path: root/src/interp/br-search.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/br-search.boot')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/br-search.boot b/src/interp/br-search.boot
index 5bc3b53b..42336d4f 100644
--- a/src/interp/br-search.boot
+++ b/src/interp/br-search.boot
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ pmParseFromString s ==
u := ncParseFromString pmPreparse s
dnForm flatten u where flatten s ==
s is [op,:argl] =>
- string? op => STRCONC(op,"STRCONC"/[STRCONC('" ",x) for x in argl])
+ string? op => strconc(op,"STRCONC"/[strconc('" ",x) for x in argl])
[op,:[flatten x for x in argl]]
@@ -192,11 +192,11 @@ pmPreparse s == hn fn(s,0,#s) where--stupid insertion of chars to get correct pa
--the following 2 lines make commutative("*") parse correctly!!!!
t.0 = char '_" => t
j < siz - 1 and s.j = char '_( => t
- STRCONC(char '_",t,char '_")
- STRCONC(SUBSTRING(s,n,i - n),middle,fn(s,j,siz))
+ strconc(char '_",t,char '_")
+ strconc(SUBSTRING(s,n,i - n),middle,fn(s,j,siz))
gn(s,i,j) == --replace each underscore by 4 underscores!
n := or/[k for k in i..j | s.k = $charUnderscore] =>
- STRCONC(SUBSTRING(s,i,n - i + 1),$charUnderscore,gn(s,n + 1,j))
+ strconc(SUBSTRING(s,i,n - i + 1),$charUnderscore,gn(s,n + 1,j))
SUBSTRING(s,i,j - i + 1)
firstNonDelim(s,n) == or/[k for k in n..MAXINDEX s | not isFilterDelimiter? s.k]
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ isFilterDelimiter? c == MEMQ(c,$pmFilterDelimiters)
grepSplit(lines,doc?) ==
if doc? then
- instream2 := OPEN STRCONC(systemRootDirectory(),'"/algebra/libdb.text")
+ instream2 := OPEN strconc(systemRootDirectory(),'"/algebra/libdb.text")
cons := atts := doms := nil
while lines is [line, :lines] repeat
if doc? then
@@ -238,10 +238,10 @@ grepSplit(lines,doc?) ==
mkUpDownPattern s == recurse(s,0,#s) where
recurse(s,i,n) ==
i = n => '""
- STRCONC(fixchar(s.i),recurse(s,i + 1,n))
+ strconc(fixchar(s.i),recurse(s,i + 1,n))
fixchar(c) ==
- STRCONC(char '_[,CHAR_-UPCASE c,CHAR_-DOWNCASE c,char '_])
+ strconc(char '_[,CHAR_-UPCASE c,CHAR_-DOWNCASE c,char '_])
mkGrepPattern(s,key) ==
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ mkGrepPattern1(x,:options) == --called by mkGrepPattern (and grepConstructName?)
"STRCONC"/nreverse res
remUnderscores s ==
(k := charPosition(char $charUnderscore,s,0)) < MAXINDEX s =>
- STRCONC(SUBSTRING(s,0,k),'"[",s.(k + 1),'"]",
+ strconc(SUBSTRING(s,0,k),'"[",s.(k + 1),'"]",
remUnderscores(SUBSTRING(s,k + 2,nil)))
split(s,char) ==
@@ -297,18 +297,18 @@ mkGrepPattern1(x,:options) == --called by mkGrepPattern (and grepConstructName?)
one := ($options is [x,:$options] and x => x; '"[^x]")
tick := '"[^`]*`"
one = 'w => s
- one = 'none => (s = '"`" => '"^."; STRCONC('"^",s))
+ one = 'none => (s = '"`" => '"^."; strconc('"^",s))
prefix :=
- one = 't => STRCONC(tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,".*")
+ one = 't => strconc(tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,".*")
one = 'n => tick
- one = 'i => STRCONC(tick,tick,tick,tick)
- one = 's => STRCONC(tick,tick,tick)
+ one = 'i => strconc(tick,tick,tick,tick)
+ one = 's => strconc(tick,tick,tick)
-- true => '"" ----> never put on following prefixes
one = 'k => '"[cdp]"
one = 'y => '"[cdpx]"
- s = $wild1 => STRCONC('"^",prefix)
- STRCONC('"^",prefix,s)
+ s = $wild1 => strconc('"^",prefix)
+ strconc('"^",prefix,s)
conform2OutputForm(form) ==
[op,:args] := form
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ dbWordFrom(l,i) ==
ch :=
c = char '__ => l.(k := 1+k) --this may exceed bounds
- buf := STRCONC(buf,ch)
+ buf := strconc(buf,ch)
k := k + 1
@@ -833,14 +833,14 @@ generalSearchDo(htPage,flag) ==
which = 'ops => char 'o
which = 'attrs => char 'a
acc := '""
- if htButtonOn?(htPage,'cats) then acc := STRCONC(char 'c,acc)
- if htButtonOn?(htPage,'doms) then acc := STRCONC(char 'd,acc)
- if htButtonOn?(htPage,'paks) then acc := STRCONC(char 'p,acc)
- if htButtonOn?(htPage,'defs) then acc := STRCONC(char 'x,acc)
+ if htButtonOn?(htPage,'cats) then acc := strconc(char 'c,acc)
+ if htButtonOn?(htPage,'doms) then acc := strconc(char 'd,acc)
+ if htButtonOn?(htPage,'paks) then acc := strconc(char 'p,acc)
+ if htButtonOn?(htPage,'defs) then acc := strconc(char 'x,acc)
n := #acc
n = 0 or n = 4 => '"[cdpx]"
n = 1 => acc
- STRCONC(char '_[,acc,char '_])
+ strconc(char '_[,acc,char '_])
form := mkDetailedGrepPattern(kindCode,name,nargs,npat)
lines := applyGrep(form,'libdb)
--lines := dbReadLines resultFile
@@ -871,15 +871,15 @@ mkDetailedGrepPattern(kind,name,nargs,argOrSig) == main where
nottick := '"[^`]"
name := replaceGrepStar name
firstPart :=
- $saturn => STRCONC(char "^",name)
- STRCONC(char "^",kind,name)
+ $saturn => strconc(char "^",name)
+ strconc(char "^",kind,name)
nargsPart := replaceGrepStar nargs
exposedPart := char '_. --always get exposed/unexposed
patPart := replaceGrepStar argOrSig
- simp STRCONC(conc(firstPart,conc(nargsPart,conc(exposedPart, patPart))),$tick)
+ simp strconc(conc(firstPart,conc(nargsPart,conc(exposedPart, patPart))),$tick)
conc(a,b) ==
b = '"[^`]*" or b = char '_. => a
- STRCONC(a,$tick,b)
+ strconc(a,$tick,b)
simp a ==
m > 6 and a.(m-5) = char '_[ and a.(m-4) = char "^"
@@ -893,19 +893,19 @@ replaceGrepStar s ==
final := MAXINDEX s
i := charPosition(char '_*,s,0)
i > final => s
- STRCONC(SUBSTRING(s,0,i),'"[^`]*",replaceGrepStar SUBSTRING(s,i + 1,nil))
+ strconc(SUBSTRING(s,0,i),'"[^`]*",replaceGrepStar SUBSTRING(s,i + 1,nil))
standardizeSignature(s) == underscoreDollars
s.0 = char '_( => s
k := STRPOS('"->",s,0,nil) or return s --will fail except perhaps on constants
- s.(k - 1) = char '_) => STRCONC(char '_(,s)
- STRCONC(char '_(,SUBSTRING(s,0,k),char '_),SUBSTRING(s,k,nil))
+ s.(k - 1) = char '_) => strconc(char '_(,s)
+ strconc(char '_(,SUBSTRING(s,0,k),char '_),SUBSTRING(s,k,nil))
underscoreDollars(s) == fn(s,0,MAXINDEX s) where
fn(s,i,n) ==
i > n => '""
(m := charPosition(char '_$,s,i)) > n => SUBSTRING(s,i,nil)
- STRCONC(SUBSTRING(s,i,m - i),'"___$",fn(s,m + 1,n))
+ strconc(SUBSTRING(s,i,m - i),'"___$",fn(s,m + 1,n))
-- Code dependent on $saturn
@@ -951,22 +951,22 @@ dbGetCommentOrigin line ==
grepSource key ==
- key = 'libdb => STRCONC(systemRootDirectory(),'"/algebra/libdb.text")
- key = 'gloss => STRCONC(systemRootDirectory(),'"doc/glosskey.text")
+ key = 'libdb => strconc(systemRootDirectory(),'"/algebra/libdb.text")
+ key = 'gloss => strconc(systemRootDirectory(),'"doc/glosskey.text")
key = $localLibdb => $localLibdb
key in '(_. a c d k o p x) => 'libdb
mkGrepTextfile s ==
- STRCONC(systemRootDirectory(),"/algebra/", STRINGIMAGE s, '".text")
+ strconc(systemRootDirectory(),"/algebra/", STRINGIMAGE s, '".text")
mkGrepFile s == --called to generate a path name for a temporary grep file
prefix :=
$standard or $aixTestSaturn => '"/tmp/"
- STRCONC(systemRootDirectory(),'"/algebra/")
+ strconc(systemRootDirectory(),'"/algebra/")
suffix := getEnv '"SPADNUM"
- STRCONC(prefix, PNAME s,'".txt.", suffix)
+ strconc(prefix, PNAME s,'".txt.", suffix)
-- Grepping Code
@@ -983,11 +983,11 @@ grepFile(pattern,:options) ==
casepart :=
'iv in options => '"-vi"
- command := STRCONC('"grep ",casepart,'" _'",pattern,'"_' ",source)
+ command := strconc('"grep ",casepart,'" _'",pattern,'"_' ",source)
member(key,'(a o c d p x)) =>
- STRCONC(command, '" | sed 's/~/", STRINGIMAGE key, '"/' > ", target)
- STRCONC(command, '" > ",target)
+ strconc(command, '" | sed 's/~/", STRINGIMAGE key, '"/' > ", target)
+ strconc(command, '" > ",target)
dbReadLines target
----Windows Version------
invert? := 'iv in options
@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ dbUnpatchLines lines == --concatenate long lines together, skip blank lines
#line = 0 => 'skip --skip blank lines
acc :=
line.0 = dash and line.1 = dash =>
- [STRCONC(first acc,SUBSTRING(line,2,nil)),:rest acc]
+ [strconc(first acc,SUBSTRING(line,2,nil)),:rest acc]
-- following call to nreverse needed to keep lines properly sorted
nreverse acc ------> added by BMT 12/95