From ab8cc85adde879fb963c94d15675783f2cf4b183 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dos-reis <>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 05:14:52 +0000
Subject: Initial population.

 src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet | 3103 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 3103 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet

(limited to 'src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet')

diff --git a/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet b/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e846b570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet
@@ -0,0 +1,3103 @@
+\title{\File{src/interp/i-syscmd.boot} Pamphlet}
+\author{The Axiom Team}
+This file contains the BOOT code for the Axiom system command
+and synonym processing facility.  The code for )trace is in the file
+TRACE BOOT.  The list of system commands is $SYSCOMMANDS which is
+initialized in SETQ LISP.
+\section{Filenames change}
+It appears that probe-file is now case-sensitive. In order to get around
+this we include the file extensions in both upper and lower case in the
+search lists. Lower case names are preferred.
+The system commands given by the global variable
+[[|$noParseCommands|]]\cite{1} require essentially no
+preprocessing/parsing of their arguments. Here we dispatch the
+functions which implement these commands.
+There are four standard commands which receive arguments -- [[lisp]],
+[[synonym]], [[system]] and [[boot]]. There are five standard commands
+which do not receive arguments -- [[quit]], [[fin]], [[pquit]],
+[[credits]] and [[copyright]]. As these commands do not necessarily
+exhaust those mentioned in [[|$noParseCommands|]], we provide a
+generic dispatch based on two conventions: commands which do not
+require an argument name themselves, those which do have their names
+prefixed by [[np]].
+handleNoParseCommands(unab, string) ==
+  string := stripSpaces string
+  spaceIndex := SEARCH('" ", string)
+  unab = "lisp" =>
+    if (null spaceIndex) then
+      sayKeyedMsg("S2IV0005", NIL)
+      nil
+    else nplisp(stripLisp string)
+  unab = "boot" =>
+    if (null spaceIndex) then
+      sayKeyedMsg("S2IV0005", NIL)
+      nil
+    else npboot(SUBSEQ(string, spaceIndex+1))
+  unab = "system" =>
+    if (null spaceIndex) then
+      sayKeyedMsg("S2IV0005", NIL)
+      nil
+    else npsystem(unab, string)
+  unab = "synonym" =>
+    npsynonym(unab, (null spaceIndex => '""; SUBSEQ(string, spaceIndex+1)))
+  null spaceIndex =>
+    FUNCALL unab
+  member(unab, '( quit     _
+                  fin      _
+		  pquit    _
+		  credits  _
+		  copyright )) => 
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IV0005", NIL)
+    nil
+  funName := INTERN CONCAT('"np",STRING unab)
+  FUNCALL(funName, SUBSEQ(string, spaceIndex+1))
+\section{TRUENAME change}
+This change was made to make the open source Axiom work with the 
+new aldor compiler.z
+This used to read:
+     STRCONC(TRUENAME(STRCONC(GETENV('"AXIOM"),'"/compiler/bin/")),"axiomxl ", asharpArgs, '" ", namestring args)
+but now reads:
+<<remove TRUENAME>>=
+               "aldor ", asharpArgs, '" ", namestring args)
+Notice that we've introduced the [[ALDORROOT]] shell variable.
+This will have to be pushed down from the top level Makefile.
+-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+-- met:
+--     - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+--       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+--     - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+--       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+--       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+--       distribution.
+--     - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
+--       names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+--       derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+--% Utility Variable Initializations
+SETANDFILEQ($SYSCOMMANDS,[CAR x for x in $systemCommands])
+SETANDFILEQ($whatOptions, '( _
+    operations _
+    categories _
+    domains _
+    packages _
+    commands _
+    synonyms _
+    things _
+    ))
+SETANDFILEQ($clearOptions, '( _
+  modes _
+  operations _
+  properties _
+  types _
+  values  _
+  ))
+SETANDFILEQ($displayOptions, '( _
+  abbreviations _
+  all _
+  macros _
+  modes _
+  names _
+  operations  _
+  properties _
+  types _
+  values _
+  ))
+SETANDFILEQ($countAssoc,'( (cache countCache) ))
+--% Top level system command
+initializeSystemCommands() ==
+  l := $systemCommands
+  while l repeat
+    l := CDR l
+systemCommand [[op,:argl],:options] ==
+  $options: local:= options
+  $e:local := $CategoryFrame
+  fun := selectOptionLC(op,$SYSCOMMANDS,'commandError)
+  argl and (argl.0 = '_?) and fun ^= 'synonym =>
+    helpSpad2Cmd [fun]
+  fun := selectOption(fun,commandsForUserLevel $systemCommands,
+    'commandUserLevelError)
+  FUNCALL(fun, argl)
+commandsForUserLevel l == --[a for [a,:b] in l | satisfiesUserLevel(a)]
+  c := nil
+  for [a,:b] in l repeat
+    satisfiesUserLevel b => c := [a,:c]
+  reverse c
+synonymsForUserLevel l ==
+  -- l is a list of synonyms, and this returns a sublist of applicable
+  -- synonyms at the current user level.
+  $UserLevel = 'development => l
+  nl := NIL
+  for syn in reverse l repeat
+    cmd := STRING2ID_-N(CDR syn,1)
+    null selectOptionLC(cmd,commandsForUserLevel
+      $systemCommands,NIL) => nil
+    nl := [syn,:nl]
+  nl
+satisfiesUserLevel x ==
+  x          = 'interpreter => true
+  $UserLevel = 'interpreter => false
+  x          = 'compiler    => true
+  $UserLevel = 'compiler    => false
+  true
+unAbbreviateKeyword x ==
+  x' :=selectOptionLC(x,$SYSCOMMANDS,'commandErrorIfAmbiguous)
+  if not x' then
+    x' := 'system
+    SETQ(LINE, CONCAT('")system ", SUBSTRING(LINE, 1, #LINE-1)))
+    $currentLine := LINE
+  selectOption(x',commandsForUserLevel $systemCommands,
+    'commandUserLevelError)
+hasOption(al,opt) ==
+  optPname:= PNAME opt
+  found := NIL
+  for pair in al while not found repeat
+    stringPrefix?(PNAME CAR pair,optPname) => found := pair
+  found
+selectOptionLC(x,l,errorFunction) ==
+  selectOption(DOWNCASE object2Identifier x,l,errorFunction)
+selectOption(x,l,errorFunction) ==
+  member(x,l) => x                   --exact spellings are always OK
+  null IDENTP x =>
+    errorFunction => FUNCALL(errorFunction,x,u)
+    nil
+  u := [y for y in l | stringPrefix?(PNAME x,PNAME y)]
+  u is [y] => y
+  errorFunction => FUNCALL(errorFunction,x,u)
+  nil
+terminateSystemCommand() == TERSYSCOMMAND()
+commandUserLevelError(x,u) == userLevelErrorMessage("command",x,u)
+optionUserLevelError(x,u) == userLevelErrorMessage("option",x,u)
+userLevelErrorMessage(kind,x,u) ==
+  null u =>
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0007",[$UserLevel,kind])
+    terminateSystemCommand()
+  commandAmbiguityError(kind,x,u)
+commandError(x,u) == commandErrorMessage("command",x,u)
+optionError(x,u) == commandErrorMessage("option",x,u)
+commandErrorIfAmbiguous(x, u) ==
+  null u => nil
+  commandAmbiguityError("command", x, u)
+commandErrorMessage(kind,x,u) ==
+  null u =>
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0008",[kind,x])
+    terminateSystemCommand()
+  commandAmbiguityError(kind,x,u)
+commandAmbiguityError(kind,x,u) ==
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0009",[kind,x])
+  for a in u repeat sayMSG ['"     ",:bright a]
+  terminateSystemCommand()
+--% Utility for access to original command line
+getSystemCommandLine() ==
+  p := STRPOS('")",$currentLine,0,NIL)
+  line := if p then SUBSTRING($currentLine,p,NIL) else $currentLine
+  maxIndex:= MAXINDEX line
+  for i in 0..maxIndex while (line.i^=" ") repeat index:= i
+  if index=maxIndex then line := '""
+  else line := SUBSTRING(line,index+2,nil)
+  line
+------------ start of commands ------------------------------------------
+--% )abbreviations
+abbreviations l == abbreviationsSpad2Cmd l
+abbreviationsSpad2Cmd l ==
+  null l => helpSpad2Cmd '(abbreviations)
+  abopts := '(query domain category package remove)
+  quiet := nil
+  for [opt] in $options repeat
+    opt := selectOptionLC(opt,'(quiet),'optionError)
+    opt = 'quiet => quiet := true
+  l is [opt,:al] =>
+    key := opOf CAR al
+    type := selectOptionLC(opt,abopts,'optionError)
+    type is 'query =>
+      null al => listConstructorAbbreviations()
+      constructor := abbreviation?(key) => abbQuery(constructor)
+      abbQuery(key)
+    type is 'remove =>
+    ODDP SIZE al => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0002",[type])
+    repeat
+      null al => return 'fromLoop
+      [a,b,:al] := al
+      mkUserConstructorAbbreviation(b,a,type)
+    null quiet =>
+      sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0001",[a,type,opOf b])
+      nil
+  nil
+listConstructorAbbreviations() ==
+  x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg("S2IZ0056",NIL)
+  MEMQ(STRING2ID_-N(x,1),'(Y YES)) =>
+    whatSpad2Cmd '(categories)
+    whatSpad2Cmd '(domains)
+    whatSpad2Cmd '(packages)
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0057",NIL)
+--% )clear
+clear l == clearSpad2Cmd l
+clearSpad2Cmd l ==
+  -- new version which changes the environment and updates history
+  $clearExcept: local := nil
+  if $options then $clearExcept :=
+    "and"/[selectOptionLC(opt,'(except),'optionError) =
+             'except for [opt,:.] in $options]
+  null l =>
+    optList:= "append"/[['%l,'"       ",x] for x in $clearOptions]
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0010",[optList])
+  arg := selectOptionLC(first l,'(all completely scaches),NIL)
+  arg = 'all          => clearCmdAll()
+  arg = 'completely   => clearCmdCompletely()
+  arg = 'scaches      => clearCmdSortedCaches()
+  $clearExcept => clearCmdExcept(l)
+  clearCmdParts(l)
+  updateCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+clearCmdSortedCaches() ==
+  $lookupDefaults: local := false
+  for [.,.,:domain] in HGET($ConstructorCache,'SortedCache) repeat
+    pair := compiledLookupCheck('clearCache,[$Void],domain)
+    SPADCALL pair
+clearCmdCompletely() ==
+  clearCmdAll()
+  $localExposureData := COPY_-SEQ $localExposureDataDefault
+  $xdatabase := NIL
+  $CatOfCatDatabase  := NIL
+  $DomOfCatDatabase  := NIL
+  $JoinOfCatDatabase := NIL
+  $JoinOfDomDatabase := NIL
+  $attributeDb := NIL
+  $functionTable := NIL
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0013",NIL)
+  clearClams()
+  clearConstructorCaches()
+  $existingFiles := MAKE_-HASHTABLE 'UEQUAL
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0014",NIL)
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0015",NIL)
+  NIL
+clearCmdAll() ==
+  clearCmdSortedCaches()
+  ------undo special variables------
+  $frameRecord := nil
+  $previousBindings := nil
+  $variableNumberAlist := nil
+  untraceMapSubNames _/TRACENAMES
+  $InteractiveFrame := LIST LIST NIL
+  resetInCoreHist()
+  if $useInternalHistoryTable
+    then $internalHistoryTable := NIL
+    else deleteFile histFileName()
+  $IOindex := 1
+  updateCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+  $currentLine := '")clear all"    --restored 3/94; needed for undo (RDJ)
+  clearMacroTable()
+  if $frameMessages then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0011",[$interpreterFrameName])
+  else sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0012",NIL)
+clearCmdExcept(l is [opt,:vl]) ==
+  --clears elements of vl of all options EXCEPT opt
+  for option in $clearOptions |
+    ^stringPrefix?(object2String opt,object2String option)
+      repeat clearCmdParts [option,:vl]
+clearCmdParts(l is [opt,:vl]) ==
+  -- clears the bindings indicated by opt of all variables in vl
+  option:= selectOptionLC(opt,$clearOptions,'optionError)
+  option:= INTERN PNAME option
+  -- the option can be plural but the key in the alist is sometimes
+  -- singular
+  option :=
+    option = 'types =>  'mode
+    option = 'modes =>  'mode
+    option = 'values => 'value
+    option
+  null vl => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0055",NIL)
+  pmacs := getParserMacroNames()
+  imacs := getInterpMacroNames()
+  if vl='(all) then
+    vl := ASSOCLEFT CAAR $InteractiveFrame
+    vl := REMDUP(append(vl, pmacs))
+  $e : local := $InteractiveFrame
+  for x in vl repeat
+    clearDependencies(x,true)
+    if option='properties and x in pmacs then clearParserMacro(x)
+    if option='properties and x in imacs and ^(x in pmacs) then
+        sayMessage ['"   You cannot clear the definition of the system-defined macro ",
+            fixObjectForPrinting x,"."]
+    p1 := ASSOC(x,CAAR $InteractiveFrame) =>
+      option='properties =>
+        if isMap x then
+          (lm := get(x,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame)) =>
+            PAIRP lm => untraceMapSubNames [CADAR lm]
+          NIL
+        for p2 in CDR p1 repeat
+          prop:= CAR p2
+          recordOldValue(x,prop,CDR p2)
+          recordNewValue(x,prop,NIL)
+        SETF(CAAR $InteractiveFrame,deleteAssoc(x,CAAR $InteractiveFrame))
+      p2:= ASSOC(option,CDR p1) =>
+        recordOldValue(x,option,CDR p2)
+        recordNewValue(x,option,NIL)
+        RPLACD(p2,NIL)
+  nil
+--% )close
+queryClients () ==
+  -- Returns the number of active scratchpad clients
+  sockSendInt($SessionManager, $QueryClients)
+  sockGetInt $SessionManager
+close args ==
+  $saturn => 
+    sayErrorly('"Obsolete system command", _
+      ['" The )close  system command is obsolete in this version of AXIOM.",
+       '" Please use Close from the File menu instead."])
+  quiet:local:= false
+  null $SpadServer =>
+    throwKeyedMsg('"S2IZ0071", [])
+  numClients := queryClients()
+  numClients > 1 =>
+    sockSendInt($SessionManager, $CloseClient)
+    sockSendInt($SessionManager, $currentFrameNum)
+    closeInterpreterFrame(NIL)
+  for [opt,:.] in $options repeat
+    fullopt := selectOptionLC(opt, '(quiet), 'optionError)
+    fullopt = 'quiet   =>
+           quiet:=true
+  quiet =>
+    sockSendInt($SessionManager, $CloseClient)
+    sockSendInt($SessionManager, $currentFrameNum)
+    closeInterpreterFrame(NIL)
+  x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg('"S2IZ0072", nil)
+  MEMQ(STRING2ID_-N(x,1), '(YES Y)) =>
+    BYE()
+  nil
+--% )constructor
+constructor args ==
+  sayMessage '"   Not implemented yet."
+  NIL
+--% )compiler
+compiler args ==
+    $newConlist: local := nil    --reset by compDefineLisplib and astran
+    null args and null $options and null _/EDITFILE => helpSpad2Cmd '(compiler)
+    if null args then args := [_/EDITFILE]
+    -- first see if the user has explicitly specified the compiler
+    -- to use.
+    optlist := '(new old translate constructor)
+    haveNew := nil
+    haveOld := nil
+    for opt in $options while ^(haveNew and haveOld) repeat
+        [optname,:optargs] := opt
+        fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optlist,nil)
+        fullopt = 'new => haveNew := true
+        fullopt = 'translate => haveOld := true
+        fullopt = 'constructor => haveOld := true
+        fullopt = 'old => haveOld := true
+    haveNew and haveOld => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0081", nil)
+    af  := pathname args
+    aft := pathnameType af
+-- Whats this for? MCD/PAB 21-9-95
+--    if haveNew and (null(aft) or (aft = '"")) then
+--        af := pathname [af, '"as"]
+--        aft = '"as"
+--    if haveOld and (null(aft) or (aft = '"")) then
+--        af := pathname [af, '"spad"]
+--        aft = '"spad"
+    haveNew or (aft = '"as")   =>
+        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(as))) =>
+            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
+        compileAsharpCmd [af1]
+    haveOld or (aft = '"spad") =>
+        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(spad))) =>
+            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
+        compileSpad2Cmd  [af1]
+    aft = '"lsp"   =>
+        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(lsp))) =>
+            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
+        compileAsharpLispCmd [af1]
+    aft = '"NRLIB"  =>
+        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(NRLIB))) =>
+            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
+        compileSpadLispCmd [af1]
+    aft = '"ao"   =>
+        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(ao))) =>
+            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
+        compileAsharpCmd [af1]
+    aft = '"al"   =>    -- archive library of .ao files
+        not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(al))) =>
+            throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
+        compileAsharpArchiveCmd [af1]
+    -- see if we something with the appropriate file extension
+    -- lying around
+    af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(as spad ao asy))
+    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"as"   => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
+    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"ao"  => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
+    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd  [af1]
+    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"asy"  => compileAsharpArchiveCmd [af1]
+    -- maybe /EDITFILE has some stuff that can help us
+    ef := pathname _/EDITFILE
+    ef := mergePathnames(af,ef)
+    ef = af => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0039", nil)
+    af := ef
+    pathnameType(af) = '"as"   => compileAsharpCmd args
+    pathnameType(af) = '"ao"  => compileAsharpCmd args
+    pathnameType(af) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd  args
+    -- see if we something with the appropriate file extension
+    -- lying around
+    af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(as spad ao asy))
+    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"as"   => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
+    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"ao"  => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
+    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd  [af1]
+    af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"asy"  => compileAsharpArchiveCmd [af1]
+    throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0039", nil)
+compileAsharpCmd args ==
+    compileAsharpCmd1 args
+    terminateSystemCommand()
+    spadPrompt()
+compileAsharpCmd1 args ==
+    -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ^= nil
+    -- and is a file with file extension .as or .ao
+    path := pathname args
+    pathType := pathnameType path
+    (pathType ^= '"as") and (pathType ^= '"ao") => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0083", nil)
+    ^PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
+    SETQ(_/EDITFILE, path)
+    updateSourceFiles path
+    optList :=  '( _
+      new _
+      old _
+      translate _
+      onlyargs _
+      moreargs _
+      quiet _
+      nolispcompile _
+      noquiet _
+      library _
+      nolibrary _
+        )
+    beQuiet := false         -- be verbose here
+    doLibrary  := true       -- so a )library after compilation
+    doCompileLisp := true    -- do compile generated lisp code
+    moreArgs := NIL
+    onlyArgs := NIL
+    for opt in $options repeat
+        [optname,:optargs] := opt
+        fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil)
+        fullopt = 'new       => nil
+        fullopt = 'old       => error "Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got )old"
+        fullopt = 'translate => error "Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got )translate"
+        fullopt = 'quiet     => beQuiet := true
+        fullopt = 'noquiet   => beQuiet := false
+        fullopt = 'nolispcompile   => doCompileLisp := false
+        fullopt = 'moreargs  => moreArgs := optargs
+        fullopt = 'onlyargs  => onlyArgs := optargs
+        fullopt = 'library   => doLibrary  := true
+        fullopt = 'nolibrary => doLibrary  := false
+        throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[STRCONC('")",object2String optname)])
+    tempArgs :=
+        pathType = '"ao" =>
+            -- want to strip out -Fao
+            (p := STRPOS('"-Fao", $asharpCmdlineFlags, 0, NIL)) =>
+                p = 0 => SUBSTRING($asharpCmdlineFlags, 5, NIL)
+                STRCONC(SUBSTRING($asharpCmdlineFlags, 0, p), '" ",
+                    SUBSTRING($asharpCmdlineFlags, p+5, NIL))
+            $asharpCmdlineFlags
+        $asharpCmdlineFlags
+    asharpArgs :=
+        onlyArgs =>
+            s := ""
+            for a in onlyArgs repeat
+                s := STRCONC(s, '" ", object2String a)
+            s
+        moreArgs =>
+            s := tempArgs
+            for a in moreArgs repeat
+                s := STRCONC(s, '" ", object2String a)
+            s
+        tempArgs
+    if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0038A",[namestring args, asharpArgs])
+    command :=
+<<remove TRUENAME>>
+    rc := OBEY command
+    if (rc = 0) and doCompileLisp then
+        lsp := fnameMake('".", pathnameName args, '"lsp")
+        if fnameReadable?(lsp) then
+            if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0089", [namestring lsp])
+            compileFileQuietly(lsp)
+        else
+            sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0003", [namestring lsp])
+    if rc = 0 and doLibrary then
+        -- do we need to worry about where the compilation output went?
+        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0090", [ pathnameName path ])
+        withAsharpCmd [ pathnameName path ]
+    else if ^beQuiet then
+        sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0084", nil)
+    extendLocalLibdb $newConlist
+compileAsharpArchiveCmd args ==
+    -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ^= nil
+    -- and is a file with file extension .al. We also assume that
+    -- the name is fully qualified.
+    path := pathname args
+    ^PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
+    -- here is the plan:
+    --   1. extract the file name and try to make a directory based
+    --      on that name.
+    --   2. cd to that directory and ar x the .al file
+    --   3. for each .ao file that shows up, compile it
+    --   4. delete the generated .ao files
+    -- First try to make the directory in the current directory
+    dir  := fnameMake('".", pathnameName path, '"axldir")
+    exists := PROBE_-FILE dir
+    isDir := directoryp namestring dir
+    exists and isDir ^= 1=>
+        throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0027",[namestring dir, namestring args])
+    if isDir ^= 1 then
+        cmd  := STRCONC('"mkdir ", namestring dir)
+        rc   := OBEY cmd
+        rc ^= 0 => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0027",[namestring dir, namestring args])
+    curDir := $CURRENT_-DIRECTORY
+    -- cd to that directory and try to unarchive the .al file
+    cd [ object2Identifier namestring dir ]
+    cmd := STRCONC( '"ar x ", namestring path )
+    rc := OBEY cmd
+    rc ^= 0 =>
+        cd [ object2Identifier namestring curDir ]
+        throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0028",[namestring dir, namestring args])
+    -- Look for .ao files
+    asos := DIRECTORY '"*.ao"
+    null asos =>
+        cd [ object2Identifier namestring curDir ]
+        throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0029",[namestring dir, namestring args])
+    -- Compile the .ao files
+    for aso in asos repeat
+        compileAsharpCmd1 [ namestring aso ]
+    -- Reset the current directory
+    cd [ object2Identifier namestring curDir ]
+    terminateSystemCommand()
+    spadPrompt()
+compileAsharpLispCmd args ==
+    -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ^= nil
+    -- and is a file with file extension .lsp
+    path := pathname args
+    ^PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
+    optList :=  '( _
+      quiet _
+      noquiet _
+      library _
+      nolibrary _
+        )
+    beQuiet := false         -- be verbose here
+    doLibrary  := true       -- so a )library after compilation
+    for opt in $options repeat
+        [optname,:optargs] := opt
+        fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil)
+        fullopt = 'quiet     => beQuiet := true
+        fullopt = 'noquiet   => beQuiet := false
+        fullopt = 'library   => doLibrary  := true
+        fullopt = 'nolibrary => doLibrary  := false
+        throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[STRCONC('")",object2String optname)])
+    lsp := fnameMake(pathnameDirectory path, pathnameName path, pathnameType path)
+    if fnameReadable?(lsp) then
+        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0089", [namestring lsp])
+        compileFileQuietly(lsp)
+    else
+        sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0003", [namestring lsp])
+    if doLibrary then
+        -- do we need to worry about where the compilation output went?
+        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0090", [ pathnameName path ])
+        withAsharpCmd [ pathnameName path ]
+    else if ^beQuiet then
+        sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0084", nil)
+    terminateSystemCommand()
+    spadPrompt()
+compileSpadLispCmd args ==
+    -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ^= nil
+    -- and is a file with file extension .NRLIB
+    path := pathname fnameMake(first args, '"code", '"lsp")
+    ^PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
+    optList :=  '( _
+      quiet _
+      noquiet _
+      library _
+      nolibrary _
+        )
+    beQuiet := false         -- be verbose here
+    doLibrary  := true       -- so a )library after compilation
+    for opt in $options repeat
+        [optname,:optargs] := opt
+        fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil)
+        fullopt = 'quiet     => beQuiet := true
+        fullopt = 'noquiet   => beQuiet := false
+        fullopt = 'library   => doLibrary  := true
+        fullopt = 'nolibrary => doLibrary  := false
+        throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[STRCONC('")",object2String optname)])
+    lsp := fnameMake(pathnameDirectory path, pathnameName path, pathnameType path)
+    if fnameReadable?(lsp) then
+        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0089", [namestring lsp])
+        --compileFileQuietly(lsp)
+    else
+        sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0003", [namestring lsp])
+    if doLibrary then
+        -- do we need to worry about where the compilation output went?
+        if ^beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0090", [ pathnameName path ])
+        LOCALDATABASE([ pathnameName first args ],[])
+    else if ^beQuiet then
+        sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0084", nil)
+    terminateSystemCommand()
+    spadPrompt()
+withAsharpCmd args ==
+    $options: local := nil
+    LOCALDATABASE(args, $options)
+--% )copyright -- display copyright notice
+summary l ==
+ OBEY STRCONC ('"cat ",getEnv('"AXIOM"),'"/lib/summary")
+copyright () ==
+ OBEY STRCONC ('"cat ",getEnv('"AXIOM"),'"/lib/copyright")
+--% )credits -- display credit list
+credits() ==
+ for i in CREDITS repeat
+  PRINC(i)
+--% )display
+display l == displaySpad2Cmd l
+displaySpad2Cmd l ==
+  $e: local := $EmptyEnvironment
+  l is [opt,:vl] and opt ^= "?" =>
+    option := selectOptionLC(opt,$displayOptions,'optionError) =>
+      -- the option may be given in the plural but the property in
+      -- the alist is sometimes singular
+      option :=
+        option = 'all   =>
+            l := ['properties]
+            'properties
+        (option = 'modes) or (option = 'types) =>
+            l := ['type, :vl]
+            'type
+        option = 'values =>
+            l := ['value, :vl]
+            'value
+        option
+      option = 'abbreviations =>
+        null vl => listConstructorAbbreviations()
+        for v in vl repeat abbQuery(opOf v)
+      option = 'operations =>     displayOperations vl
+      option = 'macros =>         displayMacros vl
+      option = 'names =>          displayWorkspaceNames()
+      displayProperties(option,l)
+  optList:= [:['%l,'"        ",x] for x in $displayOptions]
+  msg := [:bright '"  )display",'"keyword arguments are",
+    :bright optList,'%l,'"   or abbreviations thereof."]
+  sayMessage msg
+displayMacros names ==
+  imacs := getInterpMacroNames()
+  pmacs := getParserMacroNames()
+  macros :=
+     null names => APPEND (imacs, pmacs)
+     names
+  macros := REMDUP macros
+  null macros => sayBrightly '"   There are no Axiom macros."
+  -- first do user defined ones
+  first := true
+  for macro in macros repeat
+    macro in pmacs =>
+        if first then
+            sayBrightly ['%l,'"User-defined macros:"]
+            first := NIL
+        displayParserMacro macro
+    macro in imacs => 'iterate
+    sayBrightly (["   ",'%b, macro, '%d, " is not a known Axiom macro."])
+  -- now system ones
+  first := true
+  for macro in macros repeat
+    macro in imacs =>
+        macro in pmacs => 'iterate
+        if first then
+            sayBrightly ['%l,'"System-defined macros:"]
+            first := NIL
+        displayMacro macro
+    macro in pmacs => 'iterate
+  NIL
+getParserMacroNames() ==
+  REMDUP [CAR mac for mac in getParserMacros()]
+--------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in patches.lisp.pamphlet)
+clearParserMacro(macro) ==
+  -- first see if it is one
+  not IFCDR ASSOC(macro, ($pfMacros)) => NIL
+  $pfMacros := REMALIST($pfMacros, macro)
+displayMacro name ==
+  m := isInterpMacro name
+  null m =>
+    sayBrightly ['"  ",:bright name,'"is not an interpreter macro."]
+  -- $op is needed in the output routines.
+  $op : local := STRCONC('"macro ",object2String name)
+  [args,:body] := m
+  args :=
+    null args => nil
+    null rest args => first args
+    ['Tuple,:args]
+  mathprint ['MAP,[args,:body]]
+displayWorkspaceNames() ==
+  imacs := getInterpMacroNames()
+  pmacs := getParserMacroNames()
+  sayMessage '"Names of User-Defined Objects in the Workspace:"
+  names := MSORT append(getWorkspaceNames(),pmacs)
+  if null names
+    then sayBrightly "   * None *"
+    else sayAsManyPerLineAsPossible [object2String x for x in names]
+  imacs := SETDIFFERENCE(imacs,pmacs)
+  if imacs then
+    sayMessage '"Names of System-Defined Objects in the Workspace:"
+    sayAsManyPerLineAsPossible [object2String x for x in imacs]
+getWorkspaceNames() ==
+  NMSORT [n for [n,:.] in CAAR $InteractiveFrame |
+    (n ^= "--macros--" and n^= "--flags--")]
+displayOperations l ==
+  null l =>
+    x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg("S2IZ0058",NIL)
+    if MEMQ(STRING2ID_-N(x,1),'(Y YES))
+      then for op in allOperations() repeat reportOpSymbol op
+      else sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0059",NIL)
+    nil
+  for op in l repeat reportOpSymbol op
+interpFunctionDepAlists() ==
+  $e : local := $InteractiveFrame
+  deps := getFlag "$dependencies"
+  $dependentAlist := [[NIL,:NIL]]
+  $dependeeAlist := [[NIL,:NIL]]
+  for [dependee,dependent] in deps repeat
+    $dependentAlist := PUTALIST($dependentAlist,dependee,
+      CONS(dependent,GETALIST($dependentAlist,dependee)))
+    $dependeeAlist  := PUTALIST($dependeeAlist,dependent,
+      CONS(dependee,GETALIST($dependeeAlist,dependent)))
+fixObjectForPrinting(v) ==
+    v' := object2Identifier v
+    EQ(v',"%") => '"\%"
+    v' in $msgdbPrims => STRCONC('"\",PNAME v')
+    v
+displayProperties(option,l) ==
+  $dependentAlist : local
+  $dependeeAlist  : local
+  [opt,:vl]:= (l or ['properties])
+  imacs := getInterpMacroNames()
+  pmacs := getParserMacroNames()
+  macros := REMDUP append(imacs, pmacs)
+  if vl is ['all] or null vl then
+    vl := MSORT append(getWorkspaceNames(),macros)
+  if $frameMessages then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0065",[$interpreterFrameName])
+  null vl =>
+    null $frameMessages => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0066",NIL)
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0067",[$interpreterFrameName])
+  interpFunctionDepAlists()
+  for v in vl repeat
+    isInternalMapName(v) => 'iterate
+    pl := getIProplist(v)
+    option = 'flags =>     getAndSay(v,"flags")
+    option = 'value =>     displayValue(v,getI(v,'value),nil)
+    option = 'condition => displayCondition(v,getI(v,"condition"),nil)
+    option = 'mode =>      displayMode(v,getI(v,'mode),nil)
+    option = 'type =>      displayType(v,getI(v,'value),nil)
+    option = 'properties =>
+      v = "--flags--" => nil
+      pl is [['cacheInfo,:.],:.] => nil
+      v1 := fixObjectForPrinting(v)
+      sayMSG ['"Properties of",:bright prefix2String v1,'":"]
+      null pl =>
+        v in pmacs =>
+            sayMSG '"   This is a user-defined macro."
+            displayParserMacro v
+        isInterpMacro v =>
+            sayMSG '"   This is a system-defined macro."
+            displayMacro v
+        sayMSG '"   none"
+      propsSeen:= nil
+      for [prop,:val] in pl | ^MEMQ(prop,propsSeen) and val repeat
+        prop in '(alias generatedCode IS_-GENSYM mapBody localVars) =>
+          nil
+        prop = 'condition =>
+          displayCondition(prop,val,true)
+        prop = 'recursive =>
+          sayMSG '"   This is recursive."
+        prop = 'isInterpreterFunction =>
+          sayMSG '"   This is an interpreter function."
+          sayFunctionDeps v where
+            sayFunctionDeps x ==
+              if dependents := GETALIST($dependentAlist,x) then
+                null rest dependents =>
+                  sayMSG ['"   The following function or rule ",
+                    '"depends on this:",:bright first dependents]
+                sayMSG
+                  '"   The following functions or rules depend on this:"
+                msg := ["%b",'"     "]
+                for y in dependents repeat msg := ['" ",y,:msg]
+                sayMSG [:nreverse msg,"%d"]
+              if dependees := GETALIST($dependeeAlist,x) then
+                null rest dependees =>
+                  sayMSG ['"   This depends on the following function ",
+                    '"or rule:",:bright first dependees]
+                sayMSG
+                  '"   This depends on the following functions or rules:"
+                msg := ["%b",'"     "]
+                for y in dependees repeat msg := ['" ",y,:msg]
+                sayMSG [:nreverse msg,"%d"]
+        prop = 'isInterpreterRule =>
+          sayMSG '"   This is an interpreter rule."
+          sayFunctionDeps v
+        prop = 'localModemap =>
+          displayModemap(v,val,true)
+        prop = 'mode =>
+          displayMode(prop,val,true)
+        prop = 'value =>
+          val => displayValue(v,val,true)
+        sayMSG ['"   ",prop,'":  ",val]
+        propsSeen:= [prop,:propsSeen]
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0068",[option])
+  terminateSystemCommand()
+displayModemap(v,val,giveVariableIfNil) ==
+  for mm in val repeat g(v,mm,giveVariableIfNil) where
+    g(v,mm,giveVariableIfNil) ==
+      [[local,:signature],fn,:.]:= mm
+      local='interpOnly => nil
+      varPart:= (giveVariableIfNil => nil; ['" of",:bright v])
+      prefix:= ["   Compiled function type",:varPart,": "]
+      sayBrightly concat(prefix,formatSignature signature)
+displayMode(v,mode,giveVariableIfNil) ==
+  null mode => nil
+  varPart:= (giveVariableIfNil => nil; [" of",:bright fixObjectForPrinting v])
+  sayBrightly concat("   Declared type or mode",
+    varPart,":   ",prefix2String mode)
+displayCondition(v,condition,giveVariableIfNil) ==
+  varPart:= (giveVariableIfNil => nil; [" of",:bright v])
+  condPart:= condition or 'true
+  sayBrightly concat("   condition",varPart,":  ",pred2English condPart)
+getAndSay(v,prop) ==
+  val:= getI(v,prop) => sayMSG ["    ",val,'%l]
+  sayMSG ["    none",'%l]
+displayType($op,u,omitVariableNameIfTrue) ==
+  null u =>
+    sayMSG ['"   Type of value of ",
+        fixObjectForPrinting PNAME $op,'":  (none)"]
+  type := prefix2String objMode(u)
+  if ATOM type then type := [type]
+  sayMSG concat ['"   Type of value of ",fixObjectForPrinting PNAME $op,'": ",:type]
+  NIL
+displayValue($op,u,omitVariableNameIfTrue) ==
+  null u => sayMSG ["   Value of ",fixObjectForPrinting PNAME $op,'":  (none)"]
+  expr := objValUnwrap(u)
+  expr is [op,:.] and (op = 'MAP) or objMode(u) = $EmptyMode =>
+    displayRule($op,expr)
+  label:=
+    omitVariableNameIfTrue =>
+        rhs := '"):  "
+        '"Value (has type "
+    rhs := '":  "
+    STRCONC('"Value of ", PNAME $op,'": ")
+  labmode := prefix2String objMode(u)
+  if ATOM labmode then labmode := [labmode]
+    sayMSG concat('"   ",label,labmode,rhs,form2String expr)
+  mathprint ['CONCAT,label,:labmode,rhs,
+    outputFormat(expr,objMode(u))]
+  NIL
+--% )edit
+edit l == editSpad2Cmd l
+editSpad2Cmd l ==
+  l:= 
+    null l => _/EDITFILE
+    CAR l
+  l := pathname l
+  oldDir := pathnameDirectory l
+  fileTypes :=
+    pathnameType l => [pathnameType l]
+    $UserLevel = 'interpreter => '("input" "INPUT" "spad" "SPAD")
+    $UserLevel = 'compiler    => '("input" "INPUT" "spad" "SPAD")
+    '("input" "INPUT" "spad" "SPAD" "boot" "BOOT" "lisp" "LISP" "meta" "META")
+  ll := 
+       oldDir = '"" => pathname $FINDFILE (pathnameName l, fileTypes)
+       l
+  l := pathname ll
+  rc := editFile l
+  updateSourceFiles l
+  rc
+--% )help
+help l == helpSpad2Cmd l
+helpSpad2Cmd args ==
+  -- try to use new stuff first
+  if newHelpSpad2Cmd(args) then return nil
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0025",[args])
+  nil
+newHelpSpad2Cmd args ==
+  if null args then args := ["?"]
+  # args > 1 =>
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0026",NIL)
+    true
+  sarg := PNAME first args
+  if sarg = '"?" then args := ['help]
+  else if sarg = '"%" then args := ['history]
+       else if sarg = '"%%" then args := ['history]
+  arg := selectOptionLC(first args,$SYSCOMMANDS,nil)
+  if null arg then arg := first args
+  if arg = 'compiler then arg := 'compile
+  -- see if new help file exists
+  narg := PNAME arg
+  null (helpFile := MAKE_-INPUT_-FILENAME [narg,'HELPSPAD,'_*]) => NIL
+  $useFullScreenHelp =>
+    OBEY STRCONC('"$AXIOM/lib/SPADEDIT ",namestring helpFile)
+    true
+  filestream := MAKE_-INSTREAM(helpFile)
+  repeat
+    line := read_-line(filestream,false)
+    NULL line =>
+      SHUT filestream
+      return true
+    SAY line
+  true
+--% )frame
+$frameRecord  := nil  --Initial setting for frame record
+$previousBindings := nil
+frame l == frameSpad2Cmd l
+frameName(frame) == CAR frame
+frameNames() == [frameName f for f in $interpreterFrameRing]
+frameEnvironment fname ==
+  -- extracts the environment portion of a frame
+  -- if fname is not a valid frame name then the empty environment
+  -- is returned
+  fname = frameName first $interpreterFrameRing => $InteractiveFrame
+  ifr := rest $interpreterFrameRing
+  while ifr repeat
+    [f,:ifr] := ifr
+    if fname = frameName f   then
+      e := CADR f
+      ifr := NIL
+  e
+frameSpad2Cmd args ==
+  frameArgs := '(drop import last names new next)
+  $options => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0016",['")frame"])
+  null(args) => helpSpad2Cmd ['frame]
+  arg  := selectOptionLC(first args,frameArgs,'optionError)
+  args := rest args
+  if args is [a] then args := a
+  if ATOM args then args := object2Identifier args
+  arg = 'drop  =>
+    args and PAIRP(args) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0017",[args])
+    closeInterpreterFrame(args)
+  arg = 'import =>  importFromFrame args
+  arg = 'last  =>   previousInterpreterFrame()
+  arg = 'names =>   displayFrameNames()
+  arg = 'new   =>
+    args and PAIRP(args) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0017",[args])
+    addNewInterpreterFrame(args)
+  arg = 'next  =>   nextInterpreterFrame()
+  NIL
+addNewInterpreterFrame(name) ==
+  null name => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0018",NIL)
+  updateCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+  -- see if we already have one by that name
+  for f in $interpreterFrameRing repeat
+    name = frameName(f) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0019",[name])
+  initHistList()
+  $interpreterFrameRing := CONS(emptyInterpreterFrame(name),
+    $interpreterFrameRing)
+  updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+  _$ERASE histFileName()
+emptyInterpreterFrame(name) ==
+  LIST(name,                            -- frame name
+       LIST LIST NIL,                   -- environment
+       1,                               -- $IOindex
+       $HiFiAccess,                     -- $HiFiAccess
+       $HistList,                       -- $HistList
+       $HistListLen,                    -- $HistListLen
+       $HistListAct,                    -- $HistListAct
+       $HistRecord,                     -- $HistRecord
+       NIL,                             -- $internalHistoryTable
+       COPY_-SEQ $localExposureDataDefault        -- $localExposureData
+      )
+closeInterpreterFrame(name) ==
+  -- if name = NIL then it means the current frame
+  null rest $interpreterFrameRing =>
+    name and (name ^= $interpreterFrameName) =>
+      throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0020",[$interpreterFrameName])
+    throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0021",NIL)
+  if null name then $interpreterFrameRing := rest $interpreterFrameRing
+  else   -- find the frame
+    found := nil
+    ifr := NIL
+    for f in $interpreterFrameRing repeat
+      found or (name ^= frameName(f)) => ifr := CONS(f,ifr)
+      found := true
+    not found => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0022",[name])
+    _$ERASE makeHistFileName(name)
+    $interpreterFrameRing := nreverse ifr
+  updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+previousInterpreterFrame() ==
+  updateCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+  null rest $interpreterFrameRing => NIL  -- nothing to do
+  [:b,l] := $interpreterFrameRing
+  $interpreterFrameRing := NCONC2([l],b)
+  updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+nextInterpreterFrame() ==
+  updateCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+  null rest $interpreterFrameRing => NIL  -- nothing to do
+  $interpreterFrameRing :=
+    NCONC2(rest $interpreterFrameRing,[first $interpreterFrameRing])
+  updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+createCurrentInterpreterFrame() ==
+  LIST($interpreterFrameName,           -- frame name
+       $InteractiveFrame,               -- environment
+       $IOindex,                        -- $IOindex
+       $HiFiAccess,                     -- $HiFiAccess
+       $HistList,                       -- $HistList
+       $HistListLen,                    -- $HistListLen
+       $HistListAct,                    -- $HistListAct
+       $HistRecord,                     -- $HistRecord
+       $internalHistoryTable,           -- $internalHistoryTable
+       $localExposureData               -- $localExposureData
+      )
+updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame() ==
+  [$interpreterFrameName,          _
+   $InteractiveFrame,              _
+   $IOindex,                       _
+   $HiFiAccess,                    _
+   $HistList,                      _
+   $HistListLen,                   _
+   $HistListAct,                   _
+   $HistRecord,                    _
+   $internalHistoryTable,          _
+   $localExposureData              _
+   ] := first $interpreterFrameRing
+  if $frameMessages then
+    sayMessage ['"   Current interpreter frame is called",:bright
+      $interpreterFrameName]
+  NIL
+updateCurrentInterpreterFrame() ==
+  RPLACA($interpreterFrameRing,createCurrentInterpreterFrame())
+  updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+  NIL
+initializeInterpreterFrameRing() ==
+  $interpreterFrameName := 'initial
+  $interpreterFrameRing := [emptyInterpreterFrame($interpreterFrameName)]
+  updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+  NIL
+changeToNamedInterpreterFrame(name) ==
+  updateCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+  frame := findFrameInRing(name)
+  null frame => NIL
+  $interpreterFrameRing := [frame,:NREMOVE($interpreterFrameRing, frame)]
+  updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+makeInitialModemapFrame() == COPY $InitialModemapFrame
+findFrameInRing(name) ==
+  val := NIL
+  for frame in $interpreterFrameRing repeat
+    CAR frame = name =>
+      val := frame
+      return frame
+  val
+displayFrameNames() ==
+  fs := "append"/[ ['%l,'"     ",:bright frameName f] for f in
+    $interpreterFrameRing]
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0024",[fs])
+importFromFrame args ==
+  -- args should have the form [frameName,:varNames]
+  if args and atom args then args := [args]
+  null args => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0073",NIL)
+  [fname,:args] := args
+  not member(fname,frameNames()) =>
+    throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0074",[fname])
+  fname = frameName first $interpreterFrameRing =>
+    throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0075",NIL)
+  fenv := frameEnvironment fname
+  null args =>
+    x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg("S2IZ0076",[fname])
+    MEMQ(STRING2ID_-N(x,1),'(Y YES)) =>
+      vars := NIL
+      for [v,:props] in CAAR fenv repeat
+        v = "--macros" =>
+          for [m,:.] in props repeat vars := cons(m,vars)
+        vars := cons(v,vars)
+      importFromFrame [fname,:vars]
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0077",[fname])
+  for v in args repeat
+    plist := GETALIST(CAAR fenv,v)
+    plist =>
+      -- remove anything with the same name in the current frame
+      clearCmdParts ['propert,v]
+      for [prop,:val] in plist repeat
+        putHist(v,prop,val,$InteractiveFrame)
+    (m := get("--macros--",v,fenv)) =>
+      putHist("--macros--",v,m,$InteractiveFrame)
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0079",[v,fname])
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0078",[fname])
+--% )history
+++ vm/370 filename type component
+++ vm/370 filename name component
+++ t means keep history in core
+SETANDFILEQ($useInternalHistoryTable, true)
+history l ==
+  l or null $options => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0006",NIL) 
+  historySpad2Cmd()
+makeHistFileName(fname) ==
+  makePathname(fname,$historyFileType,$historyDirectory)
+oldHistFileName() ==
+  makeHistFileName($oldHistoryFileName)
+histFileName() ==
+  makeHistFileName($interpreterFrameName)
+histInputFileName(fn) ==
+  null fn =>
+    makePathname($interpreterFrameName,'INPUT,$historyDirectory)
+  makePathname(fn,'INPUT,$historyDirectory)
+initHist() ==
+  $useInternalHistoryTable => initHistList()
+  oldFile := oldHistFileName()
+  newFile := histFileName()
+  -- see if history directory is writable
+  histFileErase oldFile
+  if MAKE_-INPUT_-FILENAME newFile then $REPLACE(oldFile,newFile)
+  $HiFiAccess:= 'T
+  initHistList()
+initHistList() ==
+  -- creates $HistList as a circular list of length $HistListLen
+  -- and $HistRecord
+  $HistListLen:= 20
+  $HistList:= LIST NIL
+  li:= $HistList
+  for i in 1..$HistListLen repeat li:= CONS(NIL,li)
+  RPLACD($HistList,li)
+  $HistListAct:= 0
+  $HistRecord:= NIL
+historySpad2Cmd() ==
+  -- history is a system command which can call resetInCoreHist
+  -- and changeHistListLen, and restore last session
+  histOptions:=
+    '(on off yes no change reset restore write save show file memory)
+  opts:= [ [selectOptionLC(opt,histOptions,'optionError),:optargs]
+    for [opt,:optargs] in $options]
+  for [opt,:optargs] in opts repeat
+    opt in '(on yes) =>
+      $HiFiAccess => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0007",NIL) 
+      $IOindex = 1 =>       -- haven't done anything yet
+        $HiFiAccess:= 'T
+        initHistList()
+        sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0008",NIL) 
+      x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg("S2IH0009",NIL) 
+      MEMQ(STRING2ID_-N(x,1),'(Y YES)) =>
+        histFileErase histFileName()
+        $HiFiAccess:= 'T
+        $options := nil
+        clearSpad2Cmd '(all)
+        sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0008",NIL)
+        initHistList()
+      sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0010",NIL)
+    opt in '(off no) =>
+      null $HiFiAccess => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0011",NIL)
+      $HiFiAccess:= NIL
+      disableHist()
+      sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0012",NIL)
+    opt = 'file    => setHistoryCore NIL
+    opt = 'memory  => setHistoryCore true
+    opt = 'reset   => resetInCoreHist()
+    opt = 'save    => saveHistory optargs
+    opt = 'show    => showHistory optargs
+    opt = 'change  => changeHistListLen first optargs
+    opt = 'restore => restoreHistory optargs
+    opt = 'write   => writeInputLines(optargs,1)
+  'done
+setHistoryCore inCore ==
+  inCore = $useInternalHistoryTable =>
+    sayKeyedMsg((inCore => "S2IH0030"; "S2IH0029"),NIL) 
+  not $HiFiAccess =>
+    $useInternalHistoryTable := inCore
+    inCore => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0032",NIL)
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0031",NIL)
+  inCore =>
+    $internalHistoryTable := NIL
+    if $IOindex ^= 0 then
+      -- actually put something in there
+      l := LENGTH RKEYIDS histFileName()
+      for i in 1..l repeat
+        vec:= UNWIND_-PROTECT(readHiFi(i),disableHist())
+        $internalHistoryTable := CONS([i,:vec],$internalHistoryTable)
+      histFileErase histFileName()
+    $useInternalHistoryTable := true
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0032",NIL)
+  $HiFiAccess:= 'NIL
+  histFileErase histFileName()
+  str := RDEFIOSTREAM ['(MODE . OUTPUT),['FILE,:histFileName()]]
+  for [n,:rec] in reverse $internalHistoryTable repeat
+    SPADRWRITE(object2Identifier n,rec,str)
+  RSHUT str
+  $HiFiAccess:= 'T
+  $internalHistoryTable := NIL
+  $useInternalHistoryTable := NIL
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0031",NIL)
+writeInputLines(fn,initial) == 
+  -- writes all input lines into file histInputFileName()
+  not $HiFiAccess => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0013",NIL) -- history not on
+  null fn =>
+    throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0038", nil)          -- missing file name
+  maxn := 72
+  breakChars := [" ","+"]
+  for i in initial..$IOindex - 1 repeat
+    vecl := CAR readHiFi i
+    if STRINGP vecl then vecl := [vecl]
+    for vec in vecl repeat
+      n := SIZE vec
+      while n > maxn repeat
+        -- search backwards for a blank
+        done := nil
+        for j in 1..maxn while ^done repeat
+          k := 1 + maxn - j
+          MEMQ(vec.k,breakChars) =>
+            svec := STRCONC(SUBSTRING(vec,0,k+1),UNDERBAR)
+            lineList := [svec,:lineList]
+            done := true
+            vec := SUBSTRING(vec,k+1,NIL)
+            n := SIZE vec
+        -- in case we can't find a breaking point
+        if ^done then n := 0
+      lineList := [vec,:lineList]
+  file := histInputFileName(fn)
+  histFileErase file
+  inp:= DEFIOSTREAM(['(MODE . OUTPUT),['FILE,:file]],255,0)
+  for x in removeUndoLines NREVERSE lineList repeat WRITE_-LINE(x,inp)
+  -- see file "undo" for definition of removeUndoLines
+  if fn ^= 'redo then sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0014",[namestring file])
+  SHUT inp
+  NIL
+resetInCoreHist() ==
+  -- removes all pointers from $HistList
+  $HistListAct:= 0
+  for i in 1..$HistListLen repeat
+    $HistList:= CDR $HistList
+    RPLACA($HistList,NIL)
+changeHistListLen(n) ==
+  -- changes the length of $HistList.  n must be nonnegative
+  NULL INTEGERP n => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0015",[n]) 
+  dif:= n-$HistListLen
+  $HistListLen:= n
+  l:= CDR $HistList
+  if dif > 0 then
+    for i in 1..dif repeat l:= CONS(NIL,l)
+  if dif < 0 then
+    for i in 1..-dif repeat l:= CDR l
+    if $HistListAct > n then $HistListAct:= n
+  RPLACD($HistList,l)
+  'done
+updateHist() ==
+  -- updates the history file and calls updateInCoreHist
+  null $IOindex => nil
+  startTimingProcess 'history
+  updateInCoreHist()
+  if $HiFiAccess then
+    UNWIND_-PROTECT(writeHiFi(),disableHist())
+    $HistRecord:= NIL
+  $IOindex:= $IOindex+1
+  updateCurrentInterpreterFrame()
+  $mkTestInputStack := nil
+  $currentLine := nil
+  stopTimingProcess 'history
+updateInCoreHist() ==
+  -- updates $HistList and $IOindex
+  $HistList:= CDR($HistList)
+  RPLACA($HistList,NIL)
+  if $HistListAct < $HistListLen then $HistListAct:= $HistListAct+1
+putHist(x,prop,val,e) ==
+  -- records new value to $HistRecord and old value to $HistList
+  -- then put is called with e
+  if not (x='%) then recordOldValue(x,prop,get(x,prop,e))
+  if $HiFiAccess then recordNewValue(x,prop,val)
+  putIntSymTab(x,prop,val,e)
+histFileErase file ==
+  --OBEY STRCONC('"rm -rf ", file)
+  PROBE_-FILE(file) and DELETE_-FILE(file)
+recordNewValue(x,prop,val) ==
+  startTimingProcess 'history
+  recordNewValue0(x,prop,val)
+  stopTimingProcess 'history
+recordNewValue0(x,prop,val) ==
+  -- writes (prop . val) into $HistRecord
+  -- updateHist writes this stuff out into the history file
+  p1:= ASSQ(x,$HistRecord) =>
+    p2:= ASSQ(prop,CDR p1) =>
+      RPLACD(p2,val)
+    RPLACD(p1,CONS(CONS(prop,val),CDR p1))
+  p:= CONS(x,list CONS(prop,val))
+  $HistRecord:= CONS(p,$HistRecord)
+recordOldValue(x,prop,val) ==
+  startTimingProcess 'history
+  recordOldValue0(x,prop,val)
+  stopTimingProcess 'history
+recordOldValue0(x,prop,val) ==
+  -- writes (prop . val) into $HistList
+  p1:= ASSQ(x,CAR $HistList) =>
+    not ASSQ(prop,CDR p1) =>
+      RPLACD(p1,CONS(CONS(prop,val),CDR p1))
+  p:= CONS(x,list CONS(prop,val))
+  RPLACA($HistList,CONS(p,CAR $HistList))
+undoInCore(n) ==
+  -- undoes the last n>0 steps using $HistList
+  -- resets $InteractiveFrame
+  li:= $HistList
+  for i in n..$HistListLen repeat li:= CDR li
+  undoChanges(li)
+  n:= $IOindex-n-1
+  n>0 and
+    $HiFiAccess =>
+      vec:= CDR UNWIND_-PROTECT(readHiFi(n),disableHist())
+      val:= ( p:= ASSQ('%,vec) ) and ( p1:= ASSQ('value,CDR p) ) and
+        CDR p1
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0019",[n])
+  $InteractiveFrame:= putHist('%,'value,val,$InteractiveFrame)
+  updateHist()
+undoChanges(li) ==
+  -- undoes all changes of list 'li'
+  if not CDR li = $HistList then undoChanges CDR li
+  for p1 in CAR li repeat
+    x:= CAR p1
+    for p2 in CDR p1 repeat
+      putHist(x,CAR p2,CDR p2,$InteractiveFrame)
+undoFromFile(n) ==
+  -- makes a clear and redoes all the assignments until step n
+  for [x,:varl] in CAAR $InteractiveFrame repeat
+    for p in varl repeat
+      [prop,:val]:= p
+      val =>
+        if not (x='%) then recordOldValue(x,prop,val)
+        if $HiFiAccess then recordNewValue(x,prop,val)
+        RPLACD(p,NIL)
+  for i in 1..n repeat
+    vec:= UNWIND_-PROTECT(CDR readHiFi(i),disableHist())
+    for p1 in vec repeat
+      x:= CAR p1
+      for p2 in CDR p1 repeat
+        $InteractiveFrame:= putHist(x,CAR p2,CDR p2,$InteractiveFrame)
+  val:= ( p:= ASSQ('%,vec) ) and ( p1:= ASSQ('value,CDR p) ) and CDR p1
+  $InteractiveFrame:= putHist('%,'value,val,$InteractiveFrame)
+  updateHist()
+saveHistory(fn) ==
+  $seen: local := MAKE_-HASHTABLE 'EQ
+  not $HiFiAccess => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0016",NIL)
+  not $useInternalHistoryTable and
+    null MAKE_-INPUT_-FILENAME histFileName() => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0022",NIL)
+  null fn => 
+    throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0037", nil)
+  savefile := makeHistFileName(fn)
+  inputfile := histInputFileName(fn)
+  writeInputLines(fn,1)
+  histFileErase savefile
+  if $useInternalHistoryTable
+    then
+      saveStr := RDEFIOSTREAM ['(MODE . OUTPUT),['FILE,:savefile]]
+      for [n,:rec] in reverse $internalHistoryTable repeat
+        val := SPADRWRITE0(object2Identifier n,rec,saveStr)
+        val = 'writifyFailed =>
+          sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0035", [n, inputfile]) -- unable to save step
+      RSHUT saveStr
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0018",[namestring(savefile)])  -- saved hist file named
+  nil
+restoreHistory(fn) ==
+  -- uses fn $historyFileType to recover an old session
+  -- if fn = NIL, then use $oldHistoryFileName
+  if null fn then fn' := $oldHistoryFileName
+  else if fn is [fn'] and IDENTP(fn') then fn' := fn'
+       else throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0023",[fn'])
+  restfile := makeHistFileName(fn')
+  null MAKE_-INPUT_-FILENAME restfile =>
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0024",[namestring(restfile)]) -- no history file
+  -- if clear is changed to be undoable, this should be a reset-clear
+  $options: local := nil
+  clearSpad2Cmd '(all)
+  curfile := histFileName()
+  histFileErase curfile
+  _$FCOPY(restfile,curfile)
+  l:= LENGTH RKEYIDS curfile
+  $HiFiAccess:= 'T
+  oldInternal := $useInternalHistoryTable
+  $useInternalHistoryTable := NIL
+  if oldInternal then $internalHistoryTable := NIL
+  for i in 1..l repeat
+    vec:= UNWIND_-PROTECT(readHiFi(i),disableHist())
+    if oldInternal then $internalHistoryTable :=
+      CONS([i,:vec],$internalHistoryTable)
+    LINE:= CAR vec
+    for p1 in CDR vec repeat
+      x:= CAR p1
+      for p2 in CDR p1 repeat
+        $InteractiveFrame:= putHist(x,CAR p2,CDR p2,$InteractiveFrame)
+    updateInCoreHist()
+  $e := $InteractiveFrame
+  for [a,:.] in CAAR $InteractiveFrame repeat
+    get(a,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) =>
+      rempropI(a,'localModemap)
+      rempropI(a,'localVars)
+      rempropI(a,'mapBody)
+  $IOindex:= l+1
+  $useInternalHistoryTable := oldInternal
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0025",[namestring(restfile)]) 
+  clearCmdSortedCaches()
+  nil
+-- the following used to be the show command when that was used to
+-- show history.
+showHistory(arg) ==
+  -- arg can be of form
+  --    NIL          show at most last 20 input lines
+  --    (n)          show at most last n input lines
+  --    (lit)        where lit is an abbreviation for 'input or 'both
+  --                 if 'input, same as NIL
+  --                 if 'both, show last 5 input and outputs
+  --    (n lit)      show last n input lines + last n output lines
+  --                 if lit expands to 'both
+  $evalTimePrint: local:= 0
+  $printTimeSum: local:= 0
+  -- ugh!!! these are needed for timedEvaluateStream
+  -- displays the last n steps, default n=20
+  not $HiFiAccess => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0026",['show])
+  showInputOrBoth := 'input
+  n := 20
+  nset := nil
+  if arg then
+    arg1 := CAR arg
+    if INTEGERP arg1 then
+      n := arg1
+      nset := true
+      KDR arg => arg1 := CADR arg
+      arg1 := NIL
+    arg1 =>
+      arg2 := selectOptionLC(arg1,'(input both),nil)
+      if arg2
+        then ((showInputOrBoth := arg2) = 'both) and (null nset) => n:= 5
+        else sayMSG
+          concat('"  ",bright arg1,'"is an invalid argument.")
+  if n >= $IOindex then n:= $IOindex-1
+  mini:= $IOindex-n
+  maxi:= $IOindex-1
+  showInputOrBoth = 'both =>
+    UNWIND_-PROTECT(showInOut(mini,maxi),setIOindex(maxi+1))
+  showInput(mini,maxi)
+setIOindex(n) ==
+  -- set $IOindex to n
+  $IOindex:= n
+showInput(mini,maxi) ==
+  -- displays all input lines from mini to maxi
+  for ind in mini..maxi repeat
+    vec:= UNWIND_-PROTECT(readHiFi(ind),disableHist())
+    if ind<10 then TAB 2 else if ind<100 then TAB 1
+    l := CAR vec
+    STRINGP l =>
+      sayMSG ['"   [",ind,'"] ",CAR vec]
+    sayMSG ['"   [",ind,'"] " ]
+    for ln in l repeat
+      sayMSG ['"      ", ln]
+showInOut(mini,maxi) ==
+  -- displays all steps from mini to maxi
+  for ind in mini..maxi repeat
+    vec:= UNWIND_-PROTECT(readHiFi(ind),disableHist())
+    sayMSG [CAR vec]
+    Alist:= ASSQ('%,CDR vec) =>
+      triple:= CDR ASSQ('value,CDR Alist)
+      $IOindex:= ind
+      spadPrint(objValUnwrap triple,objMode triple)
+fetchOutput(n) ==
+  -- result is the output of step n
+  (n = -1) and (val := getI("%",'value)) => val
+  $HiFiAccess =>
+    n:=
+      n < 0 => $IOindex+n
+      n
+    n >= $IOindex => throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0001",[n])
+    n < 1        => throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0002",[n])
+    vec:= UNWIND_-PROTECT(readHiFi(n),disableHist())
+    Alist:= ASSQ('%,CDR vec) =>
+      val:= CDR ASSQ('value,CDR Alist) => val
+      throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0003",[n])
+    throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0003",[n])
+  throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0004",NIL)
+readHiFi(n) ==
+  -- reads the file using index n
+  if $useInternalHistoryTable
+  then
+    pair := assoc(n,$internalHistoryTable)
+    ATOM pair => keyedSystemError("S2IH0034",NIL)
+    vec := QCDR pair
+  else
+    HiFi:= RDEFIOSTREAM ['(MODE . INPUT),['FILE,:histFileName()]]
+    vec:= SPADRREAD(object2Identifier n,HiFi)
+    RSHUT HiFi
+  vec
+writeHiFi() ==
+  -- writes the information of the current step out to history file
+  if $useInternalHistoryTable
+  then
+    $internalHistoryTable := CONS([$IOindex,$currentLine,:$HistRecord],
+      $internalHistoryTable)
+  else
+    HiFi:= RDEFIOSTREAM ['(MODE . OUTPUT),['FILE,:histFileName()]]
+    SPADRWRITE(object2Identifier $IOindex, CONS($currentLine,$HistRecord),HiFi)
+    RSHUT HiFi
+disableHist() ==
+  -- disables the history mechanism if an error occurred in the protected
+  -- piece of code
+  not $HiFiAccess => histFileErase histFileName()
+  NIL
+writeHistModesAndValues() ==
+  for [a,:.] in CAAR $InteractiveFrame repeat
+    x := get(a,'value,$InteractiveFrame) =>
+      putHist(a,'value,x,$InteractiveFrame)
+    x := get(a,'mode,$InteractiveFrame) =>
+      putHist(a,'mode,x,$InteractiveFrame)
+  NIL
+SPADRREAD(vec, stream) ==
+    dewritify rread(vec, stream, nil)
+--% Lisplib output transformations
+--  Some types of objects cannot be saved by LISP/VM in lisplibs.
+--  These functions transform an object to a writable form and back.
+--  SMW
+SPADRWRITE(vec, item, stream) ==
+  val := SPADRWRITE0(vec, item, stream) 
+  val = 'writifyFailed =>
+    throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0036", nil) ; cannot save value to file
+  item
+SPADRWRITE0(vec, item, stream) ==
+    val := safeWritify item
+    val = 'writifyFailed => val
+    rwrite(vec, val, stream)
+    item
+safeWritify ob ==
+  CATCH('writifyTag,  writify ob)
+writify ob ==
+    not ScanOrPairVec(function(unwritable?), ob) => ob
+    $seen:     local := MAKE_-HASHTABLE 'EQ
+    $writifyComplained: local := false
+    writifyInner ob where
+        writifyInner ob ==
+            null ob                => nil
+            (e := HGET($seen, ob)) => e
+            PAIRP ob =>
+                qcar := QCAR ob
+                qcdr := QCDR ob
+                (name := spadClosure? ob) =>
+                   d := writifyInner QCDR ob
+                   nob := ['WRITIFIED_!_!, 'SPADCLOSURE, d, name]
+                   HPUT($seen, ob, nob)
+                   HPUT($seen, nob, nob)
+                   nob
+                (ob is ['LAMBDA_-CLOSURE, ., ., x, :.]) and x =>
+                  THROW('writifyTag, 'writifyFailed)
+                nob := CONS(qcar, qcdr)
+                HPUT($seen, ob, nob)
+                HPUT($seen, nob, nob)
+                qcar := writifyInner qcar
+                qcdr := writifyInner qcdr
+                QRPLACA(nob, qcar)
+                QRPLACD(nob, qcdr)
+                nob
+            VECP ob =>
+                isDomainOrPackage ob =>
+                    d := mkEvalable devaluate ob
+                    nob := ['WRITIFIED_!_!, 'DEVALUATED, writifyInner d]
+                    HPUT($seen, ob, nob)
+                    HPUT($seen, nob, nob)
+                    nob
+                n   := QVMAXINDEX ob
+                nob := MAKE_-VEC(n+1)
+                HPUT($seen, ob, nob)
+                HPUT($seen, nob, nob)
+                for i in 0..n repeat
+                    QSETVELT(nob, i, writifyInner QVELT(ob,i))
+                nob
+            ob = 'WRITIFIED_!_! =>
+                ['WRITIFIED_!_!, 'SELF]
+            -- In CCL constructors are also compiled functions, so we 
+            -- need this line:
+            constructor? ob => ob
+            COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P ob =>
+                THROW('writifyTag, 'writifyFailed)
+            HASHTABLEP ob =>
+                nob := ['WRITIFIED_!_!]
+                HPUT($seen, ob,  nob)
+                HPUT($seen, nob, nob)
+                keys := HKEYS ob
+                QRPLACD(nob,
+                        ['HASHTABLE,
+                          HASHTABLE_-CLASS ob,
+                            writifyInner keys,
+                              [writifyInner HGET(ob,k) for k in keys]])
+                nob
+            PLACEP ob =>
+                nob := ['WRITIFIED_!_!, 'PLACE]
+                HPUT($seen, ob,  nob)
+                HPUT($seen, nob, nob)
+                nob
+            -- The next three types cause an error on de-writifying.
+            -- Create an object of the right shape, nonetheless.
+            READTABLEP ob =>
+                THROW('writifyTag, 'writifyFailed)
+            -- Default case: return the object itself.
+            STRINGP ob =>
+                EQ(ob, $NullStream) => ['WRITIFIED_!_!, 'NULLSTREAM]
+                EQ(ob, $NonNullStream) => ['WRITIFIED_!_!, 'NONNULLSTREAM]
+                ob
+            FLOATP ob =>
+                ob = READ_-FROM_-STRING STRINGIMAGE ob => ob
+                ['WRITIFIED_!_!, 'FLOAT, ob,:
+            ob
+unwritable? ob ==
+    PAIRP  ob or VECP ob       => false   -- first for speed
+    COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P   ob or HASHTABLEP ob => true
+    PLACEP ob or READTABLEP ob => true
+    FLOATP ob => true
+    false
+-- Create a full isomorphic object which can be saved in a lisplib.
+-- Note that  dewritify(writify(x))  preserves UEQUALity of hashtables.
+-- HASHTABLEs go both ways.
+-- READTABLEs cannot presently be transformed back.
+writifyComplain s ==
+   $writifyComplained  = true => nil
+   $writifyComplained := true
+   sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0027",[s]) 
+spadClosure? ob ==
+  fun := QCAR ob
+  not (name := BPINAME fun) => nil
+  vec := QCDR ob
+  not VECP vec => nil
+  name
+dewritify ob ==
+    (not ScanOrPairVec(function is?, ob)
+            where  is? a == a = 'WRITIFIED_!_!) => ob
+    $seen:     local := MAKE_-HASHTABLE 'EQ
+    dewritifyInner ob where
+        dewritifyInner ob ==
+            null ob => nil
+            e := HGET($seen, ob) => e
+            PAIRP ob and CAR ob = 'WRITIFIED_!_! =>
+                type := ob.1
+                type = 'SELF =>
+                    'WRITIFIED_!_!
+                type = 'BPI =>
+                    oname := ob.2
+                    f :=
+                        INTP oname => EVAL GENSYMMER oname
+                        SYMBOL_-FUNCTION oname
+                    not COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P f =>
+                        error '"A required BPI does not exist."
+                    #ob > 3 and HASHEQ f ^= ob.3 =>
+                        error '"A required BPI has been redefined."
+                    HPUT($seen, ob, f)
+                    f
+                type = 'HASHTABLE =>
+                    nob := MAKE_-HASHTABLE ob.2
+                    HPUT($seen, ob, nob)
+                    HPUT($seen, nob, nob)
+                    for k in ob.3 for e in ob.4 repeat
+                        HPUT(nob, dewritifyInner k, dewritifyInner e)
+                    nob
+                type = 'DEVALUATED =>
+                    nob := EVAL dewritifyInner ob.2
+                    HPUT($seen, ob, nob)
+                    HPUT($seen, nob, nob)
+                    nob
+                type = 'SPADCLOSURE =>
+                    vec := dewritifyInner ob.2
+                    name := ob.3
+                    not FBOUNDP name => 
+                       error STRCONC('"undefined function: ", SYMBOL_-NAME name)
+                    nob := CONS(SYMBOL_-FUNCTION name, vec)
+                    HPUT($seen, ob, nob)
+                    HPUT($seen, nob, nob)
+                    nob
+                type = 'PLACE =>
+                    nob := READ MAKE_-INSTREAM NIL
+                    HPUT($seen, ob, nob)
+                    HPUT($seen, nob, nob)
+                    nob
+                type = 'READTABLE =>
+                    error '"Cannot de-writify a read table."
+                type = 'NULLSTREAM => $NullStream
+                type = 'NONNULLSTREAM => $NonNullStream
+                type = 'FLOAT =>
+	           [fval, signif, expon, sign] := CDDR ob
+                   fval := SCALE_-FLOAT( FLOAT(signif, fval), expon)
+                   sign<0 => -fval
+                   fval
+                error '"Unknown type to de-writify."
+            PAIRP ob =>
+                qcar := QCAR ob
+                qcdr := QCDR ob
+                nob  := CONS(qcar, qcdr)
+                HPUT($seen, ob, nob)
+                HPUT($seen, nob, nob)
+                QRPLACA(nob, dewritifyInner qcar)
+                QRPLACD(nob, dewritifyInner qcdr)
+                nob
+            VECP ob =>
+                n   := QVMAXINDEX ob
+                nob := MAKE_-VEC(n+1)
+                HPUT($seen, ob, nob)
+                HPUT($seen, nob, nob)
+                for i in 0..n repeat
+                    QSETVELT(nob, i, dewritifyInner QVELT(ob,i))
+                nob
+            -- Default case: return the object itself.
+            ob
+ScanOrPairVec(f, ob) ==
+    $seen:     local := MAKE_-HASHTABLE 'EQ
+    CATCH('ScanOrPairVecAnswer, ScanOrInner(f, ob)) where
+        ScanOrInner(f, ob) ==
+            HGET($seen, ob) => nil
+            PAIRP ob =>
+                HPUT($seen, ob, true)
+                ScanOrInner(f, QCAR ob)
+                ScanOrInner(f, QCDR ob)
+                nil
+            VECP ob =>
+                HPUT($seen, ob, true)
+                for i in 0..#ob-1 repeat ScanOrInner(f, ob.i)
+                nil
+            FUNCALL(f, ob) =>
+                THROW('ScanOrPairVecAnswer, true)
+            nil
+--% )load
+load args == loadSpad2Cmd args
+loadSpad2Cmd args ==
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IU0003", nil)
+    NIL
+--  load1(args,$forceDatabaseUpdate)
+--load1(args,$forceDatabaseUpdate) ==  -- $ var is now local
+--  null args => helpSpad2Cmd '(load)
+--  loadfun := 'loadLib
+--  justWondering := nil
+--  compiler := 'old
+--  doExpose := true
+--  $forceDatabaseUpdate := true  -- BMT request, 5/14/90
+--  for [opt,:.] in $options repeat
+--    fullopt := selectOptionLC(opt,
+--      '(cond update query new noexpose noupdate),
+--        'optionError)
+--    fullopt = 'cond     => loadfun := 'loadLibIfNotLoaded
+--    fullopt = 'query    => justWondering := true
+--    fullopt = 'update   => $forceDatabaseUpdate := true
+--    fullopt = 'noexpose => doExpose := false
+--    fullopt = 'noupdate => $forceDatabaseUpdate := false
+--  if $forceDatabaseUpdate then clearClams()
+--  for lib in args repeat
+--    lib := object2Identifier lib
+--    justWondering =>
+--      GETL(lib,'LOADED) => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0028",[lib])
+--      sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0029",[lib])
+--    null GETDATABASE(lib,'OBJECT) and
+--     null (lib := GETDATABASE(lib,'CONSTRUCTOR)) =>
+--      sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0020", [namestring [lib,$spadLibFT,"*"]])
+--    null FUNCALL(loadfun,lib) =>
+--      sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0029",[lib])
+--    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0028",[lib])
+--    if doExpose and
+--       not isExposedConstructor(lib) then
+--          setExposeAddConstr([lib])
+--  'EndOfLoad
+reportCount () ==
+  centerAndHighlight(" Current Count Settings ",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar)
+  SAY " "
+  sayBrightly [:bright " cache",fillerSpaces(30,'".")," ",$cacheCount]
+  if $cacheAlist then
+    for [a,:b] in $cacheAlist repeat
+      aPart:= linearFormatName a
+      n:= sayBrightlyLength aPart
+      sayBrightly concat("     ",aPart," ",fillerSpaces(32-n,'".")," ",b)
+  SAY " "
+  sayBrightly [:bright " stream",fillerSpaces(29,'".")," ",$streamCount]
+--% )quit
+pquit() == pquitSpad2Cmd()
+pquitSpad2Cmd() ==
+  $saturn =>
+    sayErrorly('"Obsolete system command", _
+      ['" The )pquit system command is obsolete in this version of AXIOM.",
+       '" Please select Exit from the File Menu instead."])
+  $quitCommandType :local := 'protected
+  quitSpad2Cmd()
+quit() == quitSpad2Cmd()
+quitSpad2Cmd() ==
+  $saturn =>
+    sayErrorly('"Obsolete system command", _
+      ['" The )quit system command is obsolete in this version of AXIOM.",
+       '" Please select Exit from the File Menu instead."])
+  $quitCommandType ^= 'protected => leaveScratchpad()
+  x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg("S2IZ0031",NIL)
+  MEMQ(STRING2ID_-N(x,1),'(Y YES)) => leaveScratchpad()
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0032",NIL)
+leaveScratchpad () == BYE()
+--% )read
+read l == readSpad2Cmd l
+readSpad2Cmd l ==
+  ---$saturn =>
+  ---  sayErrorly('"Obsolete system command", _
+  ---    ['" The )read  system command is obsolete in this version of AXIOM.",
+  ---     '" Please use Open from the File menu instead."])
+  $InteractiveMode : local := true
+  quiet := nil
+  ifthere := nil
+  for [opt,:.] in $options repeat
+    fullopt := selectOptionLC(opt,'(quiet test ifthere),'optionError)
+    fullopt = 'ifthere => ifthere  := true
+    fullopt = 'quiet   => quiet := true
+  ef := pathname _/EDITFILE
+  if pathnameTypeId(ef) = 'SPAD then
+    ef := makePathname(pathnameName ef,'"*",'"*")
+  if l then
+    l := mergePathnames(pathname l,ef)
+  else
+    l := ef
+  devFTs := '("input" "INPUT" "boot" "BOOT" "lisp" "LISP")
+  fileTypes :=
+    $UserLevel = 'interpreter => '("input" "INPUT")
+    $UserLevel = 'compiler    => '("input" "INPUT")
+    devFTs
+  ll := $FINDFILE (l, fileTypes)
+  if null ll then
+    ifthere => return nil    -- be quiet about it
+    throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring l])
+  ll := pathname ll
+  ft := pathnameType ll
+  upft := UPCASE ft
+  null member(upft,fileTypes) =>
+    fs := namestring l
+    member(upft,devFTs) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0033",[fs])
+    throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0034",[fs])
+  if upft = '"BOOT" then $InteractiveMode := nil
+  _/READ(ll,quiet)
+--% )savesystem
+savesystem l ==
+  #l ^= 1 or not(SYMBOLP CAR l) => helpSpad2Cmd '(savesystem)
+--% )show
+show l == showSpad2Cmd l
+showSpad2Cmd l ==
+  l = [NIL] => helpSpad2Cmd '(show)
+  $showOptions : local := '(attributes operations)
+  if null $options then $options := '((operations))
+  $e : local := $InteractiveFrame
+  $env : local := $InteractiveFrame
+  l is [constr] =>
+    constr in '(Union Record Mapping) =>
+      constr = 'Record =>
+        sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0044R",[constr, '")show Record(a: Integer, b: String)"])
+      constr = 'Mapping =>
+        sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0044M",NIL)
+      sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0045T",[constr, '")show Union(a: Integer, b: String)"])
+      sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0045U",[constr, '")show Union(Integer, String)"])
+    constr is ['Mapping, :.] =>
+      sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0044M",NIL)
+    reportOperations(constr,constr)
+  reportOperations(l,l)
+reportOperations(oldArg,u) ==
+  -- u might be an uppercased version of oldArg
+  $env:local := [[NIL]]
+  $eval:local := true           --generate code-- don't just type analyze
+  $genValue:local := true       --evaluate all generated code
+  null u => nil
+  $doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue: local:= true
+  u = $quadSymbol =>
+     sayBrightly ['"   mode denotes", :bright '"any", "type"]
+  u = "%" =>
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0063",NIL)
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0064",NIL)
+  u isnt ['Record,:.] and u isnt ['Union,:.] and
+    null(isNameOfType u) and u isnt ['typeOf,.] =>
+      if ATOM oldArg then oldArg := [oldArg]
+      sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0063",NIL)
+      for op in oldArg repeat
+        sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0062",[opOf op])
+  (v := isDomainValuedVariable u) =>  reportOpsFromUnitDirectly0 v
+  unitForm:=
+    atom u => opOf unabbrev u
+    unabbrev u
+  atom unitForm => reportOpsFromLisplib0(unitForm,u)
+  unitForm' := evaluateType unitForm
+  tree := mkAtree removeZeroOneDestructively unitForm
+  (unitForm' := isType tree) => reportOpsFromUnitDirectly0 unitForm'
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0041",[unitForm])
+reportOpsFromUnitDirectly0 D ==
+  $useEditorForShowOutput =>
+    reportOpsFromUnitDirectly1 D
+  reportOpsFromUnitDirectly D
+reportOpsFromUnitDirectly1 D ==
+  showFile := pathname ['SHOW,'LISTING,$listingDirectory]
+  _$ERASE showFile
+  $sayBrightlyStream : fluid :=
+    DEFIOSTREAM([['FILE,:showFile], '(MODE . OUTPUT)],255,0)
+  sayShowWarning()
+  reportOpsFromUnitDirectly D
+  SHUT $sayBrightlyStream
+  editFile showFile
+sayShowWarning() ==
+  sayBrightly
+    '"Warning: this is a temporary file and will be deleted the next"
+  sayBrightly
+    '"         time you use )show. Rename it and FILE if you wish to"
+  sayBrightly
+    '"         save the contents."
+  sayBrightly '""
+reportOpsFromLisplib0(unitForm,u)  ==
+  $useEditorForShowOutput => reportOpsFromLisplib1(unitForm,u)
+  reportOpsFromLisplib(unitForm,u)
+reportOpsFromLisplib1(unitForm,u)  ==
+  showFile := pathname ['SHOW,'LISTING,$listingDirectory]
+  _$ERASE showFile
+  $sayBrightlyStream : fluid :=
+    DEFIOSTREAM([['FILE,:showFile], '(MODE . OUTPUT)],255,0)
+  sayShowWarning()
+  reportOpsFromLisplib(unitForm,u)
+  SHUT $sayBrightlyStream
+  editFile showFile
+reportOpsFromUnitDirectly unitForm ==
+  isRecordOrUnion := unitForm is [a,:.] and a in '(Record Union)
+  unit:= evalDomain unitForm
+  top:= CAR unitForm
+  sayBrightly concat('%b,formatOpType unitForm,
+    '%d,'"is a",'%b,kind,'%d, '"constructor.")
+  if not isRecordOrUnion then
+    sourceFile := GETDATABASE(top,'SOURCEFILE)
+    sayBrightly ['" Abbreviation for",:bright top,'"is",:bright abb]
+    verb :=
+      isExposedConstructor top => '"is"
+      '"is not"
+    sayBrightly ['" This constructor",:bright verb,
+      '"exposed in this frame."]
+    sayBrightly ['" Issue",:bright STRCONC('")edit ",
+      namestring sourceFile),'"to see algebra source code for",
+        :bright abb,'%l]
+  for [opt] in $options repeat
+    opt := selectOptionLC(opt,$showOptions,'optionError)
+    opt = 'attributes =>
+      centerAndHighlight('"Attributes",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar)
+      isRecordOrUnion =>
+        sayBrightly '"   Records and Unions have no attributes."
+      sayBrightly '""
+      attList:= REMDUP MSORT [x for [x,:.] in unit.2]
+      say2PerLine [formatAttribute x for x in attList]
+      NIL
+    opt = 'operations =>
+      $commentedOps: local := 0
+      --new form is (<op> <signature> <slotNumber> <condition> <kind>)
+      centerAndHighlight('"Operations",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar)
+      sayBrightly '""
+      if isRecordOrUnion
+        then
+          constructorFunction:= GETL(top,"makeFunctionList") or
+            systemErrorHere '"reportOpsFromUnitDirectly"
+          [funlist,.]:= FUNCALL(constructorFunction,"$",unitForm,
+            $CategoryFrame)
+          sigList := REMDUP MSORT [[[a,b],true,[c,0,1]] for
+            [a,b,c] in funlist]
+        else
+          sigList:= REMDUP MSORT getOplistForConstructorForm unitForm
+      say2PerLine [formatOperation(x,unit) for x in sigList]
+      if $commentedOps ^= 0 then
+        sayBrightly
+          ['"Functions that are not yet implemented are preceded by",
+            :bright '"--"]
+      sayBrightly '""
+  NIL
+reportOpsFromLisplib(op,u) ==
+  null(fn:= constructor? op) => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0054",[u])
+  argml :=
+    (s := getConstructorSignature op) => KDR s
+    NIL
+  nArgs:= #argml
+  functorForm:= [op,:argList]
+  argml:= EQSUBSTLIST(argList,$FormalMapVariableList,argml)
+  functorFormWithDecl:= [op,:[[":",a,m] for a in argList for m in argml]]
+  sayBrightly concat(bright form2StringWithWhere functorFormWithDecl,
+                     '" is a",bright typ,'"constructor")
+  sayBrightly ['" Abbreviation for",:bright op,'"is",:bright fn]
+  verb :=
+    isExposedConstructor op => '"is"
+    '"is not"
+  sayBrightly ['" This constructor",:bright verb,
+    '"exposed in this frame."]
+  sourceFile := GETDATABASE(op,'SOURCEFILE)
+  sayBrightly ['" Issue",:bright STRCONC('")edit ",
+    namestring sourceFile),
+      '"to see algebra source code for",:bright fn,'%l]
+  for [opt] in $options repeat
+    opt := selectOptionLC(opt,$showOptions,'optionError)
+    opt = 'layout =>
+      dc1 fn
+    opt = 'views => sayBrightly ['"To get",:bright '"views",
+      '"you must give parameters of constructor"]
+    opt = 'attributes =>
+      centerAndHighlight('"Attributes",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar)
+      sayBrightly '""
+      attList:= REMDUP MSORT [x for [x,:.] in
+      null attList => sayBrightly
+        concat('%b,form2String functorForm,'%d,"has no attributes.",'%l)
+      say2PerLine [formatAttribute x for x in attList]
+      NIL
+    opt = 'operations => displayOperationsFromLisplib functorForm
+    nil
+displayOperationsFromLisplib form ==
+  [name,:argl] := form
+  centerAndHighlight('"Operations",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar)
+  null opList => reportOpsFromUnitDirectly form
+  opl:=REMDUP MSORT EQSUBSTLIST(argl,$FormalMapVariableList,opList)
+  ops:= nil
+  for x in opl repeat
+    ops := [:ops,:formatOperationAlistEntry(x)]
+  say2PerLine ops
+  nil
+--% )synonym
+synonym(:l) == synonymSpad2Cmd()  -- always passed a null list
+synonymSpad2Cmd() ==
+  line := getSystemCommandLine()
+  if line = '"" then printSynonyms(NIL)
+  else
+    pair := processSynonymLine line
+    if $CommandSynonymAlist then
+      PUTALIST($CommandSynonymAlist,CAR pair, CDR pair)
+    else $CommandSynonymAlist := [pair]
+  terminateSystemCommand()
+processSynonymLine line ==
+  key := STRING2ID_-N (line, 1)
+  value := removeKeyFromLine line where
+    removeKeyFromLine line ==
+      line := dropLeadingBlanks line
+      mx := MAXINDEX line
+      for i in repeat
+        line.i = " " =>
+          return (for j in (i+1) repeat
+            line.j ^= " " => return (SUBSTRING (line, j, nil)))
+  [key, :value]
+--% )undo
+$undoFlag := true     --Default setting for undo is "on"
+undo(l) ==
+--undo takes one option ")redo" which simply reads "redo.input",
+--  a file created by every normal )undo command (see below)
+  undoWhen := 'after
+  if $options is [[key]] then
+    stringPrefix?(s := PNAME key,'"redo") =>
+      $options := nil           --clear $options so that "read" won't see them
+      read '(redo_.input)
+    not stringPrefix?(s,'"before") =>
+       userError '"only option to undo is _")redo_""
+    undoWhen := 'before
+  n :=
+    null l => -1
+    first l
+  if IDENTP n then
+    if not FIXP n then userError '"undo argument must be an integer"
+  $InteractiveFrame := undoSteps(undoCount n,undoWhen)
+  nil
+recordFrame(systemNormal) ==
+  null $undoFlag => nil        --do nothing if facility is turned off
+  currentAlist := KAR $frameRecord
+  delta := diffAlist(CAAR $InteractiveFrame,$previousBindings)
+  if systemNormal = 'system then
+    null delta => return nil     --do not record
+    delta := ['systemCommand,:delta]
+  $frameRecord := [delta,:$frameRecord]
+  $previousBindings := --copy all but the individual properties
+    [CONS(CAR x,[CONS(CAR y,CDR y) for y in CDR x]) for x in CAAR $InteractiveFrame]
+  first $frameRecord
+diffAlist(new,old) ==
+--record only those properties which are different
+  for (pair := [name,:proplist]) in new repeat
+    -- name has an entry both in new and old world
+    -- (1) if the old world had no proplist for that variable, then
+    --     record NIL as the value of each new property
+    -- (2) if the old world does have a proplist for that variable, then
+    --     a) for each property with a value: give the old value
+    --     b) for each property missing:      give NIL as the old value
+    oldPair := ASSQ(name,old) =>
+      null (oldProplist := CDR oldPair) =>
+      --record old values of new properties as NIL
+        acc := [[name,:[[prop] for [prop,:.] in proplist]],:acc]
+      deltas := nil
+      for (propval := [prop,:val]) in proplist repeat
+        null (oldPropval := ASSOC(prop,oldProplist)) => --missing property
+          deltas := [[prop],:deltas]
+        EQ(CDR oldPropval,val) => 'skip
+        deltas := [oldPropval,:deltas]
+      deltas => acc := [[name,:NREVERSE deltas],:acc]
+    acc := [[name,:[[prop] for [prop,:.] in proplist]],:acc]
+--record properties absent on new list (say, from a )cl all)
+  for (oldPair := [name,:r]) in old repeat
+    r and null LASSQ(name,new) =>
+      acc := [oldPair,:acc]
+    -- name has an entry both in new and old world
+    -- (1) if the new world has no proplist for that variable
+    --     (a) if the old world does, record the old proplist
+    --     (b) if the old world does not, record nothing
+    -- (2) if the new world has a proplist for that variable, it has
+    --     been handled by the first loop.
+  res := NREVERSE acc
+  if BOUNDP '$reportUndo and $reportUndo then reportUndo res
+  res
+reportUndo acc ==
+  for [name,:proplist] in acc repeat
+    sayBrightly STRCONC("Properties of ",PNAME name,'" ::")
+    curproplist := LASSOC(name,CAAR $InteractiveFrame)
+    for [prop,:value] in proplist repeat
+      sayBrightlyNT ['"  ",prop,'" was: "]
+      pp value
+      sayBrightlyNT ['"  ",prop,'" is:  "]
+      pp LASSOC(prop,curproplist)
+clearFrame() ==
+  clearCmdAll()
+  $frameRecord := nil
+  $previousBindings := nil
+--              Undoing previous m commands
+undoCount(n) ==  --computes the number of undo's, given $IOindex
+--pp ["IOindex = ",$IOindex]
+  m :=
+    n >= 0 => $IOindex - n - 1
+    -n
+  m >= $IOindex => userError STRCONC('"Magnitude of undo argument must be less than step number (",STRINGIMAGE $IOindex,'").")
+  m
+undoSteps(m,beforeOrAfter) ==
+-- undoes m previous commands; if )before option, then undo one extra at end
+--Example: if $IOindex now is 6 and m = 2 then general layout of $frameRecord,
+--  after the call to recordFrame below will be:
+--  (<change for systemcommands>
+--  (<change for #5> <change for system commands>
+--  (<change for #4> <change for system commands>
+--  (<change for #3> <change for system commands>
+--   <change for #2> <change for system commands>
+--   <change for #1> <change for system commands>) where system
+--  command entries are optional and identified by (systemCommand . change).
+--  For a ")undo 3 )after", m = 2 and undoStep swill restore the environment
+--  up to, but not including <change for #3>.
+--  An "undo 3 )before" will additionally restore <change for #3>.
+--  Thus, the later requires one extra undo at the end.
+  writeInputLines('redo,$IOindex - m)
+  recordFrame('normal)  --do NOT mark this as a system command change
+                       --do this undo FIRST (i=0 case)
+  env := COPY CAAR $InteractiveFrame
+  for i in 0..m for framelist in tails $frameRecord repeat
+    env := undoSingleStep(first framelist,env)
+    framelist is [.,['systemCommand,:systemDelta],:.] =>
+--     pp '"===============> AHA <============="
+       framelist := rest framelist             --undoing system commands given
+       env := undoSingleStep(systemDelta,env)  --  before command line
+    lastTailSeen := framelist
+  if beforeOrAfter = 'before then  --do one additional undo for )before
+    env := undoSingleStep(first rest lastTailSeen,env)
+  $frameRecord := rest $frameRecord --flush the effect of extra recordFrame
+  $InteractiveFrame := LIST LIST env
+undoSingleStep(changes,env) ==
+--Each change is a name-proplist pair. For each change:
+--  (1) if there exists a proplist in env, then for each prop-value change:
+--      (a) if the prop exists in env, RPLAC in the change value
+--      (b) otherwise, CONS it onto the front of prop-values for that name
+--  (2) add change to the front of env
+--  pp '"----Undoing 1 step--------"
+--  pp changes
+  for (change := [name,:changeList]) in changes repeat
+    if LASSOC('localModemap,changeList) then
+      changeList := undoLocalModemapHack changeList
+    pairlist := ASSQ(name,env) =>
+      proplist := CDR pairlist =>
+        for (pair := [prop,:value]) in changeList repeat
+          node := ASSQ(prop,proplist) => RPLACD(node,value)
+          RPLACD(proplist,[CAR proplist,:CDR proplist])
+          RPLACA(proplist,pair)
+      RPLACD(pairlist,changeList)
+    env := [change,:env]
+  env
+undoLocalModemapHack changeList ==
+  [newPair for (pair := [name,:value]) in changeList | newPair] where newPair  ==
+     name = 'localModemap => [name]
+     pair
+removeUndoLines u == --called by writeInputLines
+  xtra :=
+    STRINGP $currentLine => [$currentLine]
+    REVERSE $currentLine
+  xtra := [x for x in xtra | not stringPrefix?('")history",x)]
+  u := [:u, :xtra]
+  not (or/[stringPrefix?('")undo",x) for x in u])  => u
+  --(1) reverse the list
+  --(2) walk down the (reversed) list: when >n appears remove:
+  --    (a) system commands
+  --    (b) if n > 0: (replace n by n-1; remove a command; repeat (a-b))
+  savedIOindex := $IOindex  --save value
+  $IOindex := 1
+  for y in tails u repeat
+    (x := first y).0 = char '_) =>
+      stringPrefix?('")undo",s := trimString x) => --parse "undo )option"
+        s1 := trimString SUBSTRING(s,5,nil)
+        if s1 ^= '")redo" then
+          m := charPosition(char '_),s1,0)
+          code :=
+            m < MAXINDEX s1 => s1.(m + 1)
+            char 'a
+          s2 := trimString SUBSTRING(s1,0,m)
+        n :=
+           s1 = '")redo" => 0
+           s2 ^= '"" => undoCount PARSE_-INTEGER s2
+           -1
+        RPLACA(y,CONCAT('">",code,STRINGIMAGE n))
+      nil
+    $IOindex := $IOindex + 1   --referenced by undoCount
+  acc := nil
+  for y in tails NREVERSE u repeat
+    (x := first y).0 = char '_> =>
+      code := x . 1                                 --code = a,b, or r
+      n := PARSE_-INTEGER SUBSTRING(x,2,nil)        --n = number of undo steps
+      y := rest y                                   --kill >n line
+      while y repeat
+        c := first y
+        c.0 = char '_) or c.0 = char '_> => y := rest y  --kill system commands
+        n = 0 => return nil                              --including undos
+        n := n - 1
+        y := rest y                                 --kill command
+      y and code^= char 'b => acc := [c,:acc]       --add last unless )before
+    acc := [x,:acc]
+  $IOindex := savedIOindex
+  acc
+--% )what
+what l == whatSpad2Cmd l
+whatSpad2Cmd l ==
+  $e:local := $EmptyEnvironment
+  null l => reportWhatOptions()
+  [key0,:args] := l
+  key := selectOptionLC(key0,$whatOptions,nil)
+  null key => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0043",NIL)
+  args := [fixpat p for p in args] where
+    fixpat x ==
+      x is [x',:.] => DOWNCASE x'
+      DOWNCASE x
+  key = 'things =>
+    for opt in $whatOptions repeat
+      not MEMQ(opt,'(things)) => whatSpad2Cmd [opt,:args]
+  key = 'categories =>
+    filterAndFormatConstructors('category,'"Categories",args)
+  key = 'commands =>
+    whatCommands(args)
+  key = 'domains =>
+    filterAndFormatConstructors('domain,'"Domains",args)
+  key = 'operations =>
+    apropos args
+  key = 'packages =>
+    filterAndFormatConstructors('package,'"Packages",args)
+  key = 'synonyms =>
+    printSynonyms(args)
+filterAndFormatConstructors(constrType,label,patterns) ==
+  centerAndHighlight(label,$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar)
+  l := filterListOfStringsWithFn(patterns,whatConstructors constrType,
+        function CDR)
+  if patterns then
+    null l =>
+      sayMessage ['"   No ",label,'" with names matching patterns:",
+        '%l,'"   ",'%b,:blankList patterns,'%d]
+    sayMessage [label,'" with names matching patterns:",
+      '%l,'"   ",'%b,:blankList patterns,'%d]
+  l => pp2Cols l
+whatConstructors constrType ==
+  -- here constrType should be one of 'category, 'domain, 'package
+    for con in allConstructors()
+      | GETDATABASE(con,'CONSTRUCTORKIND) = constrType]
+apropos l ==
+  -- l is a list of operation name fragments
+  -- this displays all operation names containing these fragments
+  ops :=
+    null l => allOperations()
+    filterListOfStrings([(DOWNCASE STRINGIMAGE p) for p in l],allOperations())
+  ops =>
+    sayMessage '"Operations whose names satisfy the above pattern(s):"
+    sayAsManyPerLineAsPossible MSORT ops
+    sayKeyedMsg("S2IF0011",[first ops])
+  sayMessage '"   There are no operations containing those patterns"
+  NIL
+printSynonyms(patterns) ==
+  centerAndHighlight("System Command Synonyms",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar)
+  ls := filterListOfStringsWithFn(patterns, [[STRINGIMAGE a,:b]
+    for [a,:b] in synonymsForUserLevel $CommandSynonymAlist],
+      function CAR)
+  printLabelledList(ls,'"user",'"synonyms",'")",patterns)
+  nil
+printLabelledList(ls,label1,label2,prefix,patterns) ==
+  -- prefix goes before each element on each side of the list, eg,
+  --   ")"
+  null ls =>
+    null patterns =>
+      sayMessage ['"   No ",label1,'"-defined ",label2,'" in effect."]
+    sayMessage ['"   No ",label1,'"-defined ",label2,'" satisfying patterns:",
+     '%l,'"     ",'%b,:blankList patterns,'%d]
+  if patterns then
+    sayMessage [label1,'"-defined ",label2,'" satisfying patterns:",
+     '%l,'"   ",'%b,:blankList patterns,'%d]
+  for [syn,:comm] in ls repeat
+    if SUBSTRING(syn,0,1) = '"|" then syn := SUBSTRING(syn,1,NIL)
+    if syn = '"%i" then syn := '"%i "
+    wid := MAX(30 - (entryWidth syn),1)
+    sayBrightly concat('%b,prefix,syn,'%d,
+      fillerSpaces(wid,'"."),'" ",prefix,comm)
+  sayBrightly '""
+whatCommands(patterns) ==
+  label := STRCONC("System Commands for User Level: ",
+    STRINGIMAGE $UserLevel)
+  centerAndHighlight(label,$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar)
+  l := filterListOfStrings(patterns,
+    [(STRINGIMAGE a) for a in commandsForUserLevel $systemCommands])
+  if patterns then
+    null l =>
+      sayMessage ['"No system commands at this level matching patterns:",
+        '%l,'"   ",'%b,:blankList patterns,'%d]
+    sayMessage ['"System commands at this level matching patterns:",
+      '%l,'"   ",'%b,:blankList patterns,'%d]
+  if l then
+    sayAsManyPerLineAsPossible l
+    SAY " "
+  patterns => nil  -- don't be so verbose
+  sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0046",NIL)
+  nil
+reportWhatOptions() ==
+  optList1:= "append"/[['%l,'"        ",x] for x in $whatOptions]
+  sayBrightly
+    ['%b,'"  )what",'%d,'"argument keywords are",'%b,:optList1,'%d,'%l,
+      '"   or abbreviations thereof.",'%l,
+        '%l,'"   Issue",'%b,'")what ?",'%d,'"for more information."]
+filterListOfStrings(patterns,names) ==
+  -- names and patterns are lists of strings
+  -- returns: list of strings in names that contains any of the strings
+  -- in patterns
+  (null patterns) or (null names) => names
+  names' := NIL
+  for name in reverse names repeat
+    satisfiesRegularExpressions(name,patterns) =>
+      names' := [name,:names']
+  names'
+filterListOfStringsWithFn(patterns,names,fn) ==
+  -- names and patterns are lists of strings
+  -- fn is something like CAR or CADR
+  -- returns: list of strings in names that contains any of the strings
+  -- in patterns
+  (null patterns) or (null names) => names
+  names' := NIL
+  for name in reverse names repeat
+    satisfiesRegularExpressions(FUNCALL(fn,name),patterns) =>
+      names' := [name,:names']
+  names'
+satisfiesRegularExpressions(name,patterns) ==
+  -- this is a first cut
+  nf := true
+  dname := DOWNCASE COPY name
+  for pattern in patterns while nf repeat
+    -- use @ as a wildcard
+    STRPOS(pattern,dname,0,'"@") => nf := nil
+  null nf
+--% )with ... defined in daase.lisp (boot won't parse it)
+--% )workfiles
+workfiles l == workfilesSpad2Cmd l
+workfilesSpad2Cmd args ==
+  args => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0047",NIL)
+  deleteFlag := nil
+  for [type,:.] in $options repeat
+    type1 := selectOptionLC(type,'(boot lisp meta delete),nil)
+    null type1 => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0048",[type])
+    type1 = 'delete => deleteFlag := true
+  for [type,:flist] in $options repeat
+    type1 := selectOptionLC(type,'(boot lisp meta delete),nil)
+    type1 = 'delete => nil
+    for file in flist repeat
+      fl := pathname [file,type1,'"*"]
+      deleteFlag => SETQ($sourceFiles,delete(fl,$sourceFiles))
+      null (MAKE_-INPUT_-FILENAME fl) => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0035",[namestring fl])
+      updateSourceFiles fl
+  SAY " "
+  centerAndHighlight(" User-specified work files ",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar)
+  SAY " "
+  null $sourceFiles => SAY '"   no files specified"
+  SETQ($sourceFiles,SORTBY('pathnameType,$sourceFiles))
+  for fl in $sourceFiles repeat sayBrightly ["   " ,namestring fl]
+--% )zsystemdevelopment
+zsystemdevelopment l == zsystemDevelopmentSpad2Cmd l
+zsystemDevelopmentSpad2Cmd l == zsystemdevelopment1 (l,$InteractiveMode)
+zsystemdevelopment1(l,im) ==
+  $InteractiveMode : local := im
+  fromopt := nil
+  -- cycle through once to see if )from is mentioned
+  for [opt,:optargs] in $options repeat
+    opt1 := selectOptionLC(opt,'(from),nil)
+    opt1 = 'from => fromopt := [['FROM,:optargs]]
+  for [opt,:optargs] in $options repeat
+    if null optargs then optargs := l
+    newopt := APPEND(optargs,fromopt)
+    opt1 := selectOptionLC(opt,'(from),nil)
+    opt1 = 'from => nil
+    opt = "c"   => _/D_,1 (newopt ,_/COMP(),NIL,NIL)
+    opt = "d"   => _/D_,1 (newopt ,'DEFINE,NIL,NIL)
+    opt = "dt"  => _/D_,1 (newopt ,'DEFINE,NIL,true)
+    opt = "ct"  => _/D_,1 (newopt ,_/COMP(),NIL,true)
+    opt = "ctl"  => _/D_,1 (newopt ,_/COMP(),NIL,'TRACELET)
+    opt = "ec"  => _/D_,1 (newopt ,_/COMP(),true,NIL)
+    opt = "ect" => _/D_,1 (newopt ,_/COMP(),true,true)
+    opt = "e"   => _/D_,1 (newopt ,NIL,true,NIL)
+    opt = "version" => version()
+    opt = "pause" =>
+      conStream := DEFIOSTREAM ('((DEVICE . CONSOLE) (QUAL . V)),120,0)
+      NEXT conStream
+      SHUT conStream
+    opt = "update" or opt = "patch" =>
+      $InteractiveMode := nil
+      upf := [KAR optargs or _/VERSION, KADR optargs or _/WSNAME,
+              KADDR optargs or '_*]
+      fun := (opt = "patch" => '_/UPDATE_-LIB_-1; '_/UPDATE_-1)
+      CATCH('FILENAM, FUNCALL(fun, upf))
+      sayMessage '"   Update/patch is completed."
+    null optargs =>
+      sayBrightly ['"   An argument is required for",:bright opt]
+    sayMessage ['"   Unknown option:",:bright opt,"    ",'%l,
+      '"   Available options are", _
+      :bright '"c ct e ec ect cls pause update patch compare record"]
+--% Synonym File Reader
+--------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in util.lisp.pamphlet)
+processSynonyms() ==
+  p := STRPOS('")",LINE,0,NIL)
+  fill := '""
+  if p
+    then
+      line := SUBSTRING(LINE,p,NIL)
+      if p > 0 then fill := SUBSTRING(LINE,0,p)
+    else
+      p := 0
+      line := LINE
+  to := STRPOS ('" ", line, 1, nil)
+  if to then to := to - 1
+  synstr := SUBSTRING (line, 1, to)
+  syn := STRING2ID_-N (synstr, 1)
+  null (fun := LASSOC (syn, $CommandSynonymAlist)) => NIL
+  to := STRPOS('")",fun,1,NIL)
+  if to and to ^= SIZE(fun)-1 then
+    opt := STRCONC('" ",SUBSTRING(fun,to,NIL))
+    fun := SUBSTRING(fun,0,to-1)
+  else opt := '" "
+  if (SIZE synstr) > (SIZE fun) then
+    for i in (SIZE fun)..(SIZE synstr) repeat
+      fun := CONCAT (fun, '" ")
+--  $currentLine := STRCONC(fill,RPLACSTR(line, 1, SIZE synstr, fun),opt)
+  cl := STRCONC(fill,RPLACSTR(line, 1, SIZE synstr, fun),opt)
+  SETQ(LINE,cl)
+  SETQ(CHR,LINE.(p+1))
+  processSynonyms ()
+-- functions for interfacing to system commands from algebra code
+-- common lisp dependent
+tabsToBlanks s ==
+   k := charPosition($charTab,s,0)
+   n := #s
+   k < n =>
+      k = 0 => tabsToBlanks SUBSTRING(s,1,nil)
+      STRCONC(SUBSTRING(s,0,k),$charBlank, tabsToBlanks SUBSTRING(s,k + 1,nil))
+   s
+doSystemCommand string ==
+   string := CONCAT('")", EXPAND_-TABS string)
+   LINE: fluid := string
+   processSynonyms()
+   string := LINE
+   string:=SUBSTRING(string,1,nil)
+   string = '"" => nil
+   tok:=getFirstWord(string)
+   tok =>
+        unab := unAbbreviateKeyword tok
+        member(unab, $noParseCommands) =>
+          handleNoParseCommands(unab, string)
+        optionList := splitIntoOptionBlocks string
+        member(unab, $tokenCommands) =>
+          handleTokensizeSystemCommands(unab, optionList)
+        handleParsedSystemCommands(unab, optionList)
+        nil
+   nil
+npboot str ==
+  sex := string2BootTree str
+  FORMAT(true, '"~&~S~%", sex)
+  $ans := EVAL sex
+  FORMAT(true, '"~&Value = ~S~%", $ans)
+stripLisp str ==
+  found := false
+  strIndex := 0
+  lispStr := '"lisp"
+  for c0 in 0..#str-1 for c1 in 0..#lispStr-1 repeat
+    (char str.c0) ^= (char lispStr.c1) =>
+      return nil
+    strIndex := c0+1
+  SUBSEQ(str, strIndex)
+nplisp str ==
+  $ans := EVAL READ_-FROM_-STRING str
+  FORMAT(true, '"~&Value = ~S~%", $ans)
+npsystem(unab, str) ==
+  spaceIndex := SEARCH('" ", str)
+  null spaceIndex =>
+    sayKeyedMsg('"S2IZ0080", [str])
+  sysPart := SUBSEQ(str, 0, spaceIndex)
+  -- The following is a hack required by the fact that unAbbreviateKeyword
+  -- returns the word "system" for unknown words
+  null SEARCH(sysPart, STRING unab) =>
+    sayKeyedMsg('"S2IZ0080", [sysPart])
+  command := SUBSEQ(str, spaceIndex+1)
+  OBEY command
+npsynonym(unab, str) ==
+  npProcessSynonym(str)
+tokenSystemCommand(unabr, tokList) ==
+  systemCommand tokList
+tokTran tok ==
+  STRINGP tok =>
+    #tok = 0 => nil
+    isIntegerString tok => READ_-FROM_-STRING tok
+    STRING tok.0 = '"_"" =>
+      SUBSEQ(tok, 1, #tok-1)
+    INTERN tok
+  tok
+isIntegerString tok ==
+  for i in 0..#tok-1 repeat
+    val := DIGIT_-CHAR_-P tok.i
+    not val => return nil
+  val
+splitIntoOptionBlocks str ==
+  inString := false
+  optionBlocks := nil
+  blockStart := 0
+  parenCount := 0
+  for i in 0..#str-1 repeat
+    STRING str.i = '"_"" =>
+      inString := not inString
+    if STRING str.i = '"(" and not inString
+    then parenCount := parenCount + 1
+    if STRING str.i = '")" and not inString
+    then parenCount := parenCount - 1
+    STRING str.i = '")" and not inString and parenCount = -1 =>
+      block := stripSpaces SUBSEQ(str, blockStart, i)
+      blockList := [block, :blockList]
+      blockStart := i+1
+      parenCount := 0
+  blockList := [stripSpaces SUBSEQ(str, blockStart), :blockList]
+  nreverse blockList
+dumbTokenize str ==
+  -- split into tokens delimted by spaces, taking quoted strings into account
+  inString := false
+  tokenList := nil
+  tokenStart := 0
+  previousSpace := false
+  for i in 0..#str-1 repeat
+    STRING str.i = '"_"" =>
+      inString := not inString
+      previousSpace := false
+    STRING str.i = '" " and not inString =>
+      previousSpace => nil
+      token := stripSpaces SUBSEQ(str, tokenStart, i)
+      tokenList := [token, :tokenList]
+      tokenStart := i+1
+      previousSpace := true
+    previousSpace := false
+  tokenList := [stripSpaces SUBSEQ(str, tokenStart), :tokenList]
+  nreverse tokenList
+handleParsedSystemCommands(unabr, optionList) ==
+  restOptionList := [dumbTokenize opt for opt in CDR optionList]
+  parcmd := [parseSystemCmd CAR optionList,
+             :[[tokTran tok for tok in opt] for opt in restOptionList]]
+  systemCommand parcmd
+parseSystemCmd opt ==
+  spaceIndex := SEARCH('" ", opt)
+  spaceIndex =>
+    commandString := stripSpaces SUBSEQ(opt, 0, spaceIndex)
+    argString := stripSpaces SUBSEQ(opt, spaceIndex)
+    command := tokTran commandString
+    pform := parseFromString argString
+    [command, pform]
+  [tokTran tok for tok in dumbTokenize opt]
+--------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in osyscmd.boot.pamphlet)
+parseFromString(s) ==
+  $useNewParser =>
+     ncParseFromString s
+  $InteractiveMode :local := true
+  $BOOT: local := NIL
+  $SPAD: local := true
+  $e:local := $InteractiveFrame
+  string2SpadTree s
+handleTokensizeSystemCommands(unabr, optionList) ==
+  optionList := [dumbTokenize opt for opt in optionList]
+  parcmd := [[tokTran tok for tok in opt] for opt in optionList]
+  parcmd => tokenSystemCommand(unabr, parcmd)
+getFirstWord string ==
+  spaceIndex := SEARCH('" ", string)
+  null spaceIndex => string
+  stripSpaces SUBSEQ(string, 0, spaceIndex)
+ltrace l == trace l
+--------------------> NEW DEFINITION (see intint.lisp.pamphlet)
+stripSpaces str ==
+  STRING_-TRIM([char '" "], str)
+npProcessSynonym(str) ==
+  if str = '"" then printSynonyms(NIL)
+  else
+    pair := processSynonymLine str
+    if $CommandSynonymAlist then
+      PUTALIST($CommandSynonymAlist,CAR pair, CDR pair)
+    else $CommandSynonymAlist := [pair]
+  terminateSystemCommand()
+\bibitem{1} [[src/interp/setq.lisp.pamphlet]]
cgit v1.2.3