� OpenAxiom now has a domain domain for representing the abstract syntax tree of Spad and Boot programs. � OpenAxiom now supports collections of domains. More generally, it is now possible define and call functions with arguments that are of domain type. � OpenAxiom no longer uses global setting of the environment variable AXIOM. Now, OpenAxiom's AXIOMsys can be invoked with optional command line argument specifying the system root directory and the system alegbra directory. � OpenAxiom now support versioning, meaning that installing newer versions will not overwrite previous OpenAxiom version runtimes. * September 21, 2007 OpenAxiom-1.0.1 has been released. Changes from previous release: � Now OpenAxiom ignores system-installed GCL versions that are too old. � Problem with HyperDoc not restarting fixed. � Build failure on Windows XP or Vista fixed. � Build with the dependency tarball open-axiom-1.0.x-dep.tar.bz2 has been improved. Many problems fixed. * August 24, 2007 OpenAxiom-1.0.0 has been released. * August 13, 2007 OpenAxiom has been created.