\documentclass{article} \usepackage{open-axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra omdev.spad} \author{Vilya Harvey} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{domain OMENC OpenMathEncoding} <<domain OMENC OpenMathEncoding>>= )abbrev domain OMENC OpenMathEncoding ++ Author: Vilya Harvey ++ Date Created: ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{OpenMathEncoding} is the set of valid OpenMath encodings. OpenMathEncoding(): SetCategory with OMencodingUnknown : () -> % ++ OMencodingUnknown() is the constant for unknown encoding types. If this ++ is used on an input device, the encoding will be autodetected. ++ It is invalid to use it on an output device. OMencodingXML : () -> % ++ OMencodingXML() is the constant for the OpenMath XML encoding. OMencodingSGML : () -> % ++ OMencodingSGML() is the constant for the deprecated OpenMath SGML encoding. OMencodingBinary : () -> % ++ OMencodingBinary() is the constant for the OpenMath binary encoding. == add Rep := SingleInteger =(u,v) == (u=v)$Rep import Rep coerce(u) == u::Rep = 0$Rep => "Unknown"::OutputForm u::Rep = 1$Rep => "Binary"::OutputForm u::Rep = 2::Rep => "XML"::OutputForm u::Rep = 3::Rep => "SGML"::OutputForm error "Bogus OpenMath Encoding Type" OMencodingUnknown(): % == 0::Rep OMencodingBinary(): % == 1::Rep OMencodingXML(): % == 2::Rep OMencodingSGML(): % == 3::Rep @ \section{domain OMDEV OpenMathDevice} <<domain OMDEV OpenMathDevice>>= import Void import String import Integer import DoubleFloat import String import Symbol import OpenMathEncoding )abbrev domain OMDEV OpenMathDevice ++ Author: Vilya Harvey ++ Date Created: ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ References: ++ Description: \spadtype{OpenMathDevice} provides support for reading ++ and writing openMath objects to files, strings etc. It also provides ++ access to low-level operations from within the interpreter. OpenMathDevice(): with OMopenFile : (String, String, OpenMathEncoding) -> % ++ OMopenFile(f,mode,enc) opens file \axiom{f} for reading or writing ++ OpenMath objects (depending on \axiom{mode} which can be "r", "w" ++ or "a" for read, write and append respectively), in the encoding ++ \axiom{enc}. OMopenString : (String, OpenMathEncoding) -> % ++ OMopenString(s,mode) opens the string \axiom{s} for reading or writing ++ OpenMath objects in encoding \axiom{enc}. OMclose : % -> Void ++ OMclose(dev) closes \axiom{dev}, flushing output if necessary. OMsetEncoding : (%, OpenMathEncoding) -> Void ++ OMsetEncoding(dev,enc) sets the encoding used for reading or writing ++ OpenMath objects to or from \axiom{dev} to \axiom{enc}. OMputApp : % -> Void ++ OMputApp(dev) writes a begin application token to \axiom{dev}. OMputAtp : % -> Void ++ OMputAtp(dev) writes a begin attribute pair token to \axiom{dev}. OMputAttr : % -> Void ++ OMputAttr(dev) writes a begin attribute token to \axiom{dev}. OMputBind : % -> Void ++ OMputBind(dev) writes a begin binder token to \axiom{dev}. OMputBVar : % -> Void ++ OMputBVar(dev) writes a begin bound variable list token to \axiom{dev}. OMputError : % -> Void ++ OMputError(dev) writes a begin error token to \axiom{dev}. OMputObject : % -> Void ++ OMputObject(dev) writes a begin object token to \axiom{dev}. OMputEndApp : % -> Void ++ OMputEndApp(dev) writes an end application token to \axiom{dev}. OMputEndAtp : % -> Void ++ OMputEndAtp(dev) writes an end attribute pair token to \axiom{dev}. OMputEndAttr : % -> Void ++ OMputEndAttr(dev) writes an end attribute token to \axiom{dev}. OMputEndBind : % -> Void ++ OMputEndBind(dev) writes an end binder token to \axiom{dev}. OMputEndBVar : % -> Void ++ OMputEndBVar(dev) writes an end bound variable list token to \axiom{dev}. OMputEndError : % -> Void ++ OMputEndError(dev) writes an end error token to \axiom{dev}. OMputEndObject: % -> Void ++ OMputEndObject(dev) writes an end object token to \axiom{dev}. OMputInteger : (%, Integer) -> Void ++ OMputInteger(dev,i) writes the integer \axiom{i} to \axiom{dev}. OMputFloat : (%, DoubleFloat) -> Void ++ OMputFloat(dev,i) writes the float \axiom{i} to \axiom{dev}. OMputVariable : (%, Symbol) -> Void ++ OMputVariable(dev,i) writes the variable \axiom{i} to \axiom{dev}. OMputString : (%, String) -> Void ++ OMputString(dev,i) writes the string \axiom{i} to \axiom{dev}. OMputSymbol : (%, String, String) -> Void ++ OMputSymbol(dev,cd,s) writes the symbol \axiom{s} from CD \axiom{cd} ++ to \axiom{dev}. OMgetApp : % -> Void ++ OMgetApp(dev) reads a begin application token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetAtp : % -> Void ++ OMgetAtp(dev) reads a begin attribute pair token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetAttr : % -> Void ++ OMgetAttr(dev) reads a begin attribute token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetBind : % -> Void ++ OMgetBind(dev) reads a begin binder token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetBVar : % -> Void ++ OMgetBVar(dev) reads a begin bound variable list token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetError : % -> Void ++ OMgetError(dev) reads a begin error token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetObject : % -> Void ++ OMgetObject(dev) reads a begin object token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetEndApp : % -> Void ++ OMgetEndApp(dev) reads an end application token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetEndAtp : % -> Void ++ OMgetEndAtp(dev) reads an end attribute pair token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetEndAttr : % -> Void ++ OMgetEndAttr(dev) reads an end attribute token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetEndBind : % -> Void ++ OMgetEndBind(dev) reads an end binder token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetEndBVar : % -> Void ++ OMgetEndBVar(dev) reads an end bound variable list token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetEndError : % -> Void ++ OMgetEndError(dev) reads an end error token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetEndObject: % -> Void ++ OMgetEndObject(dev) reads an end object token from \axiom{dev}. OMgetInteger : % -> Integer ++ OMgetInteger(dev) reads an integer from \axiom{dev}. OMgetFloat : % -> DoubleFloat ++ OMgetFloat(dev) reads a float from \axiom{dev}. OMgetVariable : % -> Symbol ++ OMgetVariable(dev) reads a variable from \axiom{dev}. OMgetString : % -> String ++ OMgetString(dev) reads a string from \axiom{dev}. OMgetSymbol : % -> Record(cd:String, name:String) ++ OMgetSymbol(dev) reads a symbol from \axiom{dev}. OMgetType : % -> Symbol ++ OMgetType(dev) returns the type of the next object on \axiom{dev}. == add OMopenFile(fname: String, fmode: String, enc: OpenMathEncoding): % == OM_-OPENFILEDEV(fname, fmode, enc)$Lisp OMopenString(str: String, enc: OpenMathEncoding): % == OM_-OPENSTRINGDEV(str, enc)$Lisp OMclose(dev: %): Void == OM_-CLOSEDEV(dev)$Lisp OMsetEncoding(dev: %, enc: OpenMathEncoding): Void == OM_-SETDEVENCODING(dev, enc)$Lisp OMputApp(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTAPP(dev)$Lisp OMputAtp(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTATP(dev)$Lisp OMputAttr(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTATTR(dev)$Lisp OMputBind(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTBIND(dev)$Lisp OMputBVar(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTBVAR(dev)$Lisp OMputError(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTERROR(dev)$Lisp OMputObject(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTOBJECT(dev)$Lisp OMputEndApp(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTENDAPP(dev)$Lisp OMputEndAtp(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTENDATP(dev)$Lisp OMputEndAttr(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTENDATTR(dev)$Lisp OMputEndBind(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTENDBIND(dev)$Lisp OMputEndBVar(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTENDBVAR(dev)$Lisp OMputEndError(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTENDERROR(dev)$Lisp OMputEndObject(dev: %): Void == OM_-PUTENDOBJECT(dev)$Lisp OMputInteger(dev: %, i: Integer): Void == OM_-PUTINT(dev, i)$Lisp OMputFloat(dev: %, f: DoubleFloat): Void == OM_-PUTFLOAT(dev, f)$Lisp --OMputByteArray(dev: %, b: Array Byte): Void == OM_-PUTBYTEARRAY(dev, b)$Lisp OMputVariable(dev: %, v: Symbol): Void == OM_-PUTVAR(dev, v)$Lisp OMputString(dev: %, s: String): Void == OM_-PUTSTRING(dev, s)$Lisp OMputSymbol(dev: %, cd: String, nm: String): Void == OM_-PUTSYMBOL(dev, cd, nm)$Lisp OMgetApp(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETAPP(dev)$Lisp OMgetAtp(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETATP(dev)$Lisp OMgetAttr(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETATTR(dev)$Lisp OMgetBind(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETBIND(dev)$Lisp OMgetBVar(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETBVAR(dev)$Lisp OMgetError(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETERROR(dev)$Lisp OMgetObject(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETOBJECT(dev)$Lisp OMgetEndApp(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETENDAPP(dev)$Lisp OMgetEndAtp(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETENDATP(dev)$Lisp OMgetEndAttr(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETENDATTR(dev)$Lisp OMgetEndBind(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETENDBIND(dev)$Lisp OMgetEndBVar(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETENDBVAR(dev)$Lisp OMgetEndError(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETENDERROR(dev)$Lisp OMgetEndObject(dev: %): Void == OM_-GETENDOBJECT(dev)$Lisp OMgetInteger(dev: %): Integer == OM_-GETINT(dev)$Lisp OMgetFloat(dev: %): DoubleFloat == OM_-GETFLOAT(dev)$Lisp --OMgetByteArray(dev: %): Array Byte == OM_-GETBYTEARRAY(dev)$Lisp OMgetVariable(dev: %): Symbol == OM_-GETVAR(dev)$Lisp OMgetString(dev: %): String == OM_-GETSTRING(dev)$Lisp OMgetSymbol(dev: %): Record(cd:String, name:String) == OM_-GETSYMBOL(dev)$Lisp OMgetType(dev: %): Symbol == OM_-GETTYPE(dev)$Lisp @ \section{domain OMCONN OpenMathConnection} <<domain OMCONN OpenMathConnection>>= import Void import Boolean import SingleInteger import String import OpenMathDevice )abbrev domain OMCONN OpenMathConnection ++ Author: Vilya Harvey ++ Date Created: ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ References: ++ Description: \spadtype{OpenMathConnection} provides low-level functions ++ for handling connections to and from \spadtype{OpenMathDevice}s. OpenMathConnection(): with OMmakeConn : SingleInteger -> % ++ \spad{OMmakeConn} OMcloseConn : % -> Void ++ \spad{OMcloseConn} OMconnInDevice: %-> OpenMathDevice ++ \spad{OMconnInDevice:} OMconnOutDevice: %-> OpenMathDevice ++ \spad{OMconnOutDevice:} OMconnectTCP : (%, String, SingleInteger) -> Boolean ++ \spad{OMconnectTCP} OMbindTCP : (%, SingleInteger) -> Boolean ++ \spad{OMbindTCP} == add OMmakeConn(timeout: SingleInteger): % == OM_-MAKECONN(timeout)$Lisp OMcloseConn(conn: %): Void == OM_-CLOSECONN(conn)$Lisp OMconnInDevice(conn: %): OpenMathDevice == OM_-GETCONNINDEV(conn)$Lisp OMconnOutDevice(conn: %): OpenMathDevice == OM_-GETCONNOUTDEV(conn)$Lisp OMconnectTCP(conn: %, host: String, port: SingleInteger): Boolean == OM_-CONNECTTCP(conn, host, port)$Lisp OMbindTCP(conn: %, port: SingleInteger): Boolean == OM_-BINDTCP(conn, port)$Lisp @ \section{package OMPKG OpenMathPackage} <<package OMPKG OpenMathPackage>>= )abbrev package OMPKG OpenMathPackage ++ Author: Vilya Harvey ++ Date Created: ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ References: ++ Description: \spadtype{OpenMathPackage} provides some simple utilities ++ to make reading OpenMath objects easier. OpenMathPackage(): with OMread : OpenMathDevice -> Any ++ OMread(dev) reads an OpenMath object from \axiom{dev} and passes it ++ to AXIOM. OMreadFile : String -> Any ++ OMreadFile(f) reads an OpenMath object from \axiom{f} and passes it ++ to AXIOM. OMreadStr : String -> Any ++ OMreadStr(f) reads an OpenMath object from \axiom{f} and passes it ++ to AXIOM. OMlistCDs : () -> List(String) ++ OMlistCDs() lists all the CDs supported by AXIOM. OMlistSymbols : String -> List(String) ++ OMlistSymbols(cd) lists all the symbols in \axiom{cd}. OMsupportsCD? : String -> Boolean ++ OMsupportsCD?(cd) returns true if AXIOM supports \axiom{cd}, false ++ otherwise. OMsupportsSymbol? : (String, String) -> Boolean ++ OMsupportsSymbol?(s,cd) returns true if AXIOM supports symbol \axiom{s} ++ from CD \axiom{cd}, false otherwise. OMunhandledSymbol : (String, String) -> Exit ++ OMunhandledSymbol(s,cd) raises an error if AXIOM reads a symbol which it ++ is unable to handle. Note that this is different from an unexpected ++ symbol. == add import OpenMathEncoding import OpenMathDevice import String OMunhandledSymbol(u,v) == error concat ["AXIOM is unable to process the symbol ",u," from CD ",v,"."] OMread(dev: OpenMathDevice): Any == interpret(OM_-READ(dev)$Lisp :: InputForm) OMreadFile(filename: String): Any == dev := OMopenFile(filename, "r", OMencodingUnknown()) res: Any := interpret(OM_-READ(dev)$Lisp :: InputForm) OMclose(dev) res OMreadStr(str: String): Any == strp := OM_-STRINGTOSTRINGPTR(str)$Lisp dev := OMopenString(strp pretend String, OMencodingUnknown()) res: Any := interpret(OM_-READ(dev)$Lisp :: InputForm) OMclose(dev) res OMlistCDs(): List(String) == OM_-LISTCDS()$Lisp pretend List(String) OMlistSymbols(cd: String): List(String) == OM_-LISTSYMBOLS(cd)$Lisp pretend List(String) import SExpression OMsupportsCD?(cd: String): Boolean == not null? OM_-SUPPORTSCD(cd)$Lisp OMsupportsSymbol?(cd: String, name: String): Boolean == not null? OM_-SUPPORTSSYMBOL(cd, name)$Lisp @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<domain OMENC OpenMathEncoding>> <<domain OMDEV OpenMathDevice>> <<domain OMCONN OpenMathConnection>> <<package OMPKG OpenMathPackage>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}