs)$T -- contradiction := ((not empty? rs) and (one? first(rs))) contradiction := ((not empty? rs) and (first(rs) = 1)) if not contradiction then rs := concat(rs,autoRemainder(bs)) rec := roughBasicSet(rs) contradiction := (rec case "failed")@B not contradiction => finished := not infRittWu?((rec::RBT).bas,bs) contradiction => [1$P] rs rewriteSetByReducingWithParticularGenerators (ps,pred?,redOp?,redOp) == rs : LP := remove(zero?,ps) any?(ground?,rs) => [1$P] contradiction : B := false bs1 : T := empty()$T rec : Union(RBT,"failed") ar : Union(T,List(P)) stop : B := false while (not contradiction) and (not stop) repeat rec := basicSet(rs,pred?,redOp?)$T bs2 : T := (rec::RBT).bas rs := (rec::RBT).top -- ar := autoReduce(bs2,lazyPrem,reduced?)@Union(T,List(P)) ar := bs2::Union(T,List(P)) if (ar case T)@B then bs2 := ar::T if infRittWu?(bs2,bs1) then rs := rewriteSetWithReduction(rs,bs2,redOp,redOp?)$T bs1 := bs2 else stop := true rs := concat(members(bs2),rs) else rs := concat(ar::LP,rs) if any?(ground?,rs) then contradiction := true rs := [1$P] rs removeRedundantFactors (lp:LP,lq :LP, remOp : (LP -> LP)) == -- ASSUME remOp(lp) returns lp up to similarity lq := removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols(lq,lp,false) lq := remOp lq sort(infRittWu?,concat(lp,lq)) removeRedundantFactors (lp:LP,lq :LP) == lq := removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols(lq,lp,false) lq := removeRedundantFactors lq sort(infRittWu?,concat(lp,lq)) if (R has EuclideanDomain) and (R has CharacteristicZero) then irreducibleFactors lp == newlp : LP := [] lrrz : List RRZ rrz : RRZ fp : FP while not empty? lp repeat p := first lp lp := rest lp fp := factor(p)$pf lrrz := factors(fp)$FP lf := remove(ground?,[rrz.factor for rrz in lrrz]) newlp := concat(lf,newlp) removeDuplicates newlp lazyIrreducibleFactors lp == lp := removeRedundantFactors(lp) newlp : LP := [] lrrz : List RRZ rrz : RRZ fp : FP while not empty? lp repeat p := first lp lp := rest lp fp := factor(p)$pf lrrz := factors(fp)$FP lf := remove(ground?,[rrz.factor for rrz in lrrz]) newlp := concat(lf,newlp) newlp removeIrreducibleRedundantFactors (lp:LP,lq :LP) == -- ASSUME lp only contains irreducible factors over R lq := removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInPols(lq,lp,false) lq := irreducibleFactors lq sort(infRittWu?,concat(lp,lq)) if R has GcdDomain then squareFreeFactors(p:P) == sfp: Factored P := squareFree(p)$P lsf: List P := [foo.factor for foo in factors(sfp)] lsf univariatePolynomialsGcds (ps,opt) == lg : LP := [] pInV : LP stop : B := false ps := sort(infRittWu?,ps) p,g : P v : V while (not empty? ps) and (not stop) repeat while (not empty? ps) and (not univariate?((p := first(ps)))) repeat ps := rest ps if not empty? ps then v := mvar(p)$P pInV := [p] while (not empty? ps) and (mvar((p := first(ps))) = v) repeat if (univariate?(p)) then pInV := cons(p,pInV) ps := rest ps g := gcd(pInV)$P stop := opt and (ground? g) lg := cons(g,lg) stop => [1$P] lg univariatePolynomialsGcds ps == univariatePolynomialsGcds (ps,false) removeSquaresIfCan lp == empty? lp => lp removeDuplicates [squareFreePart(p)$P for p in lp] rewriteIdealWithQuasiMonicGenerators (ps,redOp?,redOp) == ups := removeSquaresIfCan(univariatePolynomialsGcds(ps,true)) ps := removeDuplicates concat(ups,ps) rewriteSetByReducingWithParticularGenerators(ps,quasiMonic?,redOp?,redOp) removeRoughlyRedundantFactorsInContents (ps,lf) == empty? ps => ps newps : LP := [] p,newp,cp,newcp,f,g : P test : Union(P,"failed") copylf : LP while not empty? ps repeat p := first ps ps := rest ps cp := mainContent(p)$P newcp := squareFreePart(cp)$P newp := (p exquo$P cp)::P if not ground? newcp then copylf := [f for f in lf | mvar(f) <= mvar(newcp)] while (not empty? copylf) and (not ground? newcp) repeat f := first copylf copylf := rest copylf test := (newcp exquo$P f) if (test case P)@B then newcp := test::P if ground? newcp then newp := unitCanonical(newp) else newp := unitCanonical(newp * newcp) newps := cons(newp,newps) newps removeRedundantFactorsInContents (ps,lf) == empty? ps => ps newps : LP := [] p,newp,cp,newcp,f,g : P while not empty? ps repeat p := first ps ps := rest ps cp := mainContent(p)$P newcp := squareFreePart(cp)$P newp := (p exquo$P cp)::P if not ground? newcp then copylf := lf while (not empty? copylf) and (not ground? newcp) repeat f := first copylf copylf := rest copylf g := gcd(newcp,f)$P if not ground? g then newcp := (newcp exquo$P g)::P if ground? newcp then newp := unitCanonical(newp) else newp := unitCanonical(newp * newcp) newps := cons(newp,newps) newps removeRedundantFactorsInPols (ps,lf) == empty? ps => ps newps : LP := [] p,newp,cp,newcp,f,g : P while not empty? ps repeat p := first ps ps := rest ps cp := mainContent(p)$P newcp := squareFreePart(cp)$P newp := (p exquo$P cp)::P newp := squareFreePart(newp)$P copylf := lf while not empty? copylf repeat f := first copylf copylf := rest copylf if not ground? newcp then g := gcd(newcp,f)$P if not ground? g then newcp := (newcp exquo$P g)::P if not ground? newp then g := gcd(newp,f)$P if not ground? g then newp := (newp exquo$P g)::P if ground? newcp then newp := unitCanonical(newp) else newp := unitCanonical(newp * newcp) newps := cons(newp,newps) newps removeRedundantFactors (a:P,b:P) : LP == a := primPartElseUnitCanonical(squareFreePart(a)) b := primPartElseUnitCanonical(squareFreePart(b)) if not infRittWu?(a,b) then (a,b) := (b,a) if ground? a then if ground? b then return([]) else return([b]) else if ground? b then return([a]) else return(unprotectedRemoveRedundantFactors(a,b)) unprotectedRemoveRedundantFactors (a,b) == c := b exquo$P a if (c case P)@B then d : P := c::P if ground? d then return([a]) else return([a,d]) else g : P := gcd(a,b)$P if ground? g then return([a,b]) else return([g,(a exquo$P g)::P,(b exquo$P g)::P]) else removeSquaresIfCan lp == lp rewriteIdealWithQuasiMonicGenerators (ps,redOp?,redOp) == rewriteSetByReducingWithParticularGenerators(ps,quasiMonic?,redOp?,redOp) removeRedundantFactors (a:P,b:P) == a := primPartElseUnitCanonical(a) b := primPartElseUnitCanonical(b) if not infRittWu?(a,b) then (a,b) := (b,a) if ground? a then if ground? b then return([]) else return([b]) else if ground? b then return([a]) else return(unprotectedRemoveRedundantFactors(a,b)) unprotectedRemoveRedundantFactors (a,b) == c := b exquo$P a if (c case P)@B then d : P := c::P if ground? d then return([a]) else if infRittWu?(d,a) then (a,d) := (d,a) return(unprotectedRemoveRedundantFactors(a,d)) else return([a,b]) removeRedundantFactors (lp:LP) == lp := remove(ground?, lp) lp := removeDuplicates [primPartElseUnitCanonical(p) for p in lp] lp := removeSquaresIfCan lp lp := removeDuplicates [unitCanonical(p) for p in lp] empty? lp => lp size?(lp,1$N)$(List P) => lp lp := sort(infRittWu?,lp) p : P := first lp lp := rest lp base : LP := unprotectedRemoveRedundantFactors(p,first lp) top : LP := rest lp while not empty? top repeat p := first top base := removeRedundantFactors(base,p) top := rest top base removeRedundantFactors (lp:LP,a:P) == lp := remove(ground?, lp) lp := sort(infRittWu?, lp) ground? a => lp empty? lp => [a] toSee : LP := lp toSave : LP := [] while not empty? toSee repeat b := first toSee toSee := rest toSee if not infRittWu?(b,a) then (c,d) := (a,b) else (c,d) := (b,a) rrf := unprotectedRemoveRedundantFactors(c,d) empty? rrf => error"in removeRedundantFactors : (LP,P) -> LP from PSETPK" c := first rrf rrf := rest rrf if empty? rrf then if associates?(c,b) then toSave := concat(toSave,toSee) a := b toSee := [] else a := c toSee := concat(toSave,toSee) toSave := [] else d := first rrf rrf := rest rrf if empty? rrf then if associates?(c,b) then toSave := concat(toSave,[b]) a := d else if associates?(d,b) then toSave := concat(toSave,[b]) a := c else toSave := removeRedundantFactors(toSave,c) a := d else e := first rrf not empty? rest(rrf) => error"in removeRedundantFactors:(LP,P)->LP from PSETPK" -- ASSUME that neither c, nor d, nor e may be associated to b toSave := removeRedundantFactors(toSave,c) toSave := removeRedundantFactors(toSave,d) a := e if empty? toSee then toSave := sort(infRittWu?,cons(a,toSave)) toSave @ \section{domain WUTSET WuWenTsunTriangularSet} <<domain WUTSET WuWenTsunTriangularSet>>= )abbrev domain WUTSET WuWenTsunTriangularSet ++ Author: Marc Moreno Maza (marc@nag.co.uk) ++ Date Created: 11/18/1995 ++ Date Last Updated: 12/15/1998 ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ Description: A domain constructor of the category \axiomType{GeneralTriangularSet}. ++ The only requirement for a list of polynomials to be a member of such ++ a domain is the following: no polynomial is constant and two distinct ++ polynomials have distinct main variables. Such a triangular set may ++ not be auto-reduced or consistent. The \axiomOpFrom{construct}{WuWenTsunTriangularSet} operation ++ does not check the previous requirement. Triangular sets are stored ++ as sorted lists w.r.t. the main variables of their members. ++ Furthermore, this domain exports operations dealing with the ++ characteristic set method of Wu Wen Tsun and some optimizations ++ mainly proposed by Dong Ming Wang.\newline ++ References : ++ [1] W. T. WU "A Zero Structure Theorem for polynomial equations solving" ++ MM Research Preprints, 1987. ++ [2] D. M. WANG "An implementation of the characteristic set method in Maple" ++ Proc. DISCO'92. Bath, England. ++ Version: 3 WuWenTsunTriangularSet(R,E,V,P) : Exports == Implementation where R : IntegralDomain E : OrderedAbelianMonoidSup V : OrderedSet P : RecursivePolynomialCategory(R,E,V) N ==> NonNegativeInteger Z ==> Integer B ==> Boolean LP ==> List P A ==> FiniteEdge P H ==> FiniteSimpleHypergraph P GPS ==> GeneralPolynomialSet(R,E,V,P) RBT ==> Record(bas:$,top:LP) RUL ==> Record(chs:Union($,"failed"),rfs:LP) pa ==> PolynomialSetUtilitiesPackage(R,E,V,P) NLpT ==> SplittingNode(LP,$) ALpT ==> SplittingTree(LP,$) O ==> OutputForm OP ==> OutputPackage Exports == TriangularSetCategory(R,E,V,P) with medialSet : (LP,((P,P)->B),((P,P)->P)) -> Union($,"failed") ++ \axiom{medialSet(ps,redOp?,redOp)} returns \axiom{bs} a basic set ++ (in Wu Wen Tsun sense w.r.t the reduction-test \axiom{redOp?}) ++ of some set generating the same ideal as \axiom{ps} (with ++ rank not higher than any basic set of \axiom{ps}), if no non-zero ++ constant polynomials appear during the computatioms, else ++ \axiom{"failed"} is returned. In the former case, \axiom{bs} has to be ++ understood as a candidate for being a characteristic set of \axiom{ps}. ++ In the original algorithm, \axiom{bs} is simply a basic set of \axiom{ps}. medialSet: LP -> Union($,"failed") ++ \axiom{medial(ps)} returns the same as ++ \axiom{medialSet(ps,initiallyReduced?,initiallyReduce)}. characteristicSet : (LP,((P,P)->B),((P,P)->P)) -> Union($,"failed") ++ \axiom{characteristicSet(ps,redOp?,redOp)} returns a non-contradictory ++ characteristic set of \axiom{ps} in Wu Wen Tsun sense w.r.t the ++ reduction-test \axiom{redOp?} (using \axiom{redOp} to reduce ++ polynomials w.r.t a \axiom{redOp?} basic set), if no ++ non-zero constant polynomial appear during those reductions, ++ else \axiom{"failed"} is returned. ++ The operations \axiom{redOp} and \axiom{redOp?} must satisfy ++ the following conditions: \axiom{redOp?(redOp(p,q),q)} holds ++ for every polynomials \axiom{p,q} and there exists an integer ++ \axiom{e} and a polynomial \axiom{f} such that we have ++ \axiom{init(q)^e*p = f*q + redOp(p,q)}. characteristicSet: LP -> Union($,"failed") ++ \axiom{characteristicSet(ps)} returns the same as ++ \axiom{characteristicSet(ps,initiallyReduced?,initiallyReduce)}. characteristicSerie : (LP,((P,P)->B),((P,P)->P)) -> List $ ++ \axiom{characteristicSerie(ps,redOp?,redOp)} returns a list \axiom{lts} ++ of triangular sets such that the zero set of \axiom{ps} is the ++ union of the regular zero sets of the members of \axiom{lts}. ++ This is made by the Ritt and Wu Wen Tsun process applying ++ the operation \axiom{characteristicSet(ps,redOp?,redOp)} ++ to compute characteristic sets in Wu Wen Tsun sense. characteristicSerie: LP -> List $ ++ \axiom{characteristicSerie(ps)} returns the same as ++ \axiom{characteristicSerie(ps,initiallyReduced?,initiallyReduce)}. Implementation == GeneralTriangularSet(R,E,V,P) add removeSquares: $ -> Union($,"failed") Rep == LP removeAssociates (lp:LP):LP == removeDuplicates [primPartElseUnitCanonical(p) for p in lp] medialSetWithTrace (ps:LP,redOp?:((P,P)->B),redOp:((P,P)->P)):Union(RBT,"failed") == qs := rewriteIdealWithQuasiMonicGenerators(ps,redOp?,redOp)$pa contradiction : B := any?(ground?,ps) contradiction => "failed"::Union(RBT,"failed") rs : LP := qs bs : $ while (not empty? rs) and (not contradiction) repeat rec := basicSet(rs,redOp?) contradiction := (rec case "failed")@B if not contradiction then bs := (rec::RBT).bas rs := (rec::RBT).top rs := rewriteIdealWithRemainder(rs,bs) -- contradiction := ((not empty? rs) and (one? first(rs))) contradiction := ((not empty? rs) and (first(rs) = 1)) if (not empty? rs) and (not contradiction) then rs := rewriteSetWithReduction(rs,bs,redOp,redOp?) -- contradiction := ((not empty? rs) and (one? first(rs))) contradiction := ((not empty? rs) and (first(rs) = 1)) if (not empty? rs) and (not contradiction) then rs := removeDuplicates concat(rs,members(bs)) rs := rewriteIdealWithQuasiMonicGenerators(rs,redOp?,redOp)$pa -- contradiction := ((not empty? rs) and (one? first(rs))) contradiction := ((not empty? rs) and (first(rs) = 1)) contradiction => "failed"::Union(RBT,"failed") ([bs,qs]$RBT)::Union(RBT,"failed") medialSet(ps:LP,redOp?:((P,P)->B),redOp:((P,P)->P)) == foo: Union(RBT,"failed") := medialSetWithTrace(ps,redOp?,redOp) (foo case "failed") => "failed" :: Union($,"failed") ((foo::RBT).bas) :: Union($,"failed") medialSet(ps:LP) == medialSet(ps,initiallyReduced?,initiallyReduce) characteristicSetUsingTrace(ps:LP,redOp?:((P,P)->B),redOp:((P,P)->P)):Union($,"failed") == ps := removeAssociates ps ps := remove(zero?,ps) contradiction : B := any?(ground?,ps) contradiction => "failed"::Union($,"failed") rs : LP := ps qs : LP := ps ms : $ while (not empty? rs) and (not contradiction) repeat rec := medialSetWithTrace (qs,redOp?,redOp) contradiction := (rec case "failed")@B if not contradiction then ms := (rec::RBT).bas qs := (rec::RBT).top qs := rewriteIdealWithRemainder(qs,ms) -- contradiction := ((not empty? qs) and (one? first(qs))) contradiction := ((not empty? qs) and (first(qs) = 1)) if not contradiction then rs := rewriteSetWithReduction(qs,ms,lazyPrem,reduced?) -- contradiction := ((not empty? rs) and (one? first(rs))) contradiction := ((not empty? rs) and (first(rs) = 1)) if (not contradiction) and (not empty? rs) then qs := removeDuplicates(concat(rs,concat(members(ms),qs))) contradiction => "failed"::Union($,"failed") ms::Union($,"failed") characteristicSet(ps:LP,redOp?:((P,P)->B),redOp:((P,P)->P)) == characteristicSetUsingTrace(ps,redOp?,redOp) characteristicSet(ps:LP) == characteristicSet(ps,initiallyReduced?,initiallyReduce) characteristicSerie(ps:LP,redOp?:((P,P)->B),redOp:((P,P)->P)) == a := [[ps,empty()$$]$NLpT]$ALpT while ((esl := extractSplittingLeaf(a)) case ALpT) repeat ps := value(value(esl::ALpT)$ALpT)$NLpT charSet? := characteristicSetUsingTrace(ps,redOp?,redOp) if not (charSet? case $) then setvalue!(esl::ALpT,[nil()$LP,empty()$$,true]$NLpT) updateStatus!(a) else cs := (charSet?)::$ lics := initials(cs) lics := removeRedundantFactors(lics)$pa lics := sort(infRittWu?,lics) if empty? lics then setvalue!(esl::ALpT,[ps,cs,true]$NLpT) updateStatus!(a) else ln : List NLpT := [[nil()$LP,cs,true]$NLpT] while not empty? lics repeat newps := cons(first(lics),concat(cs::LP,ps)) lics := rest lics newps := removeDuplicates newps newps := sort(infRittWu?,newps) ln := cons([newps,empty()$$,false]$NLpT,ln) splitNodeOf!(esl::ALpT,a,ln) remove(empty()$$,conditions(a)) characteristicSerie(ps:LP) == characteristicSerie (ps,initiallyReduced?,initiallyReduce) if R has GcdDomain then removeSquares (ts:$):Union($,"failed") == empty?(ts)$$ => ts::Union($,"failed") p := (first ts)::P rsts : Union($,"failed") rsts := removeSquares((rest ts)::$) not(rsts case $) => "failed"::Union($,"failed") newts := rsts::$ empty? newts => p := squareFreePart(p) (per([primitivePart(p)]$LP))::Union($,"failed") zero? initiallyReduce(init(p),newts) => "failed"::Union($,"failed") p := primitivePart(removeZero(p,newts)) ground? p => "failed"::Union($,"failed") not (mvar(newts) < mvar(p)) => "failed"::Union($,"failed") p := squareFreePart(p) (per(cons(unitCanonical(p),rep(newts))))::Union($,"failed") zeroSetSplit lp == lts : List $ := characteristicSerie(lp,initiallyReduced?,initiallyReduce) lts := removeDuplicates(lts)$(List $) newlts : List $ := [] while not empty? lts repeat ts := first lts lts := rest lts iic := removeSquares(ts) if iic case $ then newlts := cons(iic::$,newlts) newlts := removeDuplicates(newlts)$(List $) sort(infRittWu?, newlts) else zeroSetSplit lp == lts : List $ := characteristicSerie(lp,initiallyReduced?,initiallyReduce) sort(infRittWu?, removeDuplicates lts) @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<category TSETCAT TriangularSetCategory>> <<domain GTSET GeneralTriangularSet>> <<package PSETPK PolynomialSetUtilitiesPackage>> <<domain WUTSET WuWenTsunTriangularSet>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}