\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra riccati.spad} \author{Manuel Bronstein} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{package ODEPRRIC PrimitiveRatRicDE} <<package ODEPRRIC PrimitiveRatRicDE>>= )abbrev package ODEPRRIC PrimitiveRatRicDE ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 22 October 1991 ++ Date Last Updated: 2 February 1993 ++ Description: In-field solution of Riccati equations, primitive case. PrimitiveRatRicDE(F, UP, L, LQ): Exports == Implementation where F : Join(Field, CharacteristicZero, RetractableTo Fraction Integer) UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory F L : LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory UP LQ : LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory Fraction UP N ==> NonNegativeInteger Z ==> Integer RF ==> Fraction UP UP2 ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial UP REC ==> Record(deg:N, eq:UP) REC2 ==> Record(deg:N, eq:UP2) POL ==> Record(poly:UP, eq:L) FRC ==> Record(frac:RF, eq:L) CNT ==> Record(constant:F, eq:L) IJ ==> Record(ij: List Z, deg:N) Exports ==> with denomRicDE: L -> UP ++ denomRicDE(op) returns a polynomial \spad{d} such that any rational ++ solution of the associated Riccati equation of \spad{op y = 0} is ++ of the form \spad{p/d + q'/q + r} for some polynomials p and q ++ and a reduced r. Also, \spad{deg(p) < deg(d)} and {gcd(d,q) = 1}. leadingCoefficientRicDE: L -> List REC ++ leadingCoefficientRicDE(op) returns ++ \spad{[[m1, p1], [m2, p2], ... , [mk, pk]]} such that the polynomial ++ part of any rational solution of the associated Riccati equation of ++ \spad{op y = 0} must have degree mj for some j, and its leading ++ coefficient is then a zero of pj. In addition,\spad{m1>m2> ... >mk}. constantCoefficientRicDE: (L, UP -> List F) -> List CNT ++ constantCoefficientRicDE(op, ric) returns ++ \spad{[[a1, L1], [a2, L2], ... , [ak, Lk]]} such that any rational ++ solution with no polynomial part of the associated Riccati equation of ++ \spad{op y = 0} must be one of the ai's in which case the equation for ++ \spad{z = y e^{-int ai}} is \spad{Li z = 0}. ++ \spad{ric} is a Riccati equation solver over \spad{F}, whose input ++ is the associated linear equation. polyRicDE: (L, UP -> List F) -> List POL ++ polyRicDE(op, zeros) returns ++ \spad{[[p1, L1], [p2, L2], ... , [pk, Lk]]} such that the polynomial ++ part of any rational solution of the associated Riccati equation of ++ \spad{op y=0} must be one of the pi's (up to the constant coefficient), ++ in which case the equation for \spad{z=y e^{-int p}} is \spad{Li z =0}. ++ \spad{zeros} is a zero finder in \spad{UP}. singRicDE: (L, (UP, UP2) -> List UP, UP -> Factored UP) -> List FRC ++ singRicDE(op, zeros, ezfactor) returns ++ \spad{[[f1, L1], [f2, L2], ... , [fk, Lk]]} such that the singular ++ part of any rational solution of the associated Riccati equation of ++ \spad{op y=0} must be one of the fi's (up to the constant coefficient), ++ in which case the equation for \spad{z=y e^{-int p}} is \spad{Li z=0}. ++ \spad{zeros(C(x),H(x,y))} returns all the \spad{P_i(x)}'s such that ++ \spad{H(x,P_i(x)) = 0 modulo C(x)}. ++ Argument \spad{ezfactor} is a factorisation in \spad{UP}, ++ not necessarily into irreducibles. changeVar: (L, UP) -> L ++ changeVar(+/[ai D^i], a) returns the operator \spad{+/[ai (D+a)^i]}. changeVar: (L, RF) -> L ++ changeVar(+/[ai D^i], a) returns the operator \spad{+/[ai (D+a)^i]}. Implementation ==> add import PrimitiveRatDE(F, UP, L, LQ) import BalancedFactorisation(F, UP) bound : (UP, L) -> N lambda : (UP, L) -> List IJ infmax : (IJ, L) -> List Z dmax : (IJ, UP, L) -> List Z getPoly : (IJ, L, List Z) -> UP getPol : (IJ, UP, L, List Z) -> UP2 innerlb : (L, UP -> Z) -> List IJ innermax : (IJ, L, UP -> Z) -> List Z tau0 : (UP, UP) -> UP poly1 : (UP, UP, Z) -> UP2 getPol1 : (List Z, UP, L) -> UP2 getIndices : (N, List IJ) -> List Z refine : (List UP, UP -> Factored UP) -> List UP polysol : (L, N, Boolean, UP -> List F) -> List POL fracsol : (L, (UP, UP2) -> List UP, List UP) -> List FRC padicsol l : (UP, L, N, Boolean, (UP, UP2) -> List UP) -> List FRC leadingDenomRicDE : (UP, L) -> List REC2 factoredDenomRicDE: L -> List UP constantCoefficientOperator: (L, N) -> UP infLambda: L -> List IJ -- infLambda(op) returns -- \spad{[[[i,j], (\deg(a_i)-\deg(a_j))/(i-j) ]]} for all the pairs -- of indices \spad{i,j} such that \spad{(\deg(a_i)-\deg(a_j))/(i-j)} is -- an integer. diff := D()$L diffq := D()$LQ lambda(c, l) == innerlb(l, order(#1, c)::Z) infLambda l == innerlb(l, -(degree(#1)::Z)) infmax(rec, l) == innermax(rec, l, degree(#1)::Z) dmax(rec, c, l) == innermax(rec, l, - order(#1, c)::Z) tau0(p, q) == ((q exquo (p ** order(q, p)))::UP) rem p poly1(c, cp, i) == */[monomial(1,1)$UP2 - (j * cp)::UP2 for j in 0..i-1] getIndices(n, l) == removeDuplicates_! concat [r.ij for r in l | r.deg=n] denomRicDE l == */[c ** bound(c, l) for c in factoredDenomRicDE l] polyRicDE(l, zeros) == concat([0, l], polysol(l, 0, false, zeros)) -- refine([p1,...,pn], foo) refines the list of factors using foo refine(l, ezfactor) == concat [[r.factor for r in factors ezfactor p] for p in l] -- returns [] if the solutions of l have no p-adic component at c padicsol(c, op, b, finite?, zeros) == ans:List(FRC) := empty() finite? and zero? b => ans lc := leadingDenomRicDE(c, op) if finite? then lc := select_!(#1.deg <= b, lc) for rec in lc repeat for r in zeros(c, rec.eq) | r ~= 0 repeat rcn := r /$RF (c ** rec.deg) neweq := changeVar(op, rcn) sols := padicsol(c, neweq, (rec.deg-1)::N, true, zeros) ans := empty? sols => concat([rcn, neweq], ans) concat_!([[rcn + sol.frac, sol.eq] for sol in sols], ans) ans leadingDenomRicDE(c, l) == ind:List(Z) -- to cure the compiler... (won't compile without) lb := lambda(c, l) done:List(N) := empty() ans:List(REC2) := empty() for rec in lb | (not member?(rec.deg, done)) and not(empty?(ind := dmax(rec, c, l))) repeat ans := concat([rec.deg, getPol(rec, c, l, ind)], ans) done := concat(rec.deg, done) sort_!(#1.deg > #2.deg, ans) getPol(rec, c, l, ind) == -- one?(rec.deg) => getPol1(ind, c, l) (rec.deg = 1) => getPol1(ind, c, l) +/[monomial(tau0(c, coefficient(l, i::N)), i::N)$UP2 for i in ind] getPol1(ind, c, l) == cp := diff c +/[tau0(c, coefficient(l, i::N)) * poly1(c, cp, i) for i in ind] constantCoefficientRicDE(op, ric) == m := "max"/[degree p for p in coefficients op] [[a, changeVar(op,a::UP)] for a in ric constantCoefficientOperator(op,m)] constantCoefficientOperator(op, m) == ans:UP := 0 while op ~= 0 repeat if degree(p := leadingCoefficient op) = m then ans := ans + monomial(leadingCoefficient p, degree op) op := reductum op ans getPoly(rec, l, ind) == +/[monomial(leadingCoefficient coefficient(l,i::N),i::N)$UP for i in ind] -- returns empty() if rec is does not reach the max, -- the list of indices (including rec) that reach the max otherwise innermax(rec, l, nu) == n := degree l i := first(rec.ij) m := i * (d := rec.deg) + nu coefficient(l, i::N) ans:List(Z) := empty() for j in 0..n | (f := coefficient(l, j)) ~= 0 repeat if ((k := (j * d + nu f)) > m) then return empty() else if (k = m) then ans := concat(j, ans) ans leadingCoefficientRicDE l == ind:List(Z) -- to cure the compiler... (won't compile without) lb := infLambda l done:List(N) := empty() ans:List(REC) := empty() for rec in lb | (not member?(rec.deg, done)) and not(empty?(ind := infmax(rec, l))) repeat ans := concat([rec.deg, getPoly(rec, l, ind)], ans) done := concat(rec.deg, done) sort_!(#1.deg > #2.deg, ans) factoredDenomRicDE l == bd := factors balancedFactorisation(leadingCoefficient l, coefficients l) [dd.factor for dd in bd] changeVar(l:L, a:UP) == dpa := diff + a::L -- the operator (D + a) dpan:L := 1 -- will accumulate the powers of (D + a) op:L := 0 for i in 0..degree l repeat op := op + coefficient(l, i) * dpan dpan := dpa * dpan primitivePart op changeVar(l:L, a:RF) == dpa := diffq + a::LQ -- the operator (D + a) dpan:LQ := 1 -- will accumulate the powers of (D + a) op:LQ := 0 for i in 0..degree l repeat op := op + coefficient(l, i)::RF * dpan dpan := dpa * dpan splitDenominator(op, empty()).eq bound(c, l) == empty?(lb := lambda(c, l)) => 1 "max"/[rec.deg for rec in lb] -- returns all the pairs [[i, j], n] such that -- n = (nu(i) - nu(j)) / (i - j) is an integer innerlb(l, nu) == lb:List(IJ) := empty() n := degree l for i in 0..n | (li := coefficient(l, i)) ~= 0repeat for j in i+1..n | (lj := coefficient(l, j)) ~= 0 repeat u := (nu li - nu lj) exquo (i-j) if (u case Z) and ((b := u::Z) > 0) then lb := concat([[i, j], b::N], lb) lb singRicDE(l, zeros, ezfactor) == concat([0, l], fracsol(l, zeros, refine(factoredDenomRicDE l, ezfactor))) -- returns [] if the solutions of l have no singular component fracsol(l, zeros, lc) == ans:List(FRC) := empty() empty? lc => ans empty?(sols := padicsol(first lc, l, 0, false, zeros)) => fracsol(l, zeros, rest lc) for rec in sols repeat neweq := changeVar(l, rec.frac) sols := fracsol(neweq, zeros, rest lc) ans := empty? sols => concat(rec, ans) concat_!([[rec.frac + sol.frac, sol.eq] for sol in sols], ans) ans -- returns [] if the solutions of l have no polynomial component polysol(l, b, finite?, zeros) == ans:List(POL) := empty() finite? and zero? b => ans lc := leadingCoefficientRicDE l if finite? then lc := select_!(#1.deg <= b, lc) for rec in lc repeat for a in zeros(rec.eq) | a ~= 0 repeat atn:UP := monomial(a, rec.deg) neweq := changeVar(l, atn) sols := polysol(neweq, (rec.deg - 1)::N, true, zeros) ans := empty? sols => concat([atn, neweq], ans) concat_!([[atn + sol.poly, sol.eq] for sol in sols], ans) ans @ \section{package ODERTRIC RationalRicDE} <<package ODERTRIC RationalRicDE>>= )abbrev package ODERTRIC RationalRicDE ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 22 October 1991 ++ Date Last Updated: 11 April 1994 ++ Description: In-field solution of Riccati equations, rational case. RationalRicDE(F, UP): Exports == Implementation where F : Join(Field, CharacteristicZero, RetractableTo Integer, RetractableTo Fraction Integer) UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory F N ==> NonNegativeInteger Z ==> Integer SY ==> Symbol P ==> Polynomial F RF ==> Fraction P EQ ==> Equation RF QF ==> Fraction UP UP2 ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial UP SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial P REC ==> Record(poly:SUP, vars:List SY) SOL ==> Record(var:List SY, val:List F) POL ==> Record(poly:UP, eq:L) FRC ==> Record(frac:QF, eq:L) CNT ==> Record(constant:F, eq:L) UTS ==> UnivariateTaylorSeries(F, dummy, 0) UPS ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial UTS L ==> LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator2(UP, QF) LQ ==> LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator1 QF Exports ==> with ricDsolve: (LQ, UP -> List F) -> List QF ++ ricDsolve(op, zeros) returns the rational solutions of the associated ++ Riccati equation of \spad{op y = 0}. ++ \spad{zeros} is a zero finder in \spad{UP}. ricDsolve: (LQ, UP -> List F, UP -> Factored UP) -> List QF ++ ricDsolve(op, zeros, ezfactor) returns the rational ++ solutions of the associated Riccati equation of \spad{op y = 0}. ++ \spad{zeros} is a zero finder in \spad{UP}. ++ Argument \spad{ezfactor} is a factorisation in \spad{UP}, ++ not necessarily into irreducibles. ricDsolve: (L, UP -> List F) -> List QF ++ ricDsolve(op, zeros) returns the rational solutions of the associated ++ Riccati equation of \spad{op y = 0}. ++ \spad{zeros} is a zero finder in \spad{UP}. ricDsolve: (L, UP -> List F, UP -> Factored UP) -> List QF ++ ricDsolve(op, zeros, ezfactor) returns the rational ++ solutions of the associated Riccati equation of \spad{op y = 0}. ++ \spad{zeros} is a zero finder in \spad{UP}. ++ Argument \spad{ezfactor} is a factorisation in \spad{UP}, ++ not necessarily into irreducibles. singRicDE: (L, UP -> Factored UP) -> List FRC ++ singRicDE(op, ezfactor) returns \spad{[[f1,L1], [f2,L2],..., [fk,Lk]]} ++ such that the singular ++ part of any rational solution of the ++ associated Riccati equation of \spad{op y = 0} must be one of the fi's ++ (up to the constant coefficient), in which case the equation for ++ \spad{z = y e^{-int ai}} is \spad{Li z = 0}. ++ Argument \spad{ezfactor} is a factorisation in \spad{UP}, ++ not necessarily into irreducibles. polyRicDE: (L, UP -> List F) -> List POL ++ polyRicDE(op, zeros) returns \spad{[[p1, L1], [p2, L2], ... , [pk,Lk]]} ++ such that the polynomial part of any rational solution of the ++ associated Riccati equation of \spad{op y = 0} must be one of the pi's ++ (up to the constant coefficient), in which case the equation for ++ \spad{z = y e^{-int p}} is \spad{Li z = 0}. ++ \spad{zeros} is a zero finder in \spad{UP}. if F has AlgebraicallyClosedField then ricDsolve: LQ -> List QF ++ ricDsolve(op) returns the rational solutions of the associated ++ Riccati equation of \spad{op y = 0}. ricDsolve: (LQ, UP -> Factored UP) -> List QF ++ ricDsolve(op, ezfactor) returns the rational solutions of the ++ associated Riccati equation of \spad{op y = 0}. ++ Argument \spad{ezfactor} is a factorisation in \spad{UP}, ++ not necessarily into irreducibles. ricDsolve: L -> List QF ++ ricDsolve(op) returns the rational solutions of the associated ++ Riccati equation of \spad{op y = 0}. ricDsolve: (L, UP -> Factored UP) -> List QF ++ ricDsolve(op, ezfactor) returns the rational solutions of the ++ associated Riccati equation of \spad{op y = 0}. ++ Argument \spad{ezfactor} is a factorisation in \spad{UP}, ++ not necessarily into irreducibles. Implementation ==> add import RatODETools(P, SUP) import RationalLODE(F, UP) import NonLinearSolvePackage F import PrimitiveRatDE(F, UP, L, LQ) import PrimitiveRatRicDE(F, UP, L, LQ) FifCan : RF -> Union(F, "failed") UP2SUP : UP -> SUP innersol : (List UP, Boolean) -> List QF mapeval : (SUP, List SY, List F) -> UP ratsol : List List EQ -> List SOL ratsln : List EQ -> Union(SOL, "failed") solveModulo : (UP, UP2) -> List UP logDerOnly : L -> List QF nonSingSolve : (N, L, UP -> List F) -> List QF constantRic : (UP, UP -> List F) -> List F nopoly : (N, UP, L, UP -> List F) -> List QF reverseUP : UP -> UTS reverseUTS : (UTS, N) -> UP newtonSolution : (L, F, N, UP -> List F) -> UP newtonSolve : (UPS, F, N) -> Union(UTS, "failed") genericPolynomial: (SY, Z) -> Record(poly:SUP, vars:List SY) -- genericPolynomial(s, n) returns -- \spad{[[s0 + s1 X +...+ sn X^n],[s0,...,sn]]}. dummy := new()$SY UP2SUP p == map(#1::P,p)$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(F,UP,P,SUP) logDerOnly l == [differentiate(s) / s for s in ratDsolve(l, 0).basis] ricDsolve(l:LQ, zeros:UP -> List F) == ricDsolve(l, zeros, squareFree) ricDsolve(l:L, zeros:UP -> List F) == ricDsolve(l, zeros, squareFree) singRicDE(l, ezfactor) == singRicDE(l, solveModulo, ezfactor) ricDsolve(l:LQ, zeros:UP -> List F, ezfactor:UP -> Factored UP) == ricDsolve(splitDenominator(l, empty()).eq, zeros, ezfactor) mapeval(p, ls, lv) == map(ground eval(#1, ls, lv), p)$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(P, SUP, F, UP) FifCan f == ((n := retractIfCan(numer f))@Union(F, "failed") case F) and ((d := retractIfCan(denom f))@Union(F, "failed") case F) => (n::F) / (d::F) "failed" -- returns [0, []] if n < 0 genericPolynomial(s, n) == ans:SUP := 0 l:List(SY) := empty() for i in 0..n repeat ans := ans + monomial((sy := new s)::P, i::N) l := concat(sy, l) [ans, reverse_! l] ratsln l == ls:List(SY) := empty() lv:List(F) := empty() for eq in l repeat ((u := FifCan rhs eq) case "failed") or ((v := retractIfCan(lhs eq)@Union(SY, "failed")) case "failed") => return "failed" lv := concat(u::F, lv) ls := concat(v::SY, ls) [ls, lv] ratsol l == ans:List(SOL) := empty() for sol in l repeat if ((u := ratsln sol) case SOL) then ans := concat(u::SOL, ans) ans -- returns [] if the solutions of l have no polynomial component polyRicDE(l, zeros) == ans:List(POL) := [[0, l]] empty?(lc := leadingCoefficientRicDE l) => ans rec := first lc -- one with highest degree for a in zeros(rec.eq) | a ~= 0 repeat if (p := newtonSolution(l, a, rec.deg, zeros)) ~= 0 then ans := concat([p, changeVar(l, p)], ans) ans -- reverseUP(a_0 + a_1 x + ... + an x^n) = a_n + ... + a_0 x^n reverseUP p == ans:UTS := 0 n := degree(p)::Z while p ~= 0 repeat ans := ans + monomial(leadingCoefficient p, (n - degree p)::N) p := reductum p ans -- reverseUTS(a_0 + a_1 x + ..., n) = a_n + ... + a_0 x^n reverseUTS(s, n) == +/[monomial(coefficient(s, i), (n - i)::N)$UP for i in 0..n] -- returns a potential polynomial solution p with leading coefficient a*?**n newtonSolution(l, a, n, zeros) == i:N m:Z := 0 aeq:UPS := 0 op := l while op ~= 0 repeat mu := degree(op) * n + degree leadingCoefficient op op := reductum op if mu > m then m := mu while l ~= 0 repeat c := leadingCoefficient l d := degree l s:UTS := monomial(1, (m - d * n - degree c)::N)$UTS * reverseUP c aeq := aeq + monomial(s, d) l := reductum l (u := newtonSolve(aeq, a, n)) case UTS => reverseUTS(u::UTS, n) -- newton lifting failed, so revert to traditional method atn := monomial(a, n)$UP neq := changeVar(l, atn) sols := [sol.poly for sol in polyRicDE(neq, zeros) | degree(sol.poly) < n] empty? sols => atn atn + first sols -- solves the algebraic equation eq for y, returns a solution of degree n with -- initial term a -- uses naive newton approximation for now -- an example where this fails is y^2 + 2 x y + 1 + x^2 = 0 -- which arises from the differential operator D^2 + 2 x D + 1 + x^2 newtonSolve(eq, a, n) == deq := differentiate eq sol := a::UTS for i in 1..n repeat (xquo := eq(sol) exquo deq(sol)) case "failed" => return "failed" sol := truncate(sol - xquo::UTS, i) sol -- there could be the same solutions coming in different ways, so we -- stop when the number of solutions reaches the order of the equation ricDsolve(l:L, zeros:UP -> List F, ezfactor:UP -> Factored UP) == n := degree l ans:List(QF) := empty() for rec in singRicDE(l, ezfactor) repeat ans := removeDuplicates_! concat_!(ans, [rec.frac + f for f in nonSingSolve(n, rec.eq, zeros)]) #ans = n => return ans ans -- there could be the same solutions coming in different ways, so we -- stop when the number of solutions reaches the order of the equation nonSingSolve(n, l, zeros) == ans:List(QF) := empty() for rec in polyRicDE(l, zeros) repeat ans := removeDuplicates_! concat_!(ans, nopoly(n,rec.poly,rec.eq,zeros)) #ans = n => return ans ans constantRic(p, zeros) == zero? degree p => empty() zeros squareFreePart p -- there could be the same solutions coming in different ways, so we -- stop when the number of solutions reaches the order of the equation nopoly(n, p, l, zeros) == ans:List(QF) := empty() for rec in constantCoefficientRicDE(l, constantRic(#1, zeros)) repeat ans := removeDuplicates_! concat_!(ans, [(rec.constant::UP + p)::QF + f for f in logDerOnly(rec.eq)]) #ans = n => return ans ans -- returns [p1,...,pn] s.t. h(x,pi(x)) = 0 mod c(x) solveModulo(c, h) == rec := genericPolynomial(dummy, degree(c)::Z - 1) unk:SUP := 0 while not zero? h repeat unk := unk + UP2SUP(leadingCoefficient h) * (rec.poly ** degree h) h := reductum h sol := ratsol solve(coefficients(monicDivide(unk,UP2SUP c).remainder), rec.vars) [mapeval(rec.poly, s.var, s.val) for s in sol] if F has AlgebraicallyClosedField then zro1: UP -> List F zro : (UP, UP -> Factored UP) -> List F ricDsolve(l:L) == ricDsolve(l, squareFree) ricDsolve(l:LQ) == ricDsolve(l, squareFree) ricDsolve(l:L, ezfactor:UP -> Factored UP) == ricDsolve(l, zro(#1, ezfactor), ezfactor) ricDsolve(l:LQ, ezfactor:UP -> Factored UP) == ricDsolve(l, zro(#1, ezfactor), ezfactor) zro(p, ezfactor) == concat [zro1(r.factor) for r in factors ezfactor p] zro1 p == [zeroOf(map(#1, p)$UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(F, UP, F, SparseUnivariatePolynomial F))] @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> -- Compile order for the differential equation solver: -- oderf.spad odealg.spad nlode.spad nlinsol.spad riccati.spad odeef.spad <<package ODEPRRIC PrimitiveRatRicDE>> <<package ODERTRIC RationalRicDE>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}