path: root/src/interp/parsing.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/parsing.lisp')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/parsing.lisp b/src/interp/parsing.lisp
index 42d5efbc..b8ca2142 100644
--- a/src/interp/parsing.lisp
+++ b/src/interp/parsing.lisp
@@ -76,9 +76,185 @@
; NEWMETA.LISP: Boot parsing
-(import-module "metalex")
+(import-module "lexing")
+(import-module "macros")
(in-package "BOOT")
+; 0. Current I/O Stream definition
+(defparameter out-stream t "Current output stream.")
+(defparameter File-Closed nil "Way to stop EOF tests for console input.")
+; 1. Data structure declarations (defstructs) for parsing objects
+; A. Line Buffer
+; 1A. A Line Buffer
+; The philosophy of lines is that
+; a) NEXT LINE will always get you a non-blank line or fail.
+; b) Every line is terminated by a blank character.
+; Hence there is always a current character, because there is never a non-blank line,
+; and there is always a separator character between tokens on separate lines.
+; Also, when a line is read, the character pointer is always positioned ON the first
+; character.
+; Line-New-Line, Line-Advance-Char, Line-Past-End-P, Line-At-End-P
+; Make-Line
+(defun Line-Print (line)
+ (format out-stream "~&~5D> ~A~%" (|lineNumber| line) (|lineBuffer| Line))
+ (format out-stream "~v@T^~%" (+ 7 (|lineCurrentIndex| line))))
+; *** Next Line
+(defun make-string-adjustable (s)
+ (cond ((adjustable-array-p s) s)
+ (t (make-array (array-dimensions s) :element-type 'character
+ :adjustable t :initial-contents s))))
+(defun get-a-line (stream)
+ (if (and (IS-CONSOLE stream) (not |$leanMode|))
+ (|printPrompt|))
+ (let ((ll (read-a-line stream)))
+ (if (stringp ll) (make-string-adjustable ll) ll)))
+(defparameter Current-Fragment nil
+ "A string containing remaining chars from readline; needed because
+Symbolics read-line returns embedded newlines in a c-m-Y.")
+(defun input-clear () (setq Current-Fragment nil))
+(defun Next-Lines-Clear () (setq |$lineStack| nil))
+(defun Next-Lines-Show ()
+ (and |$lineStack| (format t "Currently preparsed lines are:~%~%"))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (line)
+ (format t "~&~5D> ~A~%" (car line) (cdr Line)))
+ |$lineStack|))
+; 3. Routines for handling lexical scanning
+; Lexical scanning of tokens is performed off of the current line. No
+; token can span more than 1 line. All real I/O is handled in a line-oriented
+; fashion (in a slight paradox) below the character level. All character
+; routines implicitly assume the parameter |$spadLine|. We do not make
+; |$spadLine| an explicit optional parameter for reasons of efficiency.
+(defmacro current-line-print () '(Line-Print |$spadLine|))
+(defmacro current-line-show ()
+ `(if (|linePastEnd?| |$spadLine|)
+ (format t "~&The current line is empty.~%")
+ (progn (format t "~&The current line is:~%~%")
+ (current-line-print))))
+(defmacro current-line-clear () `(|lineClear!| |$spadLine|))
+(defun read-a-line (&optional (stream t))
+ (let (cp)
+ (if (and Current-Fragment (> (length Current-Fragment) 0))
+ (let ((line (with-input-from-string
+ (s Current-Fragment :index cp :start 0)
+ (read-line s nil nil))))
+ (setq Current-Fragment (subseq Current-Fragment cp))
+ line)
+ (prog nil
+ (if (stream-eof in-stream)
+ (progn (setq File-Closed t *EOF* t)
+ (|lineNewLine!| (make-string 0) |$spadLine|)
+ (return nil)))
+ (if (setq Current-Fragment (read-line stream))
+ (return (read-a-line stream)))))))
+; *** Print New Line
+(defparameter Printer-Line-Stack (|makeStack|)
+ "Stack of output listing lines waiting to print. [local to PRINT-NEW-LINE]")
+(defparameter Read-Quietly nil
+ "Whether or not to produce an output listing. [local to PRINT-NEW-LINE]")
+(defun Print-New-Line (string &optional (strm |$OutputStream|))
+ "Makes output listings."
+ (if Read-Quietly (|stackPush!| (copy-tree string) Printer-Line-Stack)
+ (progn (mapc #'(lambda (x) (format strm "; ~A~%" x) (terpri))
+ (|reverse!| (|stackStore| Printer-Line-Stack)))
+ (|stackClear!| Printer-Line-Stack)
+ (format strm "~&; ~A~%" string))))
+; 1C. Token
+(defun Token-Print (token)
+ (format out-stream "(token (symbol ~S) (type ~S))~%"
+ (|tokenSymbol| token) (|tokenType| token)))
+(defun reduce-stack-show ()
+ (let ((store (|stackStore| |$reduceStack|))
+ (*print-pretty* t))
+ (if store
+ (progn (format t "~%Reduction stack contains:~%")
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
+ (if (eq (type-of x) 'token)
+ (describe x)
+ (print x)))
+ (|stackStore| |$reduceStack|)))
+ (format t "~%There is nothing on the reduction stack.~%"))))
+(defun token-stack-show ()
+ (if (= |$validTokens| 0) (format t "~%There are no valid tokens.~%")
+ (format t "~%The number of valid tokens is ~S.~%" |$validTokens|))
+ (if (> |$validTokens| 0)
+ (progn (format t "The current token is~%")
+ (describe |$currentToken|)))
+ (if (> |$validTokens| 1)
+ (progn (format t "The next token is~%")
+ (describe |$nextToken|)))
+ (if (|tokenType| |$priorToken|)
+ (progn (format t "The prior token was~%")
+ (describe |$priorToken|))))
+; Parsing of operator tokens depends on tables initialized by BOTTOMUP.LISP
+(defun |PARSE-OperatorFunctionName| ()
+ (let ((id (|makeSymbolOf| (or (|matchCurrentToken| 'keyword)
+ (|matchCurrentToken| 'gliph)
+ (|matchCurrentToken| 'special-char)))))
+ (when (and id (member id |$OperatorFunctionNames|))
+ (|pushReduction| '|PARSE-OperatorFunctionName| id)
+ (action (|advanceToken|)))))
+(defun make-adjustable-string (n)
+ (make-array (list n) :element-type 'character :adjustable t))
+(defun get-number-token (token)
+ "Take a number off the input stream."
+ (prog ((buf (make-adjustable-string 0)))
+ nu1
+ (suffix (|currentChar|) buf) ; Integer part
+ (let ((next-chr (|nextChar|)))
+ (cond ((digitp next-chr)
+ (|advanceChar!|)
+ (go nu1))))
+ (|advanceChar!|)
+ (return (|tokenInstall| (read-from-string buf)
+ 'number token
+ (size buf) ;used to keep track of digit count
+ ))))
+; *** 5. META Error Handling
+(defparameter $num_of_meta_errors 0)
+(defparameter Meta_Errors_Occurred nil "Did any errors occur")
(defun IOStreams-Show ()
(format t "~&Input is coming from ~A, and output is going to ~A.~%"
(or (streamp in-stream) "the keyboard")