\documentclass{article} \usepackage{open-axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra dpolcat.spad} \author{William Sit} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{category DVARCAT DifferentialVariableCategory} <<category DVARCAT DifferentialVariableCategory>>= )abbrev category DVARCAT DifferentialVariableCategory ++ Author: William Sit ++ Date Created: 19 July 1990 ++ Date Last Updated: 13 September 1991 ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Constructors:DifferentialPolynomialCategory ++ See Also:OrderedDifferentialVariable, ++ SequentialDifferentialVariable, ++ DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial. ++ AMS Classifications:12H05 ++ Keywords: differential indeterminates, ranking, order, weight ++ References:Ritt, J.F. "Differential Algebra" (Dover, 1950). ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{DifferentialVariableCategory} constructs the ++ set of derivatives of a given set of ++ (ordinary) differential indeterminates. ++ If x,...,y is an ordered set of differential indeterminates, ++ and the prime notation is used for differentiation, then ++ the set of derivatives (including ++ zero-th order) of the differential indeterminates is ++ x,\spad{x'},\spad{x''},..., y,\spad{y'},\spad{y''},... ++ (Note: in the interpreter, the n-th derivative of y is displayed as ++ y with a subscript n.) This set is ++ viewed as a set of algebraic indeterminates, totally ordered in a ++ way compatible with differentiation and the given order on the ++ differential indeterminates. Such a total order is called a ++ ranking of the differential indeterminates. ++ ++ A domain in this category is needed to construct a differential ++ polynomial domain. Differential polynomials are ordered ++ by a ranking on the derivatives, and by an order (extending the ++ ranking) on ++ on the set of differential monomials. One may thus associate ++ a domain in this category with a ranking of the differential ++ indeterminates, just as one associates a domain in the category ++ \spadtype{OrderedAbelianMonoidSup} with an ordering of the set of ++ monomials in a set of algebraic indeterminates. The ranking ++ is specified through the binary relation \spadfun{<}. ++ For example, one may define ++ one derivative to be less than another by lexicographically comparing ++ first the \spadfun{order}, then the given order of the differential ++ indeterminates appearing in the derivatives. This is the default ++ implementation. ++ ++ The notion of weight generalizes that of degree. A ++ polynomial domain may be made into a graded ring ++ if a weight function is given on the set of indeterminates, ++ Very often, a grading is the first step in ordering the set of ++ monomials. For differential polynomial domains, this ++ constructor provides a function \spadfun{weight}, which ++ allows the assignment of a non-negative number to each derivative of a ++ differential indeterminate. For example, one may define ++ the weight of a derivative to be simply its \spadfun{order} ++ (this is the default assignment). ++ This weight function can then be extended to the set of ++ all differential polynomials, providing a graded ring ++ structure. DifferentialVariableCategory(S:OrderedSet): Category == Join(OrderedSet, RetractableTo S) with -- Examples: -- v:=makeVariable('s,5) makeVariable : (S, NonNegativeInteger) -> $ ++ makeVariable(s, n) returns the n-th derivative of a ++ differential indeterminate s as an algebraic indeterminate. -- Example: makeVariable('s, 5) order : $ -> NonNegativeInteger ++ order(v) returns n if v is the n-th derivative of any ++ differential indeterminate. -- Example: order(v) variable : $ -> S ++ variable(v) returns s if v is any derivative of the differential ++ indeterminate s. -- Example: variable(v) -- default implementation using above primitives -- weight : $ -> NonNegativeInteger ++ weight(v) returns the weight of the derivative v. -- Example: weight(v) differentiate : $ -> $ ++ differentiate(v) returns the derivative of v. -- Example: differentiate(v) differentiate : ($, NonNegativeInteger) -> $ ++ differentiate(v, n) returns the n-th derivative of v. -- Example: differentiate(v,2) coerce : S -> $ ++ coerce(s) returns s, viewed as the zero-th order derivative of s. -- Example: coerce('s); differentiate(%,5) add import NumberFormats coerce (s:S):$ == makeVariable(s, 0) differentiate v == differentiate(v, 1) differentiate(v, n) == makeVariable(variable v, n + order v) retractIfCan v == (zero?(order v) => variable v; "failed") v = u == (variable v = variable u) and (order v = order u) coerce(v:$):OutputForm == a := variable(v)::OutputForm zero?(nn := order v) => a sub(a, outputForm nn) retract v == zero?(order v) => variable v error "Not retractable" v < u == -- the ranking below is orderly, and is the default -- order v = order u => variable v < variable u order v < order u weight v == order v -- the default weight is just the order @ \section{domain ODVAR OrderlyDifferentialVariable} <<domain ODVAR OrderlyDifferentialVariable>>= )abbrev domain ODVAR OrderlyDifferentialVariable ++ Author: William Sit ++ Date Created: 19 July 1990 ++ Date Last Updated: 13 September 1991 ++ Basic Operations:differentiate, order, variable,< ++ Related Domains: OrderedVariableList, ++ SequentialDifferentialVariable. ++ See Also: DifferentialVariableCategory ++ AMS Classifications:12H05 ++ Keywords: differential indeterminates, orderly ranking. ++ References:Kolchin, E.R. "Differential Algebra and Algebraic Groups" ++ (Academic Press, 1973). ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{OrderlyDifferentialVariable} adds a commonly used orderly ++ ranking to the set of derivatives of an ordered list of differential ++ indeterminates. An orderly ranking is a ranking \spadfun{<} of the ++ derivatives with the property that for two derivatives u and v, ++ u \spadfun{<} v if the \spadfun{order} of u is less than that ++ of v. ++ This domain belongs to \spadtype{DifferentialVariableCategory}. It ++ defines \spadfun{weight} to be just \spadfun{order}, and it ++ defines an orderly ranking \spadfun{<} on derivatives u via the ++ lexicographic order on the pair ++ (\spadfun{order}(u), \spadfun{variable}(u)). OrderlyDifferentialVariable(S:OrderedSet):DifferentialVariableCategory(S) == add Rep := Record(var:S, ord:NonNegativeInteger) makeVariable(s,n) == [s, n] variable v == v.var order v == v.ord @ \section{domain SDVAR SequentialDifferentialVariable} <<domain SDVAR SequentialDifferentialVariable>>= )abbrev domain SDVAR SequentialDifferentialVariable ++ Author: William Sit ++ Date Created: 19 July 1990 ++ Date Last Updated: 13 September 1991 ++ Basic Operations:differentiate, order, variable, < ++ Related Domains: OrderedVariableList, ++ OrderlyDifferentialVariable. ++ See Also:DifferentialVariableCategory ++ AMS Classifications:12H05 ++ Keywords: differential indeterminates, sequential ranking. ++ References:Kolchin, E.R. "Differential Algebra and Algebraic Groups" ++ (Academic Press, 1973). ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{OrderlyDifferentialVariable} adds a commonly used sequential ++ ranking to the set of derivatives of an ordered list of differential ++ indeterminates. A sequential ranking is a ranking \spadfun{<} of the ++ derivatives with the property that for any derivative v, ++ there are only a finite number of derivatives u with u \spadfun{<} v. ++ This domain belongs to \spadtype{DifferentialVariableCategory}. It ++ defines \spadfun{weight} to be just \spadfun{order}, and it ++ defines a sequential ranking \spadfun{<} on derivatives u by the ++ lexicographic order on the pair ++ (\spadfun{variable}(u), \spadfun{order}(u)). SequentialDifferentialVariable(S:OrderedSet):DifferentialVariableCategory(S) == add Rep := Record(var:S, ord:NonNegativeInteger) makeVariable(s,n) == [s, n] variable v == v.var order v == v.ord v < u == variable v = variable u => order v < order u variable v < variable u @ \section{category DPOLCAT DifferentialPolynomialCategory} <<category DPOLCAT DifferentialPolynomialCategory>>= )abbrev category DPOLCAT DifferentialPolynomialCategory ++ Author: William Sit ++ Date Created: 19 July 1990 ++ Date Last Updated: 13 September 1991 ++ Basic Operations:PolynomialCategory ++ Related Constructors:DifferentialVariableCategory ++ See Also: ++ AMS Classifications:12H05 ++ Keywords: differential indeterminates, ranking, differential polynomials, ++ order, weight, leader, separant, initial, isobaric ++ References:Kolchin, E.R. "Differential Algebra and Algebraic Groups" ++ (Academic Press, 1973). ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{DifferentialPolynomialCategory} is a category constructor ++ specifying basic functions in an ordinary differential polynomial ++ ring with a given ordered set of differential indeterminates. ++ In addition, it implements defaults for the basic functions. ++ The functions \spadfun{order} and \spadfun{weight} are extended ++ from the set of derivatives of differential indeterminates ++ to the set of differential polynomials. Other operations ++ provided on differential polynomials are ++ \spadfun{leader}, \spadfun{initial}, ++ \spadfun{separant}, \spadfun{differentialVariables}, and ++ \spadfun{isobaric?}. Furthermore, if the ground ring is ++ a differential ring, then evaluation (substitution ++ of differential indeterminates by elements of the ground ring ++ or by differential polynomials) is ++ provided by \spadfun{eval}. ++ A convenient way of referencing derivatives is provided by ++ the functions \spadfun{makeVariable}. ++ ++ To construct a domain using this constructor, one needs ++ to provide a ground ring R, an ordered set S of differential ++ indeterminates, a ranking V on the set of derivatives ++ of the differential indeterminates, and a set E of ++ exponents in bijection with the set of differential monomials ++ in the given differential indeterminates. ++ DifferentialPolynomialCategory(R:Ring,S:OrderedSet, V:DifferentialVariableCategory S, E:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup): Category == Join(PolynomialCategory(R,E,V), DifferentialExtension R, RetractableTo S) with -- Examples: -- s:=makeVariable('s) -- p:= 3*(s 1)**2 + s*(s 2)**3 -- all functions below have default implementations -- using primitives from V makeVariable: S -> (NonNegativeInteger -> $) ++ makeVariable(s) views s as a differential ++ indeterminate, in such a way that the n-th ++ derivative of s may be simply referenced as z.n ++ where z :=makeVariable(s). ++ Note: In the interpreter, z is ++ given as an internal map, which may be ignored. -- Example: makeVariable('s); %.5 differentialVariables: $ -> List S ++ differentialVariables(p) returns a list of differential ++ indeterminates occurring in a differential polynomial p. order : ($, S) -> NonNegativeInteger ++ order(p,s) returns the order of the differential ++ polynomial p in differential indeterminate s. order : $ -> NonNegativeInteger ++ order(p) returns the order of the differential polynomial p, ++ which is the maximum number of differentiations of a ++ differential indeterminate, among all those appearing in p. degree: ($, S) -> NonNegativeInteger ++ degree(p, s) returns the maximum degree of ++ the differential polynomial p viewed as a differential polynomial ++ in the differential indeterminate s alone. weights: $ -> List NonNegativeInteger ++ weights(p) returns a list of weights of differential monomials ++ appearing in differential polynomial p. weight: $ -> NonNegativeInteger ++ weight(p) returns the maximum weight of all differential monomials ++ appearing in the differential polynomial p. weights: ($, S) -> List NonNegativeInteger ++ weights(p, s) returns a list of ++ weights of differential monomials ++ appearing in the differential polynomial p when p is viewed ++ as a differential polynomial in the differential indeterminate s ++ alone. weight: ($, S) -> NonNegativeInteger ++ weight(p, s) returns the maximum weight of all differential ++ monomials appearing in the differential polynomial p ++ when p is viewed as a differential polynomial in ++ the differential indeterminate s alone. isobaric?: $ -> Boolean ++ isobaric?(p) returns true if every differential monomial appearing ++ in the differential polynomial p has same weight, ++ and returns false otherwise. leader: $ -> V ++ leader(p) returns the derivative of the highest rank ++ appearing in the differential polynomial p ++ Note: an error occurs if p is in the ground ring. initial:$ -> $ ++ initial(p) returns the ++ leading coefficient when the differential polynomial p ++ is written as a univariate polynomial in its leader. separant:$ -> $ ++ separant(p) returns the ++ partial derivative of the differential polynomial p ++ with respect to its leader. if R has DifferentialRing then InnerEvalable(S, R) InnerEvalable(S, $) Evalable $ makeVariable: $ -> (NonNegativeInteger -> $) ++ makeVariable(p) views p as an element of a differential ++ ring, in such a way that the n-th ++ derivative of p may be simply referenced as z.n ++ where z := makeVariable(p). ++ Note: In the interpreter, z is ++ given as an internal map, which may be ignored. -- Example: makeVariable(p); %.5; makeVariable(%**2); %.2 add p:$ s:S makeVariable s == makeVariable(s,#1)::$ if R has IntegralDomain then differentiate(p:$, d:R -> R) == ans:$ := 0 l := variables p u : Union(R, "failed") while (u:=retractIfCan(p)@Union(R, "failed")) case "failed" repeat t := leadingMonomial p lc := leadingCoefficient t ans := ans + d(lc)::$ * (t exquo lc)::$ + +/[differentiate(t, v) * (differentiate v)::$ for v in l] p := reductum p ans + d(u::R)::$ order (p:$):NonNegativeInteger == ground? p => 0 "max"/[order v for v in variables p] order (p:$,s:S):NonNegativeInteger == ground? p => 0 empty? (vv:= [order v for v in variables p | (variable v) = s ]) =>0 "max"/vv degree (p, s) == d:NonNegativeInteger:=0 for lp in monomials p repeat lv:= [v for v in variables lp | (variable v) = s ] if not empty? lv then d:= max(d, +/degree(lp, lv)) d weights p == ws:List NonNegativeInteger := nil empty? (mp:=monomials p) => ws for lp in mp repeat lv:= variables lp if not empty? lv then dv:= degree(lp, lv) w:=+/[(weight v) * d for v in lv for d in dv]$(List NonNegativeInteger) ws:= concat(ws, w) ws weight p == empty? (ws:=weights p) => 0 "max"/ws weights (p, s) == ws:List NonNegativeInteger := nil empty?(mp:=monomials p) => ws for lp in mp repeat lv:= [v for v in variables lp | (variable v) = s ] if not empty? lv then dv:= degree(lp, lv) w:=+/[(weight v) * d for v in lv for d in dv]$(List NonNegativeInteger) ws:= concat(ws, w) ws weight (p,s) == empty? (ws:=weights(p,s)) => 0 "max"/ws isobaric? p == (# removeDuplicates weights p) = 1 leader p == -- depends on the ranking vl:= variables p -- it's not enough just to look at leadingMonomial p -- the term-ordering need not respect the ranking empty? vl => error "leader is not defined " "max"/vl initial p == leadingCoefficient univariate(p,leader p) separant p == differentiate(p, leader p) coerce(s:S):$ == s::V::$ retractIfCan(p:$):Union(S, "failed") == (v := retractIfCan(p)@Union(V,"failed")) case "failed" => "failed" retractIfCan(v::V) differentialVariables p == removeDuplicates [variable v for v in variables p] if R has DifferentialRing then makeVariable p == differentiate(p, #1) eval(p:$, sl:List S, rl:List R) == ordp:= order p vl := concat [[makeVariable(s,j)$V for j in 0..ordp] for s in sl]$List(List V) rrl:=nil$List(R) for r in rl repeat t:= r rrl:= concat(rrl, concat(r, [t := differentiate t for i in 1..ordp])) eval(p, vl, rrl) eval(p:$, sl:List S, rl:List $) == ordp:= order p vl := concat [[makeVariable(s,j)$V for j in 0..ordp] for s in sl]$List(List V) rrl:=nil$List($) for r in rl repeat t:=r rrl:=concat(rrl, concat(r, [t:=differentiate t for i in 1..ordp])) eval(p, vl, rrl) eval(p:$, l:List Equation $) == eval(p, [retract(lhs e)@S for e in l]$List(S), [rhs e for e in l]$List($)) @ \section{domain DSMP DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial} <<domain DSMP DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial>>= )abbrev domain DSMP DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial ++ Author: William Sit ++ Date Created: 19 July 1990 ++ Date Last Updated: 13 September 1991 ++ Basic Operations:DifferentialPolynomialCategory ++ Related Constructors: ++ See Also: ++ AMS Classifications:12H05 ++ Keywords: differential indeterminates, ranking, differential polynomials, ++ order, weight, leader, separant, initial, isobaric ++ References:Kolchin, E.R. "Differential Algebra and Algebraic Groups" ++ (Academic Press, 1973). ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial} implements ++ an ordinary differential polynomial ring by combining a ++ domain belonging to the category \spadtype{DifferentialVariableCategory} ++ with the domain \spadtype{SparseMultivariatePolynomial}. ++ DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, S, V): Exports == Implementation where R: Ring S: OrderedSet V: DifferentialVariableCategory S E ==> IndexedExponents(V) PC ==> PolynomialCategory(R,IndexedExponents(V),V) PCL ==> PolynomialCategoryLifting P ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, V) SUP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial SMP ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, S) Exports ==> Join(DifferentialPolynomialCategory(R,S,V,E), RetractableTo SMP) Implementation ==> P add retractIfCan(p:$):Union(SMP, "failed") == zero? order p => map(retract(#1)@S :: SMP, #1::SMP, p)$PCL( IndexedExponents V, V, R, $, SMP) "failed" coerce(p:SMP):$ == map(#1::V::$, #1::$, p)$PCL(IndexedExponents S, S, R, SMP, $) @ \section{domain ODPOL OrderlyDifferentialPolynomial} <<domain ODPOL OrderlyDifferentialPolynomial>>= )abbrev domain ODPOL OrderlyDifferentialPolynomial ++ Author: William Sit ++ Date Created: 24 September, 1991 ++ Date Last Updated: 7 February, 1992 ++ Basic Operations:DifferentialPolynomialCategory ++ Related Constructors: DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial ++ See Also: ++ AMS Classifications:12H05 ++ Keywords: differential indeterminates, ranking, differential polynomials, ++ order, weight, leader, separant, initial, isobaric ++ References:Kolchin, E.R. "Differential Algebra and Algebraic Groups" ++ (Academic Press, 1973). ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{OrderlyDifferentialPolynomial} implements ++ an ordinary differential polynomial ring in arbitrary number ++ of differential indeterminates, with coefficients in a ++ ring. The ranking on the differential indeterminate is orderly. ++ This is analogous to the domain \spadtype{Polynomial}. ++ OrderlyDifferentialPolynomial(R): Exports == Implementation where R: Ring S ==> Symbol V ==> OrderlyDifferentialVariable S E ==> IndexedExponents(V) SMP ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, S) Exports ==> Join(DifferentialPolynomialCategory(R,S,V,E), RetractableTo SMP) Implementation ==> DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,S,V) @ \section{domain SDPOL SequentialDifferentialPolynomial} <<domain SDPOL SequentialDifferentialPolynomial>>= )abbrev domain SDPOL SequentialDifferentialPolynomial ++ Author: William Sit ++ Date Created: 24 September, 1991 ++ Date Last Updated: 7 February, 1992 ++ Basic Operations:DifferentialPolynomialCategory ++ Related Constructors: DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial ++ See Also: ++ AMS Classifications:12H05 ++ Keywords: differential indeterminates, ranking, differential polynomials, ++ order, weight, leader, separant, initial, isobaric ++ References:Kolchin, E.R. "Differential Algebra and Algebraic Groups" ++ (Academic Press, 1973). ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{SequentialDifferentialPolynomial} implements ++ an ordinary differential polynomial ring in arbitrary number ++ of differential indeterminates, with coefficients in a ++ ring. The ranking on the differential indeterminate is sequential. ++ SequentialDifferentialPolynomial(R): Exports == Implementation where R: Ring S ==> Symbol V ==> SequentialDifferentialVariable S E ==> IndexedExponents(V) SMP ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, S) Exports ==> Join(DifferentialPolynomialCategory(R,S,V,E), RetractableTo SMP) Implementation ==> DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,S,V) @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<category DVARCAT DifferentialVariableCategory>> <<domain ODVAR OrderlyDifferentialVariable>> <<domain SDVAR SequentialDifferentialVariable>> <<category DPOLCAT DifferentialPolynomialCategory>> <<domain DSMP DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial>> <<domain ODPOL OrderlyDifferentialPolynomial>> <<domain SDPOL SequentialDifferentialPolynomial>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}