path: root/src/interp/i-map.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/i-map.boot')
1 files changed, 1162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/i-map.boot b/src/interp/i-map.boot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a4a3eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interp/i-map.boot
@@ -0,0 +1,1162 @@
+-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+-- met:
+-- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+-- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+-- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+-- distribution.
+-- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
+-- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+-- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+import '"i-object"
+)package "BOOT"
+--% User Function Creation and Analysis Code
+$mapTarget := nil
+$mapReturnTypes := nil
+$mapName := 'noMapName
+$mapThrowCount := 0 -- times a "return" occurs in map
+$compilingMap := NIL
+$definingMap := NIL
+--% Generating internal names for functions
+$specialMapNameSuffix := NIL
+makeInternalMapName(userName,numArgs,numMms,extraPart) ==
+ name := CONCAT('"*",STRINGIMAGE numArgs,'";",
+ object2String userName,'";",STRINGIMAGE numMms,'";",
+ object2String frameName first $interpreterFrameRing )
+ if extraPart then name := CONCAT(name,'";",extraPart)
+ if $specialMapNameSuffix then
+ name := CONCAT(name,'";",$specialMapNameSuffix)
+ INTERN name
+isInternalMapName name ==
+ -- this only returns true or false as a "best guess"
+ (not IDENTP(name)) or (name = "*") or (name = "**") => false
+ sz := SIZE (name' := PNAME name)
+ (sz < 7) or (char("*") ^= name'.0) => false
+ null DIGITP name'.1 => false
+ null STRPOS('"_;",name',1,NIL) => false
+ -- good enough
+ true
+makeInternalMapMinivectorName(name) ==
+ STRINGP name =>
+mkCacheName(name) == INTERNL(STRINGIMAGE name,'";AL")
+mkAuxiliaryName(name) == INTERNL(STRINGIMAGE name,'";AUX")
+--% Adding a function definition
+isMapExpr x == x is ['MAP,:.]
+isMap x ==
+ y := get(x,'value,$InteractiveFrame) =>
+ objVal y is ['MAP,:.] => x
+addDefMap(['DEF,lhs,mapsig,.,rhs],pred) ==
+ -- Create a new map, add to an existing one, or define a variable
+ -- compute the dependencies for a map
+ -- next check is for bad forms on the lhs of the ==, such as
+ -- numbers, constants.
+ if not PAIRP lhs then
+ op := lhs
+ putHist(op,'isInterpreterRule,true,$e)
+ putHist(op,'isInterpreterFunction,false,$e)
+ lhs := [lhs]
+ else
+ -- this is a function definition. If it has been declared
+ -- previously, make sure it is Mapping.
+ op := first lhs
+ (oldMode := get(op,'mode,$e)) and oldMode isnt ['Mapping,:.] =>
+ throwKeyedMsg("S2IM0001",[op,oldMode])
+ putHist(op,'isInterpreterRule,false,$e)
+ putHist(op,'isInterpreterFunction,true,$e)
+ (NUMBERP(op) or op in '(true false nil % %%)) =>
+ throwKeyedMsg("S2IM0002",[lhs])
+ -- verify a constructor abbreviation is not used on the lhs
+ op ^= (op' := unabbrev op) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IM0003",[op,op'])
+ -- get the formal parameters. These should only be atomic symbols
+ -- that are not numbers.
+ parameters := [p for p in rest lhs | IDENTP(p)]
+ -- see if a signature has been given. if anything in mapsig is NIL,
+ -- then declaration was omitted.
+ someDecs := nil
+ allDecs := true
+ mapmode := ['Mapping]
+ $env:local := [[NIL]]
+ $eval:local := true --generate code-- don't just type analyze
+ $genValue:local := true --evaluate all generated code
+ for d in mapsig repeat
+ if d then
+ someDecs := true
+ d' := evaluateType unabbrev d
+ isPartialMode d' => throwKeyedMsg("S2IM0004",NIL)
+-- tree := mkAtree d'
+-- null (d' := isType tree) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IM0005",[d])
+ mapmode := [d',:mapmode]
+ else allDecs := false
+ if allDecs then
+ mapmode := nreverse mapmode
+ putHist(op,'mode,mapmode,$e)
+ sayKeyedMsg("S2IM0006",[formatOpSignature(op,rest mapmode)])
+ else if someDecs then throwKeyedMsg("S2IM0007",[op])
+ -- if map is declared, check that signature arg count is the
+ -- same as what is given.
+ if get(op,'mode,$e) is ['Mapping,.,:mapargs] then
+ EQCAR(rhs,'rules) =>
+ 0 ^= (numargs := # rest lhs) =>
+ throwKeyedMsg("S2IM0027",[numargs,op])
+ # rest lhs ^= # mapargs => throwKeyedMsg("S2IM0008",[op])
+ --get all the user variables in the map definition. This is a multi
+ --step process as this should not include recursive calls to the map
+ --itself, or the formal parameters
+ userVariables1 := getUserIdentifiersIn rhs
+ $freeVars: local := NIL
+ $localVars: local := NIL
+ for parm in parameters repeat mkLocalVar($mapName,parm)
+ userVariables2 := setDifference(userVariables1,findLocalVars(op,rhs))
+ userVariables3 := setDifference(userVariables2, parameters)
+ userVariables4 := REMDUP setDifference (userVariables3, [op])
+ --figure out the new dependencies for the new map (what it depends on)
+ newDependencies := makeNewDependencies (op, userVariables4)
+ putDependencies (op, newDependencies)
+ clearDependencies(op,'T)
+ addMap(lhs,rhs,pred)
+addMap(lhs,rhs,pred) ==
+ [op,:argl] := lhs
+ $sl: local:= nil
+ formalArgList:= [mkFormalArg(makeArgumentIntoNumber x,s)
+ for x in argl for s in $FormalMapVariableList]
+ argList:=
+ [fn for x in formalArgList] where
+ fn() ==
+ if x is ["SUCHTHAT",s,p] then (predList:= [p,:predList]; x:= s)
+ x
+ mkMapAlias(op,argl)
+ argPredList:= NREVERSE predList
+ finalPred :=
+-- handle g(a,T)==a+T confusion between pred=T and T variable
+ MKPF((pred and (pred ^= 'T) => [:argPredList,SUBLISNQ($sl,pred)]; argPredList),"and")
+ body:= SUBLISNQ($sl,rhs)
+ oldMap :=
+ (obj := get(op,'value,$InteractiveFrame)) => objVal obj
+ newMap := augmentMap(op,argList,finalPred,body,oldMap)
+ null newMap =>
+ sayRemoveFunctionOrValue op
+ putHist(op,'alias,nil,$e)
+ " " -- clears value--- see return from addDefMap in tree2Atree1
+ if get(op,'isInterpreterRule,$e) then type := ['RuleCalled,op]
+ else type := ['FunctionCalled,op]
+ recursive :=
+ depthOfRecursion(op,newMap) = 0 => false
+ true
+ putHist(op,'recursive,recursive,$e)
+ objNew(newMap,type)
+augmentMap(op,args,pred,body,oldMap) ==
+ pattern:= makePattern(args,pred)
+ newMap:=deleteMap(op,pattern,oldMap)
+ body=" " =>
+ if newMap=oldMap then
+ sayMSG ['" Cannot find part of",:bright op,'"to delete."]
+ newMap --just delete rule if body is
+ entry:= [pattern,:body]
+ resultMap:=
+ newMap is ["MAP",:tail] => ["MAP",:tail,entry]
+ ["MAP",entry]
+ resultMap
+deleteMap(op,pattern,map) ==
+ map is ["MAP",:tail] =>
+ newMap:= ['MAP,:[x for x in tail | w]] where w() ==
+ x is [=pattern,:replacement] => sayDroppingFunctions(op,[x])
+ true
+ null rest newMap => nil
+ newMap
+getUserIdentifiersIn body ==
+ null body => nil
+ IDENTP body =>
+ isSharpVarWithNum body => nil
+ body=" " => nil
+ [body]
+ body is ["WRAPPED",:.] => nil
+ (body is ["COLLECT",:itl,body1]) or (body is ['REPEAT,:itl,body1]) =>
+ userIds :=
+ S_+(getUserIdentifiersInIterators itl,getUserIdentifiersIn body1)
+ S_-(userIds,getIteratorIds itl)
+ body is [op,:l] =>
+ argIdList:= "append"/[getUserIdentifiersIn y for y in l]
+ bodyIdList :=
+ CONSP op or not (GETL(op,'Nud) or GETL(op,'Led) or GETL(op,'up))=>
+ NCONC(getUserIdentifiersIn op, argIdList)
+ argIdList
+ REMDUP bodyIdList
+getUserIdentifiersInIterators itl ==
+ for x in itl repeat
+ x is ["STEP",i,:l] =>
+ varList:= [:"append"/[getUserIdentifiersIn y for y in l],:varList]
+ x is ["IN",.,y] => varList:= [:getUserIdentifiersIn y,:varList]
+ x is ["ON",.,y] => varList:= [:getUserIdentifiersIn y,:varList]
+ x is [op,a] and op in '(_| WHILE UNTIL) =>
+ varList:= [:getUserIdentifiersIn a,:varList]
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"getUserIdentifiersInIterators",
+ '"unknown iterator construct"])
+ REMDUP varList
+getIteratorIds itl ==
+ for x in itl repeat
+ x is ["STEP",i,:.] => varList:= [i,:varList]
+ x is ["IN",y,:.] => varList:= [y,:varList]
+ x is ["ON",y,:.] => varList:= [y,:varList]
+ nil
+ varList
+makeArgumentIntoNumber x ==
+ x=$Zero => 0
+ x=$One => 1
+ atom x => x
+ x is ["-",n] and NUMBERP n => -n
+ [removeZeroOne first x,:removeZeroOne rest x]
+mkMapAlias(op,argl) ==
+ u:= mkAliasList argl
+ newAlias :=
+ alias:= get(op,"alias",$e) => [(y => y; x) for x in alias for y in u]
+ u
+ $e:= putHist(op,"alias",newAlias,$e)
+mkAliasList l == fn(l,nil) where fn(l,acc) ==
+ null l => NREVERSE acc
+ not IDENTP first l or first l in acc => fn(rest l,[nil,:acc])
+ fn(rest l,[first l,:acc])
+args2Tuple args ==
+ args is [first,:rest] =>
+ null rest => first
+ ["Tuple",:args]
+ nil
+makePattern(args,pred) ==
+ nargs:= #args
+ nargs = 1 =>
+ pred is ["=","#1",n] => n
+ addPatternPred("#1",pred)
+ u:= canMakeTuple(nargs,pred) => u
+ addPatternPred(["Tuple",:TAKE(nargs,$FormalMapVariableList)],pred)
+addPatternPred(arg,pred) ==
+ pred=true => arg
+ ["|",arg,pred]
+canMakeTuple(nargs,pred) ==
+ pred is ["and",:l] and nargs=#l and
+ (u:= [(x is ["=",=y,a] => a; return nil)
+ for y in $FormalMapVariableList for x in orderList l]) =>
+ ["Tuple",:u]
+sayRemoveFunctionOrValue x ==
+ (obj := getValue x) and (md := objMode obj) =>
+ md = $EmptyMode =>
+ sayMessage ['" ",:bright x,'"now has no function parts."]
+ sayMessage ['" value for",:bright x,'"has been removed."]
+ sayMessage ['" ",:bright x,'"has no value so this does nothing."]
+sayDroppingFunctions(op,l) ==
+ sayKeyedMsg("S2IM0017",[#l,op])
+ if $displayDroppedMap then
+ for [pattern,:replacement] in l repeat
+ displaySingleRule(op,pattern,replacement)
+ nil
+ pattern is ["Tuple",:l] => [op,:l]
+ [op,:pattern]
+mkFormalArg(x,s) ==
+ isConstantArgument x => ["SUCHTHAT",s,["=",s,x]]
+ isPatternArgument x => ["SUCHTHAT",s,["is",s,x]]
+ IDENTP x =>
+ y:= LASSOC(x,$sl) => ["SUCHTHAT",s,["=",s,y]]
+ $sl:= [[x,:s],:$sl]
+ s
+ ['SUCHTHAT,s,["=",s,x]]
+isConstantArgument x ==
+ NUMBERP x => x
+ x is ["QUOTE",.] => x
+isPatternArgument x == x is ["construct",:.]
+--% Map dependencies
+makeNewDependencies (op, userVariables) ==
+ null userVariables => nil
+ --add the new dependencies
+ [[(first userVariables),op],
+ :makeNewDependencies (op, rest userVariables)]
+putDependencies (op, dependencies) ==
+ oldDependencies := getFlag "$dependencies"
+ --remove the obsolete dependencies: all those that applied to the
+ --old definition, but may not apply here. If they do, they'll be
+ --in the list of new dependencies anyway
+ oldDependencies := removeObsoleteDependencies (op, oldDependencies) where
+ removeObsoleteDependencies (op, oldDep) ==
+ null oldDep => nil
+ op = rest first oldDep =>
+ removeObsoleteDependencies (op, rest oldDep)
+ [first oldDep,:removeObsoleteDependencies (op, rest oldDep)]
+ --Create the list of dependencies to output. This will be all the
+ --old dependencies that are still applicable, and all the new ones
+ --that have just been generated. Remember that the list of
+ --dependencies does not just include those for the map just being
+ --defined, but includes those for all maps and variables that exist
+ newDependencies := union (dependencies, oldDependencies)
+ putFlag ("$dependencies", newDependencies)
+clearDependencies(x,clearLocalModemapsIfTrue) ==
+ $dependencies: local:= COPY getFlag "$dependencies"
+ clearDep1(x,nil,nil,$dependencies)
+clearDep1(x,toDoList,doneList,depList) ==
+ x in doneList => nil
+ clearCache x
+ newDone:= [x,:doneList]
+ until null a repeat
+ a:= ASSQ(x,depList)
+ a =>
+ depList:= delete(a,depList)
+ toDoList:= union(toDoList,
+ setDifference(CDR a,doneList))
+ toDoList is [a,:res] => clearDep1(a,res,newDone,depList)
+ 'done
+--% Formatting and displaying maps
+displayRule(op,rule) ==
+ null rule => nil
+ mathprint ["CONCAT","Definition: ", rule]
+ nil
+outputFormat(x,m) ==
+ -- this is largely junk and is being phased out
+ IDENTP m => x
+ m=$OutputForm or m=$EmptyMode => x
+ categoryForm?(m) => x
+ isMapExpr x => x
+ containsVars x => x
+ atom(x) and CAR(m) = 'List => x
+ (x is ['construct,:.]) and m = '(List (Expression)) => x
+ T:= coerceInteractive(objNewWrap(x,maximalSuperType(m)),
+ $OutputForm) or return x
+ objValUnwrap T
+displaySingleRule($op,pattern,replacement) ==
+ mathprint ['MAP,[pattern,:replacement]]
+displayMap(headingIfTrue,$op,map) ==
+ mathprint
+ headingIfTrue => ['CONCAT,PNAME "value: ",map]
+ map
+simplifyMapPattern (x,alias) ==
+ for a in alias
+ for m in $FormalMapVariableList | a and ^CONTAINED(a,x) repeat
+ x:= substitute(a,m,x)
+ [lhs,:rhs]:= x
+ rhs := simplifyMapConstructorRefs rhs
+ x := [lhs,:rhs]
+ lhs is ["|",y,pred] =>
+ pred:= predTran pred
+ sl:= getEqualSublis pred =>
+ y':= SUBLIS(sl,y)
+ pred:= unTrivialize SUBLIS(sl,pred) where unTrivialize x ==
+ x is [op,:l] and op in '(_and _or) =>
+ MKPF([unTrivialize y for y in l],op)
+ x is [op,a,=a] and op in '(_= is)=> true
+ x
+ rhs':= SUBLIS(sl,rhs)
+ pred=true => [y',:rhs']
+ [["PAREN",["|",y',pred]],:rhs']
+ pred=true => [y,:rhs]
+ [["PAREN",["|",y,pred]],:rhs]
+ lhs=true => ["true",:rhs]
+ x
+simplifyMapConstructorRefs form ==
+ -- try to linear format constructor names
+ ATOM form => form
+ [op,:args] := form
+ op in '(exit SEQ) =>
+ [op,:[simplifyMapConstructorRefs a for a in args]]
+ op in '(REPEAT) =>
+ [op,first args,:[simplifyMapConstructorRefs a for a in rest args]]
+ op in '(_: _:_: _@) =>
+ args is [obj,dom] =>
+ dom' := prefix2String dom
+ --if ATOM dom' then dom' := [dom']
+ --[op,obj,APPLY('CONCAT,dom')]
+ dom'' :=
+ ATOM dom' => dom'
+ NULL CDR dom' => CAR dom'
+ APPLY('CONCAT, dom')
+ [op,obj, dom'']
+ form
+ form
+predTran x ==
+ x is ["IF",a,b,c] =>
+ c = "false" => MKPF([predTran a,predTran b],"and")
+ b = "true" => MKPF([predTran a,predTran c],"or")
+ b = "false" and c = "true" => ["not",predTran a]
+ x
+ x
+getEqualSublis pred == fn(pred,nil) where fn(x,sl) ==
+ (x:= SUBLIS(sl,x)) is [op,:l] and op in '(_and _or) =>
+ for y in l repeat sl:= fn(y,sl)
+ sl
+ x is ["is",a,b] => [[a,:b],:sl]
+ x is ["=",a,b] =>
+ IDENTP a and not CONTAINED(a,b) => [[a,:b],:sl]
+ IDENTP b and not CONTAINED(b,a) => [[b,:a],:sl]
+ sl
+ sl
+--% User function analysis
+mapCatchName mapname ==
+ INTERN STRCONC('"$",STRINGIMAGE mapname,'"CatchMapIdentifier$")
+analyzeMap(op,argTypes,mapDef, tar) ==
+ -- Top level enty point for map type analysis. Sets up catch point
+ -- for interpret-code mode.
+ $compilingMap:local := true
+ $definingMap:local := true
+ $minivector : local := nil -- later becomes value of $minivectorName
+ $mapThrowCount : local := 0 -- number of "return"s encountered
+ $mapReturnTypes : local := nil -- list of types from returns
+ $repeatLabel : local := nil -- for loops; see upREPEAT
+ $breakCount : local := 0 -- breaks from loops; ditto
+ $mapTarget : local := tar
+ $interpOnly: local := NIL
+ $mapName : local := op.0
+ if get($mapName,'recursive,$e) then
+ argTypes := [f t for t in argTypes] where
+ f x ==
+ isEqualOrSubDomain(x,$Integer) => $Integer
+ x
+ mapAndArgTypes := [$mapName,:argTypes]
+ member(mapAndArgTypes,$analyzingMapList) =>
+ -- if the map is declared, return the target type
+ (getMode op) is ['Mapping,target,:.] => target
+ throwKeyedMsg("S2IM0009",
+ [$mapName,['" ", map for [map,:.] in $analyzingMapList]])
+ PUSH(mapAndArgTypes,$analyzingMapList)
+ mapDef := mapDefsWithCorrectArgCount(#argTypes, mapDef)
+ null mapDef => (POP $analyzingMapList; nil)
+ UNWIND_-PROTECT(x:=CATCH('mapCompiler,analyzeMap0(op,argTypes,mapDef)),
+ POP $analyzingMapList)
+ x='tryInterpOnly =>
+ opName:=getUnname op
+ fun := mkInterpFun(op,opName,argTypes)
+ if getMode op isnt ['Mapping,:sig] then
+ sig := [nil,:[nil for type in argTypes]]
+ $e:=putHist(opName,'localModemap,
+ [[['interpOnly,:sig],fun,NIL]],$e)
+ x
+analyzeMap0(op,argTypes,mapDef) ==
+ -- Type analyze and compile a map. Returns the target type of the map.
+ -- only called if there is no applicable compiled map
+ $MapArgumentTypeList:local:= argTypes
+ numMapArgs mapDef ^= #argTypes => nil
+ ((m:=getMode op) is ['Mapping,:sig]) or (m and (sig:=[m])) =>
+ -- op has mapping property only if user has declared the signature
+ analyzeDeclaredMap(op,argTypes,sig,mapDef,$mapList)
+ analyzeUndeclaredMap(getUnname op,argTypes,mapDef,$mapList)
+compFailure msg ==
+ -- Called when compilation fails in such a way that interpret-code
+ -- mode might be of some use.
+ not $useCoerceOrCroak => THROW('coerceOrCroaker, 'croaked)
+ if $reportInterpOnly then
+ sayMSG msg
+ sayMSG '" We will attempt to interpret the code."
+ null $compilingMap => THROW('loopCompiler,'tryInterpOnly)
+ THROW('mapCompiler,'tryInterpOnly)
+mkInterpFun(op,opName,argTypes) ==
+ -- creates a function form to put in fun slot of interp-only
+ -- local modemaps
+ getMode op isnt ['Mapping,:sig] => nil
+ parms := [var for type in argTypes for var in $FormalMapVariableList]
+ arglCode := ['LIST,:[argCode for type in argTypes
+ for argName in parms]] where argCode() ==
+ ['putValueValue,['mkAtreeNode,MKQ argName],
+ objNewCode(['wrap,argName],type)]
+ funName := GENSYM()
+ body:=['rewriteMap1,MKQ opName,arglCode,MKQ sig]
+ putMapCode(opName,body,sig,funName,parms,false)
+ genMapCode(opName,body,sig,funName,parms,false)
+ funName
+rewriteMap(op,opName,argl) ==
+ -- interpret-code handler for maps. Recursively calls the interpreter
+ -- on the body of the map.
+ not $genValue =>
+ get(opName,'mode,$e) isnt ['Mapping,:sig] =>
+ compFailure ['" Cannot compile map:",:bright opName]
+ arglCode := ['LIST,:[argCode for arg in argl for argName in
+ $FormalMapVariableList]] where argCode() ==
+ ['putValueValue,['mkAtreeNode,MKQ argName],
+ objNewCode(['wrap,wrapped2Quote(objVal getValue arg)],
+ getMode arg)]
+ putValue(op,objNew(['rewriteMap1,MKQ opName,arglCode,MKQ sig],
+ CAR sig))
+ putModeSet(op,[CAR sig])
+ rewriteMap0(op,opName,argl)
+putBodyInEnv(opName, numArgs) ==
+ val := get(opName, 'value, $e)
+ val is [.,'MAP, :bod] =>
+ $e := putHist(opName, 'mapBody, combineMapParts
+ mapDefsWithCorrectArgCount(numArgs, bod), $e)
+ 'failed
+removeBodyFromEnv(opName) ==
+ $e := putHist(opName, 'mapBody, nil, $e)
+rewriteMap0(op,opName,argl) ==
+ -- $genValue case of map rewriting
+ putBodyInEnv(opName, #argl)
+ if (s := get(opName,'mode,$e)) then
+ tar := CADR s
+ argTypes := CDDR s
+ else
+ tar:= nil
+ argTypes:= nil
+ get(opName,'mode,$e) is ['Mapping,tar,:argTypes]
+ $env: local := [[NIL]]
+ for arg in argl
+ for var in $FormalMapVariableList repeat
+ if argTypes then
+ t := CAR argTypes
+ argTypes:= CDR argTypes
+ val :=
+ t is ['Mapping,:.] => getValue arg
+ coerceInteractive(getValue arg,t)
+ else
+ val:= getValue arg
+ $env:=put(var,'value,val,$env)
+ if VECP arg then $env := put(var,'name,getUnname arg,$env)
+ (m := getMode arg) => $env := put(var,'mode,m,$env)
+ null (val:= interpMap(opName,tar)) =>
+ throwKeyedMsg("S2IM0010",[opName])
+ putValue(op,val)
+ removeBodyFromEnv(opName)
+ ms := putModeSet(op,[objMode val])
+rewriteMap1(opName,argl,sig) ==
+ -- compiled case of map rewriting
+ putBodyInEnv(opName, #argl)
+ if sig then
+ tar:= CAR sig
+ argTypes:= CDR sig
+ else
+ tar:= nil
+ argTypes:= nil
+ evArgl := NIL
+ for arg in reverse argl repeat
+ v := getValue arg
+ evArgl := [objNew(objVal v, objMode v),:evArgl]
+ $env : local := [[NIL]]
+ for arg in argl for evArg in evArgl
+ for var in $FormalMapVariableList repeat
+ if argTypes then
+ t:=CAR argTypes
+ argTypes:= CDR argTypes
+ val :=
+ t is ['Mapping,:.] => evArg
+ coerceInteractive(evArg,t)
+ else
+ val:= evArg
+ $env:=put(var,'value,val,$env)
+ if VECP arg then $env := put(var,'name,getUnname arg,$env)
+ (m := getMode arg) => $env := put(var,'mode,m,$env)
+ val:= interpMap(opName,tar)
+ removeBodyFromEnv(opName)
+ objValUnwrap(val)
+interpMap(opName,tar) ==
+ -- call the interpreter recursively on map body
+ $genValue : local:= true
+ $interpMapTag : local := nil
+ $interpOnly : local := true
+ $localVars : local := NIL
+ for lvar in get(opName,'localVars,$e) repeat mkLocalVar(opName,lvar)
+ $mapName : local := opName
+ $mapTarget : local := tar
+ body:= get(opName,'mapBody,$e)
+ savedTimerStack := COPY $timedNameStack
+ catchName := mapCatchName $mapName
+ c := CATCH(catchName, interpret1(body,tar,nil))
+-- $interpMapTag and $interpMapTag ^= mapCatchName $mapName =>
+-- THROW($interpMapTag,c)
+ while savedTimerStack ^= $timedNameStack repeat
+ stopTimingProcess peekTimedName()
+ c -- better be a triple
+analyzeDeclaredMap(op,argTypes,sig,mapDef,$mapList) ==
+ -- analyzes and compiles maps with declared signatures. argTypes
+ -- is a list of types of the arguments, sig is the declared signature
+ -- mapDef is the stored form of the map body.
+ opName := getUnname op
+ $mapList:=[opName,:$mapList]
+ $mapTarget := CAR sig
+ (mmS:= get(opName,'localModemap,$e)) and
+ (mm:= or/[mm for (mm:=[[.,:mmSig],:.]) in mmS | mmSig=sig]) =>
+ compileCoerceMap(opName,argTypes,mm)
+ -- The declared map needs to be compiled
+ compileDeclaredMap(opName,sig,mapDef)
+ argTypes ^= CDR sig =>
+ analyzeDeclaredMap(op,argTypes,sig,mapDef,$mapList)
+ CAR sig
+compileDeclaredMap(op,sig,mapDef) ==
+ -- Type analyzes and compiles a map with a declared signature.
+ -- creates a local modemap and puts it into the environment
+ $localVars: local := nil
+ $freeVars: local := nil
+ $env:local:= [[NIL]]
+ parms:=[var for var in $FormalMapVariableList for m in CDR sig]
+ for m in CDR sig for var in parms repeat
+ $env:= put(var,'mode,m,$env)
+ body:= getMapBody(op,mapDef)
+ for lvar in parms repeat mkLocalVar($mapName,lvar)
+ for lvar in getLocalVars(op,body) repeat mkLocalVar($mapName,lvar)
+ name := makeLocalModemap(op,sig)
+ val := compileBody(body,CAR sig)
+ isRecursive := (depthOfRecursion(op,body) > 0)
+ putMapCode(op,objVal val,sig,name,parms,isRecursive)
+ genMapCode(op,objVal val,sig,name,parms,isRecursive)
+ CAR sig
+putMapCode(op,code,sig,name,parms,isRecursive) ==
+ -- saves the generated code and some other information about the
+ -- function
+ codeInfo := VECTOR(op,code,sig,name,parms,isRecursive)
+ allCode := [codeInfo,:get(op,'generatedCode,$e)]
+ $e := putHist(op,'generatedCode,allCode,$e)
+ op
+makeLocalModemap(op,sig) ==
+ -- create a local modemap for op with sig, and put it into $e
+ if (currentMms := get(op,'localModemap,$e)) then
+ untraceMapSubNames [CADAR currentMms]
+ newName := makeInternalMapName(op,#sig-1,1+#currentMms,NIL)
+ newMm := [['local,:sig],newName,nil]
+ mms := [newMm,:currentMms]
+ $e := putHist(op,'localModemap,mms,$e)
+ newName
+genMapCode(op,body,sig,fnName,parms,isRecursive) ==
+ -- calls the lisp compiler on the body of a map
+ if lmm:= get(op,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) then
+ untraceMapSubNames [CADAR lmm]
+ op0 :=
+ ( n := isSharpVarWithNum op ) => STRCONC('"<argument ",object2String n,'">")
+ op
+ if get(op,'isInterpreterRule,$e) then
+ sayKeyedMsg("S2IM0014",[op0,(PAIRP sig =>prefix2String CAR sig;'"?")])
+ else sayKeyedMsg("S2IM0015",[op0,formatSignature sig])
+ $whereCacheList := [op,:$whereCacheList]
+ -- RSS: 6-21-94
+ -- The following code ensures that local variables really are local
+ -- to a function. We will unnecessarily generate preliminary LETs for
+ -- loop variables and variables that do have LET expressions, but that
+ -- can be finessed later.
+ locals := SETDIFFERENCE(COPY $localVars, parms)
+ if locals then
+ lets := [['LET, l, ''UNINITIALIZED__VARIABLE, op] for l in locals]
+ body := ['PROGN, :lets, body]
+ reportFunctionCompilation(op,fnName,parms,
+ wrapMapBodyWithCatch flattenCOND body,isRecursive)
+compileBody(body,target) ==
+ -- recursively calls the interpreter on the map body
+ -- returns a triple with the LISP code for body in the value cell
+ $insideCompileBodyIfTrue: local := true
+ $genValue: local := false
+ $declaredMode:local := target
+ $eval:local:= true
+ r := interpret1(body,target,nil)
+compileCoerceMap(op,argTypes,mm) ==
+ -- compiles call to user-declared map where the arguments need
+ -- to be coerced. mm is the modemap for the declared map.
+ $insideCompileBodyIfTrue: local := true
+ $genValue: local := false
+ [[.,:sig],imp,.]:= mm
+ parms:= [var for var in $FormalMapVariableList for t in CDR sig]
+ name:= makeLocalModemap(op,[CAR sig,:argTypes])
+ argCode := [objVal(coerceInteractive(objNew(arg,t1),t2) or
+ throwKeyedMsg("S2IC0001",[arg,$mapName,t1,t2]))
+ for t1 in argTypes for t2 in CDR sig for arg in parms]
+ $insideCompileBodyIfTrue := false
+ parms:= [:parms,'envArg]
+ body := ['SPADCALL,:argCode,['LIST,['function,imp]]]
+ minivectorName := makeInternalMapMinivectorName(name)
+ $minivectorNames := [[op,:minivectorName],:$minivectorNames]
+ body := SUBST(minivectorName,"$$$",body)
+ if $compilingInputFile then
+ $minivectorCode := [:$minivectorCode,minivectorName]
+ SET(minivectorName,LIST2REFVEC $minivector)
+ compileInteractive [name,['LAMBDA,parms,body]]
+ CAR sig
+depthOfRecursion(opName,body) ==
+ -- returns the "depth" of recursive calls of opName in body
+ mapRecurDepth(opName,nil,body)
+mapRecurDepth(opName,opList,body) ==
+ -- walks over the map body counting depth of recursive calls
+ -- expanding the bodies of maps called in body
+ atom body => 0
+ body is [op,:argl] =>
+ argc:=
+ atom argl => 0
+ argl => "MAX"/[mapRecurDepth(opName,opList,x) for x in argl]
+ 0
+ op in opList => argc
+ op=opName => 1 + argc
+ (obj := get(op,'value,$e)) and objVal obj is ['MAP,:mapDef] =>
+ mapRecurDepth(opName,[op,:opList],getMapBody(op,mapDef))
+ + argc
+ argc
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"mapRecurDepth",
+ '"unknown function form"])
+analyzeUndeclaredMap(op,argTypes,mapDef,$mapList) ==
+ -- Computes the signature of the map named op, and compiles the body
+ $freeVars:local := NIL
+ $localVars: local := NIL
+ $env:local:= [[NIL]]
+ $mapList := [op,:$mapList]
+ parms:=[var for var in $FormalMapVariableList for m in argTypes]
+ for m in argTypes for var in parms repeat
+ put(var,'autoDeclare,'T,$env)
+ put(var,'mode,m,$env)
+ body:= getMapBody(op,mapDef)
+ for lvar in parms repeat mkLocalVar($mapName,lvar)
+ for lvar in getLocalVars(op,body) repeat mkLocalVar($mapName,lvar)
+ (n:= depthOfRecursion(op,body)) = 0 =>
+ analyzeNonRecursiveMap(op,argTypes,body,parms)
+ analyzeRecursiveMap(op,argTypes,body,parms,n)
+analyzeNonRecursiveMap(op,argTypes,body,parms) ==
+ -- analyze and compile a non-recursive map definition
+ T := compileBody(body,$mapTarget)
+ if $mapThrowCount > 0 then
+ t := objMode T
+ b := and/[(t = rt) for rt in $mapReturnTypes]
+ not b =>
+ t := resolveTypeListAny [t,:$mapReturnTypes]
+ if not $mapTarget then $mapTarget := t
+ T := compileBody(body,$mapTarget)
+ sig := [objMode T,:argTypes]
+ name:= makeLocalModemap(op,sig)
+ putMapCode(op,objVal T,sig,name,parms,false)
+ genMapCode(op,objVal T,sig,name,parms,false)
+ objMode(T)
+analyzeRecursiveMap(op,argTypes,body,parms,n) ==
+ -- analyze and compile a non-recursive map definition
+ -- makes guess at signature by analyzing non-recursive part of body
+ -- then re-analyzes the entire body until the signature doesn't change
+ localMapInfo := saveDependentMapInfo(op, CDR $mapList)
+ tar := CATCH('interpreter,analyzeNonRecur(op,body,$localVars))
+ for i in 0..n until not sigChanged repeat
+ sigChanged:= false
+ name := makeLocalModemap(op,sig:=[tar,:argTypes])
+ code := compileBody(body,$mapTarget)
+ objMode(code) ^= tar =>
+ sigChanged:= true
+ tar := objMode(code)
+ restoreDependentMapInfo(op, CDR $mapList, localMapInfo)
+ sigChanged => throwKeyedMsg("S2IM0011",[op])
+ putMapCode(op,objVal code,sig,name,parms,true)
+ genMapCode(op,objVal code,sig,name,parms,true)
+ tar
+saveDependentMapInfo(op,opList) ==
+ not (op in opList) =>
+ lmml := [[op, :get(op, 'localModemap, $e)]]
+ gcl := [[op, :get(op, 'generatedCode, $e)]]
+ for [dep1,dep2] in getFlag("$dependencies") | dep1=op repeat
+ [lmml', :gcl'] := saveDependentMapInfo(dep2, [op, :opList])
+ lmms := nconc(lmml', lmml)
+ gcl := nconc(gcl', gcl)
+ [lmms, :gcl]
+ nil
+restoreDependentMapInfo(op, opList, [lmml,:gcl]) ==
+ not (op in opList) =>
+ clearDependentMaps(op,opList)
+ for [op, :lmm] in lmml repeat
+ $e := putHist(op,'localModemap,lmm,$e)
+ for [op, :gc] in gcl repeat
+ $e := putHist(op,'generatedCode,gc,$e)
+clearDependentMaps(op,opList) ==
+ -- clears the local modemaps of all the maps that depend on op
+ not (op in opList) =>
+ $e := putHist(op,'localModemap,nil,$e)
+ $e := putHist(op,'generatedCode,nil,$e)
+ for [dep1,dep2] in getFlag("$dependencies") | dep1=op repeat
+ clearDependentMaps(dep2,[op,:opList])
+analyzeNonRecur(op,body,$localVars) ==
+ -- type analyze the non-recursive part of a map body
+ nrp := nonRecursivePart(op,body)
+ for lvar in findLocalVars(op,nrp) repeat mkLocalVar($mapName,lvar)
+ objMode(compileBody(nrp,$mapTarget))
+nonRecursivePart(opName, funBody) ==
+ -- takes funBody, which is the parse tree of the definition of
+ -- a function, and returns a list of the parts
+ -- of the function which are not recursive in the name opName
+ body:= expandRecursiveBody([opName], funBody)
+ ((nrp:=nonRecursivePart1(opName, body)) ^= 'noMapVal) => nrp
+ throwKeyedMsg("S2IM0012",[opName])
+expandRecursiveBody(alreadyExpanded, body) ==
+ -- replaces calls to other maps with their bodies
+ atom body =>
+ (obj := get(body,'value,$e)) and objVal obj is ['MAP,:mapDef] and
+ ((numMapArgs mapDef) = 0) => getMapBody(body,mapDef)
+ body
+ body is [op,:argl] =>
+ not (op in alreadyExpanded) =>
+ (obj := get(op,'value,$e)) and objVal obj is ['MAP,:mapDef] =>
+ newBody:= getMapBody(op,mapDef)
+ for arg in argl for var in $FormalMapVariableList repeat
+ newBody:=MSUBST(arg,var,newBody)
+ expandRecursiveBody([op,:alreadyExpanded],newBody)
+ [op,:[expandRecursiveBody(alreadyExpanded,arg) for arg in argl]]
+ [op,:[expandRecursiveBody(alreadyExpanded,arg) for arg in argl]]
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"expandRecursiveBody",
+ '"unknown form of function body"])
+nonRecursivePart1(opName, funBody) ==
+ -- returns a function body which contains only the parts of funBody
+ -- which do not call the function opName
+ funBody is ['IF,a,b,c] =>
+ nra:=nonRecursivePart1(opName,a)
+ nra = 'noMapVal => 'noMapVal
+ nrb:=nonRecursivePart1(opName,b)
+ nrc:=nonRecursivePart1(opName,c)
+ not (nrb in '(noMapVal noBranch)) => ['IF,nra,nrb,nrc]
+ not (nrc in '(noMapVal noBranch)) => ['IF,['not,nra],nrc,nrb]
+ 'noMapVal
+ not containsOp(funBody,'IF) =>
+ notCalled(opName,funBody) => funBody
+ 'noMapVal
+ funBody is [op,:argl] =>
+ op=opName => 'noMapVal
+ args:= [nonRecursivePart1(opName,arg) for arg in argl]
+ MEMQ('noMapVal,args) => 'noMapVal
+ [op,:args]
+ funBody
+containsOp(body,op) ==
+ -- true IFF body contains an op statement
+ body is [ =op,:.] => true
+ body is [.,:argl] => or/[containsOp(arg,op) for arg in argl]
+ false
+notCalled(opName,form) ==
+ -- returns true if opName is not called in the form
+ atom form => true
+ form is [op,:argl] =>
+ op=opName => false
+ and/[notCalled(opName,x) for x in argl]
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"notCalled",
+ '"unknown form of function body"])
+mapDefsWithCorrectArgCount(n, mapDef) ==
+ [def for def in mapDef | (numArgs CAR def) = n]
+numMapArgs(mapDef is [[args,:.],:.]) ==
+ -- returns the number of arguemnts to the map whose body is mapDef
+ numArgs args
+numArgs args ==
+ args is ['_|,a,:.] => numArgs a
+ args is ['Tuple,:argl] => #argl
+ null args => 0
+ 1
+combineMapParts(mapTail) ==
+ -- transforms a piece-wise function definition into an if-then-else
+ -- statement. Uses noBranch to indicate undefined branch
+ null mapTail => 'noMapVal
+ mapTail is [[cond,:part],:restMap] =>
+ isSharpVarWithNum cond or (cond is ['Tuple,:args] and
+ and/[isSharpVarWithNum arg for arg in args]) or (null cond) => part
+ ['IF,mkMapPred cond,part,combineMapParts restMap]
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"combineMapParts",
+ '"unknown function form"])
+mkMapPred cond ==
+ -- create the predicate on map arguments, derived from "when" clauses
+ cond is ['_|,args,pred] => mapPredTran pred
+ cond is ['Tuple,:vals] =>
+ mkValueCheck(vals,1)
+ mkValCheck(cond,1)
+mkValueCheck(vals,i) ==
+ -- creates predicate for specific value check (i.e f 1 == 1)
+ vals is [val] => mkValCheck(val,i)
+ ['and,mkValCheck(first vals,i),mkValueCheck(rest vals,i+1)]
+mkValCheck(val,i) ==
+ -- create equality check for map predicates
+ isSharpVarWithNum val => 'true
+ ['_=,mkSharpVar i,val]
+mkSharpVar i ==
+ -- create #i
+mapPredTran pred ==
+ -- transforms "x in i..j" to "x>=i and x<=j"
+ pred is ['in,var,['SEGMENT,lb]] => mkLessOrEqual(lb,var)
+ pred is ['in,var,['SEGMENT,lb,ub]] =>
+ null ub => mkLessOrEqual(lb,var)
+ ['and,mkLessOrEqual(lb,var),mkLessOrEqual(var,ub)]
+ pred
+findLocalVars(op,form) ==
+ -- analyzes form for local and free variables, and returns the list
+ -- of locals
+ findLocalVars1(op,form)
+ $localVars
+findLocalVars1(op,form) ==
+ -- sets the two lists $localVars and $freeVars
+ atom form =>
+ not IDENTP form or isSharpVarWithNum form => nil
+ isLocalVar(form) or isFreeVar(form) => nil
+ mkFreeVar($mapName,form)
+ form is ['local, :vars] =>
+ for x in vars repeat
+ ATOM x => mkLocalVar(op, x)
+ form is ['free, :vars] =>
+ for x in vars repeat
+ ATOM x => mkFreeVar(op, x)
+ form is ['LET,a,b] =>
+ (a is ['Tuple,:vars]) and (b is ['Tuple,:vals]) =>
+ for var in vars for val in vals repeat
+ findLocalVars1(op,['LET,var,val])
+ a is ['construct,:pat] =>
+ for var in listOfVariables pat repeat mkLocalVar(op,var)
+ findLocalVars1(op,b)
+ (atom a) or (a is ['_:,a,.]) =>
+ mkLocalVar(op,a)
+ findLocalVars1(op,b)
+ findLocalVars(op,b)
+ for x in a repeat findLocalVars1(op,x)
+ form is ['_:,a,.] =>
+ mkLocalVar(op,a)
+ form is ['is,l,pattern] =>
+ findLocalVars1(op,l)
+ for var in listOfVariables CDR pattern repeat mkLocalVar(op,var)
+ form is [oper,:itrl,body] and MEMQ(oper,'(REPEAT COLLECT)) =>
+ findLocalsInLoop(op,itrl,body)
+ form is [y,:argl] =>
+ y is 'Record => nil
+ for x in argl repeat findLocalVars1(op,x)
+ keyedSystemError("S2IM0020",[op])
+findLocalsInLoop(op,itrl,body) ==
+ for it in itrl repeat
+ it is ['STEP,index,lower,step,:upperList] =>
+ mkLocalVar(op,index)
+ findLocalVars1(op,lower)
+ for up in upperList repeat findLocalVars1(op,up)
+ it is ['IN,index,s] =>
+ mkLocalVar(op,index) ; findLocalVars1(op,s)
+ it is ['WHILE,b] =>
+ findLocalVars1(op,b)
+ it is ['_|,pred] =>
+ findLocalVars1(op,pred)
+ findLocalVars1(op,body)
+ for it in itrl repeat
+ it is [op,b] and (op in '(UNTIL)) =>
+ findLocalVars1(op,b)
+isLocalVar(var) == member(var,$localVars)
+mkLocalVar(op,var) ==
+ -- add var to the local variable list
+ isFreeVar(var) => $localVars
+ $localVars:= insert(var,$localVars)
+isFreeVar(var) == member(var,$freeVars)
+mkFreeVar(op,var) ==
+ -- op here for symmetry with mkLocalVar
+ $freeVars:= insert(var,$freeVars)
+listOfVariables pat ==
+ -- return a list of the variables in pat, which is an "is" pattern
+ IDENTP pat => (pat='_. => nil ; [pat])
+ pat is ['_:,var] or pat is ['_=,var] =>
+ (var='_. => NIL ; [var])
+ PAIRP pat => REMDUP [:listOfVariables p for p in pat]
+ nil
+getMapBody(op,mapDef) ==
+ -- looks in $e for a map body; if not found it computes then stores it
+ get(op,'mapBody,$e) or
+ combineMapParts mapDef
+-- $e:= putHist(op,'mapBody,body:= combineMapParts mapDef,$e)
+-- body
+getLocalVars(op,body) ==
+ -- looks in $e for local vars; if not found, computes then stores them
+ get(op,'localVars,$e) or
+ $e:= putHist(op,'localVars,lv:=findLocalVars(op,body),$e)
+ lv
+-- VARIABLES. Variables may or may not have a mode property. If
+-- present, any value which is assigned or generated by that variable
+-- is first coerced to that mode before being assigned or returned.
+-- Variables are given a triple [val,m,e] as a "value" property on
+-- its property list in the environment. The expression val has the
+-- forms:
+-- (WRAPPED . y) --value of x is y (don't re-evaluate)
+-- y --anything else --value of x is obtained by evaluating y
+-- A wrapped expression is created by an assignment. In the second
+-- case, y can never contain embedded wrapped expressions. The mode
+-- part m of the triple is the type of y in the wrapped case and is
+-- consistent with the declared mode if given. The mode part of an
+-- unwrapped value is always $EmptyMode. The e part is usually NIL
+-- but may be used to hold a partial closure.
+-- Effect of changes. A rule can be built up for a variable by
+-- successive rules involving conditional expressions. However, once
+-- a value is assigned to the variable or an unconditional definition
+-- is given, any existing value is replaced by the new entry. When
+-- the mode of a variable is declared, an wrapped value is coerced to
+-- the new mode; if this is not possible, the user is notified that
+-- the current value is discarded and why. When the mode is
+-- redeclared and an upwrapped value is present, the value is
+-- retained; the only other effect is to coerce any cached values
+-- from the old mode to the new one.
+-- Caches. When a variable x is evaluated and re-evaluation occurs,
+-- the triple produced by that evaluation is stored under "cache" on
+-- the property list of x. This cached triple is cleared whenever any
+-- of the variables which x's value depend upon change. Dependencies
+-- are stored on $dependencies whose value has the form [[a b ..] ..]
+-- to indicate that when a is changed, b .. must have all cached
+-- values destroyed. In the case of parameterized forms which are
+-- represented by maps, we currently can cache values only when the
+-- compiler option is turned on by )on c s meaning "on compiler with
+-- the save option". When f is compiled as f;1, it then has an alist
+-- f;1;AL which records these values. If f depends globally on a's
+-- value, all cached values of all local functions defined for f have
+-- to be declared. If a's mode should change, then all compilations
+-- of f must be thrown away.
+-- PARAMETERIZED FORMS. These always have values [val,m,e] where val
+-- are "maps".
+-- The structure of maps:
+-- (MAP (pattern . rewrite) ...) where
+-- pattern has forms: arg-pattern
+-- (Tuple arg-pattern ...)
+-- rewrite has forms: (WRAPPED . value) --don't re-evaluate
+-- computational object --don't (bother to)
+-- re-evaluate
+-- anything else --yes, re-evaluate
+-- When assigning values to a map, each new value must have a type
+-- which is consistent with those already assigned. Initially, type
+-- of MAP is $EmptyMode. When the map is first assigned a value, the
+-- type of the MAP is RPLACDed to be (Mapping target source ..).
+-- When the map is next assigned, the type of both source and target
+-- is upgraded to be consistent with those values already computed.
+-- Of course, if new and old source and target are identical, nothing
+-- need happen to existing entries. However, if the new and old are
+-- different, all existing entries of the map are coerce to the new
+-- data type.
+-- Mode analysis. This is done on the bottomUp phase of the process.
+-- If a function has been given a mapping declaration, this map is
+-- placed in as the mode of the map under the "value" property of the
+-- variable. Of course, these modes may be partial types in case a
+-- mode analysis is still necessary. If no mapping declaration, a
+-- total mode analysis of the function, given its input arguments, is
+-- done. This will result a signature involving types only.
+-- If the compiler is on, the function is then compiled given this
+-- signature involving types. If the map is value of a variable f, a
+-- function is given name f;1, f is given a "localModemap" property
+-- with modemap ((dummy target source ..) (T f;1)) so that the next
+-- time f is applied to arguments which coerce to the source
+-- arguments of this local modemap, f;1 will be invoked.