\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra patmatch2.spad} \author{Manuel Bronstein} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{package PMINS PatternMatchIntegerNumberSystem} <<package PMINS PatternMatchIntegerNumberSystem>>= )abbrev package PMINS PatternMatchIntegerNumberSystem ++ Pattern matching on integer number systems ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 29 Nov 1989 ++ Date Last Updated: 22 Mar 1990 ++ Description: ++ This package provides pattern matching functions on integers. ++ Keywords: pattern, matching, integer. PatternMatchIntegerNumberSystem(I:IntegerNumberSystem): with patternMatch: (I, Pattern Integer, PatternMatchResult(Integer, I)) -> PatternMatchResult(Integer, I) ++ patternMatch(n, pat, res) matches the pattern pat to the ++ integer n; res contains the variables of pat which ++ are already matched and their matches. == add import IntegerRoots(I) PAT ==> Pattern Integer PMR ==> PatternMatchResult(Integer, I) patternMatchInner : (I, PAT, PMR) -> PMR patternMatchRestricted: (I, PAT, PMR, I) -> PMR patternMatchSumProd : (I, List PAT, PMR, (I, I) -> Union(I, "failed"), I) -> PMR patternMatch(x, p, l) == generic? p => addMatch(p, x, l) patternMatchInner(x, p, l) patternMatchRestricted(x, p, l, y) == generic? p => addMatchRestricted(p, x, l, y) patternMatchInner(x, p, l) patternMatchSumProd(x, lp, l, invOp, ident) == #lp = 2 => p2 := last lp if ((r:= retractIfCan(p1 := first lp)@Union(Integer,"failed")) case "failed") then (p1 := p2; p2 := first lp) (r := retractIfCan(p1)@Union(Integer, "failed")) case "failed" => failed() (y := invOp(x, r::Integer::I)) case "failed" => failed() patternMatchRestricted(y::I, p2, l, ident) failed() patternMatchInner(x, p, l) == constant? p => (r := retractIfCan(p)@Union(Integer, "failed")) case Integer => convert(x)@Integer = r::Integer => l failed() failed() (u := isExpt p) case Record(val:PAT,exponent:NonNegativeInteger) => ur := u::Record(val:PAT, exponent:NonNegativeInteger) (v := perfectNthRoot(x, ur.exponent)) case "failed" => failed() patternMatchRestricted(v::I, ur.val, l, 1) (uu := isPower p) case Record(val:PAT, exponent:PAT) => uur := uu::Record(val:PAT, exponent: PAT) pr := perfectNthRoot x failed?(l := patternMatchRestricted(pr.exponent::Integer::I, uur.exponent, l,1)) => failed() patternMatchRestricted(pr.base, uur.val, l, 1) (w := isTimes p) case List(PAT) => patternMatchSumProd(x, w::List(PAT), l, #1 exquo #2, 1) (w := isPlus p) case List(PAT) => patternMatchSumProd(x,w::List(PAT),l,(#1-#2)::Union(I,"failed"),0) (uv := isQuotient p) case Record(num:PAT, den:PAT) => uvr := uv::Record(num:PAT, den:PAT) (r := retractIfCan(uvr.num)@Union(Integer,"failed")) case Integer and (v := r::Integer::I exquo x) case I => patternMatchRestricted(v::I, uvr.den, l, 1) (r := retractIfCan(uvr.den)@Union(Integer,"failed")) case Integer => patternMatch(r::Integer * x, uvr.num, l) failed() failed() @ \section{package PMQFCAT PatternMatchQuotientFieldCategory} <<package PMQFCAT PatternMatchQuotientFieldCategory>>= )abbrev package PMQFCAT PatternMatchQuotientFieldCategory ++ Pattern matching on quotient objects ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 1 Dec 1989 ++ Date Last Updated: 20 June 1991 ++ Description: ++ This package provides pattern matching functions on quotients. ++ Keywords: pattern, matching, quotient, field. PatternMatchQuotientFieldCategory(S,R,Q):Exports == Implementation where S: SetCategory R: Join(IntegralDomain, PatternMatchable S, ConvertibleTo Pattern S) Q: QuotientFieldCategory R PAT ==> Pattern S PRQ ==> PatternMatchResult(S, Q) Exports ==> with patternMatch: (Q, PAT, PRQ) -> PRQ ++ patternMatch(a/b, pat, res) matches the pattern pat to the ++ quotient a/b; res contains the variables of pat which ++ are already matched and their matches. Implementation ==> add import PatternMatchPushDown(S, R, Q) patternMatch(x, p, l) == generic? p => addMatch(p, x, l) (r := retractIfCan x)@Union(R, "failed") case R => patternMatch(r::R, p, l) (u := isQuotient p) case Record(num:PAT, den:PAT) => ur := u::Record(num:PAT, den:PAT) failed?(l := patternMatch(numer x, ur.num, l)) => l patternMatch(denom x, ur.den, l) failed() @ \section{package PMPLCAT PatternMatchPolynomialCategory} <<package PMPLCAT PatternMatchPolynomialCategory>>= )abbrev package PMPLCAT PatternMatchPolynomialCategory ++ Pattern matching on polynomial objects ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 9 Jan 1990 ++ Date Last Updated: 20 June 1991 ++ Description: ++ This package provides pattern matching functions on polynomials. ++ Keywords: pattern, matching, polynomial. PatternMatchPolynomialCategory(S,E,V,R,P):Exports== Implementation where S: SetCategory E: OrderedAbelianMonoidSup V: OrderedSet R: Join(Ring, PatternMatchable S) P: Join(PolynomialCategory(R, E, V), ConvertibleTo Pattern S) N ==> NonNegativeInteger PAT ==> Pattern S PRS ==> PatternMatchResult(S, P) RCP ==> Record(val:PAT, exponent:N) RCX ==> Record(var:V, exponent:N) Exports ==> with patternMatch: (P, PAT, PRS, (V, PAT, PRS) -> PRS) -> PRS ++ patternMatch(p, pat, res, vmatch) matches the pattern pat to ++ the polynomial p. res contains the variables of pat which ++ are already matched and their matches; vmatch is the matching ++ function to use on the variables. -- This can be more efficient than pushing down when the variables -- are recursive over P (e.g. kernels) if V has PatternMatchable S then patternMatch: (P, PAT, PRS) -> PRS ++ patternMatch(p, pat, res) matches the pattern pat to ++ the polynomial p; res contains the variables of pat which ++ are already matched and their matches. Implementation ==> add import PatternMatchTools(S, R, P) import PatternMatchPushDown(S, R, P) if V has PatternMatchable S then patternMatch(x, p, l) == patternMatch(x, p, l, patternMatch$PatternMatchPushDown(S,V,P)) patternMatch(x, p, l, vmatch) == generic? p => addMatch(p, x, l) (r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R, "failed")) case R => patternMatch(r::R, p, l) (v := retractIfCan(x)@Union(V, "failed")) case V => vmatch(v::V, p, l) (u := isPlus p) case List(PAT) => (lx := isPlus x) case List(P) => patternMatch(lx::List(P), u::List(PAT), +/#1, l, patternMatch(#1, #2, #3, vmatch)) (u := optpair(u::List(PAT))) case List(PAT) => failed?(l := addMatch(first(u::List(PAT)), 0, l)) => failed() patternMatch(x, second(u::List(PAT)), l, vmatch) failed() (u := isTimes p) case List(PAT) => (lx := isTimes x) case List(P) => patternMatchTimes(lx::List(P), u::List(PAT), l, patternMatch(#1, #2, #3, vmatch)) (u := optpair(u::List(PAT))) case List(PAT) => failed?(l := addMatch(first(u::List(PAT)), 1, l)) => failed() patternMatch(x, second(u::List(PAT)), l, vmatch) failed() (uu := isPower p) case Record(val:PAT, exponent:PAT) => uur := uu::Record(val:PAT, exponent: PAT) (ex := isExpt x) case RCX => failed?(l := patternMatch((ex::RCX).exponent::Integer::P, uur.exponent, l, vmatch)) => failed() vmatch((ex::RCX).var, uur.val, l) optional?(uur.exponent) => failed?(l := addMatch(uur.exponent, 1, l)) => failed() patternMatch(x, uur.val, l, vmatch) failed() ((ep := isExpt p) case RCP) and ((ex := isExpt x) case RCX) and (ex::RCX).exponent = (ep::RCP).exponent => vmatch((ex::RCX).var, (ep::RCP).val, l) failed() @ \section{package PMFS PatternMatchFunctionSpace} <<package PMFS PatternMatchFunctionSpace>>= )abbrev package PMFS PatternMatchFunctionSpace ++ Pattern matching on function spaces ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 15 Mar 1990 ++ Date Last Updated: 20 June 1991 ++ Description: ++ This package provides pattern matching functions on function spaces. ++ Keywords: pattern, matching, function, space. PatternMatchFunctionSpace(S, R, F): Exports== Implementation where S: SetCategory R: Join(IntegralDomain, PatternMatchable S) F: Join(FunctionSpace R, ConvertibleTo Pattern S, PatternMatchable S, RetractableTo Kernel %) -- that one is redundant but won't -- compile without it N ==> NonNegativeInteger K ==> Kernel F PAT ==> Pattern S PRS ==> PatternMatchResult(S, F) RCP ==> Record(val:PAT, exponent:N) RCX ==> Record(var:K, exponent:Integer) Exports ==> with patternMatch: (F, PAT, PRS) -> PRS ++ patternMatch(expr, pat, res) matches the pattern pat to the ++ expression expr; res contains the variables of pat which ++ are already matched and their matches. Implementation ==> add import PatternMatchKernel(S, F) import PatternMatchTools(S, R, F) import PatternMatchPushDown(S, R, F) patternMatch(x, p, l) == generic? p => addMatch(p, x, l) (r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R, "failed")) case R => patternMatch(r::R, p, l) (v := retractIfCan(x)@Union(K, "failed")) case K => patternMatch(v::K, p, l) (q := isQuotient p) case Record(num:PAT, den:PAT) => uq := q::Record(num:PAT, den:PAT) failed?(l := patternMatch(numer(x)::F, uq.num, l)) => l patternMatch(denom(x)::F, uq.den, l) (u := isPlus p) case List(PAT) => (lx := isPlus x) case List(F) => patternMatch(lx::List(F), u::List(PAT), +/#1, l, patternMatch) (u := optpair(u::List(PAT))) case List(PAT) => failed?(l := addMatch(first(u::List(PAT)), 0, l)) => failed() patternMatch(x, second(u::List(PAT)), l) failed() (u := isTimes p) case List(PAT) => (lx := isTimes x) case List(F) => patternMatchTimes(lx::List(F), u::List(PAT), l, patternMatch) (u := optpair(u::List(PAT))) case List(PAT) => failed?(l := addMatch(first(u::List(PAT)), 1, l)) => failed() patternMatch(x, second(u::List(PAT)), l) failed() (uu := isPower p) case Record(val:PAT, exponent:PAT) => uur := uu::Record(val:PAT, exponent: PAT) (ex := isExpt x) case RCX => failed?(l := patternMatch((ex::RCX).exponent::Integer::F, uur.exponent, l)) => failed() patternMatch((ex::RCX).var, uur.val, l) optional?(uur.exponent) => failed?(l := addMatch(uur.exponent, 1, l)) => failed() patternMatch(x, uur.val, l) failed() ((ep := isExpt p) case RCP) and ((ex := isExpt x) case RCX) and (ex::RCX).exponent = ((ep::RCP).exponent)::Integer => patternMatch((ex::RCX).var, (ep::RCP).val, l) failed() @ \section{package PATMATCH PatternMatch} <<package PATMATCH PatternMatch>>= )abbrev package PATMATCH PatternMatch ++ Top-level pattern matching functions ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 3 Dec 1989 ++ Date Last Updated: 29 Jun 1990 ++ Description: ++ This package provides the top-level pattern macthing functions. ++ Keywords: pattern, matching. PatternMatch(Base, Subject, Pat): Exports == Implementation where Base : SetCategory Subject: PatternMatchable Base Pat : ConvertibleTo Pattern Base Exports ==> with is?: (Subject, Pat) -> Boolean ++ is?(expr, pat) tests if the expression expr matches ++ the pattern pat. is?: (List Subject, Pat) -> Boolean ++ is?([e1,...,en], pat) tests if the list of ++ expressions \spad{[e1,...,en]} matches ++ the pattern pat. Is : (List Subject, Pat) -> PatternMatchListResult(Base, Subject, List Subject) ++ Is([e1,...,en], pat) matches the pattern pat on the list of ++ expressions \spad{[e1,...,en]} and returns the result. if Subject has RetractableTo(Symbol) then Is: (Subject, Pat) -> List Equation Subject ++ Is(expr, pat) matches the pattern pat on the expression ++ expr and returns a list of matches \spad{[v1 = e1,...,vn = en]}; ++ returns an empty list if either expr is exactly equal to ++ pat or if pat does not match expr. else if Subject has Ring then Is: (Subject, Pat) -> List Equation Polynomial Subject ++ Is(expr, pat) matches the pattern pat on the expression ++ expr and returns a list of matches \spad{[v1 = e1,...,vn = en]}; ++ returns an empty list if either expr is exactly equal to ++ pat or if pat does not match expr. else Is: (Subject, Pat) -> PatternMatchResult(Base, Subject) ++ Is(expr, pat) matches the pattern pat on the expression ++ expr and returns a match of the form \spad{[v1 = e1,...,vn = en]}; ++ returns an empty match if expr is exactly equal to pat. ++ returns a \spadfun{failed} match if pat does not match expr. Implementation ==> add import PatternMatchListAggregate(Base, Subject, List Subject) ist: (Subject, Pat) -> PatternMatchResult(Base, Subject) ist(s, p) == patternMatch(s, convert p, new()) is?(s: Subject, p:Pat) == not failed? ist(s, p) is?(s:List Subject, p:Pat) == not failed? Is(s, p) Is(s:List Subject, p:Pat) == patternMatch(s, convert p, new()) if Subject has RetractableTo(Symbol) then Is(s:Subject, p:Pat):List(Equation Subject) == failed?(r := ist(s, p)) => empty() [rec.key::Subject = rec.entry for rec in destruct r] else if Subject has Ring then Is(s:Subject, p:Pat):List(Equation Polynomial Subject) == failed?(r := ist(s, p)) => empty() [rec.key::Polynomial(Subject) =$Equation(Polynomial Subject) rec.entry::Polynomial(Subject) for rec in destruct r] else Is(s:Subject,p:Pat):PatternMatchResult(Base,Subject) == ist(s,p) @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<package PMINS PatternMatchIntegerNumberSystem>> <<package PMQFCAT PatternMatchQuotientFieldCategory>> <<package PMPLCAT PatternMatchPolynomialCategory>> <<package PMFS PatternMatchFunctionSpace>> <<package PATMATCH PatternMatch>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}