(/VERSIONCHECK 2) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) (|%IntegerSection| 0)) |ILIST;#;$Nni;1|)) (PUT '|ILIST;#;$Nni;1| '|SPADreplace| '|%llength|) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%List| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;concat;S2$;2|)) (PUT '|ILIST;concat;S2$;2| '|SPADreplace| '|%pair|) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%List| |%Shell|) |%Boolean|) |ILIST;eq?;2$B;3|)) (PUT '|ILIST;eq?;2$B;3| '|SPADreplace| '|%peq|) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |ILIST;first;$S;4|)) (PUT '|ILIST;first;$S;4| '|SPADreplace| '|SPADfirst|) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |ILIST;elt;$firstS;5|)) (PUT '|ILIST;elt;$firstS;5| '|SPADreplace| '(XLAM (|x| "first") (|SPADfirst| |x|))) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;empty;$;6|)) (PUT '|ILIST;empty;$;6| '|SPADreplace| '(XLAM NIL |%nil|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) |%Boolean|) |ILIST;empty?;$B;7|)) (PUT '|ILIST;empty?;$B;7| '|SPADreplace| '|%lempty?|) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;rest;2$;8|)) (PUT '|ILIST;rest;2$;8| '|SPADreplace| '|%tail|) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;elt;$rest$;9|)) (PUT '|ILIST;elt;$rest$;9| '|SPADreplace| '(XLAM (|x| "rest") (|%tail| |x|))) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |ILIST;setfirst!;$2S;10|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Thing| |%Thing| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |ILIST;setelt;$first2S;11|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%List| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;setrest!;3$;12|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Thing| |%List| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;setelt;$rest2$;13|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;construct;L$;14|)) (PUT '|ILIST;construct;L$;14| '|SPADreplace| '(XLAM (|l|) |l|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;parts;$L;15|)) (PUT '|ILIST;parts;$L;15| '|SPADreplace| '(XLAM (|s|) |s|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;reverse!;2$;16|)) (PUT '|ILIST;reverse!;2$;16| '|SPADreplace| '|%lreverse!|) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;reverse;2$;17|)) (PUT '|ILIST;reverse;2$;17| '|SPADreplace| '|%lreverse|) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) |%Integer|) |ILIST;minIndex;$I;18|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| (|%IntegerSection| 0) |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;rest;$Nni$;19|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;copy;2$;20|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) |%Thing|) |ILIST;coerce;$Of;21|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%List| |%Shell|) |%Boolean|) |ILIST;=;2$B;22|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) |%String|) |ILIST;latex;$S;23|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%List| |%Shell|) |%Boolean|) |ILIST;member?;S$B;24|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%List| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;concat!;3$;25|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;removeDuplicates!;2$;26|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%List| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;sort!;M2$;27|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%List| |%List| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;merge!;M3$;28|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%List| |%Integer| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;split!;$I$;29|)) (DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%Thing| |%List| |%Integer| |%Shell|) |%List|) |ILIST;mergeSort|)) (DEFUN |ILIST;#;$Nni;1| (|x| $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) (LIST-LENGTH |x|)) (DEFUN |ILIST;concat;S2$;2| (|s| |x| $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) (CONS |s| |x|)) (DEFUN |ILIST;eq?;2$B;3| (|x| |y| $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) (EQ |x| |y|)) (DEFUN |ILIST;first;$S;4| (|x| $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) (|SPADfirst| |x|)) (DEFUN |ILIST;elt;$firstS;5| (|x| T0 $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) (|SPADfirst| |x|)) (DEFUN |ILIST;empty;$;6| ($) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) NIL) (DEFUN |ILIST;empty?;$B;7| (|x| $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) (NULL |x|)) (DEFUN |ILIST;rest;2$;8| (|x| $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) (CDR |x|)) (DEFUN |ILIST;elt;$rest$;9| (|x| T1 $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) (CDR |x|)) (DEFUN |ILIST;setfirst!;$2S;10| (|x| |s| $) (COND ((NULL |x|) (|error| "Cannot update an empty list")) (T (SEQ (RPLACA |x| |s|) (EXIT |s|))))) (DEFUN |ILIST;setelt;$first2S;11| (|x| T2 |s| $) (COND ((NULL |x|) (|error| "Cannot update an empty list")) (T (SEQ (RPLACA |x| |s|) (EXIT |s|))))) (DEFUN |ILIST;setrest!;3$;12| (|x| |y| $) (COND ((NULL |x|) (|error| "Cannot update an empty list")) (T (SEQ (RPLACD |x| |y|) (EXIT (CDR |x|)))))) (DEFUN |ILIST;setelt;$rest2$;13| (|x| T3 |y| $) (COND ((NULL |x|) (|error| "Cannot update an empty list")) (T (SEQ (RPLACD |x| |y|) (EXIT (CDR |x|)))))) (DEFUN |ILIST;construct;L$;14| (|l| $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) |l|) (DEFUN |ILIST;parts;$L;15| (|s| $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) |s|) (DEFUN |ILIST;reverse!;2$;16| (|x| $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) (NREVERSE |x|)) (DEFUN |ILIST;reverse;2$;17| (|x| $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) (REVERSE |x|)) (DEFUN |ILIST;minIndex;$I;18| (|x| $) (SVREF $ 7)) (DEFUN |ILIST;rest;$Nni$;19| (|x| |n| $) (SEQ (LET ((|i| 1)) (LOOP (COND ((> |i| |n|) (RETURN NIL)) (T (SEQ (COND ((NULL |x|) (|error| "index out of range"))) (EXIT (SETQ |x| (CDR |x|)))))) (SETQ |i| (+ |i| 1)))) (EXIT |x|))) (DEFUN |ILIST;copy;2$;20| (|x| $) (LET ((|y| NIL)) (SEQ (LET ((|i| 0)) (LOOP (COND ((NOT (NOT (NULL |x|))) (RETURN NIL)) (T (SEQ (COND ((AND (EQL |i| 1000) (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 35))) (|error| "cyclic list"))) (SETQ |y| (CONS (CAR |x|) |y|)) (EXIT (SETQ |x| (CDR |x|)))))) (SETQ |i| (+ |i| 1)))) (EXIT (NREVERSE |y|))))) (DEFUN |ILIST;coerce;$Of;21| (|x| $) (PROG (|z|) (RETURN (LET ((|y| NIL) (|s| (SPADCALL |x| (|shellEntry| $ 40)))) (SEQ (LOOP (COND ((NOT (NOT (EQ |x| |s|))) (RETURN NIL)) (T (SEQ (SETQ |y| (CONS (SPADCALL (|SPADfirst| |x|) (|shellEntry| $ 41)) |y|)) (EXIT (SETQ |x| (CDR |x|))))))) (SETQ |y| (NREVERSE |y|)) (EXIT (COND ((NULL |s|) (SPADCALL |y| (|shellEntry| $ 45))) (T (SEQ (LETT |z| (SPADCALL (SPADCALL (|SPADfirst| |x|) (|shellEntry| $ 41)) (|shellEntry| $ 46)) |ILIST;coerce;$Of;21|) (LOOP (COND ((NOT (NOT (EQ |s| (CDR |x|)))) (RETURN NIL)) (T (SEQ (SETQ |x| (CDR |x|)) (EXIT (SETQ |z| (CONS (SPADCALL (|SPADfirst| |x|) (|shellEntry| $ 41)) |z|))))))) (EXIT (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |y| (SPADCALL (SPADCALL (NREVERSE |z|) (|shellEntry| $ 47)) (|shellEntry| $ 48)) (|shellEntry| $ 49)) (|shellEntry| $ 45)))))))))))) (DEFUN |ILIST;=;2$B;22| (|x| |y| $) (OR (EQ |x| |y|) (SEQ (LOOP (COND ((NOT (AND (NOT (NULL |x|)) (NOT (NULL |y|)))) (RETURN NIL)) (T (COND ((SPADCALL (CAR |x|) (CAR |y|) (|shellEntry| $ 53)) (RETURN-FROM |ILIST;=;2$B;22| NIL)) (T (SEQ (SETQ |x| (CDR |x|)) (EXIT (SETQ |y| (CDR |y|))))))))) (EXIT (AND (NULL |x|) (NULL |y|)))))) (DEFUN |ILIST;latex;$S;23| (|x| $) (LET ((|s| "\\left[")) (SEQ (LOOP (COND ((NOT (NOT (NULL |x|))) (RETURN NIL)) (T (SEQ (SETQ |s| (STRCONC |s| (SPADCALL (CAR |x|) (|shellEntry| $ 56)))) (SETQ |x| (CDR |x|)) (EXIT (COND ((NOT (NULL |x|)) (SETQ |s| (STRCONC |s| ", "))))))))) (EXIT (STRCONC |s| " \\right]"))))) (DEFUN |ILIST;member?;S$B;24| (|s| |x| $) (SEQ (LOOP (COND ((NOT (NOT (NULL |x|))) (RETURN NIL)) (T (COND ((SPADCALL |s| (CAR |x|) (|shellEntry| $ 59)) (RETURN-FROM |ILIST;member?;S$B;24| T)) (T (SETQ |x| (CDR |x|))))))) (EXIT NIL))) (DEFUN |ILIST;concat!;3$;25| (|x| |y| $) (COND ((NULL |x|) (COND ((NULL |y|) |x|) (T (SEQ (PUSH (|SPADfirst| |y|) |x|) (RPLACD |x| (CDR |y|)) (EXIT |x|))))) (T (LET ((|z| |x|)) (SEQ (LOOP (COND ((NOT (NOT (NULL (CDR |z|)))) (RETURN NIL)) (T (SETQ |z| (CDR |z|))))) (RPLACD |z| |y|) (EXIT |x|)))))) (DEFUN |ILIST;removeDuplicates!;2$;26| (|l| $) (PROG (|pp| |f| |pr|) (RETURN (LET ((|p| |l|)) (SEQ (LOOP (COND ((NOT (NOT (NULL |p|))) (RETURN NIL)) (T (SEQ (LETT |pp| |p| |ILIST;removeDuplicates!;2$;26|) (LETT |f| (CAR |p|) |ILIST;removeDuplicates!;2$;26|) (SETQ |p| (CDR |p|)) (EXIT (LOOP (COND ((NOT (NOT (NULL (LETT |pr| (CDR |pp|) |ILIST;removeDuplicates!;2$;26|)))) (RETURN NIL)) (T (COND ((SPADCALL (CAR |pr|) |f| (|shellEntry| $ 59)) (RPLACD |pp| (CDR |pr|))) (T (SETQ |pp| |pr|))))))))))) (EXIT |l|)))))) (DEFUN |ILIST;sort!;M2$;27| (|f| |l| $) (|ILIST;mergeSort| |f| |l| (LIST-LENGTH |l|) $)) (DEFUN |ILIST;merge!;M3$;28| (|f| |p| |q| $) (PROG (|r| |t|) (RETURN (COND ((NULL |p|) |q|) ((NULL |q|) |p|) ((EQ |p| |q|) (|error| "cannot merge a list into itself")) (T (SEQ (COND ((SPADCALL (CAR |p|) (CAR |q|) |f|) (SEQ (LETT |r| (LETT |t| |p| |ILIST;merge!;M3$;28|) |ILIST;merge!;M3$;28|) (EXIT (SETQ |p| (CDR |p|))))) (T (SEQ (LETT |r| (LETT |t| |q| |ILIST;merge!;M3$;28|) |ILIST;merge!;M3$;28|) (EXIT (SETQ |q| (CDR |q|)))))) (LOOP (COND ((NOT (AND (NOT (NULL |p|)) (NOT (NULL |q|)))) (RETURN NIL)) (T (COND ((SPADCALL (CAR |p|) (CAR |q|) |f|) (SEQ (RPLACD |t| |p|) (LETT |t| |p| |ILIST;merge!;M3$;28|) (EXIT (SETQ |p| (CDR |p|))))) (T (SEQ (RPLACD |t| |q|) (LETT |t| |q| |ILIST;merge!;M3$;28|) (EXIT (SETQ |q| (CDR |q|))))))))) (RPLACD |t| (COND ((NULL |p|) |q|) (T |p|))) (EXIT |r|))))))) (DEFUN |ILIST;split!;$I$;29| (|p| |n| $) (PROG (|q|) (RETURN (COND ((< |n| 1) (|error| "index out of range")) (T (SEQ (SETQ |p| (|ILIST;rest;$Nni$;19| |p| (LET ((#0=#:G1485 (- |n| 1))) (|check-subtype| (NOT (MINUSP #0#)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) #0#)) $)) (LETT |q| (CDR |p|) |ILIST;split!;$I$;29|) (RPLACD |p| NIL) (EXIT |q|))))))) (DEFUN |ILIST;mergeSort| (|f| |p| |n| $) (PROG (|l| |q|) (RETURN (SEQ (COND ((AND (EQL |n| 2) (SPADCALL (|SPADfirst| (CDR |p|)) (|SPADfirst| |p|) |f|)) (SETQ |p| (NREVERSE |p|)))) (EXIT (COND ((< |n| 3) |p|) (T (SEQ (LETT |l| (LET ((#0=#:G1490 (TRUNCATE |n| 2))) (|check-subtype| (NOT (MINUSP #0#)) '(|NonNegativeInteger|) #0#)) |ILIST;mergeSort|) (LETT |q| (|ILIST;split!;$I$;29| |p| |l| $) |ILIST;mergeSort|) (SETQ |p| (|ILIST;mergeSort| |f| |p| |l| $)) (SETQ |q| (|ILIST;mergeSort| |f| |q| (- |n| |l|) $)) (EXIT (|ILIST;merge!;M3$;28| |f| |p| |q| $)))))))))) (DEFUN |IndexedList| (&REST #0=#:G1499 &AUX #1=#:G1497) (DECLARE (SPECIAL |$ConstructorCache|)) (DSETQ #1# #0#) (LET ((#2=#:G1498 (|lassocShiftWithFunction| (|devaluateList| #1#) (HGET |$ConstructorCache| '|IndexedList|) '|domainEqualList|))) (COND (#2# (|CDRwithIncrement| #2#)) (T (UNWIND-PROTECT (PROG1 (APPLY (|function| |IndexedList;|) #1#) (SETQ #2# T)) (COND ((NOT #2#) (HREM |$ConstructorCache| '|IndexedList|)))))))) (DEFUN |IndexedList;| (|#1| |#2|) (DECLARE (SPECIAL |$ConstructorCache|)) (LET* ((|dv$1| (|devaluate| |#1|)) (|dv$2| (|devaluate| |#2|)) (|dv$| (LIST '|IndexedList| |dv$1| |dv$2|)) ($ (|newShell| 86)) (|pv$| (|buildPredVector| 0 0 (LIST (OR (AND (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|OrderedSet|)) (|HasCategory| |#1| (LIST '|Evalable| (|devaluate| |#1|)))) (AND (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|SetCategory|)) (|HasCategory| |#1| (LIST '|Evalable| (|devaluate| |#1|))))) (OR (AND (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|SetCategory|)) (|HasCategory| |#1| (LIST '|Evalable| (|devaluate| |#1|)))) (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|CoercibleTo| (|OutputForm|)))) (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|ConvertibleTo| (|InputForm|))) (OR (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|OrderedSet|)) (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|SetCategory|))) (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|OrderedSet|)) (OR (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|BasicType|)) (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|OrderedSet|)) (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|SetCategory|))) (|HasCategory| (|Integer|) '(|OrderedSet|)) (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|SetCategory|)) (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|CoercibleTo| (|OutputForm|))) (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|BasicType|)) (AND (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|SetCategory|)) (|HasCategory| |#1| (LIST '|Evalable| (|devaluate| |#1|)))))))) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 0) |dv$|) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 3) |pv$|) (|haddProp| |$ConstructorCache| '|IndexedList| (LIST |dv$1| |dv$2|) (CONS 1 $)) (|stuffDomainSlots| $) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 6) |#1|) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 7) |#2|) (COND ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 9) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 50) (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |ILIST;coerce;$Of;21|) $)))) (COND ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 8) (PROGN (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 54) (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |ILIST;=;2$B;22|) $)) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 58) (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |ILIST;latex;$S;23|) $)) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 60) (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |ILIST;member?;S$B;24|) $))))) (COND ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 8) (SETF (|shellEntry| $ 62) (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |ILIST;removeDuplicates!;2$;26|) $)))) $)) (MAKEPROP '|IndexedList| '|infovec| (LIST '#(NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL (|local| |#1|) (|local| |#2|) (|NonNegativeInteger|) |ILIST;#;$Nni;1| |ILIST;concat;S2$;2| (|Boolean|) |ILIST;eq?;2$B;3| |ILIST;first;$S;4| '"first" |ILIST;elt;$firstS;5| |ILIST;empty;$;6| |ILIST;empty?;$B;7| |ILIST;rest;2$;8| '"rest" |ILIST;elt;$rest$;9| |ILIST;setfirst!;$2S;10| |ILIST;setelt;$first2S;11| |ILIST;setrest!;3$;12| |ILIST;setelt;$rest2$;13| (|List| 6) |ILIST;construct;L$;14| |ILIST;parts;$L;15| |ILIST;reverse!;2$;16| |ILIST;reverse;2$;17| (|Integer|) |ILIST;minIndex;$I;18| |ILIST;rest;$Nni$;19| (0 . |not|) (5 . =) (11 . |cyclic?|) |ILIST;copy;2$;20| (|OutputForm|) (|List| 37) (16 . |empty|) (20 . |cycleEntry|) (25 . |coerce|) (30 . |concat|) (36 . |reverse!|) (|List| $) (41 . |bracket|) (46 . |list|) (51 . |commaSeparate|) (56 . |overbar|) (61 . |concat!|) (67 . |coerce|) (72 . |true|) (76 . |false|) (80 . ~=) (86 . =) (|String|) (92 . |latex|) (97 . |concat|) (103 . |latex|) (108 . =) (114 . |member?|) |ILIST;concat!;3$;25| (120 . |removeDuplicates!|) (|Mapping| 11 6 6) |ILIST;sort!;M2$;27| |ILIST;merge!;M3$;28| (125 . |One|) (129 . <) (135 . |One|) (139 . -) |ILIST;split!;$I$;29| (145 . =) (151 . |quo|) (|Mapping| 6 6 6) (|Equation| 6) (|List| 74) (|Mapping| 11 6) (|Void|) (|UniversalSegment| 30) '"last" '"value" (|Mapping| 6 6) (|InputForm|) (|SingleInteger|) (|List| 30) (|Union| 6 '"failed")) '#(~= 157 |value| 163 |third| 168 |tail| 173 |swap!| 178 |split!| 185 |sorted?| 191 |sort!| 202 |sort| 213 |size?| 224 |setvalue!| 230 |setrest!| 236 |setlast!| 242 |setfirst!| 248 |setelt| 254 |setchildren!| 296 |select!| 302 |select| 308 |second| 314 |sample| 319 |reverse!| 323 |reverse| 328 |rest| 333 |removeDuplicates!| 344 |removeDuplicates| 349 |remove!| 354 |remove| 366 |reduce| 378 |qsetelt!| 399 |qelt| 406 |possiblyInfinite?| 412 |position| 417 |parts| 436 |nodes| 441 |node?| 446 |new| 452 |more?| 458 |minIndex| 464 |min| 469 |merge!| 475 |merge| 488 |members| 501 |member?| 506 |maxIndex| 512 |max| 517 |map!| 523 |map| 529 |list| 542 |less?| 547 |leaves| 553 |leaf?| 558 |latex| 563 |last| 568 |insert!| 579 |insert| 593 |indices| 607 |index?| 612 |hash| 618 |first| 623 |find| 634 |fill!| 640 |explicitlyFinite?| 646 |every?| 651 |eval| 657 |eq?| 683 |entry?| 689 |entries| 695 |empty?| 700 |empty| 705 |elt| 709 |distance| 752 |delete!| 758 |delete| 770 |cyclic?| 782 |cycleTail| 787 |cycleSplit!| 792 |cycleLength| 797 |cycleEntry| 802 |count| 807 |copyInto!| 819 |copy| 826 |convert| 831 |construct| 836 |concat!| 841 |concat| 853 |coerce| 876 |children| 881 |child?| 886 |before?| 892 |any?| 898 >= 904 > 910 = 916 <= 922 < 928 |#| 934) '((|shallowlyMutable| . 0) (|finiteAggregate| . 0)) (CONS (|makeByteWordVec2| 6 '(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 5 0 0 0 1 6 0 1 2 3)) (CONS '#(|ListAggregate&| |StreamAggregate&| |ExtensibleLinearAggregate&| |FiniteLinearAggregate&| |UnaryRecursiveAggregate&| |LinearAggregate&| |RecursiveAggregate&| |IndexedAggregate&| |Collection&| |HomogeneousAggregate&| NIL |EltableAggregate&| |SetCategory&| |OrderedType&| NIL |Aggregate&| NIL |Evalable&| |BasicType&| NIL |InnerEvalable&| NIL NIL) (CONS '#((|ListAggregate| 6) (|StreamAggregate| 6) (|ExtensibleLinearAggregate| 6) (|FiniteLinearAggregate| 6) (|UnaryRecursiveAggregate| 6) (|LinearAggregate| 6) (|RecursiveAggregate| 6) (|IndexedAggregate| 30 6) (|Collection| 6) (|HomogeneousAggregate| 6) (|OrderedSet|) (|EltableAggregate| 30 6) (|SetCategory|) (|OrderedType|) (|Eltable| 78 $$) (|Aggregate|) (|Eltable| 30 6) (|Evalable| 6) (|BasicType|) (|Type|) (|InnerEvalable| 6 6) (|CoercibleTo| 37) (|ConvertibleTo| 82)) (|makeByteWordVec2| 85 '(1 11 0 0 33 2 8 11 0 0 34 1 0 11 0 35 0 38 0 39 1 0 0 0 40 1 6 37 0 41 2 38 0 37 0 42 1 38 0 0 43 1 37 0 44 45 1 38 0 37 46 1 37 0 44 47 1 37 0 0 48 2 38 0 0 37 49 1 0 37 0 50 0 11 0 51 0 11 0 52 2 6 11 0 0 53 2 0 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