%% Oh Emacs, this is a -*- Makefile -*-, so give me tabs.

\title{The Top Level \File{Makefile}}
\author{Gabriel Dos~Reis \and Timothy Daly}




\section{General Makefile Structure}

All the Makfiles in the \Tool{OpenAxiom} build systen are structured in very
similar ways.  First, they have to build all of the files
in their own directory. Second, they have to invoke \Tool{Make} on each
of their subdirectories.  This forms a natural recursive tree walk of 
the OpenAxiom source system directory structure. Third, they have to 
explain all of the details about the directory, the files and the 
target rules it manages and its subdirectories.

This section also serves as a reference for the meaning of the
general targets and variables within the \Tool{OpenAxiom} build system.

\subsection{Standard targets}

This section describes the meaning of \Tool{Make} targets present in every 
Makefile of the \Tool{OpenAxiom} build system.  These are quite standard,
so that \Tool{OpenAxiom} can be built just like most software using the 
GNU build machinery.  All of the targets discussed in this sub-section
are recursive.


This target builds all of the \Tool{OpenAxiom} sub-system controlled by the
specific \File{Makefile}.  In particular, the [[all]] target in the
toplevel \File{Makefile} builds all the \Tool{OpenAxiom} system.

According to GNU standard practice, the [[all]] target should not
build documentation files and those should be explicitly asked for.
However, \Tool{OpenAxiom} uses the literate programming paradigm (which is
not mainstream in most GNU software).  Consequently, some rules must 
be broken somewhere.  Which ones and where are questions not answered;
those would be suject to discussion.


The purpose of this target is to build \Tool{OpenAxiom} and install for
use.  The build system is set up  so that if [[make all]] just completed
then [[make install]] will not modify any file in the build directory,
Consequently it is possible to issue [[make all]] as one
user to build the whole system, and install it as another user.  The typical
case is: on Unix-like system, build as ordinary user, then install as

At the moment [[make install]] will create the sub-directory \File{axiom}
under the directory given [[$(prefix)]] --- default \File{/usr/local} ---
and install the \Tool{OpenAxiom} systen there.  We don't use
[[$(exec_prefix)]] yet --- and we should.

\paragraph{Pre-installation commands.}
FIXME: To be written

\paragraph{Post-installation command.}
FIXME: To be written





















\subsection{Standard installation variables}




























\subsection{Standard build variables}

\subsection{Standard source variables}


\section{The Build Flow}

The build flow of \Tool{OpenAxiom} seems, at first sight, a bit 
intricate to describe.
This description is STILL IN WORK IN PROGRESS.  Therefore it is
incorrekt, incomplet, and iNconSiStenT.

First of all \Tool{noweb} is needed to extract source codes from the 
documentation.  Almost everything depends on \Tool{noweb} --- the exception
being possible build of \Tool{GCL}.

Second, we need a Lisp runtime system.  If one is available from
the build environment, we are done.  In fact, currently we do insist that
the Lisp runtime system is \Tool{GCL}.

Third, we have to `make' the subdirectory \File{src/} where all the
work actually happens.  Part of \Tool{OpenAxiom} is written in Boot, part
in Common Lisp, part in C, and the rest in Spad.  The Spad compiler
is written partly in Boot, thefore \File{src/algebra/}, 
\File{src/input/}, \File{src/interp/} depend on \File{src/boot/}.  The rest
is mostly written in C and depends only on \File{src/lib/}.  The 
interperter and the compiler also depend on \File{src/lib/} for interface
with C (sockets and all that).

The \File{src/} directory looks like this:

\File{src/algebra/}, \File{src/input/} depend on \File{src/interp},
\File{src/interp/} depends on \File{src/boot}.

Hue. This discussion is better done in src/Makefile.  Move it there.

\subsection{Build components}

Building \Tool{OpenAxiom} consists of building several logical components.
These loosely correspond to the sub-directories of \File{src/} shown in
the previous section.  They can be built individually by invoking 
[[make all-xxx]] where [[xxx]] is one of
   algebra asq axiomsys book boot clef doc graph hyper
   input interpsys lib lisp sman driver src

The \Tool{OpenAxiom} source files reside in \File{src/}.  The directory
\File{gcl/} contains the source code for \Tool{GCL}.  They are 
not formally part of the  
\Tool{OpenAxiom} distribution.  Rather, they are tools \Tool{OpenAxiom} depends on.
They are bundled with the \Tool{OpenAxiom} source code only for convenience.

\section{The Top Level \File{Makefile}}

subdir = 


build_srcdir = $(builddir)/src

AXIOM_SRC_TARGETS = all-algebra all-asq all-axiomsys all-boot \
	all-clef all-doc all-graph all-hyper all-input all-interpsys \
	all-lib all-lisp all-sman all-driver all-src

all: all-ax

all-ax: all-src
	@echo finished system build on `date` | tee > lastBuildDate

all-src: stamp-rootdirs @axiom_all_prerequisites@

ifeq ($(strip $(axiom_include_gcl)),yes)
all-boot all-lisp all-interpsys all-axiomsys \
  all-algebra all-input: all-gcl

	cd "$(build_srcdir)" && $(MAKE) $@



.PHONY: check
	cd src && $(MAKE) all-check

	@-rm -f lastBuildDate

clean-local: mostlyclean-local
	@rm -fr "$(axiom_build_nowebdir)"
	@ rm -f stamp-*
	@ rm -rf int

distclean-local: clean-local
	@-rm -rf build
	@-rm -rf "$(axiom_targetdir)"
	@-rm -f config.status config.log
	@-rm -f Makefile

$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure
	$(SHELL) ./config.status --recheck


The [[pamphlets]] variable is to be defined by every Makefile.  It shall
contain the list of all pamphlet files of interest in the directory.  The 
value of this variable is used to build documentation files.

At the moment, the toplevel directory contains only two pamphlet files
of interest:
pamphlets = configure.ac.pamphlet Makefile.pamphlet


The is variable is a unique string intended to show up
in the banner at startup time. I can be anything but is intended
to be a unique way of identifying the SVN version so we can 
reference bug reports to versions. It is used in the [[src/interp/Makefile]]
to set a lisp variable [[boot::*build-version*]]. This variable
is used by the [[yearweek]] function to construct the banner.

The banner also contains a build timestamp so we can determine
when the image is compiled. We touch the file 
called [[$(axiom_targetdir)/timestamp]] and using a formatted form
of its file information. See the [[YEARWEEK]] variable in the
[[src/interp/Makefile.pamphlet]] and the [[yearweek]] function in 


The variable [[AXIOM_X11_CFLAGS]] holds the C compiler flags necessary
to compile part of OpenAxiom that depends on the X Window System.  It is
computed at configure-time, based on the characteristics of the target


The variable [[AXIOM_X11_LDFLAGS]] holds the linker flags necessary
for parts of OpenAxiom thar depends on the X Window System.  It is
computed at configure-time, based on the characteristics of the target

The [[INC]] directory contains all the include files for the C


This variable should be defined every Makefile.  It shall contain the
relative path (ending with a slash) from the toplevel source directory 
to the directory contaning that Makefile.  For the toplevel directory, it 
is empty.

[[subdir]] is used to instruct [[config.status]] --- created at 
configuration time --- to recreate a particular Makefile if needed.

\subsubsection{The [[axiom]] command}
The install directory prefix is \File{/usr/local/} by default.  This 
means that the script \Tool{axiom} is installed in the directory
\File{/usr/local/bin/}, and the rest of the \Tool{OpenAxiom} system
is installed in \File{/usr/local/lib/axiom/}.  The install directory
prefix can be defined at configure time using the option

The [[DOCUMENT]] variable is now set to replace the direct call
to the [[$SPADBIN/document]] command. This will allow it to be
changed on the command line.

## ----------------------------------------
## -- Old-style OpenAxiom makefile variables --
## ----------------------------------------



Note that the -p (parent) option to mkdir will make all intermediate
directories as well if they don't exist.

stamp-rootdirs: $(axiom_build_document)
	@mkdir -p "${TMP}"
	@$(STAMP) stamp-rootdirs



At the moment, \Tool{OpenAxiom} uses \Tool{GCL} as its Lisp platform.
\Tool{GCL} may not be available for a given host.  In that case,
we must build a running image.

We delegate the details of constructing common lisp to the Makefiles in
the subtree. We need only ensure that the Makefiles are up to date.

If and when we build GCL, it is ``installed'' in [[$(axiom_builddir)]].  
The \File{gcl} binary will be accessible as 

The augmented fresh Lisp image is also accessible as
[[$(axiom_build_bindir)/lisp$(EXEEXT)]] for use to build Boot translators
and the \Tool{OpenAxiom} interpreter and compiler.


The [[$(builddir)/src/lisp]] dir is necessary to keep collectfn and sys-proclaims.
The collectfn.lsp file is a special extension to GCL to collect type
information during a compile-file. This information gets written out
to a [[.fn]] file. These [[.fn]] files can be loaded and written out
as a file containing proclaims information. If this proclaims information
is available at compile time then the resulting function calls are much
more efficient. The [[sys-proclaims]] file contains type information 
about standard common lisp function calls.

.PHONY: all-gcl
all-gcl: $(axiom_build_bindir)/gcl$(EXEEXT)

	if test "$(srcdir)" != "$(builddir)" -a ! -d gcl; then \
	   cp -r "$(srcdir)"/gcl "$(builddir)"; \
	fi; cd gcl; \
	./configure --prefix="$(axiom_abs_builddir)" ${GCLOPTS} && \
		$(MAKE) && $(MAKE) install


When \Tool{noweb} is not available from the build environment
and a \Tool{noweb} source files a present in a top level directory
named \File{noweb}, we use those source file to build the executable
necessary to extract codes and documentations.
.PHONY: all-noweb
all-noweb: $(axiom_build_bindir)/notangle

.PHONY: maybe-cp-noweb-srcdir
maybe-cp-noweb-srcdir: $(srcdir)/noweb
	## Even though out-of-source build is what we recommend,
	## noweb does not directly support that sort of build.
	## So we copy the source to the build directory.
	## We try to be nice to those who chose otherwise
	## to build directly from the OpenAxiom source dir.
	if test "$(srcdir)" != "$(builddir)" -a ! -d noweb; then \
		cp -r "$(srcdir)"/noweb "$(builddir)"; \

$(addprefix $(axiom_build_bindir)/, notangle noweave): maybe-cp-noweb-srcdir
	## Noweb would like to install many things even if we
	## are not interested in those.  Prepare the ground.
	$(mkinstalldirs) "$(axiom_build_bindir)"
	$(mkinstalldirs) "$(axiom_build_libdir)"
	$(mkinstalldirs) "$(axiom_build_texdir)"
	$(mkinstalldirs) "$(axiom_build_mandir)"
	$(TOUCH) $(addprefix noweb/src/shell/, \
			noweave notangle noweb noroff toroff) \
		 $(wildcard "$(builddir)"/noweb/src/c/*.h) \
		 $(wildcard "$(builddir)"/noweb/src/c/*.c)
	## noweb's Makefile needs editing before we can build to suit
	## our needs.  In particular, we must say when helper programs go,
	## where the noweb style file goes, where the man pages go (even though
	## in this specific context, they are not needed).  Finally,
	## noweb insists on running `texhash' after installation, which is
	## of no practical value for us in ths specific context.  We must
	## convince it not to go there.
	cd noweb/src && \
	cat Makefile \
	   | sed -e "s,^BIN=.*,BIN=$(axiom_abs_build_bindir)," \
	         -e "s,^LIB=.*,LIB=$(axiom_abs_build_libdir)," \
	         -e "s,^MAN=.*,MAN=$(axiom_abs_build_mandir)," \
	         -e "s,^TEXINPUTS=.*,TEXINPUTS=$(axiom_abs_build_texdir)," \
	         -e "s, make , $$\(MAKE\) ," \
	         -e "s,c/nt,c/nt$(EXEEXT)," \
	         -e "s,c/markup,c/markup$(EXEEXT)," \
	         -e "s,c/mnt,c/mnt$(EXEEXT)," \
	         -e "s,c/finduses,c/finduses$(EXEEXT)," \
	         -e "s/-texhash.*/:/" \
	         -e "s/ install-elisp//" \
	   > Makefile.tmp && mv Makefile.tmp Makefile && \
	./awkname $(AWK) && $(MAKE) all install

	@echo Installing OpenAxiom in $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)
	@$(mkinstalldirs) "$(DESTDIR)$(open_axiom_installdir)"
	cp -pr "$(builddir)"/$(target)/* "$(DESTDIR)$(open_axiom_installdir)"
	rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)"/open-axiom
	@$(mkinstalldirs) "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)"
	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) src/driver/open-axiom$(EXEEXT) "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)"
	@echo OpenAxiom installation finished.

Until now, pamphlet files are also \LaTeX{}ed as part of a normal build.
We are moving to more standard build process where the documentation
is made as a separate rule.  Please, this does not go against the 
literate programming movement.  The new build machinery has a general 
make target [[dvi]] that builds DVI files of the corresponding pamphlet
files.  It does so by consulting the value of the variable [[pamphlets]]
--- which should be defined by every Makefile.

\section{The Platform Makefiles}

The Top Level Makefile examines the SPAD variable to determine
the target build platform. It sets up the general structure
of the world. Then it invokes one of these platform Makefiles. 
Each of these Makefiles sets several
environment variables that are specific to this platform.

\subsubsection{The [[PLF]] variable }

\subsubsection{The [[CCF]] variable }

\subsubsection{The [[LDF]] variable }

The LDF variable is the generic loader flags. This gives information
about where various libraries are located on specific platforms. On
linux, for instance, the library [[libXpm.a]] is used by the graphics
routines. This library is usually found in [[/usr/X11R6/bin/libXpm.a]]. 
Thus, on the linux platform LDF is defined as
LDF= -L/usr/X11R6/lib

\subsubsection{The [[CC]] variable }

\subsubsection{The [[AWK]] variable }

On most systems the gnu toolset is the default. Thus we can just use
'awk' and the program works. However, on some systems we need to
specify that we are using the gnu toolset, and we need to use
[[gawk]] instead of [[awk]].

\subsubsection{The [[PATCH]] variable }

On most systems the gnu toolset is the default. Thus we can just use
'patch' and the program works. However, on some systems we need to
specify that we are using the gnu toolset, and we need to use
[[gpatch]] instead of [[patch]].

\subsubsection{The [[AXIOMXLROOT]] variable }

\subsubsection{The [[O]] variable }
Various Common Lisp systems prefer certain filename extensions.
This defaults to ``o'' so a compile of foo.lisp becomes foo.o
but other systems prefer .fasl so a compile of foo.lisp becomes
foo.fasl. Change this based on the target lisp.

\subsubsection{The [[DAASE]] variable}
OpenAxiom uses 5 files, the *.daase files, which are called ``the
databases''. They contain cross-reference, signatures,
and other information needed by the interpreter and compiler.
When the system is being built from scratch these databases
need to exist. However, they get dynamically rebuilt after
the algebra files are compiled. The bootstrap versions of these
databases live in the [[src/share]] subdirectory. OpenAxiom will
use the value of the shell variable [[DAASE]] to find its 
databases. If this variable is unbound it uses the standard
[[$(axiom_targetdir)]] path. Note that OpenAxiom will append the string
[[/algebra]] to the value of [[DAASE]]. The default value setting
given here is:


so [[$(axiom_src_datadir)/algebra/*.daase]] will be the
OpenAxiom bootstrap database files.

On the MAC OSX someone decided (probably a BSDism) to rename the
[[SIGCLD]] signal to [[SIGCHLD]]. In order to handle this in the 
low level C socket code (in particular, in [[src/lib/fnct_key.c]])
we change the platform variable to be [[MACOSXplatform]] and create
this new stanza.

We need to add [[-I/usr/include/sys]] because [[malloc.h]] has been
moved on this platform. 

We need to explicitly put [[-I/usr/include]] before 
[[-I/usr/include/sys]] because the MAC seems to search in a
different order than linux systems. The [[sys]] versions of 
the include files are broken, at least for OpenAxiom use.

Following the standard practice of GNU build machinery, there are 
three [[make]] rules for cleanup:
\item [[mostlyclean]]
\item [[clean]]
\item [[distclean]]

[[mostlyclean]] acts almost like [[clean]] except that it does not 
delete some files that are time-consuming to make (if remaking is 
not needed), e.g. [[libspad.a]] or [[lisp]].

[[clean]] deletes any file created by running [[make]].

[[distclean]] cleans up the build directory to the point where it almost
reverts to the state of the build directory before the initial build.

In summary [[clean]] can be interpreted as a prerequisite of [[distclean]],
and [[mostlyclean]] a prerequisite of [[clean]].

To ease the process of writing rules to clean up directories, the new
build machinery has divided each general rule cleanup rule into two
\item [[\%-generic]]
\item [[\%-local]]

The stem [[\%]] standards for [[mostlyclean]], [[clean]], and 
[[distclean]].  The [[\%-generic]] rules are defined by the
build machinery.  Only the tree rules [[\%-local]] need to be defined
by Makefiles.  The intent is that they do directory-specific cleanup.

\subsection{[[generic cleanups]]}

There are many cleanup tasks that are common to almost all directories.
They are handled by generic cleanup rules
\item [[mostlyclean-generic]]
\item [[clean-generic]]
\item [[distclean-generic]]
For instances, they delete intermediate files produced by \LaTeX{}.
If you're writing a new Makefile for OpenAxiom, you do not have to
define these rules.

\subsection{[[local cleanups]]}

Some Makefiles have specific needs about cleanups.  For example, the 
directory [[src/lib]] that contains mostly C codes would need to delete 
intermediate files for C codes weaved from pmaphlets.  They must
handle those through
\item [[mostlyclean-local]]
\item [[clean-local]]
\item [[distclean-local]]

Notice that each Makefile should define those targets, even if they do 
