\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra routines.spad} \author{Brian Dupee} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{domain ROUTINE RoutinesTable} <<domain ROUTINE RoutinesTable>>= )abbrev domain ROUTINE RoutinesTable ++ Author: Brian Dupee ++ Date Created: August 1994 ++ Date Last Updated: December 1997 ++ Basic Operations: routines, getMeasure ++ Related Constructors: TableAggregate(Symbol,Any) ++ Description: ++ \axiomType{RoutinesTable} implements a database and associated tuning ++ mechanisms for a set of known NAG routines RoutinesTable(): E == I where F ==> Float ST ==> String LST ==> List String Rec ==> Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) RList ==> List(Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)) IFL ==> List(Record(ifail:Integer,instruction:ST)) Entry ==> Record(chapter:ST, type:ST, domainName: ST, defaultMin:F, measure:F, failList:IFL, explList:LST) E ==> TableAggregate(Symbol,Any) with concat:(%,%) -> % ++ concat(x,y) merges two tables x and y routines:() -> % ++ routines() initialises a database of known NAG routines selectIntegrationRoutines:% -> % ++ selectIntegrationRoutines(R) chooses only those routines from ++ the database which are for integration selectOptimizationRoutines:% -> % ++ selectOptimizationRoutines(R) chooses only those routines from ++ the database which are for integration selectPDERoutines:% -> % ++ selectPDERoutines(R) chooses only those routines from the ++ database which are for the solution of PDE's selectODEIVPRoutines:% -> % ++ selectODEIVPRoutines(R) chooses only those routines from the ++ database which are for the solution of ODE's selectFiniteRoutines:% -> % ++ selectFiniteRoutines(R) chooses only those routines from the ++ database which are designed for use with finite expressions selectSumOfSquaresRoutines:% -> % ++ selectSumOfSquaresRoutines(R) chooses only those routines from the ++ database which are designed for use with sums of squares selectNonFiniteRoutines:% -> % ++ selectNonFiniteRoutines(R) chooses only those routines from the ++ database which are designed for use with non-finite expressions. selectMultiDimensionalRoutines:% -> % ++ selectMultiDimensionalRoutines(R) chooses only those routines from ++ the database which are designed for use with multi-dimensional ++ expressions changeThreshhold:(%,Symbol,F) -> % ++ changeThreshhold(R,s,newValue) changes the value below which, ++ given a NAG routine generating a higher measure, the routines will ++ make no attempt to generate a measure. changeMeasure:(%,Symbol,F) -> % ++ changeMeasure(R,s,newValue) changes the maximum value for a ++ measure of the given NAG routine. getMeasure:(%,Symbol) -> F ++ getMeasure(R,s) gets the current value of the maximum measure for ++ the given NAG routine. getExplanations:(%,ST) -> LST ++ getExplanations(R,s) gets the explanations of the output parameters for ++ the given NAG routine. deleteRoutine!:(%,Symbol) -> % ++ deleteRoutine!(R,s) destructively deletes the given routine from ++ the current database of NAG routines showTheRoutinesTable:() -> % ++ showTheRoutinesTable() returns the current table of NAG routines. recoverAfterFail:(%,ST,Integer) -> Union(ST,"failed") ++ recoverAfterFail(routs,routineName,ifailValue) acts on the ++ instructions given by the ifail list finiteAggregate I ==> Result add Rep := Result import Rep theRoutinesTable:% := routines() showTheRoutinesTable():% == theRoutinesTable integrationRoutine?(r:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)):Boolean == (a := retractIfCan(r.entry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)) case Entry => elt(a,chapter) = "Integration" false selectIntegrationRoutines(R:%):% == select(integrationRoutine?,R) optimizationRoutine?(r:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)):Boolean == (a := retractIfCan(r.entry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)) case Entry => elt(a,chapter) = "Optimization" false selectOptimizationRoutines(R:%):% == select(optimizationRoutine?,R) PDERoutine?(r:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)):Boolean == (a := retractIfCan(r.entry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)) case Entry => elt(a,chapter) = "PDE" false selectPDERoutines(R:%):% == select(PDERoutine?,R) ODERoutine?(r:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)):Boolean == (a := retractIfCan(r.entry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)) case Entry => elt(a,chapter) = "ODE" false selectODEIVPRoutines(R:%):% == select(ODERoutine?,R) sumOfSquaresRoutine?(r:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)):Boolean == (a := retractIfCan(r.entry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)) case Entry => elt(a,type) = "SS" false selectSumOfSquaresRoutines(R:%):% == select(sumOfSquaresRoutine?,R) finiteRoutine?(r:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)):Boolean == (a := retractIfCan(r.entry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)) case Entry => elt(a,type) = "One-dimensional finite" false selectFiniteRoutines(R:%):% == select(finiteRoutine?,R) infiniteRoutine?(r:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)):Boolean == (a := retractIfCan(r.entry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)) case Entry => elt(a,type) = "One-dimensional infinite" false semiInfiniteRoutine?(r:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)):Boolean == (a := retractIfCan(r.entry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)) case Entry => elt(a,type) = "One-dimensional semi-infinite" false nonFiniteRoutine?(r:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)):Boolean == (semiInfiniteRoutine?(r) or infiniteRoutine?(r)) selectNonFiniteRoutines(R:%):% == select(nonFiniteRoutine?,R) multiDimensionalRoutine?(r:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)):Boolean == (a := retractIfCan(r.entry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)) case Entry => elt(a,type) = "Multi-dimensional" false selectMultiDimensionalRoutines(R:%):% == select(multiDimensionalRoutine?,R) concat(a:%,b:%):% == membersOfa := (members(a)@List(Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any))) membersOfb := (members(b)@List(Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any))) allMembers:= concat(membersOfa,membersOfb)$List(Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)) construct(allMembers) changeThreshhold(R:%,s:Symbol,newValue:F):% == (a := search(s,R)) case Any => e := retract(a)$AnyFunctions1(Entry) e.defaultMin := newValue a := coerce(e)$AnyFunctions1(Entry) insert!([s,a],R) error("changeThreshhold","Cannot find routine of that name")$ErrorFunctions changeMeasure(R:%,s:Symbol,newValue:F):% == (a := search(s,R)) case Any => e := retract(a)$AnyFunctions1(Entry) e.measure := newValue a := coerce(e)$AnyFunctions1(Entry) insert!([s,a],R) error("changeMeasure","Cannot find routine of that name")$ErrorFunctions getMeasure(R:%,s:Symbol):F == (a := search(s,R)) case Any => e := retract(a)$AnyFunctions1(Entry) e.measure error("getMeasure","Cannot find routine of that name")$ErrorFunctions deleteRoutine!(R:%,s:Symbol):% == (a := search(s,R)) case Any => e:Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) := [s,a] remove!(e,R) error("deleteRoutine!","Cannot find routine of that name")$ErrorFunctions routines():% == f := "One-dimensional finite" s := "One-dimensional semi-infinite" i := "One-dimensional infinite" m := "Multi-dimensional" int := "Integration" ode := "ODE" pde := "PDE" opt := "Optimization" d01ajfExplList:LST := ["result: Calculated value of the integral", "iw: iw(1) contains the actual number of sub-intervals used, the rest is workspace", "w: contains the end-points of the sub-intervals used along with the integral contributions and error estimates over the sub-intervals", "abserr: the estimate of the absolute error of the result", "ifail: the error warning parameter", "method: details of the method used and measures of all methods", "attributes: a list of the attributes pertaining to the integrand which had some bearing on the choice of method"] d01asfExplList:LST := ["result: Calculated value of the integral", "iw: iw(1) contains the actual number of sub-intervals used, the rest is workspace", "lst: contains the actual number of sub-intervals used", "erlst: contains the error estimates over the sub-intervals", "rslst: contains the integral contributions of the sub-intervals", "ierlst: contains the error flags corresponding to the values in rslst", "abserr: the estimate of the absolute error of the result", "ifail: the error warning parameter", "method: details of the method used and measures of all methods", "attributes: a list of the attributes pertaining to the integrand which had some bearing on the choice of method"] d01fcfExplList:LST := ["result: Calculated value of the integral", "acc: the estimate of the relative error of the result", "minpts: the number of integrand evaluations", "ifail: the error warning parameter", "method: details of the method used and measures of all methods", "attributes: a list of the attributes pertaining to the integrand which had some bearing on the choice of method"] d01transExplList:LST := ["result: Calculated value of the integral", "abserr: the estimate of the absolute error of the result", "method: details of the method and transformation used and measures of all methods", "d01***AnnaTypeAnswer: the individual results from the routines", "attributes: a list of the attributes pertaining to the integrand which had some bearing on the choice of method"] d02bhfExplList:LST := ["x: the value of x at the end of the calculation", "y: the computed values of Y\[1\]..Y\[n\] at x", "tol: the (possible) estimate of the error; this is not guarunteed", "ifail: the error warning parameter", "method: details of the method used and measures of all methods", "intensityFunctions: a list of the attributes and values pertaining to the ODE which had some bearing on the choice of method"] d02bbfExplList:LST := concat(["result: the computed values of the solution at the required points"],d02bhfExplList)$LST d03eefExplList:LST := ["See the NAG On-line Documentation for D03EEF/D03EDF", "u: the computed solution u[i][j] is returned in u(i+(j-1)*ngx),for i = 1,2,..ngx; j = 1,2,..ngy"] e04fdfExplList:LST := ["x: the position of the minimum", "objf: the value of the objective function at x", "ifail: the error warning parameter", "method: details of the method used and measures of all methods", "attributes: a list of the attributes pertaining to the function or functions which had some bearing on the choice of method"] e04dgfExplList:LST := concat(e04fdfExplList, ["objgrd: the values of the derivatives at x", "iter: the number of iterations performed"])$LST e04jafExplList:LST := concat(e04fdfExplList, ["bu: the values of the upper bounds used", "bl: the values of the lower bounds used"])$LST e04ucfExplList:LST := concat(e04dgfExplList, ["istate: the status of every constraint at x", "clamda: the QP multipliers for the last QP sub-problem", "For other output parameters see the NAG On-line Documentation for E04UCF"])$LST e04mbfExplList:LST := concat(e04fdfExplList, ["istate: the status of every constraint at x", "clamda: the Lagrange multipliers for each constraint"])$LST d01ajfIfail:IFL := [[1,"incrFunEvals"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"], [5,"delete"], [6,"delete"]] d01akfIfail:IFL := [[1,"incrFunEvals"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"]] d01alfIfail:IFL := [[1,"incrFunEvals"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"], [5,"delete"], [6,"delete"], [7,"delete"]] d01amfIfail:IFL := [[1,"incrFunEvals"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"], [5,"delete"], [6,"delete"]] d01anfIfail:IFL := [[1,"incrFunEvals"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"], [5,"delete"], [6,"delete"], [7,"delete"]] d01apfIfail:IFL := [[1,"incrFunEvals"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"], [5,"delete"]] d01aqfIfail:IFL := [[1,"incrFunEvals"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"], [5,"delete"]] d01asfIfail:IFL := [[1,"incrFunEvals"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"], [5,"delete"], [6,"delete"], [7,"delete"], [8,"delete"], [9,"delete"]] d01fcfIfail:IFL := [[1,"delete"], [2,"incrFunEvals"], [3,"delete"]] d01gbfIfail:IFL := [[1,"delete"], [2,"incrFunEvals"]] d02bbfIfail:IFL := [[1,"delete"], [2,"decrease tolerance"], [3,"increase tolerance"], [4,"delete"], [5,"delete"], [6,"delete"], [7,"delete"]] d02bhfIfail:IFL := [[1,"delete"], [2,"decrease tolerance"], [3,"increase tolerance"], [4,"no action"], [5,"delete"], [6,"delete"], [7,"delete"]] d02cjfIfail:IFL := [[1,"delete"], [2,"decrease tolerance"], [3,"increase tolerance"], [4,"delete"], [5,"delete"], [6,"no action"], [7,"delete"]] d02ejfIfail:IFL := [[1,"delete"], [2,"decrease tolerance"], [3,"increase tolerance"], [4,"delete"], [5,"delete"], [6,"no action"], [7,"delete"], [8,"delete"], [9,"delete"]] e04dgfIfail:IFL := [[3,"delete"], [4,"no action"], [6,"delete"], [7,"delete"], [8,"delete"], [9,"delete"]] e04fdfIfail:IFL := [[1,"delete"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"], [5,"no action"], [6,"no action"], [7,"delete"], [8,"delete"]] e04gcfIfail:IFL := [[1,"delete"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"], [5,"no action"], [6,"no action"], [7,"delete"], [8,"delete"], [9,"delete"]] e04jafIfail:IFL := [[1,"delete"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"], [5,"no action"], [6,"no action"], [7,"delete"], [8,"delete"], [9,"delete"]] e04mbfIfail:IFL := [[1,"delete"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"], [5,"delete"]] e04nafIfail:IFL := [[1,"delete"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"], [5,"delete"], [6,"delete"], [7,"delete"], [8,"delete"], [9,"delete"]] e04ucfIfail:IFL := [[1,"delete"], [2,"delete"], [3,"delete"], [4,"delete"], [5,"delete"], [6,"delete"], [7,"delete"], [8,"delete"], [9,"delete"]] d01ajfEntry:Entry := [int, f, "d01ajfAnnaType",0.4,0.4,d01ajfIfail,d01ajfExplList] d01akfEntry:Entry := [int, f, "d01akfAnnaType",0.6,1.0,d01akfIfail,d01ajfExplList] d01alfEntry:Entry := [int, f, "d01alfAnnaType",0.6,0.6,d01alfIfail,d01ajfExplList] d01amfEntry:Entry := [int, i, "d01amfAnnaType",0.5,0.5,d01amfIfail,d01ajfExplList] d01anfEntry:Entry := [int, f, "d01anfAnnaType",0.6,0.9,d01anfIfail,d01ajfExplList] d01apfEntry:Entry := [int, f, "d01apfAnnaType",0.7,0.7,d01apfIfail,d01ajfExplList] d01aqfEntry:Entry := [int, f, "d01aqfAnnaType",0.6,0.7,d01aqfIfail,d01ajfExplList] d01asfEntry:Entry := [int, s, "d01asfAnnaType",0.6,0.9,d01asfIfail,d01asfExplList] d01transEntry:Entry:=[int, i, "d01TransformFunctionType",0.6,0.9,[],d01transExplList] d01gbfEntry:Entry := [int, m, "d01gbfAnnaType",0.6,0.6,d01gbfIfail,d01fcfExplList] d01fcfEntry:Entry := [int, m, "d01fcfAnnaType",0.5,0.5,d01fcfIfail,d01fcfExplList] d02bbfEntry:Entry := [ode, "IVP", "d02bbfAnnaType",0.7,0.5,d02bbfIfail,d02bbfExplList] d02bhfEntry:Entry := [ode, "IVP", "d02bhfAnnaType",0.7,0.49,d02bhfIfail,d02bhfExplList] d02cjfEntry:Entry := [ode, "IVP", "d02cjfAnnaType",0.7,0.5,d02cjfIfail,d02bbfExplList] d02ejfEntry:Entry := [ode, "IVP", "d02ejfAnnaType",0.7,0.5,d02ejfIfail,d02bbfExplList] d03eefEntry:Entry := [pde, "2", "d03eefAnnaType",0.6,0.5,[],d03eefExplList] --d03fafEntry:Entry := [pde, "3", "d03fafAnnaType",0.6,0.5,[],[]] e04dgfEntry:Entry := [opt, "CGA", "e04dgfAnnaType",0.4,0.4,e04dgfIfail,e04dgfExplList] e04fdfEntry:Entry := [opt, "SS", "e04fdfAnnaType",0.7,0.7,e04fdfIfail,e04fdfExplList] e04gcfEntry:Entry := [opt, "SS", "e04gcfAnnaType",0.8,0.8,e04gcfIfail,e04fdfExplList] e04jafEntry:Entry := [opt, "QNA", "e04jafAnnaType",0.5,0.5,e04jafIfail,e04jafExplList] e04mbfEntry:Entry := [opt, "LP", "e04mbfAnnaType",0.7,0.7,e04mbfIfail,e04mbfExplList] e04nafEntry:Entry := [opt, "QP", "e04nafAnnaType",0.7,0.7,e04nafIfail,e04mbfExplList] e04ucfEntry:Entry := [opt, "SQP", "e04ucfAnnaType",0.6,0.6,e04ucfIfail,e04ucfExplList] rl:RList := [["d01apf" :: Symbol, coerce(d01apfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d01aqf" :: Symbol, coerce(d01aqfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d01alf" :: Symbol, coerce(d01alfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d01anf" :: Symbol, coerce(d01anfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d01akf" :: Symbol, coerce(d01akfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d01ajf" :: Symbol, coerce(d01ajfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d01asf" :: Symbol, coerce(d01asfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d01amf" :: Symbol, coerce(d01amfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d01transform" :: Symbol, coerce(d01transEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d01gbf" :: Symbol, coerce(d01gbfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d01fcf" :: Symbol, coerce(d01fcfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d02bbf" :: Symbol, coerce(d02bbfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d02bhf" :: Symbol, coerce(d02bhfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d02cjf" :: Symbol, coerce(d02cjfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d02ejf" :: Symbol, coerce(d02ejfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["d03eef" :: Symbol, coerce(d03eefEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ --["d03faf" :: Symbol, coerce(d03fafEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)], ["e04dgf" :: Symbol, coerce(e04dgfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["e04fdf" :: Symbol, coerce(e04fdfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["e04gcf" :: Symbol, coerce(e04gcfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["e04jaf" :: Symbol, coerce(e04jafEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["e04mbf" :: Symbol, coerce(e04mbfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["e04naf" :: Symbol, coerce(e04nafEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)],_ ["e04ucf" :: Symbol, coerce(e04ucfEntry)$AnyFunctions1(Entry)]] construct(rl) getIFL(s:Symbol,l:%):Union(IFL,"failed") == o := search(s,l)$% o case "failed" => "failed" e := retractIfCan(o)$AnyFunctions1(Entry) e case "failed" => "failed" e.failList getInstruction(l:IFL,ifailValue:Integer):Union(ST,"failed") == output := empty()$ST for i in 1..#l repeat if ((l.i).ifail=ifailValue)@Boolean then output := (l.i).instruction empty?(output)$ST => "failed" output recoverAfterFail(routs:%,routineName:ST, ifailValue:Integer):Union(ST,"failed") == name := routineName :: Symbol failedList := getIFL(name,routs) failedList case "failed" => "failed" empty? failedList => "failed" instr := getInstruction(failedList,ifailValue) instr case "failed" => concat(routineName," failed")$ST (instr = "delete")@Boolean => deleteRoutine!(routs,name) concat(routineName," failed - trying alternatives")$ST instr getExplanations(R:%,routineName:ST):LST == name := routineName :: Symbol (a := search(name,R)) case Any => e := retract(a)$AnyFunctions1(Entry) e.explList empty()$LST @ \section{domain ATTRBUT AttributeButtons} <<domain ATTRBUT AttributeButtons>>= )abbrev domain ATTRBUT AttributeButtons ++ Author: Brian Dupee ++ Date Created: April 1996 ++ Date Last Updated: December 1997 ++ Basic Operations: increase, decrease, getButtonValue, setButtonValue ++ Related Constructors: Table(String,Float) ++ Description: ++ \axiomType{AttributeButtons} implements a database and associated ++ adjustment mechanisms for a set of attributes. ++ ++ For ODEs these attributes are "stiffness", "stability" (i.e. how much ++ affect the cosine or sine component of the solution has on the stability of ++ the result), "accuracy" and "expense" (i.e. how expensive is the evaluation ++ of the ODE). All these have bearing on the cost of calculating the ++ solution given that reducing the step-length to achieve greater accuracy ++ requires considerable number of evaluations and calculations. ++ ++ The effect of each of these attributes can be altered by increasing or ++ decreasing the button value. ++ ++ For Integration there is a button for increasing and decreasing the preset ++ number of function evaluations for each method. This is automatically used ++ by ANNA when a method fails due to insufficient workspace or where the ++ limit of function evaluations has been reached before the required ++ accuracy is achieved. ++ AttributeButtons(): E == I where F ==> Float ST ==> String LST ==> List String Rec ==> Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any) RList ==> List(Record(key:Symbol,entry:Any)) IFL ==> List(Record(ifail:Integer,instruction:ST)) Entry ==> Record(chapter:ST, type:ST, domainName: ST, defaultMin:F, measure:F, failList:IFL, explList:LST) E ==> SetCategory with increase:(ST,ST) -> F ++ \axiom{increase(routineName,attributeName)} increases the value ++ for the effect of the attribute \axiom{attributeName} with routine ++ \axiom{routineName}. ++ ++ \axiom{attributeName} should be one of the values ++ "stiffness", "stability", "accuracy", "expense" or ++ "functionEvaluations". increase:(ST) -> F ++ \axiom{increase(attributeName)} increases the value for the ++ effect of the attribute \axiom{attributeName} with all routines. ++ ++ \axiom{attributeName} should be one of the values ++ "stiffness", "stability", "accuracy", "expense" or ++ "functionEvaluations". decrease:(ST,ST) -> F ++ \axiom{decrease(routineName,attributeName)} decreases the value ++ for the effect of the attribute \axiom{attributeName} with routine ++ \axiom{routineName}. ++ ++ \axiom{attributeName} should be one of the values ++ "stiffness", "stability", "accuracy", "expense" or ++ "functionEvaluations". decrease:(ST) -> F ++ \axiom{decrease(attributeName)} decreases the value for the ++ effect of the attribute \axiom{attributeName} with all routines. ++ ++ \axiom{attributeName} should be one of the values ++ "stiffness", "stability", "accuracy", "expense" or ++ "functionEvaluations". getButtonValue:(ST,ST) -> F ++ \axiom{getButtonValue(routineName,attributeName)} returns the ++ current value for the effect of the attribute \axiom{attributeName} ++ with routine \axiom{routineName}. ++ ++ \axiom{attributeName} should be one of the values ++ "stiffness", "stability", "accuracy", "expense" or ++ "functionEvaluations". resetAttributeButtons:() -> Void ++ \axiom{resetAttributeButtons()} resets the Attribute buttons to a ++ neutral level. setAttributeButtonStep:(F) -> F ++ \axiom{setAttributeButtonStep(n)} sets the value of the steps for ++ increasing and decreasing the button values. \axiom{n} must be ++ greater than 0 and less than 1. The preset value is 0.5. setButtonValue:(ST,F) -> F ++ \axiom{setButtonValue(attributeName,n)} sets the ++ value of all buttons of attribute \spad{attributeName} ++ to \spad{n}. \spad{n} must be in the range [0..1]. ++ ++ \axiom{attributeName} should be one of the values ++ "stiffness", "stability", "accuracy", "expense" or ++ "functionEvaluations". setButtonValue:(ST,ST,F) -> F ++ \axiom{setButtonValue(attributeName,routineName,n)} sets the ++ value of the button of attribute \spad{attributeName} to routine ++ \spad{routineName} to \spad{n}. \spad{n} must be in the range [0..1]. ++ ++ \axiom{attributeName} should be one of the values ++ "stiffness", "stability", "accuracy", "expense" or ++ "functionEvaluations". finiteAggregate I ==> add Rep := StringTable(F) import Rep buttons:() -> $ buttons():$ == eList := empty()$List(Record(key:ST,entry:F)) l1:List String := ["stability","stiffness","accuracy","expense"] l2:List String := ["functionEvaluations"] ro1 := selectODEIVPRoutines(r := routines()$RoutinesTable)$RoutinesTable ro2 := selectIntegrationRoutines(r)$RoutinesTable k1:List String := [string(i)$Symbol for i in keys(ro1)$RoutinesTable] k2:List String := [string(i)$Symbol for i in keys(ro2)$RoutinesTable] for i in k1 repeat for j in l1 repeat e:Record(key:ST,entry:F) := [i j,0.5] eList := cons(e,eList)$List(Record(key:ST,entry:F)) for i in k2 repeat for j in l2 repeat e:Record(key:ST,entry:F) := [i j,0.5] eList := cons(e,eList)$List(Record(key:ST,entry:F)) construct(eList)$Rep attributeButtons:$ := buttons() attributeStep:F := 0.5 setAttributeButtonStep(n:F):F == positive?(n)$F and (n<1$F) => attributeStep:F := n error("setAttributeButtonStep","New value must be in (0..1)")$ErrorFunctions resetAttributeButtons():Void == attributeButtons := buttons() void()$Void setButtonValue(routineName:ST,attributeName:ST,n:F):F == f := search(routineName attributeName,attributeButtons)$Rep f case Float => n>=0$F and n<=1$F => setelt(attributeButtons,routineName attributeName,n)$Rep error("setAttributeButtonStep","New value must be in [0..1]")$ErrorFunctions error("setButtonValue","attribute name " attributeName " not found for routine " routineName)$ErrorFunctions setButtonValue(attributeName:ST,n:F):F == ro1 := selectODEIVPRoutines(r := routines()$RoutinesTable)$RoutinesTable ro2 := selectIntegrationRoutines(r)$RoutinesTable l1:List String := ["stability","stiffness","accuracy","expense"] l2:List String := ["functionEvaluations"] if attributeName="functionEvaluations" then for i in keys(ro2)$RoutinesTable repeat setButtonValue(string(i)$Symbol,attributeName,n) else for i in keys(ro1)$RoutinesTable repeat setButtonValue(string(i)$Symbol,attributeName,n) n increase(routineName:ST,attributeName:ST):F == f := search(routineName attributeName,attributeButtons)$Rep f case Float => newValue:F := (1$F-attributeStep)*f+attributeStep setButtonValue(routineName,attributeName,newValue) error("increase","attribute name " attributeName " not found for routine " routineName)$ErrorFunctions increase(attributeName:ST):F == ro1 := selectODEIVPRoutines(r := routines()$RoutinesTable)$RoutinesTable ro2 := selectIntegrationRoutines(r)$RoutinesTable l1:List String := ["stability","stiffness","accuracy","expense"] l2:List String := ["functionEvaluations"] if attributeName="functionEvaluations" then for i in keys(ro2)$RoutinesTable repeat increase(string(i)$Symbol,attributeName) else for i in keys(ro1)$RoutinesTable repeat increase(string(i)$Symbol,attributeName) getButtonValue(string(i)$Symbol,attributeName) decrease(routineName:ST,attributeName:ST):F == f := search(routineName attributeName,attributeButtons)$Rep f case Float => newValue:F := (1$F-attributeStep)*f setButtonValue(routineName,attributeName,newValue) error("increase","attribute name " attributeName " not found for routine " routineName)$ErrorFunctions decrease(attributeName:ST):F == ro1 := selectODEIVPRoutines(r := routines()$RoutinesTable)$RoutinesTable ro2 := selectIntegrationRoutines(r)$RoutinesTable l1:List String := ["stability","stiffness","accuracy","expense"] l2:List String := ["functionEvaluations"] if attributeName="functionEvaluations" then for i in keys(ro2)$RoutinesTable repeat decrease(string(i)$Symbol,attributeName) else for i in keys(ro1)$RoutinesTable repeat decrease(string(i)$Symbol,attributeName) getButtonValue(string(i)$Symbol,attributeName) getButtonValue(routineName:ST,attributeName:ST):F == f := search(routineName attributeName,attributeButtons)$Rep f case Float => f error("getButtonValue","attribute name " attributeName " not found for routine " routineName)$ErrorFunctions @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<domain ROUTINE RoutinesTable>> <<domain ATTRBUT AttributeButtons>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}