\documentclass{article} \usepackage{open-axiom} \author{Gabriel Dos~Reis} \begin{document} \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \eject \section{Compiler Intermediate Form} <<domain IRFORM InternalRepresentationForm>>= )abbrev domain IRFORM InternalRepresentationForm ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: March 12, 2010 ++ Date Last Modified: March 12, 2010 ++ Description: ++ This domain provides representations for the intermediate ++ form data structure used by the Spad elaborator. InternalRepresentationForm: Public == Private where Public == Join(SetCategory, HomotopicTo Syntax) with irVar: (Identifier, InternalTypeForm) -> % ++ \spad{irVar(x,t)} returns an IR for a variable reference ++ of type designated by the type form \spad{t} irCtor: (Identifier, InternalTypeForm) -> % ++ \spad{irCtor(n,t)} returns an IR for a constructor reference ++ of type designated by the type form \spad{t} irDef: (Identifier, InternalTypeForm, %) -> % ++ \spad{irDef(f,ts,e)} returns an IR representation for a definition ++ of a function named \spad{f}, with signature \spad{ts} ++ and body \spad{e}. Private == Syntax add coerce(x: %): Syntax == rep x coerce(x: Syntax): % == per x irVar(x,t) == per buildSyntax('%irVar,[x::Syntax,t::Syntax]) irCtor(x,t) == per buildSyntax('%irCtor,[x::Syntax,t::Syntax]) irDef(f,ts,e) == per buildSyntax('%irDef,[f::Syntax, ts::Syntax, e::Syntax]) @ <<domain ITFORM InternalTypeForm>>= )abbrev domain ITFORM InternalTypeForm ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: March 12, 2010 ++ Date Last Modified: March 12, 2010 ++ Description: ++ This domain provides representations for internal type form. InternalTypeForm: Public == Private where Public == Join(SetCategory, HomotopicTo Syntax) with jokerMode: % ++ \spad{jokerMode} is a constant that stands for any mode ++ in a type inference context noValueMode: % ++ \spad{noValueMode} is a constant mode that indicates that ++ the value of an expression is to be ignored. voidMode: % ++ \spad{voidMode} is a constant mode denoting Void. categoryMode: % ++ \spad{categoryMode} is a constant mode denoting Category. mappingMode: (%, List %) -> % ++ \spad{mappingMode(r,ts)} returns a mapping mode with return ++ mode \spad{r}, and parameter modes \spad{ts}. Private == InternalRepresentationForm add jokerMode == _$EmptyMode$Foreign(Builtin) noValueMode == _$NoValueMode$Foreign(Builtin) voidMode == _$Void$Foreign(Builtin) mappingMode(r,ts) == buildSyntax('Mapping,cons(r::Syntax, ts : List(Syntax)))::% @ \section{Elaboration domain} <<domain ELABOR Elaboration>>= )abbrev domain ELABOR Elaboration Elaboration: Public == Private where Public == CoercibleTo OutputForm with elaboration: (InternalRepresentationForm, InternalTypeForm, Environment) -> % ++ \spad{elaboration(ir,ty,env)} construct an elaboration object for ++ for the internal representation form \spad{ir}, with type \spad{ty}, ++ and environment \spad{env}. irForm: % -> InternalRepresentationForm ++ \spad{irForm(x)} returns the internal representation form of ++ the elaboration \spad{x}. typeForm: % -> InternalTypeForm ++ \spad{typeForm(x)} returns the type form of the elaboration \spad{x}. environment: % -> Environment ++ \spad{environment(x)} returns the environment of the ++ elaboration \spad{x}. Private == add Rep == Record(ir: InternalRepresentationForm, type: InternalTypeForm, env: Environment) irForm x == rep(x).ir typeForm x == rep(x).type environment x == rep(x).env coerce(x: %): OutputForm == bracket([irForm(x)::OutputForm, typeForm(x)::OutputForm, environment(x)::OutputForm])$OutputForm @ \section{Compilation Context} <<domain CMPCTXT CompilationContext>>= )abbrev domain CMPCTXT CompilationContext CompilationContext: Public == Private where Public == SetCategory with getExitMode: (%,Integer) -> InternalTypeForm pushExitMode!: (%, InternalTypeForm) -> % Private == add Rep == Record(exitModes: List Integer) @ \section{A Package for the Spad Compiler} <<package COMPILER CompilerPackage>>= )abbrev package COMPILER CompilerPackage ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: March 12, 2010 ++ Date Last Modified: March 12, 2010 ++ Description: ++ This package implements a Spad compiler. CompilerPackage: Public == Private where Public == Type with macroExpand: (SpadAst, Environment) -> SpadAst ++ \spad{macroExpand(s,e)} traverses the syntax object \spad{s} ++ replacing all (niladic) macro invokations with the ++ corresponding substitution. elaborate: SpadAst -> Maybe Elaboration ++ \spad{elaborate(s)} returns the elaboration of the syntax ++ object \spad{s} in the empty environement. elaborateFile: String -> List Maybe Elaboration Private == add macro IR == InternalRepresentationForm macro TFORM == InternalTypeForm macro RESULT == Maybe Elaboration macro ENV == Environment import ENV import IR import RESULT inline RESULT -- forward declaration doElaborate: (SpadAst,TFORM,ENV) -> RESULT macroExpand(s,e) == -- FIXME: this is a short-term stopgap. macroExpand(s,e)$Foreign(Builtin) -- fecth the active definition of 'x', if any from environment `e'. getValue(x: Identifier, e: ENV): RESULT == case getProperty(x,'value,e) is val@SExpression => T := destruct(val)$SExpression just elaboration(first(T) : IR, second(T) : TFORM, e) otherwise => nothing -- not defined -- fetch the active declaration of 'x', if any from environment `e'. getMode(x: Identifier, e: ENV): Maybe TFORM == val := getValue(x,e) val case nothing => -- symbol is not defined decl := getProperty(x,'mode,e) decl case nothing => nothing -- nor declared T := destruct(decl)$SExpression just(second(T) : TFORM) just typeForm(val@Elaboration) -- simply coerce the elaboration `T' to mode `m'. coerceSimply(T: RESULT, m: TFORM): RESULT == T case nothing => T t := typeForm(T@Elaboration) m = jokerMode or t = m => T m = noValueMode or m = voidMode or t = jokerMode => just elaboration(irForm T, m, environment T) nothing -- implicitly coerce the eloboration `T' to one that is -- valid in a mode context `m'. coerceTo(T: RESULT, m:TFORM): RESULT == coerceSimply(T,m) -- elaborate an identifier in the current environment. elaborateIdentifier(x: Identifier, t: TFORM, e: ENV): RESULT == r := case getValue(x,e) is v@Elaboration => just v otherwise => case getMode(x,e) is m@TFORM => just elaboration(irVar(x,m), m, e) otherwise => nothing$RESULT coerceTo(r, t) -- elaborate a form designating a mode elaborateMode(x: SpadAst, e: ENV): Maybe TFORM == t := doElaborate(x,jokerMode,e) t case nothing => nothing just(t : TFORM) -- FIXME: use conversion. -- elaborate a definition. elaborateDefinition(x: DefinitionAst, m: TFORM, e: ENV): RESULT == import HeadAst e' := e parms := parameters head x n := name head x srcSig := signature x irSig := nil$List(TFORM) -- elaborate parameters and push them in scope. for p in parms for t in source srcSig repeat nil? t => return nothing -- FIXME: should infer first irT := elaborateMode(t::SpadAst,e) irT case nothing => return nothing irSig := cons(irT@TFORM,irSig) -- elaborate return type. ret := target srcSig nil? ret => nothing -- FIXME: should infer first irRet := elaborateMode(ret::SpadAst,e) irRet case nothing => nothing -- elaborate the body. b := doElaborate(body x, irRet@TFORM, e) b case nothing => nothing t := mappingMode(irRet@TFORM, reverse irSig) just elaboration(irDef(n,t,irForm b),t,e') -- elaborate a syntax `s' under context `m', in the envionment `e'. doElaborate(s: SpadAst, t: TFORM, e: ENV): RESULT == case s is id@Identifier => elaborateIdentifier(id,t,e) otherwise => nothing elaborate s == doElaborate(s,jokerMode,empty()$ENV) elaborateFile f == [elaborate(s::SpadAst) for s in parse(f)$SpadParser] @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (C) 2007-2016, Gabriel Dos Reis. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<domain IRFORM InternalRepresentationForm>> <<domain ITFORM InternalTypeForm>> <<domain ELABOR Elaboration>> <<domain CMPCTXT CompilationContext>> <<package COMPILER CompilerPackage>> @