\documentclass{article} \usepackage{open-axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra padiclib.spad} \author{Clifton J. Williamson} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{package IBPTOOLS IntegralBasisPolynomialTools} <<package IBPTOOLS IntegralBasisPolynomialTools>>= )abbrev package IBPTOOLS IntegralBasisPolynomialTools ++ Author: Clifton Williamson ++ Date Created: 13 August 1993 ++ Date Last Updated: 17 August 1993 ++ Basic Operations: mapUnivariate, mapBivariate ++ Related Domains: PAdicWildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis(K,R,UP,F) ++ Also See: WildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis, FunctionFieldIntegralBasis ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: function field, finite field, integral basis ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: IntegralBasisPolynomialTools provides functions for ++ mapping functions on the coefficients of univariate and bivariate ++ polynomials. IntegralBasisPolynomialTools(K,R,UP,L): Exports == Implementation where K : Ring R : UnivariatePolynomialCategory K UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory R L : Ring MAT ==> Matrix SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial Exports ==> with mapUnivariate: (L -> K,SUP L) -> R ++ mapUnivariate(f,p(x)) applies the function \spad{f} to the ++ coefficients of \spad{p(x)}. mapUnivariate: (K -> L,R) -> SUP L ++ mapUnivariate(f,p(x)) applies the function \spad{f} to the ++ coefficients of \spad{p(x)}. mapUnivariateIfCan: (L -> Union(K,"failed"),SUP L) -> Union(R,"failed") ++ mapUnivariateIfCan(f,p(x)) applies the function \spad{f} to the ++ coefficients of \spad{p(x)}, if possible, and returns ++ \spad{"failed"} otherwise. mapMatrixIfCan: (L -> Union(K,"failed"),MAT SUP L) -> Union(MAT R,"failed") ++ mapMatrixIfCan(f,mat) applies the function \spad{f} to the ++ coefficients of the entries of \spad{mat} if possible, and returns ++ \spad{"failed"} otherwise. mapBivariate: (K -> L,UP) -> SUP SUP L ++ mapBivariate(f,p(x,y)) applies the function \spad{f} to the ++ coefficients of \spad{p(x,y)}. Implementation ==> add mapUnivariate(f:L -> K,poly:SUP L) == ans : R := 0 while not zero? poly repeat ans := ans + monomial(f leadingCoefficient poly,degree poly) poly := reductum poly ans mapUnivariate(f:K -> L,poly:R) == ans : SUP L := 0 while not zero? poly repeat ans := ans + monomial(f leadingCoefficient poly,degree poly) poly := reductum poly ans mapUnivariateIfCan(f,poly) == ans : R := 0 while not zero? poly repeat (lc := f leadingCoefficient poly) case "failed" => return "failed" ans := ans + monomial(lc :: K,degree poly) poly := reductum poly ans mapMatrixIfCan(f,mat) == m := nrows mat; n := ncols mat matOut : MAT R := new(m,n,0) for i in 1..m repeat for j in 1..n repeat (poly := mapUnivariateIfCan(f,qelt(mat,i,j))) case "failed" => return "failed" qsetelt!(matOut,i,j,poly :: R) matOut mapBivariate(f,poly) == ans : SUP SUP L := 0 while not zero? poly repeat ans := ans + monomial(mapUnivariate(f,leadingCoefficient poly),degree poly) poly := reductum poly ans @ \section{package IBACHIN ChineseRemainderToolsForIntegralBases} <<package IBACHIN ChineseRemainderToolsForIntegralBases>>= )abbrev package IBACHIN ChineseRemainderToolsForIntegralBases ++ Author: Clifton Williamson ++ Date Created: 9 August 1993 ++ Date Last Updated: 3 December 1993 ++ Basic Operations: chineseRemainder, factorList ++ Related Domains: PAdicWildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis(K,R,UP,F) ++ Also See: WildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis, FunctionFieldIntegralBasis ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: function field, finite field, integral basis ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ChineseRemainderToolsForIntegralBases(K,R,UP): Exports == Implementation where K : FiniteFieldCategory R : UnivariatePolynomialCategory K UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory R DDFACT ==> DistinctDegreeFactorize I ==> Integer L ==> List L2 ==> ListFunctions2 Mat ==> Matrix R NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger PI ==> PositiveInteger Q ==> Fraction R SAE ==> SimpleAlgebraicExtension SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial SUP2 ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2 Result ==> Record(basis: Mat, basisDen: R, basisInv: Mat) Exports ==> with factorList: (K,NNI,NNI,NNI) -> L SUP K ++ factorList(k,n,m,j) \undocumented listConjugateBases: (Result,NNI,NNI) -> List Result ++ listConjugateBases(bas,q,n) returns the list ++ \spad{[bas,bas^Frob,bas^(Frob^2),...bas^(Frob^(n-1))]}, where ++ \spad{Frob} raises the coefficients of all polynomials ++ appearing in the basis \spad{bas} to the \spad{q}th power. chineseRemainder: (List UP, List Result, NNI) -> Result ++ chineseRemainder(lu,lr,n) \undocumented Implementation ==> add import ModularHermitianRowReduction(R) import TriangularMatrixOperations(R, Vector R, Vector R, Matrix R) applyFrobToMatrix: (Matrix R,NNI) -> Matrix R applyFrobToMatrix(mat,q) == -- raises the coefficients of the polynomial entries of 'mat' -- to the qth power m := nrows mat; n := ncols mat ans : Matrix R := new(m,n,0) for i in 1..m repeat for j in 1..n repeat qsetelt!(ans,i,j,map(#1 ** q,qelt(mat,i,j))) ans listConjugateBases(bas,q,n) == outList : List Result := list bas b := bas.basis; bInv := bas.basisInv; bDen := bas.basisDen for i in 1..(n-1) repeat b := applyFrobToMatrix(b,q) bInv := applyFrobToMatrix(bInv,q) bDen := map(#1 ** q,bDen) newBasis : Result := [b,bDen,bInv] outList := concat(newBasis,outList) reverse! outList factorList(a,q,n,k) == coef : SUP K := monomial(a,0); xx : SUP K := monomial(1,1) outList : L SUP K := list((xx - coef)**k) for i in 1..(n-1) repeat coef := coef ** q outList := concat((xx - coef)**k,outList) reverse! outList basisInfoToPolys: (Mat,R,R) -> L UP basisInfoToPolys(mat,lcm,den) == n := nrows(mat) :: I; n1 := n - 1 outList : L UP := empty() for i in 1..n repeat pp : UP := 0 for j in 0..n1 repeat pp := pp + monomial((lcm quo den) * qelt(mat,i,j+1),j) outList := concat(pp,outList) reverse! outList basesToPolyLists: (L Result,R) -> L L UP basesToPolyLists(basisList,lcm) == [basisInfoToPolys(b.basis,lcm,b.basisDen) for b in basisList] OUT ==> OutputForm approximateExtendedEuclidean: (UP,UP,R,NNI) -> Record(coef1:UP,coef2:UP) approximateExtendedEuclidean(f,g,p,n) == -- f and g are monic and relatively prime (mod p) -- function returns [coef1,coef2] such that -- coef1 * f + coef2 * g = 1 (mod p^n) sae := SAE(K,R,p) fSUP : SUP R := makeSUP f; gSUP : SUP R := makeSUP g fBar : SUP sae := map(convert(#1)@sae,fSUP)$SUP2(R,sae) gBar : SUP sae := map(convert(#1)@sae,gSUP)$SUP2(R,sae) ee := extendedEuclidean(fBar,gBar) not one?(ee.generator) => error "polynomials aren't relatively prime" ss1 := ee.coef1; tt1 := ee.coef2 s1 : SUP R := map(convert(#1)@R,ss1)$SUP2(sae,R); s := s1 t1 : SUP R := map(convert(#1)@R,tt1)$SUP2(sae,R); t := t1 pPower := p for i in 2..n repeat num := 1 - s * fSUP - t * gSUP rhs := (num exquo pPower) :: SUP R sigma := map(#1 rem p,s1 * rhs); tau := map(#1 rem p,t1 * rhs) s := s + pPower * sigma; t := t + pPower * tau quorem := monicDivide(s,gSUP) pPower := pPower * p s := map(#1 rem pPower,quorem.remainder) t := map(#1 rem pPower,t + fSUP * (quorem.quotient)) [unmakeSUP s,unmakeSUP t] --mapChineseToList: (L SUP Q,L SUP Q,I) -> L SUP Q --mapChineseToList(list,polyList,i) == mapChineseToList: (L UP,L UP,I,R) -> L UP mapChineseToList(list,polyList,i,den) == -- 'polyList' consists of MONIC polynomials -- computes a polynomial p such that p = pp (modulo polyList[i]) -- and p = 0 (modulo polyList[j]) for j ~= i for each 'pp' in 'list' -- create polynomials q : UP := 1 for j in 1..(i-1) repeat q := q * first polyList polyList := rest polyList p := first polyList polyList := rest polyList for j in (i+1).. while not empty? polyList repeat q := q * first polyList polyList := rest polyList --p := map((numer(#1) rem den)/1, p) --q := map((numer(#1) rem den)/1, q) -- 'den' is a power of an irreducible polynomial --!! make this computation more efficient!! factoredDen := factor(den)$DDFACT(K,R) prime := nthFactor(factoredDen,1) n := nthExponent(factoredDen,1) :: NNI invPoly := approximateExtendedEuclidean(q,p,prime,n).coef1 -- monicDivide may be inefficient? [monicDivide(pp * invPoly * q,p * q).remainder for pp in list] polyListToMatrix: (L UP,NNI) -> Mat polyListToMatrix(polyList,n) == mat : Mat := new(n,n,0) for i in 1..n for poly in polyList repeat while not zero? poly repeat mat(i,degree(poly) + 1) := leadingCoefficient poly poly := reductum poly mat chineseRemainder(factors,factorBases,n) == denLCM : R := reduce("lcm",[base.basisDen for base in factorBases]) denLCM = 1 => [scalarMatrix(n,1),1,scalarMatrix(n,1)] -- compute local basis polynomials with denominators cleared factorBasisPolyLists := basesToPolyLists(factorBases,denLCM) -- use Chinese remainder to compute basis polynomials w/o denominators basisPolyLists : L L UP := empty() for i in 1.. for pList in factorBasisPolyLists repeat polyList := mapChineseToList(pList,factors,i,denLCM) basisPolyLists := concat(polyList,basisPolyLists) basisPolys := concat reverse! basisPolyLists mat := squareTop rowEchelon(polyListToMatrix(basisPolys,n),denLCM) matInv := UpTriBddDenomInv(mat,denLCM) [mat,denLCM,matInv] @ \section{package PWFFINTB PAdicWildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis} <<package PWFFINTB PAdicWildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis>>= )abbrev package PWFFINTB PAdicWildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis ++ Author: Clifton Williamson ++ Date Created: 5 July 1993 ++ Date Last Updated: 17 August 1993 ++ Basic Operations: integralBasis, localIntegralBasis ++ Related Domains: WildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis(K,R,UP,F) ++ Also See: FunctionFieldIntegralBasis ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: function field, finite field, integral basis ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ In this package K is a finite field, R is a ring of univariate ++ polynomials over K, and F is a monogenic algebra over R. ++ We require that F is monogenic, i.e. that \spad{F = K[x,y]/(f(x,y))}, ++ because the integral basis algorithm used will factor the polynomial ++ \spad{f(x,y)}. The package provides a function to compute the integral ++ closure of R in the quotient field of F as well as a function to compute ++ a "local integral basis" at a specific prime. PAdicWildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis(K,R,UP,F): Exports == Implementation where K : FiniteFieldCategory R : UnivariatePolynomialCategory K UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory R F : MonogenicAlgebra(R,UP) I ==> Integer L ==> List L2 ==> ListFunctions2 Mat ==> Matrix R NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger PI ==> PositiveInteger Q ==> Fraction R SAE ==> SimpleAlgebraicExtension SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial CDEN ==> CommonDenominator DDFACT ==> DistinctDegreeFactorize WFFINTBS ==> WildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis Result ==> Record(basis: Mat, basisDen: R, basisInv:Mat) IResult ==> Record(basis: Mat, basisDen: R, basisInv:Mat,discr: R) IBPTOOLS ==> IntegralBasisPolynomialTools IBACHIN ==> ChineseRemainderToolsForIntegralBases IRREDFFX ==> IrredPolyOverFiniteField GHEN ==> GeneralHenselPackage Exports ==> with integralBasis : () -> Result ++ \spad{integralBasis()} returns a record ++ \spad{[basis,basisDen,basisInv] } containing information regarding ++ the integral closure of R in the quotient field of the framed ++ algebra F. F is a framed algebra with R-module basis ++ \spad{w1,w2,...,wn}. ++ If 'basis' is the matrix \spad{(aij, i = 1..n, j = 1..n)}, then ++ the \spad{i}th element of the integral basis is ++ \spad{vi = (1/basisDen) * sum(aij * wj, j = 1..n)}, i.e. the ++ \spad{i}th row of 'basis' contains the coordinates of the ++ \spad{i}th basis vector. Similarly, the \spad{i}th row of the ++ matrix 'basisInv' contains the coordinates of \spad{wi} with respect ++ to the basis \spad{v1,...,vn}: if 'basisInv' is the matrix ++ \spad{(bij, i = 1..n, j = 1..n)}, then ++ \spad{wi = sum(bij * vj, j = 1..n)}. localIntegralBasis : R -> Result ++ \spad{integralBasis(p)} returns a record ++ \spad{[basis,basisDen,basisInv] } containing information regarding ++ the local integral closure of R at the prime \spad{p} in the quotient ++ field of the framed algebra F. F is a framed algebra with R-module ++ basis \spad{w1,w2,...,wn}. ++ If 'basis' is the matrix \spad{(aij, i = 1..n, j = 1..n)}, then ++ the \spad{i}th element of the local integral basis is ++ \spad{vi = (1/basisDen) * sum(aij * wj, j = 1..n)}, i.e. the ++ \spad{i}th row of 'basis' contains the coordinates of the ++ \spad{i}th basis vector. Similarly, the \spad{i}th row of the ++ matrix 'basisInv' contains the coordinates of \spad{wi} with respect ++ to the basis \spad{v1,...,vn}: if 'basisInv' is the matrix ++ \spad{(bij, i = 1..n, j = 1..n)}, then ++ \spad{wi = sum(bij * vj, j = 1..n)}. reducedDiscriminant: UP -> R ++ reducedDiscriminant(up) \undocumented Implementation ==> add import IntegralBasisTools(R, UP, F) import GeneralHenselPackage(R,UP) import ModularHermitianRowReduction(R) import TriangularMatrixOperations(R, Vector R, Vector R, Matrix R) reducedDiscriminant f == ff : SUP Q := mapUnivariate(#1 :: Q,f)$IBPTOOLS(R,UP,SUP UP,Q) ee := extendedEuclidean(ff,differentiate ff) cc := concat(coefficients(ee.coef1),coefficients(ee.coef2)) cden := splitDenominator(cc)$CDEN(R,Q,L Q) denom := cden.den gg := gcd map(numer,cden.num)$L2(Q,R) (ans := denom exquo gg) case "failed" => error "PWFFINTB: error in reduced discriminant computation" ans :: R compLocalBasis: (UP,R) -> Result compLocalBasis(poly,prime) == -- compute a local integral basis at 'prime' for k[x,y]/(poly(x,y)). sae := SAE(R,UP,poly) localIntegralBasis(prime)$WFFINTBS(K,R,UP,sae) compLocalBasisOverExt: (UP,R,UP,NNI) -> Result compLocalBasisOverExt(poly0,prime0,irrPoly0,k) == -- poly0 = irrPoly0**k (mod prime0) n := degree poly0; disc0 := discriminant poly0 (disc0 exquo prime0) case "failed" => [scalarMatrix(n,1), 1, scalarMatrix(n,1)] r := degree irrPoly0 -- extend scalars: -- construct irreducible polynomial of degree r over K irrPoly := generateIrredPoly(r :: PI)$IRREDFFX(K) -- construct extension of degree r over K E := SAE(K,SUP K,irrPoly) -- lift coefficients to elements of E poly := mapBivariate(#1 :: E,poly0)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E) redDisc0 := reducedDiscriminant poly0 redDisc := mapUnivariate(#1 :: E,redDisc0)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E) prime := mapUnivariate(#1 :: E,prime0)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E) sae := SAE(E,SUP E,prime) -- reduction (mod prime) of polynomial of which poly is the kth power redIrrPoly := pp := mapBivariate(#1 :: E,irrPoly0)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E) mapUnivariate(reduce,pp)$IBPTOOLS(SUP E,SUP SUP E,SUP SUP SUP E,sae) -- factor the reduction factorListSAE := factors factor(redIrrPoly)$DDFACT(sae,SUP sae) -- list the 'primary factors' of the reduction of poly redFactors : List SUP sae := [(f.factor)**k for f in factorListSAE] -- lift these factors to elements of SUP SUP E primaries : List SUP SUP E := [mapUnivariate(lift,ff)$IBPTOOLS(SUP E,SUP SUP E,SUP SUP SUP E,sae) _ for ff in redFactors] -- lift the factors to factors modulo a suitable power of 'prime' deg := (1 + order(redDisc,prime) * degree(prime)) :: PI henselInfo := HenselLift(poly,primaries,prime,deg)$GHEN(SUP E,SUP SUP E) henselFactors := henselInfo.plist psi1 := first henselFactors FF := SAE(SUP E,SUP SUP E,psi1) factorIb := localIntegralBasis(prime)$WFFINTBS(E,SUP E,SUP SUP E,FF) bs := listConjugateBases(factorIb,size()$K,r)$IBACHIN(E,SUP E,SUP SUP E) ib := chineseRemainder(henselFactors,bs,n)$IBACHIN(E,SUP E,SUP SUP E) b : Matrix R := bas := mapMatrixIfCan(retractIfCan,ib.basis)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E) bas case "failed" => error "retraction of basis failed" bas :: Matrix R bInv : Matrix R := --bas := mapMatrixIfCan(ric,ib.basisInv)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E) bas := mapMatrixIfCan(retractIfCan,ib.basisInv)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E) bas case "failed" => error "retraction of basis inverse failed" bas :: Matrix R bDen : R := p := mapUnivariateIfCan(retractIfCan,ib.basisDen)$IBPTOOLS(K,R,UP,E) p case "failed" => error "retraction of basis denominator failed" p :: R [b,bDen,bInv] padicLocalIntegralBasis: (UP,R,R,R) -> IResult padicLocalIntegralBasis(p,disc,redDisc,prime) == -- polynomials in x modulo 'prime' sae := SAE(K,R,prime) -- find the factorization of 'p' modulo 'prime' and lift the -- prime powers to elements of UP: -- reduce 'p' modulo 'prime' reducedP := mapUnivariate(reduce,p)$IBPTOOLS(R,UP,SUP UP,sae) -- factor the reduced polynomial factorListSAE := factors factor(reducedP)$DDFACT(sae,SUP sae) -- if only one prime factor, perform usual integral basis computation (# factorListSAE) = 1 => ib := localIntegralBasis(prime)$WFFINTBS(K,R,UP,F) index := diagonalProduct(ib.basisInv) [ib.basis,ib.basisDen,ib.basisInv,disc quo (index * index)] -- list the 'prime factors' of the reduced polynomial redPrimes : List SUP sae := [f.factor for f in factorListSAE] -- lift these factors to elements of UP primes : List UP := [mapUnivariate(lift,ff)$IBPTOOLS(R,UP,SUP UP,sae) for ff in redPrimes] -- list the exponents expons : List NNI := [((f.exponent) :: NNI) for f in factorListSAE] -- list the 'primary factors' of the reduced polynomial redPrimaries : List SUP sae := [(f.factor) **((f.exponent) :: NNI) for f in factorListSAE] -- lift these factors to elements of UP primaries : List UP := [mapUnivariate(lift,ff)$IBPTOOLS(R,UP,SUP UP,sae) for ff in redPrimaries] -- lift the factors to factors modulo a suitable power of 'prime' deg := (1 + order(redDisc,prime) * degree(prime)) :: PI henselInfo := HenselLift(p,primaries,prime,deg) henselFactors := henselInfo.plist -- compute integral bases for the factors factorBases : List Result := empty(); degPrime := degree prime for pp in primes for k in expons for qq in henselFactors repeat base := degPp := degree pp degPp > 1 and gcd(degPp,degPrime) = 1 => compLocalBasisOverExt(qq,prime,pp,k) compLocalBasis(qq,prime) factorBases := concat(base,factorBases) factorBases := reverse! factorBases ib := chineseRemainder(henselFactors,factorBases,rank()$F)$IBACHIN(K,R,UP) index := diagonalProduct(ib.basisInv) [ib.basis,ib.basisDen,ib.basisInv,disc quo (index * index)] localIntegralBasis prime == p := definingPolynomial()$F; disc := discriminant p --disc := determinant traceMatrix()$F redDisc := reducedDiscriminant p ib := padicLocalIntegralBasis(p,disc,redDisc,prime) [ib.basis,ib.basisDen,ib.basisInv] listSquaredFactors: R -> List R listSquaredFactors px == -- returns a list of the factors of px which occur with -- exponent > 1 ans : List R := empty() factored := factor(px)$DistinctDegreeFactorize(K,R) for f in factors(factored) repeat if f.exponent > 1 then ans := concat(f.factor,ans) ans integralBasis() == p := definingPolynomial()$F; disc := discriminant p; n := rank()$F --traceMat := traceMatrix()$F; n := rank()$F --disc := determinant traceMat -- discriminant of current order singList := listSquaredFactors disc -- singularities of relative Spec redDisc := reducedDiscriminant p runningRb := runningRbinv := scalarMatrix(n,1)$Mat -- runningRb = basis matrix of current order -- runningRbinv = inverse basis matrix of current order -- these are wrt the original basis for F runningRbden : R := 1 -- runningRbden = denominator for current basis matrix empty? singList => [runningRb, runningRbden, runningRbinv] for prime in singList repeat lb := padicLocalIntegralBasis(p,disc,redDisc,prime) rb := lb.basis; rbinv := lb.basisInv; rbden := lb.basisDen disc := lb.discr mat := vertConcat(rbden * runningRb,runningRbden * rb) runningRbden := runningRbden * rbden runningRb := squareTop rowEchelon(mat,runningRbden) --runningRb := squareTop rowEch mat runningRbinv := UpTriBddDenomInv(runningRb,runningRbden) [runningRb, runningRbden, runningRbinv] @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<package IBPTOOLS IntegralBasisPolynomialTools>> <<package IBACHIN ChineseRemainderToolsForIntegralBases>> <<package PWFFINTB PAdicWildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}