\documentclass{article} \usepackage{open-axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/algebra alql.spad} \author{The Axiom Team} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{domain DLIST DataList} <<domain DLIST DataList>>= )abbrev domain DLIST DataList ++ This domain provides some nice functions on lists DataList(S:OrderedSet) : Exports == Implementation where Exports == Join(ListAggregate(S), HomotopicTo List S) with datalist: List S -> % ++ datalist(l) creates a datalist from l elt: (%,"unique") -> % ++ \axiom{l.unique} returns \axiom{l} with duplicates removed. ++ Note: \axiom{l.unique = removeDuplicates(l)}. elt: (%,"sort") -> % ++ \axiom{l.sort} returns \axiom{l} with elements sorted. ++ Note: \axiom{l.sort = sort(l)} elt: (%,"count") -> NonNegativeInteger ++ \axiom{l."count"} returns the number of elements in \axiom{l}. Implementation == List(S) add elt(x,"unique") == removeDuplicates(x) elt(x,"sort") == sort(x) elt(x,"count") == #x coerce(x:List S) == per x coerce(x:%):List S == rep x coerce(x:%): OutputForm == (x :: List S) :: OutputForm datalist(x:List S) == x::% @ \section{domain ICARD IndexCard} <<domain ICARD IndexCard>>= )abbrev domain ICARD IndexCard ++ This domain implements a container of information ++ about the AXIOM library IndexCard() : Exports == Implementation where Exports == Join(OrderedSet,CoercibleFrom String) with elt: (%,Symbol) -> String ++ elt(ic,s) selects a particular field from \axiom{ic}. Valid fields ++ are \axiom{name, nargs, exposed, type, abbreviation, kind, origin, ++ params, condition, doc}. display: % -> Void ++ display(ic) prints a summary of the information contained in \axiom{ic}. fullDisplay: % -> Void ++ fullDisplay(ic) prints all of the information contained in \axiom{ic}. Implementation == add macro I == Integer Rep == String x<y == rep x < rep y x=y == rep x = rep y display(x) == name : OutputForm := dbName(x)$Lisp type : OutputForm := dbPart(x,4,1@I)$Lisp output(hconcat(name,hconcat(" : ",type)))$OutputPackage fullDisplay(x) == name : OutputForm := dbName(x)$Lisp type : OutputForm := dbPart(x,4,1@I)$Lisp origin:OutputForm := hconcat(alqlGetOrigin(x$Lisp)$Lisp,alqlGetParams(x$Lisp)$Lisp) fromPart : OutputForm := hconcat(" from ",origin) condition : String := dbPart(x,6,1@I)$Lisp ifPart : OutputForm := condition = "" => empty() hconcat(" if ",condition::OutputForm) exposed? : String := SUBSTRING(dbPart(x,3,1)$Lisp,0,1)$Lisp exposedPart : OutputForm := exposed? = "n" => " (unexposed)" empty() firstPart := hconcat(name,hconcat(" : ",type)) secondPart := hconcat(fromPart,hconcat(ifPart,exposedPart)) output(hconcat(firstPart,secondPart))$OutputPackage coerce(s:String): % == per s coerce(x): OutputForm == rep(x)::OutputForm elt(x,sel) == sel = 'name => dbName(x)$Lisp sel = 'nargs => dbPart(x,2,1@I)$Lisp sel = 'exposed => SUBSTRING(dbPart(x,3,1)$Lisp,0,1)$Lisp sel = 'type => dbPart(x,4,1@I)$Lisp sel = 'abbreviation => dbPart(x,5,1@I)$Lisp sel = 'kind => alqlGetKindString(x)$Lisp sel = 'origin => alqlGetOrigin(x)$Lisp sel = 'params => alqlGetParams(x)$Lisp sel = 'condition => dbPart(x,6,1@I)$Lisp sel = 'doc => dbComments(x)$Lisp userError "unknown selector" @ \section{domain DBASE Database} <<domain DBASE Database>>= )abbrev domain DBASE Database ++ This domain implements a simple view of a database whose fields are ++ indexed by symbols Database(S): Exports == Implementation where S: OrderedSet with elt: (%,Symbol) -> String ++ elt(x,s) returns an element of x indexed by s display: % -> Void ++ display(x) displays x in some form fullDisplay: % -> Void ++ fullDisplay(x) displays x in detail Exports == Join(SetCategory, CoercibleFrom List S) with elt: (%,QueryEquation) -> % ++ elt(db,q) returns all elements of \axiom{db} which satisfy \axiom{q}. elt: (%,Symbol) -> DataList String ++ elt(db,s) returns the \axiom{s} field of each element of \axiom{db}. +: (%,%) -> % ++ db1+db2 returns the merge of databases db1 and db2 -: (%,%) -> % ++ db1-db2 returns the difference of databases db1 and db2 i.e. consisting ++ of elements in db1 but not in db2 display: % -> Void ++ display(db) prints a summary line for each entry in \axiom{db}. fullDisplay: % -> Void ++ fullDisplay(db) prints full details of each entry in \axiom{db}. fullDisplay: (%,PositiveInteger,PositiveInteger) -> Void ++ fullDisplay(db,start,end ) prints full details of entries in the range ++ \axiom{start..end} in \axiom{db}. Implementation == List S add s: Symbol Rep := List S coerce(u: List S):% == u@% elt(data: %,s: Symbol) == [x.s for x in data] :: DataList(String) elt(data: %,eq: QueryEquation) == field := variable eq val := value eq [x for x in data | stringMatches?(val,x.field)$Lisp] x+y==removeDuplicates! merge(x,y) x-y==mergeDifference(copy(x::Rep),y::Rep)$MergeThing(S) coerce(data): OutputForm == (#data):: OutputForm display(data) == for x in data repeat display x fullDisplay(data) == for x in data repeat fullDisplay x fullDisplay(data,n,m) == for x in data for i in 1..m repeat if i >= n then fullDisplay x @ \section{domain QEQUAT QueryEquation} <<domain QEQUAT QueryEquation>>= )abbrev domain QEQUAT QueryEquation ++ This domain implements simple database queries QueryEquation(): Exports == Implementation where Exports == CoercibleTo(OutputForm) with equation: (Symbol,String) -> % ++ equation(s,"a") creates a new equation. variable: % -> Symbol ++ variable(q) returns the variable (i.e. left hand side) of \axiom{q}. value: % -> String ++ value(q) returns the value (i.e. right hand side) of \axiom{q}. Implementation == add Rep := Record(var:Symbol, val:String) coerce(u) == coerce(u.var)$Symbol = coerce(u.val)$String equation(x,s) == [x,s] variable q == q.var value q == q.val @ \section{package MTHING MergeThing} <<package MTHING MergeThing>>= )abbrev package MTHING MergeThing ++ This package exports tools for merging lists MergeThing(S:OrderedSet): Exports == Implementation where Exports == with mergeDifference: (List(S),List(S)) -> List(S) ++ mergeDifference(l1,l2) returns a list of elements in l1 not present in l2. ++ Assumes lists are ordered and all x in l2 are also in l1. Implementation == add mergeDifference1: (List S,S,List S) -> List S mergeDifference(x,y) == null x or null y => x mergeDifference1(x,y.first,y.rest) x.first=y.first => x.rest x mergeDifference1(x,fy,ry) == rx := x while not null rx repeat rx := rx.rest frx := rx.first while fy < frx repeat null ry => return x fy := first ry ry := rest ry frx = fy => x.rest := rx.rest null ry => return x fy := ry.first ry := ry.rest x := rx @ \section{package OPQUERY OperationsQuery} <<package OPQUERY OperationsQuery>>= )abbrev package OPQUERY OperationsQuery ++ This package exports tools to create AXIOM Library information databases. OperationsQuery(): Exports == Implementation where Exports == with getDatabase: String -> Database(IndexCard) ++ getDatabase("char") returns a list of appropriate entries in the ++ browser database. The legal values for "char" are "o" (operations), ++ "k" (constructors), "d" (domains), "c" (categories) or "p" (packages). Implementation == add getDatabase(s) == getBrowseDatabase(s)$Lisp @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. --All rights reserved. -- --Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without --modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are --met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- --THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS --IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED --TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A --PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER --OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, --EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, --PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR --PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING --NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS --SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<domain DLIST DataList>> <<domain ICARD IndexCard>> <<domain DBASE Database>> <<domain QEQUAT QueryEquation>> <<package MTHING MergeThing>> <<package OPQUERY OperationsQuery>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}