\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra groebf.spad} \author{H. Michael Moeller, Johannes Grabmeier} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{package GBF GroebnerFactorizationPackage} <<package GBF GroebnerFactorizationPackage>>= )abbrev package GBF GroebnerFactorizationPackage ++ Author: H. Michael Moeller, Johannes Grabmeier ++ Date Created: 24 August 1989 ++ Date Last Updated: 01 January 1992 ++ Basic Operations: groebnerFactorize factorGroebnerBasis ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: GroebnerPackage, Ideal, IdealDecompositionPackage ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: groebner basis, groebner factorization, ideal decomposition ++ References: ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{GroebnerFactorizationPackage} provides the function ++ groebnerFactor" which uses the factorization routines of \Language{} to ++ factor each polynomial under consideration while doing the groebner basis ++ algorithm. Then it writes the ideal as an intersection of ideals ++ determined by the irreducible factors. Note that the whole ring may ++ occur as well as other redundancies. We also use the fact, that from the ++ second factor on we can assume that the preceding factors are ++ not equal to 0 and we divide all polynomials under considerations ++ by the elements of this list of "nonZeroRestrictions". ++ The result is a list of groebner bases, whose union of solutions ++ of the corresponding systems of equations is the solution of ++ the system of equation corresponding to the input list. ++ The term ordering is determined by the polynomial type used. ++ Suggested types include ++ \spadtype{DistributedMultivariatePolynomial}, ++ \spadtype{HomogeneousDistributedMultivariatePolynomial}, ++ \spadtype{GeneralDistributedMultivariatePolynomial}. GroebnerFactorizationPackage(Dom, Expon, VarSet, Dpol): T == C where Dom : Join(EuclideanDomain,CharacteristicZero) Expon : OrderedAbelianMonoidSup VarSet : OrderedSet Dpol: PolynomialCategory(Dom, Expon, VarSet) MF ==> MultivariateFactorize(VarSet,Expon,Dom,Dpol) sugarPol ==> Record(totdeg: NonNegativeInteger, pol : Dpol) critPair ==> Record(lcmfij: Expon,totdeg: NonNegativeInteger, poli: Dpol, polj: Dpol ) L ==> List B ==> Boolean NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger OUT ==> OutputForm T ==> with factorGroebnerBasis : L Dpol -> L L Dpol ++ factorGroebnerBasis(basis) checks whether the basis contains ++ reducible polynomials and uses these to split the basis. factorGroebnerBasis : (L Dpol, Boolean) -> L L Dpol ++ factorGroebnerBasis(basis,info) checks whether the basis contains ++ reducible polynomials and uses these to split the basis. ++ If argument {\em info} is true, information is printed about ++ partial results. groebnerFactorize : (L Dpol, L Dpol) -> L L Dpol ++ groebnerFactorize(listOfPolys, nonZeroRestrictions) returns ++ a list of groebner basis. The union of their solutions ++ is the solution of the system of equations given by {\em listOfPolys} ++ under the restriction that the polynomials of {\em nonZeroRestrictions} ++ don't vanish. ++ At each stage the polynomial p under consideration (either from ++ the given basis or obtained from a reduction of the next S-polynomial) ++ is factorized. For each irreducible factors of p, a ++ new {\em createGroebnerBasis} is started ++ doing the usual updates with the factor ++ in place of p. groebnerFactorize : (L Dpol, L Dpol, Boolean) -> L L Dpol ++ groebnerFactorize(listOfPolys, nonZeroRestrictions, info) returns ++ a list of groebner basis. The union of their solutions ++ is the solution of the system of equations given by {\em listOfPolys} ++ under the restriction that the polynomials of {\em nonZeroRestrictions} ++ don't vanish. ++ At each stage the polynomial p under consideration (either from ++ the given basis or obtained from a reduction of the next S-polynomial) ++ is factorized. For each irreducible factors of p a ++ new {\em createGroebnerBasis} is started ++ doing the usual updates with the factor in place of p. ++ If argument {\em info} is true, information is printed about ++ partial results. groebnerFactorize : L Dpol -> L L Dpol ++ groebnerFactorize(listOfPolys) returns ++ a list of groebner bases. The union of their solutions ++ is the solution of the system of equations given by {\em listOfPolys}. ++ At each stage the polynomial p under consideration (either from ++ the given basis or obtained from a reduction of the next S-polynomial) ++ is factorized. For each irreducible factors of p, a ++ new {\em createGroebnerBasis} is started ++ doing the usual updates with the factor ++ in place of p. groebnerFactorize : (L Dpol, Boolean) -> L L Dpol ++ groebnerFactorize(listOfPolys, info) returns ++ a list of groebner bases. The union of their solutions ++ is the solution of the system of equations given by {\em listOfPolys}. ++ At each stage the polynomial p under consideration (either from ++ the given basis or obtained from a reduction of the next S-polynomial) ++ is factorized. For each irreducible factors of p, a ++ new {\em createGroebnerBasis} is started ++ doing the usual updates with the factor ++ in place of p. ++ If {\em info} is true, information is printed about partial results. C ==> add import GroebnerInternalPackage(Dom,Expon,VarSet,Dpol) -- next to help compiler to choose correct signatures: info: Boolean -- signatures of local functions newPairs : (L sugarPol, Dpol) -> L critPair -- newPairs(lp, p) constructs list of critical pairs from the list of -- {\em lp} of input polynomials and a given further one p. -- It uses criteria M and T to reduce the list. updateCritPairs : (L critPair, L critPair, Dpol) -> L critPair -- updateCritPairs(lcP1,lcP2,p) applies criterion B to {\em lcP1} using -- p. Then this list is merged with {\em lcP2}. updateBasis : (L sugarPol, Dpol, NNI) -> L sugarPol -- updateBasis(li,p,deg) every polynomial in {\em li} is dropped if -- its leading term is a multiple of the leading term of p. -- The result is this list enlarged by p. createGroebnerBases : (L sugarPol, L Dpol, L Dpol, L Dpol, L critPair,_ L L Dpol, Boolean) -> L L Dpol -- createGroebnerBases(basis, redPols, nonZeroRestrictions, inputPolys, -- lcP,listOfBases): This function is used to be called from -- groebnerFactorize. -- basis: part of a Groebner basis, computed so far -- redPols: Polynomials from the ideal to be used for reducing, -- we don't throw away polynomials -- nonZeroRestrictions: polynomials not zero in the common zeros -- of the polynomials in the final (Groebner) basis -- inputPolys: assumed to be in descending order -- lcP: list of critical pairs built from polynomials of the -- actual basis -- listOfBases: Collects the (Groebner) bases constructed by this -- recursive algorithm at different stages. -- we print info messages if info is true createAllFactors: Dpol -> L Dpol -- factor reduced critpair polynomial -- implementation of local functions createGroebnerBases(basis, redPols, nonZeroRestrictions, inputPolys,_ lcP, listOfBases, info) == doSplitting? : B := false terminateWithBasis : B := false allReducedFactors : L Dpol := [] nP : Dpol -- actual polynomial under consideration p : Dpol -- next polynomial from input list h : Dpol -- next polynomial from critical pairs stopDividing : Boolean -- STEP 1 do the next polynomials until a splitting is possible -- In the first step we take the first polynomial of "inputPolys" -- if empty, from list of critical pairs "lcP" and do the following: -- Divide it, if possible, by the polynomials from "nonZeroRestrictions". -- We factorize it and reduce each irreducible factor with respect to -- "basis". If 0$Dpol occurs in the list we update the list and continue -- with next polynomial. -- If there are at least two (irreducible) factors -- in the list of factors we finish STEP 1 and set a boolean variable -- to continue with STEP 2, the splitting step. -- If there is just one of it, we do the following: -- If it is 1$Dpol we stop the whole calculation and put -- [1$Dpol] into the listOfBases -- Otherwise we update the "basis" and the other lists and continue -- with next polynomial. while (not doSplitting?) and (not terminateWithBasis) repeat terminateWithBasis := (null inputPolys and null lcP) not terminateWithBasis => -- still polynomials left -- determine next polynomial "nP" nP := not null inputPolys => p := first inputPolys inputPolys := rest inputPolys -- we know that p is not equal to 0 or 1, but, although, -- the inputPolys and the basis are ordered, we cannot assume -- that p is reduced w.r.t. basis, as the ordering is only quasi -- and we could have equal leading terms, and due to factorization -- polynomials of smaller leading terms, hence reduce p first: hMonic redPol(p,redPols) -- now we have inputPolys empty and hence lcP is not empty: -- create S-Polynomial from first critical pair: h := sPol first lcP lcP := rest lcP hMonic redPol(h,redPols) nP = 1$Dpol => basis := [[0,1$Dpol]$sugarPol] terminateWithBasis := true -- if "nP" ~= 0, then we continue, otherwise we determine next "nP" nP ~= 0$Dpol => -- now we divide "nP", if possible, by the polynomials -- from "nonZeroRestrictions" for q in nonZeroRestrictions repeat stopDividing := false until stopDividing repeat nPq := nP exquo q stopDividing := (nPq case "failed") if not stopDividing then nP := autoCoerce nPq stopDividing := stopDividing or zero? degree nP zero? degree nP => basis := [[0,1$Dpol]$sugarPol] terminateWithBasis := true -- doSplitting? is still false -- a careful analysis has to be done, when and whether the -- following reduction and case nP=1 is necessary nP := hMonic redPol(nP,redPols) zero? degree nP => basis := [[0,1$Dpol]$sugarPol] terminateWithBasis := true -- doSplitting? is still false -- if "nP" ~= 0, then we continue, otherwise we determine next "nP" nP ~= 0$Dpol => -- now we factorize "nP", which is not constant irreducibleFactors : L Dpol := createAllFactors(nP) -- if there are more than 1 factors we reduce them and split (doSplitting? := not null rest irreducibleFactors) => -- and reduce and normalize the factors for fnP in irreducibleFactors repeat fnP := hMonic redPol(fnP,redPols) -- no factor reduces to 0, as then "fP" would have been -- reduced to zero, -- but 1 may occur, which we will drop in a later version. allReducedFactors := cons(fnP, allReducedFactors) -- end of "for fnP in irreducibleFactors repeat" -- we want that the smaller factors are dealt with first allReducedFactors := reverse allReducedFactors -- now the case of exactly 1 factor, but certainly not -- further reducible with respect to "redPols" nP := first irreducibleFactors -- put "nP" into "basis" and update "lcP" and "redPols": lcP : L critPair := updateCritPairs(lcP,newPairs(basis,nP),nP) basis := updateBasis(basis,nP,virtualDegree nP) redPols := concat(redPols,nP) -- end of "while not doSplitting? and not terminateWithBasis repeat" -- STEP 2 splitting step doSplitting? => for fnP in allReducedFactors repeat if fnP ~= 1$Dpol then newInputPolys : L Dpol := _ sort( degree #1 > degree #2 ,cons(fnP,inputPolys)) listOfBases := createGroebnerBases(basis, redPols, _ nonZeroRestrictions,newInputPolys,lcP,listOfBases,info) -- update "nonZeroRestrictions" nonZeroRestrictions := cons(fnP,nonZeroRestrictions) else if info then messagePrint("we terminated with [1]")$OUT listOfBases := cons([1$Dpol],listOfBases) -- we finished with all the branches on one level and hence -- finished this call of createGroebnerBasis. Therefore -- we terminate with the actual "listOfBasis" as -- everything is done in the recursions listOfBases -- end of "doSplitting? =>" -- STEP 3 termination step -- we found a groebner basis and put it into the list "listOfBases" -- (auto)reduce each basis element modulo the others newBasis := minGbasis(sort(degree #1 > degree #2,[p.pol for p in basis])) -- now check whether the normalized basis again has reducible -- polynomials, in this case continue splitting! if info then messagePrint("we found a groebner basis and check whether it ")$OUT messagePrint("contains reducible polynomials")$OUT print(newBasis::OUT)$OUT -- here we should create an output form which is reusable by the system -- print(convert(newBasis::OUT)$InputForm :: OUT)$OUT removeDuplicates append(factorGroebnerBasis(newBasis, info), listOfBases) createAllFactors(p: Dpol) == loF : L Dpol := [el.fctr for el in factorList factor(p)$MF] sort(degree #1 < degree #2, loF) newPairs(lp : L sugarPol,p : Dpol) == totdegreeOfp : NNI := virtualDegree p -- next list lcP contains all critPair constructed from -- p and and the polynomials q in lp lcP: L critPair := _ --[[sup(degree q, degreeOfp), q, p]$critPair for q in lp] [makeCrit(q, p, totdegreeOfp) for q in lp] -- application of the criteria to reduce the list lcP critMTonD1 sort(critpOrder,lcP) updateCritPairs(oldListOfcritPairs, newListOfcritPairs, p)== updatD (newListOfcritPairs, critBonD(p,oldListOfcritPairs)) updateBasis(lp, p, deg) == updatF(p,deg,lp) -- exported functions factorGroebnerBasis basis == factorGroebnerBasis(basis, false) factorGroebnerBasis (basis, info) == foundAReducible : Boolean := false for p in basis while not foundAReducible repeat -- we use fact that polynomials have content 1 foundAReducible := 1 < #[el.fctr for el in factorList factor(p)$MF] not foundAReducible => if info then messagePrint("factorGroebnerBasis: no reducible polynomials in this basis")$OUT [basis] -- improve! Use the fact that the irreducible ones already -- build part of the basis, use the done factorizations, etc. if info then messagePrint("factorGroebnerBasis:_ we found reducible polynomials and continue splitting")$OUT createGroebnerBases([],[],[],basis,[],[],info) groebnerFactorize(basis, nonZeroRestrictions) == groebnerFactorize(basis, nonZeroRestrictions, false) groebnerFactorize(basis, nonZeroRestrictions, info) == basis = [] => [basis] basis := remove(#1 = 0$Dpol,basis) basis = [] => [[0$Dpol]] -- normalize all input polynomial basis := [hMonic p for p in basis] member?(1$Dpol,basis) => [[1$Dpol]] basis := sort(degree #1 > degree #2, basis) createGroebnerBases([],[],nonZeroRestrictions,basis,[],[],info) groebnerFactorize(basis) == groebnerFactorize(basis, [], false) groebnerFactorize(basis,info) == groebnerFactorize(basis, [], info) @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<package GBF GroebnerFactorizationPackage>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}