## ----------------------------------------
## -- Old-style OpenAxiom makefile variables --
## ----------------------------------------


pamphlets = configure.ac.pamphlet Makefile.pamphlet

subdir = 


build_srcdir = $(builddir)/src

AXIOM_SRC_TARGETS = all-algebra all-asq all-axiomsys all-boot \
	all-clef all-doc all-graph all-hyper all-input all-interpsys \
	all-lib all-lisp all-sman all-driver all-src  all-databases

all: all-ax

all-ax: all-src
	@echo finished system build on `date` | tee > lastBuildDate

all-src: stamp-rootdirs @axiom_all_prerequisites@

ifeq ($(strip $(axiom_include_gcl)),yes)
all-boot all-lisp all-interpsys all-axiomsys \
  all-algebra all-input: all-gcl

	cd "$(build_srcdir)" && $(MAKE) $@

.PHONY: all-algstrap
	cd src/algebra && $(MAKE) $@

stamp-rootdirs: $(axiom_build_document)
	@mkdir -p "${TMP}"
	@$(STAMP) stamp-rootdirs

.PHONY: all-noweb
all-noweb: $(axiom_build_bindir)/notangle

.PHONY: maybe-cp-noweb-srcdir
maybe-cp-noweb-srcdir: $(srcdir)/noweb
	## Even though out-of-source build is what we recommend,
	## noweb does not directly support that sort of build.
	## So we copy the source to the build directory.
	## We try to be nice to those who chose otherwise
	## to build directly from the OpenAxiom source dir.
	if test "$(srcdir)" != "$(builddir)" -a ! -d noweb; then \
		cp -r "$(srcdir)"/noweb "$(builddir)"; \

$(addprefix $(axiom_build_bindir)/, notangle noweave): maybe-cp-noweb-srcdir
	## Noweb would like to install many things even if we
	## are not interested in those.  Prepare the ground.
	$(mkdir_p) "$(axiom_build_bindir)"
	$(mkdir_p) "$(axiom_build_libdir)"
	$(mkdir_p) "$(axiom_build_texdir)"
	$(mkdir_p) "$(axiom_build_mandir)"
	$(TOUCH) $(addprefix noweb/src/shell/, \
			noweave notangle noweb noroff toroff) \
		 $(wildcard "$(builddir)"/noweb/src/c/*.h) \
		 $(wildcard "$(builddir)"/noweb/src/c/*.c)
	## noweb's Makefile needs editing before we can build to suit
	## our needs.  In particular, we must say when helper programs go,
	## where the noweb style file goes, where the man pages go (even though
	## in this specific context, they are not needed).  Finally,
	## noweb insists on running `texhash' after installation, which is
	## of no practical value for us in ths specific context.  We must
	## convince it not to go there.
	cd noweb/src && \
	cat Makefile \
	   | sed -e "s,^BIN=.*,BIN=$(axiom_abs_build_bindir)," \
	         -e "s,^LIB=.*,LIB=$(axiom_abs_build_libdir)," \
	         -e "s,^MAN=.*,MAN=$(axiom_abs_build_mandir)," \
	         -e "s,^TEXINPUTS=.*,TEXINPUTS=$(axiom_abs_build_texdir)," \
	         -e "s, make , $$\(MAKE\) ," \
	         -e "s,c/nt,c/nt$(EXEEXT)," \
	         -e "s,c/markup,c/markup$(EXEEXT)," \
	         -e "s,c/mnt,c/mnt$(EXEEXT)," \
	         -e "s,c/finduses,c/finduses$(EXEEXT)," \
	         -e "s/-texhash.*/:/" \
	         -e "s/ install-elisp//" \
	   > Makefile.tmp && mv Makefile.tmp Makefile && \
	./awkname $(AWK) && $(MAKE) all install
.PHONY: all-gcl
all-gcl: $(axiom_build_bindir)/gcl$(EXEEXT)

	if test "$(srcdir)" != "$(builddir)" -a ! -d gcl; then \
	   cp -r "$(srcdir)"/gcl "$(builddir)"; \
	fi; cd gcl; \
	./configure --prefix="$(axiom_abs_builddir)" ${GCLOPTS} && \
		$(MAKE) && $(MAKE) install
	@echo Installing OpenAxiom in $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)
	@$(mkinstalldirs) "$(DESTDIR)$(open_axiom_installdir)"
	cp -pr "$(builddir)"/$(target)/* "$(DESTDIR)$(open_axiom_installdir)"
	rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)"/open-axiom
	@$(mkinstalldirs) "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)"
	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) src/driver/open-axiom$(EXEEXT) "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)"
	@echo OpenAxiom installation finished.

.PHONY: check
	cd src && $(MAKE) all-check

	@-rm -f lastBuildDate

clean-local: mostlyclean-local
	@rm -fr "$(axiom_build_nowebdir)"
	@ rm -f stamp-*
	@ rm -rf int

distclean-local: clean-local
	@-rm -rf build
	@-rm -rf "$(axiom_targetdir)"
	@-rm -f config.status config.log
	@-rm -f Makefile

$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure
	$(SHELL) ./config.status --recheck