\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \author{Gabriel Dos~Reis} \begin{document} \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \eject \section{The Conduit category} <<category CONDUIT Conduit>>= )abbrev category CONDUIT Conduit ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: August 24, 2008 ++ Date Last Modified: August 24, 2008 ++ Description: ++ This category is the root of the I/O conduits. Conduit(): Category == with close!: % -> % ++ close!(c) closes the conduit c, changing its state to one ++ that is invalid for future read or write operations. @ \subsection{The InputByteConduit category} <<category INBCON InputByteConduit>>= )abbrev category INBCON InputByteConduit ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: August 24, 2008 ++ Date Last Modified: January 06, 2009 ++ Description: ++ This category describes input byte stream conduits. InputByteConduit(): Category == Conduit with readByte!: % -> Maybe Byte ++ readByte!(cond) attempts to read a byte from the ++ input conduit `cond'. Returns the read byte if successful, ++ otherwise \spad{nothing}. readInt8!: % -> Maybe Int8 ++ readInt8!(cond) attempts to read an Int8 value from the ++ input conduit `cond'. Returns the value if successful, ++ otherwise \spad{nothing}. readUInt8!: % -> Maybe UInt8 ++ readUInt8!(cond) attempts to read a UInt8 value from the ++ input conduit `cond'. Returns the value if successful, ++ otherwise \spad{nothing}. readInt16!: % -> Maybe Int16 ++ readInt16!(cond) attempts to read an Int16 value from the ++ input conduit `cond'. Returns the value if successful, ++ otherwise \spad{nothing}. readUInt16!: % -> Maybe UInt16 ++ readUInt16!(cond) attempts to read a UInt16 value from the ++ input conduit `cond'. Returns the value if successful, ++ otherwise \spad{nothing}. readInt32!: % -> Maybe Int32 ++ readInt32!(cond) attempts to read an Int32 value from the ++ input conduit `cond'. Returns the value if successful, ++ otherwise \spad{nothing}. readUInt32!: % -> Maybe UInt32 ++ readUInt32!(cond) attempts to read a UInt32 value from the ++ input conduit `cond'. Returns the value if successful, ++ otherwise \spad{nothing}. readBytes!: (%,ByteBuffer) -> NonNegativeInteger ++ readBytes!(c,b) reads byte sequences from conduit `c' into ++ the byte buffer `b'. The actual number of bytes written ++ is returned, and the length of `b' is set to that amount. add NNI == NonNegativeInteger nni(b: UInt8): NNI == b::NNI readInt8! cond == -- OK, because we are using two's complement. readByte!(cond) pretend Maybe(Int8) readUInt8! cond == -- UInt8 and Byte are representationally conformant. readByte!(cond) pretend Maybe(UInt8) readUInt16! cond == (b1 := readUInt8! cond) case nothing => nothing (b0 := readUInt8! cond) case nothing => nothing just((shift(nni b1,8) + nni b0)::UInt16) readInt16! cond == readUInt16!(cond) pretend Maybe(Int16) readUInt32! cond == (b3 := readUInt8! cond) case nothing => nothing (b2 := readUInt8! cond) case nothing => nothing (b1 := readUInt8! cond) case nothing => nothing (b0 := readUInt8! cond) case nothing => nothing just((shift(nni b3,24) + shift(nni b2,16) + shift(nni b1,8) + nni b0)::UInt32) readInt32! cond == readUInt32!(cond) pretend Maybe(Int32) readBytes!(cond,buf) == count := 0@NonNegativeInteger while count < capacity buf repeat case readByte! cond is b@Byte => qsetelt!(buf,count,b) count := count + 1 otherwise => break setLength!(buf,count) @ \subsection{The OutputByteConduit category} <<category OUTBCON OutputByteConduit>>= )abbrev category OUTBCON OutputByteConduit ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: August 24, 2008 ++ Date Last Modified: January 06, 2008 ++ Description: ++ This category describes output byte stream conduits. OutputByteConduit(): Category == Conduit with writeByte!: (%,Byte) -> Maybe Byte ++ writeByte!(c,b) attempts to write the byte `b' on ++ the conduit `c'. Returns the written byte if successful, ++ otherwise, returns \spad{nothing}. writeInt8!: (%,Int8) -> Maybe Int8 ++ writeInt8!(c,b) attempts to write the 8-bit value `v' on ++ the conduit `c'. Returns the written value if successful, ++ otherwise, returns \spad{nothing}. writeUInt8!: (%,UInt8) -> Maybe UInt8 ++ writeUInt8!(c,b) attempts to write the unsigned 8-bit value `v' ++ on the conduit `c'. Returns the written value if successful, ++ otherwise, returns \spad{nothing}. writeBytes!: (%,ByteBuffer) -> NonNegativeInteger ++ writeBytes!(c,b) write bytes from buffer `b' ++ onto the conduit `c'. The actual number of written ++ bytes is returned. add writeInt8!(cond,val) == writeByte!(cond, val pretend Byte) pretend Maybe(Int8) writeUInt8!(cond,val) == writeByte!(cond, val pretend Byte) pretend Maybe(UInt8) writeBytes!(cond,buf) == count := 0@NonNegativeInteger while count < capacity buf and writeByte!(cond,qelt(buf,count)) case Byte repeat count := count + 1 count @ \subsection{The InputOutputByteConduit category} <<category IOBCON InputOutputByteConduit>>= )abbrev category IOBCON InputOutputByteConduit ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: August 24, 2008 ++ Date Last Modified: August 24, 2008 ++ See Also: InputByteConduit, OutputByteConduit. ++ Description: ++ This category describes byte stream conduits supporting ++ both input and output operations. InputOutputByteConduit(): Category == Join(InputByteConduit,OutputByteConduit) @ \subsection{The InputBinaryFile domain} <<domain INBFILE InputBinaryFile>>= )abbrev domain INBFILE InputBinaryFile ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: September 30, 2008 ++ Date Last Modified: September 30, 2008 ++ Description: ++ This domain provides representation for binary files open ++ for input operations. `Binary' here means that the conduits ++ do not interpret their contents. InputBinaryFile(): Public == Private where Public == Join(InputByteConduit, CoercibleTo OutputForm) with inputBinaryFile: FileName -> % ++ inputBinaryFile(f) returns an input conduit obtained by ++ opening the file named by `f' as a binary file. inputBinaryFile: String -> % ++ inputBinaryFile(f) returns an input conduit obtained by ++ opening the file named by `f' as a binary file. eof?: % -> Boolean ++ eof?(ifile) holds when the last read reached end of file. isOpen?: % -> Boolean ++ isOpen?(ifile) holds if `ifile' is in open state. position: % -> SingleInteger ++ position(f) returns the current byte-position in the file `f'. position!: (%,SingleInteger) -> SingleInteger ++ position(f,p) sets the current byte-position to `i'. Private == add Rep == Record(stream: SExpression, filename: FileName, eof: Boolean) inputBinaryFile(f: FileName) == per [openBinaryFile(f::String,input$IOMode)$Lisp,f,false] inputBinaryFile(f: String) == per [openBinaryFile(f,input$IOMode)$Lisp,f::FileName,false] isOpen? ifile == not null? rep(ifile).stream readByte! ifile == isOpen? ifile => b: Maybe Byte := readByteFromFile(rep(ifile).stream)$Lisp if b case nothing then rep(ifile).eof := true b error "file is not open" eof? ifile == isOpen? ifile => rep(ifile).eof error "file is not open" close! ifile == if isOpen? ifile then rep(ifile).stream := closeFile(rep(ifile).stream)$Lisp rep(ifile).eof := true ifile position ifile == isOpen? ifile => FILE_-POSITION(rep(ifile).stream)$Lisp error "file is not open" position!(ifile,p) == isOpen? ifile => FILE_-POSITION(rep(ifile).stream,p)$Lisp error "file is not open" coerce(ifile: %): OutputForm == rep(ifile).filename::OutputForm @ \subsection{The OutputBinaryFile domain} <<domain OUTBFILE OutputBinaryFile>>= )abbrev domain OUTBFILE OutputBinaryFile ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: September 30, 2008 ++ Date Last Modified: September 30, 2008 ++ Description: ++ This domain provides representation for binary files open ++ for output operations. `Binary' here means that the conduits ++ do not interpret their contents. OutputBinaryFile(): Public == Private where Public == Join(OutputByteConduit, CoercibleTo OutputForm) with outputBinaryFile: FileName -> % ++ outputBinaryFile(f) returns an output conduit obtained by ++ opening the file named by `f' as a binary file. outputBinaryFile: String -> % ++ outputBinaryFile(f) returns an output conduit obtained by ++ opening the file named by `f' as a binary file. isOpen?: % -> Boolean ++ open?(ifile) holds if `ifile' is in open state. Private == add Rep == Record(stream: SExpression, filename: FileName) outputBinaryFile(f: FileName) == per [openBinaryFile(f::String,output$IOMode)$Lisp,f] outputBinaryFile(f: String) == per [openBinaryFile(f,output$IOMode)$Lisp,f::FileName] isOpen? ifile == not null? rep(ifile).stream writeByte!(ifile,b) == isOpen? ifile => writeByteToFile(rep(ifile).stream,b)$Lisp error "file is not open" close! ifile == if isOpen? ifile then rep(ifile).stream := closeFile(rep(ifile).stream)$Lisp ifile coerce(ifile: %): OutputForm == rep(ifile).filename::OutputForm @ \subsection{The InputOutputBinaryFile domain} <<domain IOBFILE InputOutputBinaryFile>>= )abbrev domain IOBFILE InputOutputBinaryFile ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: October 21, 2008 ++ Date Last Modified: October 21, 2008 ++ Description: ++ This domain provides representation for binary files open ++ for input and output operations. ++ See Also: InputBinaryFile, OutputBinaryFile InputOutputBinaryFile(): Public == Private where Public == Join(InputOutputByteConduit, CoercibleTo OutputForm) with inputOutputBinaryFile: FileName -> % ++ inputOutputBinaryFile(f) returns an input/output conduit obtained ++ by opening the file designated by `f' as a binary file. inputOutputBinaryFile: String -> % ++ inputOutputBinaryFile(f) returns an input/output conduit obtained ++ by opening the file named by `f' as a binary file. isOpen?: % -> Boolean ++ isOpen?(f) holds if `f' is in open state. Private == (InputBinaryFile, OutputBinaryFile) add Rep == Record(stream: SExpression, filename: FileName) inputOutputBinaryFile(f: FileName) == per [openBinaryFile(f::String,bothWays$IOMode)$Lisp,f] inputOutputBinaryFile(f: String) == per [openBinaryFile(f,bothWays$IOMode)$Lisp,f::FileName] @ \section{The Hostname domain} <<domain HOSTNAME Hostname>>= )abbrev domain HOSTNAME Hostname ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: August 23, 2008 ++ Date Last Modified: August 23, 2008 ++ References: RFC 1034, RFC 1035 ++ Description: ++ This domain represents hostnames on computer network. Hostname(): Public == Private where Public == Join(SetCategory, CoercibleTo String) with host: String -> % ++ host(n) constructs a Hostname from the name `n'. Private == add Rep == String host n == per n x = y == rep x = rep y coerce(x: %): String == rep x coerce(x: %): OutputForm == rep(x)::OutputForm @ \section{The PortNumber domain} <<domain PORTNUM PortNumber>>= )abbrev domain PORTNUM PortNumber ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: August 23, 2008 ++ Date Last Modified: August 23, 2008 ++ Description: ++ This domain represents network port numbers (notable TCP and UDP). PortNumber(): Public == Private where Public == Join(SetCategory,CoercibleTo SingleInteger) with port: SingleInteger -> % ++ port(n) constructs a PortNumber from the integer `n'. Private == add Rep == SingleInteger port n == per n x = y == rep x = rep y coerce(x: %): SingleInteger == rep x coerce(x: %): OutputForm == rep(x)::OutputForm @ \section{The IP4Address domain} <<domain IP4ADDR IP4Address>>= )abbrev domain IP4ADDR IP4Address ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: October 22, 2008 ++ Date Last Modified: October 22, 2008 ++ Description: ++ This domain provides representation for ARPA Internet IP4 addresses. IP4Address(): Public == Private where Public == SetCategory with ip4Address: String -> % ++ ip4Address(a) builds a numeric address out of the ASCII form `a'. bytes: % -> DataArray(4,Byte) ++ bytes(x) returns the bytes of the numeric address `x'. resolve: Hostname -> Maybe % ++ resolve(h) returns the IP4 address of host `h'. Private == add Rep == DataArray(4,Byte) ip4Address a == n := new()$Rep presentationToNumeric(a,4,n)$Lisp = 0@SingleInteger => per n userError "invalid Internet IP4 address" resolve h == n := new()$Rep hostnameToNumeric(h::String,4,n)$Lisp = 0@SingleInteger => just per n nothing bytes x == rep x x = y == rep x = rep y coerce(x: %): OutputForm == infix('_.::OutputForm, [qelt(rep x,i)::OutputForm for i in 0..3])$OutputForm @ \section{The NetworkClientSocket category} <<category NETCLT NetworkClientSocket>>= )abbrev category NETCLT NetworkClientSocket NetworkClientSocket(T: SetCategory): Category == InputOutputByteConduit with connectTo: (T, PortNumber) -> Maybe % isConnected?: % -> Boolean @ \section{The InetClientStreamSocket domain} <<domain INETCLTS InetClientStreamSocket>>= )abbrev domain INETCLTS InetClientStreamSocket InetClientStreamSocket(): Public == Private where Public == Join(NetworkClientSocket IP4Address, CoercibleTo OutputForm) with connectTo: (Hostname, PortNumber) -> Maybe % Private == add Host == Union(IP4Address,Hostname) -- we hope that a small integer is OK on all platforms Rep == Record(%host: Host, %port: PortNumber, %sock: Maybe SingleInteger) connectTo(ip: IP4Address, p: PortNumber) == s: Maybe SingleInteger := connectToHostAndPort(ip,4,p)$Lisp s case nothing => nothing just per [ip::Host,p,s] connectTo(h: Hostname, p: PortNumber) == (ip := resolve(h)$IP4Address) case nothing => nothing s: Maybe SingleInteger := connectToHostAndPort(ip@IP4Address,4,p)$Lisp s case nothing => nothing just per [h::Host,p,s] isConnected? s == rep(s).%sock case SingleInteger readBytes!(x,b) == not isConnected? x => error "socket is not connected" n: NonNegativeInteger := readFromStreamSocket(rep(x).%sock,b::PrimitiveArray(Byte), capacity b)$Lisp setLength!(b,n) readByte! x == not isConnected? x => error "socket is not connected" readByteFromStreamSocket(rep(x).%sock)$Lisp writeBytes!(x,b) == not isConnected? x => error "socket is not connected" writeToStreamSocket(rep(x).%sock,b::PrimitiveArray(Byte), #b)$Lisp writeByte!(x,b) == not isConnected? x => error "socket is not connected" writeByteToStreamSocket(rep(x).%sock,b)$Lisp close! x == closeSocket(rep(x).%sock)$Lisp rep(x).%sock := nothing x coerce(x: %): OutputForm == x' := rep x h := x'.%host case IP4Address => x'.%host::IP4Address::OutputForm x'.%host::Hostname::OutputForm infix('_:::OutputForm,h,x'.%port::OutputForm)$OutputForm @ \section{License} <<license>>= -- Copyright (C) 2007-2009, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<category CONDUIT Conduit>> <<category INBCON InputByteConduit>> <<category OUTBCON OutputByteConduit>> <<category IOBCON InputOutputByteConduit>> <<category NETCLT NetworkClientSocket>> <<domain INBFILE InputBinaryFile>> <<domain OUTBFILE OutputBinaryFile>> <<domain IOBFILE InputOutputBinaryFile>> <<domain HOSTNAME Hostname>> <<domain PORTNUM PortNumber>> <<domain IP4ADDR IP4Address>> <<domain INETCLTS InetClientStreamSocket>> @ \end{document}