\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra perman.spad} \author{Johannes Grabmeier, Oswald Gschnitzer} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{package GRAY GrayCode} <<package GRAY GrayCode>>= )abbrev package GRAY GrayCode ++ Authors: Johannes Grabmeier, Oswald Gschnitzer ++ Date Created: 7 August 1989 ++ Date Last Updated: 23 August 1990 ++ Basic Operations: nextSubsetGray ++ Related Constructors: Permanent ++ Also See: SymmetricGroupCombinatoric Functions ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: gray code, subsets of finite sets ++ References: ++ Henryk Minc: Evaluation of Permanents, ++ Proc. of the Edinburgh Math. Soc.(1979), 22/1 pp 27-32. ++ Nijenhuis and Wilf : Combinatorical Algorithms, Academic ++ Press, New York 1978. ++ S.G.Williamson, Combinatorics for Computer Science, ++ Computer Science Press, 1985. ++ Description: ++ GrayCode provides a function for efficiently running ++ through all subsets of a finite set, only changing one element ++ by another one. GrayCode: public == private where PI ==> PositiveInteger I ==> Integer V ==> Vector public ==> with nextSubsetGray: (V V I,PI) -> V V I ++ nextSubsetGray(ww,n) returns a vector {\em vv} whose components ++ have the following meanings:\begin{items} ++ \item {\em vv.1}: a vector of length n whose entries are 0 or 1. This ++ can be interpreted as a code for a subset of the set 1,...,n; ++ {\em vv.1} differs from {\em ww.1} by exactly one entry; ++ \item {\em vv.2.1} is the number of the entry of {\em vv.1} which ++ will be changed next time; ++ \item {\em vv.2.1 = n+1} means that {\em vv.1} is the last subset; ++ trying to compute nextSubsetGray(vv) if {\em vv.2.1 = n+1} ++ will produce an error! ++ \end{items} ++ The other components of {\em vv.2} are needed to compute ++ nextSubsetGray efficiently. ++ Note: this is an implementation of [Williamson, Topic II, 3.54, ++ p. 112] for the special case {\em r1 = r2 = ... = rn = 2}; ++ Note: nextSubsetGray produces a side-effect, i.e. ++ {\em nextSubsetGray(vv)} and {\em vv := nextSubsetGray(vv)} ++ will have the same effect. firstSubsetGray: PI -> V V I ++ firstSubsetGray(n) creates the first vector {\em ww} to start a ++ loop using {\em nextSubsetGray(ww,n)} private ==> add firstSubsetGray(n : PI) == vv : V V I := new(2,[]) vv.1 := new(n,0) : V I vv.2 := new(n+1,1) : V I for i in 1..(n+1) repeat vv.2.i := i vv nextSubsetGray(vv : V V I,n : PI) == subs : V I := vv.1 -- subset lab : V I := vv.2 -- labels c : I := lab(1) -- element which is to be changed next lab(1):= 1 if subs.c = 0 then subs.c := 1 else subs.c := 0 lab.c := lab(c+1) lab(c+1) := c+1 vv @ \section{package PERMAN Permanent} <<package PERMAN Permanent>>= )abbrev package PERMAN Permanent ++ Authors: Johannes Grabmeier, Oswald Gschnitzer ++ Date Created: 7 August 1989 ++ Date Last Updated: 23 August 1990 ++ Basic Operations: permanent ++ Related Constructors: GrayCode ++ Also See: MatrixLinearAlgebraFunctions ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: permanent ++ References: ++ Henryk Minc: Evaluation of Permanents, ++ Proc. of the Edinburgh Math. Soc.(1979), 22/1 pp 27-32. ++ Nijenhuis and Wilf : Combinatorical Algorithms, Academic ++ Press, New York 1978. ++ S.G.Williamson, Combinatorics for Computer Science, ++ Computer Science Press, 1985. ++ Description: ++ Permanent implements the functions {\em permanent}, the ++ permanent for square matrices. Permanent(n : PositiveInteger, R : Ring with commutative("*")): public == private where I ==> Integer L ==> List V ==> Vector SM ==> SquareMatrix(n,R) VECTPKG1 ==> VectorPackage1(I) NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger PI ==> PositiveInteger GRAY ==> GrayCode public ==> with permanent: SM -> R ++ permanent(x) computes the permanent of a square matrix x. ++ The {\em permanent} is equivalent to ++ the \spadfun{determinant} except that coefficients have ++ no change of sign. This function ++ is much more difficult to compute than the ++ {\em determinant}. The formula used is by H.J. Ryser, ++ improved by [Nijenhuis and Wilf, Ch. 19]. ++ Note: permanent(x) choose one of three algorithms, depending ++ on the underlying ring R and on n, the number of rows (and ++ columns) of x:\begin{items} ++ \item 1. if 2 has an inverse in R we can use the algorithm of ++ [Nijenhuis and Wilf, ch.19,p.158]; if 2 has no inverse, ++ some modifications are necessary: ++ \item 2. if {\em n > 6} and R is an integral domain with characteristic ++ different from 2 (the algorithm works if and only 2 is not a ++ zero-divisor of R and {\em characteristic()$R ~= 2}, ++ but how to check that for any given R ?), ++ the local function {\em permanent2} is called; ++ \item 3. else, the local function {\em permanent3} is called ++ (works for all commutative rings R). ++ \end{items} private ==> add -- local functions: permanent2: SM -> R permanent3: SM -> R x : SM a,b : R i,j,k,l : I permanent3(x) == -- This algorithm is based upon the principle of inclusion- -- exclusion. A Gray-code is used to generate the subsets of -- 1,... ,n. This reduces the number of additions needed in -- every step. sgn : R := 1 k : R a := 0$R vv : V V I := firstSubsetGray(n)$GRAY -- For the meaning of the elements of vv, see GRAY. w : V R := new(n,0$R) j := 1 -- Will be the number of the element changed in subset while j ~= (n+1) repeat -- we sum over all subsets of (1,...,n) sgn := -sgn b := sgn if vv.1.j = 1 then k := -1 else k := 1 -- was that element deleted(k=-1) or added(k=1)? for i in 1..(n::I) repeat w.i := w.i +$R k *$R x(i,j) b := b *$R w.i a := a +$R b vv := nextSubsetGray(vv,n)$GRAY j := vv.2.1 if odd?(n) then a := -a a permanent(x) == -- If 2 has an inverse in R, we can spare half of the calcu- -- lation needed in "permanent3": This is the algorithm of -- [Nijenhuis and Wilf, ch.19,p.158] n = 1 => x(1,1) two : R := (2:I) :: R half : Union(R,"failed") := recip(two) if (half case "failed") then if n < 7 then return permanent3(x) else return permanent2(x) sgn : R := 1 a := 0$R w : V R := new(n,0$R) -- w.i will be at first x.i and later lambda.i in -- [Nijenhuis and Wilf, p.158, (24a) resp.(26)]. rowi : V R := new(n,0$R) for i in 1..n repeat rowi := row(x,i) :: V R b := 0$R for j in 1..n repeat b := b + rowi.j w.i := rowi(n) - (half*b)$R vv : V V I := firstSubsetGray((n-1): PI)$GRAY -- For the meaning of the elements of vv, see GRAY. n :: I b := 1 for i in 1..n repeat b := b * w.i a := a+b j := 1 -- Will be the number of the element changed in subset while j ~= n repeat -- we sum over all subsets of (1,...,n-1) sgn := -sgn b := sgn if vv.1.j = 1 then k := -1 else k := 1 -- was that element deleted(k=-1) or added(k=1)? for i in 1..n repeat w.i := w.i +$R k *$R x(i,j) b := b *$R w.i a := a +$R b vv := nextSubsetGray(vv,(n-1) : PI)$GRAY j := vv.2.1 if not odd?(n) then a := -a two * a permanent2(x) == c : R := 0 sgn : R := 1 if (not (R has IntegralDomain)) -- or (characteristic()$R = (2:NNI)) -- compiler refuses to compile the line above !! or (sgn + sgn = c) then return permanent3(x) -- This is a slight modification of permanent which is -- necessary if 2 is not zero or a zero-divisor in R, but has -- no inverse in R. n = 1 => x(1,1) two : R := (2:I) :: R a := 0$R w : V R := new(n,0$R) -- w.i will be at first x.i and later lambda.i in -- [Nijenhuis and Wilf, p.158, (24a) resp.(26)]. rowi : V R := new(n,0$R) for i in 1..n repeat rowi := row(x,i) :: V R b := 0$R for j in 1..n repeat b := b + rowi.j w.i := (two*(rowi(n)))$R - b vv : V V I := firstSubsetGray((n-1): PI)$GRAY n :: I b := 1 for i in 1..n repeat b := b *$R w.i a := a +$R b j := 1 -- Will be the number of the element changed in subset while j ~= n repeat -- we sum over all subsets of (1,...,n-1) sgn := -sgn b := sgn if vv.1.j = 1 then k := -1 else k := 1 -- was that element deleted(k=-1) or added(k=1)? c := k * two for i in 1..n repeat w.i := w.i +$R c *$R x(i,j) b := b *$R w.i a := a +$R b vv := nextSubsetGray(vv,(n-1) : PI)$GRAY j := vv.2.1 if not odd?(n) then a := -a b := two ** ((n-1):NNI) (a exquo b) :: R @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<package GRAY GrayCode>> <<package PERMAN Permanent>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}