\documentclass{article} \usepackage{open-axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra d01transform.spad} \author{Brian Dupee} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{domain D01TRNS d01TransformFunctionType} <<domain D01TRNS d01TransformFunctionType>>= )abbrev domain D01TRNS d01TransformFunctionType ++ Author: Brian Dupee ++ Date Created: April 1994 ++ Date Last Updated: December 1997 ++ Basic Operations: measure, numericalIntegration ++ Related Constructors: Result, RoutinesTable ++ Description: ++ Since an infinite integral cannot be evaluated numerically ++ it is necessary to transform the integral onto finite ranges. ++ \axiomType{d01TransformFunctionType} uses the mapping \spad{x -> 1/x} ++ and contains the functions \axiomFun{measure} and ++ \axiomFun{numericalIntegration}. EDF ==> Expression DoubleFloat EEDF ==> Equation Expression DoubleFloat FI ==> Fraction Integer EFI ==> Expression Fraction Integer EEFI ==> Equation Expression Fraction Integer EF2 ==> ExpressionFunctions2 DF ==> DoubleFloat F ==> Float SOCDF ==> Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat OCDF ==> OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat NIA ==> Record(var:Symbol,fn:EDF,range:SOCDF,abserr:DF,relerr:DF) INT ==> Integer PI ==> PositiveInteger HINT ==> Record(str:String,fn:EDF,range:SOCDF,ext:Result) S ==> Symbol ST ==> String LST ==> List String Measure ==> Record(measure:F,explanations:ST,extra:Result) MS ==> Record(measure:F,name:ST,explanations:LST,extra:Result) d01TransformFunctionType():NumericalIntegrationCategory == Result add Rep:=Result import d01AgentsPackage,Rep rec2any(re:Record(str:ST,fn:EDF,range:SOCDF)):Any == coerce(re)$AnyFunctions1(Record(str:ST,fn:EDF,range:SOCDF)) changeName(ans:Result,name:ST):Result == sy:S := coerce(name "Answer")$S anyAns:Any := coerce(ans)$AnyFunctions1(Result) construct([[sy,anyAns]])$Result getIntegral(args:NIA,hint:HINT) : Result == Args := copy args Args.fn := hint.fn Args.range := hint.range integrate(Args::NumericalIntegrationProblem)$AnnaNumericalIntegrationPackage transformFunction(args:NIA) : NIA == Args := copy args Var := Args.var :: EFI -- coerce Symbol to EFI NewVar:EFI := inv(Var)$EFI -- invert it VarEqn:EEFI:=equation(Var,NewVar)$EEFI -- turn it into an equation Afn:EFI := edf2efi(Args.fn)$ExpertSystemToolsPackage Afn := subst(Afn,VarEqn)$EFI -- substitute into function Var2:EFI := Var**2 Afn:= simplify(Afn/Var2)$TranscendentalManipulations(FI,EFI) Args.fn:= map(convert(#1)$FI,Afn)$EF2(FI,DF) Args doit(seg:SOCDF,args:NIA):MS == Args := copy args Args.range := seg measure(Args::NumericalIntegrationProblem)$AnnaNumericalIntegrationPackage transform(c:Boolean,args:NIA):Measure == if c then l := coerce(recip(lo(args.range)))@OCDF Seg:SOCDF := segment(0$OCDF,l) else h := coerce(recip(hi(args.range)))@OCDF Seg:SOCDF := segment(h,0$OCDF) Args := transformFunction(args) m:MS := doit(Seg,Args) out1:ST := "The recommendation is to transform the function and use " m.name out2:List(HINT) := [[m.name,Args.fn,Seg,m.extra]] out2Any:Any := coerce(out2)$AnyFunctions1(List(HINT)) ex:Record(key:S,entry:Any) := [d01transformextra@S,out2Any] extr:Result := construct([ex])$Result [m.measure,out1,extr] split(c:PI,args:NIA):Measure == Args := copy args Args.relerr := Args.relerr/2 Args.abserr := Args.abserr/2 if (c = 1)@Boolean then seg1:SOCDF := segment(-1$OCDF,1$OCDF) else if (c = 2)@Boolean then seg1 := segment(lo(Args.range),1$OCDF) else seg1 := segment(-1$OCDF,hi(Args.range)) m1:MS := doit(seg1,Args) Args := transformFunction Args if (c = 2)@Boolean then seg2:SOCDF := segment(0$OCDF,1$OCDF) else if (c = 3)@Boolean then seg2 := segment(-1$OCDF,0$OCDF) else seg2 := seg1 m2:MS := doit(seg2,Args) m1m:F := m1.measure m2m:F := m2.measure m:F := m1m*m2m/((m1m*m2m)+(1.0-m1m)*(1.0-m2m)) out1:ST := "The recommendation is to transform the function and use " m1.name " and " m2.name out2:List(HINT) := [[m1.name,args.fn,seg1,m1.extra],[m2.name,Args.fn,seg2,m2.extra]] out2Any:Any := coerce(out2)$AnyFunctions1(List(HINT)) ex:Record(key:S,entry:Any) := [d01transformextra@S,out2Any] extr:Result := construct([ex])$Result [m,out1,extr] measure(R:RoutinesTable,args:NIA) == Range:=rangeIsFinite(args) Range case bothInfinite => split(1,args) Range case upperInfinite => positive?(lo(args.range))$OCDF => transform(true,args) split(2,args) Range case lowerInfinite => negative?(hi(args.range))$OCDF => transform(false,args) split(3,args) numericalIntegration(args:NIA,hints:Result) == mainResult:DF := mainAbserr:DF := 0$DF ans:Result := empty()$Result hla:Any := coerce(search((d01transformextra@S),hints)$Result)@Any hintList := retract(hla)$AnyFunctions1(List(HINT)) methodName:ST := empty()$ST repeat if (empty?(hintList)$(List(HINT))) then leave item := first(hintList)$List(HINT) a:Result := getIntegral(args,item) anyRes := coerce(search((result@S),a)$Result)@Any midResult := retract(anyRes)$AnyFunctions1(DF) anyErr := coerce(search((abserr pretend S),a)$Result)@Any midAbserr := retract(anyErr)$AnyFunctions1(DF) mainResult := mainResult+midResult mainAbserr := mainAbserr+midAbserr if (methodName = item.str)@Boolean then methodName := concat([item.str,"1"])$ST else methodName := item.str ans := concat(ans,changeName(a,methodName))$ExpertSystemToolsPackage hintList := rest(hintList)$(List(HINT)) anyResult := coerce(mainResult)$AnyFunctions1(DF) anyAbserr := coerce(mainAbserr)$AnyFunctions1(DF) recResult:Record(key:S,entry:Any):=[result@S,anyResult] recAbserr:Record(key:S,entry:Any):=[abserr pretend S,anyAbserr] insert!(recAbserr,insert!(recResult,ans))$Result @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<domain D01TRNS d01TransformFunctionType>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}