path: root/src/interp/c-doc.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/c-doc.boot')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/c-doc.boot b/src/interp/c-doc.boot
index 129161a2..40055cde 100644
--- a/src/interp/c-doc.boot
+++ b/src/interp/c-doc.boot
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ getDocForDomain(name,op,sig) ==
++ `op' and given signature `sigPart'. The operator `op' is assumed
++ to have been defined in the domain or catagory `abb'.
getOpDoc(abb,op,:sigPart) ==
- u := LASSOC(op,getConstructorDocumentationFromDB abb)
+ u := symbolLassoc(op,getConstructorDocumentationFromDB abb)
$argList : local := $FormalMapVariableList
_$: local := '_$
sigPart is [sig] => or/[d for [s,:d] in u | sig = s]
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ finalizeDocumentation() ==
docList := substitute("$","%",transDocList($op,$docList))
if u := [sig for [sig,:doc] in docList | null doc] then
for y in u repeat
- y = 'constructor => noHeading := true
+ y is 'constructor => noHeading := true
y is [x,b] and b is ['attribute,:r] =>
attributes := [[x,:r],:attributes]
signatures := [y,:signatures]
@@ -215,11 +215,11 @@ transDoc(conname,doclist) ==
$x: local := nil
rlist := reverse doclist
for [$x,:lines] in rlist repeat
- $attribute? : local := $x is [.,[key]] and key = 'attribute
+ $attribute? : local := $x is [.,[key]] and key is 'attribute
null lines =>
$attribute? => nil
checkDocError1 ['"Not documented!!!!"]
- u := checkTrim($x,(string? lines => [lines]; $x = 'constructor => first lines; lines))
+ u := checkTrim($x,(string? lines => [lines]; $x is 'constructor => first lines; lines))
$argl : local := nil --set by checkGetArgs
-- tpd: related domain information doesn't exist
-- if v := checkExtract('"Related Domains:",u) then
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ transDoc(conname,doclist) ==
-- n=0 and atom x => [x]
-- x
longline :=
- $x = 'constructor =>
+ $x is 'constructor =>
v :=checkExtract('"Description:",u) or u and
[strconc('"Description: ",first u),:rest u])
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ checkGetParse s == ncParseFromString removeBackslashes s
++ remove non-leading backslash characters from string `s'.
removeBackslashes s ==
- s = '"" => '""
+ s is '"" => '""
(k := charPosition($charBack,s,0)) < #s =>
k = 0 => removeBackslashes subString(s,1)
strconc(subString(s,0,k),removeBackslashes subString(s,k + 1))
@@ -458,25 +458,25 @@ checkGetStringBeforeRightBrace u ==
-- acc := nil
-- while u repeat
-- x := first u
--- x = '"\begin" and checkTranVerbatimMiddle u is [middle,:r] =>
+-- x is '"\begin" and checkTranVerbatimMiddle u is [middle,:r] =>
-- acc := [$charRbrace,:middle,$charLbrace,'"\spadpaste",:acc]
-- u := r
--- if x = '"\spadcommand" then x := '"\spadpaste"
+-- if x is '"\spadcommand" then x := '"\spadpaste"
-- acc := [x,:acc]
-- u := rest u
-- nreverse acc
-- checkTranVerbatimMiddle u ==
-- (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR u)) = $charLbrace and
--- (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR v)) = '"verbatim" and
+-- (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR v)) is '"verbatim" and
-- (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR v)) = $charRbrace =>
-- w := IFCDR v
-- middle := nil
--- while w and (z := first w) ~= '"\end" repeat
+-- while w and (z := first w) isnt '"\end" repeat
-- middle := [z,:middle]
-- w := rest w
-- if (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w)) = $charLbrace and
--- (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w)) = '"verbatim" and
+-- (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w)) is '"verbatim" and
-- (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w)) = $charRbrace then
-- u := IFCDR w
-- else
@@ -488,20 +488,20 @@ checkGetStringBeforeRightBrace u ==
-- acc := nil
-- while u repeat
-- x := first u
--- x = '"\begin" and (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR u)) = $charLbrace and
--- (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR v)) = '"verbatim" and
+-- x is '"\begin" and (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR u)) = $charLbrace and
+-- (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR v)) is '"verbatim" and
-- (y := IFCAR (v := IFCDR v)) = $charRbrace =>
-- w := IFCDR v
-- middle := nil
--- while w and (z := first w) ~= '"\end" repeat
+-- while w and (z := first w) isnt '"\end" repeat
-- middle := [z,:middle]
-- w := rest w
-- if (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w)) = $charLbrace and
--- (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w)) = '"verbatim" and
+-- (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w)) is '"verbatim" and
-- (y := IFCAR (w := IFCDR w)) = $charRbrace then
-- u := IFCDR w
-- acc := [$charRbrace,:middle,$charLbrace,'"\spadpaste",:acc]
--- if x = '"\spadcommand" then x := '"\spadpaste"
+-- if x is '"\spadcommand" then x := '"\spadpaste"
-- acc := [x,:acc]
-- u := rest u
-- nreverse acc
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ checkComments(nameSig,lines) == main where
main() ==
$checkErrorFlag: local := false
margin := checkGetMargin lines
- if null $attribute? and nameSig ~= 'constructor then
+ if null $attribute? and nameSig isnt 'constructor then
lines :=
[checkTransformFirsts(first nameSig,first lines,margin),:rest lines]
u := checkIndentedLines(lines, margin)
@@ -607,10 +607,10 @@ checkIndentedLines(u, margin) ==
verbatim => u2 := [:u2, $charFauxNewline]
u2 := [:u2, '"\blankline "]
s := subString(x, k)
- s = '"\begin{verbatim}" =>
+ s is '"\begin{verbatim}" =>
verbatim := true
u2 := [:u2, s]
- s = '"\end{verbatim}" =>
+ s is '"\end{verbatim}" =>
verbatim := false
u2 := [:u2, s]
verbatim => u2 := [:u2, subString(x, margin)]
@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ checkBeginEnd u ==
x := first u
string? x and x.0 = $charBack and #x > 2 and not HGET($htMacroTable,x)
- and not (x = '"\spadignore") and IFCAR IFCDR u = $charLbrace
+ and not (x is '"\spadignore") and IFCAR IFCDR u = $charLbrace
and not
(substring?('"\radiobox",x,0) or substring?('"\inputbox",x,0))=>
--allow 0 argument guys to pass through
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ checkLookForRightBrace(u) == --return line beginning with right brace
checkInteger s ==
CHARP s => false
- s = '"" => false
+ s is '"" => false
and/[digit? stringChar(s,i) for i in 0..maxIndex s]
checkTransformFirsts(opname,u,margin) ==
@@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@ checkDecorateForHt u ==
while u repeat
x := first u
- if x = '"\em" then
+ if x is '"\em" then
if count > 0 then spadflag := count - 1
else checkDocError ['"\em must be enclosed in braces"]
if x in '("\s" "\spadop" "\spadtype" "\spad" "\spadpaste" "\spadcommand" "\footnote") then spadflag := count
@@ -1307,7 +1307,7 @@ checkDecorateForHt u ==
else if not spadflag and x in '("+" "*" "=" "==" "->") then
if $checkingXmptex? then
checkDocError ["Symbol ",x,'" appearing outside \spad{}"]
- x = '"$" or x = '"%" => checkDocError ['"Unescaped ",x]
+ x is '"$" or x is '"%" => checkDocError ['"Unescaped ",x]
-- not spadflag and string? x and (member(x,$argl) or #x = 1
-- and alphabetic? x.0) and not (x in '("a" "A")) =>
-- checkDocError1 ['"Naked ",x]