path: root/src/interp/functor.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/functor.boot')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/functor.boot b/src/interp/functor.boot
index c5a55ae3..0d9db0d8 100644
--- a/src/interp/functor.boot
+++ b/src/interp/functor.boot
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
import c_-util
+import clam
import category
namespace BOOT
@@ -248,7 +249,6 @@ optFunctorBody x ==
x is ['PROGN,:l] => ['PROGN,:optFunctorPROGN l]
x is ['COND,:l] =>
[CondClause u for u in l | u and first u] where
CondClause [pred,:conseq] ==
@@ -420,9 +420,7 @@ setVector4(catNames,catsig,conditions) ==
if $HackSlot4 then
for ["%LET",name,cond,:.] in $getDomainCode repeat
- code:=
- ['SETELT,'$,4,'TrueDomain]
+ code := ['SETELT,'$,4,'TrueDomain]
code:=['(%LET TrueDomain (NREVERSE TrueDomain)),:$HackSlot4,code]
@@ -669,7 +667,7 @@ ProcessCond(cond,viewassoc) ==
ncond := SUBLIS($pairlis,cond)
INTEGERP POSN1(ncond,$NRTslot1PredicateList) => predicateBitRef ncond
TryGDC cond ==
--sees if a condition can be optimised by the use of
--information in $getDomainCode
@@ -683,7 +681,6 @@ TryGDC cond ==
SetFunctionSlots(sig,body,flag,mode) == --mode is either "original" or "adding"
catNames := ['$]
for u in $catvecList for v in catNames repeat
null body => return nil
@@ -787,7 +784,6 @@ InvestigateConditions catvecListMaker ==
--We are not interested in the principal view
--The next block allows for the possibility that $principal may
--have conditional secondary views
null secondaries => '(T)
--return for packages which generally have no secondary views
if $principal is [op,:.] then
@@ -840,9 +836,6 @@ InvestigateConditions catvecListMaker ==
for u in partList repeat
for [v,:.] in u repeat
if not member(v,secondaries) then secondaries:= [v,:secondaries]
- --PRETTYPRINT $Conditions
- --PRETTYPRINT masterSecondaries
- --PRETTYPRINT secondaries
(list:= [mkNilT member(u,necessarySecondaries) for u in secondaries]) where
mkNilT u ==
u => true
@@ -959,7 +952,6 @@ getViewsConditions u ==
systemErrorHere '"getViewsConditions"
views:= [[first u,:CADR u] for u in CADR vec.4]
null vec.0 =>
null CAR vec.4 => views
[[CAAR vec.4,:true],:views] --*
[[vec.0,:true],:views] --*
@@ -994,3 +986,240 @@ resolvePatternVars(p,args) ==
-- [SetFunctionSlots(sig,implem,flag,'adding)
-- for u in baseops | u is [sig,[pred,implem]]]
+--% Code Processing Packages
+isPackageFunction() ==
+ -- called by compile/putInLocalDomainReferences
+ nil
+isCategoryPackageName nam ==
+ p := PNAME opOf nam
+ p.(MAXINDEX p) = char '_&
+processFunctorOrPackage(form,signature,data,localParList,m,e) ==
+ processFunctor(form,signature,data,localParList,e)
+processPackage($definition is [name,:args],[$catsig,:argssig],code,locals,$e) ==
+ $GENNO: local:= 0 --for GENVAR()
+ $catsig: local := nil
+ --used in ProcessCond
+ $ResetItems: local := nil
+ --stores those items that get SETQed, and may need re-processing
+ $catvecList: local:= [$domainShell]
+ $catNames: local:= ["$"]
+ catvec:= $domainShell --from compDefineFunctor
+ $getDomainCode:= optFunctorBody $getDomainCode
+ --the purpose of this is so ProcessCond recognises such items
+ code:= PackageDescendCode(code,true,nil)
+ if delete(nil,locals) then code:=[:code,:(setPackageCode locals)] where
+ setPackageCode locals ==
+ locals':=[[u,:i] for u in locals for i in 0.. | u]
+ locals'' :=[]
+ while locals' repeat
+ for v in locals' repeat
+ [u,:i]:=v
+ if and/[EQ(v,v') or not subTree(u,CAR v') for v' in locals']
+ then
+ locals'':=[v,:locals'']
+ locals':=delete(v,locals')
+ precomp:=code:=[]
+ for elem in locals'' repeat
+ [u,:i]:=elem
+ if ATOM u then u':=u
+ else
+ u':=opt(u,precomp) where
+ opt(u,alist) ==
+ ATOM u => u
+ for v in u repeat
+ if (a:=assoc(v,alist)) then
+ [.,:i]:=a
+ u:=replace(v,["getShellEntry","$",i],u) where
+ replace(old,new,l) ==
+ l isnt [h,:t] => l
+ h = old => [new,:t]
+ [h,:replace(old,new,t)]
+ v':=opt(v,alist)
+ EQ(v,v') => nil
+ u:=replace(v,v',u)
+ u
+ precomp:=[elem,:precomp]
+ code:=[["setShellEntry","$",i,u'],:code]
+ nreverse code
+ code:=
+ ["PROGN",:$getDomainCode,["%LET","$",["newShell",#locals]],
+ --It is important to place this code here,
+ --after $ is set up
+ --slam functor with shell
+ --the order of steps in this PROGN are critical
+ addToSlam($definition,"$"),code,[
+ "SETELT","$",0, mkDomainConstructor $definition],:
+-- If we call addMutableArg this early, then recurise calls to this domain
+-- (e.g. while testing predicates) will generate new domains => trouble
+-- "SETELT","$",0,addMutableArg mkDomainConstructor $definition],:
+ [["SETELT","$",position(name,locals),name]
+ for name in $ResetItems | MEMQ(name,locals)],
+ :[($mutableDomain => '(RPLACD (LASTNODE (ELT $ 0))
+ (LIST (GENSYM)));[]) ],
+ "$"]
+ for u in $getDomainCode repeat
+ u is ["%LET",.,u'] and u' is ['getDomainView,.,u''] =>
+ $packagesUsed:=union(CategoriesFromGDC u'',$packagesUsed)
+ $packagesUsed:=union($functorLocalParameters,$packagesUsed)
+ $getDomainCode:= nil
+ --if we didn't kill this, DEFINE would insert it in the wrong place
+ optFunctorBody code
+subTree(u,v) ==
+ v=u => true
+ ATOM v => nil
+ or/[subTree(u,v') for v' in v]
+setPackageLocals(pac,locs) ==
+ for var in locs for i in 0.. | var^=nil repeat pac.i:= var
+PackageDescendCode(code,flag,viewAssoc) ==
+ --flag is true if we are walking down code always executed
+ --nil if we are in conditional code
+ code=nil => nil
+ code="%noBranch" => nil
+ code is ["add",base,:codelist] =>
+ systemError '"packages may not have add clauses"
+ code is ["PROGN",:codelist] =>
+ ["PROGN",:
+ [v for u in codelist | (v:= PackageDescendCode(u,flag,viewAssoc))^=nil]]
+ code is ["COND",:condlist] =>
+ c:=
+ ["COND",:
+ [[u2:= ProcessCond(first u,viewAssoc),:
+ (if null u2
+ then nil
+ else
+ [PackageDescendCode(v,flag and TruthP u2,
+ if first u is ["HasCategory",dom,cat]
+ then [[dom,:cat],:viewAssoc]
+ else viewAssoc) for v in rest u])] for u in condlist]]
+ TruthP CAADR c => ["PROGN",:CDADR c]
+ c
+ code is ["%LET",name,body,:.] =>
+ if not MEMQ(name,$ResetItems) then $ResetItems:= [name,:$ResetItems]
+ if body is [a,:.] and isFunctor a
+ then $packagesUsed:=[body,:$packagesUsed]
+ code
+ code is ["CodeDefine",sig,implem] =>
+ --Generated by doIt in COMPILER BOOT
+ dom:= "$"
+ dom:=
+ u:= LASSOC(dom,viewAssoc) => ["getDomainView",dom,u]
+ dom
+ body:= ["CONS",implem,dom]
+ SetFunctionSlots(sig,body,flag,"original")
+ code is [":",:.] => (RPLACA(code,"LIST"); RPLACD(code,NIL))
+ --Yes, I know that's a hack, but how else do you kill a line?
+ code is ["LIST",:.] => nil
+ code is ["MDEF",:.] => nil
+ code is ["devaluate",:.] => nil
+ code is ["call",:.] => code
+ code is ["SETELT",:.] => code
+ code is ["QSETREFV",:.] => code
+ code is ["setShellEntry",:.] => code
+ stackWarning('"unknown Package code: %1 ",[code])
+ code
+mkOperatorEntry(domainOrPackage,opSig is [op,sig,:flag],pred,count) ==
+ domainOrPackage^="domain" =>
+ [opSig,pred,["PAC","$",name]] where
+ name() == encodeFunctionName(op,domainOrPackage,sig,":",count)
+ null flag => [opSig,pred,["ELT","$",count]]
+ first flag="constant" => [[op,sig],pred,["CONST","$",count]]
+ systemError ["unknown variable mode: ",flag]
+optPackageCall(x,["PAC",packageVariableOrForm,functionName],arglist) ==
+ RPLACA(x,functionName)
+ RPLACD(x,[:arglist,packageVariableOrForm])
+ x
+--% Code for encoding function names inside package or domain
+encodeFunctionName(fun,package is [packageName,:arglist],signature,sep,count)
+ ==
+ signature':= MSUBST("$",package,signature)
+ reducedSig:= mkRepititionAssoc [:rest signature',first signature']
+ encodedSig:=
+ ("STRCONC"/[encodedPair for [n,:x] in reducedSig]) where
+ encodedPair() ==
+ n=1 => encodeItem x
+ encodedName:= INTERNL(getAbbreviation(packageName,#arglist),";",
+ encodeItem fun,";",encodedSig, sep,STRINGIMAGE count)
+ if $LISPLIB then
+ $lisplibSignatureAlist:=
+ [[encodedName,:signature'],:$lisplibSignatureAlist]
+ encodedName
+splitEncodedFunctionName(encodedName, sep) ==
+ -- [encodedPackage, encodedItem, encodedSig, sequenceNo] or NIL
+ -- sep0 is the separator used in "encodeFunctionName".
+ sep0 := '";"
+ if not STRINGP encodedName then
+ encodedName := STRINGIMAGE encodedName
+ null (p1 := STRPOS(sep0, encodedName, 0, '"*")) => nil
+ null (p2 := STRPOS(sep0, encodedName, p1+1, '"*")) => 'inner
+-- This is picked up in compile for inner functions in partial compilation
+ null (p3 := STRPOS(sep, encodedName, p2+1, '"*")) => nil
+ s1 := SUBSTRING(encodedName, 0, p1)
+ s2 := SUBSTRING(encodedName, p1+1, p2-p1-1)
+ s3 := SUBSTRING(encodedName, p2+1, p3-p2-1)
+ s4 := SUBSTRING(encodedName, p3+1, nil)
+ [s1, s2, s3, s4]
+mkRepititionAssoc l ==
+ mkRepfun(l,1) where
+ mkRepfun(l,n) ==
+ null l => nil
+ l is [x] => [[n,:x]]
+ l is [x, =x,:l'] => mkRepfun(rest l,n+1)
+ [[n,:first l],:mkRepfun(rest l,1)]
+encodeItem x ==
+ x is [op,:argl] => getCaps op
+getCaps x ==
+ clist:= [c for i in 0..MAXINDEX s | UPPER_-CASE_-P (c:= s.i)]
+ null clist => '"__"
+ "STRCONC"/[first clist,:[L_-CASE u for u in rest clist]]
+--% abbreviation code
+getAbbreviation(name,c) ==
+ --returns abbreviation of name with c arguments
+ x := constructor? name
+ X := ASSQ(x,$abbreviationTable) =>
+ N:= ASSQ(name,rest X) =>
+ C:= ASSQ(c,rest N) => rest C --already there
+ newAbbreviation:= mkAbbrev(X,x)
+ RPLAC(rest N,[[c,:newAbbreviation],:rest N])
+ newAbbreviation
+ newAbbreviation:= mkAbbrev(X,x)
+ RPLAC(rest X,[[name,[c,:newAbbreviation]],:rest X])
+ newAbbreviation
+ $abbreviationTable:= [[x,[name,[c,:x]]],:$abbreviationTable]
+ x
+mkAbbrev(X,x) == addSuffix(alistSize rest X,x)
+alistSize c ==
+ count(c,1) where
+ count(x,level) ==
+ level=2 => #x
+ null x => 0
+ count(CDAR x,level+1)+count(rest x,level)
+addSuffix(n,u) ==