\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra bags.spad} \author{Michael Monagan, Stephen Watt} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{domain STACK Stack} <<domain STACK Stack>>= )abbrev domain STACK Stack ++ Author: Michael Monagan and Stephen Watt ++ Date Created:June 86 and July 87 ++ Date Last Updated: December 02, 2007 ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ Linked List implementation of a Stack --% Dequeue and Heap data types Stack(S: Type): StackAggregate S with stack: List S -> % ++ stack([x,y,...,z]) creates a stack with first (top) ++ element x, second element y,...,and last element z. == add Rep := Reference List S if S has CoercibleTo OutputForm then coerce(d:%): OutputForm == bracket [e::OutputForm for e in deref d] if S has SetCategory then s = t == deref s = deref t copy s == ref copy deref s depth s == # deref s # s == depth s pop_! (s:%):S == empty? s => error "empty stack" e := first deref s setref(s,rest deref s) e extract_! (s:%):S == pop_! s top (s:%):S == empty? s => error "empty stack" first deref s inspect s == top s push_!(e,s) == (setref(s,cons(e,deref s));e) insert_!(e:S,s:%):% == (push_!(e,s);s) empty() == ref nil()$List(S) empty? s == null deref s stack s == ref copy s @ \section{domain ASTACK ArrayStack} <<domain ASTACK ArrayStack>>= )abbrev domain ASTACK ArrayStack ++ Author: Michael Monagan and Stephen Watt ++ Date Created:June 86 and July 87 ++ Date Last Updated:Feb 92 ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ A stack represented as a flexible array. --% Dequeue and Heap data types ArrayStack(S:SetCategory): StackAggregate(S) with arrayStack: List S -> % ++ arrayStack([x,y,...,z]) creates an array stack with first (top) ++ element x, second element y,...,and last element z. == add Rep := IndexedFlexibleArray(S,0) -- system operations # s == _#(s)$Rep s = t == s =$Rep t copy s == copy(s)$Rep coerce(d):OutputForm == empty? d => empty()$(List S) ::OutputForm [(d.i::OutputForm) for i in 0..#d-1] ::OutputForm -- stack operations depth s == # s empty? s == empty?(s)$Rep extract_! s == pop_! s insert_!(e,s) == (push_!(e,s);s) push_!(e,s) == (concat(e,s); e) pop_! s == if empty? s then error "empty stack" m := maxIndex s r := s.m delete_!(s,m) r top s == if empty? s then error "empty stack" else s.maxIndex(s) arrayStack l == construct(l)$Rep empty() == new(0,0 pretend S) @ \section{domain QUEUE Queue} <<domain QUEUE Queue>>= )abbrev domain QUEUE Queue ++ Author: Michael Monagan and Stephen Watt ++ Date Created:June 86 and July 87 ++ Date Last Updated:Feb 92 ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ Linked List implementation of a Queue --% Dequeue and Heap data types Queue(S:SetCategory): QueueAggregate S with queue: List S -> % ++ queue([x,y,...,z]) creates a queue with first (top) ++ element x, second element y,...,and last (bottom) element z. == Stack S add Rep := Reference List S lastTail==> LAST$Lisp enqueue_!(e,q) == if null deref q then setref(q, list e) else lastTail.(deref q).rest := list e e insert_!(e,q) == (enqueue_!(e,q);q) dequeue_! q == empty? q => error "empty queue" e := first deref q setref(q,rest deref q) e extract_! q == dequeue_! q rotate_! q == if empty? q then q else (enqueue_!(dequeue_! q,q); q) length q == # deref q front q == if empty? q then error "empty queue" else first deref q inspect q == front q back q == if empty? q then error "empty queue" else last deref q queue q == ref copy q @ \section{domain DEQUEUE Dequeue} <<domain DEQUEUE Dequeue>>= )abbrev domain DEQUEUE Dequeue ++ Author: Michael Monagan and Stephen Watt ++ Date Created:June 86 and July 87 ++ Date Last Updated:Feb 92 ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ Linked list implementation of a Dequeue --% Dequeue and Heap data types Dequeue(S:SetCategory): DequeueAggregate S with dequeue: List S -> % ++ dequeue([x,y,...,z]) creates a dequeue with first (top or front) ++ element x, second element y,...,and last (bottom or back) element z. == Queue S add Rep := Reference List S bottom_! d == if empty? d then error "empty dequeue" else last deref d dequeue d == ref copy d extractBottom_! d == if empty? d then error "empty dequeue" p := deref d n := maxIndex p n = 1 => r := first p setref(d,[]) r q := rest(p,(n-2)::NonNegativeInteger) r := first rest q q.rest := [] r extractTop_! d == e := top d setref(d,rest deref d) e height d == # deref d insertTop_!(e,d) == (setref(d,cons(e,deref d)); e) lastTail==> LAST$Lisp insertBottom_!(e,d) == if empty? d then setref(d, list e) else lastTail.(deref d).rest := list e e top d == if empty? d then error "empty dequeue" else first deref d reverse_! d == (setref(d,reverse deref d); d) @ \section{domain HEAP Heap} <<domain HEAP Heap>>= )abbrev domain HEAP Heap ++ Author: Michael Monagan and Stephen Watt ++ Date Created:June 86 and July 87 ++ Date Last Updated:Feb 92 ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ Heap implemented in a flexible array to allow for insertions ++ Complexity: O(log n) insertion, extraction and O(n) construction --% Dequeue and Heap data types Heap(S:OrderedSet): Exports == Implementation where Exports == PriorityQueueAggregate S with heap : List S -> % ++ heap(ls) creates a heap of elements consisting of the ++ elements of ls. Implementation == IndexedFlexibleArray(S,0) add Rep := IndexedFlexibleArray( S,0) empty() == empty()$Rep heap l == n := #l h := empty() n = 0 => h for x in l repeat insert_!(x,h) h siftUp: (%,Integer,Integer) -> Void siftUp(r,i,n) == -- assertion 0 <= i < n t := r.i while (j := 2*i+1) < n repeat if (k := j+1) < n and r.j < r.k then j := k if t < r.j then (r.i := r.j; r.j := t; i := j) else leave extract_! r == -- extract the maximum from the heap O(log n) n := #r :: Integer n = 0 => error "empty heap" t := r(0) r(0) := r(n-1) delete_!(r,n-1) n = 1 => t siftUp(r,0,n-1) t insert_!(x,r) == -- Williams' insertion algorithm O(log n) j := (#r) :: Integer r:=concat_!(r,concat(x,empty()$Rep)) while j > 0 repeat i := (j-1) quo 2 if r(i) >= x then leave r(j) := r(i) j := i r(j):=x r max r == if #r = 0 then error "empty heap" else r.0 inspect r == max r makeHeap(r:%):% == -- Floyd's heap construction algorithm O(n) n := #r for k in n quo 2 -1 .. 0 by -1 repeat siftUp(r,k,n) r bag l == makeHeap construct(l)$Rep merge(a,b) == makeHeap concat(a,b) merge_!(a,b) == makeHeap concat_!(a,b) @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<domain STACK Stack>> <<domain ASTACK ArrayStack>> <<domain QUEUE Queue>> <<domain DEQUEUE Dequeue>> <<domain HEAP Heap>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}