\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra polset.spad} \author{Marc Moreno Maza} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{category PSETCAT PolynomialSetCategory} <<category PSETCAT PolynomialSetCategory>>= )abbrev category PSETCAT PolynomialSetCategory ++ Author: Marc Moreno Maza ++ Date Created: 04/26/1994 ++ Date Last Updated: 12/15/1998 ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: polynomial, multivariate, ordered variables set ++ References: ++ Description: A category for finite subsets of a polynomial ring. ++ Such a set is only regarded as a set of polynomials and not ++ identified to the ideal it generates. So two distinct sets may ++ generate the same the ideal. Furthermore, for \spad{R} being an ++ integral domain, a set of polynomials may be viewed as a representation ++ of the ideal it generates in the polynomial ring \spad{(R)^(-1) P}, ++ or the set of its zeros (described for instance by the radical of the ++ previous ideal, or a split of the associated affine variety) and so on. ++ So this category provides operations about those different notions. ++ Version: 2 PolynomialSetCategory(R:Ring, E:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup,_ VarSet:OrderedSet, P:RecursivePolynomialCategory(R,E,VarSet)): Category == Join(SetCategory,Collection(P),CoercibleTo(List(P))) with finiteAggregate retractIfCan : List(P) -> Union($,"failed") ++ \axiom{retractIfCan(lp)} returns an element of the domain whose elements ++ are the members of \axiom{lp} if such an element exists, otherwise ++ \axiom{"failed"} is returned. retract : List(P) -> $ ++ \axiom{retract(lp)} returns an element of the domain whose elements ++ are the members of \axiom{lp} if such an element exists, otherwise ++ an error is produced. mvar : $ -> VarSet ++ \axiom{mvar(ps)} returns the main variable of the non constant polynomial ++ with the greatest main variable, if any, else an error is returned. variables : $ -> List VarSet ++ \axiom{variables(ps)} returns the decreasingly sorted list of the ++ variables which are variables of some polynomial in \axiom{ps}. mainVariables : $ -> List VarSet ++ \axiom{mainVariables(ps)} returns the decreasingly sorted list of the ++ variables which are main variables of some polynomial in \axiom{ps}. mainVariable? : (VarSet,$) -> Boolean ++ \axiom{mainVariable?(v,ps)} returns true iff \axiom{v} is the main variable ++ of some polynomial in \axiom{ps}. collectUnder : ($,VarSet) -> $ ++ \axiom{collectUnder(ps,v)} returns the set consisting of the ++ polynomials of \axiom{ps} with main variable less than \axiom{v}. collect : ($,VarSet) -> $ ++ \axiom{collect(ps,v)} returns the set consisting of the ++ polynomials of \axiom{ps} with \axiom{v} as main variable. collectUpper : ($,VarSet) -> $ ++ \axiom{collectUpper(ps,v)} returns the set consisting of the ++ polynomials of \axiom{ps} with main variable greater than \axiom{v}. sort : ($,VarSet) -> Record(under:$,floor:$,upper:$) ++ \axiom{sort(v,ps)} returns \axiom{us,vs,ws} such that \axiom{us} ++ is \axiom{collectUnder(ps,v)}, \axiom{vs} is \axiom{collect(ps,v)} ++ and \axiom{ws} is \axiom{collectUpper(ps,v)}. trivialIdeal?: $ -> Boolean ++ \axiom{trivialIdeal?(ps)} returns true iff \axiom{ps} does ++ not contain non-zero elements. if R has IntegralDomain then roughBase? : $ -> Boolean ++ \axiom{roughBase?(ps)} returns true iff for every pair \axiom{{p,q}} ++ of polynomials in \axiom{ps} their leading monomials are ++ relatively prime. roughSubIdeal? : ($,$) -> Boolean ++ \axiom{roughSubIdeal?(ps1,ps2)} returns true iff it can proved ++ that all polynomials in \axiom{ps1} lie in the ideal generated by ++ \axiom{ps2} in \axiom{\axiom{(R)^(-1) P}} without computing Groebner bases. roughEqualIdeals? : ($,$) -> Boolean ++ \axiom{roughEqualIdeals?(ps1,ps2)} returns true iff it can ++ proved that \axiom{ps1} and \axiom{ps2} generate the same ideal ++ in \axiom{(R)^(-1) P} without computing Groebner bases. roughUnitIdeal? : $ -> Boolean ++ \axiom{roughUnitIdeal?(ps)} returns true iff \axiom{ps} contains some ++ non null element lying in the base ring \axiom{R}. headRemainder : (P,$) -> Record(num:P,den:R) ++ \axiom{headRemainder(a,ps)} returns \axiom{[b,r]} such that the leading ++ monomial of \axiom{b} is reduced in the sense of Groebner bases w.r.t. ++ \axiom{ps} and \axiom{r*a - b} lies in the ideal generated by \axiom{ps}. remainder : (P,$) -> Record(rnum:R,polnum:P,den:R) ++ \axiom{remainder(a,ps)} returns \axiom{[c,b,r]} such that \axiom{b} is fully ++ reduced in the sense of Groebner bases w.r.t. \axiom{ps}, ++ \axiom{r*a - c*b} lies in the ideal generated by \axiom{ps}. ++ Furthermore, if \axiom{R} is a gcd-domain, \axiom{b} is primitive. rewriteIdealWithHeadRemainder : (List(P),$) -> List(P) ++ \axiom{rewriteIdealWithHeadRemainder(lp,cs)} returns \axiom{lr} such that ++ the leading monomial of every polynomial in \axiom{lr} is reduced ++ in the sense of Groebner bases w.r.t. \axiom{cs} and \axiom{(lp,cs)} ++ and \axiom{(lr,cs)} generate the same ideal in \axiom{(R)^(-1) P}. rewriteIdealWithRemainder : (List(P),$) -> List(P) ++ \axiom{rewriteIdealWithRemainder(lp,cs)} returns \axiom{lr} such that ++ every polynomial in \axiom{lr} is fully reduced in the sense ++ of Groebner bases w.r.t. \axiom{cs} and \axiom{(lp,cs)} and ++ \axiom{(lr,cs)} generate the same ideal in \axiom{(R)^(-1) P}. triangular? : $ -> Boolean ++ \axiom{triangular?(ps)} returns true iff \axiom{ps} is a triangular set, ++ i.e. two distinct polynomials have distinct main variables ++ and no constant lies in \axiom{ps}. add NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger B ==> Boolean elements: $ -> List(P) elements(ps:$):List(P) == lp : List(P) := members(ps)$$ variables1(lp:List(P)):(List VarSet) == lvars : List(List(VarSet)) := [variables(p)$P for p in lp] sort(#1 > #2, removeDuplicates(concat(lvars)$List(VarSet))) variables2(lp:List(P)):(List VarSet) == lvars : List(VarSet) := [mvar(p)$P for p in lp] sort(#1 > #2, removeDuplicates(lvars)$List(VarSet)) variables (ps:$) == variables1(elements(ps)) mainVariables (ps:$) == variables2(remove(ground?,elements(ps))) mainVariable? (v,ps) == lp : List(P) := remove(ground?,elements(ps)) while (not empty? lp) and (not (mvar(first(lp)) = v)) repeat lp := rest lp (not empty? lp) collectUnder (ps,v) == lp : List P := elements(ps) lq : List P := [] while (not empty? lp) repeat p := first lp lp := rest lp if (ground?(p)) or (mvar(p) < v) then lq := cons(p,lq) construct(lq)$$ collectUpper (ps,v) == lp : List P := elements(ps) lq : List P := [] while (not empty? lp) repeat p := first lp lp := rest lp if (not ground?(p)) and (mvar(p) > v) then lq := cons(p,lq) construct(lq)$$ collect (ps,v) == lp : List P := elements(ps) lq : List P := [] while (not empty? lp) repeat p := first lp lp := rest lp if (not ground?(p)) and (mvar(p) = v) then lq := cons(p,lq) construct(lq)$$ sort (ps,v) == lp : List P := elements(ps) us : List P := [] vs : List P := [] ws : List P := [] while (not empty? lp) repeat p := first lp lp := rest lp if (ground?(p)) or (mvar(p) < v) then us := cons(p,us) else if (mvar(p) = v) then vs := cons(p,vs) else ws := cons(p,ws) [construct(us)$$,construct(vs)$$,construct(ws)$$]$Record(under:$,floor:$,upper:$) ps1 = ps2 == {p for p in elements(ps1)} =$(Set P) {p for p in elements(ps2)} localInf? (p:P,q:P):B == degree(p) <$E degree(q) localTriangular? (lp:List(P)):B == lp := remove(zero?, lp) empty? lp => true any? (ground?, lp) => false lp := sort(mvar(#1)$P > mvar(#2)$P, lp) p,q : P p := first lp lp := rest lp while (not empty? lp) and (mvar(p) > mvar((q := first(lp)))) repeat p := q lp := rest lp empty? lp triangular? ps == localTriangular? elements ps trivialIdeal? ps == empty?(remove(zero?,elements(ps))$(List(P)))$(List(P)) if R has IntegralDomain then roughUnitIdeal? ps == any?(ground?,remove(zero?,elements(ps))$(List(P)))$(List P) relativelyPrimeLeadingMonomials? (p:P,q:P):B == dp : E := degree(p) dq : E := degree(q) (sup(dp,dq)$E =$E dp +$E dq)@B roughBase? ps == lp := remove(zero?,elements(ps))$(List(P)) empty? lp => true rB? : B := true while (not empty? lp) and rB? repeat p := first lp lp := rest lp copylp := lp while (not empty? copylp) and rB? repeat rB? := relativelyPrimeLeadingMonomials?(p,first(copylp)) copylp := rest copylp rB? roughSubIdeal?(ps1,ps2) == lp: List(P) := rewriteIdealWithRemainder(elements(ps1),ps2) empty? (remove(zero?,lp)) roughEqualIdeals? (ps1,ps2) == ps1 =$$ ps2 => true roughSubIdeal?(ps1,ps2) and roughSubIdeal?(ps2,ps1) if (R has GcdDomain) and (VarSet has ConvertibleTo (Symbol)) then LPR ==> List Polynomial R LS ==> List Symbol exactQuo(r:R,s:R):R == if R has EuclideanDomain then r quo$R s else (r exquo$R s)::R headRemainder (a,ps) == lp1 : List(P) := remove(zero?, elements(ps))$(List(P)) empty? lp1 => [a,1$R] any?(ground?,lp1) => [reductum(a),1$R] r : R := 1$R lp1 := sort(localInf?, reverse elements(ps)) lp2 := lp1 e : Union(E, "failed") while (not zero? a) and (not empty? lp2) repeat p := first lp2 if ((e:= subtractIfCan(degree(a),degree(p))) case E) then g := gcd((lca := leadingCoefficient(a)),(lcp := leadingCoefficient(p)))$R (lca,lcp) := (exactQuo(lca,g),exactQuo(lcp,g)) a := lcp * reductum(a) - monomial(lca, e::E)$P * reductum(p) r := r * lcp lp2 := lp1 else lp2 := rest lp2 [a,r] makeIrreducible! (frac:Record(num:P,den:R)):Record(num:P,den:R) == g := gcd(frac.den,frac.num)$P one? g => frac frac.num := exactQuotient!(frac.num,g) frac.den := exactQuo(frac.den,g) frac remainder (a,ps) == hRa := makeIrreducible! headRemainder (a,ps) a := hRa.num r : R := hRa.den zero? a => [1$R,a,r] b : P := monomial(1$R,degree(a))$P c : R := leadingCoefficient(a) while not zero?(a := reductum a) repeat hRa := makeIrreducible! headRemainder (a,ps) a := hRa.num r := r * hRa.den g := gcd(c,(lca := leadingCoefficient(a)))$R b := ((hRa.den) * exactQuo(c,g)) * b + monomial(exactQuo(lca,g),degree(a))$P c := g [c,b,r] rewriteIdealWithHeadRemainder(ps,cs) == trivialIdeal? cs => ps roughUnitIdeal? cs => [0$P] ps := remove(zero?,ps) empty? ps => ps any?(ground?,ps) => [1$P] rs : List P := [] while not empty? ps repeat p := first ps ps := rest ps p := (headRemainder(p,cs)).num if not zero? p then if ground? p then ps := [] rs := [1$P] else primitivePart! p rs := cons(p,rs) removeDuplicates rs rewriteIdealWithRemainder(ps,cs) == trivialIdeal? cs => ps roughUnitIdeal? cs => [0$P] ps := remove(zero?,ps) empty? ps => ps any?(ground?,ps) => [1$P] rs : List P := [] while not empty? ps repeat p := first ps ps := rest ps p := (remainder(p,cs)).polnum if not zero? p then if ground? p then ps := [] rs := [1$P] else rs := cons(unitCanonical(p),rs) removeDuplicates rs @ \section{domain GPOLSET GeneralPolynomialSet} <<domain GPOLSET GeneralPolynomialSet>>= )abbrev domain GPOLSET GeneralPolynomialSet ++ Author: Marc Moreno Maza ++ Date Created: 04/26/1994 ++ Date Last Updated: 12/15/1998 ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: polynomial, multivariate, ordered variables set ++ References: ++ Description: A domain for polynomial sets. ++ Version: 1 GeneralPolynomialSet(R,E,VarSet,P) : Exports == Implementation where R:Ring VarSet:OrderedSet E:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup P:RecursivePolynomialCategory(R,E,VarSet) LP ==> List P PtoP ==> P -> P Exports == PolynomialSetCategory(R,E,VarSet,P) with convert : LP -> $ ++ \axiom{convert(lp)} returns the polynomial set whose members ++ are the polynomials of \axiom{lp}. finiteAggregate shallowlyMutable Implementation == add Rep := List P construct lp == (removeDuplicates(lp)$List(P))::$ copy ps == construct(copy(members(ps)$$)$LP)$$ empty() == [] parts ps == ps pretend LP map (f : PtoP, ps : $) : $ == construct(map(f,members(ps))$LP)$$ map! (f : PtoP, ps : $) : $ == construct(map!(f,members(ps))$LP)$$ member? (p,ps) == member?(p,members(ps))$LP ps1 = ps2 == {p for p in parts(ps1)} =$(Set P) {p for p in parts(ps2)} coerce(ps:$) : OutputForm == lp : List(P) := sort(infRittWu?,members(ps))$(List P) brace([p::OutputForm for p in lp]$List(OutputForm))$OutputForm mvar ps == empty? ps => error"Error from GPOLSET in mvar : #1 is empty" lv : List VarSet := variables(ps) empty? lv => error"Error from GPOLSET in mvar : every polynomial in #1 is constant" reduce(max,lv)$(List VarSet) retractIfCan(lp) == (construct(lp))::Union($,"failed") coerce(ps:$) : (List P) == ps pretend (List P) convert(lp:LP) : $ == construct lp @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<category PSETCAT PolynomialSetCategory>> <<domain GPOLSET GeneralPolynomialSet>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}