path: root/src/interp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp')
2 files changed, 43 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/database.boot b/src/interp/database.boot
index 48e5d1e7..06422176 100644
--- a/src/interp/database.boot
+++ b/src/interp/database.boot
@@ -491,15 +491,26 @@ replaceVars(x,oldvars,newvars) ==
x := substitute(new,old,x)
+++ Return the list of qualifying predicates of the system modemap `mm'.
+getConditionListFromMm mm ==
+ [., cond] := mm
+ if cond is ["partial", :c] then cond := c
+ cond is ["AND", :cl] => cl
+ cond is ["OR", ["AND", :cl],:.] => cl --all cl's should give same info
+ [cond]
+++ Returns the domain of computation of the modemap `mm'. This is not
+++ to be confused with `getDomainFromMm' below, which can also return
+++ a category.
+getDCFromSystemModemap mm ==
+ for cond in getConditionListFromMm mm repeat
+ cond is ["isDomain","*1",dom] => return dom
getDomainFromMm mm ==
-- Returns the Domain (or package or category) of origin from a pattern
-- modemap
- [., cond] := mm
- if cond is ['partial, :c] then cond := c
- condList :=
- cond is ['AND, :cl] => cl
- cond is ['OR, ['AND, :cl],:.] => cl --all cl's should give same info
- [cond]
+ condList := getConditionListFromMm mm
val :=
for condition in condList repeat
condition is ['isDomain, "*1", dom] => return opOf dom
diff --git a/src/interp/i-analy.boot b/src/interp/i-analy.boot
index 26a1309d..45623e50 100644
--- a/src/interp/i-analy.boot
+++ b/src/interp/i-analy.boot
@@ -342,8 +342,34 @@ bottomUpIdentifier(t,id) ==
(isMapExpr expr and [objMode(u)]) or
['"bottomUpIdentifier",'"cannot evaluate identifier"])
+ m := namedConstant(id,t) => [m]
bottomUpDefault(t,id,defaultType,getTarget t)
+getConstantObject(id,dc,sig) ==
+ mode := substitute(dc,"$",first sig)
+ $genValue =>
+ objNewWrap(SPADCALL compiledLookupCheck(id,sig,evalDomain dc),mode)
+ objNew(["SPADCALL",["compiledLookupCheck",id,sig,["evalDomain",dc]]],mode)
+namedConstant(id,t) ==
+ -- for the time being, ignore the case where the target type is imposed.
+ getTarget(t) ^= nil => nil
+ sysmms := getModemapsFromDatabase(id,0) or return nil
+ -- ignore polymorphic constants are not supported yet.
+ doms := [getDCFromSystemModemap sysmm for sysmm in sysmms]
+ candidates := nil
+ for dc in doms | niladicConstructorFromDB first dc repeat
+ LASSOC(id,getOperationAlistFromLisplib first dc) is [[sig,.,.,"CONST"]] =>
+ candidates := [[dc,sig],:candidates]
+ null candidates => nil
+ #candidates = 1 =>
+ [[dc,sig]] := candidates
+ val := getConstantObject(id,dc,sig)
+ putValue(t,val)
+ putMode(t,objMode val)
+ -- error for ambiguity.
bottomUpDefault(t,id,defaultMode,target) ==
if $genValue
then bottomUpDefaultEval(t,id,defaultMode,target,nil)