\documentclass{article} \usepackage{open-axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra tools.spad} \author{Brian Dupee} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{package ESTOOLS ExpertSystemToolsPackage} <<package ESTOOLS ExpertSystemToolsPackage>>= )abbrev package ESTOOLS ExpertSystemToolsPackage ++ Author: Brian Dupee ++ Date Created: May 1994 ++ Date Last Updated: July 1996 ++ Basic Operations: ++ Description: ++ \axiom{ExpertSystemToolsPackage} contains some useful functions for use ++ by the computational agents of numerical solvers. ExpertSystemToolsPackage():E == I where LEDF ==> List Expression DoubleFloat KEDF ==> Kernel Expression DoubleFloat LKEDF ==> List Kernel Expression DoubleFloat VEDF ==> Vector Expression DoubleFloat VEF ==> Vector Expression Float VMF ==> Vector MachineFloat EF2 ==> ExpressionFunctions2 EFI ==> Expression Fraction Integer MDF ==> Matrix DoubleFloat LDF ==> List DoubleFloat PDF ==> Polynomial DoubleFloat EDF ==> Expression DoubleFloat EF ==> Expression Float SDF ==> Stream DoubleFloat DF ==> DoubleFloat F ==> Float MF ==> MachineFloat INT ==> Integer NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger LS ==> List Symbol ST ==> String LST ==> List String SS ==> Stream String FI ==> Fraction Integer R ==> Ring OR ==> OrderedRing ON ==> Record(additions:INT,multiplications:INT,exponentiations:INT,functionCalls:INT) RVE ==> Record(val:EDF,exponent:INT) BO ==> BasicOperator OCF ==> OrderedCompletion Float OCDF ==> OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat SOCF ==> Segment OrderedCompletion Float SOCDF ==> Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat Measure ==> Record(measure:F, name:String, explanations:List String) Measure2 ==> Record(measure:F, name:String, explanations:List String, extra:Result) CTYPE ==> Union(continuous: "Continuous at the end points", lowerSingular: "There is a singularity at the lower end point", upperSingular: "There is a singularity at the upper end point", bothSingular: "There are singularities at both end points", notEvaluated: "End point continuity not yet evaluated") RTYPE ==> Union(finite: "The range is finite", lowerInfinite: "The bottom of range is infinite", upperInfinite: "The top of range is infinite", bothInfinite: "Both top and bottom points are infinite", notEvaluated: "Range not yet evaluated") STYPE ==> Union(str:SDF, notEvaluated:"Internal singularities not yet evaluated") ATT ==> Record(endPointContinuity:CTYPE,singularitiesStream:STYPE,range:RTYPE) IFV ==> Record(stiffness:F,stability:F,expense:F,accuracy:F,intermediateResults:F) E ==> with f2df:F -> DF ++ f2df(f) is a function to convert a \axiomType{Float} to a ++ \axiomType{DoubleFloat} ef2edf:EF -> EDF ++ ef2edf(f) is a function to convert an \axiomType{Expression Float} ++ to an \axiomType{Expression DoubleFloat} ocf2ocdf: OCF -> OCDF ++ ocf2ocdf(a) is a function to convert an \axiomType{OrderedCompletion ++ Float} to an \axiomType{OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat} socf2socdf: SOCF -> SOCDF ++ socf2socdf(a) is a function to convert a \axiomType{Segment OrderedCompletion Float} ++ to a \axiomType{Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat} convert: List SOCF -> List SOCDF ++ convert(l) is a function to convert a \axiomType{Segment OrderedCompletion Float} ++ to a \axiomType{Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat} df2fi :DF -> FI ++ df2fi(n) is a function to convert a \axiomType{DoubleFloat} to a ++ \axiomType{Fraction Integer} edf2fi :EDF -> FI ++ edf2fi(n) maps \axiomType{Expression DoubleFloat} to ++ \axiomType{Fraction Integer} ++ It is an error if n is not coercible to Fraction Integer edf2df :EDF -> DF ++ edf2df(n) maps \axiomType{Expression DoubleFloat} to ++ \axiomType{DoubleFloat} ++ It is an error if \spad{n} is not coercible to DoubleFloat isQuotient:EDF -> Union(EDF,"failed") ++ isQuotient(expr) returns the quotient part of the input ++ expression or \spad{"failed"} if the expression is not of that form. expenseOfEvaluation:VEDF -> F ++ expenseOfEvaluation(o) gives an approximation of the cost of ++ evaluating a list of expressions in terms of the number of basic ++ operations. ++ < 0.3 inexpensive ; 0.5 neutral ; > 0.7 very expensive ++ 400 `operation units' -> 0.75 ++ 200 `operation units' -> 0.5 ++ 83 `operation units' -> 0.25 ++ ** = 4 units , function calls = 10 units. numberOfOperations:VEDF -> ON ++ numberOfOperations(ode) counts additions, multiplications, ++ exponentiations and function calls in the input set of expressions. edf2efi:EDF -> EFI ++ edf2efi(e) coerces \axiomType{Expression DoubleFloat} into ++ \axiomType{Expression Fraction Integer} dfRange:SOCDF -> SOCDF ++ dfRange(r) converts a range including ++ \inputbitmap{\htbmdir{}/plusminus.bitmap} \infty ++ to \axiomType{DoubleFloat} equavalents. dflist:List(Record(left:FI,right:FI)) -> LDF ++ dflist(l) returns a list of \axiomType{DoubleFloat} equivalents of list l df2mf:DF -> MF ++ df2mf(n) coerces a \axiomType{DoubleFloat} to \axiomType{MachineFloat} ldf2vmf:LDF -> VMF ++ ldf2vmf(l) coerces a \axiomType{List DoubleFloat} to ++ \axiomType{List MachineFloat} edf2ef:EDF -> EF ++ edf2ef(e) maps \axiomType{Expression DoubleFloat} to ++ \axiomType{Expression Float} vedf2vef:VEDF -> VEF ++ vedf2vef(v) maps \axiomType{Vector Expression DoubleFloat} to ++ \axiomType{Vector Expression Float} in?:(DF,SOCDF) -> Boolean ++ in?(p,range) tests whether point p is internal to the ++ range range df2st:DF -> ST ++ df2st(n) coerces a \axiomType{DoubleFloat} to \axiomType{String} f2st:F -> ST ++ f2st(n) coerces a \axiomType{Float} to \axiomType{String} ldf2lst:LDF -> LST ++ ldf2lst(ln) coerces a \axiomType{List DoubleFloat} to \axiomType{List String} sdf2lst:SDF -> LST ++ sdf2lst(ln) coerces a \axiomType{Stream DoubleFloat} to \axiomType{String} getlo : SOCDF -> DF ++ getlo(u) gets the \axiomType{DoubleFloat} equivalent of ++ the first endpoint of the range \spad{u} gethi : SOCDF -> DF ++ gethi(u) gets the \axiomType{DoubleFloat} equivalent of ++ the second endpoint of the range \spad{u} concat:(Result,Result) -> Result ++ concat(a,b) adds two aggregates of type \axiomType{Result}. concat:(List Result) -> Result ++ concat(l) concatenates a list of aggregates of type \axiomType{Result} outputMeasure:F -> ST ++ outputMeasure(n) rounds \spad{n} to 3 decimal places and outputs ++ it as a string measure2Result:Measure -> Result ++ measure2Result(m) converts a measure record into a \axiomType{Result} measure2Result:Measure2 -> Result ++ measure2Result(m) converts a measure record into a \axiomType{Result} att2Result:ATT -> Result ++ att2Result(m) converts a attributes record into a \axiomType{Result} iflist2Result:IFV -> Result ++ iflist2Result(m) converts a attributes record into a \axiomType{Result} pdf2ef:PDF -> EF ++ pdf2ef(p) coerces a \axiomType{Polynomial DoubleFloat} to ++ \axiomType{Expression Float} pdf2df:PDF -> DF ++ pdf2df(p) coerces a \axiomType{Polynomial DoubleFloat} to ++ \axiomType{DoubleFloat}. It is an error if \axiom{p} is not ++ retractable to DoubleFloat. df2ef:DF -> EF ++ df2ef(a) coerces a \axiomType{DoubleFloat} to \axiomType{Expression Float} fi2df:FI -> DF ++ fi2df(f) coerces a \axiomType{Fraction Integer} to \axiomType{DoubleFloat} mat:(LDF,NNI) -> MDF ++ mat(a,n) constructs a one-dimensional matrix of a. I ==> add mat(a:LDF,n:NNI):MDF == empty?(a)$LDF => zero(1,n)$MDF matrix(list([i for i in a for j in 1..n])$(List LDF))$MDF f2df(f:F):DF == (convert(f)@DF)$F ef2edf(f:EF):EDF == map(f2df,f)$EF2(F,DF) fi2df(f:FI):DF == coerce(f)$DF ocf2ocdf(a:OCF):OCDF == finite? a => (f2df(retract(a)@F))::OCDF a pretend OCDF socf2socdf(a:SOCF):SOCDF == segment(ocf2ocdf(lo a),ocf2ocdf(hi a)) convert(l:List SOCF):List SOCDF == [socf2socdf a for a in l] pdf2df(p:PDF):DF == retract(p)@DF df2ef(a:DF):EF == b := convert(a)@Float coerce(b)$EF pdf2ef(p:PDF):EF == df2ef(pdf2df(p)) edf2fi(m:EDF):FI == retract(retract(m)@DF)@FI edf2df(m:EDF):DF == retract(m)@DF df2fi(r:DF):FI == (retract(r)@FI)$DF dfRange(r:SOCDF):SOCDF == if infinite?(lo(r))$OCDF then r := -(max()$DF :: OCDF)..hi(r)$SOCDF if infinite?(hi(r))$OCDF then r := lo(r)$SOCDF..(max()$DF :: OCDF) r dflist(l:List(Record(left:FI,right:FI))):LDF == [u.left :: DF for u in l] edf2efi(f:EDF):EFI == map(df2fi,f)$EF2(DF,FI) df2st(n:DF):String == (convert((convert(n)@Float)$DF)@ST)$Float f2st(n:F):String == (convert(n)@ST)$Float ldf2lst(ln:LDF):LST == [df2st f for f in ln] sdf2lst(ln:SDF):LST == explicitlyFinite? ln => m := map(df2st,ln)$StreamFunctions2(DF,ST) if index?(20,m)$SS then split!(m,20) m := concat(m,".......") m := complete(m)$SS entries(m)$SS empty()$LST df2mf(n:DF):MF == (df2fi(n))::MF ldf2vmf(l:LDF):VMF == m := [df2mf(n) for n in l] vector(m)$VMF edf2ef(e:EDF):EF == map(convert$DF,e)$EF2(DF,Float) vedf2vef(vedf:VEDF):VEF == vector([edf2ef e for e in members(vedf)]) getlo(u:SOCDF):DF == retract(lo(u))@DF gethi(u:SOCDF):DF == retract(hi(u))@DF in?(p:DF,range:SOCDF):Boolean == top := gethi(range) bottom := getlo(range) a:Boolean := (p < top)$DF b:Boolean := (p > bottom)$DF (a and b)@Boolean isQuotient(expr:EDF):Union(EDF,"failed") == (k := mainKernel expr) case KEDF => (expr = inv(f := k :: KEDF :: EDF)$EDF)$EDF => f one?(numerator expr) => denominator expr "failed" "failed" numberOfOperations1(fn:EDF,numbersSoFar:ON):ON == (u := isQuotient(fn)) case EDF => numbersSoFar := numberOfOperations1(u,numbersSoFar) (p := isPlus(fn)) case LEDF => p := coerce(p)@LEDF np := #p numbersSoFar.additions := (numbersSoFar.additions)+np-1 for i in 1..np repeat numbersSoFar := numberOfOperations1(p.i,numbersSoFar) numbersSoFar (t:=isTimes(fn)) case LEDF => t := coerce(t)@LEDF nt := #t numbersSoFar.multiplications := (numbersSoFar.multiplications)+nt-1 for i in 1..nt repeat numbersSoFar := numberOfOperations1(t.i,numbersSoFar) numbersSoFar if (e:=isPower(fn)) case RVE then e := coerce(e)@RVE e.exponent>1 => numbersSoFar.exponentiations := inc(numbersSoFar.exponentiations) numbersSoFar := numberOfOperations1(e.val,numbersSoFar) lk := kernels(fn) #lk = 1 => -- #lk = 0 => constant found (no further action) k := first(lk)$LKEDF n := name(operator(k)$KEDF)$BO entry?(n,variables(fn)$EDF)$LS => numbersSoFar -- solo variable found a := first(argument(k)$KEDF)$LEDF numbersSoFar.functionCalls := inc(numbersSoFar.functionCalls)$INT numbersSoFar := numberOfOperations1(a,numbersSoFar) numbersSoFar numberOfOperations(ode:VEDF):ON == n:ON := [0,0,0,0] for i in 1..#ode repeat n:ON := numberOfOperations1(ode.i,n) n expenseOfEvaluation(o:VEDF):F == ln:ON := numberOfOperations(o) a := ln.additions m := ln.multiplications e := ln.exponentiations f := 10*ln.functionCalls n := (a + m + 4*e + 10*e) (1.0-exp((-n::F/288.0))$F) concat(a:Result,b:Result):Result == membersOfa := (members(a)@List(Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any))) membersOfb := (members(b)@List(Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any))) allMembers:= concat(membersOfa,membersOfb)$List(Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)) construct(allMembers) concat(l:List Result):Result == import List Result empty? l => empty()$Result f := first l if empty?(r := rest l) then f else concat(f,concat r) outputMeasure(m:F):ST == fl:Float := round(m*(f:= 1000.0))/f convert(fl)@ST measure2Result(m:Measure):Result == mm := coerce(m.measure)$AnyFunctions1(Float) mmr:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) := [bestMeasure@Symbol,mm] mn := coerce(m.name)$AnyFunctions1(ST) mnr:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) := [nameOfRoutine@Symbol,mn] me := coerce(m.explanations)$AnyFunctions1(List String) mer:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) := [allMeasures@Symbol,me] mr := construct([mmr,mnr,mer])$Result met := coerce(mr)$AnyFunctions1(Result) meth:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any):=[method@Symbol,met] construct([meth])$Result measure2Result(m:Measure2):Result == mm := coerce(m.measure)$AnyFunctions1(Float) mmr:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) := [bestMeasure@Symbol,mm] mn := coerce(m.name)$AnyFunctions1(ST) mnr:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) := [nameOfRoutine@Symbol,mn] me := coerce(m.explanations)$AnyFunctions1(List String) mer:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) := [allMeasures@Symbol,me] mx := coerce(m.extra)$AnyFunctions1(Result) mxr:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) := [other@Symbol,mx] mr := construct([mmr,mnr,mer,mxr])$Result met := coerce(mr)$AnyFunctions1(Result) meth:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any):=[method@Symbol,met] construct([meth])$Result att2Result(att:ATT):Result == aepc := coerce(att.endPointContinuity)$AnyFunctions1(CTYPE) ar := coerce(att.range)$AnyFunctions1(RTYPE) as := coerce(att.singularitiesStream)$AnyFunctions1(STYPE) aa:List Any := [aepc,ar,as] aaa := coerce(aa)$AnyFunctions1(List Any) aar:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) := [attributes@Symbol,aaa] construct([aar])$Result iflist2Result(ifv:IFV):Result == ifvs:List String := [concat(["stiffness: ",outputMeasure(ifv.stiffness)]), concat(["stability: ",outputMeasure(ifv.stability)]), concat(["expense: ",outputMeasure(ifv.expense)]), concat(["accuracy: ",outputMeasure(ifv.accuracy)]), concat(["intermediateResults: ",outputMeasure(ifv.intermediateResults)])] ifa:= coerce(ifvs)$AnyFunctions1(List String) ifr:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) := [intensityFunctions@Symbol,ifa] construct([ifr])$Result @ \section{package ESTOOLS1 ExpertSystemToolsPackage1} <<package ESTOOLS1 ExpertSystemToolsPackage1>>= )abbrev package ESTOOLS1 ExpertSystemToolsPackage1 ++ Author: Brian Dupee ++ Date Created: February 1995 ++ Date Last Updated: February 1995 ++ Basic Operations: neglist ++ Description: ++ \axiom{ExpertSystemToolsPackage1} contains some useful functions for use ++ by the computational agents of Ordinary Differential Equation solvers. ExpertSystemToolsPackage1(R1:OR): E == I where OR ==> OrderedRing E ==> with neglist:List R1 -> List R1 ++ neglist(l) returns only the negative elements of the list \spad{l} I ==> add neglist(l:List R1):List R1 == [u for u in l | negative?(u)$R1] @ \section{package ESTOOLS2 ExpertSystemToolsPackage2} <<package ESTOOLS2 ExpertSystemToolsPackage2>>= )abbrev package ESTOOLS2 ExpertSystemToolsPackage2 ++ Author: Brian Dupee ++ Date Created: February 1995 ++ Date Last Updated: July 1996 ++ Basic Operations: map ++ Related Constructors: Matrix ++ Description: ++ \axiom{ExpertSystemToolsPackage2} contains some useful functions for use ++ by the computational agents of Ordinary Differential Equation solvers. ExpertSystemToolsPackage2(R1:R,R2:R): E == I where R ==> Ring E ==> with map:(R1->R2,Matrix R1) -> Matrix R2 ++ map(f,m) applies a mapping f:R1 -> R2 onto a matrix ++ \spad{m} in R1 returning a matrix in R2 I ==> add map(f:R1->R2,m:Matrix R1):Matrix R2 == matrix([[f u for u in v] for v in listOfLists(m)$(Matrix R1)])$(Matrix R2) @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<package ESTOOLS ExpertSystemToolsPackage>> <<package ESTOOLS1 ExpertSystemToolsPackage1>> <<package ESTOOLS2 ExpertSystemToolsPackage2>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}