\documentclass{article} \usepackage{open-axiom} \author{Gabriel Dos~Reis} \begin{document} \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \eject \section{The JavaBytecode domain} <<domain JAVACODE JavaBytecode>>= )abbrev domain JAVACODE JavaBytecode ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: May 08, 2008 ++ Description: This domain defines the datatype for the Java ++ Virtual Machine byte codes. JavaBytecode(): Public == Private where Public == Join(CoercibleTo OutputForm, HomotopicTo Byte) Private == add -- mnemonics equivalent of bytecodes. mnemonics : PrimitiveArray Symbol := [['nop, 'aconst__null, 'iconst__m1, 'iconst__0, 'iconst__1, _ 'iconst__2, 'iconst__3, 'iconst__4, 'iconst__5, 'lconst__0, _ 'lconst__1, 'fconst__0, 'fconst__1, 'fconst__2, 'dconst__0, _ 'dconst__1, 'bipush, 'sipush, 'ldc, ldc__w, 'ldc2__w, _ 'iload, 'lload, 'fload, 'dload, 'aload, 'iload__0, _ 'iload__1, 'iload__2, 'iload__3, 'lload_0, 'lload__1, _ 'lload__2, 'lload__3, 'fload__0, 'fload__1, 'fload__2, _ 'fload__3, 'dload__0, 'dload__1, 'dload__2, 'dload__3, _ 'aload__0, 'aload__1, 'aload__2, 'aload__3, 'iaload, _ 'laload, 'faload, 'daload, 'aaload, 'baload, 'caload, _ 'saload, 'istore, 'lstore, 'fstore, 'dstore, 'atore, _ 'istore__0, 'istore__1, 'istore__2, 'istore__3, 'lstore__0, _ 'lstore__1, 'lstore__2, 'lstore__3, 'fstore__0, 'fstore__1, _ 'fstore__2, 'fstore__3, 'dstore__0, 'dstore__1, 'dstore__2, _ 'dstore__3, 'astore__0, 'astore__1, 'astore__2, 'astore__3, _ 'iastore, 'lastore, 'fastore, 'dastore, 'aastore, 'bastore, _ 'castore, 'sastore, 'pop, 'pop2, 'dup, 'dup__x1, 'dup__x2, _ 'dup2, 'dup2__x1, 'dup2__x2, 'swap, 'iadd, 'ladd, 'fadd, _ 'dadd, 'isub, 'lsub, 'fsub, 'dsub, 'imul, 'lmul, 'fmul, _ 'dmul, 'idiv, 'ldiv, 'fdiv, 'ddiv, 'irem, 'lrem, 'frem, _ 'drem, 'ineg, 'lneg, 'fneg, 'dneg, 'ishl, 'lshl, 'ishr, _ 'lshr, 'iushr, 'lushr, 'iand, 'land, 'ior, 'lor, 'ixor, _ 'lxor, 'iinc, 'i2l, 'i2f, 'i2d, 'l2i, 'l2f, 'l2d, 'f2i, _ 'f2l, 'f2d, 'd2i, 'd2l, 'd2f, 'i2b, 'i2c, 'i2s, 'lcmp, _ 'fcmpl, 'fcmpg, 'dcmpl, 'dcompg, 'ifeq, 'ifne, 'iflt, _ 'ifge, 'ifle, 'if__icmpeq, 'if__icmpne, 'if__icmplt, _ 'if__cmpge, 'if__cmpgt, 'if__cmple, 'if__cmpeq, 'if__acmpeq,_ 'if__acmpne, 'goto, 'jsr, 'ret, 'tableswitch, 'lookupswitch,_ 'ireturn, 'lreturn, 'freturn, 'dreturn, 'areturn, 'return, _ 'getstatic, 'putstatic, 'getfield,'putfield, 'invokevirtual,_ 'invokespecial, 'invokestatic, 'invokeinterface, _ 'xxxunusedxxx, 'new, 'newarray, 'anewarray, 'arraylength, _ 'athrow, 'checkcast, 'instanceof, 'monitorenter, _ 'monitorexit, 'wide, 'multianewarray, 'ifnull, 'ifnonnull, _ 'goto__w, 'jsr__w, 'breakpoint, 'unknownopcode0, _ 'unknownopcode1, 'unknownopcode2, 'unknownopcode3, _ 'unknownopcode4, 'unknownopcode5, 'unknownopcode6, _ 'unknownopcode7, 'unknownopcode8, 'unknownopcode9, _ 'unknownopcode10, 'unknownopcode11, 'unknownopcode12, _ 'unknownopcode13, 'unknownopcode14, 'unknownopcode15, _ 'unknownopcode16, 'unknownopcode17, 'unknownopcode18, _ 'unknownopcode19, 'unknownopcode20, 'unknownopcode21, _ 'unknownopcode22, 'unknownopcode23, 'unknownopcode24, _ 'unknownopcode25, 'unknownopcode26, 'unknownopcode27, _ 'unknownopcode28, 'unknownopcode29, 'unknownopcode30, _ 'unknownopcode31, 'unknownopcode32, 'unknownopcode33, _ 'unknownopcode34, 'unknownopcode35, 'unknownopcode36, _ 'unknownopcode37, 'unknownopcode38, 'unknownopcode39, _ 'unknownopcode40, 'unknownopcode41, 'unknownopcode42, _ 'unknownopcode43, 'unknownopcode44, 'unknownopcode45, _ 'unknownopcode46, 'unknownopcode47, 'unknownopcode48, _ 'unknownopcode49, 'unknownopcode50, _ 'impldep1, 'impldep2 ]]$PrimitiveArray(Symbol) Rep == Byte coerce(x: Byte): % == per x coerce(x: %): Byte == rep x coerce(x: %): OutputForm == mnemonics.(x::Byte::Integer) :: OutputForm @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Gabriel Dos Reis. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<domain JAVACODE JavaBytecode>> @ \end{document}