\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra oderf.spad} \author{Manuel Bronstein} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{package BALFACT BalancedFactorisation} <<package BALFACT BalancedFactorisation>>= )abbrev package BALFACT BalancedFactorisation ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 1 March 1991 ++ Date Last Updated: 11 October 1991 ++ Description: This package provides balanced factorisations of polynomials. BalancedFactorisation(R, UP): Exports == Implementation where R : Join(GcdDomain, CharacteristicZero) UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory R Exports ==> with balancedFactorisation: (UP, UP) -> Factored UP ++ balancedFactorisation(a, b) returns ++ a factorisation \spad{a = p1^e1 ... pm^em} such that each ++ \spad{pi} is balanced with respect to b. balancedFactorisation: (UP, List UP) -> Factored UP ++ balancedFactorisation(a, [b1,...,bn]) returns ++ a factorisation \spad{a = p1^e1 ... pm^em} such that each ++ pi is balanced with respect to \spad{[b1,...,bm]}. Implementation ==> add balSqfr : (UP, Integer, List UP) -> Factored UP balSqfr1: (UP, Integer, UP) -> Factored UP balancedFactorisation(a:UP, b:UP) == balancedFactorisation(a, [b]) balSqfr1(a, n, b) == g := gcd(a, b) fa := sqfrFactor((a exquo g)::UP, n) ground? g => fa fa * balSqfr1(g, n, (b exquo (g ** order(b, g)))::UP) balSqfr(a, n, l) == b := first l empty? rest l => balSqfr1(a, n, b) */[balSqfr1(f.factor, n, b) for f in factors balSqfr(a,n,rest l)] balancedFactorisation(a:UP, l:List UP) == empty?(ll := select(#1 ~= 0, l)) => error "balancedFactorisation: 2nd argument is empty or all 0" sa := squareFree a unit(sa) * */[balSqfr(f.factor,f.exponent,ll) for f in factors sa]) @ \section{package BOUNDZRO BoundIntegerRoots} <<package BOUNDZRO BoundIntegerRoots>>= )abbrev package BOUNDZRO BoundIntegerRoots ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 11 March 1991 ++ Date Last Updated: 18 November 1991 ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{BoundIntegerRoots} provides functions to ++ find lower bounds on the integer roots of a polynomial. BoundIntegerRoots(F, UP): Exports == Implementation where F : Join(Field, RetractableTo Fraction Integer) UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory F Z ==> Integer Q ==> Fraction Z K ==> Kernel F UPQ ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial Q ALGOP ==> "%alg" Exports ==> with integerBound: UP -> Z ++ integerBound(p) returns a lower bound on the negative integer ++ roots of p, and 0 if p has no negative integer roots. Implementation ==> add import RationalFactorize(UPQ) import UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(F, UP, Q, UPQ) qbound : (UP, UPQ) -> Z zroot1 : UP -> Z qzroot1: UPQ -> Z negint : Q -> Z -- returns 0 if p has no integer root < 0, its negative integer root otherwise qzroot1 p == negint(- leadingCoefficient(reductum p) / leadingCoefficient p) -- returns 0 if p has no integer root < 0, its negative integer root otherwise zroot1 p == z := - leadingCoefficient(reductum p) / leadingCoefficient p (r := retractIfCan(z)@Union(Q, "failed")) case Q => negint(r::Q) 0 -- returns 0 if r is not a negative integer, r otherwise negint r == ((u := retractIfCan(r)@Union(Z, "failed")) case Z) and (u::Z < 0) => u::Z 0 if F has ExpressionSpace then bringDown: F -> Q -- the random substitution used by bringDown is NOT always a ring-homorphism -- (because of potential algebraic kernels), but is ALWAYS a Z-linear map. -- this guarantees that bringing down the coefficients of (x + n) q(x) for an -- integer n yields a polynomial h(x) which is divisible by x + n -- the only problem is that evaluating with random numbers can cause a -- division by 0. We should really be able to trap this error later and -- reevaluate with a new set of random numbers MB 11/91 bringDown f == t := tower f retract eval(f, t, [random()$Q :: F for k in t]) integerBound p == -- one? degree p => zroot1 p (degree p) = 1 => zroot1 p q1 := map(bringDown, p) q2 := map(bringDown, p) qbound(p, gcd(q1, q2)) else integerBound p == -- one? degree p => zroot1 p (degree p) = 1 => zroot1 p qbound(p, map(retract(#1)@Q, p)) -- we can probably do better here (i.e. without factoring) qbound(p, q) == bound:Z := 0 for rec in factors factor q repeat -- if one?(degree(rec.factor)) and ((r := qzroot1(rec.factor)) < bound) if ((degree(rec.factor)) = 1) and ((r := qzroot1(rec.factor)) < bound) and zero? p(r::Q::F) then bound := r bound @ \section{package ODEPRIM PrimitiveRatDE} <<package ODEPRIM PrimitiveRatDE>>= )abbrev package ODEPRIM PrimitiveRatDE ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 1 March 1991 ++ Date Last Updated: 1 February 1994 ++ Description: ++ \spad{PrimitiveRatDE} provides functions for in-field solutions of linear ++ ordinary differential equations, in the transcendental case. ++ The derivation to use is given by the parameter \spad{L}. PrimitiveRatDE(F, UP, L, LQ): Exports == Implementation where F : Join(Field, CharacteristicZero, RetractableTo Fraction Integer) UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory F L : LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory UP LQ : LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory Fraction UP N ==> NonNegativeInteger Z ==> Integer RF ==> Fraction UP UP2 ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial UP REC ==> Record(center:UP, equation:UP) Exports ==> with denomLODE: (L, RF) -> Union(UP, "failed") ++ denomLODE(op, g) returns a polynomial d such that ++ any rational solution of \spad{op y = g} ++ is of the form \spad{p/d} for some polynomial p, and ++ "failed", if the equation has no rational solution. denomLODE: (L, List RF) -> UP ++ denomLODE(op, [g1,...,gm]) returns a polynomial ++ d such that any rational solution of \spad{op y = c1 g1 + ... + cm gm} ++ is of the form \spad{p/d} for some polynomial p. indicialEquations: L -> List REC ++ indicialEquations op returns \spad{[[d1,e1],...,[dq,eq]]} where ++ the \spad{d_i}'s are the affine singularities of \spad{op}, ++ and the \spad{e_i}'s are the indicial equations at each \spad{d_i}. indicialEquations: (L, UP) -> List REC ++ indicialEquations(op, p) returns \spad{[[d1,e1],...,[dq,eq]]} where ++ the \spad{d_i}'s are the affine singularities of \spad{op} ++ above the roots of \spad{p}, ++ and the \spad{e_i}'s are the indicial equations at each \spad{d_i}. indicialEquation: (L, F) -> UP ++ indicialEquation(op, a) returns the indicial equation of \spad{op} ++ at \spad{a}. indicialEquations: LQ -> List REC ++ indicialEquations op returns \spad{[[d1,e1],...,[dq,eq]]} where ++ the \spad{d_i}'s are the affine singularities of \spad{op}, ++ and the \spad{e_i}'s are the indicial equations at each \spad{d_i}. indicialEquations: (LQ, UP) -> List REC ++ indicialEquations(op, p) returns \spad{[[d1,e1],...,[dq,eq]]} where ++ the \spad{d_i}'s are the affine singularities of \spad{op} ++ above the roots of \spad{p}, ++ and the \spad{e_i}'s are the indicial equations at each \spad{d_i}. indicialEquation: (LQ, F) -> UP ++ indicialEquation(op, a) returns the indicial equation of \spad{op} ++ at \spad{a}. splitDenominator: (LQ, List RF) -> Record(eq:L, rh:List RF) ++ splitDenominator(op, [g1,...,gm]) returns \spad{op0, [h1,...,hm]} ++ such that the equations \spad{op y = c1 g1 + ... + cm gm} and ++ \spad{op0 y = c1 h1 + ... + cm hm} have the same solutions. Implementation ==> add import BoundIntegerRoots(F, UP) import BalancedFactorisation(F, UP) import InnerCommonDenominator(UP, RF, List UP, List RF) import UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(F, UP, UP, UP2) tau : (UP, UP, UP, N) -> UP NPbound : (UP, L, UP) -> N hdenom : (L, UP, UP) -> UP denom0 : (Z, L, UP, UP, UP) -> UP indicialEq : (UP, List N, List UP) -> UP separateZeros: (UP, UP) -> UP UPfact : N -> UP UP2UP2 : UP -> UP2 indeq : (UP, L) -> UP NPmulambda : (UP, L) -> Record(mu:Z, lambda:List N, func:List UP) diff := D()$L UP2UP2 p == map(#1::UP, p) indicialEquations(op:L) == indicialEquations(op, leadingCoefficient op) indicialEquation(op:L, a:F) == indeq(monomial(1, 1) - a::UP, op) splitDenominator(op, lg) == cd := splitDenominator coefficients op f := cd.den / gcd(cd.num) l:L := 0 while op ~= 0 repeat l := l + monomial(retract(f * leadingCoefficient op), degree op) op := reductum op [l, [f * g for g in lg]] tau(p, pp, q, n) == ((pp ** n) * ((q exquo (p ** order(q, p)))::UP)) rem p indicialEquations(op:LQ) == indicialEquations(splitDenominator(op, empty()).eq) indicialEquations(op:LQ, p:UP) == indicialEquations(splitDenominator(op, empty()).eq, p) indicialEquation(op:LQ, a:F) == indeq(monomial(1, 1) - a::UP, splitDenominator(op, empty()).eq) -- returns z(z-1)...(z-(n-1)) UPfact n == zero? n => 1 z := monomial(1, 1)$UP */[z - i::F::UP for i in 0..(n-1)::N] indicialEq(c, lamb, lf) == cp := diff c cc := UP2UP2 c s:UP2 := 0 for i in lamb for f in lf repeat s := s + (UPfact i) * UP2UP2 tau(c, cp, f, i) primitivePart resultant(cc, s) NPmulambda(c, l) == lamb:List(N) := [d := degree l] lf:List(UP) := [a := leadingCoefficient l] mup := d::Z - order(a, c) while (l := reductum l) ~= 0 repeat a := leadingCoefficient l if (m := (d := degree l)::Z - order(a, c)) > mup then mup := m lamb := [d] lf := [a] else if (m = mup) then lamb := concat(d, lamb) lf := concat(a, lf) [mup, lamb, lf] -- e = 0 means homogeneous equation NPbound(c, l, e) == rec := NPmulambda(c, l) n := max(0, - integerBound indicialEq(c, rec.lambda, rec.func)) zero? e => n::N max(n, order(e, c)::Z - rec.mu)::N hdenom(l, d, e) == */[dd.factor ** NPbound(dd.factor, l, e) for dd in factors balancedFactorisation(d, coefficients l)] denom0(n, l, d, e, h) == hdenom(l, d, e) * */[hh.factor ** max(0, order(e, hh.factor) - n)::N for hh in factors balancedFactorisation(h, e)] -- returns a polynomials whose zeros are the zeros of e which are not -- zeros of d separateZeros(d, e) == ((g := squareFreePart e) exquo gcd(g, squareFreePart d))::UP indeq(c, l) == rec := NPmulambda(c, l) indicialEq(c, rec.lambda, rec.func) indicialEquations(op:L, p:UP) == [[dd.factor, indeq(dd.factor, op)] for dd in factors balancedFactorisation(p, coefficients op)] -- cannot return "failed" in the homogeneous case denomLODE(l:L, g:RF) == d := leadingCoefficient l zero? g => hdenom(l, d, 0) h := separateZeros(d, e := denom g) n := degree l (e exquo (h**(n + 1))) case "failed" => "failed" denom0(n, l, d, e, h) denomLODE(l:L, lg:List RF) == empty? lg => denomLODE(l, 0)::UP d := leadingCoefficient l h := separateZeros(d, e := "lcm"/[denom g for g in lg]) denom0(degree l, l, d, e, h) @ \section{package UTSODETL UTSodetools} <<package UTSODETL UTSodetools>>= )abbrev package UTSODETL UTSodetools ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 31 January 1994 ++ Date Last Updated: 3 February 1994 ++ Description: ++ \spad{RUTSodetools} provides tools to interface with the series ++ ODE solver when presented with linear ODEs. UTSodetools(F, UP, L, UTS): Exports == Implementation where F : Ring UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory F L : LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory UP UTS: UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory F Exports ==> with UP2UTS: UP -> UTS ++ UP2UTS(p) converts \spad{p} to a Taylor series. UTS2UP: (UTS, NonNegativeInteger) -> UP ++ UTS2UP(s, n) converts the first \spad{n} terms of \spad{s} ++ to a univariate polynomial. LODO2FUN: L -> (List UTS -> UTS) ++ LODO2FUN(op) returns the function to pass to the series ODE ++ solver in order to solve \spad{op y = 0}. if F has IntegralDomain then RF2UTS: Fraction UP -> UTS ++ RF2UTS(f) converts \spad{f} to a Taylor series. Implementation ==> add fun: (Vector UTS, List UTS) -> UTS UP2UTS p == q := p(monomial(1, 1) + center(0)::UP) +/[monomial(coefficient(q, i), i)$UTS for i in 0..degree q] UTS2UP(s, n) == xmc := monomial(1, 1)$UP - center(0)::UP xmcn:UP := 1 ans:UP := 0 for i in 0..n repeat ans := ans + coefficient(s, i) * xmcn xmcn := xmc * xmcn ans LODO2FUN op == a := recip(UP2UTS(- leadingCoefficient op))::UTS n := (degree(op) - 1)::NonNegativeInteger v := [a * UP2UTS coefficient(op, i) for i in 0..n]$Vector(UTS) fun(v, #1) fun(v, l) == ans:UTS := 0 for b in l for i in 1.. repeat ans := ans + v.i * b ans if F has IntegralDomain then RF2UTS f == UP2UTS(numer f) * recip(UP2UTS denom f)::UTS @ \section{package ODERAT RationalLODE} <<package ODERAT RationalLODE>>= )abbrev package ODERAT RationalLODE ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 13 March 1991 ++ Date Last Updated: 13 April 1994 ++ Description: ++ \spad{RationalLODE} provides functions for in-field solutions of linear ++ ordinary differential equations, in the rational case. RationalLODE(F, UP): Exports == Implementation where F : Join(Field, CharacteristicZero, RetractableTo Integer, RetractableTo Fraction Integer) UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory F N ==> NonNegativeInteger Z ==> Integer RF ==> Fraction UP U ==> Union(RF, "failed") V ==> Vector F M ==> Matrix F LODO ==> LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator1 RF LODO2==> LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator2(UP, RF) Exports ==> with ratDsolve: (LODO, RF) -> Record(particular: U, basis: List RF) ++ ratDsolve(op, g) returns \spad{["failed", []]} if the equation ++ \spad{op y = g} has no rational solution. Otherwise, it returns ++ \spad{[f, [y1,...,ym]]} where f is a particular rational solution ++ and the yi's form a basis for the rational solutions of the ++ homogeneous equation. ratDsolve: (LODO, List RF) -> Record(basis:List RF, mat:Matrix F) ++ ratDsolve(op, [g1,...,gm]) returns \spad{[[h1,...,hq], M]} such ++ that any rational solution of \spad{op y = c1 g1 + ... + cm gm} ++ is of the form \spad{d1 h1 + ... + dq hq} where ++ \spad{M [d1,...,dq,c1,...,cm] = 0}. ratDsolve: (LODO2, RF) -> Record(particular: U, basis: List RF) ++ ratDsolve(op, g) returns \spad{["failed", []]} if the equation ++ \spad{op y = g} has no rational solution. Otherwise, it returns ++ \spad{[f, [y1,...,ym]]} where f is a particular rational solution ++ and the yi's form a basis for the rational solutions of the ++ homogeneous equation. ratDsolve: (LODO2, List RF) -> Record(basis:List RF, mat:Matrix F) ++ ratDsolve(op, [g1,...,gm]) returns \spad{[[h1,...,hq], M]} such ++ that any rational solution of \spad{op y = c1 g1 + ... + cm gm} ++ is of the form \spad{d1 h1 + ... + dq hq} where ++ \spad{M [d1,...,dq,c1,...,cm] = 0}. indicialEquationAtInfinity: LODO -> UP ++ indicialEquationAtInfinity op returns the indicial equation of ++ \spad{op} at infinity. indicialEquationAtInfinity: LODO2 -> UP ++ indicialEquationAtInfinity op returns the indicial equation of ++ \spad{op} at infinity. Implementation ==> add import BoundIntegerRoots(F, UP) import RationalIntegration(F, UP) import PrimitiveRatDE(F, UP, LODO2, LODO) import LinearSystemMatrixPackage(F, V, V, M) import InnerCommonDenominator(UP, RF, List UP, List RF) nzero? : V -> Boolean evenodd : N -> F UPfact : N -> UP infOrder : RF -> Z infTau : (UP, N) -> F infBound : (LODO2, List RF) -> N regularPoint : (LODO2, List RF) -> Z infIndicialEquation: (List N, List UP) -> UP makeDot : (Vector F, List RF) -> RF unitlist : (N, N) -> List F infMuLambda: LODO2 -> Record(mu:Z, lambda:List N, func:List UP) ratDsolve0: (LODO2, RF) -> Record(particular: U, basis: List RF) ratDsolve1: (LODO2, List RF) -> Record(basis:List RF, mat:Matrix F) candidates: (LODO2,List RF,UP) -> Record(basis:List RF,particular:List RF) dummy := new()$Symbol infOrder f == (degree denom f) - (degree numer f) evenodd n == (even? n => 1; -1) ratDsolve1(op, lg) == d := denomLODE(op, lg) rec := candidates(op, lg, d) l := concat([op q for q in rec.basis], [op(rec.particular.i) - lg.i for i in 1..#(rec.particular)]) sys1 := reducedSystem(matrix [l])@Matrix(UP) [rec.basis, reducedSystem sys1] ratDsolve0(op, g) == zero? degree op => [inv(leadingCoefficient(op)::RF) * g, empty()] minimumDegree op > 0 => sol := ratDsolve0(monicRightDivide(op, monomial(1, 1)).quotient, g) b:List(RF) := [1] for f in sol.basis repeat if (uu := infieldint f) case RF then b := concat(uu::RF, b) sol.particular case "failed" => ["failed", b] [infieldint(sol.particular::RF), b] (u := denomLODE(op, g)) case "failed" => ["failed", empty()] rec := candidates(op, [g], u::UP) l := lb := lsol := empty()$List(RF) for q in rec.basis repeat if zero?(opq := op q) then lsol := concat(q, lsol) else (l := concat(opq, l); lb := concat(q, lb)) h:RF := (zero? g => 0; first(rec.particular)) empty? l => zero? g => [0, lsol] [(g = op h => h; "failed"), lsol] m:M v:V if zero? g then m := reducedSystem(reducedSystem(matrix [l])@Matrix(UP))@M v := new(ncols m, 0)$V else sys1 := reducedSystem(matrix [l], vector [g - op h] )@Record(mat: Matrix UP, vec: Vector UP) sys2 := reducedSystem(sys1.mat, sys1.vec)@Record(mat:M, vec:V) m := sys2.mat v := sys2.vec sol := solve(m, v) part:U := zero? g => 0 sol.particular case "failed" => "failed" makeDot(sol.particular::V, lb) + first(rec.particular) [part, concat_!(lsol, [makeDot(v, lb) for v in sol.basis | nzero? v])] indicialEquationAtInfinity(op:LODO2) == rec := infMuLambda op infIndicialEquation(rec.lambda, rec.func) indicialEquationAtInfinity(op:LODO) == rec := splitDenominator(op, empty()) indicialEquationAtInfinity(rec.eq) regularPoint(l, lg) == a := leadingCoefficient(l) * commonDenominator lg coefficient(a, 0) ~= 0 => 0 for i in 1.. repeat a(j := i::F) ~= 0 => return i a(-j) ~= 0 => return(-i) unitlist(i, q) == v := new(q, 0)$Vector(F) v.i := 1 parts v candidates(op, lg, d) == n := degree d + infBound(op, lg) m := regularPoint(op, lg) uts := UnivariateTaylorSeries(F, dummy, m::F) tools := UTSodetools(F, UP, LODO2, uts) solver := UnivariateTaylorSeriesODESolver(F, uts) dd := UP2UTS(d)$tools f := LODO2FUN(op)$tools q := degree op e := unitlist(1, q) hom := [UTS2UP(dd * ode(f, unitlist(i, q))$solver, n)$tools /$RF d for i in 1..q]$List(RF) a1 := inv(leadingCoefficient(op)::RF) part := [UTS2UP(dd * ode(RF2UTS(a1 * g)$tools + f #1, e)$solver, n)$tools /$RF d for g in lg | g ~= 0]$List(RF) [hom, part] nzero? v == for i in minIndex v .. maxIndex v repeat not zero? qelt(v, i) => return true false -- returns z(z+1)...(z+(n-1)) UPfact n == zero? n => 1 z := monomial(1, 1)$UP */[z + i::F::UP for i in 0..(n-1)::N] infMuLambda l == lamb:List(N) := [d := degree l] lf:List(UP) := [a := leadingCoefficient l] mup := degree(a)::Z - d while (l := reductum l) ~= 0 repeat a := leadingCoefficient l if (m := degree(a)::Z - (d := degree l)) > mup then mup := m lamb := [d] lf := [a] else if (m = mup) then lamb := concat(d, lamb) lf := concat(a, lf) [mup, lamb, lf] infIndicialEquation(lambda, lf) == ans:UP := 0 for i in lambda for f in lf repeat ans := ans + evenodd i * leadingCoefficient f * UPfact i ans infBound(l, lg) == rec := infMuLambda l n := min(- degree(l)::Z - 1, integerBound infIndicialEquation(rec.lambda, rec.func)) while not(empty? lg) and zero? first lg repeat lg := rest lg empty? lg => (-n)::N m := infOrder first lg for g in rest lg repeat if not(zero? g) and (mm := infOrder g) < m then m := mm (-min(n, rec.mu - degree(leadingCoefficient l)::Z + m))::N makeDot(v, bas) == ans:RF := 0 for i in 1.. for b in bas repeat ans := ans + v.i::UP * b ans ratDsolve(op:LODO, g:RF) == rec := splitDenominator(op, [g]) ratDsolve0(rec.eq, first(rec.rh)) ratDsolve(op:LODO, lg:List RF) == rec := splitDenominator(op, lg) ratDsolve1(rec.eq, rec.rh) ratDsolve(op:LODO2, g:RF) == unit?(c := content op) => ratDsolve0(op, g) ratDsolve0((op exquo c)::LODO2, inv(c::RF) * g) ratDsolve(op:LODO2, lg:List RF) == unit?(c := content op) => ratDsolve1(op, lg) ratDsolve1((op exquo c)::LODO2, [inv(c::RF) * g for g in lg]) @ \section{package ODETOOLS ODETools} <<package ODETOOLS ODETools>>= )abbrev package ODETOOLS ODETools ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 20 March 1991 ++ Date Last Updated: 2 February 1994 ++ Description: ++ \spad{ODETools} provides tools for the linear ODE solver. ODETools(F, LODO): Exports == Implementation where N ==> NonNegativeInteger L ==> List F V ==> Vector F M ==> Matrix F F: Field LODO: LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory F Exports ==> with wronskianMatrix: L -> M ++ wronskianMatrix([f1,...,fn]) returns the \spad{n x n} matrix m ++ whose i^th row is \spad{[f1^(i-1),...,fn^(i-1)]}. wronskianMatrix: (L, N) -> M ++ wronskianMatrix([f1,...,fn], q, D) returns the \spad{q x n} matrix m ++ whose i^th row is \spad{[f1^(i-1),...,fn^(i-1)]}. variationOfParameters: (LODO, F, L) -> Union(V, "failed") ++ variationOfParameters(op, g, [f1,...,fm]) ++ returns \spad{[u1,...,um]} such that a particular solution of the ++ equation \spad{op y = g} is \spad{f1 int(u1) + ... + fm int(um)} ++ where \spad{[f1,...,fm]} are linearly independent and \spad{op(fi)=0}. ++ The value "failed" is returned if \spad{m < n} and no particular ++ solution is found. particularSolution: (LODO, F, L, F -> F) -> Union(F, "failed") ++ particularSolution(op, g, [f1,...,fm], I) returns a particular ++ solution h of the equation \spad{op y = g} where \spad{[f1,...,fm]} ++ are linearly independent and \spad{op(fi)=0}. ++ The value "failed" is returned if no particular solution is found. ++ Note: the method of variations of parameters is used. Implementation ==> add import LinearSystemMatrixPackage(F, V, V, M) diff := D()$LODO wronskianMatrix l == wronskianMatrix(l, #l) wronskianMatrix(l, q) == v:V := vector l m:M := zero(q, #v) for i in minRowIndex m .. maxRowIndex m repeat setRow_!(m, i, v) v := map_!(diff #1, v) m variationOfParameters(op, g, b) == empty? b => "failed" v:V := new(n := degree op, 0) qsetelt_!(v, maxIndex v, g / leadingCoefficient op) particularSolution(wronskianMatrix(b, n), v) particularSolution(op, g, b, integration) == zero? g => 0 (sol := variationOfParameters(op, g, b)) case "failed" => "failed" ans:F := 0 for f in b for i in minIndex(s := sol::V) .. repeat ans := ans + integration(qelt(s, i)) * f ans @ \section{package ODEINT ODEIntegration} <<package ODEINT ODEIntegration>>= )abbrev package ODEINT ODEIntegration ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 4 November 1991 ++ Date Last Updated: 2 February 1994 ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{ODEIntegration} provides an interface to the integrator. ++ This package is intended for use ++ by the differential equations solver but not at top-level. ODEIntegration(R, F): Exports == Implementation where R: Join(OrderedSet, EuclideanDomain, RetractableTo Integer, LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer, CharacteristicZero) F: Join(AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace R, TranscendentalFunctionCategory, PrimitiveFunctionCategory) Q ==> Fraction Integer UQ ==> Union(Q, "failed") SY ==> Symbol K ==> Kernel F P ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K) REC ==> Record(coef:Q, logand:F) Exports ==> with int : (F, SY) -> F ++ int(f, x) returns the integral of f with respect to x. expint: (F, SY) -> F ++ expint(f, x) returns e^{the integral of f with respect to x}. diff : SY -> (F -> F) ++ diff(x) returns the derivation with respect to x. Implementation ==> add import FunctionSpaceIntegration(R, F) import ElementaryFunctionStructurePackage(R, F) isQ : List F -> UQ isQlog: F -> Union(REC, "failed") mkprod: List REC -> F diff x == differentiate(#1, x) -- This is the integration function to be used for quadratures int(f, x) == (u := integrate(f, x)) case F => u::F first(u::List(F)) -- mkprod([q1, f1],...,[qn,fn]) returns */(fi^qi) but groups the -- qi having the same denominator together mkprod l == empty? l => 1 rec := first l d := denom(rec.coef) ll := select(denom(#1.coef) = d, l) nthRoot(*/[r.logand ** numer(r.coef) for r in ll], d) * mkprod setDifference(l, ll) -- computes exp(int(f,x)) in a non-naive way expint(f, x) == a := int(f, x) (u := validExponential(tower a, a, x)) case F => u::F da := denom a l := (v := isPlus(na := numer a)) case List(P) => v::List(P) [na] exponent:P := 0 lrec:List(REC) := empty() for term in l repeat if (w := isQlog(term / da)) case REC then lrec := concat(w::REC, lrec) else exponent := exponent + term mkprod(lrec) * exp(exponent / da) -- checks if all the elements of l are rational numbers, returns their product isQ l == prod:Q := 1 for x in l repeat (u := retractIfCan(x)@UQ) case "failed" => return "failed" prod := prod * u::Q prod -- checks if a non-sum expr is of the form c * log(g) for a rational number c isQlog f == is?(f, "log"::SY) => [1, first argument(retract(f)@K)] (v := isTimes f) case List(F) and (#(l := v::List(F)) <= 3) => l := reverse_! sort_! l is?(first l, "log"::SY) and ((u := isQ rest l) case Q) => [u::Q, first argument(retract(first(l))@K)] "failed" "failed" @ \section{package ODECONST ConstantLODE} <<package ODECONST ConstantLODE>>= )abbrev package ODECONST ConstantLODE ++ Author: Manuel Bronstein ++ Date Created: 18 March 1991 ++ Date Last Updated: 3 February 1994 ++ Description: Solution of linear ordinary differential equations, constant coefficient case. ConstantLODE(R, F, L): Exports == Implementation where R: Join(OrderedSet, EuclideanDomain, RetractableTo Integer, LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer, CharacteristicZero) F: Join(AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace R, TranscendentalFunctionCategory, PrimitiveFunctionCategory) L: LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory F Z ==> Integer SY ==> Symbol K ==> Kernel F V ==> Vector F M ==> Matrix F SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F Exports ==> with constDsolve: (L, F, SY) -> Record(particular:F, basis:List F) ++ constDsolve(op, g, x) returns \spad{[f, [y1,...,ym]]} ++ where f is a particular solution of the equation \spad{op y = g}, ++ and the \spad{yi}'s form a basis for the solutions of \spad{op y = 0}. Implementation ==> add import ODETools(F, L) import ODEIntegration(R, F) import ElementaryFunctionSign(R, F) import AlgebraicManipulations(R, F) import FunctionSpaceIntegration(R, F) import FunctionSpaceUnivariatePolynomialFactor(R, F, SUP) homoBasis: (L, F) -> List F quadSol : (SUP, F) -> List F basisSqfr: (SUP, F) -> List F basisSol : (SUP, Z, F) -> List F constDsolve(op, g, x) == b := homoBasis(op, x::F) [particularSolution(op, g, b, int(#1, x))::F, b] homoBasis(op, x) == p:SUP := 0 while op ~= 0 repeat p := p + monomial(leadingCoefficient op, degree op) op := reductum op b:List(F) := empty() for ff in factors ffactor p repeat b := concat_!(b, basisSol(ff.factor, dec(ff.exponent), x)) b basisSol(p, n, x) == l := basisSqfr(p, x) zero? n => l ll := copy l xn := x::F for i in 1..n repeat l := concat_!(l, [xn * f for f in ll]) xn := x * xn l basisSqfr(p, x) == -- one?(d := degree p) => ((d := degree p) = 1) => [exp(- coefficient(p, 0) * x / leadingCoefficient p)] d = 2 => quadSol(p, x) [exp(a * x) for a in rootsOf p] quadSol(p, x) == (u := sign(delta := (b := coefficient(p, 1))**2 - 4 * (a := leadingCoefficient p) * (c := coefficient(p, 0)))) case Z and negative?(u::Z) => y := x / (2 * a) r := - b * y i := rootSimp(sqrt(-delta)) * y [exp(r) * cos(i), exp(r) * sin(i)] [exp(a * x) for a in zerosOf p] @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> -- Compile order for the differential equation solver: -- oderf.spad odealg.spad nlode.spad nlinsol.spad riccati.spad odeef.spad <<package BALFACT BalancedFactorisation>> <<package BOUNDZRO BoundIntegerRoots>> <<package ODEPRIM PrimitiveRatDE>> <<package UTSODETL UTSodetools>> <<package ODERAT RationalLODE>> <<package ODETOOLS ODETools>> <<package ODEINT ODEIntegration>> <<package ODECONST ConstantLODE>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}