path: root/src/interp/i-coerfn.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/i-coerfn.boot')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/i-coerfn.boot b/src/interp/i-coerfn.boot
index ff642d94..80111088 100644
--- a/src/interp/i-coerfn.boot
+++ b/src/interp/i-coerfn.boot
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ Dmp2Up(u, source is [dmp,vl,S],target is [up,var,T]) ==
y:= coerceInt(objNewWrap([[e1,:c]],S1),T) =>
-- need to be careful about zeros
p:= ASSQ(exp,x) =>
- c' := SPADCALL(CDR p,objValUnwrap(y),plusfunc)
+ c' := SPADCALL(rest p,objValUnwrap(y),plusfunc)
c' = zero => x := REMALIST(x,exp)
zero = objValUnwrap(y) => 'iterate
@@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ removeVectorElt(v,pos) ==
LIST2VEC [x for x in VEC2LIST v for y in 0.. | not (y=pos)]
removeListElt(l,pos) ==
- pos = 0 => CDR l
- [CAR l, :removeListElt(CDR l,pos-1)]
+ pos = 0 => rest l
+ [first l, :removeListElt(rest l,pos-1)]
NDmp2domain(u,source is [ndmp,x,S],target) ==
-- a null NDMP = 0
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ Expr2Dmp(u,source is [Expr,S], target is [dmp,v2,T]) ==
null rest v2 =>
for term in univ repeat
- RPLACA(term, VECTOR CAR term)
+ RPLACA(term, VECTOR first term)
-- more than one variable
@@ -447,11 +447,11 @@ Expr2Up(u,source is [Expr,S], target is [.,var,T]) ==
sup := ['SparseUnivariatePolynomial, source]
fracUniv := SPADCALL(u, varKernel, univFunc)
- denom := CDR fracUniv
+ denom := rest fracUniv
not equalOne(denom, sup) => coercionFailure()
- numer := CAR fracUniv
+ numer := first fracUniv
uniType := ['UnivariatePolynomial, var, source]
(z := coerceInt(objNewWrap(numer, uniType), target)) => objValUnwrap z
@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ Qf2F(u,source is [.,D,:.],target) ==
(unwrap num') * QUOTIENT(1.0, unwrap den')
Rn2F(rnum, source, target) ==
- float QUOTIENT(CAR rnum, CDR rnum)
+ float QUOTIENT(first rnum, rest rnum)
-- next function is needed in RN algebra code
--Rn2F([a,:b],source,target) ==
@@ -1247,9 +1247,9 @@ Rm2V(x,[.,.,.,R],target) == M2V(x,['Matrix,R],target)
Scr2Scr(u, source is [.,S], target is [.,T]) ==
u = '_$fromCoerceable_$ => canCoerce(S,T)
- null (v := coerceInt(objNewWrap(CDR u,S),T)) =>
+ null (v := coerceInt(objNewWrap(rest u,S),T)) =>
- [CAR u, :objValUnwrap(v)]
+ [first u, :objValUnwrap(v)]
--% SparseUnivariatePolynomialnimial
@@ -1711,8 +1711,8 @@ P2Us(u, source is [.,S], target is [.,T,var,cen], type) ==
package := ['ExpressionToUnivariatePowerSeries, S, E]
func := getFunctionFromDomain(type, package, [E, EQtype])
newObj := SPADCALL(objValUnwrap(newU), eq, func)
- newType := CAR newObj
- newVal := CDR newObj
+ newType := first newObj
+ newVal := rest newObj
newType = target => newVal
finalObj := coerceInt(objNewWrap(newVal, newType), target)
null finalObj => coercionFailure()