(/VERSIONCHECK 2) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;sort!;M2A;1|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;list;SA;2|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;reduce;MAS;3|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;merge;M3A;4|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;select!;M2A;5|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;merge!;M3A;6|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Integer| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;insert!;SAIA;7|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Integer| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;insert!;2AIA;8|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;remove!;M2A;9|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Integer| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;delete!;AIA;10|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;delete!;AUsA;11|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Pair|) |LSAGG-;find;MAU;12|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Integer|) |LSAGG-;position;MAI;13|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Integer| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;mergeSort|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Boolean|) |LSAGG-;sorted?;MAB;15|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;reduce;MA2S;16|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;reduce;MA3S;17|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION ((|%IntegerSection| 0) |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;new;NniSA;18|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;map;M3A;19|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;reverse!;2A;20|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;copy;2A;21|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Integer| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;copyInto!;2AIA;22|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Integer| |%Shell|) |%Integer|) |LSAGG-;position;SA2I;23|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |LSAGG-;removeDuplicates!;2A;24|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Boolean|) |LSAGG-;<;2AB;25|)) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;sort!;M2A;1| (|f| |l| $) (|LSAGG-;mergeSort| |f| |l| (SPADCALL |l| (|getShellEntry| $ 9)) $)) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;list;SA;2| (|x| $) (SPADCALL |x| (SPADCALL (|getShellEntry| $ 13)) (|getShellEntry| $ 14))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;reduce;MAS;3| (|f| |x| $) (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) (|error| "reducing over an empty list needs the 3 argument form")) ('T (SPADCALL |f| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) (|getShellEntry| $ 20))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;merge;M3A;4| (|f| |p| |q| $) (SPADCALL |f| (SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 22)) (SPADCALL |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 22)) (|getShellEntry| $ 23))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;select!;M2A;5| (|f| |x| $) (PROG (|y| |z|) (RETURN (SEQ (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) 'NIL) ('T (NOT (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |f|))))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (EXIT (LETT |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;select!;M2A;5|))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) |x|) ('T (SEQ (LETT |y| |x| |LSAGG-;select!;M2A;5|) (LETT |z| (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;select!;M2A;5|) (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (NOT (SPADCALL |z| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (EXIT (COND ((SPADCALL (SPADCALL |z| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |f|) (SEQ (LETT |y| |z| |LSAGG-;select!;M2A;5|) (EXIT (LETT |z| (SPADCALL |z| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;select!;M2A;5|)))) ('T (SEQ (LETT |z| (SPADCALL |z| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;select!;M2A;5|) (EXIT (SPADCALL |y| |z| (|getShellEntry| $ 26)))))))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT |x|))))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;merge!;M3A;6| (|f| |p| |q| $) (PROG (|r| |t|) (RETURN (SEQ (COND ((SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) |q|) ((SPADCALL |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) |p|) ((SPADCALL |p| |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 29)) (|error| "cannot merge a list into itself")) ('T (SEQ (COND ((SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) (SPADCALL |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |f|) (SEQ (LETT |r| (LETT |t| |p| |LSAGG-;merge!;M3A;6|) |LSAGG-;merge!;M3A;6|) (EXIT (LETT |p| (SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;merge!;M3A;6|)))) ('T (SEQ (LETT |r| (LETT |t| |q| |LSAGG-;merge!;M3A;6|) |LSAGG-;merge!;M3A;6|) (EXIT (LETT |q| (SPADCALL |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;merge!;M3A;6|))))) (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (COND ((SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) 'NIL) ('T (NOT (SPADCALL |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)))))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (EXIT (COND ((SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) (SPADCALL |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |f|) (SEQ (SPADCALL |t| |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 26)) (LETT |t| |p| |LSAGG-;merge!;M3A;6|) (EXIT (LETT |p| (SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;merge!;M3A;6|)))) ('T (SEQ (SPADCALL |t| |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 26)) (LETT |t| |q| |LSAGG-;merge!;M3A;6|) (EXIT (LETT |q| (SPADCALL |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;merge!;M3A;6|))))))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (SPADCALL |t| (COND ((SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) |q|) ('T |p|)) (|getShellEntry| $ 26)) (EXIT |r|)))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;insert!;SAIA;7| (|s| |x| |i| $) (PROG (|m| #0=#:G1465 |y| |z|) (RETURN (SEQ (LETT |m| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 32)) |LSAGG-;insert!;SAIA;7|) (EXIT (COND ((< |i| |m|) (|error| "index out of range")) ((EQL |i| |m|) (SPADCALL |s| |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 14))) ('T (SEQ (LETT |y| (SPADCALL |x| (PROG1 (LETT #0# (- (- |i| 1) |m|) |LSAGG-;insert!;SAIA;7|) (|check-subtype| (COND ((< #0# 0) 'NIL) ('T 'T)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) #0#)) (|getShellEntry| $ 38)) |LSAGG-;insert!;SAIA;7|) (LETT |z| (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;insert!;SAIA;7|) (SPADCALL |y| (SPADCALL |s| |z| (|getShellEntry| $ 14)) (|getShellEntry| $ 26)) (EXIT |x|))))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;insert!;2AIA;8| (|w| |x| |i| $) (PROG (|m| #0=#:G1469 |y| |z|) (RETURN (SEQ (LETT |m| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 32)) |LSAGG-;insert!;2AIA;8|) (EXIT (COND ((< |i| |m|) (|error| "index out of range")) ((EQL |i| |m|) (SPADCALL |w| |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 40))) ('T (SEQ (LETT |y| (SPADCALL |x| (PROG1 (LETT #0# (- (- |i| 1) |m|) |LSAGG-;insert!;2AIA;8|) (|check-subtype| (COND ((< #0# 0) 'NIL) ('T 'T)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) #0#)) (|getShellEntry| $ 38)) |LSAGG-;insert!;2AIA;8|) (LETT |z| (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;insert!;2AIA;8|) (SPADCALL |y| |w| (|getShellEntry| $ 26)) (SPADCALL |y| |z| (|getShellEntry| $ 40)) (EXIT |x|))))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;remove!;M2A;9| (|f| |x| $) (PROG (|p| |q|) (RETURN (SEQ (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) 'NIL) ('T (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |f|)))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (EXIT (LETT |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;remove!;M2A;9|))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) |x|) ('T (SEQ (LETT |p| |x| |LSAGG-;remove!;M2A;9|) (LETT |q| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;remove!;M2A;9|) (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (NOT (SPADCALL |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (EXIT (COND ((SPADCALL (SPADCALL |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |f|) (LETT |q| (SPADCALL |p| (SPADCALL |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) (|getShellEntry| $ 26)) |LSAGG-;remove!;M2A;9|)) ('T (SEQ (LETT |p| |q| |LSAGG-;remove!;M2A;9|) (EXIT (LETT |q| (SPADCALL |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;remove!;M2A;9|))))))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT |x|))))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;delete!;AIA;10| (|x| |i| $) (PROG (|m| #0=#:G1481 |y|) (RETURN (SEQ (LETT |m| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 32)) |LSAGG-;delete!;AIA;10|) (EXIT (COND ((< |i| |m|) (|error| "index out of range")) ((EQL |i| |m|) (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17))) ('T (SEQ (LETT |y| (SPADCALL |x| (PROG1 (LETT #0# (- (- |i| 1) |m|) |LSAGG-;delete!;AIA;10|) (|check-subtype| (COND ((< #0# 0) 'NIL) ('T 'T)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) #0#)) (|getShellEntry| $ 38)) |LSAGG-;delete!;AIA;10|) (SPADCALL |y| (SPADCALL |y| 2 (|getShellEntry| $ 38)) (|getShellEntry| $ 26)) (EXIT |x|))))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;delete!;AUsA;11| (|x| |i| $) (PROG (|l| |m| |h| #0=#:G1486 #1=#:G1487 |t| #2=#:G1488) (RETURN (SEQ (LETT |l| (SPADCALL |i| (|getShellEntry| $ 45)) |LSAGG-;delete!;AUsA;11|) (LETT |m| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 32)) |LSAGG-;delete!;AUsA;11|) (EXIT (COND ((< |l| |m|) (|error| "index out of range")) ('T (SEQ (LETT |h| (COND ((SPADCALL |i| (|getShellEntry| $ 46)) (SPADCALL |i| (|getShellEntry| $ 47))) ('T (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 48)))) |LSAGG-;delete!;AUsA;11|) (EXIT (COND ((< |h| |l|) |x|) ((EQL |l| |m|) (SPADCALL |x| (PROG1 (LETT #0# (- (+ |h| 1) |m|) |LSAGG-;delete!;AUsA;11|) (|check-subtype| (COND ((< #0# 0) 'NIL) ('T 'T)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) #0#)) (|getShellEntry| $ 38))) ('T (SEQ (LETT |t| (SPADCALL |x| (PROG1 (LETT #1# (- (- |l| 1) |m|) |LSAGG-;delete!;AUsA;11|) (|check-subtype| (COND ((< #1# 0) 'NIL) ('T 'T)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) #1#)) (|getShellEntry| $ 38)) |LSAGG-;delete!;AUsA;11|) (SPADCALL |t| (SPADCALL |t| (PROG1 (LETT #2# (+ (- |h| |l|) 2) |LSAGG-;delete!;AUsA;11|) (|check-subtype| (COND ((< #2# 0) 'NIL) ('T 'T)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) #2#)) (|getShellEntry| $ 38)) (|getShellEntry| $ 26)) (EXIT |x|))))))))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;find;MAU;12| (|f| |x| $) (SEQ (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) 'NIL) ('T (NOT (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |f|))))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (EXIT (LETT |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;find;MAU;12|))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) (CONS 1 "failed")) ('T (CONS 0 (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;position;MAI;13| (|f| |x| $) (PROG (|k|) (RETURN (SEQ (SEQ (LETT |k| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 32)) |LSAGG-;position;MAI;13|) G190 (COND ((NULL (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) 'NIL) ('T (NOT (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |f|))))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (EXIT (LETT |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;position;MAI;13|))) (LETT |k| (+ |k| 1) |LSAGG-;position;MAI;13|) (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) (- (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 32)) 1)) ('T |k|))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;mergeSort| (|f| |p| |n| $) (PROG (#0=#:G1508 |l| |q|) (RETURN (SEQ (COND ((EQL |n| 2) (COND ((SPADCALL (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) (SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |f|) (LETT |p| (SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 56)) |LSAGG-;mergeSort|))))) (EXIT (COND ((< |n| 3) |p|) ('T (SEQ (LETT |l| (PROG1 (LETT #0# (QUOTIENT2 |n| 2) |LSAGG-;mergeSort|) (|check-subtype| (COND ((< #0# 0) 'NIL) ('T 'T)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) #0#)) |LSAGG-;mergeSort|) (LETT |q| (SPADCALL |p| |l| (|getShellEntry| $ 58)) |LSAGG-;mergeSort|) (LETT |p| (|LSAGG-;mergeSort| |f| |p| |l| $) |LSAGG-;mergeSort|) (LETT |q| (|LSAGG-;mergeSort| |f| |q| (- |n| |l|) $) |LSAGG-;mergeSort|) (EXIT (SPADCALL |f| |p| |q| (|getShellEntry| $ 23))))))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;sorted?;MAB;15| (|f| |l| $) (PROG (#0=#:G1517 |p|) (RETURN (SEQ (EXIT (COND ((SPADCALL |l| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) 'T) ('T (SEQ (LETT |p| (SPADCALL |l| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;sorted?;MAB;15|) (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (NOT (SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (EXIT (COND ((NULL (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |l| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) (SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |f|)) (PROGN (LETT #0# 'NIL |LSAGG-;sorted?;MAB;15|) (GO #0#))) ('T (LETT |p| (SPADCALL (LETT |l| |p| |LSAGG-;sorted?;MAB;15|) (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;sorted?;MAB;15|))))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT 'T))))) #0# (EXIT #0#))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;reduce;MA2S;16| (|f| |x| |i| $) (PROG (|r|) (RETURN (SEQ (LETT |r| |i| |LSAGG-;reduce;MA2S;16|) (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (NOT (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (LETT |r| (SPADCALL |r| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |f|) |LSAGG-;reduce;MA2S;16|) (EXIT (LETT |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;reduce;MA2S;16|))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT |r|))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;reduce;MA3S;17| (|f| |x| |i| |a| $) (PROG (|r|) (RETURN (SEQ (LETT |r| |i| |LSAGG-;reduce;MA3S;17|) (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) 'NIL) ('T (SPADCALL |r| |a| (|getShellEntry| $ 62))))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (LETT |r| (SPADCALL |r| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |f|) |LSAGG-;reduce;MA3S;17|) (EXIT (LETT |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;reduce;MA3S;17|))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT |r|))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;new;NniSA;18| (|n| |s| $) (PROG (|k| |l|) (RETURN (SEQ (LETT |l| (SPADCALL (|getShellEntry| $ 13)) |LSAGG-;new;NniSA;18|) (SEQ (LETT |k| 1 |LSAGG-;new;NniSA;18|) G190 (COND ((QSGREATERP |k| |n|) (GO G191))) (SEQ (EXIT (LETT |l| (SPADCALL |s| |l| (|getShellEntry| $ 14)) |LSAGG-;new;NniSA;18|))) (LETT |k| (QSADD1 |k|) |LSAGG-;new;NniSA;18|) (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT |l|))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;map;M3A;19| (|f| |x| |y| $) (PROG (|z|) (RETURN (SEQ (LETT |z| (SPADCALL (|getShellEntry| $ 13)) |LSAGG-;map;M3A;19|) (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) 'NIL) ('T (NOT (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)))))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (LETT |z| (SPADCALL (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |f|) |z| (|getShellEntry| $ 14)) |LSAGG-;map;M3A;19|) (LETT |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;map;M3A;19|) (EXIT (LETT |y| (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;map;M3A;19|))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT (SPADCALL |z| (|getShellEntry| $ 56))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;reverse!;2A;20| (|x| $) (PROG (|z| |y|) (RETURN (SEQ (COND ((OR (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) (SPADCALL (LETT |y| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;reverse!;2A;20|) (|getShellEntry| $ 16))) |x|) ('T (SEQ (SPADCALL |x| (SPADCALL (|getShellEntry| $ 13)) (|getShellEntry| $ 26)) (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (NOT (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (LETT |z| (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;reverse!;2A;20|) (SPADCALL |y| |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 26)) (LETT |x| |y| |LSAGG-;reverse!;2A;20|) (EXIT (LETT |y| |z| |LSAGG-;reverse!;2A;20|))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT |x|)))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;copy;2A;21| (|x| $) (PROG (|k| |y|) (RETURN (SEQ (LETT |y| (SPADCALL (|getShellEntry| $ 13)) |LSAGG-;copy;2A;21|) (SEQ (LETT |k| 0 |LSAGG-;copy;2A;21|) G190 (COND ((NULL (NOT (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (COND ((EQL |k| 1000) (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 70)) (EXIT (|error| "cyclic list")))))) (LETT |y| (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 14)) |LSAGG-;copy;2A;21|) (EXIT (LETT |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;copy;2A;21|))) (LETT |k| (QSADD1 |k|) |LSAGG-;copy;2A;21|) (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 56))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;copyInto!;2AIA;22| (|y| |x| |s| $) (PROG (|m| #0=#:G1546 |z|) (RETURN (SEQ (LETT |m| (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 32)) |LSAGG-;copyInto!;2AIA;22|) (EXIT (COND ((< |s| |m|) (|error| "index out of range")) ('T (SEQ (LETT |z| (SPADCALL |y| (PROG1 (LETT #0# (- |s| |m|) |LSAGG-;copyInto!;2AIA;22|) (|check-subtype| (COND ((< #0# 0) 'NIL) ('T 'T)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) #0#)) (|getShellEntry| $ 38)) |LSAGG-;copyInto!;2AIA;22|) (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (COND ((SPADCALL |z| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) 'NIL) ('T (NOT (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)))))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (SPADCALL |z| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) (|getShellEntry| $ 72)) (LETT |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;copyInto!;2AIA;22|) (EXIT (LETT |z| (SPADCALL |z| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;copyInto!;2AIA;22|))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT |y|))))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;position;SA2I;23| (|w| |x| |s| $) (PROG (|m| #0=#:G1553 |k|) (RETURN (SEQ (LETT |m| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 32)) |LSAGG-;position;SA2I;23|) (EXIT (COND ((< |s| |m|) (|error| "index out of range")) ('T (SEQ (LETT |x| (SPADCALL |x| (PROG1 (LETT #0# (- |s| |m|) |LSAGG-;position;SA2I;23|) (|check-subtype| (COND ((< #0# 0) 'NIL) ('T 'T)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) #0#)) (|getShellEntry| $ 38)) |LSAGG-;position;SA2I;23|) (SEQ (LETT |k| |s| |LSAGG-;position;SA2I;23|) G190 (COND ((NULL (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) 'NIL) ('T (SPADCALL |w| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) (|getShellEntry| $ 62))))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (EXIT (LETT |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;position;SA2I;23|))) (LETT |k| (+ |k| 1) |LSAGG-;position;SA2I;23|) (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) (- (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 32)) 1)) ('T |k|))))))))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;removeDuplicates!;2A;24| (|l| $) (PROG (|p|) (RETURN (SEQ (LETT |p| |l| |LSAGG-;removeDuplicates!;2A;24|) (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (NOT (SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (EXIT (LETT |p| (SPADCALL |p| (SPADCALL (CONS #'|LSAGG-;removeDuplicates!;2A;24!0| (VECTOR $ |p|)) (SPADCALL |p| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) (|getShellEntry| $ 76)) (|getShellEntry| $ 26)) |LSAGG-;removeDuplicates!;2A;24|))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT |l|))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;removeDuplicates!;2A;24!0| (|#1| $$) (PROG ($) (LETT $ (|getShellEntry| $$ 0) |LSAGG-;removeDuplicates!;2A;24|) (RETURN (PROGN (SPADCALL |#1| (SPADCALL (|getShellEntry| $$ 1) (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) (|getShellEntry| $ 75)))))) (DEFUN |LSAGG-;<;2AB;25| (|x| |y| $) (PROG (#0=#:G1567) (RETURN (SEQ (EXIT (SEQ (SEQ G190 (COND ((NULL (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) 'NIL) ('T (NOT (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)))))) (GO G191))) (SEQ (EXIT (COND ((SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) (|getShellEntry| $ 62)) (PROGN (LETT #0# (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 18)) (|getShellEntry| $ 78)) |LSAGG-;<;2AB;25|) (GO #0#))) ('T (SEQ (LETT |x| (SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;<;2AB;25|) (EXIT (LETT |y| (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 17)) |LSAGG-;<;2AB;25|))))))) NIL (GO G190) G191 (EXIT NIL)) (EXIT (COND ((SPADCALL |x| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)) (NOT (SPADCALL |y| (|getShellEntry| $ 16)))) ('T 'NIL))))) #0# (EXIT #0#))))) (DEFUN |ListAggregate&| (|#1| |#2|) (PROG (|dv$1| |dv$2| |dv$| $ |pv$|) (RETURN (PROGN (LETT |dv$1| (|devaluate| |#1|) . #0=(|ListAggregate&|)) (LETT |dv$2| (|devaluate| |#2|) . #0#) (LETT |dv$| (LIST '|ListAggregate&| |dv$1| |dv$2|) . #0#) (LETT $ (|newShell| 81) . #0#) (|setShellEntry| $ 0 |dv$|) (|setShellEntry| $ 3 (LETT |pv$| (|buildPredVector| 0 0 NIL) . #0#)) (|stuffDomainSlots| $) (|setShellEntry| $ 6 |#1|) (|setShellEntry| $ 7 |#2|) (COND ((|HasCategory| |#2| '(|SetCategory|)) (|setShellEntry| $ 63 (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |LSAGG-;reduce;MA3S;17|) $)))) (COND ((|HasCategory| |#2| '(|SetCategory|)) (PROGN (|setShellEntry| $ 74 (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |LSAGG-;position;SA2I;23|) $)) (|setShellEntry| $ 77 (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |LSAGG-;removeDuplicates!;2A;24|) $))))) (COND ((|HasCategory| |#2| '(|OrderedSet|)) (|setShellEntry| $ 79 (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |LSAGG-;<;2AB;25|) $)))) $)))) (MAKEPROP '|ListAggregate&| '|infovec| (LIST '#(NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL (|local| |#1|) (|local| |#2|) (|NonNegativeInteger|) (0 . |#|) (|Boolean|) (|Mapping| 10 7 7) |LSAGG-;sort!;M2A;1| (5 . |empty|) (9 . |concat|) |LSAGG-;list;SA;2| (15 . |empty?|) (20 . |rest|) (25 . |first|) (|Mapping| 7 7 7) (30 . |reduce|) |LSAGG-;reduce;MAS;3| (37 . |copy|) (42 . |merge!|) |LSAGG-;merge;M3A;4| (49 . |false|) (53 . |setrest!|) (|Mapping| 10 7) |LSAGG-;select!;M2A;5| (59 . |eq?|) |LSAGG-;merge!;M3A;6| (|Integer|) (65 . |minIndex|) (70 . <) (76 . =) (82 . |One|) (86 . |One|) (90 . -) (96 . |rest|) |LSAGG-;insert!;SAIA;7| (102 . |concat!|) |LSAGG-;insert!;2AIA;8| |LSAGG-;remove!;M2A;9| |LSAGG-;delete!;AIA;10| (|UniversalSegment| 31) (108 . |lo|) (113 . |hasHi|) (118 . |hi|) (123 . |maxIndex|) (128 . +) |LSAGG-;delete!;AUsA;11| (|Union| 7 '"failed") |LSAGG-;find;MAU;12| (|SingleInteger|) (134 . |One|) |LSAGG-;position;MAI;13| (138 . |reverse!|) (143 . |quo|) (149 . |split!|) (155 . |true|) |LSAGG-;sorted?;MAB;15| |LSAGG-;reduce;MA2S;16| (159 . ~=) (165 . |reduce|) |LSAGG-;new;NniSA;18| |LSAGG-;map;M3A;19| |LSAGG-;reverse!;2A;20| (173 . |Zero|) (177 . |Zero|) (181 . =) (187 . |cyclic?|) |LSAGG-;copy;2A;21| (192 . |setfirst!|) |LSAGG-;copyInto!;2AIA;22| (198 . |position|) (205 . =) (211 . |remove!|) (217 . |removeDuplicates!|) (222 . <) (228 . <) (|Mapping| 7 7)) '#(|sorted?| 234 |sort!| 240 |select!| 246 |reverse!| 252 |removeDuplicates!| 257 |remove!| 262 |reduce| 268 |position| 289 |new| 302 |merge!| 308 |merge| 315 |map| 322 |list| 329 |insert!| 334 |find| 348 |delete!| 354 |copyInto!| 366 |copy| 373 < 378) 'NIL (CONS (|makeByteWordVec2| 1 'NIL) (CONS '#() (CONS '#() (|makeByteWordVec2| 79 '(1 6 8 0 9 0 6 0 13 2 6 0 7 0 14 1 6 10 0 16 1 6 0 0 17 1 6 7 0 18 3 6 7 19 0 7 20 1 6 0 0 22 3 6 0 11 0 0 23 0 10 0 25 2 6 0 0 0 26 2 6 10 0 0 29 1 6 31 0 32 2 31 10 0 0 33 2 31 10 0 0 34 0 8 0 35 0 31 0 36 2 31 0 0 0 37 2 6 0 0 8 38 2 6 0 0 0 40 1 44 31 0 45 1 44 10 0 46 1 44 31 0 47 1 6 31 0 48 2 31 0 0 0 49 0 53 0 54 1 6 0 0 56 2 31 0 0 0 57 2 6 0 0 31 58 0 10 0 59 2 7 10 0 0 62 4 0 7 19 0 7 7 63 0 53 0 67 0 8 0 68 2 8 10 0 0 69 1 6 10 0 70 2 6 7 0 7 72 3 0 31 7 0 31 74 2 7 10 0 0 75 2 6 0 27 0 76 1 0 0 0 77 2 7 10 0 0 78 2 0 10 0 0 79 2 0 10 11 0 60 2 0 0 11 0 12 2 0 0 27 0 28 1 0 0 0 66 1 0 0 0 77 2 0 0 27 0 42 3 0 7 19 0 7 61 4 0 7 19 0 7 7 63 2 0 7 19 0 21 2 0 31 27 0 55 3 0 31 7 0 31 74 2 0 0 8 7 64 3 0 0 11 0 0 30 3 0 0 11 0 0 24 3 0 0 19 0 0 65 1 0 0 7 15 3 0 0 7 0 31 39 3 0 0 0 0 31 41 2 0 51 27 0 52 2 0 0 0 44 50 2 0 0 0 31 43 3 0 0 0 0 31 73 1 0 0 0 71 2 0 10 0 0 79))))) '|lookupComplete|))