\documentclass{article} \usepackage{open-axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra exposed.lsp} \author{Timothy Daly} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{License} <<license>>= ;;Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. ;;All rights reserved. ;; ;;Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;;met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the ;; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;;THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ;;IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;;TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ;;PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER ;;OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ;;EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ;;PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;;PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;;LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;;NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;;SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> (import-module "boot-pkg") (in-package "BOOT") (defparameter |$globalExposureGroupAlist| '( ;;define the groups |basic| |naglink| |categories| |Hidden| |defaults| (|basic| (|AddAst| . ADDAST) (|AlgebraicManipulations| . ALGMANIP) (|AlgebraicNumber| . AN) (|AlgFactor| . ALGFACT) (|AlgebraicMultFact| . ALGMFACT) (|AlgebraPackage| . ALGPKG) (|AlgebraGivenByStructuralConstants| . ALGSC) (|Any| . ANY) (|AnyFunctions1| . ANY1) (|Arity| . ARITY) (|ArrayStack| . ASTACK) (|AssociatedJordanAlgebra| . JORDAN) (|AssociatedLieAlgebra| . LIE) (|AttachPredicates| . PMPRED) (|AttributeAst| . ATTRAST) (|BalancedBinaryTree| . BBTREE) (|BasicOperator| . BOP) (|BasicOperatorFunctions1| . BOP1) (|BinaryExpansion| . BINARY) (|BinaryOperation| . BINOP) (|BinarySearchTree| . BSTREE) (|BinaryTournament| . BTOURN) (|BinaryTree| . BTREE) (|Binding| . BINDING) (|Bits| . BITS) (|Boolean| . BOOLEAN) (|Byte| . BYTE) (|ByteBuffer| . BYTEBUF) (|CallAst| . CALLAST) (|CapsuleAst| . CAPSLAST) (|CardinalNumber| . CARD) (|CartesianTensor| . CARTEN) (|CartesianTensorFunctions2| . CARTEN2) (|CaseAst| . CASEAST) (|Category| . CATEGORY) (|CategoryAst| . CATAST) (|Character| . CHAR) (|CharacterClass| . CCLASS) (|CharacteristicPolynomialPackage| . CHARPOL) (|CliffordAlgebra| . CLIF) (|CoerceAst| . CRCEAST) (|CollectAst| . CLLCTAST) (|Color| . COLOR) (|CommaAst| . COMMAAST) (|CommonDenominator| . CDEN) (|CommutativeOperation| . COMOP) (|Commutator| . COMM) (|Complex| . COMPLEX) (|ComplexFactorization| . COMPFACT) (|ComplexFunctions2| . COMPLEX2) (|ComplexRootPackage| . CMPLXRT) (|ComplexTrigonometricManipulations| . CTRIGMNP) (|ColonAst| . COLONAST) (|ConstructAst| . LSTAST) (|ConstructorCall| . CTORCALL) (|ContinuedFraction| . CONTFRAC) (|Contour| . CONTOUR) (|CoordinateSystems| . COORDSYS) (|CRApackage| . CRAPACK) (|CycleIndicators| . CYCLES) (|Database| . DBASE) (|DataArray| . DATABUF) (|DataList| . DLIST) (|DecimalExpansion| . DECIMAL) (|DefinitionAst| . DEFAST) (|DenavitHartenbergMatrix| . DHMATRIX) (|Dequeue| . DEQUEUE) (|DiophantineSolutionPackage| . DIOSP) (|DirectProductFunctions2| . DIRPROD2) (|DisplayPackage| . DISPLAY) (|DistinctDegreeFactorize| . DDFACT) (|Domain| . DOMAIN) (|DoubleFloat| . DFLOAT) (|DoubleFloatSpecialFunctions| . DFSFUN) (|DrawComplex| . DRAWCX) (|DrawNumericHack| . DRAWHACK) (|DrawOption| . DROPT) (|DualBasis| . DBASIS) (|EigenPackage| . EP) (|ElaboratedExpression| . ELABEXPR) (|ElementaryFunctionDefiniteIntegration| . DEFINTEF) (|ElementaryFunctionLODESolver| . LODEEF) (|ElementaryFunctionODESolver| . ODEEF) (|ElementaryFunctionSign| . SIGNEF) (|ElementaryFunctionStructurePackage| . EFSTRUC) (|Environment| . ENV) (|Equation| . EQ) (|EquationFunctions2| . EQ2) (|ErrorFunctions| . ERROR) (|EuclideanGroebnerBasisPackage| . GBEUCLID) (|Exit| . EXIT) (|ExitAst| . EXITAST) (|Expression| . EXPR) (|ExpressionFunctions2| . EXPR2) (|ExpressionSpaceFunctions2| . ES2) (|ExpressionSpaceODESolver| . EXPRODE) (|ExpressionToUnivariatePowerSeries| . EXPR2UPS) (|Factored| . FR) (|FactoredFunctions2| . FR2) (|File| . FILE) (|FileName| . FNAME) (|FiniteDivisorFunctions2| . FDIV2) (|FiniteField| . FF) (|FiniteFieldCyclicGroup| . FFCG) (|FiniteFieldPolynomialPackage2| . FFPOLY2) (|FiniteFieldNormalBasis| . FFNB) (|FiniteFieldHomomorphisms| . FFHOM) (|FiniteLinearAggregateFunctions2| . FLAGG2) (|FiniteLinearAggregateSort| . FLASORT) (|FiniteSetAggregateFunctions2| . FSAGG2) (|FlexibleArray| . FARRAY) (|Float| . FLOAT) (|FloatingRealPackage| . FLOATRP) (|FloatingComplexPackage| . FLOATCP) (|FourierSeries| . FSERIES) (|Fraction| . FRAC) (|FractionalIdealFunctions2| . FRIDEAL2) (|FractionFunctions2| . FRAC2) (|FreeNilpotentLie| . FNLA) (|FullPartialFractionExpansion| . FPARFRAC) (|FunctionFieldCategoryFunctions2| . FFCAT2) (|FunctionSpaceAssertions| . PMASSFS) (|FunctionSpaceAttachPredicates| . PMPREDFS) (|FunctionSpaceComplexIntegration| . FSCINT) (|FunctionSpaceFunctions2| . FS2) (|FunctionSpaceIntegration| . FSINT) (|FunctionSpacePrimitiveElement| . FSPRMELT) (|FunctionSpaceSum| . SUMFS) (|GaussianFactorizationPackage| . GAUSSFAC) (|GeneralUnivariatePowerSeries| . GSERIES) (|GenerateUnivariatePowerSeries| . GENUPS) (|GraphicsDefaults| . GRDEF) (|GroebnerPackage| . GB) (|GroebnerFactorizationPackage| . GBF) (|HallBasis| . HB) (|HasAst| . HASAST) (|HeadAst| . HEADAST) (|Heap| . HEAP) (|HexadecimalExpansion| . HEXADEC) (|Hostname| . HOSTNAME) (|IdealDecompositionPackage| . IDECOMP) (|Identifier| . IDENT) (|IfAst| . IFAST) (|ImportAst| . IMPTAST) (|IndexCard| . ICARD) (|InfiniteProductCharacteristicZero| . INFPROD0) (|InfiniteProductFiniteField| . INPRODFF) (|InfiniteProductPrimeField| . INPRODPF) (|InfiniteTuple| . ITUPLE) (|InfiniteTupleFunctions2| . ITFUN2) (|InfiniteTupleFunctions3| . ITFUN3) (|Infinity| . INFINITY) (|InputBinaryFile| . INBFILE) (|InputOutputBinaryFile| . IOBFILE) (|Integer| . INT) (|IntegerCombinatoricFunctions| . COMBINAT) (|IntegerLinearDependence| . ZLINDEP) (|IntegerNumberTheoryFunctions| . INTHEORY) (|IntegerPrimesPackage| . PRIMES) (|IntegerRetractions| . INTRET) (|IntegerRoots| . IROOT) (|IntegrationResultFunctions2| . IR2) (|IntegrationResultRFToFunction| . IRRF2F) (|IntegrationResultToFunction| . IR2F) (|InternalRepresentationForm| . IRFORM) (|Interval| . INTRVL) (|InventorDataSink| . IVDATA) (|InventorViewPort| . IVVIEW) (|InventorRenderPackage| . IVREND) (|InverseLaplaceTransform| . INVLAPLA) (|IP4Address| . IP4ADDR) (|IrrRepSymNatPackage| . IRSN) (|IsAst| . ISAST) (|JavaBytecode| . JAVACODE) (|JoinAst| . JOINAST) (|KernelFunctions2| . KERNEL2) (|KeyedAccessFile| . KAFILE) (|LaplaceTransform| . LAPLACE) (|LazardMorenoSolvingPackage| . LAZM3PK) (|LetAst| . LETAST) (|Library| . LIB) (|LieSquareMatrix| . LSQM) (|LinearBasis| . LINBASIS) (|LinearElement| . LINELT) (|LinearForm| . LINFORM) (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator| . LODO) (|LinearSystemMatrixPackage| . LSMP) (|LinearSystemMatrixPackage1| . LSMP1) (|LinearSystemPolynomialPackage| . LSPP) (|List| . LIST) (|ListFunctions2| . LIST2) (|ListFunctions3| . LIST3) (|ListToMap| . LIST2MAP) (|Literal| . LITERAL) (|MacroAst| . MACROAST) (|MakeFloatCompiledFunction| . MKFLCFN) (|MakeFunction| . MKFUNC) (|MakeRecord| . MKRECORD) (|MappingAst| . MAPPAST) (|MappingPackage1| . MAPPKG1) (|MappingPackage2| . MAPPKG2) (|MappingPackage3| . MAPPKG3) (|MathMLFormat| . MMLFORM) (|Matrix| . MATRIX) (|MatrixCategoryFunctions2| . MATCAT2) (|MatrixCommonDenominator| . MCDEN) (|MatrixLinearAlgebraFunctions| . MATLIN) (|Maybe| . MAYBE) (|MergeThing| . MTHING) (|ModularDistinctDegreeFactorizer| . MDDFACT) (|ModuleOperator| . MODOP) (|MonoidOperation| . MONOP) (|MonoidRingFunctions2| . MRF2) (|MoreSystemCommands| . MSYSCMD) (|MPolyCatFunctions2| . MPC2) (|MPolyCatRationalFunctionFactorizer| . MPRFF) (|Multiset| . MSET) (|MultivariateFactorize| . MULTFACT) (|MultivariatePolynomial| . MPOLY) (|MultFiniteFactorize| . MFINFACT) (|InetClientStreamSocket| . INETCLTS) (|NoneFunctions1| . NONE1) (|NonNegativeInteger| . NNI) (|NormalizationPackage| . NORMPK) (|NormInMonogenicAlgebra| . NORMMA) (|NumberTheoreticPolynomialFunctions| . NTPOLFN) (|Numeric| . NUMERIC) (|NumericalOrdinaryDifferentialEquations| . NUMODE) (|NumericalQuadrature| . NUMQUAD) (|NumericComplexEigenPackage| . NCEP) (|NumericRealEigenPackage| . NREP) (|NumericContinuedFraction| . NCNTFRAC) (|Octonion| . OCT) (|OctonionCategoryFunctions2| . OCTCT2) (|OneDimensionalArray| . ARRAY1) (|OneDimensionalArrayFunctions2| . ARRAY12) (|OnePointCompletion| . ONECOMP) (|OnePointCompletionFunctions2| . ONECOMP2) (|OperationsQuery| . OPQUERY) (|OrderedCompletion| . ORDCOMP) (|OrderedCompletionFunctions2| . ORDCOMP2) (|OrdinaryDifferentialRing| . ODR) (|OrdSetInts| . OSI) (|OrthogonalPolynomialFunctions| . ORTHPOL) (|OutputBinaryFile| . OUTBFILE) (|OutputPackage| . OUT) (|PadeApproximantPackage| . PADEPAC) (|Pair| . PAIR) (|Palette| . PALETTE) (|PartialFraction| . PFR) (|Partition| . PRTITION) (|PatternFunctions2| . PATTERN2) (|ParameterAst| . PARAMAST) (|ParametricPlaneCurve| . PARPCURV) (|ParametricSpaceCurve| . PARSCURV) (|ParametricSurface| . PARSURF) (|ParametricPlaneCurveFunctions2| . PARPC2) (|ParametricSpaceCurveFunctions2| . PARSC2) (|ParametricSurfaceFunctions2| . PARSU2) (|Parser| . PARSER) (|PartitionsAndPermutations| . PARTPERM) (|PatternMatch| . PATMATCH) (|PatternMatchAssertions| . PMASS) (|PatternMatchResultFunctions2| . PATRES2) (|PendantTree| . PENDTREE) (|Permanent| . PERMAN) (|PermutationGroupExamples| . PGE) (|PermutationGroup| . PERMGRP) (|Permutation| . PERM) (|Pi| . HACKPI) (|PiCoercions| . PICOERCE) (|PointFunctions2| . PTFUNC2) (|PolyGroebner| . PGROEB) (|Polynomial| . POLY) (|PolynomialAN2Expression| . PAN2EXPR) (|PolynomialComposition| . PCOMP) (|PolynomialDecomposition| . PDECOMP) (|PolynomialFunctions2| . POLY2) (|PolynomialIdeals| . IDEAL) (|PolynomialToUnivariatePolynomial| . POLY2UP) (|PortNumber| . PORTNUM) (|PositiveInteger| . PI) (|PowerSeriesLimitPackage| . LIMITPS) (|PretendAst| . PRTDAST) (|PrimeField| . PF) (|PrimitiveArrayFunctions2| . PRIMARR2) (|PrintPackage| . PRINT) (|Property| . PROPERTY) (|PropositionalFormula| . PROPFRML) (|PropositionalFormulaFunctions1| . PROPFUN1) (|PropositionalFormulaFunctions2| . PROPFUN2) (|QuadraticForm| . QFORM) (|QuasiComponentPackage| . QCMPACK) (|QuasiquoteAst| . QQUTAST) (|Quaternion| . QUAT) (|QuaternionCategoryFunctions2| . QUATCT2) (|QueryEquation| . QEQUAT) (|Queue| . QUEUE) (|QuotientFieldCategoryFunctions2| . QFCAT2) (|RadicalEigenPackage| . REP) (|RadicalSolvePackage| . SOLVERAD) (|RadixExpansion| . RADIX) (|RadixUtilities| . RADUTIL) (|RandomNumberSource| . RANDSRC) (|RangeBinding| . RNGBIND) (|RationalFunction| . RF) (|RationalFunctionDefiniteIntegration| . DEFINTRF) (|RationalFunctionFactor| . RFFACT) (|RationalFunctionFactorizer| . RFFACTOR) (|RationalFunctionIntegration| . INTRF) (|RationalFunctionLimitPackage| . LIMITRF) (|RationalFunctionSign| . SIGNRF) (|RationalFunctionSum| . SUMRF) (|RationalRetractions| . RATRET) (|RealClosure| . RECLOS) (|RealPolynomialUtilitiesPackage| . POLUTIL) (|RealZeroPackage| . REAL0) (|RealZeroPackageQ| . REAL0Q) (|RectangularMatrixCategoryFunctions2| . RMCAT2) (|RegularSetDecompositionPackage| . RSDCMPK) (|RegularTriangularSet| . REGSET) (|RegularTriangularSetGcdPackage| . RSETGCD) (|RepeatAst| . RPTAST) (|RepresentationPackage1| . REP1) (|RepresentationPackage2| . REP2) (|ResolveLatticeCompletion| . RESLATC) (|RestrictAst| . RSTRCAST) (|ReturnAst| . RETAST) (|RewriteRule| . RULE) (|RightOpenIntervalRootCharacterization| . ROIRC) (|RomanNumeral| . ROMAN) (|Ruleset| . RULESET) (|Scope| . SCOPE) (|Segment| . SEG) (|SegmentAst| . SEGAST) (|SegmentBinding| . SEGBIND) (|SegmentBindingFunctions2| . SEGBIND2) (|SegmentFunctions2| . SEG2) (|SemiGroupOperation| . SGPOP) (|SequenceAst| . SEQAST) (|Set| . SET) (|Signature| . SIG) (|SignatureAst| . SIGAST) (|SimpleAlgebraicExtensionAlgFactor| . SAEFACT) (|SimplifyAlgebraicNumberConvertPackage| . SIMPAN) (|SingleInteger| . SINT) (|SmithNormalForm| . SMITH) (|SpadParser| . SPADPRSR) (|SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2| . SUP2) (|SpecialOutputPackage| . SPECOUT) (|SquareFreeRegularSetDecompositionPackage| . SRDCMPK) (|SquareFreeRegularTriangularSet| . SREGSET) (|SquareFreeRegularTriangularSetGcdPackage| . SFRGCD) (|SquareFreeQuasiComponentPackage| . SFQCMPK) (|SquareMatrix| . SQMATRIX) (|Stack| . STACK) (|StepAst| . STEPAST) (|Stream| . STREAM) (|StreamFunctions1| . STREAM1) (|StreamFunctions2| . STREAM2) (|StreamFunctions3| . STREAM3) (|String| . STRING) (|SturmHabichtPackage| . SHP) (|SuchThatAst| . SUCHTAST) (|Symbol| . SYMBOL) (|SymmetricGroupCombinatoricFunctions| . SGCF) (|Syntax| . SYNTAX) (|SystemSolvePackage| . SYSSOLP) (|SAERationalFunctionAlgFactor| . SAERFFC) (|Tableau| . TABLEAU) (|TaylorSeries| . TS) (|TexFormat| . TEX) (|TexFormat1| . TEX1) (|TextFile| . TEXTFILE) (|ThreeDimensionalViewport| . VIEW3D) (|ThreeSpace| . SPACE3) (|Timer| . TIMER) (|TopLevelDrawFunctions| . DRAW) (|TopLevelDrawFunctionsForAlgebraicCurves| . DRAWCURV) (|TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions| . DRAWCFUN) (|TopLevelDrawFunctionsForPoints| . DRAWPT ) (|TopLevelThreeSpace| . TOPSP) (|TranscendentalManipulations| . TRMANIP) (|TransSolvePackage| . SOLVETRA) (|Tree| . TREE) (|TrigonometricManipulations| . TRIGMNIP) (|TypeAst| . TYPEAST) (|UnivariateLaurentSeriesFunctions2| . ULS2) (|UnivariatePolynomial| . UP) (|UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2| . UPOLYC2) (|UnivariatePolynomialCommonDenominator| . UPCDEN) (|UnivariatePolynomialFunctions2| . UP2) (|UnivariatePolynomialMultiplicationPackage| . UPMP) (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesFunctions2| . UPXS2) (|UnivariateTaylorSeriesFunctions2| . UTS2) (|UniversalSegment| . UNISEG) (|UniversalSegmentFunctions2| . UNISEG2) (|UserDefinedVariableOrdering| . UDVO) (|Vector| . VECTOR) (|VectorFunctions2| . VECTOR2) (|ViewDefaultsPackage| . VIEWDEF) (|Void| . VOID) (|WhereAst| . WHEREAST) (|WhileAst| . WHILEAST) (|WuWenTsunTriangularSet| . WUTSET) ) (|naglink| (|FortranScalarType| . FST) (|FortranType| . FT) (|SymbolTable| . SYMTAB) (|TheSymbolTable| . SYMS) ) (|categories| (|AbelianGroup| . ABELGRP) (|AbelianMonoid| . ABELMON) (|AbelianMonoidRing| . AMR) (|AbelianSemiGroup| . ABELSG) (|AbstractSyntaxCategory| . ASTCAT) (|Aggregate| . AGG) (|Algebra| . ALGEBRA) (|AlgebraicallyClosedField| . ACF) (|AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace| . ACFS) (|ArcHyperbolicFunctionCategory| . AHYP) (|ArcTrigonometricFunctionCategory| . ATRIG) (|AssociationListAggregate| . ALAGG) (|AttributeRegistry| . ATTREG) (|BagAggregate| . BGAGG) (|BasicType| . BASTYPE) (|BiModule| . BMODULE) (|BinaryOperatorCategory| . BINOPC) (|BinaryRecursiveAggregate| . BRAGG) (|BinaryTreeCategory| . BTCAT) (|BitAggregate| . BTAGG) (|BooleanLogic| . BOOLE) (|CachableSet| . CACHSET) (|CancellationAbelianMonoid| . CABMON) (|CharacteristicNonZero| . CHARNZ) (|CharacteristicZero| . CHARZ) (|CoercibleFrom| . KRCFROM) (|CoercibleTo| . KOERCE) (|Collection| . CLAGG) (|CombinatorialFunctionCategory| . CFCAT) (|CombinatorialOpsCategory| . COMBOPC) (|CommutativeOperatorCategory| . COMOPC) (|CommutativeRing| . COMRING) (|ComplexCategory| . COMPCAT) (|Conduit| . CONDUIT) (|ConstructorCategory| . CTORCAT) (|ConvertibleFrom| . KVTFROM) (|ConvertibleTo| . KONVERT) (|DequeueAggregate| . DQAGG) (|Dictionary| . DIAGG) (|DictionaryOperations| . DIOPS) (|DifferentialDomain| . DIFFDOM) (|DifferentialExtension| . DIFEXT) (|DifferentialModule| . DIFFMOD) (|DifferentialModuleExtension| . DSEXT) (|DifferentialPolynomialCategory| . DPOLCAT) (|DifferentialRing| . DIFRING) (|DifferentialSpace| . DIFFSPC) (|DifferentialSpaceExtension| . DSEXT) (|DifferentialVariableCategory| . DVARCAT) (|Dioid| . DIOID) (|DirectProductCategory| . DIRPCAT) (|DivisionRing| . DIVRING) (|DoublyLinkedAggregate| . DLAGG) (|ElementaryFunctionCategory| . ELEMFUN) (|Eltable| . ELTAB) (|EltableAggregate| . ELTAGG) (|EntireRing| . ENTIRER) (|EuclideanDomain| . EUCDOM) (|Evalable| . EVALAB) (|ExpressionSpace| . ES) (|ExtensibleLinearAggregate| . ELAGG) (|ExtensionField| . XF) (|Field| . FIELD) (|FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic| . FPC) (|Finite| . FINITE) (|FiniteAggregate| . FINAGG) (|FileCategory| . FILECAT) (|FileNameCategory| . FNCAT) (|FiniteAbelianMonoidRing| . FAMR) (|FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField| . FAXF) (|FiniteDivisorCategory| . FDIVCAT) (|FiniteFieldCategory| . FFIELDC) (|FiniteLinearAggregate| . FLAGG) (|FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra| . FINAALG) (|FiniteRankAlgebra| . FINRALG) (|FiniteSetAggregate| . FSAGG) (|FloatingPointSystem| . FPS) (|FramedAlgebra| . FRAMALG) (|FramedNonAssociativeAlgebra| . FRNAALG) (|FramedNonAssociativeAlgebraFunctions2| . FRNAAF2) (|FreeAbelianMonoidCategory| . FAMONC) (|FreeLieAlgebra| . FLALG) (|FreeModuleCat| . FMCAT) (|FullyEvalableOver| . FEVALAB) (|FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver| . FLINEXP) (|FullyPatternMatchable| . FPATMAB) (|FullyRetractableTo| . FRETRCT) (|FunctionFieldCategory| . FFCAT) (|FunctionSpace| . FS) (|Functorial| . FUNCTOR) (|GcdDomain| . GCDDOM) (|GradedAlgebra| . GRALG) (|GradedModule| . GRMOD) (|Group| . GROUP) (|HomogeneousAggregate| . HOAGG) (|HomotopicTo| . HOMOTOP) (|HyperbolicFunctionCategory| . HYPCAT) (|IdempotentOperatorCategory| . IDEMOPC) (|IndexedAggregate| . IXAGG) (|IndexedDirectProductCategory| . IDPC) (|InnerEvalable| . IEVALAB) (|InputByteConduit| . INBCON) (|InputOutputByteConduit| IOBCON) (|IntegerNumberSystem| . INS) (|IntegralDomain| . INTDOM) (|IntervalCategory| . INTCAT) (|KeyedDictionary| . KDAGG) (|LazyStreamAggregate| . LZSTAGG) (|LeftAlgebra| . LALG) (|LeftLinearSet| . LLINSET) (|LeftModule| . LMODULE) (|LieAlgebra| . LIECAT) (|LinearAggregate| . LNAGG) (|LinearlyExplicitRingOver| . LINEXP) (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory| . LODOCAT) (|LinearSet| . LINSET) (|LiouvillianFunctionCategory| . LFCAT) (|ListAggregate| . LSAGG) (|Logic| . LOGIC) (|MatrixCategory| . MATCAT) (|Module| . MODULE) (|Monad| . MONAD) (|MonadWithUnit| . MONADWU) (|Monoid| . MONOID) (|MonoidOperatorCategory| . MONOPC) (|MonogenicAlgebra| . MONOGEN) (|MonogenicLinearOperator| . MLO) (|MultiDictionary| . MDAGG) (|MultisetAggregate| . MSETAGG) (|MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory| . MTSCAT) (|NetworkClientSocket| . NETCLT) (|NonAssociativeAlgebra| . NAALG) (|NonAssociativeRing| . NASRING) (|NonAssociativeRng| . NARNG) (|NormalizedTriangularSetCategory| . NTSCAT) (|Object| . OBJECT) (|OctonionCategory| . OC) (|OneDimensionalArrayAggregate| . A1AGG) (|OperatorCategory| . OPERCAT) (|OrderedAbelianGroup| . OAGROUP) (|OrderedAbelianMonoid| . OAMON) (|OrderedAbelianMonoidSup| . OAMONS) (|OrderedAbelianSemiGroup| . OASGP) (|OrderedCancellationAbelianMonoid| . OCAMON) (|OrderedFinite| . ORDFIN) (|OrderedIntegralDomain| . OINTDOM) (|OrderedMonoid| . ORDMON) (|OrderedMultisetAggregate| . OMSAGG) (|OrderedRing| . ORDRING) (|OrderedSet| . ORDSET) (|OrderedType| . ORDTYPE) (|OutputByteConduit| . OUTBCON) (|PAdicIntegerCategory| . PADICCT) (|PartialDifferentialDomain| . PDDOM) (|PartialDifferentialModule| . PDMOD) (|PartialDifferentialRing| . PDRING) (|PartialDifferentialSpace| . PDSPC) (|PartialTranscendentalFunctions| . PTRANFN) (|Patternable| . PATAB) (|PatternMatchable| . PATMAB) (|PermutationCategory| . PERMCAT) (|PlottablePlaneCurveCategory| . PPCURVE) (|PlottableSpaceCurveCategory| . PSCURVE) (|PointCategory| . PTCAT) (|PolynomialCategory| . POLYCAT) (|PolynomialFactorizationExplicit| . PFECAT) (|PolynomialSetCategory| . PSETCAT) (|PowerSeriesCategory| . PSCAT) (|PrimitiveFunctionCategory| . PRIMCAT) (|PrincipalIdealDomain| . PID) (|PriorityQueueAggregate| . PRQAGG) (|PropositionalLogic| . PROPLOG) (|QuaternionCategory| . QUATCAT) (|QueueAggregate| . QUAGG) (|QuotientFieldCategory| . QFCAT) (|RadicalCategory| . RADCAT) (|RealClosedField| . RCFIELD) (|RealConstant| . REAL) (|RealNumberSystem| . RNS) (|RealRootCharacterizationCategory| . RRCC) (|RectangularMatrixCategory| . RMATCAT) (|RecursiveAggregate| . RCAGG) (|RecursivePolynomialCategory| . RPOLCAT) (|RegularChain| . RGCHAIN) (|RegularTriangularSetCategory| . RSETCAT) (|RetractableTo| . RETRACT) (|RGBColorModel| . RGBCMDL) (|RGBColorSpace| . RGBCSPC) (|RightLinearSet| . RLINSET) (|RightModule| . RMODULE) (|Ring| . RING) (|Rng| . RNG) (|SegmentCategory| . SEGCAT) (|SegmentExpansionCategory| . SEGXCAT) (|SemiGroup| . SGROUP) (|SemiGroupOperatorCategory| . SGPOPC) (|SemiRing| . SRING) (|SetAggregate| . SETAGG) (|SetCategory| . SETCAT) (|SExpressionCategory| . SEXCAT) (|ShallowlyMutableAggregate| . SMAGG) (|SpadAstExports| . SPADXPT) (|SpadSyntaxCategory| . SASTCAT) (|SpecialFunctionCategory| . SPFCAT) (|SquareFreeNormalizedTriangularSetCategory| . SNTSCAT) (|SquareFreeRegularTriangularSetCategory| . SFRTCAT) (|SquareMatrixCategory| . SMATCAT) (|StackAggregate| . SKAGG) (|StepThrough| . STEP) (|StreamAggregate| . STAGG) (|StringAggregate| . SRAGG) (|StructuralConstantsPackage| . SCPKG) (|TableAggregate| . TBAGG) (|ThreeSpaceCategory| . SPACEC) (|TranscendentalFunctionCategory| . TRANFUN) (|TriangularSetCategory| . TSETCAT) (|TrigonometricFunctionCategory| . TRIGCAT) (|TwoDimensionalArrayCategory| . ARR2CAT) (|Type| . TYPE) (|UnaryRecursiveAggregate| . URAGG) (|UniqueFactorizationDomain| . UFD) (|UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory| . ULSCAT) (|UnivariateLaurentSeriesConstructorCategory| . ULSCCAT) (|UnivariatePolynomialCategory| . UPOLYC) (|UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory| . UPSCAT) (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesCategory| . UPXSCAT) (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesConstructorCategory| . UPXSCCA) (|UnivariateSkewPolynomialCategory| . OREPCAT) (|UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory| . UTSCAT) (|VectorCategory| . VECTCAT) (|VectorSpace| . VSPACE) (|XAlgebra| . XALG) (|XFreeAlgebra| . XFALG) (|XPolynomialsCat| . XPOLYC) (|ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage| . ZDSOLVE)) (|Hidden| (|AlgebraicFunction| . AF) (|AlgebraicFunctionField| . ALGFF) (|AlgebraicHermiteIntegration| . INTHERAL) (|AlgebraicIntegrate| . INTALG) (|AlgebraicIntegration| . INTAF) (|AnonymousFunction| . ANON) (|AntiSymm| . ANTISYM) (|ApplyRules| . APPRULE) (|ApplyUnivariateSkewPolynomial| . APPLYORE) (|ArrayStack| . ASTACK) (|AssociatedEquations| . ASSOCEQ) (|AssociationList| . ALIST) (|Automorphism| . AUTOMOR) (|BalancedFactorisation| . BALFACT) (|BalancedPAdicInteger| . BPADIC) (|BalancedPAdicRational| . BPADICRT) (|BezoutMatrix| . BEZOUT) (|BoundIntegerRoots| . BOUNDZRO) (|BrillhartTests| . BRILL) (|ChangeOfVariable| . CHVAR) (|CharacteristicPolynomialInMonogenicalAlgebra| . CPIMA) (|ChineseRemainderToolsForIntegralBases| . IBACHIN) (|CoerceVectorMatrixPackage| . CVMP) (|CombinatorialFunction| . COMBF) (|CommonOperators| . COMMONOP) (|CommuteUnivariatePolynomialCategory| . COMMUPC) (|ComplexIntegerSolveLinearPolynomialEquation| . CINTSLPE) (|ComplexPattern| . COMPLPAT) (|ComplexPatternMatch| . CPMATCH) (|ComplexRootFindingPackage| . CRFP) (|ConstantLODE| . ODECONST) (|CyclicStreamTools| . CSTTOOLS) (|CyclotomicPolynomialPackage| . CYCLOTOM) (|DefiniteIntegrationTools| . DFINTTLS) (|DegreeReductionPackage| . DEGRED) (|DeRhamComplex| . DERHAM) (|DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial| . DSMP) (|DirectProduct| . DIRPROD) (|DirectProductMatrixModule| . DPMM) (|DirectProductModule| . DPMO) (|DiscreteLogarithmPackage| . DLP) (|DistributedMultivariatePolynomial| . DMP) (|DoubleResultantPackage| . DBLRESP) (|DrawOptionFunctions0| . DROPT0) (|DrawOptionFunctions1| . DROPT1) (|ElementaryFunction| . EF) (|ElementaryFunctionsUnivariateLaurentSeries| . EFULS) (|ElementaryFunctionsUnivariatePuiseuxSeries| . EFUPXS) (|ElementaryIntegration| . INTEF) (|ElementaryRischDE| . RDEEF) (|ElementaryRischDESystem| . RDEEFS) (|EllipticFunctionsUnivariateTaylorSeries| . ELFUTS) (|EqTable| . EQTBL) (|EuclideanModularRing| . EMR) (|EvaluateCycleIndicators| . EVALCYC) (|ExponentialExpansion| . EXPEXPAN) (|ExponentialOfUnivariatePuiseuxSeries| . EXPUPXS) (|ExpressionSpaceFunctions1| . ES1) (|ExpressionTubePlot| . EXPRTUBE) (|ExtAlgBasis| . EAB) (|FactoredFunctions| . FACTFUNC) (|FactoredFunctionUtilities| . FRUTIL) (|FactoringUtilities| . FACUTIL) (|FGLMIfCanPackage| . FGLMICPK) (|FindOrderFinite| . FORDER) (|FiniteDivisor| . FDIV) (|FiniteFieldCyclicGroupExtension| . FFCGX) (|FiniteFieldCyclicGroupExtensionByPolynomial| . FFCGP) (|FiniteFieldExtension| . FFX) (|FiniteFieldExtensionByPolynomial| . FFP) (|FiniteFieldFunctions| . FFF) (|FiniteFieldNormalBasisExtension| . FFNBX) (|FiniteFieldNormalBasisExtensionByPolynomial| . FFNBP) (|FiniteFieldPolynomialPackage| . FFPOLY) (|FiniteFieldSolveLinearPolynomialEquation| . FFSLPE) (|FormalFraction| . FORMAL) (|FourierComponent| . FCOMP) (|FractionalIdeal| . FRIDEAL) (|FramedModule| . FRMOD) (|FreeAbelianGroup| . FAGROUP) (|FreeAbelianMonoid| . FAMONOID) (|FreeGroup| . FGROUP) (|FreeModule| . FM) (|FreeModule1| . FM1) (|FreeMonoid| . FMONOID) (|FunctionalSpecialFunction| . FSPECF) (|FunctionCalled| . FUNCTION) (|FunctionFieldIntegralBasis| . FFINTBAS) (|FunctionSpaceReduce| . FSRED) (|FunctionSpaceToUnivariatePowerSeries| . FS2UPS) (|FunctionSpaceToExponentialExpansion| . FS2EXPXP) (|FunctionSpaceUnivariatePolynomialFactor| . FSUPFACT) (|GaloisGroupFactorizationUtilities| . GALFACTU) (|GaloisGroupFactorizer| . GALFACT) (|GaloisGroupPolynomialUtilities| . GALPOLYU) (|GaloisGroupUtilities| . GALUTIL) (|GeneralHenselPackage| . GHENSEL) (|GeneralDistributedMultivariatePolynomial| . GDMP) (|GeneralPolynomialGcdPackage| . GENPGCD) (|GeneralSparseTable| . GSTBL) (|GenericNonAssociativeAlgebra| . GCNAALG) (|GenExEuclid| . GENEEZ) (|GeneralizedMultivariateFactorize| . GENMFACT) (|GeneralModulePolynomial| . GMODPOL) (|GeneralPolynomialSet| . GPOLSET) (|GeneralTriangularSet| . GTSET) (|GenUFactorize| . GENUFACT) (|GenusZeroIntegration| . INTG0) (|GosperSummationMethod| . GOSPER) (|GraphImage| . GRIMAGE) (|GrayCode| . GRAY) (|GroebnerInternalPackage| . GBINTERN) (|GroebnerSolve| . GROEBSOL) (|HashTable| . HASHTBL) (|Heap| . HEAP) (|HeuGcd| . HEUGCD) (|HomogeneousDistributedMultivariatePolynomial| . HDMP) (|HyperellipticFiniteDivisor| . HELLFDIV) (|IncrementingMaps| . INCRMAPS) (|IndexedBits| . IBITS) (|IndexedDirectProductAbelianGroup| . IDPAG) (|IndexedDirectProductAbelianMonoid| . IDPAM) (|IndexedDirectProductObject| . IDPO) (|IndexedDirectProductOrderedAbelianMonoid| . IDPOAM) (|IndexedDirectProductOrderedAbelianMonoidSup| . IDPOAMS) (|IndexedExponents| . INDE) (|IndexedFlexibleArray| . IFARRAY) (|IndexedOneDimensionalArray| . IARRAY1) (|InnerAlgFactor| . IALGFACT) (|InnerAlgebraicNumber| . IAN) (|InnerCommonDenominator| . ICDEN) (|InnerFiniteField| . IFF) (|InnerFreeAbelianMonoid| . IFAMON) (|InnerTwoDimensionalArray| . IARRAY2) (|InnerMatrixLinearAlgebraFunctions| . IMATLIN) (|InnerMatrixQuotientFieldFunctions| . IMATQF) (|InnerModularGcd| . INMODGCD) (|InnerMultFact| . INNMFACT) (|InnerNormalBasisFieldFunctions| . INBFF) (|InnerNumericEigenPackage| . INEP) (|InnerNumericFloatSolvePackage| . INFSP) (|InnerPAdicInteger| . IPADIC) (|InnerPolySign| . INPSIGN) (|InnerPolySum| . ISUMP) (|InnerPrimeField| . IPF) (|InnerSparseUnivariatePowerSeries| . ISUPS) (|InnerTable| . INTABL) (|InnerTaylorSeries| . ITAYLOR) (|InnerTrigonometricManipulations| . ITRIGMNP) (|InputForm| . INFORM) (|InputFormFunctions1| . INFORM1) (|IntegerBits| . INTBIT) (|IntegerFactorizationPackage| . INTFACT) (|IntegerMod| . ZMOD) (|IntegerSolveLinearPolynomialEquation| . INTSLPE) (|IntegralBasisPolynomialTools| . IBPTOOLS) (|IntegralBasisTools| . IBATOOL) (|IntegrationResult| . IR) (|IntegrationTools| . INTTOOLS) (|InternalPrintPackage| . IPRNTPK) (|InternalRationalUnivariateRepresentationPackage| . IRURPK) (|IrredPolyOverFiniteField| . IRREDFFX) (|Kernel| . KERNEL) (|Kovacic| . KOVACIC) (|LaurentPolynomial| . LAUPOL) (|LeadingCoefDetermination| . LEADCDET) (|LexTriangularPackage| . LEXTRIPK) (|LieExponentials| . LEXP) (|LiePolynomial| . LPOLY) (|LinearDependence| . LINDEP) (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorFactorizer| . LODOF) (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator1| . LODO1) (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator2| . LODO2) (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorsOps| . LODOOPS) (|LinearPolynomialEquationByFractions| . LPEFRAC) (|LinGroebnerPackage| . LGROBP) (|LiouvillianFunction| . LF) (|ListMonoidOps| . LMOPS) (|ListMultiDictionary| . LMDICT) (|LocalAlgebra| . LA) (|Localize| . LO) (|LyndonWord| . LWORD) (|FreeMagma| . FMAGMA) (|MakeBinaryCompiledFunction| . MKBCFUNC) (|MakeUnaryCompiledFunction| . MKUCFUNC) (|MappingPackageInternalHacks1| . MAPHACK1) (|MappingPackageInternalHacks2| . MAPHACK2) (|MappingPackageInternalHacks3| . MAPHACK3) (|MeshCreationRoutinesForThreeDimensions| . MESH) (|ModMonic| . MODMON) (|ModularField| . MODFIELD) (|ModularHermitianRowReduction| . MHROWRED) (|ModularRing| . MODRING) (|ModuleMonomial| . MODMONOM) (|MoebiusTransform| . MOEBIUS) (|MonoidRing| . MRING) (|MonomialExtensionTools| . MONOTOOL) (|MPolyCatPolyFactorizer| . MPCPF) (|MPolyCatFunctions3| . MPC3) (|MRationalFactorize| . MRATFAC) (|MultipleMap| . MMAP) (|MultivariateLifting| . MLIFT) (|MultivariateSquareFree| . MULTSQFR) (|HomogeneousDirectProduct| . HDP) (|NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial| . NSMP) (|NewSparseUnivariatePolynomial| . NSUP) (|NewSparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2| . NSUP2) (|NonCommutativeOperatorDivision| . NCODIV) (|None| . NONE) (|NonLinearFirstOrderODESolver| . NODE1) (|NonLinearSolvePackage| . NLINSOL) (|NormRetractPackage| . NORMRETR) (|NPCoef| . NPCOEF) (|NumberFormats| . NUMFMT) (|NumberFieldIntegralBasis| . NFINTBAS) (|NumericTubePlot| . NUMTUBE) (|ODEIntegration| . ODEINT) (|ODETools| . ODETOOLS) (|Operator| . OP) (|OppositeMonogenicLinearOperator| . OMLO) (|OrderedDirectProduct| . ODP) (|OrderedFreeMonoid| . OFMONOID) (|OrderedVariableList| . OVAR) (|OrderingFunctions| . ORDFUNS) (|OrderlyDifferentialPolynomial| . ODPOL) (|OrderlyDifferentialVariable| . ODVAR) (|OrdinaryWeightedPolynomials| . OWP) (|OutputForm| . OUTFORM) (|PadeApproximants| . PADE) (|PAdicInteger| . PADIC) (|PAdicRational| . PADICRAT) (|PAdicRationalConstructor| . PADICRC) (|PAdicWildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis| . PWFFINTB) (|ParadoxicalCombinatorsForStreams| . YSTREAM) (|ParametricLinearEquations| . PLEQN) (|PartialFractionPackage| . PFRPAC) (|Pattern| . PATTERN) (|PatternFunctions1| . PATTERN1) (|PatternMatchFunctionSpace| . PMFS) (|PatternMatchIntegerNumberSystem| . PMINS) (|PatternMatchIntegration| . INTPM) (|PatternMatchKernel| . PMKERNEL) (|PatternMatchListAggregate| . PMLSAGG) (|PatternMatchListResult| . PATLRES) (|PatternMatchPolynomialCategory| . PMPLCAT) (|PatternMatchPushDown| . PMDOWN) (|PatternMatchQuotientFieldCategory| . PMQFCAT) (|PatternMatchResult| . PATRES) (|PatternMatchSymbol| . PMSYM) (|PatternMatchTools| . PMTOOLS) (|PlaneAlgebraicCurvePlot| . ACPLOT) (|Plot| . PLOT) (|PlotFunctions1| . PLOT1) (|PlotTools| . PLOTTOOL) (|Plot3D| . PLOT3D) (|PoincareBirkhoffWittLyndonBasis| . PBWLB) (|Point| . POINT) (|PointsOfFiniteOrder| . PFO) (|PointsOfFiniteOrderRational| . PFOQ) (|PointsOfFiniteOrderTools| . PFOTOOLS) (|PointPackage| . PTPACK) (|PolToPol| . POLTOPOL) (|PolynomialCategoryLifting| . POLYLIFT) (|PolynomialCategoryQuotientFunctions| . POLYCATQ) (|PolynomialFactorizationByRecursion| . PFBR) (|PolynomialFactorizationByRecursionUnivariate| . PFBRU) (|PolynomialGcdPackage| . PGCD) (|PolynomialInterpolation| . PINTERP) (|PolynomialInterpolationAlgorithms| . PINTERPA) (|PolynomialNumberTheoryFunctions| . PNTHEORY) (|PolynomialRing| . PR) (|PolynomialRoots| . POLYROOT) (|PolynomialSetUtilitiesPackage| . PSETPK) (|PolynomialSolveByFormulas| . SOLVEFOR) (|PolynomialSquareFree| . PSQFR) (|PrecomputedAssociatedEquations| . PREASSOC) (|PrimitiveArray| . PRIMARR) (|PrimitiveElement| . PRIMELT) (|PrimitiveRatDE| . ODEPRIM) (|PrimitiveRatRicDE| . ODEPRRIC) (|Product| . PRODUCT) (|PseudoRemainderSequence| . PRS) (|PseudoLinearNormalForm| . PSEUDLIN) (|PureAlgebraicIntegration| . INTPAF) (|PureAlgebraicLODE| . ODEPAL) (|PushVariables| . PUSHVAR) (|QuasiAlgebraicSet| . QALGSET) (|QuasiAlgebraicSet2| . QALGSET2) (|RadicalFunctionField| . RADFF) (|RandomDistributions| . RDIST) (|RandomFloatDistributions| . RFDIST) (|RandomIntegerDistributions| . RIDIST) (|RationalFactorize| . RATFACT) (|RationalIntegration| . INTRAT) (|RationalInterpolation| . RINTERP) (|RationalLODE| . ODERAT) (|RationalRicDE| . ODERTRIC) (|RationalUnivariateRepresentationPackage| . RURPK) (|RealSolvePackage| . REALSOLV) (|RectangularMatrix| . RMATRIX) (|ReducedDivisor| . RDIV) (|ReduceLODE| . ODERED) (|ReductionOfOrder| . REDORDER) (|Reference| . REF) (|RepeatedDoubling| . REPDB) (|RepeatedSquaring| . REPSQ) (|ResidueRing| . RESRING) (|RetractSolvePackage| . RETSOL) (|RuleCalled| . RULECOLD) (|SetOfMIntegersInOneToN| . SETMN) (|SExpression| . SEX) (|SExpressionOf| . SEXOF) (|SequentialDifferentialPolynomial| . SDPOL) (|SequentialDifferentialVariable| . SDVAR) (|SimpleAlgebraicExtension| . SAE) (|SingletonAsOrderedSet| . SAOS) (|SortedCache| . SCACHE) (|SortPackage| . SORTPAK) (|SparseMultivariatePolynomial| . SMP) (|SparseMultivariateTaylorSeries| . SMTS) (|SparseTable| . STBL) (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| . SUP) (|SparseUnivariateSkewPolynomial| . ORESUP) (|SparseUnivariateLaurentSeries| . SULS) (|SparseUnivariatePuiseuxSeries| . SUPXS) (|SparseUnivariateTaylorSeries| . SUTS) (|SplitHomogeneousDirectProduct| . SHDP) (|SplittingNode| . SPLNODE) (|SplittingTree| . SPLTREE) (|SquareMatrix| . SQMATRIX) (|Stack| . STACK) (|StorageEfficientMatrixOperations| . MATSTOR) (|StreamInfiniteProduct| . STINPROD) (|StreamTaylorSeriesOperations| . STTAYLOR) (|StreamTranscendentalFunctions| . STTF) (|StreamTranscendentalFunctionsNonCommutative| . STTFNC) (|StringTable| . STRTBL) (|SubResultantPackage| . SUBRESP) (|SubSpace| . SUBSPACE) (|SubSpaceComponentProperty| . COMPPROP) (|SuchThat| . SUCH) (|SupFractionFactorizer| . SUPFRACF) (|SymmetricFunctions| . SYMFUNC) (|SymmetricPolynomial| . SYMPOLY) (|SystemODESolver| . ODESYS) (|Table| . TABLE) (|TableauxBumpers| . TABLBUMP) (|TabulatedComputationPackage| . TBCMPPK) (|TangentExpansions| . TANEXP) (|ToolsForSign| . TOOLSIGN) (|TranscendentalHermiteIntegration| . INTHERTR) (|TranscendentalIntegration| . INTTR) (|TranscendentalRischDE| . RDETR) (|TranscendentalRischDESystem| . RDETRS) (|TransSolvePackageService| . SOLVESER) (|TriangularMatrixOperations| . TRIMAT) (|TubePlot| . TUBE) (|TubePlotTools| . TUBETOOL) (|Tuple| . TUPLE) (|TwoDimensionalArray| . ARRAY2) (|TwoDimensionalPlotClipping| . CLIP) (|TwoDimensionalViewport| . VIEW2D) (|TwoFactorize| . TWOFACT) (|UnivariateFactorize| . UNIFACT) (|UnivariateLaurentSeries| . ULS) (|UnivariateLaurentSeriesConstructor| . ULSCONS) (|UnivariatePolynomialDecompositionPackage| . UPDECOMP) (|UnivariatePolynomialDivisionPackage| . UPDIVP) (|UnivariatePolynomialSquareFree| . UPSQFREE) (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeries| . UPXS) (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesConstructor| . UPXSCONS) (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesWithExponentialSingularity| . UPXSSING) (|UnivariateSkewPolynomial| . OREUP) (|UnivariateSkewPolynomialCategoryOps| . OREPCTO) (|UnivariateTaylorSeries| . UTS) (|UnivariateTaylorSeriesODESolver| . UTSODE) (|UserDefinedPartialOrdering| . UDPO) (|UTSodetools| . UTSODETL) (|Variable| . VARIABLE) (|ViewportPackage| . VIEW) (|WeierstrassPreparation| . WEIER) (|WeightedPolynomials| . WP) (|WildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis| . WFFINTBS) (|XDistributedPolynomial| . XDPOLY) (|XExponentialPackage| . XEXPPKG) (|XPBWPolynomial| . XPBWPOLY) (|XPolynomial| . XPOLY) (|XPolynomialRing| . XPR) (|XRecursivePolynomial| . XRPOLY)) (|defaults| (|AbelianGroup&| . ABELGRP-) (|AbelianMonoid&| . ABELMON-) (|AbelianMonoidRing&| . AMR-) (|AbelianSemiGroup&| . ABELSG-) (|Aggregate&| . AGG-) (|Algebra&| . ALGEBRA-) (|AlgebraicallyClosedField&| . ACF-) (|AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace&| . ACFS-) (|ArcTrigonometricFunctionCategory&| . ATRIG-) (|BagAggregate&| . BGAGG-) (|BasicType&| . BASTYPE-) (|BinaryRecursiveAggregate&| . BRAGG-) (|BinaryTreeCategory&| . BTCAT-) (|BitAggregate&| . BTAGG-) (|Collection&| . CLAGG-) (|ComplexCategory&| . COMPCAT-) (|Dictionary&| . DIAGG-) (|DictionaryOperations&| . DIOPS-) (|DifferentialExtension&| . DIFEXT-) (|DifferentialPolynomialCategory&| . DPOLCAT-) (|DifferentialRing&| . DIFRING-) (|DifferentialVariableCategory&| . DVARCAT-) (|DirectProductCategory&| . DIRPCAT-) (|DivisionRing&| . DIVRING-) (|ElementaryFunctionCategory&| . ELEMFUN-) (|EltableAggregate&| . ELTAGG-) (|EuclideanDomain&| . EUCDOM-) (|Evalable&| . EVALAB-) (|ExpressionSpace&| . ES-) (|ExtensibleLinearAggregate&| . ELAGG-) (|ExtensionField&| . XF-) (|Field&| . FIELD-) (|FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic&| . FPC-) (|FiniteAbelianMonoidRing&| . FAMR-) (|FiniteAggregate&| . FINAGG-) (|FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField&| . FAXF-) (|FiniteDivisorCategory&| . FDIVCAT-) (|FiniteFieldCategory&| . FFIELDC-) (|FiniteLinearAggregate&| . FLAGG-) (|FiniteSetAggregate&| . FSAGG-) (|FiniteRankAlgebra&| . FINRALG-) (|FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra&| . FINAALG-) (|FloatingPointSystem&| . FPS-) (|FramedAlgebra&| . FRAMALG-) (|FramedNonAssociativeAlgebra&| . FRNAALG-) (|FullyEvalableOver&| . FEVALAB-) (|FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver&| . FLINEXP-) (|FullyRetractableTo&| . FRETRCT-) (|FunctionFieldCategory&| . FFCAT-) (|FunctionSpace&| . FS-) (|GcdDomain&| . GCDDOM-) (|GradedAlgebra&| . GRALG-) (|GradedModule&| . GRMOD-) (|Group&| . GROUP-) (|HomogeneousAggregate&| . HOAGG-) (|HyperbolicFunctionCategory&| . HYPCAT-) (|IndexedAggregate&| . IXAGG-) (|InnerEvalable&| . IEVALAB-) (|IntegerNumberSystem&| . INS-) (|IntegralDomain&| . INTDOM-) (|KeyedDictionary&| . KDAGG-) (|LazyStreamAggregate&| . LZSTAGG-) (|LeftAlgebra&| . LALG-) (|LieAlgebra&| . LIECAT-) (|LinearAggregate&| . LNAGG-) (|ListAggregate&| . LSAGG-) (|Logic&| . LOGIC-) (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory&| . LODOCAT-) (|MatrixCategory&| . MATCAT-) (|Module&| . MODULE-) (|Monad&| . MONAD-) (|MonadWithUnit&| . MONADWU-) (|Monoid&| . MONOID-) (|MonogenicAlgebra&| . MONOGEN-) (|NonAssociativeAlgebra&| . NAALG-) (|NonAssociativeRing&| . NASRING-) (|NonAssociativeRng&| . NARNG-) (|OctonionCategory&| . OC-) (|OneDimensionalArrayAggregate&| . A1AGG-) (|OrderedRing&| . ORDRING-) (|OrderedSet&| . ORDSET-) (|PartialDifferentialRing&| . PDRING-) (|PolynomialCategory&| . POLYCAT-) (|PolynomialFactorizationExplicit&| . PFECAT-) (|PolynomialSetCategory&| . PSETCAT-) (|PowerSeriesCategory&| . PSCAT-) (|QuaternionCategory&| . QUATCAT-) (|QuotientFieldCategory&| . QFCAT-) (|RadicalCategory&| . RADCAT-) (|RealClosedField&| . RCFIELD-) (|RealNumberSystem&| . RNS-) (|RealRootCharacterizationCategory&| . RRCC-) (|RectangularMatrixCategory&| . RMATCAT-) (|RecursiveAggregate&| . RCAGG-) (|RecursivePolynomialCategory&| . RPOLCAT-) (|RegularTriangularSetCategory&| . RSETCAT-) (|RetractableTo&| . RETRACT-) (|Ring&| . RING-) (|SemiGroup&| . SGROUP-) (|SetAggregate&| . SETAGG-) (|SetCategory&| . SETCAT-) (|SquareMatrixCategory&| . SMATCAT-) (|StreamAggregate&| . STAGG-) (|StringAggregate&| . SRAGG-) (|TableAggregate&| . TBAGG-) (|TranscendentalFunctionCategory&| . TRANFUN-) (|TriangularSetCategory&| . TSETCAT-) (|TrigonometricFunctionCategory&| . TRIGCAT-) (|TwoDimensionalArrayCategory&| . ARR2CAT-) (|UnaryRecursiveAggregate&| . URAGG-) (|UniqueFactorizationDomain&| . UFD-) (|UnivariateLaurentSeriesConstructorCategory&| . ULSCCAT-) (|UnivariatePolynomialCategory&| . UPOLYC-) (|UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory&| . UPSCAT-) (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesConstructorCategory&| . UPXSCCA-) (|UnivariateSkewPolynomialCategory&| . OREPCAT-) (|UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory&| . UTSCAT-) (|VectorCategory&| . VECTCAT-) (|VectorSpace&| . VSPACE-))) ) (defparameter |$localExposureDataDefault| (VECTOR (LIST ;;These groups will be exposed '|basic| '|categories| '|naglink| ) (LIST ;;These constructors will be explicitly exposed ) (LIST ;;These constructors will be explicitly hidden ) )) (defparameter |$localExposureData| (copy-seq |$localExposureDataDefault|)) @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}