\documentclass{article} \usepackage{open-axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra irsn.spad} \author{Johannes Grabmeier, Thorsten Werther} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{package IRSN IrrRepSymNatPackage} <<package IRSN IrrRepSymNatPackage>>= )abbrev package IRSN IrrRepSymNatPackage ++ Authors: Johannes Grabmeier, Thorsten Werther ++ Date Created: 04 August 1988 ++ Date Last Updated: 24 May 1991 ++ Basic Operations: dimensionOfIrreducibleRepresentation ++ irreducibleRepresentation ++ Related Constructors: RepresentationTheoryPackage1 ++ RepresentationTheoryPackage2 ++ Also See: SymmetricGroupCombinatoricFunctions ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ References: ++ G. James, A. Kerber: The Representation Theory of the Symmetric ++ Group. Encycl. of Math. and its Appl. Vol 16., Cambr. Univ Press 1981; ++ J. Grabmeier, A. Kerber: The Evaluation of Irreducible ++ Polynomial Representations of the General Linear Groups ++ and of the Unitary Groups over Fields of Characteristic 0, ++ Acta Appl. Math. 8 (1987), 271-291; ++ H. Gollan, J. Grabmeier: Algorithms in Representation Theory and ++ their Realization in the Computer Algebra System Scratchpad, ++ Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften, Heft 33, 1990, 1-23 ++ Description: ++ IrrRepSymNatPackage contains functions for computing ++ the ordinary irreducible representations of symmetric groups on ++ n letters {\em {1,2,...,n}} in Young's natural form and their dimensions. ++ These representations can be labelled by number partitions of n, ++ i.e. a weakly decreasing sequence of integers summing up to n, e.g. ++ {\em [3,3,3,1]} labels an irreducible representation for n equals 10. ++ Note: whenever a \spadtype{List Integer} appears in a signature, ++ a partition required. -- NOT TRUE in current system, but should: -- also could be an element of \spadtype(Partition) IrrRepSymNatPackage(): public == private where NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger I ==> Integer L ==> List M ==> Matrix V ==> Vector B ==> Boolean SGCF ==> SymmetricGroupCombinatoricFunctions ICF ==> IntegerCombinatoricFunctions Integer PP ==> PartitionsAndPermutations PERM ==> Permutation macro PI == PositiveInteger public ==> with dimensionOfIrreducibleRepresentation : L PI -> NNI ++ dimensionOfIrreducibleRepresentation(lambda) is the dimension ++ of the ordinary irreducible representation of the symmetric group ++ corresponding to {\em lambda}. ++ Note: the Robinson-Thrall hook formula is implemented. irreducibleRepresentation : (L PI, PERM I) -> M I ++ irreducibleRepresentation(lambda,pi) is the irreducible representation ++ corresponding to partition {\em lambda} in Young's natural form of the ++ permutation {\em pi} in the symmetric group, whose elements permute ++ {\em {1,2,...,n}}. irreducibleRepresentation : L PI -> L M I ++ irreducibleRepresentation(lambda) is the list of the two ++ irreducible representations corresponding to the partition {\em lambda} ++ in Young's natural form for the following two generators ++ of the symmetric group, whose elements permute ++ {\em {1,2,...,n}}, namely {\em (1 2)} (2-cycle) and ++ {\em (1 2 ... n)} (n-cycle). irreducibleRepresentation : (L PI, L PERM I) -> L M I ++ irreducibleRepresentation(lambda,listOfPerm) is the list of the ++ irreducible representations corresponding to {\em lambda} ++ in Young's natural form for the list of permutations ++ given by {\em listOfPerm}. private ==> add -- local variables oldlambda : L PI := nil$L(PI) flambda : NNI := 0 -- dimension of the irreducible repr. younglist : L M I := nil$(L M I) -- list of all standard tableaus lprime : L PI := nil$L(PI) -- conjugated partition of lambda n : NNI := 0 -- concerning symmetric group S_n rows : NNI := 0 -- # of rows of standard tableau columns : NNI := 0 -- # of columns of standard tableau aId : M I := new(1,1,0) -- declaration of local functions aIdInverse : () -> Void -- computes aId, the inverse of the matrix -- (signum(k,l,id))_1 <= k,l <= flambda, where id -- denotes the identity permutation alreadyComputed? : L PI -> Void -- test if the last calling of an exported function concerns -- the same partition lambda as the previous call listPermutation : PERM I -> L I -- should be in Permutation -- converts a permutation pi into the list -- [pi(1),pi(2),..,pi(n)] signum : (NNI, NNI, L I) -> I -- if there exists a vertical permutation v of the tableau -- tl := pi o younglist(l) (l-th standard tableau) -- and a horizontal permutation h of the tableau -- tk := younglist(k) (k-th standard tableau) such that -- v o tl = h o tk, -- then -- signum(k,l,pi) = sign(v), -- otherwise -- signum(k,l,pi) = 0. -- checks if lambda is a proper partition and results in -- the sum of the entries sumPartition : L PI -> NNI testPermutation : L I -> NNI -- testPermutation(pi) checks if pi is an element of S_n, -- the set of permutations of the set {1,2,...,n}. -- If not, an error message will occur, if yes it replies n. -- definition of local functions aIdInverse() == aId := new(flambda,flambda,0) for k in 1..flambda repeat aId(k,k) := 1 if n < 5 then return aId idperm : L I := nil$(L I) for k in n..1 by -1 repeat idperm := cons(k,idperm) for k in 1..(flambda-1) repeat for l in (k+1)..flambda repeat aId(k::NNI,l::NNI) := signum(k::NNI,l::NNI,idperm) -- invert the upper triangular matrix aId for j in flambda..2 by -1 repeat for i in (j-1)..1 by -1 repeat aId(i::NNI,j:NNI) := -aId(i::NNI,j::NNI) for k in (j+1)..flambda repeat for i in (j-1)..1 by -1 repeat aId(i::NNI,k:NNI) := aId(i::NNI,k::NNI) + aId(i::NNI,j:NNI) * aId(j::NNI,k::NNI) alreadyComputed?(lambda) == if lambda ~= oldlambda then oldlambda := lambda lprime := conjugate(lambda)$PP rows := first(lprime)$L(PI) columns := first(lambda)$L(PI) n := +/lambda younglist := listYoungTableaus(lambda)$SGCF flambda := #younglist aIdInverse() -- side effect: creates actual aId listPermutation(pi) == li : L I := nil$(L I) for k in n..1 by -1 repeat li := cons(eval(pi,k)$(PERM I),li) li signum(numberOfRowTableau, numberOfColumnTableau,pi) == rowtab : M I := copy younglist numberOfRowTableau columntab : M I := copy younglist numberOfColumnTableau swap : I sign : I := 1 end : B := false endk : B ctrl : B -- k-loop for all rows of tableau rowtab k : NNI := 1 while (k <= rows) and (not end) repeat -- l-loop along the k-th row of rowtab l : NNI := 1 while (l <= oldlambda(k)) and (not end) repeat z : NNI := l endk := false -- z-loop for k-th row of rowtab beginning at column l. -- test wether the entry rowtab(k,z) occurs in the l-th column -- beginning at row k of pi o columntab while (z <= oldlambda(k)) and (not endk) repeat s : NNI := k ctrl := true while ctrl repeat if (s <= lprime(l)) then if (1+rowtab(k,z) = pi(1+columntab(s,l))) -- if entries in the tableaus were from 1,..,n, then -- it should be ..columntab(s,l)... . then ctrl := false else s := s + 1 else ctrl := false -- end of ctrl-loop endk := (s <= lprime(l)) -- same entry found ? if not endk then -- try next entry z := z + 1 else if k < s then -- verticalpermutation sign := -sign swap := columntab(s,l) columntab(s,l) := columntab(k,l) columntab(k,l) := swap if l < z then -- horizontalpermutation swap := rowtab(k,z) rowtab(k,z) := rowtab(k,l) rowtab(k,l) := swap -- end of else -- end of z-loop if (z > oldlambda(k)) -- no coresponding entry found then sign := 0 end := true l := l + 1 -- end of l-loop k := k + 1 -- end of k-loop sign sumPartition(lambda) == ok : B := true prev : I := first lambda sum : NNI := 0 for x in lambda repeat sum := sum + x ok := ok and (prev >= x) prev := x if not ok then error("No proper partition ") sum testPermutation(pi : L I) : NNI == ok : B := true n : I := 0 for i in pi repeat if i > n then n := i -- find the largest entry n in pi if i < 1 then ok := false -- check whether there are entries < 1 -- now n should be the number of permuted objects if (not (n=#pi)) or (not ok) then error("No permutation of 1,2,..,n") -- now we know that pi has n Elements ranging from 1 to n test : Vector(B) := new((n)::NNI,false) for i in pi repeat test(i) := true -- this means that i occurs in pi if member?(false,test) then error("No permutation") -- pi not surjective n::NNI -- definitions of exported functions dimensionOfIrreducibleRepresentation(lambda) == nn : I := sumPartition(lambda)::I --also checks whether lambda dd : I := 1 --is a partition lambdaprime := conjugate(lambda)$PP -- run through all rows of the Youngtableau corr. to lambda for i in 1..lambdaprime.1 repeat -- run through all nodes in row i of the Youngtableau for j in 1..lambda.i repeat -- the hooklength of node (i,j) of the Youngtableau -- is the new factor, remember counting starts with 1 dd := dd * (lambda.i + lambdaprime.j - i - j + 1) (factorial(nn)$ICF quo dd)::NNI irreducibleRepresentation(lambda: L PI,pi: PERM I) == nn : NNI := sumPartition(lambda) alreadyComputed?(lambda) piList : L I := listPermutation pi if not (nn = testPermutation(piList)) then error("Partition and permutation are not consistent") aPi : M I := new(flambda,flambda,0) for k in 1..flambda repeat for l in 1..flambda repeat aPi(k,l) := signum(k,l,piList) aId * aPi irreducibleRepresentation(lambda) == listperm : L PERM I := nil$L(PERM I) li : L I := nil$L(I) sumPartition(lambda) alreadyComputed?(lambda) listperm := n = 1 => cons(1$(PERM I),listperm) n = 2 => cons(cycle([1,2])$(PERM I),listperm) -- the n-cycle (1,2,..,n) and the 2-cycle (1,2) generate S_n for k in n..1 by -1 repeat li := cons(k,li) -- becomes n-cycle (1,2,..,n) listperm := cons(cycle(li)$(PERM I),listperm) -- 2-cycle (1,2) cons(cycle([1,2])$(PERM I),listperm) irreducibleRepresentation(lambda,listperm) irreducibleRepresentation(lambda: L PI,listperm: L PERM I) == sumPartition(lambda) alreadyComputed?(lambda) [irreducibleRepresentation(lambda, pi) for pi in listperm] @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<package IRSN IrrRepSymNatPackage>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}