path: root/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/i-syscmd.boot')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot b/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot
index 1e995c05..fd565e94 100644
--- a/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot
+++ b/src/interp/i-syscmd.boot
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace BOOT
$cacheAlist := nil
$compileRecurrence := true
$errorReportLevel := 'warning
-$sourceFileTypes := '(INPUT SPAD BOOT LISP LISP370 META)
+$sourceFileTypes := '(INPUT SPAD BOOT LISP)
$existingFiles := hashTable "EQUAL"
@@ -437,48 +437,21 @@ compiler args ==
af := pathname args
aft := pathnameType af
--- Whats this for? MCD/PAB 21-9-95
--- if haveNew and (null(aft) or (aft = '"")) then
--- af := pathname [af, '"as"]
--- aft = '"as"
--- if haveOld and (null(aft) or (aft = '"")) then
--- af := pathname [af, '"spad"]
--- aft = '"spad"
- haveNew or (aft = '"as") =>
- not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(as))) =>
- throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
- compileAsharpCmd [af1]
haveOld or (aft = '"spad") =>
not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(spad))) =>
throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
compileSpad2Cmd [af1]
- aft = '"lsp" =>
- not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(lsp))) =>
- throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
- compileAsharpLispCmd [af1]
aft = '"NRLIB" =>
not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(NRLIB))) =>
throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
compileSpadLispCmd [af1]
- aft = '"ao" =>
- not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(ao))) =>
- throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
- compileAsharpCmd [af1]
- aft = '"al" => -- archive library of .ao files
- not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(al))) =>
- throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af])
- compileAsharpArchiveCmd [af1]
-- see if we something with the appropriate file extension
-- lying around
af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(as spad ao asy))
- af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"as" => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
- af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"ao" => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd [af1]
- af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"asy" => compileAsharpArchiveCmd [af1]
-- maybe /EDITFILE has some stuff that can help us
ef := pathname _/EDITFILE
@@ -487,226 +460,16 @@ compiler args ==
ef = af => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0039", nil)
af := ef
- pathnameType(af) = '"as" => compileAsharpCmd args
- pathnameType(af) = '"ao" => compileAsharpCmd args
pathnameType(af) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd args
-- see if we something with the appropriate file extension
-- lying around
- af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(as spad ao asy))
+ af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(spad))
- af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"as" => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
- af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"ao" => compileAsharpCmd [af1]
af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd [af1]
- af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"asy" => compileAsharpArchiveCmd [af1]
throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0039", nil)
-compileAsharpCmd args ==
- compileAsharpCmd1 args
- terminateSystemCommand()
-compileAsharpCmd1 args ==
- -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ~= nil
- -- and is a file with file extension .as or .ao
- path := pathname args
- pathType := pathnameType path
- (pathType ~= '"as") and (pathType ~= '"ao") => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0083", nil)
- null PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
- SETQ(_/EDITFILE, path)
- updateSourceFiles path
- optList := '( _
- new _
- old _
- translate _
- onlyargs _
- moreargs _
- quiet _
- nolispcompile _
- noquiet _
- library _
- nolibrary _
- )
- beQuiet := false -- be verbose here
- doLibrary := true -- so a )library after compilation
- doCompileLisp := true -- do compile generated lisp code
- moreArgs := nil
- onlyArgs := nil
- for opt in $options repeat
- [optname,:optargs] := opt
- fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil)
- fullopt = 'new => nil
- fullopt = 'old => error "Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got )old"
- fullopt = 'translate => error "Internal error: compileAsharpCmd got )translate"
- fullopt = 'quiet => beQuiet := true
- fullopt = 'noquiet => beQuiet := false
- fullopt = 'nolispcompile => doCompileLisp := false
- fullopt = 'moreargs => moreArgs := optargs
- fullopt = 'onlyargs => onlyArgs := optargs
- fullopt = 'library => doLibrary := true
- fullopt = 'nolibrary => doLibrary := false
- throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[strconc('")",object2String optname)])
- tempArgs :=
- pathType = '"ao" =>
- -- want to strip out -Fao
- (p := STRPOS('"-Fao", $asharpCmdlineFlags, 0, nil)) =>
- p = 0 => subString($asharpCmdlineFlags, 5)
- strconc(subString($asharpCmdlineFlags, 0, p), '" ",
- subString($asharpCmdlineFlags, p+5))
- $asharpCmdlineFlags
- $asharpCmdlineFlags
- asharpArgs :=
- onlyArgs =>
- s := ""
- for a in onlyArgs repeat
- s := strconc(s, '" ", object2String a)
- s
- moreArgs =>
- s := tempArgs
- for a in moreArgs repeat
- s := strconc(s, '" ", object2String a)
- s
- tempArgs
- if not beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0038A",[namestring args, asharpArgs])
- command :=
- strconc(strconc(getEnv('"ALDORROOT"),'"/bin/"),_
- "aldor ", asharpArgs, '" ", namestring args)
- rc := runCommand command
- if (rc = 0) and doCompileLisp then
- lsp := fnameMake('".", pathnameName args, '"lsp")
- if fnameReadable?(lsp) then
- if not beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0089", [namestring lsp])
- compileFileQuietly(lsp)
- else
- sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0003", [namestring lsp])
- if rc = 0 and doLibrary then
- -- do we need to worry about where the compilation output went?
- if not beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0090", [ pathnameName path ])
- withAsharpCmd [ pathnameName path ]
- else if not beQuiet then
- sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0084", nil)
- if not $buildingSystemAlgebra then
- extendLocalLibdb $newConlist
-compileAsharpArchiveCmd args ==
- -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ~= nil
- -- and is a file with file extension .al. We also assume that
- -- the name is fully qualified.
- path := pathname args
- null PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
- -- here is the plan:
- -- 1. extract the file name and try to make a directory based
- -- on that name.
- -- 2. cd to that directory and ar x the .al file
- -- 3. for each .ao file that shows up, compile it
- -- 4. delete the generated .ao files
- -- First try to make the directory in the current directory
- dir := fnameMake('".", pathnameName path, '"axldir")
- exists := PROBE_-FILE dir
- isDir := directoryp namestring dir
- exists and isDir ~= 1=>
- throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0027",[namestring dir, namestring args])
- if isDir ~= 1 then
- rc := mkdir namestring dir
- rc ~= 0 => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0027",[namestring dir, namestring args])
- -- cd to that directory and try to unarchive the .al file
- cd [ object2Identifier namestring dir ]
- cmd := strconc( '"ar x ", namestring path )
- rc := runCommand cmd
- rc ~= 0 =>
- cd [ object2Identifier namestring curDir ]
- throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0028",[namestring dir, namestring args])
- -- Look for .ao files
- asos := DIRECTORY '"*.ao"
- null asos =>
- cd [ object2Identifier namestring curDir ]
- throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0029",[namestring dir, namestring args])
- -- Compile the .ao files
- for aso in asos repeat
- compileAsharpCmd1 [ namestring aso ]
- -- Reset the current directory
- cd [ object2Identifier namestring curDir ]
- terminateSystemCommand()
-compileAsharpLispCmd args ==
- -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ~= nil
- -- and is a file with file extension .lsp
- path := pathname args
- null PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args])
- optList := '( _
- quiet _
- noquiet _
- library _
- nolibrary _
- )
- beQuiet := false -- be verbose here
- doLibrary := true -- so a )library after compilation
- for opt in $options repeat
- [optname,:optargs] := opt
- fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil)
- fullopt = 'quiet => beQuiet := true
- fullopt = 'noquiet => beQuiet := false
- fullopt = 'library => doLibrary := true
- fullopt = 'nolibrary => doLibrary := false
- throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[strconc('")",object2String optname)])
- lsp := fnameMake(pathnameDirectory path, pathnameName path, pathnameType path)
- if fnameReadable?(lsp) then
- if not beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0089", [namestring lsp])
- compileFileQuietly(lsp)
- else
- sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0003", [namestring lsp])
- if doLibrary then
- -- do we need to worry about where the compilation output went?
- if not beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0090", [ pathnameName path ])
- withAsharpCmd [ pathnameName path ]
- else if not beQuiet then
- sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0084", nil)
- terminateSystemCommand()
compileSpadLispCmd args ==
-- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ~= nil
@@ -870,10 +633,6 @@ compilerDoitWithScreenedLisplib(constructor, fun) ==
(try compilerDoit(constructor,fun); finally SEQ(UNEMBED 'RWRITE))
-withAsharpCmd args ==
- $options: local := nil
- LOCALDATABASE(args, $options)
--% )copyright -- display copyright notice
summary l ==