\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra gaussian.spad} \author{Barry Trager, James Davenport} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{category COMPCAT ComplexCategory} <<category COMPCAT ComplexCategory>>= )abbrev category COMPCAT ComplexCategory ++ Author: ++ Date Created: ++ Date Last Updated: 18 March 1994 ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: complex, gaussian ++ References: ++ Description: ++ This category represents the extension of a ring by a square ++ root of -1. ComplexCategory(R:CommutativeRing): Category == Join(MonogenicAlgebra(R, SparseUnivariatePolynomial R), FullyRetractableTo R, DifferentialExtension R, FullyEvalableOver R, FullyPatternMatchable(R), Patternable(R), FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver R, CommutativeRing) with complex ++ indicates that % has sqrt(-1) imaginary: () -> % ++ imaginary() = sqrt(-1) = %i. conjugate: % -> % ++ conjugate(x + %i y) returns x - %i y. complex : (R, R) -> % ++ complex(x,y) constructs x + %i*y. imag : % -> R ++ imag(x) returns imaginary part of x. real : % -> R ++ real(x) returns real part of x. norm : % -> R ++ norm(x) returns x * conjugate(x) if R has OrderedSet then OrderedSet if R has IntegralDomain then IntegralDomain _exquo : (%,R) -> Union(%,"failed") ++ exquo(x, r) returns the exact quotient of x by r, or ++ "failed" if r does not divide x exactly. if R has EuclideanDomain then EuclideanDomain if R has multiplicativeValuation then multiplicativeValuation if R has additiveValuation then additiveValuation if R has Field then -- this is a lie; we must know that Field -- x**2+1 is irreducible in R if R has ConvertibleTo InputForm then ConvertibleTo InputForm if R has CharacteristicZero then CharacteristicZero if R has CharacteristicNonZero then CharacteristicNonZero if R has RealConstant then ConvertibleTo Complex DoubleFloat ConvertibleTo Complex Float if R has RealNumberSystem then abs: % -> % ++ abs(x) returns the absolute value of x = sqrt(norm(x)). if R has TranscendentalFunctionCategory then TranscendentalFunctionCategory argument: % -> R ++ argument(x) returns the angle made by (0,1) and (0,x). if R has RadicalCategory then RadicalCategory if R has RealNumberSystem then polarCoordinates: % -> Record(r:R, phi:R) ++ polarCoordinates(x) returns (r, phi) such that x = r * exp(%i * phi). if R has IntegerNumberSystem then rational? : % -> Boolean ++ rational?(x) tests if x is a rational number. rational : % -> Fraction Integer ++ rational(x) returns x as a rational number. ++ Error: if x is not a rational number. rationalIfCan: % -> Union(Fraction Integer, "failed") ++ rationalIfCan(x) returns x as a rational number, or ++ "failed" if x is not a rational number. if R has PolynomialFactorizationExplicit and R has EuclideanDomain then PolynomialFactorizationExplicit add import MatrixCategoryFunctions2(%, Vector %, Vector %, Matrix %, R, Vector R, Vector R, Matrix R) SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial characteristicPolynomial x == v := monomial(1,1)$SUP(R) v**2 - trace(x)*v**1 + norm(x)*v**0 if R has PolynomialFactorizationExplicit and R has EuclideanDomain then SupR ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial R Sup ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial % import FactoredFunctionUtilities Sup import UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(R,SupR,%,Sup) import UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(%,Sup,R,SupR) pp,qq:Sup if R has IntegerNumberSystem then myNextPrime: (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> % myNextPrime(x,n ) == -- prime is actually in R, and = 3(mod 4) xr:=real(x)-4::R while not prime? xr repeat xr:=xr-4::R complex(xr,0) --!TT:=InnerModularGcd(%,Sup,32719 :: %,myNextPrime) --!gcdPolynomial(pp,qq) == modularGcd(pp,qq)$TT solveLinearPolynomialEquation(lp:List Sup,p:Sup) == solveLinearPolynomialEquation(lp,p)$ComplexIntegerSolveLinearPolynomialEquation(R,%) normPolynomial: Sup -> SupR normPolynomial pp == map(retract(#1@%)::R,pp * map(conjugate,pp)) factorPolynomial pp == refine(squareFree pp,factorSquareFreePolynomial) factorSquareFreePolynomial pp == pnorm:=normPolynomial pp k:R:=0 while degree gcd(pnorm,differentiate pnorm)>0 repeat k:=k+1 pnorm:=normPolynomial elt(pp,monomial(1,1)-monomial(complex(0,k),0)) fR:=factorSquareFreePolynomial pnorm numberOfFactors fR = 1 => makeFR(1,[["irred",pp,1]]) lF:List Record(flg:Union("nil", "sqfr", "irred", "prime"), fctr:Sup, xpnt:Integer):=[] for u in factorList fR repeat p1:=map((#1@R)::%,u.fctr) if not zero? k then p1:=elt(p1,monomial(1,1)+monomial(complex(0,k),0)) p2:=gcd(p1,pp) lF:=cons(["irred",p2,1],lF) pp:=(pp exquo p2)::Sup makeFR(pp,lF) rank() == 2 discriminant() == -4 :: R norm x == real(x)**2 + imag(x)**2 trace x == 2 * real x imaginary() == complex(0, 1) conjugate x == complex(real x, - imag x) characteristic() == characteristic()$R map(fn, x) == complex(fn real x, fn imag x) x = y == real(x) = real(y) and imag(x) = imag(y) x + y == complex(real x + real y, imag x + imag y) - x == complex(- real x, - imag x) r:R * x:% == complex(r * real x, r * imag x) coordinates(x:%) == [real x, imag x] n:Integer * x:% == complex(n * real x, n * imag x) differentiate(x:%, d:R -> R) == complex(d real x, d imag x) definingPolynomial() == monomial(1,2)$(SUP R) + monomial(1,0)$(SUP R) reduce(pol:SUP R) == part:= (monicDivide(pol,definingPolynomial())).remainder complex(coefficient(part,0),coefficient(part,1)) lift(x) == monomial(real x,0)$(SUP R)+monomial(imag x,1)$(SUP R) minimalPolynomial x == zero? imag x => monomial(1, 1)$(SUP R) - monomial(real x, 0)$(SUP R) monomial(1, 2)$(SUP R) - monomial(trace x, 1)$(SUP R) + monomial(norm x, 0)$(SUP R) coordinates(x:%, v:Vector %):Vector(R) == ra := real(a := v(minIndex v)) rb := real(b := v(maxIndex v)) (#v ~= 2) or ((d := recip(ra * (ib := imag b) - (ia := imag a) * rb)) case "failed") =>error "coordinates: vector is not a basis" rx := real x ix := imag x [d::R * (rx * ib - ix * rb), d::R * (ra * ix - ia * rx)] coerce(x:%):OutputForm == re := (r := real x)::OutputForm ie := (i := imag x)::OutputForm zero? i => re outi := "%i"::Symbol::OutputForm ip := -- one? i => outi (i = 1) => outi -- one?(-i) => -outi ((-i) = 1) => -outi ie * outi zero? r => ip re + ip retract(x:%):R == not zero?(imag x) => error "Imaginary part is nonzero. Cannot retract." real x retractIfCan(x:%):Union(R, "failed") == not zero?(imag x) => "failed" real x x:% * y:% == complex(real x * real y - imag x * imag y, imag x * real y + imag y * real x) reducedSystem(m:Matrix %):Matrix R == vertConcat(map(real, m), map(imag, m)) reducedSystem(m:Matrix %, v:Vector %): Record(mat:Matrix R, vec:Vector R) == rh := reducedSystem(v::Matrix %)@Matrix(R) [reducedSystem(m)@Matrix(R), column(rh, minColIndex rh)] if R has RealNumberSystem then abs(x:%):% == (sqrt norm x)::% if R has RealConstant then convert(x:%):Complex(DoubleFloat) == complex(convert(real x)@DoubleFloat,convert(imag x)@DoubleFloat) convert(x:%):Complex(Float) == complex(convert(real x)@Float, convert(imag x)@Float) if R has ConvertibleTo InputForm then convert(x:%):InputForm == convert([convert("complex"::Symbol), convert real x, convert imag x]$List(InputForm))@InputForm if R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Integer then convert(x:%):Pattern Integer == convert(x)$ComplexPattern(Integer, R, %) if R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Float then convert(x:%):Pattern Float == convert(x)$ComplexPattern(Float, R, %) if R has PatternMatchable Integer then patternMatch(x:%, p:Pattern Integer, l:PatternMatchResult(Integer, %)) == patternMatch(x, p, l)$ComplexPatternMatch(Integer, R, %) if R has PatternMatchable Float then patternMatch(x:%, p:Pattern Float, l:PatternMatchResult(Float, %)) == patternMatch(x, p, l)$ComplexPatternMatch(Float, R, %) if R has OrderedSet then x < y == real x = real y => imag x < imag y real x < real y if R has IntegerNumberSystem then rational? x == zero? imag x rational x == zero? imag x => rational real x error "Not a rational number" rationalIfCan x == zero? imag x => rational real x "failed" if R has Field then inv x == zero? imag x => (inv real x)::% r := norm x complex(real(x) / r, - imag(x) / r) if R has IntegralDomain then _exquo(x:%, r:R) == -- one? r => x (r = 1) => x (r1 := real(x) exquo r) case "failed" => "failed" (r2 := imag(x) exquo r) case "failed" => "failed" complex(r1, r2) _exquo(x:%, y:%) == zero? imag y => x exquo real y x * conjugate(y) exquo norm(y) recip(x:%) == 1 exquo x if R has OrderedRing then unitNormal x == zero? x => [1,x,1] (u := recip x) case % => [x, 1, u] zero? real x => c := unitNormal imag x [complex(0, c.unit), (c.associate * imag x)::%, complex(0, - c.associate)] c := unitNormal real x x := c.associate * x imag x < 0 => x := complex(- imag x, real x) [- c.unit * imaginary(), x, c.associate * imaginary()] [c.unit ::%, x, c.associate ::%] else unitNormal x == zero? x => [1,x,1] (u := recip x) case % => [x, 1, u] zero? real x => c := unitNormal imag x [complex(0, c.unit), (c.associate * imag x)::%, complex(0, - c.associate)] c := unitNormal real x x := c.associate * x [c.unit ::%, x, c.associate ::%] if R has EuclideanDomain then if R has additiveValuation then euclideanSize x == max(euclideanSize real x, euclideanSize imag x) else euclideanSize x == euclideanSize(real(x)**2 + imag(x)**2)$R if R has IntegerNumberSystem then x rem y == zero? imag y => yr:=real y complex(symmetricRemainder(real(x), yr), symmetricRemainder(imag(x), yr)) divide(x, y).remainder x quo y == zero? imag y => yr:= real y xr:= real x xi:= imag x complex((xr-symmetricRemainder(xr,yr)) quo yr, (xi-symmetricRemainder(xi,yr)) quo yr) divide(x, y).quotient else x rem y == zero? imag y => yr:=real y complex(real(x) rem yr,imag(x) rem yr) divide(x, y).remainder x quo y == zero? imag y => complex(real x quo real y,imag x quo real y) divide(x, y).quotient divide(x, y) == r := norm y y1 := conjugate y xx := x * y1 x1 := real(xx) rem r a := x1 if x1~=0 and sizeLess?(r, 2 * x1) then a := x1 - r if sizeLess?(x1, a) then a := x1 + r x2 := imag(xx) rem r b := x2 if x2~=0 and sizeLess?(r, 2 * x2) then b := x2 - r if sizeLess?(x2, b) then b := x2 + r y1 := (complex(a, b) exquo y1)::% [((x - y1) exquo y)::%, y1] if R has TranscendentalFunctionCategory then half := recip(2::R)::R if R has RealNumberSystem then atan2loc(y: R, x: R): R == pi1 := pi()$R pi2 := pi1 * half x = 0 => if y >= 0 then pi2 else -pi2 -- Atan in (-pi/2,pi/2] theta := atan(y * recip(x)::R) while theta <= -pi2 repeat theta := theta + pi1 while theta > pi2 repeat theta := theta - pi1 x >= 0 => theta -- I or IV if y >= 0 then theta + pi1 -- II else theta - pi1 -- III argument x == atan2loc(imag x, real x) else -- Not ordered so dictate two quadrants argument x == zero? real x => pi()$R * half atan(imag(x) * recip(real x)::R) pi() == pi()$R :: % if R is DoubleFloat then stoc ==> S_-TO_-C$Lisp ctos ==> C_-TO_-S$Lisp exp x == ctos EXP(stoc x)$Lisp log x == ctos LOG(stoc x)$Lisp sin x == ctos SIN(stoc x)$Lisp cos x == ctos COS(stoc x)$Lisp tan x == ctos TAN(stoc x)$Lisp asin x == ctos ASIN(stoc x)$Lisp acos x == ctos ACOS(stoc x)$Lisp atan x == ctos ATAN(stoc x)$Lisp sinh x == ctos SINH(stoc x)$Lisp cosh x == ctos COSH(stoc x)$Lisp tanh x == ctos TANH(stoc x)$Lisp asinh x == ctos ASINH(stoc x)$Lisp acosh x == ctos ACOSH(stoc x)$Lisp atanh x == ctos ATANH(stoc x)$Lisp else atan x == ix := imaginary()*x - imaginary() * half * (log(1 + ix) - log(1 - ix)) log x == complex(log(norm x) * half, argument x) exp x == e := exp real x complex(e * cos imag x, e * sin imag x) cos x == e := exp(imaginary() * x) half * (e + recip(e)::%) sin x == e := exp(imaginary() * x) - imaginary() * half * (e - recip(e)::%) if R has RealNumberSystem then polarCoordinates x == [sqrt norm x, (negative?(t := argument x) => t + 2 * pi(); t)] x:% ** q:Fraction(Integer) == zero? q => zero? x => error "0 ** 0 is undefined" 1 zero? x => 0 rx := real x zero? imag x and positive? rx => (rx ** q)::% zero? imag x and denom q = 2 => complex(0, (-rx)**q) ax := sqrt(norm x) ** q tx := q::R * argument x complex(ax * cos tx, ax * sin tx) else if R has RadicalCategory then x:% ** q:Fraction(Integer) == zero? q => zero? x => error "0 ** 0 is undefined" 1 r := real x zero?(i := imag x) => (r ** q)::% t := numer(q) * recip(denom(q)::R)::R * argument x e:R := zero? r => i ** q norm(x) ** (q / (2::Fraction(Integer))) complex(e * cos t, e * sin t) @ \section{package COMPLPAT ComplexPattern} <<package COMPLPAT ComplexPattern>>= )abbrev package COMPLPAT ComplexPattern ++ Author: Barry Trager ++ Date Created: 30 Nov 1995 ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: complex, patterns ++ References: ++ Description: ++ This package supports converting complex expressions to patterns ComplexPattern(R, S, CS) : C == T where R: SetCategory S: Join(ConvertibleTo Pattern R, CommutativeRing) CS: ComplexCategory S C == with convert: CS -> Pattern R ++ convert(cs) converts the complex expression cs to a pattern T == add ipat : Pattern R := patternVariable("%i"::Symbol, true, false, false) convert(cs) == zero? imag cs => convert real cs convert real cs + ipat * convert imag cs @ \section{package CPMATCH ComplexPatternMatch} <<package CPMATCH ComplexPatternMatch>>= )abbrev package CPMATCH ComplexPatternMatch ++ Author: Barry Trager ++ Date Created: 30 Nov 1995 ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: complex, pattern matching ++ References: ++ Description: ++ This package supports matching patterns involving complex expressions ComplexPatternMatch(R, S, CS) : C == T where R: SetCategory S: Join(PatternMatchable R, CommutativeRing) CS: ComplexCategory S PMRS ==> PatternMatchResult(R, CS) PS ==> Polynomial S C == with if PS has PatternMatchable(R) then patternMatch: (CS, Pattern R, PMRS) -> PMRS ++ patternMatch(cexpr, pat, res) matches the pattern pat to the ++ complex expression cexpr. res contains the variables of pat ++ which are already matched and their matches. T == add import PatternMatchPushDown(R, S, CS) import PatternMatchResultFunctions2(R, PS, CS) import PatternMatchResultFunctions2(R, CS, PS) ivar : PS := "%i"::Symbol::PS makeComplex(p:PS):CS == up := univariate p degree up > 1 => error "not linear in %i" icoef:=leadingCoefficient(up) rcoef:=leadingCoefficient(reductum p) complex(rcoef,icoef) makePoly(cs:CS):PS == real(cs)*ivar + imag(cs)::PS if PS has PatternMatchable(R) then patternMatch(cs, pat, result) == zero? imag cs => patternMatch(real cs, pat, result) map(makeComplex, patternMatch(makePoly cs, pat, map(makePoly, result))) @ \section{domain COMPLEX Complex} <<domain COMPLEX Complex>>= )abbrev domain COMPLEX Complex ++ Author: ++ Date Created: ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ \spadtype {Complex(R)} creates the domain of elements of the form ++ \spad{a + b * i} where \spad{a} and b come from the ring R, ++ and i is a new element such that \spad{i**2 = -1}. Complex(R:CommutativeRing): ComplexCategory(R) with if R has OpenMath then OpenMath == add Rep := Record(real:R, imag:R) if R has OpenMath then writeOMComplex(dev: OpenMathDevice, x: %): Void == OMputApp(dev) OMputSymbol(dev, "complex1", "complex__cartesian") OMwrite(dev, real x) OMwrite(dev, imag x) OMputEndApp(dev) OMwrite(x: %): String == s: String := "" sp := OM_-STRINGTOSTRINGPTR(s)$Lisp dev: OpenMathDevice := OMopenString(sp pretend String, OMencodingXML) OMputObject(dev) writeOMComplex(dev, x) OMputEndObject(dev) OMclose(dev) s := OM_-STRINGPTRTOSTRING(sp)$Lisp pretend String s OMwrite(x: %, wholeObj: Boolean): String == s: String := "" sp := OM_-STRINGTOSTRINGPTR(s)$Lisp dev: OpenMathDevice := OMopenString(sp pretend String, OMencodingXML) if wholeObj then OMputObject(dev) writeOMComplex(dev, x) if wholeObj then OMputEndObject(dev) OMclose(dev) s := OM_-STRINGPTRTOSTRING(sp)$Lisp pretend String s OMwrite(dev: OpenMathDevice, x: %): Void == OMputObject(dev) writeOMComplex(dev, x) OMputEndObject(dev) OMwrite(dev: OpenMathDevice, x: %, wholeObj: Boolean): Void == if wholeObj then OMputObject(dev) writeOMComplex(dev, x) if wholeObj then OMputEndObject(dev) 0 == [0, 0] 1 == [1, 0] zero? x == zero?(x.real) and zero?(x.imag) -- one? x == one?(x.real) and zero?(x.imag) one? x == ((x.real) = 1) and zero?(x.imag) coerce(r:R):% == [r, 0] complex(r, i) == [r, i] real x == x.real imag x == x.imag x + y == [x.real + y.real, x.imag + y.imag] -- by re-defining this here, we save 5 fn calls x:% * y:% == [x.real * y.real - x.imag * y.imag, x.imag * y.real + y.imag * x.real] -- here we save nine! if R has IntegralDomain then _exquo(x:%, y:%) == -- to correct bad defaulting problem zero? y.imag => x exquo y.real x * conjugate(y) exquo norm(y) @ \section{package COMPLEX2 ComplexFunctions2} <<package COMPLEX2 ComplexFunctions2>>= )abbrev package COMPLEX2 ComplexFunctions2 ++ Author: ++ Date Created: ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ This package extends maps from underlying rings to maps between ++ complex over those rings. ComplexFunctions2(R:CommutativeRing, S:CommutativeRing): with map: (R -> S, Complex R) -> Complex S ++ map(f,u) maps f onto real and imaginary parts of u. == add map(fn, gr) == complex(fn real gr, fn imag gr) @ \section{package COMPFACT ComplexFactorization} <<package COMPFACT ComplexFactorization>>= )abbrev package COMPFACT ComplexFactorization ++ Author: ++ Date Created: ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: Complex, UnivariatePolynomial ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: complex, polynomial factorization, factor ++ References: ComplexFactorization(RR,PR) : C == T where RR : EuclideanDomain -- R is Z or Q PR : UnivariatePolynomialCategory Complex RR R ==> Complex RR I ==> Integer RN ==> Fraction I GI ==> Complex I GRN ==> Complex RN C == with factor : PR -> Factored PR ++ factor(p) factorizes the polynomial p with complex coefficients. T == add SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial fUnion ==> Union("nil", "sqfr", "irred", "prime") FF ==> Record(flg:fUnion, fctr:PR, xpnt:Integer) SAEF := SimpleAlgebraicExtensionAlgFactor(SUP RN,GRN,SUP GRN) UPCF2 := UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(R,PR,GRN,SUP GRN) UPCFB := UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(GRN,SUP GRN,R,PR) myMap(r:R) : GRN == R is GI => cr :GI := r pretend GI complex((real cr)::RN,(imag cr)::RN) R is GRN => r pretend GRN compND(cc:GRN):Record(cnum:GI,cden:Integer) == ccr:=real cc cci:=imag cc dccr:=denom ccr dcci:=denom cci ccd:=lcm(dccr,dcci) [complex(((ccd exquo dccr)::Integer)*numer ccr, ((ccd exquo dcci)::Integer)*numer cci),ccd] conv(f:SUP GRN) :Record(convP:SUP GI, convD:RN) == pris:SUP GI :=0 dris:Integer:=1 dris1:Integer:=1 pdris:Integer:=1 for i in 0..(degree f) repeat (cf:= coefficient(f,i)) = 0 => "next i" cdf:=compND cf dris:=lcm(cdf.cden,dris1) pris:=((dris exquo dris1)::Integer)*pris + ((dris exquo cdf.cden)::Integer)* monomial(cdf.cnum,i)$(SUP GI) dris1:=dris [pris,dris::RN] backConv(ffr:Factored SUP GRN) : Factored PR == R is GRN => makeFR((unit ffr) pretend PR,[[f.flg,(f.fctr) pretend PR,f.xpnt] for f in factorList ffr]) R is GI => const:=unit ffr ris: List FF :=[] for ff in factorList ffr repeat fact:=primitivePart(conv(ff.fctr).convP) expf:=ff.xpnt ris:=cons([ff.flg,fact pretend PR,expf],ris) lc:GRN := myMap leadingCoefficient(fact pretend PR) const:= const*(leadingCoefficient(ff.fctr)/lc)**expf uconst:GI:= compND(coefficient(const,0)).cnum makeFR((uconst pretend R)::PR,ris) factor(pol : PR) : Factored PR == ratPol:SUP GRN := 0 ratPol:=map(myMap,pol)$UPCF2 ffr:=factor ratPol backConv ffr @ \section{package CINTSLPE ComplexIntegerSolveLinearPolynomialEquation} <<package CINTSLPE ComplexIntegerSolveLinearPolynomialEquation>>= )abbrev package CINTSLPE ComplexIntegerSolveLinearPolynomialEquation ++ Author: James Davenport ++ Date Created: 1990 ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Functions: ++ Related Constructors: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ This package provides the generalized euclidean algorithm which is ++ needed as the basic step for factoring polynomials. ComplexIntegerSolveLinearPolynomialEquation(R,CR): C == T where CP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial CR R:IntegerNumberSystem CR:ComplexCategory(R) C == with solveLinearPolynomialEquation: (List CP,CP) -> Union(List CP,"failed") ++ solveLinearPolynomialEquation([f1, ..., fn], g) ++ where (fi relatively prime to each other) ++ returns a list of ai such that ++ g = sum ai prod fj (j \= i) or ++ equivalently g/prod fj = sum (ai/fi) ++ or returns "failed" if no such list exists T == add oldlp:List CP := [] slpePrime:R:=(2::R) oldtable:Vector List CP := empty() solveLinearPolynomialEquation(lp,p) == if (oldlp ~= lp) then -- we have to generate a new table deg:= _+/[degree u for u in lp] ans:Union(Vector List CP,"failed"):="failed" slpePrime:=67108859::R -- 2**26 -5 : a prime -- a good test case for this package is -- (good question?) while (ans case "failed") repeat ans:=tablePow(deg,complex(slpePrime,0),lp)$GenExEuclid(CR,CP) if (ans case "failed") then slpePrime:= slpePrime-4::R while not prime?(slpePrime)$IntegerPrimesPackage(R) repeat slpePrime:= slpePrime-4::R oldtable:=(ans:: Vector List CP) answer:=solveid(p,complex(slpePrime,0),oldtable) answer @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<category COMPCAT ComplexCategory>> <<package COMPLPAT ComplexPattern>> <<package CPMATCH ComplexPatternMatch>> <<domain COMPLEX Complex>> <<package COMPLEX2 ComplexFunctions2>> <<package COMPFACT ComplexFactorization>> <<package CINTSLPE ComplexIntegerSolveLinearPolynomialEquation>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}