\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra e04routine.spad} \author{Brian Dupee} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{domain E04DGFA e04dgfAnnaType} <<domain E04DGFA e04dgfAnnaType>>= )abbrev domain E04DGFA e04dgfAnnaType ++ Author: Brian Dupee ++ Date Created: February 1996 ++ Date Last Updated: February 1996 ++ Basic Operations: measure, numericalOptimization ++ Related Constructors: Result, RoutinesTable ++ Description: ++ \axiomType{e04dgfAnnaType} is a domain of \axiomType{NumericalOptimization} ++ for the NAG routine E04DGF, a general optimization routine which ++ can handle some singularities in the input function. The function ++ \axiomFun{measure} measures the usefulness of the routine E04DGF ++ for the given problem. The function \axiomFun{numericalOptimization} ++ performs the optimization by using \axiomType{NagOptimisationPackage}. e04dgfAnnaType(): NumericalOptimizationCategory == Result add DF ==> DoubleFloat EF ==> Expression Float EDF ==> Expression DoubleFloat PDF ==> Polynomial DoubleFloat VPDF ==> Vector Polynomial DoubleFloat LDF ==> List DoubleFloat LOCDF ==> List OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat MDF ==> Matrix DoubleFloat MPDF ==> Matrix Polynomial DoubleFloat MF ==> Matrix Float MEF ==> Matrix Expression Float LEDF ==> List Expression DoubleFloat VEF ==> Vector Expression Float NOA ==> Record(fn:EDF, init:LDF, lb:LOCDF, cf:LEDF, ub:LOCDF) LSA ==> Record(lfn:LEDF, init:LDF) EF2 ==> ExpressionFunctions2 MI ==> Matrix Integer INT ==> Integer F ==> Float NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger S ==> Symbol LS ==> List Symbol MVCF ==> MultiVariableCalculusFunctions ESTOOLS2 ==> ExpertSystemToolsPackage2 SDF ==> Stream DoubleFloat LSDF ==> List Stream DoubleFloat SOCDF ==> Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat OCDF ==> OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat Rep:=Result import Rep, NagOptimisationPackage, ExpertSystemToolsPackage measure(R:RoutinesTable,args:NOA) == string:String := "e04dgf is " positive?(#(args.cf) + #(args.lb) + #(args.ub)) => string := concat(string,"unsuitable for constrained problems. ") [0.0,string] string := concat(string,"recommended") [getMeasure(R,e04dgf@Symbol)$RoutinesTable, string] numericalOptimization(args:NOA) == argsFn:EDF := args.fn n:NNI := #(variables(argsFn)$EDF) fu:DF := float(4373903597,-24,10)$DF it:INT := max(50,5*n) lin:DF := float(9,-1,10)$DF ma:DF := float(1,20,10)$DF op:DF := float(326,-14,10)$DF x:MDF := mat(args.init,n) ArgsFn:Expression Float := edf2ef(argsFn) f:Union(fn:FileName,fp:Asp49(OBJFUN)) := [retract(ArgsFn)$Asp49(OBJFUN)] e04dgf(n,1$DF,fu,it,lin,true,ma,op,1,1,n,0,x,-1,f) @ \section{domain E04FDFA e04fdfAnnaType} <<domain E04FDFA e04fdfAnnaType>>= )abbrev domain E04FDFA e04fdfAnnaType ++ Author: Brian Dupee ++ Date Created: February 1996 ++ Date Last Updated: February 1996 ++ Basic Operations: measure, numericalOptimization ++ Related Constructors: Result, RoutinesTable ++ Description: ++ \axiomType{e04fdfAnnaType} is a domain of \axiomType{NumericalOptimization} ++ for the NAG routine E04FDF, a general optimization routine which ++ can handle some singularities in the input function. The function ++ \axiomFun{measure} measures the usefulness of the routine E04FDF ++ for the given problem. The function \axiomFun{numericalOptimization} ++ performs the optimization by using \axiomType{NagOptimisationPackage}. e04fdfAnnaType(): NumericalOptimizationCategory == Result add DF ==> DoubleFloat EF ==> Expression Float EDF ==> Expression DoubleFloat PDF ==> Polynomial DoubleFloat VPDF ==> Vector Polynomial DoubleFloat LDF ==> List DoubleFloat LOCDF ==> List OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat MDF ==> Matrix DoubleFloat MPDF ==> Matrix Polynomial DoubleFloat MF ==> Matrix Float MEF ==> Matrix Expression Float LEDF ==> List Expression DoubleFloat VEF ==> Vector Expression Float NOA ==> Record(fn:EDF, init:LDF, lb:LOCDF, cf:LEDF, ub:LOCDF) LSA ==> Record(lfn:LEDF, init:LDF) EF2 ==> ExpressionFunctions2 MI ==> Matrix Integer INT ==> Integer F ==> Float NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger S ==> Symbol LS ==> List Symbol MVCF ==> MultiVariableCalculusFunctions ESTOOLS2 ==> ExpertSystemToolsPackage2 SDF ==> Stream DoubleFloat LSDF ==> List Stream DoubleFloat SOCDF ==> Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat OCDF ==> OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat Rep:=Result import Rep, NagOptimisationPackage import e04AgentsPackage,ExpertSystemToolsPackage measure(R:RoutinesTable,args:NOA) == argsFn := args.fn string:String := "e04fdf is " positive?(#(args.cf) + #(args.lb) + #(args.ub)) => string := concat(string,"unsuitable for constrained problems. ") [0.0,string] n:NNI := #(variables(argsFn)$EDF) (n>1)@Boolean => string := concat(string,"unsuitable for single instances of multivariate problems. ") [0.0,string] sumOfSquares(argsFn) case "failed" => string := concat(string,"unsuitable.") [0.0,string] string := concat(string,"recommended since the function is a sum of squares.") [getMeasure(R,e04fdf@Symbol)$RoutinesTable, string] measure(R:RoutinesTable,args:LSA) == string:String := "e04fdf is recommended" [getMeasure(R,e04fdf@Symbol)$RoutinesTable, string] numericalOptimization(args:NOA) == argsFn := args.fn lw:INT := 14 x := mat(args.init,1) (a := sumOfSquares(argsFn)) case EDF => ArgsFn := vector([edf2ef(a)])$VEF f : Union(fn:FileName,fp:Asp50(LSFUN1)) := [retract(ArgsFn)$Asp50(LSFUN1)] out:Result := e04fdf(1,1,1,lw,x,-1,f) changeNameToObjf(fsumsq@Symbol,out) empty()$Result numericalOptimization(args:LSA) == argsFn := copy args.lfn m:INT := #(argsFn) n:NNI := #(variables(args)) nn:INT := n lw:INT := -- one?(nn) => 9+5*m (nn = 1) => 9+5*m nn*(7+n+2*m+((nn-1) quo 2)$INT)+3*m x := mat(args.init,n) ArgsFn := vector([edf2ef(i)$ExpertSystemToolsPackage for i in argsFn])$VEF f : Union(fn:FileName,fp:Asp50(LSFUN1)) := [retract(ArgsFn)$Asp50(LSFUN1)] out:Result := e04fdf(m,n,1,lw,x,-1,f) changeNameToObjf(fsumsq@Symbol,out) @ \section{domain E04GCFA e04gcfAnnaType} <<domain E04GCFA e04gcfAnnaType>>= )abbrev domain E04GCFA e04gcfAnnaType ++ Author: Brian Dupee ++ Date Created: February 1996 ++ Date Last Updated: February 1996 ++ Basic Operations: measure, numericalOptimization ++ Related Constructors: Result, RoutinesTable ++ Description: ++ \axiomType{e04gcfAnnaType} is a domain of \axiomType{NumericalOptimization} ++ for the NAG routine E04GCF, a general optimization routine which ++ can handle some singularities in the input function. The function ++ \axiomFun{measure} measures the usefulness of the routine E04GCF ++ for the given problem. The function \axiomFun{numericalOptimization} ++ performs the optimization by using \axiomType{NagOptimisationPackage}. e04gcfAnnaType(): NumericalOptimizationCategory == Result add DF ==> DoubleFloat EF ==> Expression Float EDF ==> Expression DoubleFloat PDF ==> Polynomial DoubleFloat VPDF ==> Vector Polynomial DoubleFloat LDF ==> List DoubleFloat LOCDF ==> List OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat MDF ==> Matrix DoubleFloat MPDF ==> Matrix Polynomial DoubleFloat MF ==> Matrix Float MEF ==> Matrix Expression Float LEDF ==> List Expression DoubleFloat VEF ==> Vector Expression Float NOA ==> Record(fn:EDF, init:LDF, lb:LOCDF, cf:LEDF, ub:LOCDF) LSA ==> Record(lfn:LEDF, init:LDF) EF2 ==> ExpressionFunctions2 MI ==> Matrix Integer INT ==> Integer F ==> Float NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger S ==> Symbol LS ==> List Symbol MVCF ==> MultiVariableCalculusFunctions ESTOOLS2 ==> ExpertSystemToolsPackage2 SDF ==> Stream DoubleFloat LSDF ==> List Stream DoubleFloat SOCDF ==> Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat OCDF ==> OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat Rep:=Result import Rep, NagOptimisationPackage,ExpertSystemContinuityPackage import e04AgentsPackage,ExpertSystemToolsPackage measure(R:RoutinesTable,args:NOA) == argsFn:EDF := args.fn string:String := "e04gcf is " positive?(#(args.cf) + #(args.lb) + #(args.ub)) => string := concat(string,"unsuitable for constrained problems. ") [0.0,string] n:NNI := #(variables(argsFn)$EDF) (n>1)@Boolean => string := concat(string,"unsuitable for single instances of multivariate problems. ") [0.0,string] a := coerce(float(10,0,10))$OCDF seg:SOCDF := -a..a sings := singularitiesOf(argsFn,variables(argsFn)$EDF,seg) s := #(sdf2lst(sings)) positive? s => string := concat(string,"not recommended for discontinuous functions.") [0.0,string] sumOfSquares(args.fn) case "failed" => string := concat(string,"unsuitable.") [0.0,string] string := concat(string,"recommended since the function is a sum of squares.") [getMeasure(R,e04gcf@Symbol)$RoutinesTable, string] measure(R:RoutinesTable,args:LSA) == string:String := "e04gcf is " a := coerce(float(10,0,10))$OCDF seg:SOCDF := -a..a sings := concat([singularitiesOf(i,variables(args),seg) for i in args.lfn])$SDF s := #(sdf2lst(sings)) positive? s => string := concat(string,"not recommended for discontinuous functions.") [0.0,string] string := concat(string,"recommended.") m := getMeasure(R,e04gcf@Symbol)$RoutinesTable m := m-(1-exp(-(expenseOfEvaluation(args))**3)) [m, string] numericalOptimization(args:NOA) == argsFn:EDF := args.fn lw:INT := 16 x := mat(args.init,1) (a := sumOfSquares(argsFn)) case EDF => ArgsFn := vector([edf2ef(a)$ExpertSystemToolsPackage])$VEF f : Union(fn:FileName,fp:Asp19(LSFUN2)) := [retract(ArgsFn)$Asp19(LSFUN2)] out:Result := e04gcf(1,1,1,lw,x,-1,f) changeNameToObjf(fsumsq@Symbol,out) empty()$Result numericalOptimization(args:LSA) == argsFn := copy args.lfn m:NNI := #(argsFn) n:NNI := #(variables(args)) lw:INT := -- one?(n) => 11+5*m (n = 1) => 11+5*m 2*n*(4+n+m)+3*m x := mat(args.init,n) ArgsFn := vector([edf2ef(i)$ExpertSystemToolsPackage for i in argsFn])$VEF f : Union(fn:FileName,fp:Asp19(LSFUN2)) := [retract(ArgsFn)$Asp19(LSFUN2)] out:Result := e04gcf(m,n,1,lw,x,-1,f) changeNameToObjf(fsumsq@Symbol,out) @ \section{domain E04JAFA e04jafAnnaType} <<domain E04JAFA e04jafAnnaType>>= )abbrev domain E04JAFA e04jafAnnaType ++ Author: Brian Dupee ++ Date Created: February 1996 ++ Date Last Updated: February 1996 ++ Basic Operations: measure, numericalOptimization ++ Related Constructors: Result, RoutinesTable ++ Description: ++ \axiomType{e04jafAnnaType} is a domain of \axiomType{NumericalOptimization} ++ for the NAG routine E04JAF, a general optimization routine which ++ can handle some singularities in the input function. The function ++ \axiomFun{measure} measures the usefulness of the routine E04JAF ++ for the given problem. The function \axiomFun{numericalOptimization} ++ performs the optimization by using \axiomType{NagOptimisationPackage}. e04jafAnnaType(): NumericalOptimizationCategory == Result add DF ==> DoubleFloat EF ==> Expression Float EDF ==> Expression DoubleFloat PDF ==> Polynomial DoubleFloat VPDF ==> Vector Polynomial DoubleFloat LDF ==> List DoubleFloat LOCDF ==> List OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat MDF ==> Matrix DoubleFloat MPDF ==> Matrix Polynomial DoubleFloat MF ==> Matrix Float MEF ==> Matrix Expression Float LEDF ==> List Expression DoubleFloat VEF ==> Vector Expression Float NOA ==> Record(fn:EDF, init:LDF, lb:LOCDF, cf:LEDF, ub:LOCDF) LSA ==> Record(lfn:LEDF, init:LDF) EF2 ==> ExpressionFunctions2 MI ==> Matrix Integer INT ==> Integer F ==> Float NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger S ==> Symbol LS ==> List Symbol MVCF ==> MultiVariableCalculusFunctions ESTOOLS2 ==> ExpertSystemToolsPackage2 SDF ==> Stream DoubleFloat LSDF ==> List Stream DoubleFloat SOCDF ==> Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat OCDF ==> OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat Rep:=Result import Rep, NagOptimisationPackage import e04AgentsPackage,ExpertSystemToolsPackage bound(a:LOCDF,b:LOCDF):Integer == empty?(concat(a,b)) => 1 -- one?(#(removeDuplicates(a))) and zero?(first(a)) => 2 (#(removeDuplicates(a)) = 1) and zero?(first(a)) => 2 -- one?(#(removeDuplicates(a))) and one?(#(removeDuplicates(b))) => 3 (#(removeDuplicates(a)) = 1) and (#(removeDuplicates(b)) = 1) => 3 0 measure(R:RoutinesTable,args:NOA) == string:String := "e04jaf is " if positive?(#(args.cf)) then if not simpleBounds?(args.cf) then string := concat(string,"suitable for simple bounds only, not constraint functions.") (# string) < 20 => if zero?(#(args.lb) + #(args.ub)) then string := concat(string, "usable if there are no constraints") [getMeasure(R,e04jaf@Symbol)$RoutinesTable*0.5,string] else string := concat(string,"recommended") [getMeasure(R,e04jaf@Symbol)$RoutinesTable, string] [0.0,string] numericalOptimization(args:NOA) == argsFn:EDF := args.fn n:NNI := #(variables(argsFn)$EDF) ibound:INT := bound(args.lb,args.ub) m:INT := n lw:INT := max(13,12 * m + ((m * (m - 1)) quo 2)$INT)$INT bl := mat(finiteBound(args.lb,float(1,6,10)$DF),n) bu := mat(finiteBound(args.ub,float(1,6,10)$DF),n) x := mat(args.init,n) ArgsFn:EF := edf2ef(argsFn) fr:Union(fn:FileName,fp:Asp24(FUNCT1)) := [retract(ArgsFn)$Asp24(FUNCT1)] out:Result := e04jaf(n,ibound,n+2,lw,bl,bu,x,-1,fr) changeNameToObjf(f@Symbol,out) @ \section{domain E04MBFA e04mbfAnnaType} <<domain E04MBFA e04mbfAnnaType>>= )abbrev domain E04MBFA e04mbfAnnaType ++ Author: Brian Dupee ++ Date Created: February 1996 ++ Date Last Updated: February 1996 ++ Basic Operations: measure, numericalOptimization ++ Related Constructors: Result, RoutinesTable ++ Description: ++ \axiomType{e04mbfAnnaType} is a domain of \axiomType{NumericalOptimization} ++ for the NAG routine E04MBF, an optimization routine for Linear functions. ++ The function ++ \axiomFun{measure} measures the usefulness of the routine E04MBF ++ for the given problem. The function \axiomFun{numericalOptimization} ++ performs the optimization by using \axiomType{NagOptimisationPackage}. e04mbfAnnaType(): NumericalOptimizationCategory == Result add DF ==> DoubleFloat EF ==> Expression Float EDF ==> Expression DoubleFloat PDF ==> Polynomial DoubleFloat VPDF ==> Vector Polynomial DoubleFloat LDF ==> List DoubleFloat LOCDF ==> List OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat MDF ==> Matrix DoubleFloat MPDF ==> Matrix Polynomial DoubleFloat MF ==> Matrix Float MEF ==> Matrix Expression Float LEDF ==> List Expression DoubleFloat VEF ==> Vector Expression Float NOA ==> Record(fn:EDF, init:LDF, lb:LOCDF, cf:LEDF, ub:LOCDF) LSA ==> Record(lfn:LEDF, init:LDF) EF2 ==> ExpressionFunctions2 MI ==> Matrix Integer INT ==> Integer F ==> Float NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger S ==> Symbol LS ==> List Symbol MVCF ==> MultiVariableCalculusFunctions ESTOOLS2 ==> ExpertSystemToolsPackage2 SDF ==> Stream DoubleFloat LSDF ==> List Stream DoubleFloat SOCDF ==> Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat OCDF ==> OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat Rep:=Result import Rep, NagOptimisationPackage import e04AgentsPackage,ExpertSystemToolsPackage measure(R:RoutinesTable,args:NOA) == (not linear?([args.fn])) or (not linear?(args.cf)) => [0.0,"e04mbf is for a linear objective function and constraints only."] [getMeasure(R,e04mbf@Symbol)$RoutinesTable,"e04mbf is recommended" ] numericalOptimization(args:NOA) == argsFn:EDF := args.fn c := args.cf listVars:List LS := concat(variables(argsFn)$EDF,[variables(z)$EDF for z in c]) n:NNI := #(v := removeDuplicates(concat(listVars)$LS)$LS) A:MDF := linearMatrix(args.cf,n) nclin:NNI := # linearPart(c) nrowa:NNI := max(1,nclin) bl:MDF := mat(finiteBound(args.lb,float(1,21,10)$DF),n) bu:MDF := mat(finiteBound(args.ub,float(1,21,10)$DF),n) cvec:MDF := mat(coefficients(retract(argsFn)@PDF)$PDF,n) x := mat(args.init,n) lwork:INT := nclin < n => 2*nclin*(nclin+4)+2+6*n+nrowa 2*(n+3)*n+4*nclin+nrowa out:Result := e04mbf(20,1,n,nclin,n+nclin,nrowa,A,bl,bu,cvec,true,2*n,lwork,x,-1) changeNameToObjf(objlp@Symbol,out) @ \section{domain E04NAFA e04nafAnnaType} <<domain E04NAFA e04nafAnnaType>>= )abbrev domain E04NAFA e04nafAnnaType ++ Author: Brian Dupee ++ Date Created: February 1996 ++ Date Last Updated: February 1996 ++ Basic Operations: measure, numericalOptimization ++ Related Constructors: Result, RoutinesTable ++ Description: ++ \axiomType{e04nafAnnaType} is a domain of \axiomType{NumericalOptimization} ++ for the NAG routine E04NAF, an optimization routine for Quadratic functions. ++ The function ++ \axiomFun{measure} measures the usefulness of the routine E04NAF ++ for the given problem. The function \axiomFun{numericalOptimization} ++ performs the optimization by using \axiomType{NagOptimisationPackage}. e04nafAnnaType(): NumericalOptimizationCategory == Result add DF ==> DoubleFloat EF ==> Expression Float EDF ==> Expression DoubleFloat PDF ==> Polynomial DoubleFloat VPDF ==> Vector Polynomial DoubleFloat LDF ==> List DoubleFloat LOCDF ==> List OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat MDF ==> Matrix DoubleFloat MPDF ==> Matrix Polynomial DoubleFloat MF ==> Matrix Float MEF ==> Matrix Expression Float LEDF ==> List Expression DoubleFloat VEF ==> Vector Expression Float NOA ==> Record(fn:EDF, init:LDF, lb:LOCDF, cf:LEDF, ub:LOCDF) LSA ==> Record(lfn:LEDF, init:LDF) EF2 ==> ExpressionFunctions2 MI ==> Matrix Integer INT ==> Integer F ==> Float NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger S ==> Symbol LS ==> List Symbol MVCF ==> MultiVariableCalculusFunctions ESTOOLS2 ==> ExpertSystemToolsPackage2 SDF ==> Stream DoubleFloat LSDF ==> List Stream DoubleFloat SOCDF ==> Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat OCDF ==> OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat Rep:=Result import Rep, NagOptimisationPackage import e04AgentsPackage,ExpertSystemToolsPackage measure(R:RoutinesTable,args:NOA) == string:String := "e04naf is " argsFn:EDF := args.fn if not (quadratic?(argsFn) and linear?(args.cf)) then string := concat(string,"for a quadratic function with linear constraints only.") (# string) < 20 => string := concat(string,"recommended") [getMeasure(R,e04naf@Symbol)$RoutinesTable, string] [0.0,string] numericalOptimization(args:NOA) == argsFn:EDF := args.fn c := args.cf listVars:List LS := concat(variables(argsFn)$EDF,[variables(z)$EDF for z in c]) n:NNI := #(v := sort(removeDuplicates(concat(listVars)$LS)$LS)$LS) A:MDF := linearMatrix(c,n) nclin:NNI := # linearPart(c) nrowa:NNI := max(1,nclin) big:DF := float(1,10,10)$DF fea:MDF := new(1,n+nclin,float(1053,-11,10)$DF)$MDF bl:MDF := mat(finiteBound(args.lb,float(1,21,10)$DF),n) bu:MDF := mat(finiteBound(args.ub,float(1,21,10)$DF),n) alin:EDF := splitLinear(argsFn) p:PDF := retract(alin)@PDF pl:List PDF := [coefficient(p,i,1)$PDF for i in v] cvec:MDF := mat([pdf2df j for j in pl],n) h1:MPDF := hessian(p,v)$MVCF(S,PDF,VPDF,LS) hess:MDF := map(pdf2df,h1)$ESTOOLS2(PDF,DF) h2:MEF := map(df2ef,hess)$ESTOOLS2(DF,EF) x := mat(args.init,n) istate:MI := zero(1,n+nclin)$MI lwork:INT := 2*n*(n+2*nclin)+nrowa qphess:Union(fn:FileName,fp:Asp20(QPHESS)) := [retract(h2)$Asp20(QPHESS)] out:Result := e04naf(20,1,n,nclin,n+nclin,nrowa,n,n,big,A,bl,bu,cvec,fea, hess,true,false,true,2*n,lwork,x,istate,-1,qphess) changeNameToObjf(obj@Symbol,out) @ \section{domain E04UCFA e04ucfAnnaType} <<domain E04UCFA e04ucfAnnaType>>= )abbrev domain E04UCFA e04ucfAnnaType ++ Author: Brian Dupee ++ Date Created: February 1996 ++ Date Last Updated: November 1997 ++ Basic Operations: measure, numericalOptimization ++ Related Constructors: Result, RoutinesTable ++ Description: ++ \axiomType{e04ucfAnnaType} is a domain of \axiomType{NumericalOptimization} ++ for the NAG routine E04UCF, a general optimization routine which ++ can handle some singularities in the input function. The function ++ \axiomFun{measure} measures the usefulness of the routine E04UCF ++ for the given problem. The function \axiomFun{numericalOptimization} ++ performs the optimization by using \axiomType{NagOptimisationPackage}. e04ucfAnnaType(): NumericalOptimizationCategory == Result add DF ==> DoubleFloat EF ==> Expression Float EDF ==> Expression DoubleFloat PDF ==> Polynomial DoubleFloat VPDF ==> Vector Polynomial DoubleFloat LDF ==> List DoubleFloat LOCDF ==> List OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat MDF ==> Matrix DoubleFloat MPDF ==> Matrix Polynomial DoubleFloat MF ==> Matrix Float MEF ==> Matrix Expression Float LEDF ==> List Expression DoubleFloat VEF ==> Vector Expression Float NOA ==> Record(fn:EDF, init:LDF, lb:LOCDF, cf:LEDF, ub:LOCDF) LSA ==> Record(lfn:LEDF, init:LDF) EF2 ==> ExpressionFunctions2 MI ==> Matrix Integer INT ==> Integer F ==> Float NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger S ==> Symbol LS ==> List Symbol MVCF ==> MultiVariableCalculusFunctions ESTOOLS2 ==> ExpertSystemToolsPackage2 SDF ==> Stream DoubleFloat LSDF ==> List Stream DoubleFloat SOCDF ==> Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat OCDF ==> OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat Rep:=Result import Rep,NagOptimisationPackage import e04AgentsPackage,ExpertSystemToolsPackage measure(R:RoutinesTable,args:NOA) == zero?(#(args.lb) + #(args.ub)) => [0.0,"e04ucf is not recommended if there are no bounds specified"] zero?(#(args.cf)) => string:String := "e04ucf is usable but not always recommended if there are no constraints" [getMeasure(R,e04ucf@Symbol)$RoutinesTable*0.5,string] [getMeasure(R,e04ucf@Symbol)$RoutinesTable,"e04ucf is recommended"] numericalOptimization(args:NOA) == Args := sortConstraints(args) argsFn := Args.fn c := Args.cf listVars:List LS := concat(variables(argsFn)$EDF,[variables(z)$EDF for z in c]) n:NNI := #(v := sort(removeDuplicates(concat(listVars)$LS)$LS)$LS) lin:NNI := #(linearPart(c)) nlcf := nonLinearPart(c) nonlin:NNI := #(nlcf) if empty?(nlcf) then nlcf := new(n,coerce(first(v)$LS)$EDF)$LEDF nrowa:NNI := max(1,lin) nrowj:NNI := max(1,nonlin) A:MDF := linearMatrix(c,n) bl:MDF := mat(finiteBound(Args.lb,float(1,25,10)$DF),n) bu:MDF := mat(finiteBound(Args.ub,float(1,25,10)$DF),n) liwork:INT := 3*n+lin+2*nonlin lwork:INT := zero?(lin+nonlin) => 20*n zero?(nonlin) => 2*n*(n+10)+11*lin 2*n*(n+nonlin+10)+(11+n)*lin + 21*nonlin cra:DF := float(1,-2,10)$DF fea:DF := float(1053671201,-17,10)$DF fun:DF := float(4373903597,-24,10)$DF infb:DF := float(1,15,10)$DF lint:DF := float(9,-1,10)$DF maji:INT := max(50,3*(n+lin)+10*nonlin) mini:INT := max(50,3*(n+lin+nonlin)) nonf:DF := float(105,-10,10)$DF opt:DF := float(326,-10,10)$DF ste:DF := float(2,0,10)$DF istate:MI := zero(1,n+lin+nonlin)$MI cjac:MDF := positive?(nonlin) => zero(nrowj,n)$MDF zero(nrowj,1)$MDF clambda:MDF := zero(1,n+lin+nonlin)$MDF r:MDF := zero(n,n)$MDF x:MDF := mat(Args.init,n) VectCF:VEF := vector([edf2ef e for e in nlcf])$VEF ArgsFn:EF := edf2ef(argsFn) fasp : Union(fn:FileName,fp:Asp49(OBJFUN)) := [retract(ArgsFn)$Asp49(OBJFUN)] casp : Union(fn:FileName,fp:Asp55(CONFUN)) := [retract(VectCF)$Asp55(CONFUN)] e04ucf(n,lin,nonlin,nrowa,nrowj,n,A,bl,bu,liwork,lwork,false,cra,3,fea, fun,true,infb,infb,fea,lint,true,maji,1,mini,0,-1,nonf,opt,ste,1, 1,n,n,3,istate,cjac,clambda,r,x,-1,casp,fasp) @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<domain E04DGFA e04dgfAnnaType>> <<domain E04FDFA e04fdfAnnaType>> <<domain E04GCFA e04gcfAnnaType>> <<domain E04JAFA e04jafAnnaType>> <<domain E04MBFA e04mbfAnnaType>> <<domain E04NAFA e04nafAnnaType>> <<domain E04UCFA e04ucfAnnaType>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}