\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{src/algebra any.spad} \author{Robert S. Sutor \and Gabriel Dos~Reis} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \eject \section{domain NONE None} <>= )abbrev domain NONE None ++ Author: ++ Date Created: ++ Change History: ++ Basic Functions: coerce ++ Related Constructors: NoneFunctions1 ++ Also See: Any ++ AMS Classification: ++ Keywords: none, empty ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{None} implements a type with no objects. It is mainly ++ used in technical situations where such a thing is needed (e.g. ++ the interpreter and some of the internal \spadtype{Expression} ++ code). None():SetCategory == add coerce(none:%):OutputForm == "NONE" :: OutputForm x:% = y:% == EQ(x,y)$Lisp @ \section{The Maybe domain} <>= )abbrev domain MAYBE Maybe ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: August 20, 2008 ++ Also See: Union(T,"failed") ++ Description: ++ This domain implements the notion of optional vallue, where ++ a computation may fail to produce expected value. ++ Note: Ideally, this domain definition should be a one-liner. ++ That is currently impossible because of mismatch between ++ the `old representation' and `new representation' for domains. Maybe(T: CoercibleTo OutputForm): Public == Private where Public == Join(UnionType,CoercibleTo OutputForm) with _case: (%,[| T |]) -> Boolean ++ x case T returns true if x is actually a data of type T. _case: (%,[| nothing |]) -> Boolean ++ x case nothing evaluates true if the value for x is missing. coerce: T -> % ++ x::T injects the value x into %. coerce: % -> T ++ x::T tries to extract the value of T from the computation x. ++ Produces a runtime error when the computation fails. autoCoerce: % -> T ++ same as above but implicitly called by the compiler. nothing: % ++ represents failure. Private == add Rep == Union(T,"nothing") nothing == per("nothing"::Rep) coerce(x: T): % == per(x::Rep) coerce(x: %): T == rep(x)::T autoCoerce x == rep(x)::T x case T == rep x case T x case nothing == rep x case "nothing" coerce(x: %): OutputForm == x case T => x::T::OutputForm paren(empty()$OutputForm)$OutputForm @ \section{package NONE1 NoneFunctions1} <>= import None )abbrev package NONE1 NoneFunctions1 ++ Author: ++ Date Created: ++ Change History: ++ Basic Functions: coerce ++ Related Constructors: None ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classification: ++ Keywords: ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{NoneFunctions1} implements functions on \spadtype{None}. ++ It particular it includes a particulary dangerous coercion from ++ any other type to \spadtype{None}. NoneFunctions1(S:Type): Exports == Implementation where Exports ==> with coerce: S -> None ++ coerce(x) changes \spad{x} into an object of type ++ \spadtype{None}. Implementation ==> add coerce(s:S):None == s pretend None @ \section{domain ANY Any} <>= )abbrev domain ANY Any ++ Author: Robert S. Sutor ++ Date Created: ++ Change History: ++ Basic Functions: any, domainOf, objectOf, dom, obj, showTypeInOutput ++ Related Constructors: AnyFunctions1 ++ Also See: None ++ AMS Classification: ++ Keywords: ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{Any} implements a type that packages up objects and their ++ types in objects of \spadtype{Any}. Roughly speaking that means ++ that if \spad{s : S} then when converted to \spadtype{Any}, the new ++ object will include both the original object and its type. This is ++ a way of converting arbitrary objects into a single type without ++ losing any of the original information. Any object can be converted ++ to one of \spadtype{Any}. Any(): SetCategory with any : (SExpression, None) -> % ++ any(type,object) is a technical function for creating ++ an object of \spadtype{Any}. Arugment \spad{type} is a \spadgloss{LISP} form ++ for the type of \spad{object}. domainOf : % -> OutputForm ++ domainOf(a) returns a printable form of the type of the ++ original object that was converted to \spadtype{Any}. objectOf : % -> OutputForm ++ objectOf(a) returns a printable form of the ++ original object that was converted to \spadtype{Any}. dom : % -> SExpression ++ dom(a) returns a \spadgloss{LISP} form of the type of the ++ original object that was converted to \spadtype{Any}. obj : % -> None ++ obj(a) essentially returns the original object that was ++ converted to \spadtype{Any} except that the type is forced ++ to be \spadtype{None}. showTypeInOutput: Boolean -> String ++ showTypeInOutput(bool) affects the way objects of ++ \spadtype{Any} are displayed. If \spad{bool} is true ++ then the type of the original object that was converted ++ to \spadtype{Any} will be printed. If \spad{bool} is ++ false, it will not be printed. == add Rep := Record(dm: SExpression, ob: None) printTypeInOutputP:Reference(Boolean) := ref false obj x == x.ob dom x == x.dm domainOf x == x.dm pretend OutputForm x = y == (x.dm = y.dm) and EQ(x.ob, y.ob)$Lisp objectOf(x : %) : OutputForm == spad2BootCoerce(x.ob, x.dm, list("OutputForm"::Symbol)$List(Symbol))$Lisp showTypeInOutput(b : Boolean) : String == printTypeInOutputP := ref b b=> "Type of object will be displayed in output of a member of Any" "Type of object will not be displayed in output of a member of Any" coerce(x):OutputForm == obj1 : OutputForm := objectOf x not deref printTypeInOutputP => obj1 dom1 := p:Symbol := prefix2String(devaluate(x.dm)$Lisp)$Lisp atom?(p pretend SExpression) => list(p)$List(Symbol) list(p)$Symbol hconcat cons(obj1, cons(":"::OutputForm, [a::OutputForm for a in dom1])) any(domain, object) == (isValidType(domain)$Lisp)@Boolean => [domain, object] domain := devaluate(domain)$Lisp (isValidType(domain)$Lisp)@Boolean => [domain, object] error "function any must have a domain as first argument" @ \section{package ANY1 AnyFunctions1} <>= import Boolean import Any )abbrev package ANY1 AnyFunctions1 ++ Author: ++ Date Created: ++ Change History: ++ Basic Functions: coerce, retractIfCan, retractable?, retract ++ Related Constructors: Any ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classification: ++ Keywords: ++ Description: ++ \spadtype{AnyFunctions1} implements several utility functions for ++ working with \spadtype{Any}. These functions are used to go back ++ and forth between objects of \spadtype{Any} and objects of other ++ types. AnyFunctions1(S:Type): with coerce : S -> Any ++ coerce(s) creates an object of \spadtype{Any} from the ++ object \spad{s} of type \spad{S}. retractIfCan: Any -> Union(S, "failed") ++ retractIfCan(a) tries change \spad{a} into an object ++ of type \spad{S}. If it can, then such an object is ++ returned. Otherwise, "failed" is returned. retractable?: Any -> Boolean ++ retractable?(a) tests if \spad{a} can be converted ++ into an object of type \spad{S}. retract : Any -> S ++ retract(a) tries to convert \spad{a} into an object of ++ type \spad{S}. If possible, it returns the object. ++ Error: if no such retraction is possible. == add import NoneFunctions1(S) Sexpr:SExpression := devaluate(S)$Lisp retractable? a == dom(a) = Sexpr coerce(s:S):Any == any(Sexpr, s::None) retractIfCan a == retractable? a => obj(a) pretend S "failed" retract a == retractable? a => obj(a) pretend S error "Cannot retract value." @ \section{domain PROPERTY Property} <>= import Symbol import SExpression )abbrev domain PROPERTY Property ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: October 24, 2007 ++ Date Last Modified: January 18, 2008. ++ An `Property' is a pair of name and value. Property(): Public == Private where Public ==> CoercibleTo(OutputForm) with name: % -> Symbol ++ name(p) returns the name of property p value: % -> SExpression ++ value(p) returns value of property p property: (Symbol, SExpression) -> % ++ property(n,val) constructs a property with name `n' and ++ value `val'. Private ==> add rep(x: %): SExpression == x pretend SExpression per(x: SExpression): % == x pretend % name x == -- Note: It is always well defined to take the `car' here -- because there is no way we could have type safely -- constructed a null property. symbol car rep x value x == cdr rep x property(n,val) == per CONS(n,val)$Lisp coerce x == v := value x val: OutputForm if null? v then val := false::OutputForm else if EQ(v, true)$Lisp : Boolean then val := true::OutputForm else val := v::OutputForm bracket(infix(outputForm '_=_>, outputForm name x, val)$OutputForm)$OutputForm @ \section{domain BINDING Binding} <>= )abbrev domain BINDING Binding ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: October 24, 2007 ++ Date Last Modified: January 18, 2008. ++ A `Binding' is a name asosciated with a collection of properties. Binding(): Public == Private where Public ==> CoercibleTo(OutputForm) with name: % -> Symbol ++ name(b) returns the name of binding b properties: % -> List Property ++ properties(b) returns the properties associated with binding b. binding: (Symbol, List Property) -> % ++ binding(n,props) constructs a binding with name `n' and ++ property list `props'. Private ==> add rep(x: %): SExpression == x pretend SExpression per(x: SExpression): % == x pretend % name b == -- this is well defined because there is no way one could -- type safely ask the name of an inexisting binding. symbol car rep b properties b == (cdr rep b) pretend List(Property) binding(n,props) == per CONS(n,props)$Lisp coerce b == null? rep b => empty()$OutputForm rarrow(outputForm name b, (properties b)::OutputForm)$OutputForm @ \section{domain CONTOUR Contour} <>= )abbrev domain CONTOUR Contour ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: October 24, 2007 ++ Date Last Modified: January 18, 2008. ++ A `Contour' a list of bindings making up a `virtual scope'. Contour(): Public == Private where Public ==> CoercibleTo(OutputForm) with bindings: % -> List Binding ++ bindings(c) returns the list of bindings in countour c. push: (Binding,%) -> % ++ push(c,b) augments the contour with binding `b'. findBinding: (Symbol,%) -> Union(Binding, "failed") ++ findBinding(c,n) returns the first binding associated with `n'. ++ Otherwise `failed'. Private ==> add bindings c == c pretend List(Binding) findBinding(n,c) == for b in bindings c repeat EQ(n, name b)$Lisp => return b "failed" push(b,c) == CONS(b,c)$Lisp pretend % coerce c == (bindings c)::OutputForm @ \section{domain SCOPE Scope} <>= )abbrev domain SCOPE Scope ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: October 24, 2007 ++ Date Last Modified: January 18, 2008. ++ A `Scope' is a sequence of contours. Scope(): Public == Private where Public ==> CoercibleTo(OutputForm) with empty: () -> % ++ empty() returns an empty scope. contours: % -> List Contour ++ contours(s) returns the list of contours in scope s. findBinding: (Symbol,%) -> Union(Binding, "failed") ++ findBinding(n,s) returns the first binding of `n' in `s'; ++ otherwise `failed'. pushNewContour: (Binding,%) -> % ++ pushNewContour(b,s) pushs a new contour with sole binding `b'. currentScope: () -> % ++ currentScope() returns the scope currently in effect currentCategoryFrame: () -> % ++ currentCategoryFrame() returns the category frame currently ++ in effect. Private ==> add import Contour Rep == List Contour empty() == per NIL$Lisp contours s == rep s findBinding(n,s) == for c in contours s repeat b := findBinding(n,c)$Contour not b case "failed" => return b "failed" pushNewContour(b,s) == c := LIST(b)$Lisp CONS(c,s)$Lisp @ % currentScope() == CAR(_$e$Lisp)$Lisp @ % currentCategoryFrame() == CAR(_$CategoryFrame$Lisp)$Lisp @ % coerce s == (contours s)::OutputForm @ \section{domain ENV Environment} <>= )abbrev domain ENV Environment ++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis ++ Date Created: October 24, 2007 ++ Date Last Modified: January 19, 2008. ++ An `Environment' is a stack of scope. Environment(): Public == Private where Public ==> CoercibleTo(OutputForm) with empty: () -> % ++ empty() constructs an empty environment scopes: % -> List Scope ++ scopes(e) returns the stack of scopes in environment e. getProperty: (Symbol, Symbol, %) -> Union(SExpression, "failed") ++ getProperty(n,p,e) returns the value of property with name `p' ++ for the symbol `n' in environment `e'. Otherwise, `failed'. setProperty!: (Symbol, Symbol, SExpression, %) -> % ++ setProperty!(n,p,v,e) binds the property `(p,v)' to `n' ++ in the topmost scope of `e'. getProperties: (Symbol, %) -> Union(List Property, "failed") ++ getBinding(n,e) returns the list of properties of `n' in ++ e; otherwise `failed'. setProperties!: (Symbol, List Property, %) -> % ++ setBinding!(n,props,e) set the list of properties of `n' ++ to `props' in `e'. currentEnv: () -> % ++ the current normal environment in effect. categoryFrame: () -> % ++ the current category environment in the interpreter. Private ==> add Rep == List Scope empty() == per NIL$Lisp scopes e == rep e getProperty(n,p,e) == v := get(n,p,e)$Lisp null? v => "failed" v setProperty!(n,p,v,e) == put(n,p,v,e)$Lisp @ % getProperties(n,e) == b: SExpression := getProplist(n,e)$Lisp null? b => "failed" b pretend List(Property) setProperties!(n,b,e) == addBinding(n,b,e)$Lisp @ % currentEnv() == _$e$Lisp @ % categoryFrame() == _$CategoryFrame$Lisp @ % coerce e == (scopes e)::OutputForm @ \section{License} <>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. --Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Gabriel Dos Reis. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <> -- Any and None complete the type lattice. They are also used in the -- interpreter in various situations. For example, it is always possible -- to resolve two types in the interpreter because at worst the answer -- may be Any. <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}