This is OpenAxiom, the open scientific computation system.

OpenAxiom is a free software for symbolic and algebraic computations. It
offers an interactive environment, including  an expressive programming
language, a compiler, a large set of libraries (algebras) of interest to
researchers and practitioners of computational sciences. 

OpenAxiom strives to support ubiquitous, advanced, high quality
open source computer algebra on major operating systems, in particular
major Unix  variants, GNU/Linux variants, Windows, and handheld
devices.  It aims at being the open source computer algebra system of
choice for research, teaching, engineering, etc.  OpenAxiom leverages
existing mathematical software, in particular it provides interface to
mainstream programming languages (at the moment C and C++). 

For information about building, installing, and using OpenAxiom, please refer
to the file INSTALL.  We would like to hear from you: share your
experience with us at


July 2011
Gabriel Dos Reis
College Station, Texas; USA.