path: root/src/interp/patches.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/patches.lisp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/patches.lisp b/src/interp/patches.lisp
index 7d586f75..056ac23a 100644
--- a/src/interp/patches.lisp
+++ b/src/interp/patches.lisp
@@ -49,9 +49,6 @@
(defvar |$demoFlag| nil)
(define-function '|construct| #'list) ;; NEEDED , SPAD-COMPILER generated Lisp code
-(define-function '|COMP,TRAN| #'comp-tran) ;called by |compWithMappingMode|
-(define-function '|spadHash| #'sxhash)
(defun |mkAutoLoad| (fn cname)
(function (lambda (&rest args)
@@ -76,17 +73,6 @@
(define-function 'unwind #'|spadThrow|)
(define-function 'resume #'|spadThrow|)
-(define-function '|isBpiOrLambda| #'FBOUNDP)
-;;(defun |isSharpVar| (x) (and (identp x) (char= (elt (pname x) 0) #\#)))
-(defvar |$internalHistoryTable| ())
-(defun |cpCms| (prefix &optional (string (|getSystemCommandLine|)))
- (setq string (concat prefix string))
- (if (equal string "") (|runCommand| "sh")
- (|runCommand| string))
- (|terminateSystemCommand|))
(setq *print-escape* nil) ;; so stringimage doesn't escape idents?
(setq system:*print-nans* T)
@@ -129,31 +115,12 @@
(defun /EF (&rest foo)
(|runCommand| (concat "vi " (namestring (make-input-filename /EDITFILE)))))
-;; non-interactive restarts...
-(defun restart0 ()
- (compressopen);; set up the compression tables
- (interpopen);; open up the interpreter database
- (operationopen);; all of the operations known to the system
- (categoryopen);; answer hasCategory question
- (browseopen)
- (create-initializers))
(defun SHAREDITEMS (x) T) ;;checked in history code
-(defun whocalled (n) nil) ;; no way to look n frames up the stack
-(defun setletprintflag (x) x)
-(defun |normalizeTimeAndStringify| (time)
- (if (= time 0.0) "0" (format nil "~,1F" time)))
(define-function '|eval| #'eval)
-(defun |libraryFileLists| () '((SPAD SPADLIBS J)))
-;;--------------------> NEW DEFINITION (see cattable.boot.pamphlet)
-(defun |compressHashTable| (ht) ht)
(defun GETZEROVEC (n) (MAKE-ARRAY n :initial-element 0))
-(defun |normalizeArgFileName| (l) l)
(declare (special in-stream))
(let* ((line (cdar (preparse in-stream))))
@@ -176,21 +143,6 @@
(eval-when (eval load compile) (shadow 'map))
(defmacro map (&rest args) `'(map ,@args))
-(defun save-system (filename)
- (in-package "BOOT")
- (|untrace| NIL)
- (|clearClams|)
- ;; bind output to nulloutstream
- (let ((|$OutputStream| (make-broadcast-stream)))
- (|resetWorkspaceVariables|))
- (setq |$specialCharacters| |$plainRTspecialCharacters|)
- (load (|makeAbsoluteFilename| "lib/interp/obey"))
- (system:disksave filename :restart-function restart-hook :full-gc t))
-#+:Lucid (define-function 'user::save-system #'boot::save-system)
-(defun |undoINITIALIZE| () ())
;; following are defined in spadtest.boot and stantest.boot
(defun |installStandardTestPackages| () ())
(defun |spadtestValueHook| (val type) ())
@@ -198,10 +150,6 @@
(defvar |$TestOptions| ())
;; following in defined in word.boot
(defun |bootFind| (word) ())
-;; following 3 are replacements for g-util.boot
-(define-function '|isLowerCaseLetter| #'LOWER-CASE-P)
-(define-function '|isUpperCaseLetter| #'UPPER-CASE-P)
-(define-function '|isLetter| #'ALPHA-CHAR-P)
(defvar *msghash* nil "hash table keyed by msg number")
@@ -253,13 +201,6 @@
(setq returncode 0))
(unless (zerop returncode) (bye returncode)))))
-(defun user-homedir-pathname ()
- (truename "."))
-(defun boot::|printCopyright| ()
- (format t "there is no such thing as a simple job -- ((iHy))~%"))
(defvar |$ViewportProcessToWatch| nil)
(defun |setViewportProcess| ()
(setq |$ViewportProcessToWatch|