From 9b71e0a1f285fc207709cf8e90721160af299127 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dos-reis <>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 03:47:46 +0000
Subject: remove pamphlets - part 3

 src/interp/c-doc.boot.pamphlet | 1298 ----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1298 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/interp/c-doc.boot.pamphlet

(limited to 'src/interp/c-doc.boot.pamphlet')

diff --git a/src/interp/c-doc.boot.pamphlet b/src/interp/c-doc.boot.pamphlet
deleted file mode 100644
index d1d0949c..00000000
--- a/src/interp/c-doc.boot.pamphlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1298 +0,0 @@
-\title{\File{src/interp/c-doc.boot} Pamphlet}
-\author{The Axiom Team}
--- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
--- All rights reserved.
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
--- met:
---     - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
---       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
---     - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
---       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
---       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
---       distribution.
---     - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
---       names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
---       derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-batchExecute() ==
-  _/RF_-1 '(GENCON INPUT)
-getDoc(conName,op,modemap) ==
-  [dc,target,sl,pred,D] := simplifyModemap modemap
-  sig := [target,:sl]
-  null atom dc =>
-    sig := SUBST('$,dc,sig)
-    sig := SUBLISLIS($FormalMapVariableList,rest dc,sig)
-    getDocForDomain(conName,op,sig)
-  if argList := IFCDR getOfCategoryArgument pred then
-     SUBLISLIS($FormalMapArgumentList,argList,sig)
-  sig := SUBST('$,dc,sig)
-  getDocForCategory(conName,op,sig)
-getOfCategoryArgument pred ==
-  pred is [fn,:.] and MEMQ(fn,'(AND OR NOT)) =>
-    or/[getOfCategoryArgument x for x in rest pred]
-  pred is ['ofCategory,'_*1,form] => form
-  nil
-getDocForCategory(name,op,sig) ==
-  getOpDoc(constructor? name,op,sig) or
-    or/[getOpDoc(constructor? x,op,sig) for x in whatCatCategories name]
-getDocForDomain(name,op,sig) ==
-  getOpDoc(constructor? name,op,sig) or
-    or/[getOpDoc(constructor? x,op,sig) for x in whatCatExtDom name]
-getOpDoc(abb,op,:sigPart) ==
-  $argList : local := $FormalMapVariableList
-  _$: local := '_$
-  sigPart is [sig] => or/[d for [s,:d] in u | sig = s]
-  u
-readForDoc fn ==
-  $bootStrapMode: local:= true
-  _/RQ_-LIB_-1 [fn,'SPAD]
-recordSignatureDocumentation(opSig,lineno) ==
-  recordDocumentation(rest postTransform opSig,lineno)
-recordAttributeDocumentation(['Attribute,att],lineno) ==
-  name := opOf att
-  UPPER_-CASE_-P (PNAME name).0 => nil
-  recordDocumentation([name,['attribute,:IFCDR postTransform att]],lineno)
-recordDocumentation(key,lineno) ==
-  recordHeaderDocumentation lineno
-  u:= collectComBlock lineno
-  --record NIL to mean "there was no documentation"
-  $maxSignatureLineNumber := lineno
-  $docList := [[key,:u],:$docList]
-  -- leave CAR of $docList alone as required by collectAndDeleteAssoc
-recordHeaderDocumentation lineno ==
-  if $maxSignatureLineNumber = 0 then
-    al := [p for (p := [n,:u]) in $COMBLOCKLIST
-               | NULL n or NULL lineno or n < lineno]
-    $headerDocumentation := ASSOCRIGHT al
-    if $headerDocumentation then $maxSignatureLineNumber := 1 --see postDef
-    $headerDocumentation
-collectComBlock x ==
-  $COMBLOCKLIST is [[=x,:val],:.] =>
-    u := [:val,:collectAndDeleteAssoc x]
-    u
-  collectAndDeleteAssoc x
-collectAndDeleteAssoc x ==
---u is (.. (x . a) .. (x . b) .. )  ==> (a b ..) deleting entries from u
---assumes that the first element is useless
-  for y in tails $COMBLOCKLIST | (s := rest y) repeat
-    while s and first s is [=x,:r] repeat
-      res := [:res,:r]
-      s := rest s
-      RPLACD(y,s)
-  res
-finalizeDocumentation() ==
-  unusedCommentLineNumbers := [x for (x := [n,:r]) in $COMBLOCKLIST | r]
-  docList := SUBST("$","%",transDocList($op,$docList))
-  if u := [sig for [sig,:doc] in docList | null doc] then
-    for y in u repeat
-      y = 'constructor => noHeading := true
-      y is [x,b] and b is [='attribute,:r] =>
-        attributes := [[x,:r],:attributes]
-      signatures := [y,:signatures]
-    name := CAR $lisplibForm
-    if noHeading or signatures or attributes or unusedCommentLineNumbers then
-      sayKeyedMsg("S2CD0001",NIL)
-      bigcnt := 1
-      if noHeading or signatures or attributes then
-        sayKeyedMsg("S2CD0002",[STRCONC(STRINGIMAGE bigcnt,'"."),name])
-        bigcnt := bigcnt + 1
-        litcnt := 1
-        if noHeading then
-          sayKeyedMsg("S2CD0003",
-            [STRCONC('"(",STRINGIMAGE litcnt,'")"),name])
-          litcnt := litcnt + 1
-        if signatures then
-          sayKeyedMsg("S2CD0004",
-            [STRCONC('"(",STRINGIMAGE litcnt,'")")])
-          litcnt := litcnt + 1
-          for [op,sig] in signatures repeat
-            s := formatOpSignature(op,sig)
-            sayMSG
-              atom s => ['%x9,s]
-              ['%x9,:s]
-        if attributes then
-          sayKeyedMsg("S2CD0005",
-            [STRCONC('"(",STRINGIMAGE litcnt,'")")])
-          litcnt := litcnt + 1
-          for x in attributes repeat
-            a := form2String x
-            sayMSG
-              atom a => ['%x9,a]
-              ['%x9,:a]
-      if unusedCommentLineNumbers then
-        sayKeyedMsg("S2CD0006",[STRCONC(STRINGIMAGE bigcnt,'"."),name])
-        for [n,r] in unusedCommentLineNumbers repeat
-          sayMSG ['"   ",:bright n,'"   ",r]
-  hn [[:fn(sig,$e),:doc] for [sig,:doc] in docList] where
-    fn(x,e) ==
-      atom x => [x,nil]
-      if #x > 2 then x := TAKE(2,x)
-      SUBLISLIS($FormalMapVariableList,rest $lisplibForm,
-        macroExpand(x,e))
-    hn u ==
-     -- ((op,sig,doc), ...)  --> ((op ((sig doc) ...)) ...)
-      opList := REMDUP ASSOCLEFT u
-      [[op,:[[sig,doc] for [op1,sig,doc] in u | op = op1]] for op in opList]
---             Transformation of ++ comments
-transDocList($constructorName,doclist) == --returns ((key line)...)
---called ONLY by finalizeDocumentation
---if $exposeFlag then messages go to file $outStream; flag=nil by default
-  sayBrightly ['"   Processing ",$constructorName,'" for Browser database:"]
-  commentList := transDoc($constructorName,doclist)
-  acc := nil
-  for entry in commentList repeat
-    entry is ['constructor,x] =>
-      conEntry => checkDocError ['"Spurious comments: ",x]
-      conEntry := entry
-    acc := [entry,:acc]
-  conEntry => [conEntry,:acc]
-  checkDocError1 ['"Missing Description"]
-  acc
-transDoc(conname,doclist) ==
---$exposeFlag and not isExposedConstructor conname => nil
---skip over unexposed constructors when checking system files
-  $x: local
-  rlist := REVERSE doclist
-  for [$x,:lines] in rlist repeat
-    $attribute? : local := $x is [.,[key]] and key = 'attribute
-    null lines =>
-      $attribute? => nil
-      checkDocError1 ['"Not documented!!!!"]
-    u := checkTrim($x,(STRINGP lines => [lines]; $x = 'constructor => first lines; lines))
-    $argl : local := nil    --set by checkGetArgs
--- tpd: related domain information doesn't exist
---    if v := checkExtract('"Related Domains:",u) then
---      $lisplibRelatedDomains:=[w for x in gn(v) | w := fn(x)] where
---        gn(v) ==  --note: unabbrev checks for correct number of arguments
---          s := checkExtractItemList v
---          parse := ncParseFromString s  --is a single conform or a tuple
---          null parse => nil
---          parse is ['Tuple,:r] => r
---          [parse]
---        fn(x) ==
---          expectedNumOfArgs := checkNumOfArgs x
---          null expectedNumOfArgs =>
---            checkDocError ['"Unknown constructor name?: ",opOf x]
---            x
---          expectedNumOfArgs ^= (n := #(IFCDR x)) =>
---            n = 0 => checkDocError1
---              ['"You must give arguments to the _"Related Domain_": ",x]
---            checkDocError
---              ['"_"Related Domain_" has wrong number of arguments: ",x]
---            nil
---          n=0 and atom x => [x]
---          x
-    longline :=
-      $x = 'constructor =>
-        v :=checkExtract('"Description:",u) or u and
-              checkExtract('"Description:",
-                [STRCONC('"Description: ",first u),:rest u])
-        transformAndRecheckComments('constructor,v or u)
-      transformAndRecheckComments($x,u)
-    acc := [[$x,longline],:acc]  --processor assumes a list of lines
-checkExtractItemList l ==  --items are separated by commas or end of line
-  acc := nil               --l is list of remaining lines
-  while l repeat           --stop when you get to a line with a colon
-    m := MAXINDEX first l
-    k := charPosition(char '_:,first l,0)
-    k <= m => return nil
-    acc := [first l,:acc]
-    l := rest l
-  "STRCONC"/[x for x in NREVERSE acc]
---NREVERSE("append"/[fn string for string in acc]) where
---  fn(string) ==
---    m := MAXINDEX string
---    acc := nil
---    i := 0
---    while i < m and (k := charPosition(char '_,,string,i)) < m repeat
---      if (t := trimString SUBSTRING(string,i,k-i)) ^= '"" then acc := [t,:acc]
---      i := k + 1
---    if i < m then
---      if (t := trimString SUBSTRING(string,i,k-i)) ^= '"" then acc := [t,:acc]
---    acc
-transformAndRecheckComments(name,lines) ==
-  $checkingXmptex? := false
-  $x            : local := name
-  $name         : local := 'GlossaryPage
-  $origin       : local := 'gloss
-  $recheckingFlag : local := false
-  $exposeFlagHeading : local := ['"--------",name,'"---------"]
-  if null $exposeFlag then sayBrightly $exposeFlagHeading
-  u := checkComments(name,lines)
-  $recheckingFlag := true
-  checkRewrite(name,[u])
-  $recheckingFlag := false
-  u
-checkRewrite(name,lines) == main where   --similar to checkComments from c-doc
-  main ==
-    $checkErrorFlag: local := true
-    margin := 0
-    lines := checkRemoveComments lines
-    u := lines
-    if $checkingXmptex? then
-      u := [checkAddIndented(x,margin) for x in u]
-    $argl := checkGetArgs first u      --set $argl
-    u2 := nil
-    verbatim := nil
-    for x in u repeat
-        w := newString2Words x
-        verbatim =>
-          w and first w = '"\end{verbatim}" =>
-            verbatim := false
-            u2 := append(u2, w)
-          u2 := append(u2, [x])
-        w and first w = '"\begin{verbatim}" =>
-            verbatim := true
-            u2 := append(u2, w)
-        u2 := append(u2, w)
-    u := u2
-    u := checkAddSpaces u
-    u := checkSplit2Words u
-    u := checkAddMacros u
-    u := checkTexht u
---  checkBalance u
-    okBefore := null $checkErrorFlag
-    checkArguments u
-    if $checkErrorFlag then u := checkFixCommonProblem u
-    checkRecordHash u
---  u := checkTranVerbatim u
-    checkDecorateForHt u
-checkTexht u ==
-  count := 0
-  acc   := nil
-  while u repeat
-    x := first u
-    if x = '"\texht" and (u := IFCDR u) then
-        if not (IFCAR u = $charLbrace) then
-           checkDocError '"First left brace after \texht missing"
-        count := 1  -- drop first argument including braces of \texht
-        while ((y := IFCAR (u := rest u))^= $charRbrace or count > 1) repeat
-          if y = $charLbrace then count := count + 1
-          if y = $charRbrace then count := count - 1
-        x :=  IFCAR (u := rest u)  -- drop first right brace of 1st arg
-    if x = '"\httex" and (u := IFCDR u) and (IFCAR u = $charLbrace) then
-        acc := [IFCAR u,:acc]      --left  brace: add it
-        while (y := IFCAR (u := rest u)) ^= $charRbrace repeat (acc := [y,:acc])
-        acc := [IFCAR u,:acc]      --right brace: add it
-        x :=  IFCAR (u := rest u)  --left brace:  forget it
-        while IFCAR (u := rest u) ^= $charRbrace repeat 'skip
-        x :=  IFCAR (u := rest u)  --forget right brace: move to next char
-    acc := [x,:acc]
-    u := rest u
-checkRecordHash u ==
-  while u repeat
-    x := first u
-    if STRINGP x and x.0 = $charBack then
-      if member(x,$HTlinks) and (u := checkLookForLeftBrace IFCDR u)
-           and (u := checkLookForRightBrace IFCDR u)
-             and (u := checkLookForLeftBrace IFCDR u) and (u := IFCDR u) then
-        htname := intern IFCAR u
-        entry := HGET($htHash,htname) or [nil]
-        HPUT($htHash,htname,[first entry,:[[$name,:$origin],:rest entry]])
-      else if member(x,$HTlisplinks) and (u := checkLookForLeftBrace IFCDR u)
-            and (u := checkLookForRightBrace IFCDR u)
-              and (u := checkLookForLeftBrace IFCDR u) and (u := IFCDR u) then
-        htname := intern checkGetLispFunctionName checkGetStringBeforeRightBrace u
-        entry := HGET($lispHash,htname) or [nil]
-        HPUT($lispHash,htname,[first entry,:[[$name,:$origin],:rest entry]])
-      else if ((p := member(x,'("\gloss" "\spadglos")))
-                 or (q := member(x,'("\glossSee" "\spadglosSee"))))
-                    and (u := checkLookForLeftBrace IFCDR u)
-                      and (u := IFCDR u) then
-          if q then
-             u := checkLookForRightBrace u
-             u := checkLookForLeftBrace IFCDR u
-             u := IFCDR u
-          htname := intern checkGetStringBeforeRightBrace u
-          entry := HGET($glossHash,htname) or [nil]
-          HPUT($glossHash,htname,[first entry,:[[$name,:$origin],:rest entry]])
-      else if x = '"\spadsys" and (u := checkLookForLeftBrace IFCDR u) and (u := IFCDR u) then
-          s := checkGetStringBeforeRightBrace u
-          if s.0 = char '_) then s := SUBSTRING(s,1,nil)
-          parse := checkGetParse s
-          null parse => checkDocError ['"Unparseable \spadtype: ",s]
-          not member(opOf parse,$currentSysList) =>
-            checkDocError ['"Bad system command: ",s]
-          atom parse or not (parse is ['set,arg]) => 'ok  ---assume ok
-          not spadSysChoose($setOptions,arg) =>
-            checkDocError ['"Incorrect \spadsys: ",s]
-            entry := HGET($sysHash,htname) or [nil]
-            HPUT($sysHash,htname,[first entry,:[[$name,:$origin],:rest entry]])
-      else if x = '"\spadtype" and (u := checkLookForLeftBrace IFCDR u) and (u := IFCDR u) then
-          s := checkGetStringBeforeRightBrace u
-          parse := checkGetParse s
-          null parse => checkDocError ['"Unparseable \spadtype: ",s]
-          n := checkNumOfArgs parse
-          null n => checkDocError ['"Unknown \spadtype: ", s]
-          atom parse and n > 0 => 'skip
-          null (key := checkIsValidType parse) =>
-            checkDocError ['"Unknown \spadtype: ", s]
-          atom key => 'ok
-          checkDocError ['"Wrong number of arguments: ",form2HtString key]
-      else if member(x,'("\spadop" "\keyword")) and (u := checkLookForLeftBrace IFCDR u) and (u := IFCDR u) then
-          x := intern checkGetStringBeforeRightBrace u
-          not (GET(x,'Led) or GET(x,'Nud)) =>
-            checkDocError ['"Unknown \spadop: ",x]
-    u := rest u
-  'done
-checkGetParse s == ncParseFromString removeBackslashes s
-removeBackslashes s ==
-    s = '"" => '""
-    (k := charPosition($charBack,s,0)) < #s =>
-      k = 0 => removeBackslashes SUBSTRING(s,1,nil)
-      STRCONC(SUBSTRING(s,0,k),removeBackslashes SUBSTRING(s,k + 1,nil))
-    s
-checkNumOfArgs conform ==
-  conname := opOf conform
-  constructor? conname or (conname := abbreviation? conname) =>
-  nil  --signals error
-checkIsValidType form == main where
---returns ok if correct, form is wrong number of arguments, nil if unknown
-  main ==
-    atom form => 'ok
-    [op,:args] := form
-    conname := (constructor? op => op; abbreviation? op)
-    null conname => nil
-    fn(form,GETDATABASE(conname,'COSIG))
-  fn(form,coSig) ==
-    #form ^= #coSig => form
-    or/[null checkIsValidType x for x in rest form for flag in rest coSig | flag]
-      => nil
-    'ok
-checkGetLispFunctionName s ==
-  n := #s
-  (k := charPosition(char '_|,s,1)) and k < n and
-    (j := charPosition(char '_|,s,k + 1)) and j < n => SUBSTRING(s,k + 1,j-k-1)
-  checkDocError ['"Ill-formed lisp expression : ",s]
-  'illformed
-checkGetStringBeforeRightBrace u ==
-  acc := nil
-  while u repeat
-    x := first u
-    x = $charRbrace => return "STRCONC"/(NREVERSE acc)
-    acc := [x,:acc]
-    u := rest u
---  checkTranVerbatim u ==
---    acc := nil
---    while u repeat
---      x := first u
---      x = '"\begin" and checkTranVerbatimMiddle u is [middle,:r] =>
---        acc := [$charRbrace,:middle,$charLbrace,'"\spadpaste",:acc]
---        u := r
---      if x = '"\spadcommand" then x := '"\spadpaste"
---      acc := [x,:acc]
---      u := rest u
---    NREVERSE acc
---  checkTranVerbatimMiddle u ==
---      (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR u)) = $charLbrace and
---        (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR v)) = '"verbatim" and
---          (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR v)) = $charRbrace =>
---             w := IFCDR v
---             middle := nil
---             while w and (z := first w) ^= '"\end" repeat
---               middle := [z,:middle]
---               w := rest w
---             if (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w)) = $charLbrace and
---               (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w))  = '"verbatim" and
---                 (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w)) = $charRbrace then
---                    u := IFCDR w
---             else
---                checkDocError '"Missing \end{verbatim}"
---                u := w
---             [middle,:u]
---  checkTranVerbatim1 u ==
---    acc := nil
---    while u repeat
---      x := first u
---      x = '"\begin" and (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR u)) = $charLbrace and
---        (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR v)) = '"verbatim" and
---          (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR v)) = $charRbrace =>
---             w := IFCDR v
---             middle := nil
---             while w and (z := first w) ^= '"\end" repeat
---               middle := [z,:middle]
---               w := rest w
---             if (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w)) = $charLbrace and
---               (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w))  = '"verbatim" and
---                 (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w)) = $charRbrace then
---                    u := IFCDR w
---             acc := [$charRbrace,:middle,$charLbrace,'"\spadpaste",:acc]
---      if x = '"\spadcommand" then x := '"\spadpaste"
---      acc := [x,:acc]
---      u := rest u
---    NREVERSE acc
-appendOver [head,:tail] ==
- acc := LASTNODE head
- for x in tail repeat
-   end := LASTNODE x
-   RPLACD(acc,x)
-   acc := end
- head
-checkRemoveComments lines ==
-  while lines repeat
-    do
-      line := checkTrimCommented first lines
-      if firstNonBlankPosition line >= 0 then acc := [line,:acc]
-    lines := rest lines
-checkTrimCommented line ==
-  n := #line
-  k := htcharPosition(char '_%,line,0)
-  --line beginning with % is a comment
-  k = 0 => '""
-  --remarks beginning with %% are comments
-  k >= n - 1 or line.(k + 1) ^= char '_% => line
-  k < #line => SUBSTRING(line,0,k)
-  line
-htcharPosition(char,line,i) ==
-  m := #line
-  k := charPosition(char,line,i)
-  k = m => k
-  k > 0 =>
-    line.(k - 1) ^= $charBack => k
-    htcharPosition(char,line,k + 1)
-  0
-checkAddMacros u ==
-  acc := nil
-  verbatim := false
-  while u repeat
-    x := first u
-    acc :=
-      x = '"\end{verbatim}" =>
-        verbatim := false
-        [x, :acc]
-      verbatim => [x, :acc]
-      x = '"\begin{verbatim}" =>
-        verbatim := true
-        [x, :acc]
-      y := LASSOC(x,$HTmacs) => [:y,:acc]
-      [x,:acc]
-    u := rest u
-checkComments(nameSig,lines) == main where
-  main ==
-    $checkErrorFlag: local := false
-    margin := checkGetMargin lines
-    if (null BOUNDP '$attribute? or null $attribute?)
-      and nameSig ^= 'constructor then lines :=
-        [checkTransformFirsts(first nameSig,first lines,margin),:rest lines]
-    u := checkIndentedLines(lines, margin)
-    $argl := checkGetArgs first u      --set $argl
-    u2 := nil
-    verbatim := nil
-    for x in u repeat
-        w := newString2Words x
-        verbatim =>
-          w and first w = '"\end{verbatim}" =>
-            verbatim := false
-            u2 := append(u2, w)
-          u2 := append(u2, [x])
-        w and first w = '"\begin{verbatim}" =>
-            verbatim := true
-            u2 := append(u2, w)
-        u2 := append(u2, w)
-    u := u2
-    u := checkAddSpaces u
-    u := checkIeEg u
-    u := checkSplit2Words u
-    checkBalance u
-    okBefore := null $checkErrorFlag
-    checkArguments u
-    if $checkErrorFlag then u := checkFixCommonProblem u
-    v := checkDecorate u
-    res := "STRCONC"/[y for y in v]
-    res := checkAddPeriod res
-    if $checkErrorFlag then pp res
-    res
-checkIndentedLines(u, margin) ==
-  verbatim := false
-  u2 := nil
-  for x in u repeat
-    k := firstNonBlankPosition x
-    k = -1 =>
-        verbatim => u2 := [:u2, $charFauxNewline]
-        u2 := [:u2, '"\blankline "]
-    s := SUBSTRING(x, k, nil)
-    s = '"\begin{verbatim}" =>
-        verbatim := true
-        u2 := [:u2, s]
-    s = '"\end{verbatim}" =>
-        verbatim := false
-        u2 := [:u2, s]
-    verbatim => u2 := [:u2, SUBSTRING(x, margin, nil)]
-    margin = k => u2 := [:u2, s]
-    u2 := [:u2, STRCONC('"\indented{",STRINGIMAGE(k-margin),'"}{",checkAddSpaceSegments(s,0),'"}")]
-  u2
-newString2Words l ==
-  not STRINGP l => [l]
-  m := MAXINDEX l
-  m = -1 => NIL
-  i := 0
-  [w while newWordFrom(l,i,m) is [w,i]]
-newWordFrom(l,i,m) ==
-  while i <= m and l.i = " " repeat i := i + 1
-  i > m => NIL
-  buf := '""
-  ch := l.i
-  ch = $charFauxNewline => [$stringFauxNewline, i+ 1]
-  done := false
-  while i <= m and not done repeat
-    ch := l.i
-    ch = $charBlank or ch = $charFauxNewline => done := true
-    buf := STRCONC(buf,ch)
-    i := i + 1
-  [buf,i]
-checkAddPeriod s ==  --No, just leave blank at the end (rdj: 10/18/91)
-  m := MAXINDEX s
-  lastChar := s . m
-  lastChar = char '_! or lastChar = char '_? or lastChar = char '_. => s
-  lastChar = char '_, or lastChar = char '_; =>
-    s . m := (char '_.)
-    s
-  s
-checkGetArgs u ==
-  NOT STRINGP u => nil
-  m := MAXINDEX u
-  k := firstNonBlankPosition(u)
-  k > 0 => checkGetArgs SUBSTRING(u,k,nil)
-  stringPrefix?('"\spad{",u) =>
-    k := getMatchingRightPren(u,6,char '_{,char '_}) or m
-    checkGetArgs SUBSTRING(u,6,k-6)
-  (i := charPosition(char '_(,u,0)) > m => nil
-  (u . m) ^= char '_) => nil
-  while (k := charPosition($charComma,u,i + 1)) < m repeat
-    acc := [trimString SUBSTRING(u,i + 1,k - i - 1),:acc]
-    i := k
-  NREVERSE [SUBSTRING(u,i + 1,m - i - 1),:acc]
-checkGetMargin lines ==
-  while lines repeat
-    do
-      x := first lines
-      k := firstNonBlankPosition x
-      k = -1 => nil
-      margin := (margin => MIN(margin,k); k)
-    lines := rest lines
-  margin or 0
-firstNonBlankPosition(x,:options) ==
-  start := IFCAR options or 0
-  k := -1
-  for i in start..MAXINDEX x repeat
-    if x.i ^= $charBlank then return (k := i)
-  k
-checkAddIndented(x,margin) ==
-  k := firstNonBlankPosition x
-  k = -1 => '"\blankline "
-  margin = k => x
-  STRCONC('"\indented{",STRINGIMAGE(k-margin),'"}{",checkAddSpaceSegments(SUBSTRING(x,k,nil),0),'"}")
-checkAddSpaceSegments(u,k) ==
-  m := MAXINDEX u
-  i := charPosition($charBlank,u,k)
-  m < i => u
-  j := i
-  while (j := j + 1) < m and u.j = (char '_  ) repeat 'continue
-  n := j - i   --number of blanks
-  n > 1 => STRCONC(SUBSTRING(u,0,i),'"\space{",
-             STRINGIMAGE n,'"}",checkAddSpaceSegments(SUBSTRING(u,i + n,nil),0))
-  checkAddSpaceSegments(u,j)
-checkTrim($x,lines) == main where
-  main ==
-    s := [wherePP first lines]
-    for x in rest lines repeat
-      j := wherePP x
-      if not MEMQ(j,s) then
-        checkDocError [$x,'" has varying indentation levels"]
-        s := [j,:s]
-    [trim y for y in lines]
-  wherePP(u) ==
-    k := charPosition($charPlus,u,0)
-    k = #u or charPosition($charPlus,u,k + 1) ^= k + 1 =>
-      systemError '" Improper comment found"
-    k
-  trim(s) ==
-    k := wherePP(s)
-    return SUBSTRING(s,k + 2,nil)
-    m := MAXINDEX s
-    n := k + 2
-    for j in (k + 2)..m while s.j = $charBlank repeat (n := n + 1)
-    SUBSTRING(s,n,nil)
-checkExtract(header,lines) ==
-  while lines repeat
-    line := first lines
-    k := firstNonBlankPosition line           --k gives margin of Description:
-    substring?(header,line,k) => return nil
-    lines := rest lines
-  null lines => nil
-  u := first lines
-  j := charPosition(char '_:,u,k)
-  margin := k
-  firstLines :=
-    (k := firstNonBlankPosition(u,j + 1)) ^= -1 =>
-      [SUBSTRING(u,j + 1,nil),:rest lines]
-    rest lines
-  --now look for another header; if found skip all rest of these lines
-  acc := nil
-  for line in firstLines repeat
-    do
-      m := #line
-      (k := firstNonBlankPosition line) = -1     => 'skip  --include if blank
-      k > margin                                 => 'skip  --include if idented
-      not UPPER_-CASE_-P line.k                  => 'skip  --also if not upcased
-      (j := charPosition(char '_:,line,k)) = m   => 'skip  --or if not colon, or
-      (i := charPosition(char '_ ,line,k+1)) < j => 'skip  --blank before colon
-      return nil
-    acc := [line,:acc]
-checkFixCommonProblem u ==
-  acc := nil
-  while u repeat
-    x := first u
-    x = $charLbrace and member(next := IFCAR rest u,$HTspadmacros) and
-                       (IFCAR IFCDR rest u ^= $charLbrace) =>
-      checkDocError ['"Reversing ",next,'" and left brace"]
-      acc := [$charLbrace,next,:acc]  --reverse order of brace and command
-      u := rest rest u
-    acc := [x,:acc]
-    u := rest u
-checkDecorate u ==
-  count := 0
-  spadflag := false    --means OK to wrap single letter words with \s{}
-  mathSymbolsOk := false
-  acc := nil
-  verbatim := false
-  while u repeat
-    x := first u
-    if not verbatim then
-      if x = '"\em" then
-        if count > 0 then
-          mathSymbolsOk := count - 1
-          spadflag := count - 1
-        else checkDocError ['"\em must be enclosed in braces"]
-      if member(x,'("\spadpaste" "\spad" "\spadop")) then mathSymbolsOk := count
-      if member(x,'("\s" "\spadtype" "\spadsys" "\example" "\andexample" "\spadop" "\spad" "\spadignore" "\spadpaste" "\spadcommand" "\footnote")) then spadflag := count
-      else if x = $charLbrace then
-        count := count + 1
-      else if x = $charRbrace then
-        count := count - 1
-        if mathSymbolsOk = count then mathSymbolsOk := false
-        if spadflag = count then spadflag := false
-      else if not mathSymbolsOk and member(x,'("+" "*" "=" "==" "->")) then
-        if $checkingXmptex? then
-          checkDocError ["Symbol ",x,'" appearing outside \spad{}"]
-    acc :=
-      x = '"\end{verbatim}" =>
-        verbatim := false
-        [x, :acc]
-      verbatim => [x, :acc]
-      x = '"\begin{verbatim}" =>
-        verbatim := true
-        [x, :acc]
-      x = '"\begin" and first (v := IFCDR u) = $charLbrace and
-        first (v := IFCDR v) = '"detail" and first (v := IFCDR v) = $charRbrace
-          =>
-            u := v
-            ['"\blankline ",:acc]
-      x = '"\end" and first (v := IFCDR u) = $charLbrace and
-        first (v := IFCDR v) = '"detail" and first (v := IFCDR v) = $charRbrace
-          =>
-            u := v
-            acc
-      x = char '_$ or x = '"$"  => ['"\$",:acc]
-      x = char '_% or x = '"%"  => ['"\%",:acc]
-      x = char '_, or x = '","  => ['",{}",:acc]
-      x = '"\spad" => ['"\spad",:acc]
-      STRINGP x and DIGITP x.0 => [x,:acc]
-      null spadflag and
-        (CHARP x and ALPHA_-CHAR_-P x and not MEMQ(x,$charExclusions) or
-          member(x,$argl)) => [$charRbrace,x,$charLbrace,'"\spad",:acc]
-      null spadflag and ((STRINGP x and not x.0 = $charBack and DIGITP(x.(MAXINDEX x))) or member(x,'("true" "false"))) =>
-        [$charRbrace,x,$charLbrace,'"\spad",:acc]  --wrap x1, alpha3, etc
-      xcount := #x
-      xcount = 3 and x.1 = char 't and x.2 = char 'h =>
-        ['"th",$charRbrace,x.0,$charLbrace,'"\spad",:acc]
-      xcount = 4 and x.1 = char '_- and x.2 = char 't and x.3 = char 'h =>
-        ['"-th",$charRbrace,x.0,$charLbrace,'"\spad",:acc]
-      xcount = 2 and x.1 = char 'i or              --wrap ei, xi, hi
-        null spadflag and xcount > 0 and xcount < 4 and not member(x,'("th" "rd" "st")) and
-          hasNoVowels x =>                         --wrap words with no vowels
-            [$charRbrace,x,$charLbrace,'"\spad",:acc]
-      [checkAddBackSlashes x,:acc]
-    u := rest u
-hasNoVowels x ==
-  max := MAXINDEX x
-  x.max = char 'y => false
-  and/[not isVowel(x.i) for i in 0..max]
-isVowel c ==
-  EQ(c,char 'a) or EQ(c,char 'e) or EQ(c,char 'i) or EQ(c,char 'o) or EQ(c,char 'u) or
-    EQ(c,char 'A) or EQ(c,char 'E) or EQ(c,char 'I) or EQ(c,char 'O) or EQ(c,char 'U)
-checkAddBackSlashes s ==
-  (CHARP s and (c := s)) or (#s = 1 and (c := s.0)) =>
-    MEMQ(s,$charEscapeList) => STRCONC($charBack,c)
-    s
-  k := 0
-  m := MAXINDEX s
-  insertIndex := nil
-  while k <= m repeat
-    do
-      char := s.k
-      char = $charBack => k := k + 2
-      MEMQ(char,$charEscapeList) => return (insertIndex := k)
-    k := k + 1
-  insertIndex => checkAddBackSlashes STRCONC(SUBSTRING(s,0,insertIndex),$charBack,s.k,SUBSTRING(s,insertIndex + 1,nil))
-  s
-checkAddSpaces u ==
-  null u => nil
-  null rest u => u
-  space := $charBlank
-  u2 := nil
-  for i in 1.. for f in u repeat
-    -- want newlines before and after begin/end verbatim and between lines
-    -- since this might be written to a file, we can't really use
-    -- newline characters. The Browser and HD will do the translation
-    -- later.
-    if f = '"\begin{verbatim}" then
-        space := $charFauxNewline
-        if null u2 then u2 := [space]
-    if i > 1 then u2 := [:u2, space, f]
-    else u2 := [:u2, f]
-    if f = '"\end{verbatim}" then
-        u2 := [:u2, space]
-        space := $charBlank
-  u2
-checkIeEg u ==
-  acc := nil
-  verbatim := false
-  while u repeat
-    x := first u
-    acc :=
-      x = '"\end{verbatim}" =>
-        verbatim := false
-        [x, :acc]
-      verbatim => [x, :acc]
-      x = '"\begin{verbatim}" =>
-        verbatim := true
-        [x, :acc]
-      z := checkIeEgfun x => [:NREVERSE z,:acc]
-      [x,:acc]
-    u := rest u
-checkIeEgfun x ==
-  CHARP x => nil
-  x = '"" => nil
-  m := MAXINDEX x
-  for k in 0..(m - 3) repeat
-    x.(k + 1) = $charPeriod and x.(k + 3) = $charPeriod and
-     (x.k = char 'i and x.(k + 2) = char 'e and (key := '"that is")
-       or x.k = char 'e and x.(k + 2) = char 'g and (key := '"for example")) =>
-          firstPart := (k > 0 => [SUBSTRING(x,0,k)]; nil)
-          result := [:firstPart,'"\spadignore{",SUBSTRING(x,k,4),'"}",
-                     :checkIeEgfun SUBSTRING(x,k+4,nil)]
-  result
-checkSplit2Words u ==
-  acc := nil
-  while u repeat
-    x := first u
-    acc :=
-      x = '"\end{verbatim}" =>
-        verbatim := false
-        [x, :acc]
-      verbatim => [x, :acc]
-      x = '"\begin{verbatim}" =>
-        verbatim := true
-        [x, :acc]
-      z := checkSplitBrace x => [:NREVERSE z,:acc]
-      [x,:acc]
-    u := rest u
-checkSplitBrace x ==
-  CHARP x => [x]
-  #x = 1 => [x.0]
-  (u := checkSplitBackslash x)
-     and rest u  => "append"/[checkSplitBrace y for y in u]
-  m := MAXINDEX x
-  (u := checkSplitOn x)
-     and rest u  => "append"/[checkSplitBrace y for y in u]
-  (u := checkSplitPunctuation x)
-     and rest u  => "append"/[checkSplitBrace y for y in u]
-  [x]
-checkSplitBackslash x ==
-  not STRINGP x => [x]
-  m := MAXINDEX x
-  (k := charPosition($charBack,x,0)) < m =>
-    m = 1 or ALPHA_-CHAR_-P(x . (k + 1)) =>     --starts with a backslash so..
-      (k := charPosition($charBack,x,1)) < m => --..see if there is another
-         [SUBSTRING(x,0,k),:checkSplitBackslash SUBSTRING(x,k,nil)]  -- yup
-      [x]                                       --no, just return line
-    k = 0 => --starts with backspace but x.1 is not a letter; break it up
-      [SUBSTRING(x,0,2),:checkSplitBackslash SUBSTRING(x,2,nil)]
-    u := SUBSTRING(x,0,k)
-    v := SUBSTRING(x,k,2)
-    k + 1 = m => [u,v]
-    [u,v,:checkSplitBackslash SUBSTRING(x,k + 2,nil)]
-  [x]
-checkSplitPunctuation x ==
-  CHARP x => [x]
-  m := MAXINDEX x
-  m < 1 => [x]
-  lastchar := x.m
-  lastchar = $charPeriod and x.(m - 1) = $charPeriod =>
-    m = 1 => [x]
-    m > 3 and x.(m-2) = $charPeriod =>
-      [:checkSplitPunctuation SUBSTRING(x,0,m-2),'"..."]
-    [:checkSplitPunctuation SUBSTRING(x,0,m-1),'".."]
-  lastchar = $charPeriod or lastchar = $charSemiColon or lastchar = $charComma
-    => [SUBSTRING(x,0,m),lastchar]
-  m > 1 and x.(m - 1) = $charQuote => [SUBSTRING(x,0,m - 1),SUBSTRING(x,m-1,nil)]
-  (k := charPosition($charBack,x,0)) < m =>
-    k = 0 =>
-      m = 1 or HGET($htMacroTable,x) or ALPHA_-CHAR_-P x.1 => [x]
-      v := SUBSTRING(x,2,nil)
-      [SUBSTRING(x,0,2),:checkSplitPunctuation v]
-    u := SUBSTRING(x,0,k)
-    v := SUBSTRING(x,k,nil)
-    [:checkSplitPunctuation u,:checkSplitPunctuation v]
-  (k := charPosition($charDash,x,1)) < m =>
-    u := SUBSTRING(x,k + 1,nil)
-    [SUBSTRING(x,0,k),$charDash,:checkSplitPunctuation u]
-  [x]
-checkSplitOn(x) ==
-  CHARP x => [x]
-  l := $charSplitList
-  m := MAXINDEX x
-  while l repeat
-    char := first l
-    do
-      m = 0 and x.0 = char => return (k := -1)  --special exit
-      k := charPosition(char,x,0)
-      k > 0 and x.(k - 1) = $charBack => [x]
-      k <= m => return k
-    l := rest l
-  null l => [x]
-  k = -1 => [char]
-  k = 0 => [char,SUBSTRING(x,1,nil)]
-  k = MAXINDEX x => [SUBSTRING(x,0,k),char]
-  [SUBSTRING(x,0,k),char,:checkSplitOn SUBSTRING(x,k + 1,nil)]
-checkBalance u ==
-  checkBeginEnd u
-  stack := nil
-  while u repeat
-    do
-      x := first u
-      openClose := ASSOC(x,$checkPrenAlist)  --is it an open bracket?
-        => stack := [CAR openClose,:stack]   --yes, push the open bracket
-      open  := rassoc(x,$checkPrenAlist) =>  --it is a close bracket!
-        stack is [top,:restStack] => --does corresponding open bracket match?
-          if open ^= top then          --yes: just pop the stack
-            checkDocError
-              ['"Mismatch: left ",checkSayBracket top,'" matches right ",checkSayBracket open]
-          stack := restStack
-        checkDocError ['"Missing left ",checkSayBracket open]
-    u := rest u
-  if stack then
-    for x in NREVERSE stack repeat
-      checkDocError ['"Missing right ",checkSayBracket x]
-  u
-checkSayBracket x ==
-  x = char '_( or x = char '_) => '"pren"
-  x = char '_{ or x = char '_} => '"brace"
-  '"bracket"
-checkBeginEnd u ==
-  beginEndStack := nil
-  while u repeat
-      x := first u
-      STRINGP x and x.0 = $charBack and #x > 2 and not HGET($htMacroTable,x)
-        and not (x = '"\spadignore") and IFCAR IFCDR u = $charLbrace
-          and not
-            (substring?('"\radiobox",x,0) or substring?('"\inputbox",x,0))=>
-             --allow 0 argument guys to pass through
-              checkDocError ["Unexpected HT command: ",x]
-      x = '"\beginitems" =>
-        beginEndStack := ["items",:beginEndStack]
-      x = '"\begin" =>
-        u is [.,=$charLbrace,y,:r] and CAR r = $charRbrace =>
-          if not member(y,$beginEndList) then
-            checkDocError ['"Unknown begin type: \begin{",y,'"}"]
-          beginEndStack := [y,:beginEndStack]
-          u := r
-        checkDocError ['"Improper \begin command"]
-      x = '"\item" =>
-        member(IFCAR beginEndStack,'("items" "menu")) => nil
-        null beginEndStack =>
-          checkDocError ['"\item appears outside a \begin-\end"]
-        checkDocError ['"\item appears within a \begin{",IFCAR beginEndStack,'"}.."]
-      x = '"\end" =>
-        u is [.,=$charLbrace,y,:r] and CAR r = $charRbrace =>
-          y = IFCAR beginEndStack =>
-            beginEndStack := rest beginEndStack
-            u := r
-          checkDocError ['"Trying to match \begin{",IFCAR beginEndStack,'"} with \end{",y,"}"]
-        checkDocError ['"Improper \end command"]
-    u := rest u
-  beginEndStack => checkDocError ['"Missing \end{",first beginEndStack,'"}"]
-  'ok
-checkArguments u ==
-  while u repeat
-    do
-      x := first u
-      null (k := HGET($htMacroTable,x)) => 'skip
-      k = 0 => 'skip
-      k > 0 => checkHTargs(x,rest u,k,nil)
-      checkHTargs(x,rest u,-k,true)
-    u := rest u
-  u
-checkHTargs(keyword,u,nargs,integerValue?) ==
---u should start with an open brace ...
-   nargs = 0 => 'ok
-   if not (u := checkLookForLeftBrace u) then
-     return checkDocError ['"Missing argument for ",keyword]
-   if not (u := checkLookForRightBrace IFCDR u) then
-     return checkDocError ['"Missing right brace for ",keyword]
-   checkHTargs(keyword,rest u,nargs - 1,integerValue?)
-checkLookForLeftBrace(u) ==   --return line beginning with left brace
-  while u repeat
-    x := first u
-    if x = $charLbrace then return u
-    x ^= $charBlank => return nil
-    u := rest u
-  u
-checkLookForRightBrace(u) ==  --return line beginning with right brace
-  count := 0
-  while u repeat
-    x := first u
-    do
-      x = $charRbrace =>
-        count = 0 => return (found := u)
-        count := count - 1
-      x = $charLbrace => count := count + 1
-    u := rest u
-  found
-checkInteger s ==
-  CHARP s => false
-  s = '"" => false
-  and/[DIGIT_-CHAR_-P s.i for i in 0..MAXINDEX s]
-checkTransformFirsts(opname,u,margin) ==
---case 1: \spad{...
---case 2: form(args)
---case 3: form arg
---case 4: op arg
---case 5: arg op arg
-  namestring := PNAME opname
-  if namestring = '"Zero" then namestring := '"0"
-  else if namestring = '"One" then namestring := '"1"
-  margin > 0 =>
-    s := leftTrim u
-    STRCONC(fillerSpaces margin,checkTransformFirsts(opname,s,0))
-  m := MAXINDEX u
-  m < 2 => u
-  u.0 = $charBack => u
-  ALPHA_-CHAR_-P u.0 =>
-    i := checkSkipToken(u,0,m) or return u
-    j := checkSkipBlanks(u,i,m) or return u
-    open := u.j
-    open = char '_[ and (close := char '_]) or
-          open = char '_(  and (close := char '_)) =>
-      k := getMatchingRightPren(u,j + 1,open,close)
-      namestring ^= (firstWord := SUBSTRING(u,0,i)) =>
-        checkDocError ['"Improper first word in comments: ",firstWord]
-        u
-      null k =>
-         if open = char '_[
-           then checkDocError ['"Missing close bracket on first line: ", u]
-           else checkDocError ['"Missing close parenthesis on first line: ", u]
-         u
-      STRCONC('"\spad{",SUBSTRING(u,0,k + 1),'"}",SUBSTRING(u,k + 1,nil))
-    k := checkSkipToken(u,j,m) or return u
-    infixOp := INTERN SUBSTRING(u,j,k - j)
-    not GET(infixOp,'Led) =>                                     --case 3
-      namestring ^= (firstWord := SUBSTRING(u,0,i)) =>
-        checkDocError ['"Improper first word in comments: ",firstWord]
-        u
-      #(p := PNAME infixOp) = 1 and (open := p.0) and
-        (close := LASSOC(open,$checkPrenAlist)) =>  --have an open bracket
-          l := getMatchingRightPren(u,k + 1,open,close)
-          if l > MAXINDEX u then l := k - 1
-          STRCONC('"\spad{",SUBSTRING(u,0,l + 1),'"}",SUBSTRING(u,l + 1,nil))
-      STRCONC('"\spad{",SUBSTRING(u,0,k),'"}",SUBSTRING(u,k,nil))
-    l := checkSkipBlanks(u,k,m) or return u
-    n := checkSkipToken(u,l,m) or return u
-    namestring ^= PNAME infixOp =>
-      checkDocError ['"Improper initial operator in comments: ",infixOp]
-      u
-    STRCONC('"\spad{",SUBSTRING(u,0,n),'"}",SUBSTRING(u,n,nil))   --case 5
-  true =>          -- not ALPHA_-CHAR_-P u.0 =>
-    i := checkSkipToken(u,0,m) or return u
-    namestring ^= (firstWord := SUBSTRING(u,0,i)) =>
-      checkDocError ['"Improper first word in comments: ",firstWord]
-      u
-    prefixOp := INTERN SUBSTRING(u,0,i)
-    not GET(prefixOp,'Nud) =>
-      u ---what could this be?
-    j := checkSkipBlanks(u,i,m) or return u
-    u.j = char '_( =>                                            --case 4
-      j := getMatchingRightPren(u,j + 1,char '_(,char '_))
-      j > m => u
-      STRCONC('"\spad{",SUBSTRING(u,0,j + 1),'"}",SUBSTRING(u,j + 1,nil))
-    k := checkSkipToken(u,j,m) or return u
-    namestring ^= (firstWord := SUBSTRING(u,0,i)) =>
-      checkDocError ['"Improper first word in comments: ",firstWord]
-      u
-    STRCONC('"\spad{",SUBSTRING(u,0,k),'"}",SUBSTRING(u,k,nil))
-getMatchingRightPren(u,j,open,close) ==
-  count := 0
-  m := MAXINDEX u
-  for i in j..m repeat
-    c := u . i
-    do
-      c = close =>
-        count = 0 => return (found := i)
-        count := count - 1
-      c = open => count := count + 1
-  found
-checkSkipBlanks(u,i,m) ==
-  while i < m and u.i = $charBlank repeat i := i + 1
-  i = m => nil
-  i
-checkSkipToken(u,i,m) ==
-  ALPHA_-CHAR_-P(u.i) => checkSkipIdentifierToken(u,i,m)
-  checkSkipOpToken(u,i,m)
-checkSkipOpToken(u,i,m) ==
-  while i < m and
-    (not(checkAlphabetic(u.i)) and not(member(u.i,$charDelimiters))) repeat
-      i := i + 1
-  i = m => nil
-  i
-checkSkipIdentifierToken(u,i,m) ==
-  while i < m and checkAlphabetic u.i repeat i := i + 1
-  i = m => nil
-  i
-checkAlphabetic c ==
-  ALPHA_-CHAR_-P c or DIGITP c or MEMQ(c,$charIdentifierEndings)
---        Code for creating a personalized report for ++ comments
-docreport(nam) ==
---creates a report for person "nam" using file "whofiles"
-  OBEY '"rm docreport.input"
-  OBEY STRCONC('"echo _")bo setOutStream('",STRINGIMAGE nam,'")_" > temp.input")
-  OBEY '"cat docreport.header temp.input > docreport.input"
-  OBEY STRCONC('"awk '/",STRINGIMAGE nam,'"/ {printf(_")co %s.spad\n_",$2)}' whofiles > temp.input")
-  OBEY '"cat docreport.input temp.input > temp1.input"
-  OBEY '"cat temp1.input docreport.trailer > docreport.input"
-  OBEY '"rm temp.input"
-  OBEY '"rm temp1.input"
-  SETQ(_/EDITFILE,'"docreport.input")
-  _/RQ()
-setOutStream nam ==
-  filename := STRCONC('"/tmp/",STRINGIMAGE nam,".docreport")
-  $outStream := MAKE_-OUTSTREAM filename
-whoOwns(con) ==
-  null $exposeFlag => nil
---con=constructor name (id beginning with a capital), returns owner as a string
-  filename := GETDATABASE(con,'SOURCEFILE)
-  quoteChar := char '_"
-  OBEY STRCONC('"awk '$2 == ",quoteChar,filename,quoteChar,'" {print $1}' whofiles > /tmp/temp")
-  instream := MAKE_-INSTREAM '"/tmp/temp"
-  value :=
-    EOFP instream => nil
-    READLINE instream
-  SHUT instream
-  value
---             Report Documentation Error
-checkDocError1 u ==
---when compiling for documentation, ignore certain errors
-  BOUNDP '$compileDocumentation and $compileDocumentation => nil
-  checkDocError u
-checkDocError u ==
-  $checkErrorFlag := true
-  msg :=
-    $recheckingFlag =>
-      $constructorName => checkDocMessage u
-      concat('"> ",u)
-    $constructorName => checkDocMessage u
-    u
-  if $exposeFlag and $exposeFlagHeading then
-    SAYBRIGHTLY1($exposeFlagHeading,$outStream)
-    sayBrightly $exposeFlagHeading
-    $exposeFlagHeading := nil
-  sayBrightly msg
-  if $exposeFlag then SAYBRIGHTLY1(msg,$outStream)
-  --if called by checkDocFile (see file checkdoc.boot)
-checkDocMessage u ==
-  sourcefile := GETDATABASE($constructorName,'SOURCEFILE)
-  person := whoOwns $constructorName or '"---"
-  middle :=
-    BOUNDP '$x => ['"(",$x,'"): "]
-    ['": "]
-  concat(person,'">",sourcefile,'"-->",$constructorName,middle,u)
-checkDecorateForHt u ==
-  count := 0
-  spadflag := false    --means OK to wrap single letter words with \s{}
-  while u repeat
-    x := first u
-    do
-      if x = '"\em" then
-        if count > 0 then spadflag := count - 1
-        else checkDocError ['"\em must be enclosed in braces"]
-      if member(x,'("\s" "\spadop" "\spadtype" "\spad" "\spadpaste" "\spadcommand" "\footnote")) then spadflag := count
-      else if x = $charLbrace then count := count + 1
-      else if x = $charRbrace then
-        count := count - 1
-        if spadflag = count then spadflag := false
-      else if not spadflag and member(x,'("+" "*" "=" "==" "->")) then
-        if $checkingXmptex? then
-          checkDocError ["Symbol ",x,'" appearing outside \spad{}"]
-      x = '"$" or x = '"%" => checkDocError ['"Unescaped ",x]
---      null spadflag and STRINGP x and (member(x,$argl) or #x = 1
---        and ALPHA_-CHAR_-P x.0) and not member(x,'("a" "A")) =>
---          checkDocError1 ['"Naked ",x]
---      null spadflag and STRINGP x and (not x.0 = $charBack and not DIGITP(x.0) and DIGITP(x.(MAXINDEX x))or member(x,'("true" "false")))
---        => checkDocError1 ["Naked ",x]
-    u := rest u
-  u
-\bibitem{1} nothing
cgit v1.2.3