\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra openmath.spad} \author{Mike Dewar, Vilya Harvey} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{package OMEXPR ExpressionToOpenMath} <<package OMEXPR ExpressionToOpenMath>>= )abbrev package OMEXPR ExpressionToOpenMath ++ Author: Mike Dewar & Vilya Harvey ++ Date Created: ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ References: ++ Description: \spadtype{ExpressionToOpenMath} provides support for ++ converting objects of type \spadtype{Expression} into OpenMath. ExpressionToOpenMath(R: Join(OpenMath, OrderedSet, Ring)): with OMwrite : Expression R -> String OMwrite : (Expression R, Boolean) -> String OMwrite : (OpenMathDevice, Expression R) -> Void OMwrite : (OpenMathDevice, Expression R, Boolean) -> Void == add import Expression R SymInfo ==> Record(cd:String, name:String) import SymInfo import Record(key: Symbol, entry: SymInfo) import AssociationList(Symbol, SymInfo) import OMENC ---------------------------- -- Local translation tables. ---------------------------- nullaryFunctionAList : AssociationList(Symbol, SymInfo) := construct [_ [pi, ["nums1", "pi"]] ] unaryFunctionAList : AssociationList(Symbol, SymInfo) := construct [_ [exp, ["transc1", "exp"]],_ [log, ["transc1", "ln"]],_ [sin, ["transc1", "sin"]],_ [cos, ["transc1", "cos"]],_ [tan, ["transc1", "tan"]],_ [cot, ["transc1", "cot"]],_ [sec, ["transc1", "sec"]],_ [csc, ["transc1", "csc"]],_ [asin, ["transc1", "arcsin"]],_ [acos, ["transc1", "arccos"]],_ [atan, ["transc1", "arctan"]],_ [acot, ["transc1", "arccot"]],_ [asec, ["transc1", "arcsec"]],_ [acsc, ["transc1", "arccsc"]],_ [sinh, ["transc1", "sinh"]],_ [cosh, ["transc1", "cosh"]],_ [tanh, ["transc1", "tanh"]],_ [coth, ["transc1", "coth"]],_ [sech, ["transc1", "sech"]],_ [csch, ["transc1", "csch"]],_ [asinh, ["transc1", "arcsinh"]],_ [acosh, ["transc1", "arccosh"]],_ [atanh, ["transc1", "arctanh"]],_ [acoth, ["transc1", "arccoth"]],_ [asech, ["transc1", "arcsech"]],_ [acsch, ["transc1", "arccsch"]],_ [factorial, ["integer1", "factorial"]],_ [abs, ["arith1", "abs"]] ] -- Still need the following unary functions: -- digamma -- Gamma -- airyAi -- airyBi -- erf -- Ei -- Si -- Ci -- li -- dilog -- Still need the following binary functions: -- Gamma(a, x) -- Beta(x,y) -- polygamma(k,x) -- besselJ(v,x) -- besselY(v,x) -- besselI(v,x) -- besselK(v,x) -- permutation(n, m) -- summation(x:%, n:Symbol) : as opposed to "definite" sum -- product(x:%, n:Symbol) : ditto ------------------------ -- Forward declarations. ------------------------ outputOMExpr : (OpenMathDevice, Expression R) -> Void ------------------------- -- Local helper functions ------------------------- outputOMArith1(dev: OpenMathDevice, sym: String, args: List Expression R): Void == OMputApp(dev) OMputSymbol(dev, "arith1", sym) for arg in args repeat OMwrite(dev, arg, false) OMputEndApp(dev) outputOMLambda(dev: OpenMathDevice, ex: Expression R, var: Expression R): Void == OMputBind(dev) OMputSymbol(dev, "fns1", "lambda") OMputBVar(dev) OMwrite(dev, var, false) OMputEndBVar(dev) OMwrite(dev, ex, false) OMputEndBind(dev) outputOMInterval(dev: OpenMathDevice, lo: Expression R, hi: Expression R): Void == OMputApp(dev) OMputSymbol(dev, "interval1", "interval") OMwrite(dev, lo, false) OMwrite(dev, hi, false) OMputEndApp(dev) outputOMIntInterval(dev: OpenMathDevice, lo: Expression R, hi: Expression R): Void == OMputApp(dev) OMputSymbol(dev, "interval1", "integer__interval") OMwrite(dev, lo, false) OMwrite(dev, hi, false) OMputEndApp(dev) outputOMBinomial(dev: OpenMathDevice, args: List Expression R): Void == not #args=2 => error "Wrong number of arguments to binomial" OMputApp(dev) OMputSymbol(dev, "combinat1", "binomial") for arg in args repeat OMwrite(dev, arg, false) OMputEndApp(dev) outputOMPower(dev: OpenMathDevice, args: List Expression R): Void == not #args=2 => error "Wrong number of arguments to power" outputOMArith1(dev, "power", args) outputOMDefsum(dev: OpenMathDevice, args: List Expression R): Void == #args ~= 5 => error "Unexpected number of arguments to a defsum" OMputApp(dev) OMputSymbol(dev, "arith1", "sum") outputOMIntInterval(dev, args.4, args.5) outputOMLambda(dev, eval(args.1, args.2, args.3), args.3) OMputEndApp(dev) outputOMDefprod(dev: OpenMathDevice, args: List Expression R): Void == #args ~= 5 => error "Unexpected number of arguments to a defprod" OMputApp(dev) OMputSymbol(dev, "arith1", "product") outputOMIntInterval(dev, args.4, args.5) outputOMLambda(dev, eval(args.1, args.2, args.3), args.3) OMputEndApp(dev) outputOMDefint(dev: OpenMathDevice, args: List Expression R): Void == #args ~= 5 => error "Unexpected number of arguments to a defint" OMputApp(dev) OMputSymbol(dev, "calculus1", "defint") outputOMInterval(dev, args.4, args.5) outputOMLambda(dev, eval(args.1, args.2, args.3), args.3) OMputEndApp(dev) outputOMInt(dev: OpenMathDevice, args: List Expression R): Void == #args ~= 3 => error "Unexpected number of arguments to a defint" OMputApp(dev) OMputSymbol(dev, "calculus1", "int") outputOMLambda(dev, eval(args.1, args.2, args.3), args.3) OMputEndApp(dev) outputOMFunction(dev: OpenMathDevice, op: Symbol, args: List Expression R): Void == nargs := #args zero? nargs => omOp: Union(SymInfo, "failed") := search(op, nullaryFunctionAList) omOp case "failed" => error concat ["No OpenMath definition for nullary function ", coerce op] OMputSymbol(dev, omOp.cd, omOp.name) -- one? nargs => (nargs = 1) => omOp: Union(SymInfo, "failed") := search(op, unaryFunctionAList) omOp case "failed" => error concat ["No OpenMath definition for unary function ", coerce op] OMputApp(dev) OMputSymbol(dev, omOp.cd, omOp.name) for arg in args repeat OMwrite(dev, arg, false) OMputEndApp(dev) -- Most of the binary operators cannot be handled trivialy like the -- unary ones since they have bound variables of one kind or another. -- The special functions should be straightforward, but we don't have -- a CD for them yet :-) op = %defint => outputOMDefint(dev, args) op = integral => outputOMInt(dev, args) op = %defsum => outputOMDefsum(dev, args) op = %defprod => outputOMDefprod(dev, args) op = %power => outputOMPower(dev, args) op = binomial => outputOMBinomial(dev, args) error concat ["No OpenMath definition for function ", string op] outputOMExpr(dev: OpenMathDevice, ex: Expression R): Void == ground? ex => OMwrite(dev, ground ex, false) not((v := retractIfCan(ex)@Union(Symbol,"failed")) case "failed") => OMputVariable(dev, v) not((w := isPlus ex) case "failed") => outputOMArith1(dev, "plus", w) not((w := isTimes ex) case "failed") => outputOMArith1(dev, "times", w) --not((y := isMult ex) case "failed") => -- outputOMArith("times", [OMwrite(y.coef)$Integer, -- OMwrite(coerce y.var)]) -- At the time of writing we don't need both isExpt and isPower -- here but they may be relevent when we integrate this stuff into -- the main Expression code. Note that if we don't check that -- the exponent is non-trivial we get thrown into an infinite recursion. -- not (((x := isExpt ex) case "failed") or one? x.exponent) => not (((x := isExpt ex) case "failed") or (x.exponent = 1)) => not((s := symbolIfCan(x.var)@Union(Symbol,"failed")) case "failed") => --outputOMPower(dev, [s::Expression(R), (x.exponent)::Expression(R)]) OMputApp(dev) OMputSymbol(dev, "arith1", "power") OMputVariable(dev, s) OMputInteger(dev, x.exponent) OMputEndApp(dev) -- TODO: add error handling code here... -- not (((z := isPower ex) case "failed") or one? z.exponent) => not (((z := isPower ex) case "failed") or (z.exponent = 1)) => outputOMPower(dev, [ z.val, z.exponent::Expression R ]) --OMputApp(dev) --OMputSymbol(dev, "arith1", "power") --outputOMExpr(dev, z.val) --OMputInteger(dev, z.exponent) --OMputEndApp(dev) -- Must only be one top-level Kernel by this point k : Kernel Expression R := first kernels ex outputOMFunction(dev, name operator k, argument k) ---------- -- Exports ---------- OMwrite(ex: Expression R): String == s: String := "" sp := OM_-STRINGTOSTRINGPTR(s)$Lisp dev: OpenMathDevice := OMopenString(sp pretend String, OMencodingXML()) OMputObject(dev) outputOMExpr(dev, ex) OMputEndObject(dev) OMclose(dev) s := OM_-STRINGPTRTOSTRING(sp)$Lisp pretend String s OMwrite(ex: Expression R, wholeObj: Boolean): String == s: String := "" sp := OM_-STRINGTOSTRINGPTR(s)$Lisp dev: OpenMathDevice := OMopenString(sp pretend String, OMencodingXML()) if wholeObj then OMputObject(dev) outputOMExpr(dev, ex) if wholeObj then OMputEndObject(dev) OMclose(dev) s := OM_-STRINGPTRTOSTRING(sp)$Lisp pretend String s OMwrite(dev: OpenMathDevice, ex: Expression R): Void == OMputObject(dev) outputOMExpr(dev, ex) OMputEndObject(dev) OMwrite(dev: OpenMathDevice, ex: Expression R, wholeObj: Boolean): Void == if wholeObj then OMputObject(dev) outputOMExpr(dev, ex) if wholeObj then OMputEndObject(dev) @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<package OMEXPR ExpressionToOpenMath>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}