\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra formula.spad} \author{Robert S. Sutor} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{domain FORMULA ScriptFormulaFormat} <<domain FORMULA ScriptFormulaFormat>>= )abbrev domain FORMULA ScriptFormulaFormat ++ Author: Robert S. Sutor ++ Date Created: 1987 through 1990 ++ Change History: ++ Basic Operations: coerce, convert, display, epilogue, ++ formula, new, prologue, setEpilogue!, setFormula!, setPrologue! ++ Related Constructors: ScriptFormulaFormat1 ++ Also See: TexFormat ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: output, format, SCRIPT, BookMaster, formula ++ References: ++ SCRIPT Mathematical Formula Formatter User's Guide, SH20-6453, ++ IBM Corporation, Publishing Systems Information Development, ++ Dept. G68, P.O. Box 1900, Boulder, Colorado, USA 80301-9191. ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{ScriptFormulaFormat} provides a coercion from ++ \spadtype{OutputForm} to IBM SCRIPT/VS Mathematical Formula Format. ++ The basic SCRIPT formula format object consists of three parts: a ++ prologue, a formula part and an epilogue. The functions ++ \spadfun{prologue}, \spadfun{formula} and \spadfun{epilogue} ++ extract these parts, respectively. The central parts of the expression ++ go into the formula part. The other parts can be set ++ (\spadfun{setPrologue!}, \spadfun{setEpilogue!}) so that contain the ++ appropriate tags for printing. For example, the prologue and ++ epilogue might simply contain ":df." and ":edf." so that the ++ formula section will be printed in display math mode. ScriptFormulaFormat(): public == private where E ==> OutputForm I ==> Integer L ==> List S ==> String public == SetCategory with coerce: E -> % ++ coerce(o) changes o in the standard output format to ++ SCRIPT formula format. convert: (E,I) -> % ++ convert(o,step) changes o in standard output format to ++ SCRIPT formula format and also adds the given step number. ++ This is useful if you want to create equations with given numbers ++ or have the equation numbers correspond to the interpreter step ++ numbers. display: (%, I) -> Void ++ display(t,width) outputs the formatted code t so that each ++ line has length less than or equal to \spadvar{width}. display: % -> Void ++ display(t) outputs the formatted code t so that each ++ line has length less than or equal to the value set by ++ the system command \spadsyscom{set output length}. epilogue: % -> L S ++ epilogue(t) extracts the epilogue section of a formatted object t. formula: % -> L S ++ formula(t) extracts the formula section of a formatted object t. new: () -> % ++ new() create a new, empty object. Use \spadfun{setPrologue!}, ++ \spadfun{setFormula!} and \spadfun{setEpilogue!} to set the ++ various components of this object. prologue: % -> L S ++ prologue(t) extracts the prologue section of a formatted object t. setEpilogue!: (%, L S) -> L S ++ setEpilogue!(t,strings) sets the epilogue section of a ++ formatted object t to strings. setFormula!: (%, L S) -> L S ++ setFormula!(t,strings) sets the formula section of a ++ formatted object t to strings. setPrologue!: (%, L S) -> L S ++ setPrologue!(t,strings) sets the prologue section of a ++ formatted object t to strings. private == add import OutputForm import Character import Integer import List OutputForm import List String Rep := Record(prolog : L S, formula : L S, epilog : L S) -- local variables declarations and definitions expr: E prec,opPrec: I str: S blank : S := " @@ " maxPrec : I := 1000000 minPrec : I := 0 splitChars : S := " <>[](){}+*=,-%" unaryOps : L S := ["-","^"]$(L S) unaryPrecs : L I := [700,260]$(L I) -- the precedence of / in the following is relatively low because -- the bar obviates the need for parentheses. binaryOps : L S := ["+->","|","**","/","<",">","=","OVER"]$(L S) binaryPrecs : L I := [0,0,900, 700,400,400,400, 700]$(L I) naryOps : L S := ["-","+","*",blank,",",";"," ","ROW","", " habove "," here "," labove "]$(L S) naryPrecs : L I := [700,700,800, 800,110,110, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]$(L I) -- naryNGOps : L S := ["ROW"," here "]$(L S) naryNGOps : L S := nil$(L S) plexOps : L S := ["SIGMA","PI","INTSIGN","INDEFINTEGRAL"]$(L S) plexPrecs : L I := [ 700, 800, 700, 700]$(L I) specialOps : L S := ["MATRIX","BRACKET","BRACE","CONCATB", _ "AGGLST","CONCAT","OVERBAR","ROOT","SUB", _ "SUPERSUB","ZAG","AGGSET","SC","PAREN"] -- the next two lists provide translations for some strings for -- which the formula formatter provides special variables. specialStrings : L S := ["5","..."] specialStringsInFormula : L S := [" alpha "," ellipsis "] -- local function signatures addBraces: S -> S addBrackets: S -> S group: S -> S formatBinary: (S,L E, I) -> S formatFunction: (S,L E, I) -> S formatMatrix: L E -> S formatNary: (S,L E, I) -> S formatNaryNoGroup: (S,L E, I) -> S formatNullary: S -> S formatPlex: (S,L E, I) -> S formatSpecial: (S,L E, I) -> S formatUnary: (S, E, I) -> S formatFormula: (E,I) -> S parenthesize: S -> S precondition: E -> E postcondition: S -> S splitLong: (S,I) -> L S splitLong1: (S,I) -> L S stringify: E -> S -- public function definitions new() : % == [[".eq set blank @",":df."]$(L S), [""]$(L S), [":edf."]$(L S)]$Rep coerce(expr : E): % == f : % := new()$% f.formula := [postcondition formatFormula(precondition expr, minPrec)]$(L S) f convert(expr : E, stepNum : I): % == f : % := new()$% f.formula := concat(["<leqno lparen ",string(stepNum)$S, " rparen>"], [postcondition formatFormula(precondition expr, minPrec)]$(L S)) f display(f : %, len : I) == s,t : S for s in f.prolog repeat sayFORMULA(s)$Lisp for s in f.formula repeat for t in splitLong(s, len) repeat sayFORMULA(t)$Lisp for s in f.epilog repeat sayFORMULA(s)$Lisp void()$Void display(f : %) == display(f, _$LINELENGTH$Lisp pretend I) prologue(f : %) == f.prolog formula(f : %) == f.formula epilogue(f : %) == f.epilog setPrologue!(f : %, l : L S) == f.prolog := l setFormula!(f : %, l : L S) == f.formula := l setEpilogue!(f : %, l : L S) == f.epilog := l coerce(f : %): E == s,t : S l : L S := nil for s in f.prolog repeat l := concat(s,l) for s in f.formula repeat for t in splitLong(s, (_$LINELENGTH$Lisp pretend Integer) - 4) repeat l := concat(t,l) for s in f.epilog repeat l := concat(s,l) (reverse l) :: E -- local function definitions postcondition(str: S): S == len : I := #str len < 4 => str plus : Character := char "+" minus: Character := char "-" for i in 1..(len-1) repeat if (str.i =$Character plus) and (str.(i+1) =$Character minus) then setelt(str,i,char " ")$S str stringify expr == object2String(expr)$Lisp pretend S splitLong(str : S, len : I): L S == -- this blocks into lines if len < 20 then len := _$LINELENGTH$Lisp splitLong1(str, len) splitLong1(str : S, len : I) == l : List S := nil s : S := "" ls : I := 0 ss : S lss : I for ss in split(str,char " ") repeat lss := #ss if ls + lss > len then l := concat(s,l)$List(S) s := "" ls := 0 lss > len => l := concat(ss,l)$List(S) ls := ls + lss + 1 s := concat(s,concat(ss," ")$S)$S if ls > 0 then l := concat(s,l)$List(S) reverse l group str == concat ["<",str,">"] addBraces str == concat ["left lbrace ",str," right rbrace"] addBrackets str == concat ["left lb ",str," right rb"] parenthesize str == concat ["left lparen ",str," right rparen"] precondition expr == outputTran(expr)$Lisp formatSpecial(op : S, args : L E, prec : I) : S == op = "AGGLST" => formatNary(",",args,prec) op = "AGGSET" => formatNary(";",args,prec) op = "CONCATB" => formatNary(" ",args,prec) op = "CONCAT" => formatNary("",args,prec) op = "BRACKET" => group addBrackets formatFormula(first args, minPrec) op = "BRACE" => group addBraces formatFormula(first args, minPrec) op = "PAREN" => group parenthesize formatFormula(first args, minPrec) op = "OVERBAR" => null args => "" group concat [formatFormula(first args, minPrec)," bar"] op = "ROOT" => null args => "" tmp : S := formatFormula(first args, minPrec) null rest args => group concat ["sqrt ",tmp] group concat ["midsup adjust(u 1.5 r 9) ", formatFormula(first rest args, minPrec)," sqrt ",tmp] op = "SC" => formatNary(" labove ",args,prec) op = "SUB" => group concat [formatFormula(first args, minPrec)," sub ", formatSpecial("AGGLST",rest args,minPrec)] op = "SUPERSUB" => -- variable name form : List S := [formatFormula(first args, minPrec)] -- subscripts args := rest args null args => concat form tmp : S := formatFormula(first args, minPrec) if tmp ~= "" then form := append(form,[" sub ",tmp])$(List S) -- superscripts args := rest args null args => group concat form tmp : S := formatFormula(first args, minPrec) if tmp ~= "" then form := append(form,[" sup ",tmp])$(List S) -- presuperscripts args := rest args null args => group concat form tmp : S := formatFormula(first args, minPrec) if tmp ~= "" then form := append(form,[" presup ",tmp])$(List S) -- presubscripts args := rest args null args => group concat form tmp : S := formatFormula(first args, minPrec) if tmp ~= "" then form := append(form,[" presub ",tmp])$(List S) group concat form op = "MATRIX" => formatMatrix rest args -- op = "ZAG" => -- concat ["\zag{",formatFormula(first args, minPrec),"}{", -- formatFormula(first rest args,minPrec),"}"] concat ["not done yet for ",op] formatPlex(op : S, args : L E, prec : I) : S == hold : S p : I := position(op,plexOps) p < 1 => error "unknown Script Formula Formatter unary op" opPrec := plexPrecs.p n : I := #args (n ~= 2) and (n ~= 3) => error "wrong number of arguments for plex" s : S := op = "SIGMA" => "sum" op = "PI" => "product" op = "INTSIGN" => "integral" op = "INDEFINTEGRAL" => "integral" "????" hold := formatFormula(first args,minPrec) args := rest args if op ~= "INDEFINTEGRAL" then if hold ~= "" then s := concat [s," from",group concat ["\displaystyle ",hold]] if not null rest args then hold := formatFormula(first args,minPrec) if hold ~= "" then s := concat [s," to",group concat ["\displaystyle ",hold]] args := rest args s := concat [s," ",formatFormula(first args,minPrec)] else hold := group concat [hold," ",formatFormula(first args,minPrec)] s := concat [s," ",hold] if opPrec < prec then s := parenthesize s group s formatMatrix(args : L E) : S == -- format for args is [[ROW ...],[ROW ...],[ROW ...]] group addBrackets formatNary(" habove ",args,minPrec) formatFunction(op : S, args : L E, prec : I) : S == group concat [op, " ", parenthesize formatNary(",",args,minPrec)] formatNullary(op : S) == op = "NOTHING" => "" group concat [op,"()"] formatUnary(op : S, arg : E, prec : I) == p : I := position(op,unaryOps) p < 1 => error "unknown Script Formula Formatter unary op" opPrec := unaryPrecs.p s : S := concat [op,formatFormula(arg,opPrec)] opPrec < prec => group parenthesize s op = "-" => s group s formatBinary(op : S, args : L E, prec : I) : S == p : I := position(op,binaryOps) p < 1 => error "unknown Script Formula Formatter binary op" op := op = "**" => " sup " op = "/" => " over " op = "OVER" => " over " op opPrec := binaryPrecs.p s : S := formatFormula(first args, opPrec) s := concat [s,op,formatFormula(first rest args, opPrec)] group op = " over " => s opPrec < prec => parenthesize s s formatNary(op : S, args : L E, prec : I) : S == group formatNaryNoGroup(op, args, prec) formatNaryNoGroup(op : S, args : L E, prec : I) : S == null args => "" p : I := position(op,naryOps) p < 1 => error "unknown Script Formula Formatter nary op" op := op = "," => ", @@ " op = ";" => "; @@ " op = "*" => blank op = " " => blank op = "ROW" => " here " op l : L S := nil opPrec := naryPrecs.p for a in args repeat l := concat(op,concat(formatFormula(a,opPrec),l)$L(S))$L(S) s : S := concat reverse rest l opPrec < prec => parenthesize s s formatFormula(expr,prec) == i : Integer ATOM(expr)$Lisp pretend Boolean => str := stringify expr FIXP(expr)$Lisp => i := expr : Integer if (i < 0) or (i > 9) then group str else str (i := position(str,specialStrings)) > 0 => specialStringsInFormula.i str l : L E := (expr pretend L E) null l => blank op : S := stringify first l args : L E := rest l nargs : I := #args -- special cases member?(op, specialOps) => formatSpecial(op,args,prec) member?(op, plexOps) => formatPlex(op,args,prec) -- nullary case 0 = nargs => formatNullary op -- unary case (1 = nargs) and member?(op, unaryOps) => formatUnary(op, first args, prec) -- binary case (2 = nargs) and member?(op, binaryOps) => formatBinary(op, args, prec) -- nary case member?(op,naryNGOps) => formatNaryNoGroup(op,args, prec) member?(op,naryOps) => formatNary(op,args, prec) op := formatFormula(first l,minPrec) formatFunction(op,args,prec) @ \section{package FORMULA1 ScriptFormulaFormat1} <<package FORMULA1 ScriptFormulaFormat1>>= )abbrev package FORMULA1 ScriptFormulaFormat1 ++ Author: Robert S. Sutor ++ Date Created: 1987 through 1990 ++ Change History: ++ Basic Operations: coerce ++ Related Constructors: ScriptFormulaFormat ++ Also See: TexFormat, TexFormat1 ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: output, format, SCRIPT, BookMaster, formula ++ References: ++ SCRIPT Mathematical Formula Formatter User's Guide, SH20-6453, ++ IBM Corporation, Publishing Systems Information Development, ++ Dept. G68, P.O. Box 1900, Boulder, Colorado, USA 80301-9191. ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{ScriptFormulaFormat1} provides a utility coercion for ++ changing to SCRIPT formula format anything that has a coercion to ++ the standard output format. ScriptFormulaFormat1(S : SetCategory): public == private where public == with coerce: S -> ScriptFormulaFormat() ++ coerce(s) provides a direct coercion from an expression s of domain S to ++ SCRIPT formula format. This allows the user to skip the step of ++ first manually coercing the object to standard output format ++ before it is coerced to SCRIPT formula format. private == add import ScriptFormulaFormat() coerce(s : S): ScriptFormulaFormat == coerce(s :: OutputForm)$ScriptFormulaFormat @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<domain FORMULA ScriptFormulaFormat>> <<package FORMULA1 ScriptFormulaFormat1>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}