\title{\$SPAD/src/algebra patmatch1.spad}
\author{Manuel Bronstein}
\section{domain PATRES PatternMatchResult}
<<domain PATRES PatternMatchResult>>=
)abbrev domain PATRES PatternMatchResult
++ Result returned by the pattern matcher
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 28 Nov 1989
++ Date Last Updated: 5 Jul 1990
++ Description:
++   A PatternMatchResult is an object internally returned by the
++   pattern matcher; It is either a failed match, or a list of
++   matches of the form (var, expr) meaning that the variable var
++   matches the expression expr.
++ Keywords: pattern, matching.
-- not exported
PatternMatchResult(R:SetCategory, S:SetCategory): SetCategory with
  failed?           : %  -> Boolean
    ++ failed?(r) tests if r is a failed match.
  failed            : () -> %
    ++ failed() returns a failed match.
  new               : () -> %
    ++ new() returns a new empty match result.
  union             : (%, %) -> %
    ++ union(a, b) makes the set-union of two match results.
  getMatch          : (Pattern R, %) -> Union(S, "failed")
    ++ getMatch(var, r) returns the expression that var matches
    ++ in the result r, and "failed" if var is not matched in r.
  addMatch          : (Pattern R, S, %) -> %
    ++ addMatch(var, expr, r) adds the match (var, expr) in r,
    ++ provided that expr satisfies the predicates attached to var,
    ++ and that var is not matched to another expression already.
  insertMatch       : (Pattern R, S, %) -> %
    ++ insertMatch(var, expr, r) adds the match (var, expr) in r,
    ++ without checking predicates or previous matches for var.
  addMatchRestricted: (Pattern R, S, %, S) -> %
    ++ addMatchRestricted(var, expr, r, val) adds the match
    ++ (var, expr) in r,
    ++ provided that expr satisfies the predicates attached to var,
    ++ that var is not matched to another expression already,
    ++ and that either var is an optional pattern variable or that
    ++ expr is not equal to val (usually an identity).
  destruct          : % -> List Record(key:Symbol, entry:S)
    ++ destruct(r) returns the list of matches (var, expr) in r.
    ++ Error: if r is a failed match.
  construct         : List Record(key:Symbol, entry:S) -> %
    ++ construct([v1,e1],...,[vn,en]) returns the match result
    ++ containing the matches (v1,e1),...,(vn,en).
  satisfy?          : (%, Pattern R) -> Union(Boolean, "failed")
    ++ satisfy?(r, p) returns true if the matches satisfy the
    ++ top-level predicate of p, false if they don't, and "failed"
    ++ if not enough variables of p are matched in r to decide.

 == add
  LR ==> AssociationList(Symbol, S)

  import PatternFunctions1(R, S)

  Rep := Union(LR, "failed")

  new()                == empty()
  failed()             == "failed"
  failed? x            == x case "failed"
  insertMatch(p, x, l) == concat([retract p, x], l::LR)
  construct l          == construct(l)$LR
  destruct l           == entries(l::LR)$LR

-- returns "failed" if not all the variables of the pred. are matched
  satisfy?(r, p) ==
    failed? r => false
    lr := r::LR
    lv := [if (u := search(v, lr)) case "failed" then return "failed"
                        else  u::S for v in topPredicate(p).var]$List(S)
    satisfy?(lv, p)

  union(x, y) ==
    failed? x or failed? y => failed()
    removeDuplicates concat(x::LR, y::LR)

  x = y ==
    failed? x => failed? y
    failed? y => false
    x::LR =$LR y::LR

  coerce(x:%):OutputForm ==
    failed? x => "Does not match"::OutputForm

  addMatchRestricted(p, x, l, ident) ==
    (not optional? p) and (x = ident) => failed()
    addMatch(p, x, l)

  addMatch(p, x, l) ==
    failed?(l) or not(satisfy?(x, p)) => failed()
    al := l::LR
    sy := retract(p)@Symbol
    (r := search(sy, al)) case "failed" => insertMatch(p, x, l)
    r::S = x => l

  getMatch(p, l) ==
    failed? l => "failed"
    search(retract(p)@Symbol, l::LR)

\section{package PATRES2 PatternMatchResultFunctions2}
<<package PATRES2 PatternMatchResultFunctions2>>=
)abbrev package PATRES2 PatternMatchResultFunctions2
++ Lifts maps to pattern matching results
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 1 Dec 1989
++ Date Last Updated: 14 Dec 1989
++ Description: Lifts maps to pattern matching results.
++ Keywords: pattern, matching.
PatternMatchResultFunctions2(R, A, B): Exports == Implementation where
  R: SetCategory
  A: SetCategory
  B: SetCategory

  Exports ==> with
    map: (A -> B, PatternMatchResult(R, A)) -> PatternMatchResult(R, B)
      ++ map(f, [(v1,a1),...,(vn,an)]) returns the matching result
      ++ [(v1,f(a1)),...,(vn,f(an))].

  Implementation ==> add
    map(f, r) ==
      failed? r => failed()
      construct [[rec.key, f(rec.entry)] for rec in destruct r]

\section{domain PATLRES PatternMatchListResult}
<<domain PATLRES PatternMatchListResult>>=
)abbrev domain PATLRES PatternMatchListResult
++ Result returned by the pattern matcher when using lists
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 4 Dec 1989
++ Date Last Updated: 4 Dec 1989
++ Description:
++   A PatternMatchListResult is an object internally returned by the
++   pattern matcher when matching on lists.
++   It is either a failed match, or a pair of PatternMatchResult,
++   one for atoms (elements of the list), and one for lists.
++ Keywords: pattern, matching, list.
-- not exported
PatternMatchListResult(R:SetCategory, S:SetCategory, L:ListAggregate S):
  SetCategory with
    failed?   : %  -> Boolean
      ++ failed?(r) tests if r is a failed match.
    failed    : () -> %
      ++ failed() returns a failed match.
    new       : () -> %
      ++ new() returns a new empty match result.
    makeResult: (PatternMatchResult(R,S), PatternMatchResult(R,L)) -> %
      ++ makeResult(r1,r2) makes the combined result [r1,r2].
    atoms     : %  -> PatternMatchResult(R, S)
      ++ atoms(r) returns the list of matches that match atoms
      ++ (elements of the lists).
    lists     : %  -> PatternMatchResult(R, L)
      ++ lists(r) returns the list of matches that match lists.
 == add
  Rep := Record(a:PatternMatchResult(R, S), l:PatternMatchResult(R, L))

  new()              == [new(), new()]
  atoms r            == r.a
  lists r            == r.l
  failed()           == [failed(), failed()]
  failed? r          == failed?(atoms r)
  x = y              == (atoms x = atoms y) and (lists x = lists y)

  makeResult(r1, r2) ==
    failed? r1 or failed? r2 => failed()
    [r1, r2]

  coerce(r:%):OutputForm ==
    failed? r => atoms(r)::OutputForm
    RecordPrint(r, Rep)$Lisp

\section{category PATMAB PatternMatchable}
<<category PATMAB PatternMatchable>>=
)abbrev category PATMAB PatternMatchable
++ Category of sets that can be pattern-matched on
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 28 Nov 1989
++ Date Last Updated: 15 Mar 1990
++ Description:
++   A set R is PatternMatchable over S if elements of R can
++   be matched to patterns over S.
++ Keywords: pattern, matching.
PatternMatchable(S:SetCategory): Category == SetCategory with
  patternMatch: (%, Pattern S, PatternMatchResult(S, %)) ->
                                                PatternMatchResult(S, %)
    ++ patternMatch(expr, pat, res) matches the pattern pat to the
    ++ expression expr. res contains the variables of pat which
    ++ are already matched and their matches (necessary for recursion).
    ++ Initially, res is just the result of \spadfun{new}
    ++ which is an empty list of matches.

\section{category FPATMAB FullyPatternMatchable}
<<category FPATMAB FullyPatternMatchable>>=
)abbrev category FPATMAB FullyPatternMatchable
++ Category of sets that can be pattern-matched on
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 28 Nov 1989
++ Date Last Updated: 29 Nov 1989
++ Description:
++   A set S is PatternMatchable over R if S can lift the
++   pattern-matching functions of S over the integers and float
++   to itself (necessary for matching in towers).
++ Keywords: pattern, matching.
FullyPatternMatchable(R:Type): Category == Type with
  if R has PatternMatchable Integer then PatternMatchable Integer
  if R has PatternMatchable Float   then PatternMatchable Float

\section{package PMSYM PatternMatchSymbol}
<<package PMSYM PatternMatchSymbol>>=
)abbrev package PMSYM PatternMatchSymbol
++ Pattern matching on symbols
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 9 Jan 1990
++ Date Last Updated: 20 June 1991
++ Description:
++   This package provides pattern matching functions on symbols.
++ Keywords: pattern, matching, symbol.
PatternMatchSymbol(S:SetCategory): with
  patternMatch: (Symbol, Pattern S, PatternMatchResult(S, Symbol)) ->
                                           PatternMatchResult(S, Symbol)
    ++ patternMatch(expr, pat, res) matches the pattern pat to the
    ++ expression expr; res contains the variables of pat which
    ++ are already matched and their matches (necessary for recursion).
 == add
  import TopLevelPatternMatchControl

  patternMatch(s, p, l) ==
    generic? p  => addMatch(p, s, l)
    constant? p =>
      ((u := retractIfCan(p)@Union(Symbol, "failed")) case Symbol)
        and (u::Symbol) = s => l

\section{package PMKERNEL PatternMatchKernel}
<<package PMKERNEL PatternMatchKernel>>=
)abbrev package PMKERNEL PatternMatchKernel
++ Pattern matching on kernels
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 12 Jan 1990
++ Date Last Updated: 4 May 1992
++ Description:
++   This package provides pattern matching functions on kernels.
++ Keywords: pattern, matching, kernel.
PatternMatchKernel(S, E): Exports == Implementation where
  S: SetCategory
  E: Join(OrderedSet, RetractableTo Kernel %,
          ConvertibleTo Pattern S, PatternMatchable S)

  PAT ==> Pattern S
  PRS ==> PatternMatchResult(S, E)
  POWER ==> "%power"::Symbol
  NTHRT ==> "nthRoot"::Symbol

  Exports ==> with
    patternMatch: (Kernel E, PAT, PRS) -> PRS
      ++ patternMatch(f(e1,...,en), pat, res) matches the pattern pat
      ++ to \spad{f(e1,...,en)}; res contains the variables of pat which
      ++ are already matched and their matches.

  Implementation ==> add
    patternMatchArg  : (List E, List PAT, PRS) -> PRS
    patternMatchInner: (Kernel E, PAT, PRS) -> Union(PRS, "failed")

    -- matches the ordered lists ls and lp.
    patternMatchArg(ls, lp, l) ==
      #ls ~= #lp => failed()
      for p in lp for s in ls repeat
        generic? p and failed?(l := addMatch(p,s,l)) => return failed()
      for p in lp for s in ls repeat
        not(generic? p) and failed?(l := patternMatch(s, p, l)) =>
                                                         return failed()

    patternMatchInner(s, p, l) ==
      generic? p => addMatch(p, s::E, l)
      (u := isOp p) case Record(op:BasicOperator, arg: List PAT) =>
        ur := u::Record(op:BasicOperator, arg: List PAT)
        ur.op = operator s => patternMatchArg(argument s, ur.arg, l)
      constant? p =>
        ((v := retractIfCan(p)@Union(Symbol, "failed")) case Symbol)
          and ((w := symbolIfCan s) case Symbol) and
            (v::Symbol = w::Symbol) => l

    if E has Monoid then
      patternMatchMonoid: (Kernel E, PAT, PRS) -> Union(PRS, "failed")
      patternMatchOpt   : (E, List PAT, PRS, E) -> PRS

      patternMatchOpt(x, lp, l, id) ==
        (u := optpair lp) case List(PAT) =>
          failed?(l := addMatch(first(u::List(PAT)), id, l)) => failed()
          patternMatch(x, second(u::List(PAT)), l)

      patternMatchMonoid(s, p, l) ==
        (u := patternMatchInner(s, p, l)) case PRS => u::PRS
        (v := isPower p) case Record(val:PAT, exponent:PAT) =>
          vr := v::Record(val:PAT, exponent: PAT)
          is?(op := operator s, POWER) =>
            patternMatchArg(argument s, [vr.val, vr.exponent], l)
          is?(op,NTHRT) and ((r := recip(second(arg := argument s))) case E) =>
            patternMatchArg([first arg, r::E], [vr.val, vr.exponent], l)
          optional?(vr.exponent) =>
            failed?(l := addMatch(vr.exponent, 1, l)) => failed()
            patternMatch(s::E, vr.val, l)
        (w := isTimes p) case List(PAT) =>
          patternMatchOpt(s::E, w::List(PAT), l, 1)

      if E has AbelianMonoid then
        patternMatch(s, p, l) ==
          (u := patternMatchMonoid(s, p, l)) case PRS => u::PRS
          (w := isPlus p) case List(PAT) =>
            patternMatchOpt(s::E, w::List(PAT), l, 0)

        patternMatch(s, p, l) ==
          (u := patternMatchMonoid(s, p, l)) case PRS => u::PRS

      patternMatch(s, p, l) ==
        (u := patternMatchInner(s, p, l)) case PRS => u::PRS

\section{package PMDOWN PatternMatchPushDown}
<<package PMDOWN PatternMatchPushDown>>=
)abbrev package PMDOWN PatternMatchPushDown
++ Pattern matching in towers
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 1 Dec 1989
++ Date Last Updated: 16 August 1995
++ Description:
++   This packages provides tools for matching recursively
++   in type towers.
++ Keywords: pattern, matching, quotient, field.
PatternMatchPushDown(S, A, B): Exports == Implementation where
  S: SetCategory
  A: PatternMatchable S
  B: Join(SetCategory, RetractableTo A)

  PAT ==> Pattern S
  PRA ==> PatternMatchResult(S, A)
  PRB ==> PatternMatchResult(S, B)
  REC ==> Record(pat:PAT, res:PRA)

  Exports ==> with
    fixPredicate: (B -> Boolean) -> (A -> Boolean)
      ++ fixPredicate(f) returns g defined by g(a) = f(a::B);
    patternMatch: (A, PAT, PRB)  -> PRB
      ++ patternMatch(expr, pat, res) matches the pattern pat to the
      ++ expression expr; res contains the variables of pat which
      ++ are already matched and their matches.
      ++ Note: this function handles type towers by changing the predicates
      ++ and calling the matching function provided by \spad{A}.

  Implementation ==> add
    import PatternMatchResultFunctions2(S, A, B)

    fixPred      : Any -> Union(Any, "failed")
    inA          : (PAT, PRB) -> Union(List A, "failed")
    fixPredicates: (PAT, PRB, PRA) -> Union(REC, "failed")
    fixList:(List PAT -> PAT, List PAT, PRB, PRA) -> Union(REC,"failed")

    fixPredicate f == f(#1::B)

    patternMatch(a, p, l) ==
      (u := fixPredicates(p, l, new())) case "failed" => failed()
      union(l, map(#1::B, patternMatch(a, (u::REC).pat, (u::REC).res)))

    inA(p, l) ==
      (u := getMatch(p, l)) case "failed" => empty()
      (r := retractIfCan(u::B)@Union(A, "failed")) case A => [r::A]

    fixList(fn, l, lb, la) ==
      ll:List(PAT) := empty()
      for x in l repeat
        (f := fixPredicates(x, lb, la)) case "failed" => return "failed"
        ll := concat((f::REC).pat, ll)
        la := (f::REC).res
      [fn ll, la]

    fixPred f ==
      (u:= retractIfCan(f)$AnyFunctions1(B -> Boolean)) case "failed" =>
      g := fixPredicate(u::(B -> Boolean))
      coerce(g)$AnyFunctions1(A -> Boolean)

    fixPredicates(p, lb, la) ==
      (r:=retractIfCan(p)@Union(S,"failed")) case S or quoted? p =>[p,la]
      (u := isOp p) case Record(op:BasicOperator, arg:List PAT) =>
        ur := u::Record(op:BasicOperator, arg:List PAT)
        fixList((ur.op) #1, ur.arg, lb, la)
      (us := isPlus p) case List(PAT) =>
        fixList(reduce("+", #1), us::List(PAT), lb, la)
      (us := isTimes p) case List(PAT) =>
        fixList(reduce("*", #1), us::List(PAT), lb, la)
      (v := isQuotient p) case Record(num:PAT, den:PAT) =>
        vr := v::Record(num:PAT, den:PAT)
        (fn := fixPredicates(vr.num, lb, la)) case "failed" => "failed"
        la  := (fn::REC).res
        (fd := fixPredicates(vr.den, lb, la)) case "failed" => "failed"
        [(fn::REC).pat / (fd::REC).pat, (fd::REC).res]
      (w:= isExpt p) case Record(val:PAT,exponent:NonNegativeInteger) =>
        wr := w::Record(val:PAT, exponent: NonNegativeInteger)
        (f := fixPredicates(wr.val, lb, la)) case "failed" => "failed"
        [(f::REC).pat ** wr.exponent, (f::REC).res]
      (uu := isPower p) case Record(val:PAT, exponent:PAT) =>
        uur := uu::Record(val:PAT, exponent: PAT)
        (fv := fixPredicates(uur.val, lb, la)) case "failed" => "failed"
        la  := (fv::REC).res
        (fe := fixPredicates(uur.exponent, lb, la)) case "failed" =>
        [(fv::REC).pat ** (fe::REC).pat, (fe::REC).res]
      generic? p =>
        (ua := inA(p, lb)) case "failed" => "failed"
        lp := [if (h := fixPred g) case Any then h::Any else
                        return "failed" for g in predicates p]$List(Any)
        q := setPredicates(patternVariable(retract p, constant? p,
                                           optional? p, multiple? p), lp)
        [q, (empty?(ua::List A) => la; insertMatch(q,first(ua::List A), la))]
      error "Should not happen"

\section{package PMTOOLS PatternMatchTools}
<<package PMTOOLS PatternMatchTools>>=
)abbrev package PMTOOLS PatternMatchTools
++ Tools for the pattern matcher
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 13 Mar 1990
++ Date Last Updated: 4 February 1992
++ Description:
++   This package provides tools for the pattern matcher.
++ Keywords: pattern, matching, tools.
PatternMatchTools(S, R, P): Exports == Implementation where
  S: SetCategory
  R: Join(Ring, OrderedSet)
  P: Join(Ring, ConvertibleTo Pattern S, RetractableTo R)

  PAT ==> Pattern S
  PRS ==> PatternMatchResult(S, P)
  REC ==> Record(res:PRS, s:List P)
  RC  ==> Record(pat:List PAT, s:List P)

  Exports ==> with
    patternMatch: (List P, List PAT, List P -> P, PRS,
                                            (P, PAT, PRS) -> PRS) -> PRS
      ++ patternMatch(lsubj, lpat, op, res, match) matches the list
      ++ of patterns lpat to the list of subjects lsubj, allowing for
      ++ commutativity; op is the operator such that op(lpat) should
      ++ match op(lsubj) at the end, r contains the previous matches,
      ++ and match is a pattern-matching function on P.
    patternMatchTimes: (List P, List PAT, PRS,
                                            (P, PAT, PRS) -> PRS) -> PRS
      ++ patternMatchTimes(lsubj, lpat, res, match) matches the
      ++ product of patterns \spad{reduce(*,lpat)}
      ++ to the product of subjects \spad{reduce(*,lsubj)};
      ++ r contains the previous matches
      ++ and match is a pattern-matching function on P.

  Implementation ==> add
    import PatternFunctions1(S, P)

    preprocessList: (PAT, List P, PRS) -> Union(List P, "failed")
    selBestGen    : List PAT -> List PAT
    negConstant   : List P -> Union(P, "failed")
    findMatch     : (PAT, List P, PRS, P, (P, PAT, PRS) -> PRS) -> REC
    tryToMatch    : (List PAT, REC, P, (P, PAT, PRS) -> PRS) ->
                                                  Union(REC, "failed")
    filterMatchedPatterns: (List PAT, List P, PRS) -> Union(RC, "failed")

    mn1 := convert(-1::P)@Pattern(S)

    negConstant l ==
      for x in l repeat
        ((r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R, "failed")) case R) and
          (r::R < 0) => return x

-- tries to match the list of patterns lp to the list of subjects rc.s
-- with rc.res being the list of existing matches.
-- updates rc with the new result and subjects still to match
    tryToMatch(lp, rc, ident, pmatch) ==
      rec:REC := [l := rc.res, ls := rc.s]
      for p in lp repeat
        rec := findMatch(p, ls, l, ident, pmatch)
        failed?(l := rec.res) => return "failed"
        ls := rec.s

-- handles -1 in the pattern list.
    patternMatchTimes(ls, lp, l, pmatch) ==
      member?(mn1, lp) =>
        (u := negConstant ls) case "failed" => failed()
        if (u::P ~= -1::P) then ls := concat(-u::P, ls)
        patternMatch(remove(u::P,ls), remove(mn1,lp), */#1, l, pmatch)
      patternMatch(ls, lp, */#1, l, pmatch)

-- finds a match for p in ls, try not to match to a "bad" value
    findMatch(p, ls, l, ident, pmatch) ==
      bad:List(P) :=
        generic? p => setIntersection(badValues p, ls)
      l1:PRS := failed()
      for x in setDifference(ls, bad)
        while (t := x; failed?(l1 := pmatch(x, p, l))) repeat 0
      failed? l1 =>
        for x in bad
          while (t := x; failed?(l1 := pmatch(x, p, l))) repeat 0
        failed? l1 => [addMatchRestricted(p, ident, l, ident), ls]
        [l1, remove(t, ls)]
      [l1, remove(t, ls)]

-- filters out pattern if it's generic and already matched.
    preprocessList(pattern, ls, l) ==
      generic? pattern =>
        (u := getMatch(pattern, l)) case P =>
          member?(u::P, ls) => [u::P]

-- take out already matched generic patterns
    filterMatchedPatterns(lp, ls, l) ==
      for p in lp repeat
        (rc := preprocessList(p, ls, l)) case "failed" => return "failed"
        if not empty?(rc::List(P)) then
          lp := remove(p,  lp)
          ls := remove(first(rc::List(P)), ls)
      [lp, ls]

-- select a generic pattern with no predicate if possible
    selBestGen l ==
      ans := empty()$List(PAT)
      for p in l | generic? p repeat
        ans := [p]
        not hasPredicate? p => return ans

-- matches unordered lists ls and lp
    patternMatch(ls, lp, op, l, pmatch) ==
      ident := op empty()
      (rc := filterMatchedPatterns(lp, ls, l)) case "failed" => return failed()
      lp := (rc::RC).pat
      ls := (rc::RC).s
      empty? lp => l
      #(lpm := select(optional?, lp)) > 1 =>
        error "More than one optional pattern in sum/product"
      (#ls + #lpm) < #lp => failed()
      if (not empty? lpm) and (#ls + 1 = #lp) then
        lp := remove(first lpm, lp)
        failed?(l := addMatch(first lpm, ident, l)) => return l
      #(lpm := select(multiple?, lp)) > 1 =>
        error "More than one expandable pattern in sum/product"
      #ls > #lp and empty? lpm and empty?(lpm := selBestGen lp) =>
      if not empty? lpm then lp := remove(first lpm, lp)
      -- this is the order in which we try to match predicates
      -- l1 = constant patterns (i.e. 'x, or sin('x))
      l1 := select(constant?, lp)
      -- l2 = patterns with a predicate attached to them
      l2 := select(hasPredicate? #1 and not constant? #1, lp)
      -- l3 = non-generic patterns without predicates
      l3 := sort_!(depth(#1) > depth(#2),
        select(not(hasPredicate? #1 or generic? #1 or constant? #1),lp))
      -- l4 = generic patterns with predicates
      l4 := select(generic? #1 and
                              not(hasPredicate? #1 or constant? #1), lp)
      rec:REC := [l, ls]
      (u := tryToMatch(l1, rec, ident, pmatch)) case "failed" =>
      (u := tryToMatch(l2, u::REC, ident, pmatch)) case "failed" =>
      (u := tryToMatch(l3, u::REC, ident, pmatch)) case "failed" =>
      rec := u::REC
      (rc := filterMatchedPatterns(l4,rec.s,rec.res)) case "failed" => failed()
      rec := [rec.res, (rc::RC).s]
      (u := tryToMatch((rc::RC).pat,rec,ident,pmatch)) case "failed" => failed()
      rec := u::REC
      l := rec.res
      ls := rec.s
      empty? lpm =>
        empty? ls => l
      addMatch(first lpm, op ls, l)

\section{package PMLSAGG PatternMatchListAggregate}
<<package PMLSAGG PatternMatchListAggregate>>=
)abbrev package PMLSAGG PatternMatchListAggregate
++ Pattern matching for list aggregates
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 4 Dec 1989
++ Date Last Updated: 29 Jun 1990
++ Description:
++   This package provides pattern matching functions on lists.
++ Keywords: pattern, matching, list.
PatternMatchListAggregate(S, R, L): Exports == Implementation where
  S: SetCategory
  R: PatternMatchable S
  L: ListAggregate R

  PLR ==> PatternMatchListResult(S, R, L)

  Exports ==> with
    patternMatch: (L, Pattern S, PLR) -> PLR
      ++ patternMatch(l, pat, res) matches the pattern pat to the
      ++ list l; res contains the variables of pat which
      ++ are already matched and their matches.

  Implementation ==> add
    match: (L, List Pattern S, PLR, Boolean) -> PLR

    patternMatch(l, p, r) ==
      (u := isList p) case "failed" => failed()
      match(l, u::List Pattern S, r, true)

    match(l, lp, r, new?) ==
      empty? lp =>
        empty? l => r
      multiple?(p0 := first lp) =>
        empty? rest lp =>
          if not new? then l := reverse_! l
          makeResult(atoms r, addMatchRestricted(p0,l,lists r,empty()))
        new? => match(reverse l, reverse lp, r, false)
        error "Only one multiple pattern allowed in list"
      empty? l => failed()
      failed?(r := makeResult(patternMatch(first l,p0,atoms r),lists r))
                                                             => failed()
      match(rest l, rest lp, r, new?)

--Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
--All rights reserved.
--Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
--    - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--    - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
--      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
--      the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
--      distribution.
--    - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
--      names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
--      derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

<<domain PATRES PatternMatchResult>>
<<package PATRES2 PatternMatchResultFunctions2>>
<<domain PATLRES PatternMatchListResult>>
<<category PATMAB PatternMatchable>>
<<category FPATMAB FullyPatternMatchable>>
<<package PMSYM PatternMatchSymbol>>
<<package PMKERNEL PatternMatchKernel>>
<<package PMDOWN PatternMatchPushDown>>
<<package PMTOOLS PatternMatchTools>>
<<package PMLSAGG PatternMatchListAggregate>>
\bibitem{1} nothing