\documentclass{article} \usepackage{open-axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra random.spad} \author{Stephen M. Watt, Mike Dewar} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{package RANDSRC RandomNumberSource} <<package RANDSRC RandomNumberSource>>= )abbrev package RANDSRC RandomNumberSource ++ Author:S.M.Watt ++ Date Created: April 87 ++ Date Last Updated:Jan 92, May 1995 (MCD) ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description:Random number generators --% RandomNumberSource ++ All random numbers used in the system should originate from ++ the same generator. This package is intended to be the source. -- -- Possible improvements: -- 1) Start where the user left off -- 2) Be able to switch between methods in the random number source. RandomNumberSource(): with -- If r := randnum() then 0 <= r < size(). randnum: () -> Integer ++ randnum() is a random number between 0 and size(). -- If r := randnum() then 0 <= r < size(). size: () -> Integer ++ size() is the base of the random number generator -- If r := randnum n and n <= size() then 0 <= r < n. randnum: Integer -> Integer ++ randnum(n) is a random number between 0 and n. reseed: Integer -> Void ++ reseed(n) restarts the random number generator at n. seed : () -> Integer ++ seed() returns the current seed value. == add -- This random number generator passes the spectral test -- with flying colours. [Knuth vol2, 2nd ed, p105] ranbase: Integer := 2**31-1 x0: Integer := 1231231231 x1: Integer := 3243232987 randnum() == t := (271828183 * x1 - 314159269 * x0) rem ranbase if negative? t then t := t + ranbase x0:= x1 x1:= t size() == ranbase reseed n == x0 := n rem ranbase -- x1 := (n quo ranbase) rem ranbase x1 := n quo ranbase seed() == x1*ranbase + x0 -- Compute an integer in 0..n-1. randnum n == (n * randnum()) quo ranbase @ \section{package RDIST RandomDistributions} <<package RDIST RandomDistributions>>= )abbrev package RDIST RandomDistributions ++ Description: ++ This package exports random distributions RandomDistributions(S: SetCategory): with uniform: Set S -> (() -> S) ++ uniform(s) \undocumented weighted: List Record(value: S, weight: Integer) -> (()->S) ++ weighted(l) \undocumented rdHack1: (Vector S,Vector Integer,Integer)->(()->S) ++ rdHack1(v,u,n) \undocumented == add import RandomNumberSource() weighted lvw == -- Collapse duplicates, adding weights. t: Table(S, Integer) := table() for r in lvw repeat u := search(r.value,t) w := (u case "failed" => 0; u::Integer) t r.value := w + r.weight -- Construct vectors of values and cumulative weights. kl := keys t n := (#kl)::NonNegativeInteger n = 0 => error "Cannot select from empty set" kv: Vector(S) := new(n, kl.0) wv: Vector(Integer) := new(n, 0) totwt: Integer := 0 for k in kl for i in 1..n repeat kv.i := k totwt:= totwt + t k wv.i := totwt -- Function to generate an integer and lookup. rdHack1(kv, wv, totwt) rdHack1(kv, wv, totwt) == w := randnum totwt -- do binary search in wv kv.1 uniform fset == l := members fset n := #l l.(randnum(n)+1) @ \section{package INTBIT IntegerBits} <<package INTBIT IntegerBits>>= )abbrev package INTBIT IntegerBits ----> Bug! Cannot precompute params and return a function which ----> simpy computes the last call. e.g. ridHack1, below. --% IntegerBits -- Functions related to the binary representation of integers. -- These functions directly access the bits in the big integer -- representation and so are much facter than using a quotient loop. -- SMW Sept 86. ++ Description: ++ This package provides functions to lookup bits in integers IntegerBits: with -- bitLength(n) == # of bits to represent abs(n) -- bitCoef (n,i) == coef of 2**i in abs(n) -- bitTruth(n,i) == true if coef of 2**i in abs(n) is 1 bitLength: Integer -> Integer ++ bitLength(n) returns the number of bits to represent abs(n) bitCoef: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer ++ bitCoef(n,m) returns the coefficient of 2**m in abs(n) bitTruth: (Integer, Integer) -> Boolean ++ bitTruth(n,m) returns true if coefficient of 2**m in abs(n) is 1 == add import %ilength: Integer -> Integer from Foreign Builtin import %ibit: (Integer,Integer) -> Boolean from Foreign Builtin bitLength n == %ilength n bitCoef (n,i) == if %ibit(n,i) then 1 else 0 bitTruth(n,i) == %ibit(n,i) @ \section{package RIDIST RandomIntegerDistributions} <<package RIDIST RandomIntegerDistributions>>= )abbrev package RIDIST RandomIntegerDistributions ++ Description: ++ This package exports integer distributions RandomIntegerDistributions(): with uniform: Segment Integer -> (() -> Integer) ++ uniform(s) \undocumented binomial: (Integer, RationalNumber) -> (() -> Integer) ++ binomial(n,f) \undocumented poisson: RationalNumber -> (() -> Integer) ++ poisson(f) \undocumented geometric: RationalNumber -> (() -> Integer) ++ geometric(f) \undocumented ridHack1: (Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) -> Integer ++ ridHack1(i,j,k,l) \undocumented == add import RandomNumberSource() import IntegerBits() -- Compute uniform(a..b) as -- -- l + U0 + w*U1 + w**2*U2 +...+ w**(n-1)*U-1 + w**n*M -- -- where -- l = min(a,b) -- m = abs(b-a) + 1 -- w**n < m < w**(n+1) -- U0,...,Un-1 are uniform on 0..w-1 -- M is uniform on 0..(m quo w**n)-1 uniform aTob == a := lo aTob; b := hi aTob l := min(a,b); m := abs(a-b) + 1 w := 2**(bitLength size() quo 2)::NonNegativeInteger n := 0 mq := m -- m quo w**n while positive?(mqnext := mq quo w) repeat n := n + 1 mq := mqnext ridHack1(mq, n, w, l) ridHack1(mq, n, w, l) == r := randnum mq for i in 1..n repeat r := r*w + randnum w r + l @ \section{package RFDIST RandomFloatDistributions} <<package RFDIST RandomFloatDistributions>>= )abbrev package RFDIST RandomFloatDistributions ++ Description: ++ This package exports random floating-point distributions RationalNumber==> Fraction Integer RandomFloatDistributions(): Cat == Body where NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger Cat ==> with uniform01: () -> Float ++ uniform01() \undocumented normal01: () -> Float ++ normal01() \undocumented exponential1:() -> Float ++ exponential1() \undocumented chiSquare1: NNI -> Float ++ chiSquare1(n) \undocumented uniform: (Float, Float) -> (() -> Float) ++ uniform(f,g) \undocumented normal: (Float, Float) -> (() -> Float) ++ normal(f,g) \undocumented exponential: (Float) -> (() -> Float) ++ exponential(f) \undocumented chiSquare: (NNI) -> (() -> Float) ++ chiSquare(n) \undocumented Beta: (NNI, NNI) -> (() -> Float) ++ Beta(n,m) \undocumented F: (NNI, NNI) -> (() -> Float) ++ F(n,m) \undocumented t: (NNI) -> (() -> Float) ++ t(n) \undocumented Body ==> add import RandomNumberSource() -- FloatPackage0() -- random() generates numbers in 0..rnmax rnmax := (size()$RandomNumberSource() - 1)::Float uniform01() == randnum()::Float/rnmax uniform(a,b) == a + uniform01()*(b-a) exponential1() == u: Float := 0 -- This test should really be u < m where m is -- the minumum acceptible argument to log. while u = 0 repeat u := uniform01() - log u exponential(mean) == mean*exponential1() -- This method is correct but slow. normal01() == s := 2::Float v1: Float while s >= 1 repeat v1 := 2 * uniform01() - 1 v2 := 2 * uniform01() - 1 s := v1**2 + v2**2 v1 * sqrt(-2 * log s/s) normal(mean, stdev) == mean + stdev*normal01() chiSquare1 dgfree == x: Float := 0 for i in 1..dgfree quo 2 repeat x := x + 2*exponential1() if odd? dgfree then x := x + normal01()**2 x chiSquare dgfree == chiSquare1 dgfree Beta(dgfree1, dgfree2) == y1 := chiSquare1 dgfree1 y2 := chiSquare1 dgfree2 y1/(y1 + y2) F(dgfree1, dgfree2) == y1 := chiSquare1 dgfree1 y2 := chiSquare1 dgfree2 (dgfree2 * y1)/(dgfree1 * y2) t dgfree == n := normal01() d := chiSquare1(dgfree) / (dgfree::Float) n / sqrt d @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<package RANDSRC RandomNumberSource>> <<package RDIST RandomDistributions>> <<package INTBIT IntegerBits>> <<package RIDIST RandomIntegerDistributions>> <<package RFDIST RandomFloatDistributions>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}